
As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 million couples alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seek help from professional specialists. We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing how to treat infertility with herb - cordyceps sinensis

I. Definition
Cordyceps sinensis is also known as dong cong cao in traditional Chinese medicine. It is one of the species of endoparasitoids, native to North Eastern China and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating most cases of cirrhosis of the liver.

II. How cordyceps sinensis effects infertility
1. Liver disease
Traditional Chinese medicine believe that the herb contains some chemicals which help to restore the liver function in fighting against the inflammation of liver caused hepatitis B virus, resulting in increasing the liver function in toxins elimination and improve over all health.

2. Assisting reproductive organ process
It is said that cordyceps sinensis not only helps to increase kidney function in protecting against water retention, but also improve it's normal function in regulating normal function in growth hormone production, leading to increasing the quality of sperm in men and egg extruding in women.

3. Nervous tension
It also helps to improve the respiratory system, resulting in increasing the transportation of oxygen and nutrient to the nervous cells, thereby decreasing the risks of lack of energy, fatigue, stress and depression.

4. Sexual desire
It is said that it also helps to increase the production of testosterone by inhibiting the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, thereby, reducing the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT, thus increasing sexual desire for men and women alike.

5. Cholesterol
cordyceps sinensisalso helps to improve blood flow by inhibiting the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood stream, resulting in increasing the blood flow to the body including the reproductive organ and decreasing the risk of heart diseases and stoke.

III. Side effects
It is toxic if over dose


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