You just discovered you are pregnant. While this is an exciting time you need to remember that your body and your emotions are going to be going through many changes over the next several months. Taking proper care during this time can help you to feel better and stay healthy and help your baby to be healthier as well. With that in mind here are 7 essential care tips that will help you to achieve those goals.
1. Eating a proper diet. While eating properly is essential for overall good health at any time it is especially important for pregnant women to eat healthy and this may mean some changes in your normal diet. You are going to want to eat a diet that is high in Iron and calcium, not only is this essential to maintaining your health but is necessary for the babies growth and development. In addition you will need to eat proteins, plenty of red and yellow vegetables and drink plenty of water.
Avoiding fried food and those high in fats will not only help you to feel healthier but may help in cases of morning sickness.
2. Exercise Women who get a reasonable amount of exercise through out their pregnancy report easier labors than those who get little or no exercise. Getting sufficient exercise will also help you to feel better overall during your pregnancy. Unless your doctor says otherwise get some exercise daily, walking can be a great exercise for pregnant women.
3. Get Plenty of Rest. Getting sufficient rest while pregnant is important in maintaining both your physical and emotional health. Many women feel the need for afternoon naps when they are pregnant and this is fine. You will need more rest than normal as carrying a child puts extra stress on your body and more rest helps your body deal with this stress.
4. Avoid Undue Stress. Some situations are simply more stressful than others and added stress while pregnant is one thing you don't need. Whenever possible avoid those activities which makes you feel unduly stressed.
5. Look Your Best. As your body changes many women begin to feel less than attractive. Looking your best helps you to feel your best so spend a few extra minutes each day caring for your skin and hair. This isn't vain it is simply allowing you to look and feel as good as possible each day.
6. Regular Check ups. Getting regular medical care during your entire pregnancy is the best thing you can do for both your baby and yourself. Follow your doctors advice and discuss any problems or worries you have with your health care professional. Many times pregnant women worry about all sorts of things and your doctor is the best person to reassure you that all is going right with your pregnancy as well as identifying health problems early enough to correct them before they harm you or your baby.
7. Avoid Harsh Cleaning Chemicals. We all like a clean home, but pregnant women and the babies they are carrying are especially susceptible to the fumes of harsh cleaning chemicals. Now would be a great time to change to cleaning agents that are more environmentally friendly as well as healthier for you.
Following these few simple tips can lead to a healthier, happier pregnancy.