Postpartum depression is a condition that many new moms go through. 80% of moms will go through something known as the "baby blues" shortly after giving birth. There is no problem with this; it is just from the dramatic change in the hormones. However, 20% of new moms will develop postpartum depression, which continues weeks and months after the baby is born.
This condition is very serious and can put the baby and the mom at risk. Because of this, it is very important to treat it as soon as possible. Whether you are the new mom looking for a way to help yourself or a partner or friend looking for a way to help the new mom, this is a five step treatment process to help with postpartum depression.
1. Support. Having the support from family and friends is extremely important. This is not just about having someone to talk to - although that will help - this is also about having someone who is willing to help around the house or with the infant. The new mom needs her rest just as much as the new baby will but that's unlikely to happen without the help from friends and family members. A friend folding laundry will give the new mom a chance to grab a few minutes of shut-eye, which can really help.
2. Talk. This is not always from a friend of family member. In fact, many people do not feel comfortable opening up to someone that knows them and will prefer to open up to a professional instead. There is nothing wrong with wanting to talk about your problems; it's a good way to stop them from building up.
3. Emotional Freedom Technique. This is a popular process for many women suffering from postpartum depression. The benefit is that the acupuncture will help to take the mind of the negative thoughts while the talking will give the new mom a chance to get everything off her chest and work out a better way of dealing with the problem.
4. Healthy Eating and Exercise. Staying healthy will help to improve your energy levels. Rather than opting for the quick cup of coffee to boost the energy temporarily, snack on fruit and nuts and eat healthy meals that are high in protein. These will release the energy slower, which means you'll feel energized for longer. The exercise can also help with the release of endorphins, which will help you feel happier.
5. Antidepressants. As none of the above proves to help with the postpartum depression, many doctors will decide to opt for the antidepressants. These can help many women get over the slump in hormones and their anxieties about being a new mom. Antipsychotics are used when the depression becomes more serious and life threatening, for both the mother and the baby.