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Teen sex and pregnancy has become a major cause of concern for parents in recent years. In fact, it has been estimated that 60% of teens are sexually active between the ages of 15-19. Also there has been a 3% increase in the pregnancy rate of teens since 2006.

Dangers Involved in Teen Sex and Pregnancy:

The most major negative effect is that their education gets affected. Due to various reasons involved, a teenage mother usually drops out of school and never goes to college. And as you may know, raising a child is not only a tough job, but also an expensive one. So as a result this mom may need to take any small job she can with typically low pay.

Statistics show that babies born to teenage mothers tend to be underweight and are more prone to suffer from health issues in future. Also a teenage mother has a higher chance of facing many female issues in the future.

The most damage that teen sex and pregnancy causes is the emotional toll it has on the teenage parents and their families. The decisions made at this time affect the lives of all involved for many years to come.

Reasons for Teen Sex and Pregnancy:

It is a heavy burden to be a teenager. It is the stage in life where they feel that they need to belong somewhere. They have the urge to be accepted by their peers. And if their friends have sex, then they too do it as they want to be accepted by others.

Teenagers, who do not have a smooth relationship with their parents, often feel that they are unloved. They see having sex as a way to find love in their life. In certain cases teenagers welcome pregnancy, as they feel that taking care of their baby will provide them with the love, that they feel, is not shown by their family.

It has been shown that teenage boys are the ones initiating sex the majority of the time though not always. Another major reason for the rise in pregnancy in teenagers is ignorance. They live in the moment and don't stop to think about the consequences of their behavior and the affect it may have on their future.

Prevent Teen Sex and Pregnancy:

The teen years are a very challenging time in the life of a person. It is the time where they mature from children to responsible adults. It doesn't always progress easily as there are times when both the adult and the child are in the same body and you don't know which one will make a decision. It is the responsibility of the parents to educate their child and guide them so that they don't go astray.

This is a time when children are curious to try out new things and the urge to rebel against anything that is said to them. This makes it important to explain your decisions and rules. Without the understanding, the result may be the opposite of what a parent has intended.

Parents have to talk with their children about sex, and not run away from the issue. An open discussion about the topic will instill better moral judgement. They will listen if the teen sex and pregnancy issues are presented in an understanding and non-threatening way.

Get involved in your children's lives by helping them look into the future and plan their success.

Though teen sex and pregnancy is increasing at an alarming rate, it can be avoided by just sitting and having an open discussion with your children. After all it is the job of the parents to be supportive and provide the necessary moral support to their kids.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So you are thinking about starting a family or having another child and you are wondering about costs and how to pay for the birth of a child.  Proper planning of the financial side of growing a family is important. First, you and your partner decide on the number of children you are planning to raise and a rough timeline between births for those who contemplate families. The financial decisions you make will vary greatly depending on how you answer that question. Second, you need realize that today almost 40% of children born in Florida are via C-section and that Cesarean deliveries are almost twice as expensive as vaginal births.   Realizing this should also be a factor in financial family planning.  

So what does it cost?  

The June 5th edition of the Orlando Business Journal indicated that in Florida C-Sections average between $11,000 to $20,000 and in Hialieah one facility charges up to $30,826. Vaginal births average between $6,000 to $11,000 across the state. The variance is quite large and communicating with the facility you plan to use will give you a better idea of the costs you will encounter. This is confirmed nationwide by a study by the Kaiser Foundation which indicates that vaginal births cost half the price of C-sections and that private insurance patients (including network discounts) average a total cost of $13,000 for C-section deliveries.  

What do you do if you can't afford insurance.  

There are four options for those planning to have a child without insurance. The first, getting a job with a company that provides group benefits is not the easiest of options and in the current environment, is probably not a choice someone should bank on. You may find some relief if you can afford the Cover Florida Plan that were developed with the guidance of Governor Crist.   

There are two additional government programs for which you may qualify. "Women, Infants, and Children", a federal program provides assistance to women who meet their guidelines. You can get information about this program and how it works in Florida by going to their website.   

Another program that is available for some women is through Medicaid. The department that handles Medicaid in Florida is theFlorida Department for Health Care Administration.  

The last option is to negotiate a price with the facility you are planning to use. Many hospitals will provide payment plans and negotiate with people regarding maternity. For other costs regarding financial planning on beginning a family go to eHOW and read their article on estimated costs of having a baby.  

What about insurance?  

Group Insurance: Most companies that offer group insurance have policies that will cover the birth of a child. While you may have deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments you have the benefit of pre-negotiated rates and that usually is the best option. Maternity coverage is one of the reasons that group insurance is so costly. To qualify for group insurance you must work for a company that offers this insurance or if you own your own company with at least two employees, you may be able to start a group insurance plan.  Florida companies with only one employee can also get group insurance during a special period in August of each year. 

Individual Insurance: In Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties most of the individual health insurance companies offer NO maternity coverage whatsoever. As of Oct. 2009 some of the companies without coverage are Aetna, Avalon, Cigna, Coventry's PPO, and HumanaOne. This leaves the following companies which DO provide some form of coverage. Assurant, AvMED, Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Florida , Golden Rule (United Healthcare One), and Vista. Although they cover maternity, when that coverage begins can dramatically vary.  

Golden Rule merely requires you to have maternity coverage in force prior to getting pregnant. The downside of their maternity program is that they dramatically restrict their maternity liability during the first two years of the coverage and usually the cover only a small percentage of the maternity costs. Similarly Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Florida has a requirement that you have maternity coverage in force for thirty days prior to conception and their plan includes a separate deductible of either $1500 or $2500. After that they cover only 50% of the costs up to a limit of $5,000. You should be aware that this limit may cost you to bear the majority of the expense, especially if a C-Section is involved  

AvMED, which has a twelve month waiting period prior to getting pregnant, will cover 100% of the maternity costs, but they have a $5,000 maximum and again you may find yourself both waiting and with a substantial liability.  

In the authors opinion, the two best maternity options are from Assurant and Vista.  The Assurant plan has a three month waiting period, a separate deductible, and then covers 100% of the maternity costs in-network. They allow you to choose among several networks, and you can even call them and change your network should that become necessary. The Vista plan has a whooping fifteen month waiting period but once you are past that you need only pay for the first OB-GYN visit with a $50 copay and a $1000 Copay for the birth. Everything else is 100% covered.  

So how do you choose which one is best. If you have time and are planning for many births, either the Assurant or the Vista plan make the most sense. If you are confident that vaginal birthing may be a viable solution and you can cover the costs then the Golden Rule or perhaps the Blue Cross approach may be the best option. If you need help in reaching this decision the author can be reached at wkohn@ebmsi.com.  

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have a story about a friend of mine. She vividly remembers the day stress got the better of her. She was six months pregnant and trying to wrap up a major project at work. "I came home and found that my husband forgot to replace the milk, so I wouldn't be able to make mashed potatoes for dinner," she says. "I had been looking forward to those potatoes all day, and I just burst into tears. I was so upset over such a little thing!"

What I want you to know is that reducing stress is absolutely necessary for the expectant mom. If you are pregnant, you should not find yourself stressed out over mashed potatoes! So, see below for a detailed list of stress reducers.

1. Don't take on more than you can handle

Pregnancy is a delicate time when you are feeling tired and riding a roller coaster of emotions. So, don't enhance that stress by taking on extra assignments at work or agreeing to host social events. You need not to give up all responsibilities--just set up a realistic work and social calendar that permits you to get some extra sleep.

In a social setting, you can let friends know that you have been feeling tired and run down. If you are the first amongst your friends to have a baby, this situation may be difficult for them to adjust to, but they will. Good friends will want what is best for you and your baby.

2. Don't worry about what other people think

You've got other priorities right now, and being a mom is the most important job you will ever have. Don't let others tell you differently--or make you feel badly for experiencing pregnancy to its fullest.
You are not being selfish or arrogant by putting your needs first; by doing so, you are in fact, putting your baby's needs first. Remember, a baby has better odds of being happy and healthy if its mommy is happy and healthy.

Do not worry about stepping on people's feelings, especially if they are making inappropriate remarks or offering unwanted unsolicited advice in the first place. Sometimes, people who do that need to be put in their place!

3. Do steer clear of the internet

Yes, it can be very fun to look up baby names and exciting to track the weekly changes in your baby's development. But, it can also be scary if you run across the name of a long, but tragic sounding (and probably contagious) disease or rare, but possible, condition that affects some pregnant women. Most pregnancies are normal with relatively few complications--and most babies are healthy. So, don't get yourself whipped into a frenzy worrying about the remote possibilities of what could go wrong.

Certainly, if you have a legitimate concern, bring it up to your OBGYN, but do not look for things that could go wrong. The Internet has many good uses, but it is too easy to stumble onto Web sites that can make a pregnant woman paranoid.

4. Get support from your spouse

Even if you typically do all the cooking and cleaning, your hubby needs to realize you need help now. You will definitely need it after the baby comes, so he might as well get used to lending a helping hand around the house.

Explain that you need him to start helping you with some of the household tasks, such as loading the dishwasher, cleaning up after the pets or doing the laundry.

Make sure, though, that you let your hubby know how much you appreciate him. He is getting used to a lot of new changes himself, and he deserves your patience as much as you deserve his. Pregnancies are a new learning experience for both of you -- just remember that!

5. Take a class on baby care

When you know what to expect, it eases the stress. Community centers or your hospital should have baby birthing and care classes that you can sign up for free of charge.

Now is a good time to find out what to expect--how to deal with colic, jaundice, a fussy baby, etc. Then, if any of these situations present themselves, you will feel ready to handle them.

Taking classes on baby care also gives you a better sense of being a mom, because you feel like you are doing something you should do. Baby care classes are also a great place to meet other expectant moms and professionals who know how to address all your questions.

6. Don't spend time in the company of negative people

Or those who have to one-up you with their own pregnancy horror stories. Negative people have a way of spreading bad vibes. In any case, no one has a right--or the power--to bring you down.

Try to avoid people who must always have the spotlight on themselves or who constantly have to prove that their situation is worse than yours. As a nice person, you probably politely listen, but there comes a time when enough is enough. If you know someone who constantly has to one-up others, avoid the person or have a ready excuse.

In general, you have to keep your spirits up and not let others suck the energy out of you.

7. Do things for you

Sleep a little later on weekends, splurge on a new maternity outfit or a fancy new perfume. It's OK to do things that make you feel good about yourself, and you need to do this, at least from time to time, for your own mental health.

During pregnancy, your body is going through so many changes--physical and emotional--that you will need to adjust your schedule and lifestyle to what suits you best during this time.

You will be much happier and more agreeable to be around if you are well-rested and refreshed. Plus, you will be more productive when you do work.

In time, you will adjust back to your normal routines (or to new ones), but pregnancy is a delicate time when life is topsy-turvy, so enjoy the freedom to change that this ride gives you.

8. Understand your office's policy on maternity leave

One of the biggest stresses for pregnant women is work. How will I tell my boss I'm pregnant? Will I be able to take maternity leave without my work suffering? That's why it is critical that you understand your company's policy on maternity leave. By law, you are entitled to maternity leave, and if you have saved vacation time, you might also be able to apply that to your maternity leave. So, you cannot be denied maternity leave.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can address them to your company's human resources department. Keep in mind, however, that the HR department is employed to look out for the company's best interests. So, if you have any suspicions about what they tell you, contact an outside source, such as an attorney, for additional consulting.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The short answer is perhaps, because there are three insurance options you could qualify for, and two state provided assistance programs. The reason it's hard to get health insurance when you are pregnant is that the insurance companies view being pregnant as a "Pre-existing Condition," and the costs associated with normal pre-natal and delivery care are much higher than the combined monthly premiums for a maternity health insurance plan. Plus, if there are any complications then the costs quickly climb at an exponential rate (a premature baby can have over $30,000 - $85,000 in medical costs in the first few weeks, and premature birth affects more than 1 in 10 California babies). Health insurance companies therefore will decline an application from a woman that is pregnant at the time of the application. So the mother to be needs to explore other alternative strategies to get maternity coverage.

The first alternative is to join a group health insurance plan at the company you work for or your spouse's company. Almost all group health insurance plans offer maternity coverage. This is not an a slam-dunk however, because group health insurance plans have open enrollment periods during which employees and dependents can be added to the company health insurance plan. If your pregnancy occurs within a few months of the open enrollment period, then you can use this option and simply pay for the cost of the early prenatal visits out of pocket, until you are on the group plan.

The second alternative is for women that have a private or individual health insurance plan that does not offer maternity care. In this situation you should ask the insurance company if they will allow you to transfer to a plan that offers maternity coverage. In California, Blue Shield will allow this type of transfer, but the other medical insurance companies will not.

The third alternative is to apply for the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) that was created by Health Care Reform. To qualify for this plan you must have been un-insured for at least 6 months, and have been declined by a health insurance company. This plan will provide coverage for pre-natal care and delivery costs, and the overall benefits and cost of the plan make this one of the best options compared to the regular maternity insurance plans, if you can qualify for it..

If the above options don't help you, there are a couple of non-insurance options. Depending upon what state you live in, there are government programs to provide assistance and care for pregnant mothers to be, so check with your State Department of Insurance to determine what your local options are. In California, there is the state Medi-cal program (Medi-cal is the California version of Medicaid), and the Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM) program.

If you are pregnant and don't have health insurance, then you should start with Medi-cal first to see if you qualify for coverage through their program. Medi-cal provides a zero-cost health plan for pregnant women that meet specific income limits. Medi-cal is intended to cover families and women that are below the federal poverty level. If you don't qualify for Medi-cal then apply to the AIM program.

The AIM Program is low-cost health care coverage for pregnant women, and is provided for middle-income families who don't have health insurance and whose income is too high for no-cost Medi-cal. AIM is also available to women who have private health insurance plans with a maternity-only deductible or co-payment greater than $500. To be eligible for AIM a single mother's monthly household income must be between $2,453 to $3,679 (there is a table with income ranges for families with other children at ( www.aim.ca.gov/Costs/Income_Guidelines.aspx ). The AIM program is funded by the State of California, and although funding is usually available, if the program is filled up, then no additional mothers will be enrolled.

Although maternity health insurance is not usually available after you become pregnant, there are options that can provide insurance coverage and non-insurance assistance. Joining a group health insurance plan through your company or your spouse's company, transferring to a plan that offers maternity coverage, or applying for the PCIP plan are your insurance options. The Medi-cal and AIM programs are non-insurance assistance options that are designed to provide maternity care to the uninsured mother. With these five choices there should be a solution for all mothers to be.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You have waited and waited, and then the pregnancy test reveals a positive result! Yes, you might be very excited right now but anxious at the same time because it is a challenging, life-changing experience. Your body is also nourishing and carrying a whole other person so stay healthy to ensure the success of your pregnancy. Pregnancy gives you the opportunity to experience the early signs of pregnancy which gives spice to the whole pregnancy process.

Pregnancy begins after conception and you will notice some early pregnancy symptoms. However, these symptoms may be caused by other conditions. So you perform a pregnancy test to support your doubts and if positive, make an appointment to your health care provider to for confirmation. The action of a pregnancy test is to identify the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin, a hormone released by the placenta once it is developed in the uterus. If this hormone is detected, it may be a sign that you are really pregnant.

In pregnancy, the biggest challenge for you is to deal with the pregnancy symptoms. These may include any of the pregnancy symptoms listed below.

A missed period. This symptom will make you feel that you have to know more about other pregnancy symptoms to support your doubts. However, this can also be due to other health problems. This symptom is reliable if you have a regular period. Also, you might experience light spotting. This is due to the fertilised egg that implants itself on your uterine lining. This can happen around 3 to 12 days after ovulation.

Exhaustion or tiredness is also a supporting pregnancy symptom. However, this can also be due to lack of sleep, busy schedule and hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone is increasing which also causes the feeling of exhaustion. This sign can be experienced as early as the first week after conception.

Mood swings. This symptom will make you feel like crying for no reason, it's normal. Mood swings are common in early pregnancy. The cause of this symptom is unknown but it is sometimes it is associated with fatigue and surging hormones. Mood swings will make you feel that something is not quite right or you may feel very happy or sad in an instant. The one who is greatly affected with this pregnancy sign is your partner. If you want to cry, go ahead.

As your pregnancy progresses, some symptoms also develops. The growing size of your uterus causes heartburn, constipation and frequent urination. It is because of the pressure exerted to some of the body parts. For some women, frequent urination is experienced not only because of the growing size of the uterus but due to some unknown changes taking place inside a woman's body. It can be felt as early as two weeks after conception.

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Taking care of your skin is especially hard when you're pregnant. The hormonal changes in your body can cause excessive dryness and rashes. Here are some of the best skin care products that are made specifically with mothers-to-be in mind.

Basq Skin Care: Stretch Mark Cream

Stretch marks are one of the biggest skin care problems for pregnant women. Basq Skin Care's stretch mark cream prevents and helps repair stretch marks. Darutoside and Algisium C, two of the main ingredients in this product, are clinically proven to strengthen skin and promote resilience. The cream also contains Shea and Jojoba butters for a rich, creamy texture that feels great on your skin, and the various oils allow the cream to absorb deeply into the dermis where the damage occurs. All Basq products are skin allergy and irritancy free.

Mambino Organics: Scar Repair

Acne tends to pop up more often throughout your body when you're pregnant, which can lead to scarring. Made with Rosehip, Helichrysum and Vitamin E, this cream helps smooth out and fade acne as well as cesarean scar tissue.

Mambino Belly Butter

Another pregnancy skin care product from Mambino Organics, this cream contains a luxurious blend of nutrients and organic botanicals that gives your skin renewed elasticity and hydration, while alleviating itchiness and dryness. The mango and cocoa butter helps soften and moisturize and the calendula infused oil regenerates torn tissue. You can continue to use this product even after childbirth to keep your skin looking great and help you during your post-partum rebound.

Mario Badescu: Block Cream

This cream helps tackle the problem of melasma, or the so called "pregnancy mask". This is when the skin pigmentation in areas around your eyes and sometimes your cheeks and lower lip becomes darker. Melasma is a problem especially with fair-skinned women and it is caused by hormonal changes that make pregnant women's skin more susceptible to discoloration due to sunlight. Badescu's Block Cream is a daily moisturizer that provides sun protection for delicate skin, and is especially made for women who are pregnant. 

Beaute De Maman: Face and Body Cream

As mentioned, acne and other skin blemishes are a side-effect of the hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy. This body cream provides special antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory protection to fight acne and blemishes caused by these  hormonal changes. It has natural botanical extracts for a gentle drying effect.

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Any woman will testify that pregnancy is a blissful time. However, most of the time, during pregnancy, a woman is always pushed into a state of worry and bewilderment. One such situation is of implantation bleeding during pregnancy. Is it an onset of period? Is this an indication of an unknown issue? Or is it all the way a new phenomenon? Normally, a slight bleeding during pregnancy can invite tension for a woman. However, such bleeding can be even normal too.

There are several cases wherein women experience bleeding during their pregnancy especially in the first trimester. This is quite normal to happen with some 10 percent women noticing such spotting or slight bleeding. But, this bleeding is not the one which you get in your period. When you are nurturing a life in the uterus, your body takes care of that baby and so the brain transmits messages as signals of not menstruating to the uterus. In most cases, a slight spotting or bleeding when pregnant is okay and is not at all harmful for the baby nor for the would be mother. But, there are certain risks that are linked with the bleeding, more particularly in the later pregnancy stages. Therefore, it is very much vital to know about the factors leading to bleeding that if not in limit, need a minute and timely vigilance.

If you have just entered into the pregnancy stage, you might spot some scanty and brownish discharge and you might take that as your period. However, that is not period, but implantation bleeding. Many women will experience this slight discharge within 10 to 14 days of fertilization. This happens because the fertilized egg is implanting in the endometrial lining of the uterus. As the fertilized ovum is about to reach its home in the uterus, it might upset the lining resulting in slight bleeding. This implantation bleeding during pregnancy tend to remain for some days, say three days, and is quite light as opposed to the periods.

Is There Something to Worry?

Implantation bleeding during pregnancy is not something to take tension of. Rather, it is a sign of joy because it might be a sign of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, the cervix adjusts so that the baby is taken care of. The body supplies more blood to cervix due to which bleeding can take place. Even this is not abnormal and it is not something to conclude that your baby is facing problems. However, only if you bleed heavily and that too for over some days, then consult the doctor.

Sometimes, implantation bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, can be quite heavy indicating a problem for your baby. This is more an indication of miscarriage. About 15 to 20 percent pregnancies terminate as miscarriages that occur in the first three months of pregnancy. If bleeding is experienced with fever, chilliness, and severe cramping; then this is surely a miscarriage.

Further, bleeding during early stages might also be a signal of other serious issues for the baby. One such issue is ectopic pregnancy taking place in every 1 of 60 cases of pregnancies. It can take the life of the mother and baby too. In this condition, critical internal bleeding takes place. Therefore, one must never delay in going to the doctor.

Bleeding is also sometimes seen during the second and third trimesters, which is certainly not due to menses. This bleeding takes place mostly due to cervix infection and yes there are chances of miscarriage and preterm labor as well as stillbirth. So, you need to immediately consult a doctor in such cases without fail.

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Finding medical insurance that covers maternity expenses via a private insurance carrier while you are already pregnant is difficult or impossible. Insurance companies will usually consider a current pregnancy a reason reject an application. They will consider the pregnancy to be a pre-existing disease or condition.

The advice below may not be or might not be applicable to you. There are different regulations in different areas. The exclusions and limitations you might find on a given policy might mean that a pre-existing disease or condition you expect to be covered isn't.

It is important to know the limitations of your medical insurance plan before you purchase it.

It is also important to keep any current health care insurance policy you might have until you are covered by the new policy. Even if your existing health insurance plan does not cover maternity expenses, you should think twice or even three times before canceling it.

There are three main reasons that you should do this. The first is that you may have an otherwise covered sickness or injury not associated with your pregnancy that triggers a major health care expense. The second is that you may have or develop a serious medical disease or condition that will keep you from getting coverage in the future. The third reason is that even though the health expenses of a normal pregnancy might be excluded from your policy, your plan may include coverage for complications. Complications of pregnancy are considered a disease. Pregnancy is not.

In many situations, private health insurance will not be an option. Most insurance companies will automatically deny new coverage for pregnant women. However, there are some exceptions.

Group or employer-sponsored medical insurance may offer an opportunity for you to get coverage. These types of policies are governed by different regulations. Medical history is less often a factor in your being eligible for a group health insurance policy.

Employer-sponsored medical insurance policies will often cover preexisting disease or conditions. If, you can get coverage through a group contract before you give birth, you may be able to get the health insurance company to cover most of your bills.

Of course, the group medical insurance coverage plan in question will need to cover maternity. Not all will. Many health insurance policies will specifically exclude maternity related expenses.

In a typical pregnancy the vast majority of the medical care will be needed just before, during and immediately after the birth of the child. This means that if you can get coverage before you have your child, you can avoid most of the medical expenses.

If your employer offers group medical insurance, and they will have an open enrollment period before your due date, you might be able to get coverage for your expenses in the maternity ward. This can help you dramatically reduce your financial exposure.

If your spouse or domestic partner has group medical insurance available through his or her work, you may be able to take advantage of his or her next open enrollment period. This may also be a viable option for you.

If you are married at this time, but get married to someone with group health insurance, you may be able to get insured by their contract during a special open enrollment period. Getting married usually allows a spouse be insured by the other spouse's health insurance plan right away without waiting for the next open enrollment period.

The approaches listed above might not work for you. Group insurance often provides the best coverage. However, if you are not able to get coverage that way there may be programs available from your local, state or from the federal government that can help you limit your exposure.

To learn about the options you qualify for via other stratagems and via local, state or federal-based programs, contact the hospital where you intend to deliver your child. They might be able to point you in the right direction.

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In 1979, in the highly populated city of Bogota, Columbia, doctors were faced with an unnerving predicament. They were experiencing a shortage of incubators at the city's hospital, and a serious infection was spreading among the patients. The doctors had to find a solution to keep the preterm babies warm, and protect them from contracting an infection. Thinking of how kangaroos keep their newborns in their pouches, the doctors devised a plan to use the mothers' bodies as incubators. As they had hoped, the newborns were kept safe and warm while wrapped against the skin of the mother. Kangaroo mother care was developed as a solution to a challenging situation, and has been studied and found to be an effective method in caring for preterm infants at home.

In the early 1980's, UNICEF noticed what the doctors in Bogota were doing, and took note of the benefits of KMC. By wrapping the newborn baby against the mother's chest in a sling, the baby is kept warm and has adequate access to the breast for feeding. One of UNICEF's missions in the early 1980's was to promote exclusive breastfeeding for infant health, and to discourage the marketing of breast milk substitutes. The kangaroo mother care protocol promotes a very healthy and protected environment for preterm babies, and encourages exclusive breastfeeding. In an effort to educate the communities throughout South America, UNICEF published a booklet, in Spanish, on kangaroo mother care. It became more apparent, through wide spread use in the region, that this form of parenting was highly effective in creating a viable living environment for the newborn baby.

The endorsement by UNICEF set the stage for the growth and development of the concept of KMC. The research and practice of this method of newborn baby care spread throughout Europe and North America, and was implemented throughout communities in Africa and the Middle East. Medical researchers began to look deeper into the reasons why this care worked, and how this form of early parenting may be the root of successful mother care through the centuries in more primitive societies. In 1991, the first research review on KMC was published by Dr. Gene Cranston Anderson, a doctor in research nursing. The publication confirmed the usefulness of kangaroo mother care in the development of preterm infants and in increasing the bond between mother and child.

Since 1990, kangaroo mother care has become a wide spread practice among all classes and societies throughout the world. In tribal villages, kangaroo mother care ensures the viability of preterm infants where advanced technologies are not readily available. In more advanced societies, kangaroo mother care is accepted as a best practice in caring for newborns and developing the child maternal bond. Additionally, the method allows preterm babies to leave the hospital, under the guidance of a physician, with the mother long before it was possible in the past. This natural approach to incubating newborns is an effective and cost efficient way to provide a nurturing environment for growth and development. Even today, there is still ongoing research into the effectiveness and possible applications for kangaroo mother care.

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It is a must for every mom-to-be to pay more attention towards what she wears since it is not only about comfort but also about safety! Get an idea of 'what to purchase during pregnancy?'

During pregnancy, along with healthcare, one thing every mom-to-be must note is 'What they wear?' For many women, their fashion statement during pregnancy turns out to be so mind-numbing and unexciting. To refresh yourself and also to keep up the comfort quotient uncompromised, you must fill your wardrobe with right choice of maternity wear.

Its All Here!
It is a myth that your husband's dresses can make pregnancy clothing comfortable. People are also of an assumption that shopping for maternity wear is tiresome and there are very less choices available. Nowadays, there are many outlets specializing in pregnancy clothing are present in all cities. One can also shop their maternity wear from the comfort of their home! Its all simple with specialty online stores for pregnancy A-Z where a wide range of maternity clothes are available at reasonable prices.

Special Maternity Wears
One can enjoy being a fashionista even during pregnancy if they choose to wear the right type of pregnancy clothes. The is a wide range of maternity wears which includes kurtas, t-shirts, pregnancy jeans and pants, formal wear, drapes, lingerie and even nursing wears are widely available in stores specializing in pregnancy clothing.

Maternity clothing is considered safe and is strongly recommended to every mom-to-be because, it reduces the risk of feeling sick and dull allover due to forcing yourself in wrong fits, developing ungraceful figure post pregnancy, reduces chances of getting more stretch marks, sagging, maternity wear are skin friendly and hygienic.

Clothing for every Trimester
Pregnancy clothing can be classified based on the trimesters. There are maternity wear available for every trimester. Few start gaining weight during their first trimester itself, even if people don't gain weight at this point, it is recommended to wear free and soothing fabric since first trimester is well noted for morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms that will make you feel more uncomfortable if you choose wrong clothes.

Second and third trimester clothing should be chosen with utmost care. The fabric, the fit, the convenience in every piece of clothing matters the most here. Get branded dresses and also expandable and scratch-free dresses for this period to avoid permanent scar marks.

There are specially designed nursing wear and postpartum wears available for new moms in pregnancy clothing stores. Making use of postpartum wear adds more style, comfort and they will be more convenient to nurse your new born.

There are also summer maternity clothes and winter maternity clothes available and they are reasonably priced for everyone to afford with ease.

So what your pregnancy fashion statement?

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A common malady of pregnancy is the nausea and vomiting that frequently occur during the first few months after conception. Fortunately, in the majority of cases this problem is not critical for either the mother or her fetus. There are rare cases when the symptoms of morning sickness are a very serious threat to the well being of both the mother and child if she does not seek treatment. It is vital when pregnant to realize the signs of pregnancy nausea when it is imperative to call the doctor.

Normally, a woman will begin to experience the signs of morning sickness sometime between the fourth and sixth week of her pregnancy; generally, the nausea and vomiting will have abated by the end of her first trimester. Even during this time period it is important for the mother to notify her doctor if her symptoms become severe enough that she has difficulty in eating. During pregnancy, a woman should always contact her health care provider if she is not able to either eat or drink for a 24-hour period of time.

Although it is very unusual, there are instances when an expectant mother is not able to maintain a healthy diet with proper fluid intake. This condition when a woman suffers from extreme nausea and vomiting is known as hyperemesis gravidarum. Hyper means "over" and emesis means vomiting; gravidarum is the term that refers to the "pregnant state". Hyperemesis gravidarum affects approximately one out of 300 women who are expecting a child.

As a result of the excessive vomiting that a women experiences with HG, she is at risk of becoming both malnourished and dehydrated if she does not seek medical attention quickly. The mother's lack of nutrients and fluids will soon begin to affect the health of the unborn baby. Pregnancy nausea when severe necessitates contacting the woman's health care provider immediately. Whenever vomiting is occurring more than 2-3 times in a day, it is crucial to inform the woman's doctor.

Due to the fact that dehydration can result in serious consequences for both mother and child, it is imperative that the mother recognize what the warning signs of dehydration are. Dehydration, which is the result of the body eliminating more fluids than are being replaced, can cause lightheadedness and dizziness. The dizziness is the result of low blood pressure due to dehydration. Frequently, headaches will be experienced when dehydration occurs.

Additionally, this severe lack of fluids will result in infrequent urination, a darkening in the color of urine being eliminated, dry skin, dry mouth and eyes, a feeling of extreme tiredness and/or weakness. If the period of dehydration is prolonged, the mother may become confused and lose her mental acuity.

More than likely, if the expectant mother is suffering from any of these symptoms due to vomiting, then she has already begun to become dehydrated. Drinking sufficient fluids throughout the day is vital for the health of both the mother and her baby. It is recommended that 10 glasses of water be drunk each day. When dehydration goes untreated, it develops into a serious medical problem. One of the complications of untreated dehydration is preterm labor. Whenever a woman is unable to keep fluids down due to extreme morning sickness, it is crucial to notify her health care provider immediately.

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For many pregnant women, gaining weight is a big concern. The problem arises after the baby has been born. It is difficult to lose a lot of weight after the delivery. The woman becomes self-conscious and fears that she has become unattractive to her partner so she wants to lose the excess weight quickly. Some of the factors that lead to weight gain are a lack of time to exercise, abnormal hormone levels and food cravings. This is why guides like Pregnancy Without Pounds have become very popular.

The key to this weight gain issue is to stop the problem before it starts. It is important to gain just enough weight during pregnancy for the baby to be healthy.

The recommended weight gain range is from 25 to 35 pounds depending on the woman's weight prior to the pregnancy. Pregnancy weight trackers are also available online for estimates on how much weight should be gained. To get more accurate figures, it is best to consult a health care professional.

A healthy diet is very important for a pregnancy without gaining excess pounds. You should eat food with high nutritional value in order to support the development of your baby. You shouldn't just give in to all your food cravings and eat everything you want just because you are eating for two.

The baby needs only about three hundred calories a day above your normal dietary calories. This is about the number of calories in three large bananas or two glasses of milk; don't go overboard and double what you normally eat.

Avoid junk food and fast food that are just full of empty calories, fat and sugar. A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry, meat and dairy products should be included in your daily diet. Calcium, iron and protein are very important for the development of your baby. Ask your health care provider if you need prenatal supplements.

Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep hydrated. Caffeinated drinks like coffee, hot chocolate and soda should be avoided because caffeine, even in low levels, can increase the chances of miscarriage and slow fetal development.

Moderate regular exercise is very healthy for pregnant women. It is one of the best ways to control weight gain and to strengthen the body in preparation for childbirth. Exercise will also ensure you do not gain excess weight after childbirth. The Pregnancy Without Pounds review covers this in more detail.

Remember to ask your health care provider if it is safe for you to exercise. Remember to drink lots of water before, during and after your workout in order to avoid dehydration. Exercise should be at least 25 minutes a day or three to five times a week depending on the advice of your health care provider.

Low impact kinds of exercise are recommended for pregnant women. There are exercises specifically designed for pregnant women like prenatal yoga, aerobics and water workouts. Cardiovascular exercise is very important for pregnant women but strenuous workouts should be avoided. Walking, swimming and dancing are the best forms of cardiovascular exercise for pregnant women. Take a closer look at Pregnancy Without Pounds to find out more information.

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The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.

Milton Friedman

I thought I would share this article out of England (Laura Donnelly, "Axe-falls-on-NHS-services," Sunday Telegraph, July 24, 2010). Despite having the ultimate "public option" the British are facing a cost crisis of their own. The choices they are making carry worrying implications for us.

England nationalized health care during the second world war, and is a paradigm for what is both good and bad about government controlled health care. Funding comes from the government, and local entities decide how to spend it. Everyone is insured, but what is actually covered is determined by committees using the money available. Faced with an unprecedented financial crunch, the government has decided to severely limit health care funding. Quoting from the article

  • Restrictions on some of the most basic and common operations, including hip and knee replacements, cataract surgery and orthodontic procedures.

  • Plans to cut hundreds of thousands of pounds from budgets for the terminally ill, with dying cancer patients to be told to manage their own symptoms if their condition worsens at evenings or weekends.

  • The closure of nursing homes for the elderly.

  • A reduction in acute hospital beds, including those for the mentally ill, with targets to discourage GPs from sending patients to hospitals and reduce the number of people using accident and emergency departments.Tighter rationing of NHS funding for IVF treatment, and for surgery for obesity.

  • Thousands of job losses at NHS hospitals, including 500 staff to go at a trust where cancer patients recently suffered delays in diagnosis and treatment because of staff shortages.

  • Cost-cutting programs in pediatric and maternity services, care of the elderly and services that provide respite breaks to long-term carers.

Such dramatic cuts are disturbing on many levels. Many of the services, including joint replacements, nursing homes, and terminal care would be considered mandatory for any basic healthcare plan in this country. But far more important is the manner in which the decisions were made.

From the article "The Sunday Telegraph found the details of hundreds of cuts buried in obscure appendices to lengthy policy and strategy documents published by trusts. In most cases, local communities appear to be unaware of the plans."

It appears bureaucrats made decisions impacting millions of people in secret, with little or no disclosure. This is the exact procedure used when Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid rammed through Obamacare, with the vote coming before the actual bill was available for review.

I am well aware that society must make difficult choices about how to allocate limited funds for competing and often irreconcilable demands. I also believe that health care must be rationed in some way, or no money will be left for anything else.

However, the experience in England and with Obamacare demonstrates that governments are unwilling and unable to openly and honestly debate these issues. Our elected representatives are so fearful of the populace that they cannot face the harsh light of day.

Governments are simply not very good at making health care decisions. Allocations will be made based on political donations and lobbying efforts. It is not hard to imagine Plastic Surgeons coming out ahead in the votes of this Congress. The "scooter store" is a perfect example I will discuss later.

Many voices in this debate use these argument against any government involvement in health care. Although alluring, such Utopian fantasies are not realistic, our government must be involved. I feel some combination of basic, limited government coverage for everyone, combined with market driven choice based supplemental care, offers the optimal solution for our country.

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The first thing to understand when you exercise during your pregnancy is to take extra care. This doesn't mean exercise less, rather be sure to know and understand your body limits. Even though exercising during your pregnancy can be beneficial, there are certain risks involved that may be detrimental. Be sure to check in with your doctor or midwife to ensure that you are able to exercise during pregnancy.

Once you have the go-ahead from your physician, keep them updated with how you are doing. Are you experiencing fatigue or pain while you are exercising during your pregnancy? Be sure to let them know if that's the case. It's important to have caution while exercising, and if you're in doubt, check in with your physician. It is also very important to remember that exercising while pregnant isn't mean to improve your physical fitness, rather maintain your physical condition.

While choosing an exercise to do during your pregnancy, be sure to consider ones that involve a partner - be it your spouse, or a friend. Pick pregnancy exercises that you enjoy, as that will help you to stay motivated to exercise during pregnancy Stay away from pregnancy exercises where you might be in danger of falling, losing your balance or getting hit in the abdomen, as these might increase the chance of something going wrong during your pregnancy.


Finding a pregnancy exercise that you enjoy and being able to fit into your schedule is important. You'll soon notice that once you start to experience the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, you'll want to ensure that you exercise regularly. Keep in mind that the best resource for exercise while pregnant will be your healthcare provider.

Two stages of exercising that are important are warming up and cooling down. Even with an exercise such as walking, this will help you to avoid and prevent muscle soreness and stiffness. Try to include 5 to 15 minute sessions of warming up and cooling down while you exercise during your pregnancy.

The best warm up activity is one that is kept at a low-intensity, rhythmic activity, such as walking, or riding a stationary bike. Follow that up with slow, controlled stretches, before proceeding with a higher level of activity. A gentle cool down is also important as you exercise during pregnancy. In order to have an effective cool down, stretch each muscle, one at a time. Gentle toning pregnancy exercises are safe if you keep them to a moderate level. You might also try to include relaxation or deep-breathing exercises as well.

Below is a short list of signs that you should stop exercising:

1) Bloody discharge or any gush of fluid from the vagina

2) Unexplained pain in the abdomen

3) Persistent headaches, changes in vision, faintness or dizziness

4) Marked fatigue, heart palpitations or chest pains

5) Sudden swelling of ankles, face or your hands


The best way to decide how much and how often you should exercise during your pregnancy is to follow the FITT principle - Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.


According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women who are pregnant should not exercise for longer than 30 minutes. Even though you may feel good, and that you can keep going, your pregnant body can only handle so much. A good workout program at the beginning of your pregnancy is one that is performed three times a week.


Throughout your pregnancy, you should aim to exercise moderately. Again, the idea is not to improve your physical fitness, rather to maintain. Overtraining can be damaging to you and your body, as well as your baby's. Learn how to take your pulse, and do not exceed 15 to 20 beats per minute more than normal. If you find it difficult to talk while you are exercising, you might be exercising to heavily while you are pregnant.


Be advised that you should begin your exercising in short workouts. Pushing yourself to quickly might result in soreness of the muscles, as well as exhaustion. During the first few weeks of your pregnancy, you should exercise no more than 15 minute sessions. Once you feel comfortable with that duration, exercising for up to 30 minutes during your pregnancy should benefit you greatly. This increase in time shouldn't occur until you are into your second trimester, however. It is important that you listen to your body if you exercise while being pregnant. If you find yourself tired and sore after a workout, cut back until you can feel comfortable with the amount.


Whether you prefer to exercise during your pregnancy alone, or with a friend or group of friends, it's important to decide which type of activity you will perform. Some activities that women who are pregnant find helpful are swimming, walking, stair-climbing, stationary cycling, and special prenatal aerobics and aquatic classes. Some of these activities such as walking and swimming, can be done in moderation even up until the day you deliver.

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There are numerous options now that an expectant mother can choose from when it comes to taking care of the baby inside her womb. She can opt to live a healthy lifestyle by having a balanced nutrition and regular exercise as well as take in synthetic prenatal vitamins. This also means that she'd have to give up on cigarette smoking and alcoholic drinking. However, she can also opt to take care of her baby in a more natural way. This means that she still lead a healthy lifestyle and do away with all her vices minus the synthetic supplements.

The second option is quite doable nowadays, with the presence of a number of alternative ways to get natural supplements to the synthetic prenatal vitamins. It is very easy now for a pregnant mom to get sources of alternative supplements because of the numerous healthshops and even sites on the Internet that offer these stuff. There are now herbal prenatal supplements that are made from all-natural ingredients like trees, flowers, fruit seeds and roots, among others. There are even fruit bars already available that contain all the needed vitamins and minerals needed by pregnant moms. These fruits bars even have proper amounts of folic acid, calcium, iron and other essential nutrients that are much needed for the development of the unborn baby. If you are one of these mothers who want to take care of their unborn child in the most natural way possible, then all you have to do is familiarize yourself with the alternative and natural prenatal supplements that are now abound.

If you are still dubious about these herbal prenatal supplements as well as these fruit bars, then you can talk to your doctor about this. He will tell you what fruits and vegetables as well as other foods that you can take to still get the amount of nutrients needed for your unborn baby to grow and develop healthily. There are certain vegetables and fruits that, if taken in correct propertions, can already supply you and your baby with much needed nutrients like the folic acid, calcium and iron. If you increase your ingestion of these foods in appropriate amounts, then it is already possible for you to do away with taking synthetic or even herbal prenatal vitamins. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, oranges, beans, wheat germ and whole grain breads are just among the foods that you can stock up on if you want to avoid taking prenatal vitamins. Through these foods, you are not only assured of your own health but also that of your unborn baby.

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Pregnancy is a life altering experience for women and the best way to approach pregnancy would be to stay well-informed about various facets of it.

Pregnancy is a time of great change. From the onset, it induces many changes in the woman's body which can be very frightening to women. It also alters the lifestyle and behavior of the mother to be. By being informed about the changes and problems occurring in pregnancy women can be better prepared to face pregnancy. This resource is designed to provide a basic understanding of routine antenatal care.

Prenatal Care

Pregnancy is not disease, it is a natural process. But complications do occur in some women. In the underdeveloped countries many women die due to lack of antenatal care. Therefore women who are pregnant should see a doctor as soon as they see two lines on the pregnancy kit. Antenatal care consists of two arms: regular health care visits and education about childbirth.

Antenatal Health Care Visits

These visits must commence immediately with the diagnosis of pregnancy. These visits allow the doctor to monitor the mother to be and the baby for any illness. The growth and development of the baby is also assessed during these visits.

The first antenatal visit is usually longer than the others and during this visit a detailed history is taken from the mother to be. During this visit one can expect a general physical exam, some lab tests, calculation of due date and a timetable for antenatal care. One can also schedule any childbirth education classes during this time, but this is better done in the later pregnancy. This visit is also a good time to discuss expectations and concerns that women may have with their doctor.


A detailed history is mandatory for good antenatal care. It is therefore necessary for women to give as much information as possible to their health care provider. The common questions asked during the first visit are mentioned below. Women would be advised to go over these questions before the first visit.

繚 When was the last menstrual period?

繚 Are your periods regular? If yes what is the cycle length and how long does the period last?

繚 Do you suffer from excessive swelling of the feet or puffiness of face?

繚 Any other symptoms one would like to make a mention of?

繚 History about prior pregnancies including abortions, both spontaneous and induced. Any complications in these pregnancy should be mentioned to the health care provider.

繚 History of twins, genetic defects in family

繚 History of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, kidney disease, cardiac disease, seizures or any other medical surgical condition in the mother to be.

Accurate answers to the above questions will enable the doctor to tailor a management plan that is appropriate to each woman.

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Chiropractic care is a method to maintain good health conditions of the spinal column, discs, related nerves and bone geometry. The fascinating thing is that its done without drugs or surgery. Chiropractors say that it is the art and science of adjusting misaligned joints of the body, especially of the spine. Spinal nerve stress is greatly reduced through Chiropractic Care which promotes health throughout the body.

During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in a human body, creating the environment for the developing baby. This also involves weight bearing changes which causes added stress to the spine. Chiropractic care during pregnancy not only can help you to stay more comfortable, but can also help to facilitate your birth.

During pregnancy, the pelvis can get misaligned. When this happens, the amount of room available for the fetus greatly reduces. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint. Less amount of room may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. Through Chiropractic Care, pelvic balance and alignment can be obtained.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy may provide the following benefits

  • Helps to maintain a healthier pregnancy

  • Helps in controlling symptoms of nausea

  • Increases the likelihood of full-term delivery

  • Can reduce the time of labor and delivery

  • Helps relieve back, neck or joint pain

  • Can prevent a potential cesarean section

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is absolutely safe for both mother and fetus. Spinal adjustments are especially gentle during pregnancy. This is due to the increase in hormones released during pregnancy which causes significant muscle and ligament relaxation. Hence less force is required to correct sub-luxations Special adjustable positions can also be provided ensuring comfort and safety for both mother and fetus.

Specialised doctors who are licensed to diagnose and correct subluxations are called Chiropractors. Currently there are about 100 Chiropractic Physicians in the United States and Canada who have completed a 3 year post-doctorate degree. They specialize in maternity and pediatric care. According to Chiropractors the frequency of care varies for a number of different reasons. Normally, regular care during a non-complicated pregnancy will range from once per week to once per month.

So, as a pregnant woman adjusts to her new body during her pregnancy, it is important for her to learn and understand the benefits of chiropractic care. Small adjustments may improve her overall health as an expectant mother. Also chiropractic care is a drug-free approach to pain reduction and that eliminates unnecessary complications that might arise due to intake of unnecessary medication. And above all, scientific studies have proved that chiropractic care works! Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is proved to restore balance to the pelvis and the muscles and ligaments that attach to the pelvis. That leads to better deliveries for you and your baby.

We shouldn't forget that pregnancy should be a time full of health and happiness! It should not be a time to suffer from pain or discomfort .Contact your local Chiropractic Physician who has specialized training in maternity care and work with him so that you can experience the quality of life you and your unborn child deserve!

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During ancient times, when a woman was about to give birth, a midwife was summoned in order to support her through labor and delivery. There were no doctors yet, and midwives dominated the labor and delivery world. This goes to show that midwifery started even during the ancient times. When people talk about midwives, and when described in books, they are usually depicted as women with capable hands, who are smart and caring. Midwifery is considered an ancient art by those who practice it, and it takes a lot of caring and at the same time experience in order to get it right.

In the ancient times, in order to become a midwife, a woman has to undergo training from a senior who is an expert in dealing with childbirth. In the recent times, women can go to school and learn the different processes of how to guide a pregnant woman during the crucial times of pregnancy, labor, and childbirth. Midwives are very important people especially when it comes to maternity health care as they have more connection with the patients.

People believe that midwifery is an ancient art that focuses on the well-being of the woman. It is a vocation that is believed to be not bound or definable by medical terms. Especially when it comes to traditional midwifery, the practices of midwives are deeply honored and revered. As a form of knowing how to connect with other women, midwives are made to learn everything about the woman's body, the anatomy, the physiology, and the different bodily functions that occur. This makes it easier for midwives to establish a bond between themselves and the women they help.

What are the differences between midwives and doctors? Doctors go to medical school in order to learn everything and are trained to do surgery. They have scientific knowledge of how things go in the woman's body. Midwives also receive training from their superiors and learn important things related to labor and childbirth but they do not go to medical school. Though they do not carry a title, they are still skilled in taking care of pregnant women, so long as there aren't complications.

So then, what is a midwife essentially? Being a midwife entails a lot of focus on the preventive aspect of care during pregnancy. Under the midwifery model of care, labor and childbirth are both considered normal events and not medical ones. Midwives need to understand how things go and what women feel and be able to connect with their patients.

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If you're wondering how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy you have come to the right place. You can actually remain free of scars through the most beautiful period of your life. Keep reading to find out how.

The main reason why stretch marks occur is pregnancy. When you become pregnant you go through so many hormonal changes which also trigger weight gain. You are probably feeling wonderful, sexy, alive as this beautiful human being is growing inside you but at the same time you dread the thought of waking up to those ugly scars all over your body - your breasts, your stomach, you'll size.

Around 80% of women end up with these scars after giving birth. Even though these scars are perfectly harmless and will not cause you any physical difficulty, women become so embarrassed and try to cover up and hide their existence. If you do nothing about preventing they scars chances are high that you will get them. However, there are many treatments and options for pregnant women to start using at any stage of the pregnancy though certain products should be avoided when pregnant.

Prevention is the case. One way that you can do this is by your skin gently from the second trimester onwards and also gently exfoliating your skin. Not only does your baby get nutrition from what you eat but also from what you put on your skin so you should include a topical cream into your daily skin care routine. Your diet should include foods that are high in vitamin E such as leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.

The trick is also maintaining the elasticity of your skin as it continues to expand as you go through the trimesters of your pregnancy. Topical creams have proven to be the most effective. They have been proven to not only prevent stretch mark scarring but also to get rid of any that you already have. The best ones do not contain any chemicals and only have all-natural ingredients.

There are many highly potent stretch mark creams that are not recommended for pregnant women. That is why starting natural is the key.

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The importance of teenage pregnancy diet plans cannot be underestimated. A number of diet plans are designed especially for teenagers. Whether it's a boy or a girl, teenagers have certain specific nutritional requirements. Few mothers are very strict about what their kids eat. While it is OK to not allow them to eat junk food, but at the same time make sure that they are not missing out on the healthy stuff. Mothers obviously know what is best for their children and teenagers are no exception.

A balanced diet is must for pregnant women. It is important for the mother as well as the baby. The diet should contain all the essential nutrients in the required amount. A good diet decrease the risk of complications associated with child birth. The child is more likely to be healthy and it also has a good effect on mother's health. The mother should understand the importance of a good diet and she should also know about the complications that she and her child might have to face in case she doesn't eat well. She should know the advantages of a nutritious diet. It is important so that it doesn't come as a shock to her at a later stage.

What should you do in case your teenage daughter is expecting a baby? The dietary requirements can be very different here. As a teenager, the mother has to pay attention to her own dietary needs. In addition to that she also needs to take care of her growing baby. Striking a perfect balance between the two is not very easy. Equal importance should be given to both, the child's health and the mother's health.

The easiest option would be to consult a nutritionist. You can come to know about the different diet plans and then choose the one which meets your requirements best. You can talk to your nutritionist when in doubt. That will help you to make the correct decision for the nutritionists specialize in making specific diet plans for people, depending on their situation.

In case a doctor or nutritionist is not available, you can always browse the internet. You can find about various teenage pregnancy diet plans on the net. Teenage pregnancy can be quite troublesome if you do not take proper care. Make sure that your diet is balanced and not too small in quantity.

A good diet is required so keep the mother active and healthy. Lack of nutrition can result in tiredness and weakness. You can get various diet plans on the net but check them with other websites too before you start following them. This is to ensure that they are not misleading.

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