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Pregnancy drastically changes a woman's body. While some women are blessed enough to experience that pregnancy glow, some women find the change in their appearance utterly frustrating. This is due to the reality that, hormone activity throughout pregnancy can result to either a healthy glowing skin, or a skin with a variety of problems.

Acne is the most typical skin issue that pregnant women suffer from. It is most common to find pimples around the mouth and chin in the course of pregnancy. These can carry on till delivery of the baby if it is left untreated. Even so, pregnant females ought to be particularly careful in using skin care products during pregnancy. Products that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and any of the retinoids ought to be avoided. Topical preparations that are safe to use include sulphur-based products and items made up of glycolic acid or alpha hydroxyl acids.

If these don't help at all, one can ask your medical doctor as to what topical prescription drugs that may offer great results without harming your child. It may also help if you use a foundation that is suited for oily skin. That has oil blotting properties and will not irritate your skin further. One can also use oil control papers or films since these assist in getting rid of excess oil.

Besides pimples, women are also bothered by melasma or the mask of pregnancy. This occurs at around the 24th week of pregnancy and onwards. The hormonal changes of pregnancy cause areas of dark pigmented skin on the woman's face. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, women with darker complexions and dark hair are at greater risk. You may also experience darker pigmentation on your areola, and your thighs. Most females also have a line of pregnancy or linea nigra. This line of dark pigment runs down to the center of the belly.

There is no remedy for the pigmentation of your skin but staying out of the sun can diminish the total amount of discoloration you may experience. Therefore, it is best to put on sunscreen every time you go outdoors. It may not be safe to use skin lightening products that have not been authorized by your physician. Discuss with your physician as to what products you may be able to use. A faster way to hide your pregnancy mask is by using a high-pigment concealer or foundation. Choose the shade ideal for your skin in order to cover the needed areas. For very best results, try a moisturizer just before you apply your concealer.

Yet another common pregnancy related skin discomfort is PUPPP or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. Females with PUPPP generate little red hurdles and hives that may form big patches once severe. It normally begins in the abdomen and spreads to the breasts, thighs, and buttocks. It may resolve after delivery of the baby but it can be extremely uncomfortable. One can try applying a cloth soaked in warm milk to achieve relief. If it persists, you may get in touch with your doctor so you can be prescribed topical steroid creams. Women need to talk with their health care provider if they notice other suspicious rash-like symptoms. Your physician needs to evaluate your signs and symptoms whether they are pregnancy related or not.

Women may also have stretch marks as their skin stretches due to pregnancy. Even though stretch marks may be hereditary, it may improve if a woman uses certain measures to stop it from occurring. Keeping your weight gain within normal limits as well as moisturizing may help in preventing stretch marks.

Indeed, pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman's body. Though they may be disturbing, they should usually not last after the birth of the baby. If it bothers you that much, you don't have to worry. Many treatment options are now available to help correct your skin issues after giving birth.

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Such pillows allow for maximum support and comfort regardless of the position in which the user sleeps; they are therefore the most widely recommended and versatile pillows available.

A maternity pillow is also available which fits under the belly or between the knees; this can be used for extra support in the beginning stages of pregnancy and then replaced by a full body model as pregnancy progresses. There are also models which are meant only for side sleeping and are more compact than the full body pillow; these are also very helpful and provide comfort during the earlier stages of pregnancy.

Regardless of the type of body pillow chosen, the quality and level of support should be sufficient to provide comfort and to reduce pregnancy pain that results from the pressure which the growing belly exerts on the body during sleep. When a pregnant woman wakes up rested and pain-free, she is able to go about her daily tasks calmly and efficiently, so that she does not suffer from undue stress during pregnancy.

Preventing stress and pregnancy pain does much to ensure that delivery and labor goes smoothly, especially when the added support of a full body pillow is provided during the later phases of pregnancy.

Maternity pillows are a comfortable and inexpensive way to ensure proper sleep during pregnancy, and they do much to prevent pregnancy pain that disrupts sleep and often persists throughout the day. Physicians and other maternity care specialists advise their use and they agree that a quality maternity pillow is a safe and effective way of making sure a pregnant woman gets the sleep she deserves and avoids unnecessary and harmful stress during pregnancy.

It is easy to find a selection of quality pillows through a specialty retailer, and they can recommend the right model for yourself or as a gift for a friend or relative who is expecting.

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1. Pregnancy Exercise- How Much is Too Much?

Pregnant women have often asked me if it's safe to exercise during their pregnancy, and if so, how much is too much? As long as you have the go ahead from your doctor (meaning you have a healthy, normal pregnancy), you can do most of the things you did prior to getting pregnant. The only exercises to avoid are where you could fall and potentially harm your baby (i.e., such as rollerblading, riding a bike, skiing, etc.). Be sure to listen to your body. If you ever feel light headed, dizzy, or out of breath, stop what you are doing, sit down and drink water. If you are listening to your body you will probably not get to that point. Just think of all the benefits of exercising- more energy, healthy weight gain, better sleep, and you'll lose the baby weight so much faster!

2. Pregnancy Exercise- Weight Training

I've been asked several times if it's OK to lift weights when you're pregnant. As long as you have given approval to workout by your doctor you can continue the exercises you did prior to getting pregnant. Of course, you should refrain from lifting heavy weight. Be sure to listen to your body. If anything ever feels uncomfortable stop what you are doing.

Here's a great exercise to tone your shoulders: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, pelvis tucked under, and chest and head lifted. Place one weight in each hand and rest them with your arms straight on your upper thighs. Keeping your arms straight (only a slight bend in the elbow), lift your arms up so your arms are parallel with the ground and your wrists are even with your shoulders. For best results use 2-3 lb. weights and work up to 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.

3. Pregnancy- Emotions You Experience First Trimester

When you're pregnant you're likely to experience all kinds of emotions, especially as your belly grows. In the beginning you may experience fear- "Will the baby be ok? Will I be a good mother?", you may also experience excitement and joy, or regret that it happened too soon. Whatever you are experiencing, you are not alone. I highly recommend that you join a support group of new moms so you can share your experiences and feel supported along the way.

4. Pregnancy Nutrition- Feed Your Baby

So many pregnant women are concerned that they're going to gain a bunch of weight and never lose it. Some even count calories. This is not the time to diet. The key is to focus on nourishing your baby and yourself. Visualize your beautiful, healthy baby in your arms. The food that you eat goes to your baby and will help him or her grow, so eat when you are hungry and chose foods like whole grain breads, cereals, pastas, fruit, and greens.

5. Pregnancy Exercise- Firm Your Buttocks

Who says you can't tone your booty when you're pregnant? Here's a simple exercise you can do to firm your buttocks. Standing hold onto the back of a chair. Extend your right leg straight back behind you- your right toe is pointed and touching the ground. Inhale then exhale lift your right leg up straight as high as you can without leaning forward. As you lift your leg tighten your buttocks. Work up to 3 sets on each side-10 slow lifts, 10 pulses, 10 slow lifts.

6. Pregnancy- Eat Healthy Snacks

When you're pregnant there may be times when you ate a couple of hours ago and you're hungry again. Listen to your body and EAT! Just chose healthy snack foods like a few handfuls of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, or carrots, or grapes with cheese. When you listen to your body, you're nourishing yourself and your baby and that means you'll have more energy, better mood, and you'll lose the baby weight quicker.

7. Pregnancy Exercise- Tone Your Thighs

Here's a simple pregnancy exercise you can do to tone your quads (top of thigh) and inner thighs. I call the exercise "Squat and Sweep". How to do the move: Hold onto the back of a chair with your feet approximately 3-4 feet apart and your toes slightly turned forward. Bend your knees into a pilee squat (make sure your knees never go over your toe) and keep your back straight, head lifted. As you press back to stand bring your weight towards your left leg and slide your right foot on the ground (i.e. "sweep") so it crosses over your left supporting leg. Next sweep your right foot back into a pilee squat. As you press to stand, sweep your left foot across your right leg. Repeat 10-20 reps each side.

8. Pregnancy Nutrition- Fuel Your Body!

When you're pregnant it's really important that you focus on nourishing yourself and your baby. When you listen to your body and eat healthy food there's no need to worry about gaining excess weight that's hard to lose. Always bring healthy snacks with you to avoid getting over-hungry. My favorite on the go prego snacks include: nuts, raisins, (walnuts and raisins together are yummy!), granola bar, and string cheese.

9. Pregnancy Exercise-Swimming

When it's summer, it's hot and it's the perfect excuse for pregnant women to be in the pool! Swimming is great for pregnant women because you'll feel light and buoyant. Try this simple exercise to tone your inner and outer thighs. Standing in the shallow end step or lightly jump your feet apart then bring your feet back together. Work up to 3 sets of 15-20 reps. In between sets walk from one side to the other.

10. Pregnancy- Calming Your Fears About Having a Second Baby

When you get pregnant the second time you may wonder, "How will I take care of two when one child is already challenging?" or "How will I be able to spend time with my first child?" or "Will I love this baby as much as the first?" As a mom of two I can tell you that I had these same fears. However, after having my second baby everything was soooooooooooo much easier! Because you have the experience of having a baby before, you're more relaxed and thus enjoy each phase. Yes, even the sleepless nights went faster because I was more relaxed and I knew it was only temporary. The first child still gets plenty of attention and learns how to share and "take care of" another person he or she loves. And as far as loving your second child as much, not even question of who I love more, there's plenty of room in a moms heart. From a mom who was unsure about making the step to have two, I have to say it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

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Pregnancy week by week calendars can help you learn about the early signs of pregnancy. Your pregnancy journal can be a nice record of your pregnancy and your various experiences.

Awareness of early signs of pregnancy or early pregnancy symptoms is vital to ensure proper care of mom-to-be right from the time of conception until the birth of the baby. If you are trying to have a baby, make it a point to observe any change in your body 10 to 12 days after your last period. Any sort of change could be an early sign of pregnancy. Most of the pregnancies are lost during the first few days. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of conception, confirm it through tests, and follow the medical advice to avoid miscarriages. In fact, a woman requires due care throughout her pregnancy period.

Some Early Signs Of Pregnancy

If you feel nausea in the morning, or smell of foods and beverages like tea, coffee, colas etc. makes you vomit, it could well be signifying conception. Another early signs include missing your periods, brownish or pinkish vaginal discharge prior to or on the due date of menses, and tenderness or swelling in breasts. Tenderness or swelling of breasts can be felt as early as within hours of conception.

The moment you feel any of the above symptoms, you must not waste time in getting yourself examined for confirmation of pregnancy. Once it is confirmed that you are pregnant, you must take due medical advice and begin preparations for the joyous but complicated journey ahead.

Coping With Pregnancy

The thought and experience of carrying a baby in your womb makes you feel unique and complete. Nevertheless, those nine months can sometimes seem to be extremely tiresome and prolonged. The nausea, pain, breathlessness, sleepless nights, there is so much to endure. It is therefore wise to adopt measures to put up with this. One excellent and established means of soothing your mind and body is to keep a pregnancy journal. In this journal, you can document the symptoms, emotions, and anxieties you feel right from the early sign of pregnancy until the time you deliver the baby. You can pen down the pains and joys you go through during the period. Not only does this help you relieve your mind, but also provides reference points for other woman in your circle who might be having babies later.

Keep A Track Of Your Baby's Growth

Medical science generally describes the growth of the baby on weekly basis. Most of the pregnancy calendars and guides provide details of baby's shape, features, and motions during various stages of pregnancy by dividing the total period or term into 40 weeks.

From the early sign of pregnancy until the moment you go into labor, you should try to match your symptoms and baby's movements with those mentioned in the pregnancy week-by-week calendars. If you find anything abnormal in baby's growth, rush to the obstetrician.

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Pregnancy is a time when a woman glows with the anticipation of her new joy,a new life she is bringing into this world, this is a time of wonder, a time of amazement, a time that can feel like an eternity when common complaints of pregnancy can make you feel less than glowing!

Yes indeed pregnancy is wonderful but back aches, breathlessness, rib pain and high blood pressure can all leave you worn out and overwhelmed. Fortunately there are natural solutions for common complaints that really do work.

In the third trimester most women begin feeling just as bad if not worse than they felt in the first trimester of pregnancy. There may well have been fewer problems in the second trimester from what was felt in the first but in the third trimester you may well come back to realise just how very, very pregnant you are.

Back aches and rib pain is experience in nearly every pregnancy and can range from fairly mild to extreme.

The pain of a back ache is usually in the lower back and goes down the legs; this can be aggravated by standing for long periods of time. Twisting or turning as well as poor positioning while sleeping also causes and contributes to back pain.

Hormones are playing a part in this situation and will allow your joints and ligaments to loosen to assist your body and prepare it for birth. Massages for the back and strengthening exercises can help as well as proper alignment from a qualified chiropractor. Wearing flat supportive shoes and sleeping on a firm mattress can help too.

The rib pain that is often felt is usually caused by the uterus pressing into the abdomen and in turn into your ribs. Tiny baby feet will find their way under the rib cage as well as baby stretches in the head down position preparing for birth. There is little that can be done for this complaint other than wearing comfortable loose clothes and stretching the abdomen a bit with an exercise ball or by leaning into a wall as you face it.

Along with the rib pain many women experience breathlessness, like there is just not enough room for baby and lungs too, this is kind of often the case. Often breathlessness and rib pain will subside a little after week 36 when the baby drops into the birthing position. Propping up with pillows while lying down or even sitting can help move the baby off of the diaphragm. Experimenting with positions to find what is most comfortable and effective is about the only solution.

High blood pressure can be common and must be addressed in pregnancy. High blood pressure in pregnancy needs to be carefully monitored by a health care provider to avoid serious complications such as eclampsia and even death. Some ways to prevent high blood pressure before it begins is a healthy diet, avoiding caffeine, spicy foods and nicotine and exercising regularly. Mild to moderate high blood pressure can often be controlled by deep relaxation, meditation, eating raw garlic, parsley and onion as well as cucumber. Always follow the recommendations of the health care provider and check with him or her before any herbal or other supplements.

Just as there are many different complaints in the third trimester there are many different solutions and one of the best ways to obtain information is in mass numbers of experience. Reading books, web sites and message boards often can provide the information that not only matches the symptom but the personality as well. Searching out the camaraderie of others who are going through it too gives a sense of community that can ease those blues.

Always remember to check with a health care provider before following herbal or any advice that creates a feeling of doubt...better to be safe.

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Medical bills are exorbitant and paying them without insurance is next to impossible for most people. Health insurance is a necessity in today's time providing you health and financial security. Shopping for a good health insurance can be tiring and cumbersome if you look around physically. However, as you become aware of the costs, you might be discouraged. If you are looking for a comprehensive insurance cover within your budget, the best first step would be to take an online health insurance quote.

You can save a huge amount if you purchase or take an online quote from the health insurance providers, with their service portals that are always ready. Underinsured and uninsured medical care can not only be financially taxing but can also spell disaster in a family. With online health insurance quotes that are available you can look for a scheme that is affordable and fulfills your requirements. Online health insurance quote may be the best way to find the cheapest rates available while getting them fast and easily online. The major advantage about online health insurance quote is that they are free and you can avail them for as many companies that you want. No one can foresee an illness and sudden medical emergencies can be aptly handled by health insurance.

Medical care costs are rising each day and handling such health care emergencies without insurance can be financially destabilizing. Many people who did not take insurance for a rainy day have landed in debt due to improper health care management. Prescription drugs, hospital bills, maternity care and all these quickly add up to a huge amount of money that paying without insurance becomes impossible. Online health insurance quote is just a click away and will be able to save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

You can find the best and cheapest health insurance in minutes through online quotes. They provide you with information on the latest insurance coverage that is available with the maximum discount that can be provided. Do not think that health insurance is out of your reach as there are many schemes out there that might seem tailor made for you. So, log on and click to safe guard your family from sudden medical emergencies for life.

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Women who are highly active and go to the gym are aware of the fitness classes that are on offer to the public. However, many women are not as savvy as to the possibilities that at out there for pregnant women.

Pregnancy fitness classes are extremely popular for women who are looking to find a supportive environment and having fun while they exercise. The social interactions allow you to share experiences and questions with other soon-to-be mothers. Not only are these type of classes fun but they are also a safe way to exercise as women are guided through all movements and the classes are specifically designed for pregnant women.

Pregnant women can join classes such as pilates, yoga, aqua aerobics and low impact aerobic exercise classes. Low impact classes incorporate activities that utilize medicine balls and weights, to give women cardio workouts. The classes will often involve stretching, pelvic floor and abdominal stability exercises and often will finish with some relaxation. All pregnancy fitness classes should have physiotherapist approval so that all of the exercises taught to the participants are suitable for pregnancy. What is even better is if the classes are run by a physiotherapist.

Before joining any fitness class, a pregnant woman should always visit her medical practitioner for them to approve the fitness choices that is chosen. There may be some activities that are unsuitable for her to do, and health care providers are able to inform pregnant women of what they should and should not be doing as it relates to their personal needs.

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Prenatal care is necessary in ensuring the overall health and wellness of both mother and child. The first prenatal care visit can be stressful for women because medical practitioners usually collect a lot of data, to make sure that the pregnancy can be as trouble free as possible.

Your medical provider will normally get a detailed medical background from you. That could involve details regarding your menstrual cycle, contraceptive use, allergies, past pregnancies, and other conditions. In order for your medical doctor to effectively handle your pregnancy, it is important that you disclose even sensitive information such as abortion and use of drugs. If you were unable to discuss these with any of your family members, it is easy to request that you talk to your physician in private. The essential thing is to rule out any hazards or potential issues through your pregnancy.

Health care providers conduct a lot of exams to determine that you are not having a high risk pregnancy. Here's a list of the common tests requested by your medical doctor during the initial visit:

Physical Exam - Your doctor will check your blood pressure, height and weight. Aside from determining your all round wellness, your doctor could also particularly evaluate your heart, lung area and breasts.

Pelvic Examination - A Pap smear is done to check for cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and chlamydia. A bimanual internal examination is also carried out to ascertain the measurement of the uterus and pelvis. It may lead to a slight discomfort but it is essential in examining for abnormalities in the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Complete Blood Count - This test is performed to determine infection, presence of anemia and to determine clotting ability.

Serologic Test for Syphilis - Syphilis must be treated early in pregnancy to prevent fetal damage. The deformities may vary from bone and tooth deformities to nerve and brain damage.

Blood Typing - It is important due to the fact that pregnant women with bleeding tendencies need to have blood ready in case of emergencies.

Maternal Serum for Alpha-Fetoprotein (MSAFP) - This test is vital in identifying neural tube and abdominal defects in the fetus. It is usually conducted at 16 to 18 weeks of gestation.

Rubella - This test is done to screen for immunity against German measles. A lot of People are immune against rubella because vaccinations are given in their childhood. If you didn't get the vaccine, stay away from individuals with this disease. Although it may be rare, it can result in really serious complications for your baby.

Antibody Titers for Hepatitis B (HBsAg) - This test is applied to screen for Hepatitis B, which may be transmitted to the baby throughout childbirth.

Varicella - This test is used to check for immunity from chickenpox. That test is normally requested for women who have no background of the disease. An exposure during pregnancy may have dangerous effects to the child.

Urinalysis - Health professionals need to test your urine to check for kidney disorder and bladder infections. That test can additionally detect high levels of sugar which may point out to diabetes. Bladder infections are common amongst expecting women, and if kept untreated, it may lead to problems for the child.

Indirect Coombs' Test - It can determine if Rh antibodies are present. An Rh factor is a protein on the surface of the blood cells that trigger an immune system response. If a woman is Rh negative and her spouse is Rh positive, the baby's blood type may not match, and it may result in Rh incompatibility. The incompatibility will set off the mom's body to develop antibodies which may be harmful to the baby. Therefore, an injection of Rh immune globulin (Rhogam) during the 28th week of pregnancy is essential. This injection is additionally given in the instance of bleeding during pregnancy and after delivery of the baby.

HIV Test - This test in pregnancy is optional, but it is recommended because it enables a HIV positive female to start therapy with Zidovudine (AZT). AZT may minimize the chance of the infant developing the disease. Women who possess a history of using intravenous drugs, and who have a number of sex partners are encouraged to undergo testing. It may be a really important but it is by no means mandatory, so females have the right to refuse testing.

Genetic Tests - Your doctor may also order genetic tests to figure out illnesses which can be handed to the child as a consequence of defective genes. Physicians would typically prescribe it depending on your health-related history and ethnic background. People of Mediterranean descent, Blacks, French Canadians and Jews have a greater risk of getting Tay-Sach's disease, sickle cell anemia and thalassemia.

Prenatal care is a really good step in ensuring a very healthy pregnancy.Although the first visit may demand a lot of exams, these are ordered so one can have the very best possible care for the duration of pregnancy. The next prenatal visits may not be as long as the first one however, each visit is equally important. A pregnant woman needs to work closely together with her doctor to guarantee a healthy pregnancy.

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There are numerous beauty salons and services in Baltimore which are aimed to improve a person's overall health and appearance. They include hair salons, barber shops and beauty shops which offer hair styling, hair cutting and other beauty services. The nail salons offer pedicures, manicures, and foot and hand treatments. Destination and day spas offers a wide range of services for skin care such as facial, anti-aging and skin beautification techniques. The personal care and medical spas offer a wide range of health techniques to improve the appearance, massage centers provides massages and tanning salons offer either spray or UV tanning to impart a beautiful look.

One of the best beauty salons is Zina's Day Spa which is both a salon and a spa and is located in the heart of the Canton Square, a strategic place are of the downtown. It offers a wide range of services such as full hair color service, hair cuts, all skin facial types, Brazilian relaxers, wedding up-do's and styling, sunless tanning, body treatments among others. Zina's Day Spa provides full body massage, hot stone massage, maternity massage, couples massage and spa services for men. It also offers general Spa packages and other Spa packages for males, brides, and couples.

Another salon and day spa is the Studio 921 salon which is located in Fort Avenue, Suite 108 and clients can book for appointment online or walk in and get the services. The services offered include basic hairs cuts and pro hair styling for both men and women, waving and curling, color and highlights, hair straightening, eye brow shaping, hair shampooing plus conditioning, nail care, makeovers, all services and party services for brides and grooms, tanning, facials, skin treatments such as chemical peel, laser, exfoliation among other beauty services.

The Studio 7 Salon is also located in Fort Avenue and customers can obtain services by either making a call or visiting the salon. Services offered include basic hair cuts, makeup, pro hair styling, waxing hair removal, hair texturing, highlights and color, hair cleansing, makeovers and other services for special occasions.

The Nu Look Salon is located in Grove road and clients can either make a call or visit the salon to get the services. The services offered include hair texturing, basic hair cuts, facial grooming and pro hair styling among other services. The Latino American Salon is located in Conkling Street and clients can make a call or visit the salon to obtain the services. They offer services such as ethnic hair styling, pro hair styling, hair texturing, and nail services among others.

Skin Secrets Medical Spa is located in Campbell building and customers are able to obtain the services by only making an appointment. Services offered include anti-aging, facials, microDermabrasion, laser skin treatment, botox, endermologie and chemical peel among others.

Zena's Day Spa located in Charles Street is a full day operation service spa and offers a wide range of services to its customers. The clients can obtain services by either calling to make an appointment or visiting the salon in person. The services offered include hair styling, highlight and color, conditioning treatment, treatment for keratin straightening, male massage, reflexology, therapeutic massage, Swedish massage, full day wedding spas, skin treatments such as acne treatment, mini facial, enzyme facial, aromatherapy facial, body waxing and spa packages among others.

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The plan of starting a family or having a baby is one of the most wonderful and astounding news for a couple or an individual. However, the expenses during pregnancy and child's birth can easily have the parent strapped for cash. Getting out of budget during pregnancy can jeopardize the good health of both the mother and the child. Fortunately, the availability of facilities like maternity insurance can ensure a healthy and safe birth.

The average cost of a natural vaginal child birth is between $5000 and $10000, including all the expenses. But complications like cesarean section, premature births and others can easily skyrocket the cost to $15000. Astounding, isn't it! You will have to pay all of that money from your pocket if you don't have insurance. Besides that this is the time when you are supposed to save money for your child's future schooling and nurturing.

Maternity insurance is insurance for mothers expecting a baby. There are different types, including complete and partial insurance. In complete insurance the fees of hospitalization, physician's appointments, prescriptions, drugs, lab tests, delivery, anesthesia and even cesarean section, in case of complications, are covered. While partial insurance depend on the fund provider, it may only cover hospitalization and physicians fees.

There are health insurance policies that covers maternity expenses as well. These are known as maternity health insurance. Although such insurance is more expensive, it relieves you of the pressure of getting another insurance. Maternity health insurance may also be of different types, including partial and complete.

The third and the best type of such insurance is a group insurance covering all the expenses during pregnancy. Such benefits are offered by employers as employee benefit and are known as EI (Employee insurance). These cover the whole cost of health care of a family. Although, every employer should offer such benefits there are many who don't.

When should you get insured? Well this is something that matters a lot. This is because most of maternity fund providers want you to get insured six months or more, before a pregnancy is detected. For this reason many insurances comes with a waiting period of six months or more, while others demands proofs that you are not pregnant at the time of signing the insurance.

In cases the mother is already pregnant and does not have any insurance yet, there are other plans and offers that might help. Such plans are more expensive but cover about the same expenses. Therefore, it is wise to get insured in hand, because things could get serious without insurance.

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Celtic Health Insurance Company is one of the companies that specialize in affordable private individual health care plans that fit offer top notch benefits to fit a wide variety of needs. The availability of affordable health care plans that provide needed protection against medical costs associated with illness or injury is important to consumers everywhere. Insurance is necessary to help offset the rising costs of medical care today. By covering individuals and families against financial ruin because of medical care costs, Celtic Insurance Company is doing their part to ease the burden of the ever rising costs of health care.

insurance is something nobody should gamble and go without these days, for one serious illness or accident that results in injury can compromise the financial budget for a long time to come. With adequate health insurance, such as plans from Celtic, there is help for medical costs and therefore peace of mind from day to day in knowing that things are taken care of. Most insurance companies have plans from basic to comprehensive that will cover a variety of medical costs. Some plans even cover quite a few preventative services such as wellness doctor visits as well as hearing and vision screenings.

Celtic Health Insurance Company strives to provide their customers and prospective customers with cost effective health care plans that fit the customers' needs. By listening to what consumers are saying is needed in the health insurance coverage world, Celtic is learning how to better serve clients everywhere with varying needs. The inclusion of many doctors and a variety of health care professionals ensures that each customer can find the medical care needed at an affordable rate.

Quality health insurance plans like the ones offered by the Celtic insurance company cover doctor visits, both wellness and sick visits, hospital stays, maternity care for both prenatal and postnatal needs as well as baby care, screenings such as hearing and vision tests, and the list goes on. Covering the day to day medical needs of consumers is what they do at Celtic. By providing good health insurance plans and peace of mind along with it, Celtic helps to boost the quality of life for consumers everywhere. In the event of serious illness or injury, the insured person does not have to stress over the medical bills but can instead focus on getting well and returning to full and optimal care.

If you need assistance in locating certain coverages please feel free to visit our website at http://www.health-insurance-buyer.com and leave your contact information so we may respond to your request.

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It is very essential to eat the right food at the right time. One needs to eat nutritious food too at this time. Everything you eat should have some good food value. One should eat for two but not twice as much. The body takes the nutrients it requires, regardless of whether you have enough or not.

The food you need to take should be rich in iron, calcium and proteins. Body needs iron for the formation of baby's blood. Then it takes calcium from mother's body to form baby's bones and teeth. Iron is present in green leafy vegetables. You may keep pudhina and dhania chutney handy, just make small quantity and store in a bottle in refrigerator. Two spoon of chutney meet a good part of your daily iron requirement. Iron is present in kishmish or raisins. It is present in gur or jiggery, powdered brown sugar, soyabean, kabuli channa, kala channa, whole Bengal gram, horse gram, rajma, green gram and sprouted moong are rich in both iron and calcium.

If you don't sieve the atta or flour before making chapattis you will get iron from it. Calcium is there in milk and milk products. You must drink three glasses of milk in a day. You can have milk in whichever form you like - curry made curd, cheese, paneer, custard, lassi etc. Eggs and lemons are good source of calcium. Lack of calcium will make you weak. It can also cause severe backache. It is a good idea to take a cup of hot milk before you sleep.

Protein is the body's building material. You need protein to build baby's body and it is also needed for the maintenance of your body too. If you eat pulses, dals and an egg a day you get enough proteins. If you are a pure vegetarian and do not eat eggs, you can have dals which is a very good source of protein. For non vegetarian who eat meat at least thrice a week the protein intake is adequate. Nuts like peanuts or moong phalli, almonds or badams, cashewnuts or kaju are also good source of protein. Channa, channa dal or roasted channa is also very good source of protein. You can keep channas mixed with jiggery to eat when hungry. Channa will provide you protein and jaggery will provide you iron. In this period of time you must take a good care of yourself.

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In our culture, birth is unfortunately presented as a scary illness where something can go wrong at any second. If you buy that then you should know that many elderly people die on the toilet due to straining while, well, you know why people strain on the toilet. (This is a result of stimulating the vagus nerve, which causes a big drop in heart rate; not so good if you've got a bad ticker). Why then are people over the age of 65 not strongly advised to go to the hospital or their clinic whenever they have to poo? Because it's ridiculous, that's why. Because it's a normal, natural process...

I firmly believe that healthy pregnant women have the right to have their babies at home or in birth centers attended by midwives. Why is that? This is how they do it in many other areas of the world. But just because everyone else does something doesn't mean we should follow suit, right? Wrong. The United States has higher fetal and maternal death rates than some third world countries and since only 1% of babies are born at home, one can only deduce that this is happening in the hospital. How can this be when we have so much wonderful technology available? It's that technology that gets us in trouble. Women are no longer taught to trust their bodies. We are given the message that we need a machine to tell us when we have contractions or when the baby is ready to come out. Trust me, you know.

Continuous electronic fetal monitoring keeps women strapped to the bed when the only conclusion that has come from numerous studies is that EFM leads to many unnecessary c-sections. Not to mention the fact that all these wires keep women stuck in bed to labor on their backs, which is the MOST uncomfortable position to have your baby in. The only worse position would be to do it upside down. However, if someone were able to profit from it, I'm sure it would be suggested that women give birth that way.

There are other reasons for our terrible statistics: hospital-acquired infections, inducing too early, induction period that causes way too much stress on the baby with harder and faster contractions. Using Cytotec, an ulcer drug used to soften the cervix that has been proven to rupture a woman's uterus and cause fetal death. This of course leads to more epidurals earlier in labor, which leads to exhaustion and higher vacuum and forceps use and c-sections. Not to mention the fact that women aren't allowed to eat when they are about to face the most grueling work their bodies can do. Would you set off on a cross-country road trip on an empty tank of gas? Didn't think so. This used to be done to prevent women from aspirating during surgery but today most women are awake during a c-section and fully aware of when they will be sick.

The domino effect of medical intervention is staggering considering that most of them are completely unnecessary. Birth is a normal, natural process. Women have historically tended to other women during labor and birth. It wasn't until male practitioners came along that everything took a turn for the worse. Don't get me wrong. Doctors are great. Women with high-risk pregnancies need those doctors and the technologies that the hospitals provide. But most women aren't high risk. And the ones that are told they are should really do their research and be fully educated on the reasons for their high-risk classification before they take anyone's word for it. A woman has the right to decide how she wants her birth to go. We need to throw the fear out the window and give birth a chance.

Resources include: Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, by Ina May Gaskin. Misconceptions, by Naomi Wolf and The Business of Being Born, produced by Ricki Lake and directed by Abby Epstein.

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There are a variety of reasons for women to change health care providers during pregnancy. Maybe you got pregnant and just continued to see the gynecologist that you have seen for years. Maybe you went with a recommendation from your sister or best friend. Maybe your philosophy of birth has changed and your current doctor doesn't seem like a good fit. For whatever reason, women sometimes opt to make a switch at some point in the pregnancy.

Reasons to Switch:

For most women, the decision to switch comes after getting to know the doctor and realizing that they just aren't compatible. This may come during routine conversations or in the answers to questions you may ask. For example, if you want to avoid an episiotomy and the doctor goes on a diatribe about how they are needed and all his patients get them with no problem; this may set off warning bells. The catalyst can be any of a myriad of situations.

When you write a birth plan, you will likely review it with your health care provider. If she is not receptive to many of the things that you have listed and you are unwilling to compromise, it may be time to change. For many women, the discussion about the birth plan is a key time in care and can make or break the relationship. In the end, it is your body and your birth, so find a provider that will work with you as a partner and respect your opinions.

In some cases, the problem is just a difference in personalities. We don't click with every person in our lives and health care professionals are no exception. This doesn't necessarily mean there is anything wrong with the provider, just that you are not compatible. It's important for you to feel comfortable with your doctor or midwife.

When to Switch Providers:

Ideally, the earlier in your pregnancy you make the switch, the better. The new doctor or midwife will have more time to get to know you and your history. You will have more time to get to know the doctor and will feel more comfortable as labor approaches. However, there may be circumstances that require a later change. In this case, you can really change providers at any time.

When selecting a new provider, choose carefully. You really won't want to change more than once during your pregnancy. Ask friends and family members who have a similar philosophy of child birth for a recommendation. This is important because if you have vastly different philosophies, her doctor may not be the best choice for your pregnancy. For example, if you want a natural birth with a minimum of interventions and she loves her doctor and was happy with her epidural, episiotomy and pitocin, the two of you may have very different ideas about excellent care in pregnancy.

Narrow the list down to two or three providers and proceed as you would when choosing any doctor. Make an appointment to speak to the doctor or midwife. Bring along a copy of your birth plan and ask questions specific to your plan. This will help you get a feel for how compatible this doctor is with your plans. Does he dismiss your plan or does he seem willing to be a real partner in executing the plan, barring any unforeseen complications?

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The DreamGenii maternity support pillow sells for around 瞿45, so it's not the cheapest pillow around, but if you're pregnant and having restless nights you're probably willing to spend many times the amount if it gives you a comfortable night's sleep. So, how does the DreamGenii pillow compare?

The pillow is designed to provide support starting from the second trimester onwards. The unusual shape is one of the first things you'll notice. The pillows are designed to support your knees, tummy and back all in one without taking over the whole bed. It should be noted that the layout encourages you to sleep on your left side (in what is known as the recovery position). This position can encourage your baby to get into the preferred position for birth. DreamGenii does state that this pillow is OK if you sleep on your right hand side.

Considering that the product won Practical Parenting Best Buy and Pregnancy Product of the year 2007/08 hopes are high for this pillow.

Reviews from pregnant mums are generally positive. The product averages four stars on Amazon.com


The pillow has some good reviews here, and a number of people have commented that the stitches tend to hold together well even when being used over a few months. Of concern though, there a more than a couple of reports of the fabric tearing or coming apart, so in this respect the product may need extra care. If you opt for the fleecy cover this can help protect the product further whilst providing additional warmth for you.


The two main areas a maternity pillow should address are supporting your bump and improving back pain. The improvement in back pain has been well noted across a range of mums so it appears to meet expectations here.

This pillow does an adequate job of bearing the weight of the bump, which is the overriding purchase factor for most women.

It is also sold as helping to prevent mothers rolling onto their backs. Here, experiences have varied with some mums commenting that it hasn't prevented them rolling over to their back, in part due to the pillow being a little soft. However, even where this is the case it does seem to have assisted with comfort and, in some cases, breathing.

One shortcoming that does appear is with the leg support. The stuffing itself is not quite firm enough, not always producing enough support. Furthermore, failings in this department appear to be more noticeable with taller women, as this element of the pillow simply is too short. Some women have started placing another pillow between their ankles.

As an alternative for separate pillows, the DreamGenii maternity pillows does appear to be an improvement. Many users are happy with the purchase, and as pregnancy pillows go it appears to be one of the better thought out makes. It isn't perfect though, and it may not be entirely suitable for the taller women; much does depend on your personal requirements and body shape, so overall all things considered it appears to be a reasonable product for the amount it costs, but investigate the competition prior to purchase.

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During week 6 of pregnancy, you may begin to experience an increase of pregnancy symptoms such as food cravings and aversions - also morning sickness. The embryo at this stage is 0.08 to 0.16 inches long, and structures and organs are more defined. Pregnancy week by week progresses - at 6 weeks, you begin experiencing more pregnancy symptoms. Your baby's heart is beating in a normal pattern. The physical signs of the pregnancy stages can include nausea, extreme fatigue, tender and aching breasts. At this stage, your own health care is very important.

Pregnancy week by week shows that the embryo is growing rapidly and other pregnancy symptoms include a frequent need to urinate. Although these symptoms occur in the early pregnancy stages as well, they are more severe during week 6 due to the rapid growth of the embryo. Therefore, adequate health care for the pregnant mother is absolutely essential.

Part of your health care during pregnancy, particularly when you are 6 weeks pregnant should be to drink plenty of water, as morning sickness can occur at any hour even all day long. During your pregnancy stages, you should bear in mind that alcohol, nicotine and drugs should be avoided altogether. Some of the pregnancy symptoms will include food cravings, your breasts becoming larger and a slight weight gain. As the development of pregnancy week by week progresses, your baby's heart beat is distinct and the backbone and head are beginning to form.

During pregnancy, your health care should include a high protein diet that includes soy, milk, cheese and fish, yogurt, fruit juice and cereal. Try to avoid fried and oily foods. If your pregnancy symptoms include nausea, try to take your vitamins with a citric juice, but do not cut out your vitamins. Pregnancy in the 6th week and right through your pregnancy stages should include light exercise like walking, aerobics or even yoga, but always consult your doctor.

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Have you been struggling for some time trying to get pregnant? If you want to maximize the chance to conceive a baby quickly and easily, it is very important to be well familiar with your menstrual cycle in order to be able to calculate when you are ovulating. Actually, you are most fertile in the days around your ovulation. Let's see two different situations in which it may be difficult to get pregnant quickly: irregular period and normal or regular period.

1) You Have an Irregular Menstrual Cycle

If you experience irregular menstrual cycles (outside of the normal 25 to 35 day length) you can find it very difficult to track your ovulation date. For example, if your period is coming once every 2 or 3 months or 2 to 3 times in one month, you absolutely need to correct your hormonal cycle. Are there natural ways to harmonize the menstrual cycle in order to treat infertility and help you get pregnant faster? Fortunately, 'Mother Nature' can be very helpful. A Chinese herb called Don Quai is considered as the best herbal pregnancy infertility natural treatment.

>> Don Quai Herbal Cure and Pregnancy Properties

Don Quai (angelica sinensis) is the name of a medicinal plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. This herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years in China, in Japan and in Korea to correct and regulate the menstrual cycle. How does it work? Although relatively few human studies have been conducted, it is generally believed that the Don Quai roots possess the properties to balance estrogen levels in women and improve blood flow in the female genital organs thanks to the coumarins it contains.

Don Quai is a supplement available in capsules, tincture and teas. Follow all directions on the product package. Before starting treatment with this herb, take the advice of professional heath care. Don't try to follow a cure by yourself without knowing first all the details about its side effects and drug interactions. For example, if you are taking a coumarins derivative drug you should not start this herbal treatment without the advice of your doctor since Don Quai is a natural blood thinner.

2) You Have a Regular Period

Do you have a regular period? Are you able to pinpoint when you ovulate by doing some simple math? If you had sex right on time and didn't get pregnant within 3 to 6 months what can you do in such situation? Is there a reliable plan or method to treat infertility in order to get pregnant faster?

Michelle consulted a lot of doctors and tried every natural trick in order to get pregnant without any success. She thought she'd never get pregnant. Fortunately, she was able to give birth to a baby boy within only 4 months following a smart plan.

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Pregnancy is a wonderful experience that comes with its share of necessary do's and don'ts that an expectant mother should live by. Pregnant women who live by these guidelines of things that they should and should not do while their babies are still inside them are naturally the ones that reap excellent rewards in the end. These rewards are in the form of their healthy, bouncing babies. It is always because of these babies that expectant moms gladly bear whatever difficulties that may come their way during their pregnancies.

It is but expected for pregnant women to give up all their vices for the sake of their unborn babies. This is because alcoholic drinking, cigarette smoking and using illegal drugs can really bring harmful effects to unborn babies. Studies have shown that these vices can cause premature labor as well low birth weight, brain defects and other health problems to the child as soon as it is born. Because of this, it is really best that pregnant moms or even those who are planning to conceive should stay away or give up these vices completely.

One of the most important things that an expectant mother should gravitate to is healthy living. This means taking in proper amounts of nutritious foods everyday as well as drinking lots and lots of water. Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat breads, meat, fish, eggs and milk are just among the staples that you must have when you are expecting a child. Of course, if you want your unborn baby as well as yourself to be as healthy as possible, then you must also take care in staying away from foods that will only bring harm. It is best that you don't eat junk or fast foods as these are usually fatty and have artificial additives. You must also stay away from eating too much sugary, salty and spicy foods, as they can also cause complications that might put you and your baby at risk.

Part of healthy living, whether you are pregnant or not, is having regular exercise. Although taking in an exercise regimen would have to depend on your type of pregnancy and the advice of your doctor, this is one way to go to ensure that you and your baby stay fit until the day of birthing. Walking, swimming, light aerobics and doing yoga are among the most beneficial exercises that an expectant mom could do.

These are just among the do's and don'ts of pregnancy. There might be others that you will know of along the way, as your pregnancy progresses. However, these are the basic ones that you could live by to ensure that you and your baby are healthy all the way.

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Exercise, proper diets etc. is very important while pregnant. It also plays a role in conceiving, so overlooking these things may sometimes complicate the matter. Many women plan their pregnancy considering their career, financial condition and other factors, but very few women plan their Health insurance accordance with their pregnancy. Today the cost of delivery increases with inflation. Approximate cost for a normal delivery is $ 6,500 and for cesarean the cost is around $ 10,500 depending upon the grade of maternity home or hospital. So it is very important that every woman should cover their pregnancy with suitable Health insurance and stop worrying about the maternity bill.

The very first important thing every pregnant woman should know is purchase the health insurance before they are pregnant. If someone get their Health insurance after they are pregnant than generally they have to wait for months before their insurance coverage become effective.

As mention in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, pre-existing conditions does not include pregnancy, so pregnant women can easily change health plans. But try to avoid changing job while pregnant.

It is always beneficial to know the coverage provided by your existing health plan for pregnancy, birth etc. Pay special attention to different types of baby care, preventive and maternity care provision of the health plan. After the child is born it is very important to inform your health insurance administrator with in 30 days.

If you are covered by group health insurance plan provided by your employer. Than inquire about whether the group health plan covers maternity or not, If you are not insured than for pregnant woman Medicaid is the best option, but to eligible for Medicaid your income should not exceeds certain limit. When in doubt always take the advice from reputed Health agency like [http://www.floridahealthinsurancecorp.com] or you may contact State insurance department.

Florida Health Insurance [http://www.floridahealthinsurancecorp.com] Click for more information

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Now that you have gone through the arduous 40 weeks of pregnancy journey and the formidable task of delivering your baby, it is finally time to bring home your bundle of joy!

For most first time parents, this is a period of anticipation and excitement, but it can also be a time of uncertainty and stress. Many women start experiencing a sense of desperation now that they no longer have the support from the nurses in the hospital and will be all alone with her baby. It does not help that you have to deal with the excruciating pain from the episotomy wound (and for some, the caesarean wound) and the pain from the breast engorgement, which makes it almost impossible to sit up and walk properly, not to mention to care for a newborn.

The following tips will help you get through this seemingly darkness period of your life while maintaining your sanity and health.

Tip #1: Get help!

Do not be embarrassed to ask for help. Rally those around you to help in one way or another. Ask your mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, aunties etc. Do not underestimate the importance of family support. One of my friends came down with chicken pox 2 weeks after giving birth and her father took over as the main caregiver for her newborn. If you do not have any reliable and experienced people to help you out, consider getting a confinement lady. An experienced confinement lady is an expert when dealing with newborn and can be an invaluable source of advice and help for new mom.

Tip #2: Get enough rest!

No amount of books you read or pre-natal classes you attend can prepare you for the exhaustion, frustration and even desperation of being a new parent. The sleep deprivation is horrific. I can still remember the 3-hourly feed that my eldest son insisted on till he is almost 6 months old! Do not underestimate the strain pregnancy placed on your body. You need plenty of rest during the confinement period to let your body to recover from the sheer exhaustion of childbirth so that you can be strong enough to take care of your newborn. A sleep deprived mom is a tired, emotional unstable, agitated and ill-tempered mom.

A confinement lady can help to take over the caring over the newborn so that you can get plenty of rest. Most mothers let their newborn sleeps with the confinement lady in the first few weeks so that she can take over the night feeds. This allows the mother to have sufficient rest at night. There will also be someone to help with other children and ensure that things are taken care of around your home until you are able to care for everything on your own again.

Tip #3: Eat well!

Having a nutritional diet after delivery is crucial in helping you regain your health and prepare you for breastfeeding. Do not dismiss the benefits of confinement meals. Chinese herbs commonly found in confinement soup such as Chinese angelica root (dang gui) and ginseng, are used as a tonic to nourish the blood and to improve uterine function. Ginger, black and white peppers are also liberally added to some soups and confinement dishes to eliminate "wind" from the body. Dried red dates and wolfberries are added to confinement tea to nourish the blood and to eliminate fatigue. An experienced confinement lady will be able to prepare delectable and nutritious confinement meals for you to ensure that you regain your health without gaining extra pounds!

You may want to check out http://www.confinementladysg.com for your confinement needs.

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