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Losing a baby through a miscarriage is a devastating experience. The decision to try again to conceive afterward may have been a difficult one to make, but there is a very good chance you will be successful. Doctors and fertility experts agree that one miscarriage does not guarantee a second one in the future. Even women who have miscarried more than once have a 75% chance of conceiving again. Although there is no treatment that can give you 100% protection from future miscarriages, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant after miscarriage by taking good care of your body and yourself.

Possible causes

The most common causes of miscarriage are due to chromosomal problems in the embryo, physical defects in the uterus, immune system dysfunctions, or a hormonal imbalance. However, it's very likely that pollutants, the medicines we take, and poor nutrition played a role in its occurrence. For instance, chromosomal defects can be caused by a deficiency in the trace mineral selenium. This mineral, which can be found in many green vegetables, protects the body from pollutants and toxins that can do DNA damage. Researchers discovered that women who miscarried have lower levels of selenium in their blood than women who have successfully delivered babies.

Seemingly harmless over-the-counter drugs can also increase the risk of miscarrying. A study by Kaiser Permanente from San Francisco discovered that 24% of women who took aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen miscarried before the 20th week of their pregnancy versus a 15% miscarriage rate among women who didn't take these drugs. Although this phenomenon has to be examined more closely by other researchers, the study theorized that these drugs suppress the production of prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances participate in pain-signaling, but they are also required for a fertilized egg to successfully implant itself onto the uterus.

Even fertility drugs can provoke miscarriages. Clomid is known to, in some cases, interfere with the uterine lining and prevent a fertilized egg from implanting itself. And with gonadotrophin treatment, which is another technique to stimulate ovulation, a similar phenomenon has also been observed. So even if these fertility drugs increase the chances of conceiving, they also ironically increase the odds of a failed pregnancy.

Remedies against future miscarriages

Miscarriages are caused by factors beyond your control, but there are some simple things you can do to increase the odds of a successful and trouble-free pregnancy.

Have a pre-conception examination

Before attempting to conceive after a miscarriage, visit your gynecologist or physician for a pre-conception examination. This exam will actually involve a series of tests to check if you have infections or underlying health problems that can threaten your pregnancy. Many miscarriages are caused by infections that need to be treated before you conceive again, or severe infections that just happened to occur during the early part of pregnancy. One of these is called bacterial vaginosis, an infection that makes a pregnant woman five times more likely to experience a late miscarriage or premature birth. Other infections include Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes, and mycoplasma hominis. Many of these conditions show no immediate symptoms, which is why it is essential to be screened and treated before trying to conceive again.

Increase your intake of folic acid

According to Sweden's Karolinska Institute, one common nutrition-related cause of miscarriages is low levels of folic acid. This B-vitamin is essential for proper embryo development and cell growth, which can explain why a lack of folic acid contributes to miscarriages due to chromosomal abnormalities. A deficiency in folic acid is also connected to low blood supply to the placenta, hypertension, and placental separation during pregnancy, which place the mother at high risk of miscarriage. Doctors recommend consuming at least 400mcg of folic acid before trying to conceive. You can obtain folic acid from sources such as green leafy vegetables, beans, whole grains or pre-natal vitamins which contain the recommended daily allowance of the nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Observe food safety techniques

Two kinds of food-borne bacteria called listeria and T. gondii can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis known to induce early miscarriage. Listeria can be found in unpasteurized milk products, undercooked meat, and soft cheeses, while T. gondii can be found in undercooked meat and unwashed fruits or vegetables. Toxoplasmosis itself only causes flu-like symptoms in the mother, but it can be passed on to a growing baby and cause a miscarriage, birth defects, or retardation.

Fortunately, this infection can be prevented by following basic food safety techniques. Always wash your hands before you prepare food or handle raw meats. All fruits and vegetables must also be washed under running water before consuming. Cook all your meat and poultry until they are well done, and reheat all leftovers until they steam. Never use a microwave to reheat food because this will not kill bacteria.

Maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise

Studies show that women who are overweight or obese before pregnancy are more likely to experience a miscarriage or other complications like hypertension, gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia. If you are overweight, speak with a nutritionist and ask for a diet plan that can help you obtain a healthy weight. Do not go on a crash diet because the sudden weight loss will deplete your body of nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy. Regular exercise is good too, but make sure you do not overdo it; strenuous exercise places the body under stress, which makes it more difficult to conceive.

You can conceive after a miscarriage

Going through a miscarriage may have been painful and traumatic, but that doesn't mean that your next pregnancy will end the same way. As long as you take good care of yourself and follow your doctor's advice, you too have an excellent chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.

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When a woman is pregnant, she may be restless, irritable, and in need of a few items. Here is a look at some of the things that a pregnant woman may enjoy and necessities to get her through the next nine months.

1. Maternity Pillow

Getting the right amount of sleep during pregnancy is important, but can be difficult. Pregnancy places strain on a woman's body and make it hard to get comfortable while laying in bed. A maternity pillow is made to give support to the entire body. These pillows come in all shapes and sizes for all pregnant women.

2. Weekly Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage improves muscle and joint function, improves circulation, and takes away fatigue that is often associated with pregnancy. This massage is gentle and meant to alleviate the discomforts or pregnancy including low back pain, leg cramps, headaches, heartburn, varicose veins, and constipation. As blood flow increases, more nutrients and oxygen is carried to both mom and baby. It also soothes the nerves and helps a mom to relax through the anxiety brought on by raging hormones.

3. Tylenol

A pregnant woman often feels pain and discomfort while straining to support a developing fetus. Pain relievers containing ibuprofen are not safe to take at this time, However, Tylenol is acceptable. Since no medicine is completely safe, it is best to seek advice from a doctor before taking any drug while pregnant.

4. Prevacid Instead Of Tums Or Rolaids

To relieve heartburn during pregnancy, the safest antacid to take is prevacid. If heartburn becomes severe, it wise to consult a doctor who may able to recommend a course of action to alleviate the symptoms.

5. Humidifier For Rhinitis

It is quite common for a pregnant woman to get a blocked nose during pregnancy. High levels of hormones cause mucous membranes to swell and lead to congestion. To alleviate the stuffiness, it will be smart to run a humidifier. This will place more moisture in the air and make it easier to breathe.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

The body should always be kept hydrated, especially throughout pregnancy. The benefits of water throughout pregnancy are great and include clear skin, better bowel movements, and preventing morning sickness. Water carries nutrients to the fetus and flushes the urinary tract to prevent infections.

Dehydration during pregnancy can be dangerous. Amniotic fluid must be replenished often is drinking plenty of water will keep the baby safe in the womb. Also, water helps to thin blood which becomes thick around the eighth month of pregnancy. Thick blood can cause hypertension. Dehydration can also cause premature labor as it can start contractions. A pregnant woman should drink at least eight glasses of water each day.

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If this is your first child, it's easy to become daunted knowing what you need during pregnancy. To help, here are five important items that could make all the difference.

1. The first thing you'll need is a good network of support and advice. Other young Mums and even your own mother may be extremely useful fonts of knowledge for you to talk to, while health care professionals and pregnancy books may also be extremely useful resources.

2. Morning sickness may be a problem during your first trimester, so you may want to find some morning sickness remedies to help you. There is no indisputable cure, as different things work for different women, but it doesn't hurt to ask others for suggestions.

3. Your body is going to go through a number of significant changes, both during the pregnancy and afterward. To help your skin, it's a good idea to apply stretch mark creams from an early stage in the pregnancy.

4. As you get bigger, you're going to need new clothes. There is a lot of choice out there, so remember that being pregnant doesn't mean you have to bury yourself in a floral maternity dress. From maternity bras to tops and bottoms, there are many items that you may want to add to your wardrobe.

5. Inevitably, being pregnant means there will be a lot on your mind. As such it can become difficult to unwind and relax, especially at night. To help you sleep, essential oils and candles are perfect, while massage oils may be idea if you're muscles feel sore or you need some revitalisation.

These five items and many more besides could help you during your pregnancy. From morning sickness remedies and stretch mark creams to clothing and books, why not start browsing today?

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Nowadays, it's not necessary to be married in order to have health insurance. Maternity insurance is a good example. Not all modern couples are married when they start a family. There are many people who choose not to marry but they still require a health insurance policy that covers maternity needs. The best way to ensure you are covered is to include this particular requirement in your original policy. Whether you are a married couple or not you are going to need the very best care during the pregnancy and birth.

It is a fact of life that many things can go wrong. Things can go wrong for the mother or the unborn baby. Fortunately, nowadays medical science is so advanced that most problems that arise can be sorted out but it all depends on whether or not you have access to good medical care. It is very important for you to remember that even if you have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy a problem may arise during the birth. If you are in a well equipped medical facility with highly trained staff you and your baby will receive the best care. Another consideration is that your baby may require extra care after the birth. A good example of this is if your baby is premature. Such an event may require that your little one must receive extra care for weeks before going home.

If you want to ensure that mother and baby are expertly cared for from the start of a pregnancy you must have health insurance. Maternity is a period when health issues may arise. If this does happen then you want your health insurance provider to take care of any unexpected eventuality. To find a provider that gives the most in maternity cover request a list of quotes to get the best care.

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Spotting the very early signs of pregnancy can become an obsession if you are trying for a baby. But this is where you have to control you excitement. These signs can easily be confused with other normal ailments.

Care must be taken when identifying the very early signs of pregnancy so you do not get ahead of yourself. By looking at what other meanings these symptoms could be perhaps we can reduce any false diagnosis and heartache in the process.

So what are the very early signs of pregnancy and what else could the signs mean? Well here is a list of many of the symptoms and their alternative diagnosis.

Missing your Period

This can start immediate alarm bells ringing, and is usually a clear sign of pregnancy. But have you missed your period or is it just late or different?

-Explanations for this could be due to fatigue, tension or stress, hormonal changes or due to excessive weight loss or weight gain. Other explanation can be due to stopping the birth control pill.

Implantation bleeding

This can occur between 6 to 12 days after conception and is due to the embryo implanting itself in the uterine wall. Spotting can occur as well as cramping.

-However this could again be due to a change in use of the birth control pill, it could be menstruation or changes in menstruation, intercourse or an infection.

Sensitive or swollen breast

This symptom can occur one to two weeks after conception with sensitivity in the breast area, feelings of swollen or sore breast are not uncommon.

-Other reasons for this may be due to imminent menstruation, a hormonal changes or birth control pills.

Morning Sickness

Contrary to popular belief, morning sickness can occur all through the day, not just in the morning! This is a symptom that is instantly recognizable and can occur between 2 and 8 weeks after conception. It is a symptom that is not common to all women, some women are lucky enough not feel any nausea.

-As the symptom of morning sickness is nausea, you can imagine how many illnesses can cause this. 24hr bugs, flu, upset stomach, food poisoning etc can all mirror morning sickness symptoms.

Fatigue or tiredness

This can be a very early sign of pregnancy and start in the week after conception! This symptom can be hard for pregnant women to disguise with their busy day to day lives.

-Again this can easily be explained as other ailments such as the common cold or flu symptoms. Similarly depression or stress can promote these symptoms to name but a few.


The very early signs of pregnancy can be due to hormonal changes in the body leading to headaches.

-But again, there are simple explanations for this such as dehydration, caffeine, eye strain or even imminent menstruation.

Food cravings

These are a common symptom of the very early signs of pregnancy, but also a common symptom of being hungry! However many women experience food cravings, a method for the body to increase its intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Food cravings can occur all the way through the pregnancy.

-Other reason for food cravings can be hunger, inadequate diet, poor nutrition, depression or again imminent menstruation.

Frequent urination

Although not specifically one of the very early signs of pregnancy, frequent urination is due to the changes occurring inside your body. This may start around 6 to 8 weeks after conception.
-However this may also be due to diabetes or a urinary tract infection or even excessive liquid intake.


Very early signs of pregnancy can include backache and can continue throughout the whole pregnancy.

-Other reasons for backache can be related to existing back problems, stress or again even imminent menstruation.

With so many symptoms that can be explained in many other ways it can be hard to spot the very early signs of pregnancy. Take care when self-diagnosing, in this case it is always better to be sure before announcing to the world your pregnancy.

Take care and good luck with your diagnosis.

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A common myth with pregnancy is that you can eat whatever you want and gain as much weight as you please. The problem with too much pregnancy weight gain is that you become extremely uncomfortable in the pregnancy weeks and it can cause health problems for you and the baby.

In the first trimester you should try to either remain at your current weight or if you are overweight, you may want to try to shed a few pounds. Once you move into your second and third trimester, it is recommended to gain only about a pound per week. To keep yourself from gaining more than you need to, it is important to include an exercise routine in your schedule. If you aren't sure where to begin, the best help you can get is using a pregnancy exercise video.

Not only will exercise help you maintain your weight, but it will keep you muscles strong enough to support the weight you gain, it will help you with your balance (which will change during pregnancy), it will strengthen certain muscles that can alleviate pain, and it will prepare you for an easier labor and delivery. Many women find it very difficult to exercise in the first trimester due to fatigue and nausea. And later in pregnancy certain exercises put too much strain on your body.

To make it easier to continue exercise daily without harming your body, take advantage of using a pregnancy exercise video. In using a video for pregnancy exercise, you are instructed by a professional who is very knowledgeable about the needs of expectant women and you can remain in the comfort of your home.

When I was pregnant I would go to the tennis courts with my husband, but the problem was that there was no bathroom around. With the pressure that the uterus places on a pregnant woman's bladder, we would often have to cut the game short so I could get home and use the restroom. So this is why I really like the idea of the pregnancy exercise video. You can get a great work out in while having everything you might need be accessible.

If you are really bid on exercise, you may find that the pregnancy exercise video seems too easy. For the purpose of helping you through the pregnancy and preparing you for the stress of labor and delivery, the video is definitely effective. The video is meant for focusing on the pregnant woman's body, which needs more care than a non-pregnant woman's body.

So if you find that the video tape doesn't quite challenge you enough, you can add extra exercise afterward, but make sure that you aren't overdoing it. Be sure to talk with your doctor or midwife about what type of exercise is appropriate so that you aren't harming yourself.

So if you are looking to help your body prepare for pregnancy, get through pregnancy, or even recover from pregnancy, you should definitely look into getting a pregnancy exercise video. It's exactly what your body needs.

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A landmark has been achieved. Sanction of the health bill was supported by a voting ratio of 219 to 212 in congress. History was made on March 21st, 2010 with the passing of health reform bill which is regarded as one of the most controversial and politically debated legislation in history record of America.

The bill introduced many unorthodox rules and regulations covering the areas of Medicare, Medicaid and insurance markets. The features and characteristics of health bill were something which were long awaited and were a very dire need of US Insurance market.

Mainly health bill have addressed the most important loop holes in the current insurance system, such as exploitation of insurance companies, which were earlier excluding people with pre-medical conditions out of their coverage plan. Now they won't be able too. Insurance companies cannot just out of the blue drop policy holders like that.

Other most revolutionary steps were that now dependent children will remain under the insurance coverage of their parents until the age of 26 years. Further individuals and small and medium size businesses without coverage will have access to multiple insurance coverage plans.

The main target of health bill is to restructure insurance markets for better health care provisions. Honoring its main purpose of providing affordable and better health care for US citizens, health bill offers new health insurance exchange along with public health and private insurance plans.

Restrictions on increased insurance premium has also been devised as from now on insurance companies will not be able to change or vary their risk premium in a specific grandfather insurance coverage until or unless they change the rate of whole group with same risk factors, further the change in premium rate will also require a approval from the commissioner.

This has also been put forward that now all individual will assured of guaranteed issuance and renewal regardless if the insurance coverage is being offered through health insurance exchange or employment based health plans.

The bill prohibits any kind of discrimination in health benefits and their structures. This will be monitored as every insurance company is required to strictly comply with rules and regulations defined by the commissioner.

The best part about health bill is that it has added the minimum services to be covered by insurance coverage. Now every insurance health plans has to cover the basic and extra value added services such as hospitalization, the expensive services of physicians and other health professionals, in patient/out patient clinical and emergency department services, metal health services, substance disorder services, maternity care, prescribed drugs, rehabilitative services and baby/child care.

The health bill 2010 has taken a bold step towards restructuring and reforming the insurance policies which are sure to be in the direction of revolutionizing the health insurance industry.

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Quick and easy use of an electronic system for Ob/Gynecology specialty helps the practice deal better with related complications and concerns. However, it is also necessary to keep the patient in mind while developing a system to improve the quality of care delivered. With custom notes, antepartum record and specific pregnancy templates, Ob/Gyn application provides an all-inclusive work flow for gynecological visits, post-partum care.

Medical specialties Obstetrics and Gynecology deal with specific needs of a women's health. An EMR specializing in this field helps the respective practice to improve the standard of care as well as revenue. Ob/Gynecology EMR with integrated practice management facilitates better management of appointments, accurate billing and extensive charting with specific Ob/Gyn templates. Capturing pregnancy and non-pregnancy details along with medications, vitals, any chronic conditions, etc. helps the practice to provide enhanced in-time patient care.

OB/Gyn EMR is so designed with these variations in focus and to provide the physicians an easy and comfortable way of documentation for the patient. Typically the OB flow in the EMR follows the ACOG recommendations.

With easy to use functionality, a care EMR comprises of the following feature list to better manage OB-Gynecology spheres:



a. CC/HPI (OB/Gyn)

b. ROS (OB/Gyn)

c. Physical examination (OB/Gyn)

d. Health maintenance (OB/Gyn)

e. Immunization (OB/Gyn)

f. Vitals

g. Procedures template (OB/Gyn)

h. Ante partum record (OB)

i. Gestation calculator (OB)

j. Treatment protocols including the labs and imaging services (OB/Gyn)

k. Notes (SOAP format)

l. Work flow configuration


a. Super bill configuration (OB/Gyn)

b. Claim generation

c. Electronic claim submission

d. Payment posting (manual and automatic)

e. Rebilling


The system also has a streamlined workflow management, E and M coder, Lab interface, HL7 interfaces and patient portal. Standard documentation process is charted for new OB visit and follow-up OB Visit along with ante partum record. The highlight of the application is its workflow. The below reasons out as to why the system is preferable:

• Work flow is not restricted to the physician alone but also extends its use to the nurses and assistants of the practice as well

• Two unique work flows are designed and kept separate, one for the Obstetrics and another for the Gynecology. This helps provide specific as well as quick navigation

• OB flow in the EMR follows the ACOG recommendations

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Amman is the capital of Jordan and it is a city where the ancient culture and modern day amenities blend. The city is an attractive tourist destination; it has been built on a series of hills and the famous Dead Sea is just a short distance from here. Jordan features among the top healthcare centers in Middle East and the World Bank ranks it as the best destination for medical tourism in the region. The city has a host of clinics and hospital that offer good services to the people.

King Hussein Medical Center is a leading and prominent multidisciplinary medical institution in Jordan. This center comprises of five hospitals and provides advanced medical care to its patients. Al-Hussein Hospital set up in 1973 is oldest of the five hospitals that form the groups. It is also one of the busiest hospitals in the country and is equipped with state of art technology. The surgery department at the hospital provides latest technology treatment like the minimal invasive and endoscopic surgery. Other services offered are comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic treatment for internal medicine, nephrology, respiratory medicine, hematology and oncology, neurology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, dermatology and venerealogy. The hospital also has well equipped ophthalmology, E.N.T, pediatrics, dental and obstetrics and gynecology departments.

Queen Alia Heart Institute was set up in 1983 dedicated to providing comprehensive cardiac care to the patients. It is also a part of the King Hussein Medical Center. The hospital has a coronary care unit, an intensive care unit and post surgery care unit. The procedures carried out at the hospital are mainly open heart surgeries and cardiac transplants. There is an advanced laboratory at the center that carries out no-invasive advanced investigations. Queen Rania Paediatrics Hospital, part of the same group is the first hospital in the country that specializes in pediatric care. The hospital is equipped with the latest technology and co-ordinates with hospitals from US and UK for cooperation and consultation.

Jordan Hospital at Amman is a JCI accredited hospital that offers advanced healthcare services. It is also compliant with ISQua (International Society for quality in Health Care) standards and is ISO 9002-2000 certified. The hospital is a major healthcare destination in North Africa and Middle East. Quite a few doctors at the hospital have trained in Europe, Britain or United States. The multidisciplinary hospital offers treatments in the fields of neurosurgery, cardiac care, organ transplant, pediatric, orthopedics, cardiac and vascular surgery, urology, nephrology and orthopedics. Other departments at the hospital are an emergency department, nuclear medicine unit, renal dialysis unit, lithotripsy unit, physiotherapy unit, an ICU and a radiology department.

The Al-Essra Hospital is a JCIA accredited hospital and is located at the Queen Rania Al Abdallah Street, Opposite Jordian University Mosque. The emergency at the hospital is operational day and night and is the most advanced and sophisticated emergency departments in Jordan at both public and private level. The hospital has set up a hotline telephone number (530-0333) for requesting an ambulance at any time of the day. There are facilities at the hospital both for small and major surgeries, heart and lung ailments, maternity care, orthopedic problems and kidney troubles. Besides these there is are IVF, physiotherapy, endoscopy and respiratory departments at the hospital.

Specialty Hospital is located in the central part of Amman and has been operational since 1993. The specialties at the hospital are successful organs transplantation especially for kidney transplants, open heart surgeries, cures for musculoskeletal disorders and eye related problems. The emergency department at the hospital is operational 24 hours and is equipped with modern medical technology.

Al Khalidi Medical Center, A Heart & Comprehensive Specialty Hospital was set by Dr. Ibrahim Al Khalidi in 1978. It offers a number of highly specialized medical and surgical procedures. The Emergency and Trauma Center that is operational round the clock and the ambulances are also available around the clock. The hospital offers pathology services, IVF procedures, advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services, IVF, dental services and it has a dialysis unit, a pain clinic, an eye center and a pathology department.

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You just found out you're pregnant! You rush to call your husband, then your mother, email your Aunt Annie and text your BFF. Excitement, celebration, hugging and kissing!

But before the excitement cools, there's still one more person that wants to hear your good news... your OB/GYN.

Don't delay. Here's why.

The purpose of prenatal care is to optimize the chances of a healthy baby while ensuring the physical and emotional health of the mother. In order to best accomplish this, it is essential that there is early initiation of the first prenatal visit. Reports from Center for Disease Control have shown that delayed or no entry into prenatal care can result in a higher rate of complications with resultant severe maternal morbidity and or mortality. In addition, for the baby, studies have shown a direct association between early comprehensive prenatal care and increased birth weights.

What are some of the important reasons for having an early prenatal visit?

  • Establish more accurate dating

  • Counsel and educate patients about diet and exercise

  • Obtain a detailed medical history and physical so medical conditions both current and from previous pregnancies can be detected and managed early in the pregnancy

  • Discussions about avoidance of dangerous medications and harmful habits such as smoking, drinking, and the use of drugs

  • Detect early signs and symptoms of miscarriage or possible ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, recent studies have shown a trend that women are delaying the scheduling of their first prenatal appointments.

Several reasons why pregnant women delay early care:

Mothers sometimes avoid scheduling early appointments due to non-recognition of the pregnancy

Over the counter pregnancy tests are extremely accurate so make sure you know the signs of early pregnancy. It's very easy to ignore these signs but it's very important that you are seen before the fetus begins developing.

Difficult work schedules

Inform your employer that you are pregnant. Perhaps they can help rearrange your work schedule to find time for your very important prenatal visits.

Financial considerations

Ask the physician's billing department if the practice offers terms for newly pregnant families. Make sure you understand your insurance policy and if not, call your carrier and have them go over your options in detail.

Difficulty in the doctor's office accommodating the new pregnant mother

If the receptionist can not accommodate an early appointment, make sure the doctor knows you believe you are pregnant. Your doctor may have some slots available for a newly pregnant woman. If you can't get an appointment with the doctor, ask if they have a physician's assistance, midwife or a nurse practitioner to initiate your prenatal care. Alternatively, some practices now have Group Prenatal Care for low risk patients and multiple people can be seen together for the preliminary visit. This can be fun, a great way to meet other pregnant women and you can obtain the early, very important information and advice you need.

It has been found that over one quarter of all first prenatal visits are occurring after 8 weeks gestation when all the organ systems have already developed in the fetus and toxins or certain medical conditions have already taken their toll.

If you're not yet convinced:

In a recent article, Sept 2010 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Arnold Cohen, a suggestion was made to have a mini-triage system established for all pregnant patients who called the office for a first prenatal appointment by a competent and skilled health care provider. By asking certain key questions that pertain to dating the pregnancy, and known risk factors such as medical illness, medications, and previous pregnancy complications, it can be decided which patients take precedence and require very early initial prenatal appointments and which patients are more routine and can be delayed. In this way, more time and effort can be expended to improve prenatal care to those who most need it. Too often the questions currently being asked revolve solely around patient insurance issues and hospital coverage.


In a country that spends 35% of all US infant spending on prematurity and also ranks at the bottom of the developed countries in the world on infant mortality, I think it is very reasonable to try and identify high risk pregnancies very early in the game in the hopes of preventing adverse outcomes through education and careful, frequent monitoring by a qualified health professional right at the very beginning of the pregnancy. In this way, we might be able to see an improvement in prematurity, adverse maternal outcomes, congenital anomalies, and low birth weight infants in the future.

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Giving birth can be scary for any women. As a mom over 35, you may have already dealt with high risk pregnancy care, and you may be aware of statistics indicating that older women and their babies often experience more complications during birth. Empower your self with information and focus on the positive to help clam your nerves, give your self the best birth experience possible.

Having to manage the uncertainties of birth is challenging for all women. Experiencing some degree of nervousness and even fear is normal. However, by facing your fears honestly, communicating with your birth attendant, and being prepared for the birth, you will be able to look ahead to this exciting event with confidence and relative tranquility.

Face Your Fears

As their due dates approach, many women begin to worry in particular about coping with pain and fatigue during labor.

Coping With Pain

Giving birth to a baby does involve pain. For some women, this is one of the scariest aspects of delivery. However, the degree of pain you experience can be controlled in several ways. Ask your care provider about the options available to you. Getting all the facts and understanding the different types of pain relief will help you feel more in control as you plan your birth.

Dealing With Exhaustion

Mature morns may be more likely to become exhausted during labor. Maintaining your energy is important, especially for pushing. If you are exhausted at the end of labor, your care provider may be more likely to recommend forceps or vacuum at delivery, increasing your risks. To help make sure that you begin labor with good physical reserves, rest as much as possible in the weeks before your due date and try snacking throughout the day so that you will not be hungry, no matter when labor sets in.

Be Prepared

Full term, healthy babies can arrive 3 weeks early. Having your nursery ready in plenty of time will reduce stress in case your baby comes before your due date. If time is at a premium, focus on the most essential nursery items first - your baby will need a place to sleep, diapers, wipes, and basic items of clothing. Everything else can be bought later. Pack your birthing bag several weeks ahead of your due date. Your care provider may help you supplement our basic list with specific things he or she recommends. If you already have older children, don't forget to make arrangements in advance for their care when you go into labor. When serious contractions start, you'll feel more in control if you can easily contact members of your birthing team. Have a list of phone numbers ready, including those of your partner, care provider, doula, and if necessary the person driving you to the hospital or caring for your older children.

Your Support Team

Organizing good support for your self can make a big difference, both emotionally and physically. There may be various people with you during your labor, each with his or her own supportive role.

Your partner or support person

The main role of your partner or support person will be to help you remain as comfortable as possible during labor. For example, he or she can hold your hand and rub your back, bring you a drink, or a fresh wash cloth to cool your forehead.

Your doula A doula is an experienced birth attendant. Research suggests that having a doula can help you manage your labour pain and may reduce your chances of a cesarean delivery. While a doula is not a doctor and will not make decisions with respect to your medical care, she is an effective advocate who will be able to recommend various labor positions. Her support can also help to prevent exhaustion and manage your labor pain. If you want a doula for your labor, finding a compatible and qualified person may take some advance planning.

Your labor nurse

Your labor nurse will help manage your labor and keep you informed about your progress through labor. She will closely watch you and your baby to make sure that you are both doing well medically. If you do not have a doula, your labor nurse will help you labor and teach you how to push when the time comes.

Your care provider

Depending on the type of care provider you have chosen, he or she mayor may not stay with you for much of the labor process. Your care provider will monitor the progress of your labor and explain any interventions that may be needed to keep you on track. Your care provider will be there for your delivery and will help guide you as you push.

Packing list For The Hospital

During your stay, the hospital should supply: infant formula, diapers, maxipads, towels, and other linens.

For your partner


Insurance documents

Small stash of cash


Credit card for emergencies


Optional but desirable Camera video equipment

Phone list of people to call

Cell phone or calling card

Tape or cd player

Massage lotion or oils


For You


Your birth plan

Maternity outfit to go home in

Toiletries and hairbrush

Hair tie for during labor

Sports bra to bind breasts if you won't be breastfeeding

Nursing bra if you are breastfeeding

Optional but desirable

Warm socks to wear while pushing

Popsicles or hard candy

Water bottle or sports drink

Music you have chosen for tape or cd player

Your own pillow

Lip balm

Nightgown pajamas robe for wearing after baby is born

Book on breastfeeding if you plan to breastfeed

For Baby

Before your baby goes home you will need a rear facing car seat, an outfit for him or her to wear home, and a baby blanket if cold.

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Guangzhou is a prosperous metropolis and bustling city located on the southern coastline of China. It is also the capital Guangdong Province and serves as the political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural center for the province. Tourists are especially attracted to spots like the Five Ram Statue in Yuexiu Park, Pearl River and White Cloud Mountain. City has a wide range of medical centers and quite a few of them have multilingual staff.

The Clifford Hospital is a modern healthcare institution that integrates the best of Traditional Chinese, Contemporary Western and Alternative healing techniques. The hospital has achieved the Triple A grade benchmark that has been set by the Chinese authorities and as well as meeting international health standards. The hospital has a JCI accreditation and was the first in China to receive this accreditation; moreover it is the first Integrative Medicine hospital in the world to receive this accreditation. The hospital has a 600 bed capacity and a Translation Center that offering services for foreigners in French, English, Japanese, Indonesian and Korean. Expatriate patients can be at ease knowing that communication will not be a problem. The hospital is located in Clifford Estates, at 8 Shiguang Road in Guangzhou.

The CanAm International Medical Center in Guangzhou is an accredited western medical center adopting international medical standards for its service and performance. The Medical Center is small and found on the 5th Floor of Garden Tower, Garden Hotel in Guangzhou. The Medical Center provides specialized primary care and offers a full range of professional medical services. The services at the hospital include Family Medicine, Woman's Health Services, Child Health Services, Immunization and Travel Advice, Psychological Counseling, Annual Medical Check-up, Minor Outpatient Surgery and a Dental Clinic. It has an international team of physicians and dentists from America, United Kingdom, Japan and Australia. The staff at the center is fluent in English, Japanese, and many dialects of Chinese. Guangzhou CanAm International Medical Center has access to cross-border ambulance service which medically transports emergency patients to suitable medical facilities in Hong Kong. They can also arrange medical evacuation, if it is needed, back to their home countries. The hospital is especially well suited for visiting foreign nationals.

The Institute for Western Surgery offers the best medical care and technology that is available in the world to the patients so that people are not forced to travel out of the country for treatment. The Institute operates at three locations in China; it has centers at Guangdong Provincial Hospital in "University City" & Ersha Island, Guangzhou, St. Michael Hospital in the Gubei District of Shanghai, and WorldPath Clinic International in Pudong, Shanghai. The hospital brings together the best western surgeons, state-of-art equipment, good services and a luxurious environment under one roof. The hospital is especially well suited for expats and those visiting China for short durations as well. All the physicians at the hospital are U.S board certified and the specialties at the hospital include orthopedic, gastroenterology (GI), general surgery, ear, nose and throat (ENT), spine surgery and pain management etc.

The Guangdong Provincial Hospital is the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou and was set up 1933. The hospital is dedicated to carry forward the essence of Traditional Chinese and promote a multidisciplinary approach to healing. The hospital has a patient oriented environment, offers patients with excellent diagnosis and treatment programs and is constantly focused on development of Chinese Medicine.The hospital has more than 100 clinical branches which include cerebral disease, cardiovascular disease, skin diseases, kidney, breast disease, spine specialist, digestive disease, respiratory disease, tumor diseases, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, diabetes specialist and more.

For getting specialized care for women and children you can visit Guangzhou Women and Children Hospital that provides international medical services. The hospital is an affiliate of Bosheng Medical Group and was named China's most favorite women and children hospital for three consecutive years. The hospital consists of a maternity center, gynecological center, pediatric center, infertility center, etc; all the sections of each center are established in accordance with JCI accreditation standards of United States. The hospital shares the resources and experts with the 33 hospitals of the chain and also offers remote consultation as required.

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Catastrophic health insurance is a kind of medical insurance which pays for major hospital expenses but not prescription drugs, maternity care, and visits to the doctor. Most plans under this insurance type cover expenses like surgeries, hospitalization, X-ray, intensive care, and other similar hospitalization expenses.

Cheapest Insurance

Catastrophic health insurance is the cheapest among all types of health insurance packages. The deductibles, or the amount that a person has to pay for a claim before the insurance provider pays up, can begin from $500 up to $1000 or more dollars. Most of the plans include a lifetime benefit or cap of up to $3 million. Once the cap has been reached, the policy holder will no longer be entitled to benefits and the policy is subsequently canceled.


Anyone is eligible for a catastrophic health care insurance. However, those who have pre-existing medical conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, emphysema and AIDS may not be qualified under this type of medical plan. A catastrophic health care insurance is considered as a good insurance coverage for those who are healthy and do not take any prescriptions drugs. Because it is cheap, it allows a person to save on insurance plan costs. This type of insurance is also best for those who have retired and are not yet eligible to get medical benefits.

Considerations in Buying

In purchasing this type of health insurance, one should consider the costs, the coverage, and the deductibles. Insurance providers vary in terms of plan packages costs, coverage, and lifetime maximum benefits. Interested individuals may also have to consider their capacity to pay for expenses not included in this type of medical insurance such as prescription drugs and doctor visits-two facets of medical care that can be very costly. Other important factors that may have to be considered include the amount and frequency of the premiums, and the medical history of the person and his or her family.

Shopping for a Cheap Package

Like in purchasing any type of medical insurance, it is important to shop around first before purchasing a catastrophic health insurance. The easiest and most convenient way of shopping is using the Internet. Browse websites offering various catastrophic health care insurance packages and gets free quotes. There are also articles and FAQ sections that can provide details on the catastrophic health insurance packages being offered. Some websites also allow users to compare quotes and plans of multiple catastrophic insurance plans.

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A farming county of California, Tulare has the second highest teenage pregnancy rate in America. About 18% of white teenagers are living below poverty line with their birth rate being about 50 for every 1,000, which is at the very least, ten times the lowest rate of birth in the nation where teens live over the poverty line.

Now, the people, who have to endure this relentless poverty and teen related pregnancy in the county of Tulare, are the Latino teens. School authorities affirm that it has more than 80% Hispanic students and these teenagers comprise about 70% of adolescent births occurring in the 15-18 year age bracket.

A great number of the adolescent girls are offspring's of migrant farm labor and almost all of them live much under the poverty line. In the Tulare County, nearly 40% of the Latino girls are impoverished and the teenage pregnancy rate is above 100 for every 1000; this rate is more or less identical to teen pregnancy rates observed in most underdeveloped nations.

In fact, we do not need to visit underdeveloped nations to see the strong link between teenage pregnancy and acute poverty, which, according to experts, is primarily the core source of concern for teen pregnancy.

The rural population of California has for a long time put up with deprivation and socio-economic seclusion. The acute scarcity of adolescent reproductive health and therapeutic care service is the main reason for these circumstances; also, uncommon, are schemes such as school based teenage clinics and all-encompassing sex education facilities, which have been confirmed to be quite successful in fighting the ills of teen pregnancy elsewhere.

The high teenage pregnancy rate in this county of Tulare is indeed the direct outcome of this paucity of government funding. Obstacles because of the language and cultural issues also create difficulties, when attempting to empathize and converse with the Latino migrants and the seasonal farm labor in addition to other ethnic communities.

The Census Bureau states that in the county of Tulare, next to the high adolescent pregnancy rate, this region, when compared with the rest of the country, holds the dubious distinction of being ranked fifth, in terms of areas with a considerably high percentage of poverty.

Besides, it is in the third position, for having the greatest percentage of individuals, who do not even have a basic high school diploma. Within the state of California, the county of Tulare has the highest poverty percentage, joblessness, and paucity of education.

An alarming statistic is that nearly 2/3rds of the population below the age of eighteen in this county are below 200% of poverty, making this figure the highest in California; shockingly though, Tulare is the country's major agricultural producer, even then, destitution and its consequences, like teenage pregnancy, in the county of Tulare, are highly uncontrolled.

There is a shocking absence of adequate medical facilities since there is no health insurance, poor socio-economic standing, and not enough resources in most migrant farm labor families. The inhabitants of this county have in effect been termed as Medically Underserved Population. Besides, a number of regions in the county are referred as primary care Health Professional Shortage Areas. Steps are under consideration to make available essential medical facilities, in addition to those concerned with women's health and well-being, to this community.

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Ultrasound is a form of energy and radiation, but not ionizing radiation. Like other sources of energy, it occurs in sound

waves which move at frequencies higher than the human ear can hear. The ultrasound waves are emitted at 2 to 4 megahertz which is a higher frequency than AM radio. The waves bounce off of the internal organs and are interpreted by the scanners which produce a picture on a TV-type screen. The transducer or scanner produces the sound waves and sends them out. It also reads the bounced waves. There are three types of ultrasound. Ultrasound scanning device, Doptones and External Fetal Monitors.

For maternity care, the ultrasound probe is placed over the abdomen. Sometimes a trans-vaginal or trans-rectal probe will be used and this is shaped so that it can be inserted into the vagina or rectum. The scanning devices that make pictures deliver pulsed waves. These devices are usually used for a short period of time. Real time ultrasound is most frequently used. This type of ultrasound makes many pictures of the image being scanned, similar to movie film, and can show fetal activity and how the baby is positioned and the number of babies visible.

An extremely uncommon type of ultrasound is the Doppler. It gives sound only as the sound waves are reflected from the baby's heart. Some Dopplers have earphones that only the practitioner can hear. Others use an amplifier so that the heartbeat is heard aloud. Electronic Fetal Monitors are used most frequently in a hospital setting during labor and delivery. Like the Doppler, it delivers a continuous stream of waves. If continuous fetal monitoring is done, the EFM may be hooked up for yours.

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With all of the other changes pregnant women experience, tooth problems can often get overlooked. The dental care pregnant women receive is very important. Tooth problems can affect a woman's overall pregnancy experience, if not handled properly. Not all pregnant women experience tooth problems, but many do. Some common tooth problems, range from the area of sensitivity, to gum bleeding. Just as it is important to note any serious changes during pregnancy, you should pay attention to your dental care.

Many people face tooth problems daily. In fact, tooth sensitivity, is one of the most common tooth problems. This can be especially uncomfortable when you're pregnant. Many conditions pregnant women suffered before conceiving become even more difficult once they are pregnant. Dealing with sensitive teeth can be one of these conditions.

There are a few easy tips to dealing with sensitive teeth. Fortunately the various tooth care products on the market today make the process much simpler. One of the first things you may need to do is replace your tooth brush. Having a tooth brush that is too hard or abrasive, on sensitive teeth, can make matters worse.

Some pregnant women will only be able to use soft bristle tooth brushes throughout their pregnancy. There are also tooth pastes that are specially formulated for sensitive teeth. Using these two products can instantly provide relief for this problem. This and other teeth issues should be addressed with your dentist.

The condition of having sensitive teeth should not be ignored. It is usually difficult to eat when sensitivity issues are extreme. This can pose a problem to both the mother's and child's health. Another serious tooth issue, is when you're experiencing gum bleeding. Bleeding gums, is caused by excessive hormones.

If the hormone, progesterone exists in high levels, in a pregnant woman's body, bleeding gums can result. If this does occur, it is important that you consult your doctor. Talking to both your doctor and dentist, can help you find the right remedy for your specific condition. In most cases, antibiotics can be taken to relieve symptoms.

There are also ways to prevent problems with your teeth during pregnancy. One way is by brushing at least twice daily. Remember to use the right type of tooth brush. Brushing rids your teeth of harmful bacteria that can make matters worse, if not cleaned from the teeth. Flossing is also important.

For pregnant women who are experiencing bleeding gums, they should floss, carefully, so as not to further damage their gums. It is also important to receive regular dental care during pregnancy. Having your teeth professionally cleaned is a way of preventing future problems with your teeth, especially while you are pregnant. Your diet is also a very important component to proper dental health. Eating foods that strengthen your teeth, like those high in calcium, are a good way to make your teeth healthier for the long term.

Pregnant women can experience a number of problems where their teeth are concerned. However, each can be handled effectively, if symptoms are addressed as they arise.

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There are commonalities between early PMS and Pregnancy Symptom(s). It is important that if you even suspect you might be pregnant, go to your doctor to find out and also to make sure there is no underlying cause if you aren't pregnant. The commonalities that is shared between early PMS and pregnancy symptoms doesn't stop with the symptoms that might be presented. There may be some treatment protocols that are shared as well.

PMS Definition and Symptoms

PMS is the period of approximately one week before and a few days during a woman's menstrual period. PMS comes with some uncomfortable complaints. The complaints are believed to be caused by either low serotonin levels or the fluctuation of hormones during this time.

Low serotonin (a derivative of Tryptophan), may include mood swings, aggressive behavior, irritability, and anger. Concentration problems, increased appetites sleep problems, and anxiety and depression among other symptoms.

Hormonal changes symptoms may include anyone of the following: migraines, headaches, sore breasts, weight gain, back ache and bloating among many others.
There are more than 100 symptoms that have been noted as being related to PMS. Please note that symptoms will vary from one woman to another and from one month to the next.

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

The most typical sign that you might be pregnant is if you've missed one or more periods in a row. There could be other reasons for a missed period so if you do miss one or more, have your doctor check you out to determine if you are pregnant or there is another problem going on.

Many women experience the proverbial "morning sickness," nausea and/or vomiting. Sore breasts or nipples may also be pregnancy signs. Headaches, fatigue, and mood swings have also been noted to be related to early pregnancy. Food cravings and food aversions have also been reported during pregnancy. You may have increased urination as well. Some women will experience aversions to particular smells.

Early PMS Pregnancy Symptoms

There are similar symptoms with PMS and early pregnancy. These can include mood swings, headaches, food cravings and an increased appetite. Weight gain, sore breasts, and fatigue are also symptoms shared by early PMS pregnancy symptoms.


Early PMS pregnancy has associated symptoms that are the same. You should seek medical care if you suspect you might be pregnant for a couple of reasons. First to determine whether you are pregnant, and second if you are not pregnant, to determine the causes of any missed or irregular periods is reason to get medical treatments. These symptoms can also be connected to other health conditions. Even more important is that once you determine you are pregnant, you should seek prenatal care so that you and your baby can be healthy.

Check out PMS Pregnancy Symptoms treatments at the menopause source for further information.

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The key to assisting your C section incision to repair quickly and avoid any C section complications is by monitoring and checking it on a regular basis, every few hours is ideal. Your C section incision will take some time to heal completely. Some women report that they feel no pain or discomfort and that the scar healed within a few weeks whereas others aren't so fortunate and complain of pain and C section complications many months later.

It is certainly true that you can help to speed up your C section incision recovery by taking some simple precautions and being vigilant over monitoring its condition. The staff will check on you whilst in hospital to make sure that everything is going well and immediately following the operation your C section incision scar will be covered by a sterile dressing to help guard against infection. You will also normally have been given antibiotics.

During the first 24 - 48 hours the hospital staff will probably encourage you to shower and they will then remove your dressing. After you have had your first shower, you should gently pat dry the wound with a clean towel. It is best If you can allow the area to dry uncovered for a few minutes.

One of the best ways to protect the wound over the top of the dressing is to place a sanitary pad over the top which can be attached to your clothing over the area using the stickers. You can also help to avoid any rubbing or chafing over the scar by wearing boxer shorts or oversized underwear because this will avoid the elastic waistband pulling over the scar area as the scar will be in the exact place where the waistband sits. This should be much more comfortable than your normal underwear for the first few weeks.

As the wound starts its healing process it is quite normal to notice a little spot bleeding, whilst the wound shouldn't break open or tear apart, a little bit of spotting isn't usually too much of a problem.Do not apply any creams over the scar other than an antibiotic cream until your incision has completely healed.

The best way to avoid any C section complications is to keep your incision clean and protected at all times. Wash it by using a slightly soapy wet cloth or sponge (use unperfumed soap), squeezing it over your stomach above the wound so that the soapy water runs down over the stitches. Don't directly rub the scar because this could disrupt the scab that is forming.

Whilst you shouldn't panic at the slightest change in the shape, size or condition of your C section incision it is important to be aware of any differences. If you do see anything out of the ordinary, then keep an eye on it and if it continues to deteriorate then speak to your doctor or healthcare advisor.

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Major medical insurance plans include coverage for almost all types of medical care which one needs. An individual may select a single coverage for oneself, or select the two-person or limited family coverage for oneself and his / her spouse or the one dependent child. Family medical coverage is a scheme covering the entire family.

Major medical insurance coverage is usually provided for all the critical areas such as doctor visits, preventative care, diagnostic tests, hospital and extended care, emergency, prescription drugs, home health care etc. Depending on how much one can pay or what one's family health history is, other less common areas of coverage like vision care, care by specialists, mental health care, family planning services, chronic disease care, physical therapy, maternity care, and baby care can be added.

If one has a single coverage, the spouse can be included on the policy by submitting an application within 31 days after the marriage. Coverage for a newborn or adopted child can be effected by applying within 60 days of the birth or adoption. In the case of family coverage, a new born or adopted child is covered automatically. Coverage is effective from the first month following the receipt of the application form. The coverage terminates when one loses the eligibility for the state group health insurance program. Coverage ends for the spouse at the time of divorce and coverage ends for the dependent children at the end of the calendar year in which they turn age 19 or on the date they marry.

Major medical insurance coverage includes managed-care health plans and indemnity health plans. Indemnity health plan focuses on unexpected illnesses and always allows the patient to choose the physician.

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Understand from the outset that there's a wise order of priorities in family-planning.

Don't find yourselves weeks out from the birth of your first child before you pause to consider the issue of pregnancy insurance. Not that it's necessarily too late; you might be one of the lucky couples - an uneventful pregnancy, trouble-free birth, normal child with its full quota of fingers and toes and, for you and your wife, never any financial worries along the way. It means that you gambled and won. The maternity insurance plan, however, is for those husbands who are not prepared to gamble with their wives' health or that of the young and defenceless life that they, after all, have elected to bring into this world.

What it means is that before you and your wife try for a family, have her supplemental pregnancy insurance already in place. If you have a working wife, you will be losing her income so there's a loss to be considered at the same time as you incur all the expenses that come with pregnancy - maternity wear, vitamins and supplements, doctors' bills and medical checks - plus your own inevitable time off work occasionally (and that will always be at the most inconvenient times, you can bet on it!).

Add in any ante-natal complications that can arise - such as arrhythmia, high blood pressure, anxiety or panic attacks - and the money you have to find on a reduced family income can be a real worry.

Once your wife is already pregnant it's too late. You won't get supplemental pregnancy insurance, as pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition. So before you conceive, consider both your options in maternity cover.

Major medical insurance for doctors and hospitals

Have this sort of plan in place before your wife becomes pregnant, and your worries are over. Major medical health insurance "bulk bills", which means you receive no accounts - the bills are paid directly to the provider (doctor, radiologist, hospital and ultimately hospital or mid-wife at the time of birth).

Your group plan, through your employer, should cover everything; certainly labour, birth and any complications that might arise. If not, go to the private market, but you'll find that expensive without your committing to a hefty excess.

Supplemental pregnancy insurance that fills crucial gaps

The supplemental pregnancy insurance works slightly differently, in that the benefits are paid directly to you and it's up to you to pay the doctor or hospital. When purchased prior to conception, it helps create a maternity leave income by covering normal labour and delivery expenses. If your wife works and her employer has a plan in place, she can use these supplemental payments to see her through her time off work.

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