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I would like to discuss one very important topic: how new moms and their babies are protected in the USA. There are so many wonderful things in the USA, one of the richest countries on the globe. There are so many laws protecting this or that. Are new mothers protected as well in the USA?

The reason why I decided to talk about it, is because after having my first baby, I realized how difficult and challenging it is to be a working new Mom here in the USA. Just thinking that in 6 or 8 weeks after your baby is born, you have to go back to work and leave your baby with a care giver, would make you feel inadequate, guilty and depressed.

There is another reason why I decided to discuss this topic. Lately, on TV and other media sources, you may have heard reports that in most countries, new mothers have a lot longer maternity leave than in America. For example, in Russia, a pregnant woman has the right to leave her work for a maternity leave as early as after her 6th month of pregnancy. It is a well known fact that there is a possibility that a woman can have a baby earlier than her due date. It is also known that the last trimester in pregnancy is very difficult on a woman physically. She cannot sit for a prolonged time, her sleep at night is interrupted, and she has to eat or drink more frequently. There are some other important medical factors that a pregnant woman should consider to make sure she is safe. That is why, in some countries, women are allowed to leave their work and stay home during their last trimester. Caring? Yes! Thoughtful? Yes! Logical? Yes!

Let's continue about Russia. So, a women had a baby. How long can she stay home with her baby without worrying that she has to go back to work and leave her newborn child? Are you ready to hear it? 1.5 years! The company she works for, will hold her job for her. During her 1.5 years of maternity leave, she will receive almost the same amount of income she used to make before her pregnancy.

What does it mean for a stay-home new mom to be with a baby during his first year of life? There are countless benefits and some of them are:

1. She can fully devote herself to the baby.

2. She can enjoy motherhood by taking care of her precious baby days and nights.

3. Her baby and her are building a trust by being together all the time.

4. She doesn't need to leave her baby with a babysitter.

5. She can breast-feed her baby anytime during the day.

6. She can take a rest anytime when her baby is asleep if she feels tired or restless.

7. By staying at home, she avoids double-stress of working and worrying about her baby.

So, what is a working new Mom in America to do after giving birth to a new baby?

1. She cannot fully devote herself to the baby.

2. She cannot fully enjoy motherhood.

3. Her baby and her are not building a trust because of being separated.

4. She has to leave her baby with a babysitter.

5. If she breast-feeds her baby, she cannot do it during her work hours.

6. She cannot take a rest during the day after sleepless nights.

7. By working and taking care of the baby after her business hours, she has to deal with extra stress which would make her mental and physical health more vulnerable in the short and long run.

No doubt, it is very beneficial for everybody: a baby, a mother, the family and the society when a new mom stays at home an extended time. A woman wouldn't feel guilty leaving her baby after 6 weeks. It is better for her physical and mental health. It is very healthy for a baby to spend his most precious part of life with his loving mother.

What is the most important thing in life? Most of us would say, it is family. Why aren't new moms and their babies protected in the USA? What has to happen before our lawmakers decide to do something about it? Isn't it time to make some changes and respect new moms by protecting motherhood in the USA as the majority of the world does?

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The cost of any type of medical care can be expensive. If you have ever looked at your medical bill after a procedure, even a visit to the emergency room, you will find that the simplest of medical care can cost hundreds of dollars. For those with medical insurance, it can be a lifesaver when it comes to out-of-pocket costs. For those who do not have medical insurance, it can cause a stressful situation at the home, as the bills can pile, and the debt incurred can be very costly. When you are pregnant, the scare can be even worse, as it can be one of the most expensive medical care procedures available to patients. So what can you do if you're denied medical insurance and you are pregnant?

There are a few steps you should take to ensure that you have made all efforts to find insurance during your pregnancy.

  1. Keep in mind that you cannot be denied health insurance when starting a new job if your company offers health benefits just because you are pregnant.

  2. If you are recently out of work, your company may offer COBRA insurance. It will cover you for 18 months, and may require you to still pay the full premium cost. It can be a pricey option, but still less expensive than going without insurance altogether.

  3. If your income meets the necessary requirements, you may be able to apply for Medicaid. They offer health insurance to pregnant women, children, disabled and blind adults, and people over the age of 65. It's advised that you contact your state health department to find out about qualifications.

  4. If you do not qualify for Medicaid, contact your state health department for other programs that may be available to you. There are many low-cost pre-natal programs that may offer maternity services and a lesser rate.

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Motherhood is perhaps the most cherished period of a woman's' life. Ever since she is pregnant till when she brings her baby up, she is in the most beautiful stage of life, called motherhood. However beautiful and pure it is, it is certainly hard to sail through this episode of life, without much prior insight into it. These days there are some very good motherhood guides available online. But if you are looking for a short read, which covers pretty much every aspect of this stage, then read on.

  1. Take good care of yourself during pregnancy, because what you do to yourself, is what you do to your baby at last. It is always better to have the best kind of food, as prescribed; also have a good and comprehensive workout routine which will help you during delivery and also bring about a high metabolism that will help both your baby and you. Food and exercise are the first things you have got to pay attention to.

  2. Take your doctor's advice seriously. All the pills and also other prescribed foods and drugs need to be taken. Remember this is only to help you cope up with this phase in a better manner.

  3. Be comfortable. Do not over exert and be overcome by discomfort. Always choose to be in a position that is comfortable and in clothes that are comfortable too. Shop for the best maternity clothes that you can flaunt in this period of life. Be mentally comfortable for delivery as well.

  4. After pregnancy the most important thing you have got to consider is that of your baby's protection. Of course do not forget yourself in the bargain. Do the best for your baby and yourself and also take great care. You might need some advice during this phase, all you have to do is ask someone who is experienced or just go through some online guide.

  5. Lastly, enjoy your motherhood. Have fun and make small things look beautiful and charming.

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When choosing a home-based care provider, you will be entrusting your own care, or the care of a child or family member, to someone else. This can be a very difficult decision, so it is important that you find someone from an organisation you can trust.

There are hundreds of different home-based support organisations throughout the country. So, how do you know where to start looking? Here are some points for you to consider:

What type of care do you require?

When choosing a home-based care provider, you will need to figure out which type of support you require. It may be home support, childcare, maternity care, aged care, disability support, palliative, post surgical or rehabilitation. Different providers specialise in different areas, so start by looking for a provider who will meet your particular needs.

Are they a trusted organisation?

Look for a company with a good reputation. Organisations such as the Educational Review Office (ERO), Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), or Disability Support Services (DSS,) will often have a list of recommended home-based care providers.

Also, check if your chosen home-based support provider is accredited by organisations such as the Health and Disability Association New Zealand (HDANZ) and the New Zealand Home Health Association (NZHHA). This accreditation means, that the service they provide complies with the Home and Community Sector Standards.

Funding Options

You may have the option to seek private or public care. Discuss your funding options with the home-based support provider you contact; you may be eligible for publicly funded assistance through the District Health Boards (DHBs), DSS or ACC.

Alternatively, you can choose to pay privately, or if you have medical insurance, your insurer may fund your home-based support.

Discuss your requirements

It is important to sit down and have a discussion with your chosen home-based care provider. Ask them to put together a care plan for yourself, your child or family member, and discuss what needs to be done and how often.

Ask about the caregiver's qualifications and experience to reassure yourself about leaving your loved one in their capable hands. It is often an emotional time and process, so having all the assurances that your loved one will receive the specific healthcare and attention they need in their own home will put your mind at ease.

With a bit of research you will find a home-based care provider who is compassionate, professional and trustworthy. When you do, be sure to get in contact with one of the company's friendly staff, who will be able to talk you through your home-based support options.

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So the BIG DAY is just around the corner and everyone else in the family is breathlessly waiting to welcome its newest member. For everyone, nine months of pregnancy may seem like forever and parents are usually excited to know if the little one will show up in time. As you settle down for the final stretch of anticipation, it is time to reflect if you have actually made all the necessary preparations for the momentous event. Here are some preparations you might want to add to your checklist:

1. Get a Baby-sitter for other kids
For parents with other children, it is important to assign someone to supervise someone to take care of the other kids while you are away. You can ask a family member or a close friend to handle these tasks, especially when it comes to fetching the kids to and from school.

2. Prepare the baby's room
Preparing for the baby's room is one of the exciting tasks every expectant mom and dad seem to relish. You will need to make sure that the baby's room or sleeping area is made as comfortable as possible, complete with all the possible equipment needed for baby care such as the following:
o Bibs
o Blankets
o Diapers
o Crib
o Formula milk
o Feeding bottles
o Pacifiers
o Carrier

4. Infant's Safety
Your newborn's safety should be considered a priority. Experts advise to have an officially approved infant car seat on your way home. After all, accidents with newborns are not totally unheard of, right? Be sure to place the infant car seat at the back as the deployment of the air bags has been known to seriously cause injury to infants. for more please visit PreggyTips.com

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Let me first begin by congratulating you on this very exciting journey of being a mom-to-be or perhaps, a dad-to-be? Researching this article stems from my personal experience while pregnant with my sons and the relief from lower back pain that rocking provided. For our dads-to-be, understanding how the methods of obtaining relief explained below, can help the wife, or mother of your precious unborn child, can be very helpful and rewarding.

Back pain and pregnancy have been known to go hand in hand, and is experienced to some degree by most women. It is most common during the later part of your pregnancy as the weight of the baby increases and the steps outlined below explain how back pain can be eased. These range from good posture and exercise to massage therapy. Before these steps are discussed, a good understanding of some of the causes of back pain during pregnancy can help shed some light on the possibility of avoiding it. Potential causes of back pain or discomfort during pregnancy include:

Increase of hormones: Hormones related during pregnancy allow ligaments in the pelvic area to soften and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birthing process of your baby.

Center of gravity: While pregnant, your center of gravity will gradually move forward, as your uterus and baby grow, which causes your posture to change. Additional weight: As your baby grows, and pregnancy develops, your back supports additional weight.

Posture or position: Poor posture, excessive standing, and bending over can trigger or escalate pain already experienced in your back.

Stress: Stress has been known to find the weak spot in the body and as a result of the changes in your pelvic area, increased back pain may be experienced during stressful periods of your pregnancy. Now, with the understanding of some of the causes of back pain experienced in pregnancy, here are some steps that can serve as therapy in relieving your pain.

Practice good posture: As your baby grows and you compensate in some ways to avoid falling forward, thereby straining the muscles in your lower back, tuck your buttocks under, pull your shoulders back and downward, and stand straight and tall. Sit and stand with care: Sitting with your feet elevated using a rocking chair or glider, can support your back and the cushion from the glider rocker serves as a pillow behind your lower back. Change position often and avoid standing for long periods of time. If you must stand, rest one foot on a low step stool.

Lift properly: Squat down and lift with your legs (and may I add that this also helps tone your gluts!). Don't bend at the waist or lift with your back. Please, ask for help when you need it! This was one of the first lessons and tips my husband, who is a family physician shared with me. Sleep on your side, not on your back: keep one or both knees bent, and consider placing a pillow between your knees and another under your abdomen, or better still, use a full-length pillow. Sleeping on your back late in pregnancy may decrease blood flow to the baby.

Try pelvic tilt exercises: kneel on your hands and knees with your head in line with your back. Pull in your abdomen, arching your spine upward. Hold this position for several seconds, and then relax your abdomen and back. Repeat five times, working gradually up to 10. Try heat, cold or a back rub: Apply heat to your back. Soak in a warm bathtub or try a heating pad. Ask someone to help you rub your back.

Get the right gear: Wear low-heeled shoes with good arch support. Wear maternity pants with low, supportive waistband. Also consider using a maternity support belt.

Stay fit: Regular exercise can keep your back strong and may actually relieve back pain. Work with your health care provider, and if permitted, consider swimming, walking or riding a stationary bike.


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Pregnancy is a way to complete the life of a woman and it would be anticipated to see that very first sign of pregnancy. If you have been sexually active and experiencing symptoms such as a missed period, breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting, and tiredness, it is important to take a pregnancy test.

Probably one of the most alarming early symptoms of pregnancy is when you have missed your period. This possible sign of pregnancy is frequently what causes women to look for much more facts regarding the other pregnancy symptoms. You can miss your period if you are affected by polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, the menstrual periods come following several months. In case you miss your period and usually do not have any of the above stated issues check other pregnancy signs to understand other pregnancy symptoms.

Your breasts may also give you a clue that you might really be pregnant. As early as two to three weeks following conception, hormonal changes happen which makes your breasts feeling swollen, tender to touch, or sensitive. Your breasts may possibly look fuller and heavier.

Nausea when pregnant is also known as morning sickness. Nausea takes place due to the fact the potential of feeling using the sense of smell and taste of a pregnant woman gets enhanced and she can sense the urge of vomiting even with just the smell of her favourite perfume and some other foods. You will find situations that you encounter this symptom and believed that it is one of the early pregnancy symptoms. However, it may also occur due to food poisoning.

Pregnancy brings tremendous sense of tiredness. If you have a tendency to sense fatigue and dizziness with any other symptom, you should consult your health care provider. According to experts, tiredness is actually a typical early pregnancy symptom. Along with exhaustion, you could really feel exhausted at any time of the day and even accompanied by nausea. Even though pregnant women may possibly experience this without the feeling of nausea, this pregnancy symptom is also recognized as 'morning sickness'.

It really is essential to keep in mind that not all women will encounter every single of those signs and symptoms of pregnancy in the exact same degree. Even the same lady can experience various kinds of signs and symptoms in subsequent pregnancy than she had in her previous pregnancies. Remember when in doubt, be sure to consult your doctor and research about other early signs of pregnancy.

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Giving birth is a common occurrence, but if you are anticipating it for the first time, it feels anything but ordinary. Little in life affects you profoundly as becoming a mother. Although the choices you confront may seem overwhelming, a little education, introspection and planning, can make the road much easier to navigate. Take charge of the trip by considering the following few issues.

Educate yourself on different ways of viewing birth.

Obstetricians are trained to view pregnancy and childbirth as medical conditions requiring treatment and intervention, while midwives tend to see them as natural, healthy and normal occurrences. This philosophical distinction is significant and affects how your pregnancy, labor, and birth are managed, as well as what kind of outcomes you have.

Studies confirm, for example, that many routine obstetrical interventions used during pregnancy and birthing do not improve birth outcomes and undermine a woman’s ability to give birth naturally. And a single intervention such as inducing labor may set into place an entire cascade of interventions, often culminating in a C-sections, half of which are medically unncessarily. C-sections have been skyrocketing in recent years – 32% in 2005. That means your odds are basically one in three! Many refer to this as an “epidemic.”

Obviously there are situations when technology and interventions save lives. But how a health care provider views pregnancy and childbirth – not to mention women - can dramatically impact the kind of experience you have.

Think about what kind of health care provider you want.

Obstetricians are surgical specialists and their expertise is clearly needed in high risk situations. While the majority of women in the U.S. today receive obstetrical care, such expertise is typically not required to manage healthy, normal pregnancies. In fact, outside of the United States and Canada, explains, Marsden Wagner, neonatologist, perinatal epidemiologist, and former director of Maternal and Child Health in the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization, the majority of women receive not obstetrical care, but midwifery care.

Midwives are qualified health care professionals, trained to assist healthy women with normal pregnancies and births. Some are CNMs, (certified nurse-midwives who are registered nurses with additional education in midwifery), and others are independent midwives with differing credentials. Some are CPMs (certified professional midwives) and some are CMs, (certified midwives), but both follow programs leading to national certification. And all are trained to act in emergency situations and recognize problems requiring the consultation or care of a physician.

A third alternative is a family physician. Although fewer family doctors do deliveries than in years past, approximately 25 percent offer obstetrical care for healthy women with low-risk pregnancies. Their approaches vary considerably, as does their reliance on medical and technological intervention.

Regardless of which type of provider you choose, it’s important to find the setting and practitioner with whom you trust and feel comfortable. Explore all your options, sit with the information, and then listen to what your heart tells you.

Explore different birth settings.

The vast majority of U.S. births take place in hospitals. If this is your choice, find out ahead of time what options are available and who can be with you during labor and birth. The Coalition for Maternity Services, a coalition of individuals and national organizations working to promote a wellness model of maternity care, recommends asking what happens during a normal labor and birth and finding out how often various procedures are performed, such as labor inductions, episiotomies and C-sections. A list of ten helpful questions to ask is available at:


Hospitals, however, are not the answer for everyone. Birth centers and home births offer women with normal pregnancies the option of more individualized, personal and intimate birth experiences. Many people shy away from home births fearing they are not as safe as birthing in a hospital. Numerous studies in scientific and medical journals, however, conclude that for low-risk women, planned home births are associated with fewer interventions, lower costs and equally safe, if not safer, outcomes than those of physician-attended, hospital births.

For more information on birth centers, visit the National Association of Childbearing Center’s web page at: http://www.birthcenters.org/. For more information on home births, as well as midwives, go to Citizens for Midwifery at http://www.cfmidwifery.org/

Take a childbirth preparation course.

“The difference between taking a class and not taking one can mean the difference between a vaginal birth and a cesarean for something as simple as the positions you choose for your labor,” explains Barbara Hotelling, Past President of Lamaze International, the oldest childbirth education association in the U.S.

But look around. Some classes are designed simply to prepare you for what to expect in the hospital setting, while others aim to empower you to be active participants throughout pregnancy and birthing. Likewise, instructors’ training may differ. Those trained with organizations such as Lamaze, Bradley, Birthing From Within, and Birthworks, understand the distinction between normal birth and medicalized birth. Hotelling recommends speaking with several instructors before making a decision.

Gather support.

The focus in our culture is on the birth of a baby. Little attention is given to the birth of a mother. If at all possible, surround yourself with supportive people and think about who you would like to have with you at the birth. "Birthing women need loving, reverent support, asserts psychologist and doula, Lauren Korfine. “as they do the hard work of surrendering the life they have known and crossing over into motherhood.”

Doulas offer emotional and physical support during labor and childbirth, as well as postpartum support. Studies show that the presence of a birth doula can result in shorter labors, less need for pain medication and intervention, and lower C-section rates. It also increases women’s birth satisfaction. In other words, birthing women without someone whose only job is to support them, are likely to have longer and more difficult births. Doulas of North American (DONA) is a good starting place and has the website has a link on how to find a doula near you. Visit: http://www.dona.org/ or call 1-888-788-DONA.

Read and Learn.

Although the number of pregnancy and childbirth books on the market seems to grow exponentially, here are four excellent choices:

• The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer

• A Good Birth, A Safe Birth by Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer.

• Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper.

• Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin.

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Naomi Wolf's newest book, Misconceptions, is a testament to her own experiences and prejudices about childbirth. Ms. Wolf shares her own culturally-learned fears about childbirth but fails to recognize that this is in response to 100 years of medical society propaganda. Although she has access to research and studies documenting the safety of homebirth and non-medical midwifery, she paints birth outside an institution as dangerous. She chose to give birth with obstetricians in high risk hospitals and had cesareans both times. I think the book could have been more aptly titled, "(Misrepresentations) My Pain Phobia and Justification for My Cesareans."

I heard about this book through discussions on the internet which praised it for setting the record straight about childbirth. After looking at the book myself, however, I have come to an entirely different conclusion. It is simply another book, written to justify the unwarranted use of medical intervention and sequelae, unnecessary cesareans, and excuse bad maternity care decisions. Instead of accurately depicting birthing choices in America, Ms. Wolf used this book as a vehicle to promote her own opinions and discredit traditional midwives, homebirth, full-time motherhood and ecological breastfeeding.

Ms. Wolf places great importance on the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting", as though this is some highly regarded research book or the childbirth Bible. Sadly this book is written to promote the medical model of care and justify the many interventions foisted upon women who choose to have hospital births. She carefully goes through the many routine hospital procedures and explains the many risks and few benefits of each, yet she apparently did not believe her own research.

Those who have fought for years to eradicate the meaningless term "lay midwife" will immediately recognize Ms. Wolf's superficial understanding of birth attendants. Her repeated use of this term is a clear indicator of her lack of research and knowledge of childbirth. I half expected to see the terms "redskin" or "nigger" pop up during discussion about minority statistics.

She writes as a fact, "homebirth is now as safe as hospital birth." Now as safe? It has always been at least as safe! An entire book, The Five Standards by David Stewart, gives thousands of studies and statistics which conclude that homebirth is safer than hospital birth.

I took great offense at her term, "Naturalists," (pages 182-186) to describe anyone who would dare to promote or give birth without high-technology. She explains that this option "has been presented as so rigid .with such extreme requirements of courage and faith. It was for that reason that my husband and I would not consider it as an option." I wonder, what research led her to this conclusion? Judging from many comments which salt her book, it would seem she is her own source of "factual" information.

Anyone who promoted birth without drugs is included in this Naturalist group and portrayed as romanticizing the birthing event. Ina May Gaskin, however, is somehow exempt from this group and given the title, "The Patron Saint." It is obvious that Ms. Wolf is in awe of Gaskin, yet wasn't converted by her to better educate herself and choose a less interventive childbirth. It is also apparent that Ms. Wolf did not read the original Spiritual Midwifery book. If she had, she would have learned that Ina May wasn't exactly "a self-taught, lay midwife" but that her earliest training had come from an obstetrician (who also provided medication and instruments) and a local physician who provided friendly back-up for years. She also would have learned that the Farm clinic included a physician.

It is curious that Ms. Wolf is intrigued by free-standing birth centers and offers them up as a perfect choice for women. She is somehow under the impression that pain-relieving drugs are readily available for those who give birth at these centers, yet her depiction of Elizabeth Seton indicates a transport to the hospital for those who wish an epidural. How this is an improvement over one's own home is a mystery to me. Perhaps it is her fascination with institutions? and her phobia about pain?

Complete Mother readers will find her descriptions of breastfeeding revolting: "become someone's addiction." And quoting Sarah Hardy, "once nursing begins, bondage is a perfectly good description for the ensuing chain of events (and) lives on a mammary leash." How sad she didn't bother to go to a Le Leche League meeting or meet someone who was content breastfeeding. We can only guess that she probably was bottle fed, and lacking the nurturing of being breastfed herself, is compensating by portraying breastfeeding in a dim light.

Her social programs which would improve the world basically abdicate parental responsibilities to the government. She wants paid extended maternity leave, tax deductions and benefits to relatives who come to help the new mothers, on-site day care and nurseries, lots of hospital support programs, hospital statistics disclosure, parentless playgrounds monitored by "young people" so "an active, thoughtful mother, father. (won't be) uncomfortable at the playground." Basically she wants the government to act as nanny so she can get her work done. "Work" being something far more important than caring for her children herself.

Save yourself a few hours of frustration wading through this tripe. Instead, make a pot of raspberry leaf tea, give the older kids a fun project to do, put your feet up and put baby to breast and read the books she ignored: The Five Standards, Under the Apple Tree, The American Way of Birth, Being Born, Birth at Home, Your Baby, Your Way, Special Delivery, Labor Pains, Silent Knife, Malpractice: How Doctors Manipulate Women, Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities, Gentle Birth Choices and back-issues of The Compleat Mother Magazine.

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A requirement of bed rest during pregnancy affects as many as one in five women. More than half a million expectant mothers each year are prescribed bed rest by their health care providers. Multiple pregnancies, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, vaginal bleeding, high blood pressure or premature labor are some of the medical conditions that put the baby's and/or mother's health at high risk.

There are some positive benefits of bed rest, some of which include a decrease in physical and emotional stress, lower blood pressure, a reduction in vaginal bleeding and a slowing down or stopping of premature contractions and more. Since every woman and pregnancy is different, so is her bed rest experience. While some women are required to spend their entire pregnancy in bed, others only require bed rest during their early pregnancy. If your health care provider recommends bed rest, get all the details and requirements of what you need to do for a healthy pregnancy. Mild health conditions probably will allow more flexibility than a severe condition that may require strict bed rest.

Be sure to ask questions so you know the severity of your condition and how much bed rest you need. You may want to ask your health care provider the following questions: Are you allowed to get out of bed for a shower and to use the bathroom? Can you prepare meals for yourself or for your family? Is there a particular position you should lie down in? Is sitting up allowed in a chair or on a couch? Will you be able to drive to appointments or other places? Is it safe to participate in sexual activity? Is it OK to pick up small children while sitting?

To help make the most of your bed rest experience, find out exactly what your limitations are and come up with a plan to manage it. Bed rest can be boring and frustrating. However, you can keep busy with a few activities to pass the time. Some activities you may want to try:

Reading - Whether you brush up on parenting skills or a romance novel, this is a great time to get lost in a book.

Scrapbook - This is a good time to catch up on scrap booking if you're behind. If you're caught up or have never scrap booked before, start a book or album for the new baby. If you don't have the right supplies, order online and have them shipped to you.

Baby Preparation - Order everything you need for your bundle of joy online. Compare prices, read product reviews, make lists and have an online baby shower.

Online Chat rooms - Other bed rest moms are out there to share ideas, stories, parenting skills and more. Make new friends while passing the time away.

Some other tips to help are:

- Have water, snacks and the TV remote close by.

- Keep a list of items you need for a family member to gather for you.

- Household tasks can be accomplished by creating a support group of family and friends. Neighbors and church members may also be willing to help.

- Keep books and magazines nearby.

- Always get dressed and keep up with daily hygiene routines.

- Write a journal about your experience.

Remember you are not only on bed rest for yourself but for your unborn baby as well. Focus on a healthy pregnancy and delivery. At the end of it all is the reward of a beautiful baby.

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One of the best things that you can do to minimize the swelling that you have on your legs, especially if you are pregnant, is to slip on a pair of maternity compression panty hose and other pieces of sports compression garments. Dealing with swollen legs and ankles is perhaps one of the worst things to do when you are carrying a baby, mainly because there is no sure fire solution to the condition. Most of the time, pregnant women go into bouts of depression when they can't even wear the shoes that they want. Fortunately, with the use of the right compression garments, you would no longer have to deal with this problem yourself.

Because the maternity compression panty hose will exert just the right amount of pressure on the different portion of the legs, there will also be a significant decrease in the level of discomfort that your swollen legs and ankles will cause you. This means that it will be much easier to maintain your desired level of comfort and mobility even if you are carrying your baby. With all the other considerations that you would have to tend to, it will be good to have one less thing to worry about.

Using different types of post op recovery garments also helps you minimize the risk of the different physical problems that usually comes with swollen legs and ankles. Most of the time, pregnant women experiences cases of varicose veins because of the additional amount of weight the legs have to carry. Putting an even amount of pressure throughout the legs minimizes the possibility of this problem and helps women do away with the various symptoms of the condition as well. You will be able to maintain the pleasing shape and form of your legs during the months of your pregnancy.

Maternity compression pantyhose and other types of post op body shapers are also available for very affordable prices in basically any clothing store. This means that you would not have to worry about getting your hands on the pieces that you need. Just make sure that you invest your money on good pieces that will be able to last you for as long as you will need them as well as help with your swollen legs and feet. It will also be a good idea to start buying other pieces of compression garments as well, for they will do you well when you begin to gain back your pre-pregnancy body after you give birth.

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Do you ever wonder WHERE you're going to gain your pregnancy weight - tummy, hips, thighs or arms?

Lately I've been getting a lot of emails asking how they can be one of those lucky pregnant women who only gain weight on their tummy. Good question!

And the answer (or should I say TRICK) lies in your BODY TYPE.

There are four basic body types for women and each typically carries weight as follows:

  • The "Apple" will carry the majority of her weight around her middle and upper body.

  • The "Pear" will carry her weight in her hips, bum, upper thighs, and upper arms.

  • The "Celery" will carry the majority of her weight in her tummy area.

  • The "Cauliflower" will carry her weight evenly throughout her body.

Generally (and I mean generally because this is NOT an exact science!), you will gain weight in the areas where you would normally carry your pre-pregnancy weight. For example, I am a Pear and I gained most of my weight in my tummy, but also some extra on my bum, hips and thighs!

So, now that you have a good idea of WHERE you're most likely to gain your weight, I'm sure your next question is HOW do you control it?

The worst thing you can do is diet, so put that out of your mind right away! What you need to do is learn to eat and exercise RIGHT for your body type.

That's right, a Pear should eat certain foods and concentrate on specific exercises. The same goes for the Apple.

So, if you can't diet - what's left to do?

1. Eat a well-balanced diet, including whole grains, good quality protein and lots of fresh vegetables;

2. Eat 3-6 mini-meals a day;

3. Avoid highly processed, sugary foods, like donuts and packaged cereals;

4. Keep active and do some kind of "activity" daily - please refer to my book to learn the difference between exercise and activity(Note: please make sure to check with your health care provider before you begin any kind of exercise program);

5. Get good quality sleep - when you're tired you're much more likely to choose fast, convenience foods, which are loaded with salt, fat and sugar; and

6. Manage your stress - it leads to emotional rather than physical eating and cause you to gain unnecessary weight!

All in all...

Know that shedding your pregnancy pounds after delivery does NOT have to be a struggle. Yes, you can look GREAT again, so put your fears aside. And make sure you work with (and not against) your body type - i.e. eat, exercise and dress for your body type (for more information please refer to my book).

Weight gain during pregnancy is a good thing, but you do want to avoid using pregnancy as an excuse to eat the house and then be sorry! I see this far too often with women who have difficulty with their weight, especially after baby arrives. So do yourself a favor and take care of yourself NOW!

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The word 'Doctor' is derived fro the Latin word "doccre" which means 'to teach' since the doctor has the function of instructing the patient and his relatives regarding treatment. Medicine, moreover, is a technique (an art or a craft of a special kind) with a broad philosophy.

The medical profession is supported by a plethora of scientific knowledge which is continuously growing. It is also guided by the norm of conduct termed "ethics". Ethics deal with the principles of morality., of right and wrong. Over the centuries, the Hippocratic Oath has been handed down from one to the next generation of practitioners of medical science. Though generally, the code of ethics has been attributed to Hippocrates, it is quite likely that in its present form it came into existence much later. The ethics have been laid down to be followed by the students and practitioners so as to command veneration from the public and to prevent misuse of the medical knowledge and exploitation of the society.

The nations of the world jointly pledged on September 12, 1979 at Alma-Ata that primary health care would be provided to everyone on this globe, wherever he may be, by 2000 AD. The eight important tasks identified on this occasion for achieving this objective were health education, food supply and nutrition, water and sanitation, maternity care, child-health and family planning, immunization, control and prevention of communicable diseases, basic curative are and provision of essential drugs. Some Asian and African countries such as India and Nigeria have already set up on this task of fulfilling the objectives of the Alma-Ata declaration.

The final diagnosis: The physician approaches the patient with the total picture of the patient in mind, and with the determination and skill of a detective to unravel the disease and its cause. While ascertaining the history and conducting the physical examination, an experienced observer forms an impression about the probable diagnosis and the immediate differential diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis should always be supported by by investigations. The purpose of investigations may be summarized as:

1. Confirmation of the clinical diagnosis, e.g, sputum for acid fast bacilli in tuberculosis or blood culture in typhoid fever.

2. assessment of the severity of affection or damage to organs (e.g, Liver function, renal function etc)

3. Assessment of prognosis (e.g, biopsy in malignancy)

4. Differentiation of the condition from closely resembling diseases (e.g, Liver biopsy in hematomegaly of rheumatoid factor in subacute arthritis e.t.c)

5. Planning the therapeutic modality; (e.g, determination of acetylator status to decide on the dose of INH therapy); and

6. Follow up of the treatment an to detect early recurrence.

While appropriate investigations are essential to establish the diagnosis and to institute therapy and follow up, the availability of different types of investigative procedures and the pver-dependence on them have led to unnecessary and sometimes even invasive, investigations which may jeopardize the patient's health and life.

In general, invasive procedures include biopsies of vital organs, catheterization of vital structures, angiography, contrast radiography, and endoscopies. These may cause temporary or permanent morbidity and even mortality in a smaller number. Hence the decision to employ them should be taken after evaluating the non-invasive methods and only if the risks involved are justifiable. Over-investigation should be avoided and this is possible only if the interrogation and physical examination are properly done. Moreover, results of the investigations should be interpreted in the light of the clinical findings, otherwise they may be misleading and may result in administering inappropriate therapy.

Recording of data is important and the method of recording has been considerably improved in recent years. The problem oriented medical record (POMR) is a generally accepted form which greatly helps data retrieval and also helps the physician to make decisions on the spot. Flow charts giving the design of management have been constructed for many of the common ailments. These help the physician to plan investigations and institute sequential therapy.

Computers are being increasingly used to help the physician in storing, coding and retrieving data and even to suggest therapeutic approaches in problem cases. Use of the computers is invaluable in organizations such as transplant associations, cancer registries, etc. Large volumes of properly prepared data can be fed into the computers which can be easily retrieved when required without the disadvantages of "human error" and "fatigue". Feeding and retrieval of the data using the computer are specialized processes and the reliability and efficiency of the computer depend to a large extent on the technical perfection achieved in its programming and operation.

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Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum) is one of the medicinal herbs of North America. The plant is a perennial woodland herb native to the eastern part of North America. Blue Cohosh is an oxytocic herb, meaning it mimics the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions. This herb is also a uterine tonic; it strengthens the uterine muscle like red raspberry.

Blue Cohosh was traditionally used by Native American women to ease their labor, because it is useful in helping the process of childbirth. The herb is often indicated if labor is progressing slowly, if the cervix is undilated and rigid, with feeble contractions, if the contractions are irregular or if there's weakness of the uterus during labor.

Some homeopathic doctors recommend regular consumption of Blue Cohosh daily during the last two or three weeks of pregnancy as a way to strengthen and prepare the woman for childbirth. Some other homeopaths feel that one should never routinely consume Blue Cohosh, but that each woman must be individually treated.

Blue Cohosh is among the medicinal herbs most frequently used by nurse-midwives to induce labor and is taken orally either as a liquid or capsule. Drawbacks include false labor, uncomfortable toning contractions, and a drop in blood pressure. Because Blue Cohosh could induce labor, it should never be taken in early pregnancy in any case because of the possibility that it might induce a miscarriage.

While almost no scientific study of Blue Cohosh has been conducted, side effects reported by midwives include excessively strong tetanic contractions or hyperstimulation of the uterus, which could lead to Cesarean section. Additionally, it has been reported twice in medical literature that use of Blue Cohosh was linked to heart problems in a newborn.

Like many potent herbs, Blue Cohosh is a potential poison. Thus, instead of self-care with potentially toxic herbs, seek the guidance of an experienced herbalist. Some herbalists are specialized in pregnancy care, while other medical practitioners could take an even harder line, saying that pregnant women should only use food herbs, not medicinal herbs. Recommending herbs for medicinal usage during pregnancy should be left to qualified herbalists and midwives.

Here are some qualifications to look for in an herbal practitioner:

Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner, licensed naturopathic doctor (N.D.) or an herbalist approved through the peer-review process of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG).

Professional associations: American Herb Association, P.O. Box 1673, Nevada City, CA 95959; American Herbalist Guild, 3051 Brown Lane, Soquel, CA 95073; American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, 2366 Eastlake Avenue, Suite 322, Seattle, WA 98102.

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Why swimming is good during pregnancy?

Swimming during pregnancy is one of the most relaxing and comfortable exercises that a pregnant woman can practice.

Swimming is a low-impact exercise and it is particularly suitable for pregnant woman.

During the third trimester, the potential conflict between the woman and the baby for glucose and blood flow is greatest. So swimming in a prone position (face-down) is excellent to promote optimal blood flow to the uterus.

Normally the core temperature of a woman does not rise so quickly when swimming, because heat loss by conduction is more efficient in water than air. Thus the baby gets an extra safeguard against overheating.

Pressure of the water encourages water loss, making swimming a particularly appealing option for pregnant women who tend to have edema.

During pregnancy there are changes in your cardiovascular and respiratory system. Cardiovascular system increases significantly in the late second and early third trimester. Swimming during pregnancy will help to regulate your cardiovascular system to avoid any cardiac complication.

Swimming increases muscle tone and strength, specially the back, abdomen and legs, which is important during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy care when swimming

Diving and jumping into a pool are not recommended, because of the risk of injury for you or your baby, particularly after the first trimester when the baby is no longer within the pelvis.

Try to swim in a pool where there are not many people. Although swimming is a softness exercise, you may be exposed that someone could hit you.

Make sure the pool is clean. Even if your baby is protected by the placenta, you may get an infection in your vagina.

If possible, consider swimming lessons with other pregnant moms. You will feel more relaxed and confident.

Tips for Swimming During the First Trimester

If you have the energy, swim for at least 20 minutes every other day for the greatest benefit. Swimming first thing in the morning may relieve morning sickness and fatigue

Tips for Swimming During the Second Trimester

You will not have to cut down on swimming as your body grows larger. You probably will need to adjust your schedule, but wearing a maternity swimsuit may be more comfortable as your belly expands. It may be difficult to find one, however, if it is off-season.

Tips for Swimming During the Thirds Trimester

The water will support your joints and ligaments as you swim, preventing injury. You will not get overheat when swimming. The breaststroke is particularly beneficial in the third trimester, because it lengthens the chest muscles and shortens the back muscles. These are two areas that typically become uneven as your body changes during pregnancy.

Use a snorkel to relive the pressure on your neck that is created when turning your head to breathe.

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Your health insurance needs are yet another aspect of life that will change once you discover you are having a baby. You may find yourself wondering where to find the best insurance for babies. Perhaps you are unsure whether your current health insurance is appropriate for a growing family. The guide below discusses what you need once you have a baby, and how to get the insurance for babies that work for their parents too.

Coverage Needs for Babies

Coverage that worked well when it was just you, or you and your spouse, may very prove insufficient when you factor in the new demands of pre-natal care, labor and delivery, the first two years of well-baby visits, and any complications that arise along the way. Maternity care and delivery coverage are two key issues to look into when deciding on health insurance for a growing family. Policies vary widely in terms of deductibles, co-payments and coverage. So spending a little extra time to find the best insurance for your situation can end up saving you a lot of money.

Preventative Care for Babies

Once the little bundle arrives, it's important to recognize that preventative care is the key to safeguarding the health of babies. It is crucial to make sure your insurance covers all the well-baby visits, vaccinations, and school physicals that your child will experience as he or she grows. Though we don't like to think about it, insurance for babies should include coverage for ambulance rides and emergency room visits as well.

Top Rated Providers for Family Coverage

When it comes to ensuring the healthiest possible environment for your baby, the best insurance is one that offers the most benefits for the whole family. In ranking the top commercial health insurance plans, the National Committee for Quality Assurance offers a good starting place to assess the best plan for your family.

In 2009, the top five contenders were:

One- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HMO/POS), Massachusetts and Maine

Two- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England (HMO/POS), New Hampshire

Three- Tufts Associated Health Maintenance Organization (HMO/POS), Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island

Four- Grand Valley Health Plan (HMO), Michigan

Five- Capital Health Plan (HMO), Florida

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For some reason or the other, a woman by herself or a couple may decide to go in for a medical termination of pregnancy. An abortion induces physical stress on the body. A woman needs time to recover and recuperate from this situation before she can consider having a baby. Following a few simple guidelines ensures safe pregnancy after an abortion.

Resting and Recuperating After An Abortion:

When a woman conceives there are pregnancy hormones circulating in her body. After an abortion, these remain present and it might take anything from 6 months to two years for the woman's body to return to a stable hormonal state. Her periods may vary, the amount of bleeding may vary and other symptoms persist until the woman becomes normal. It is advisable for a woman to have a check up to ensure that she is recuperating well and there are no abnormalities before she considers conception. Until she does return to a mentally and physically normal state of health, it is always wise to have safe sex as conception close to an abortion may pose problems.

Medical Exam After Abortion and Before Pregnancy:

If a woman is thinking of becoming pregnant again after an abortion, she should first have a thorough medical examination to ensure that she is healing perfectly, the cervix has closed and there are no infections in her uterus or vagina. If there are some tissues still left after the abortion, she may need D&C.

Safeguard health and revive physically:

After an abortion, she should preferably take some basic steps to safeguard her health. These steps include a healthy, nutritious diet with plenty of rest, relaxation and sleep. She would have to take antibiotics as prescribed by her doctor for the prescribed period. After an abortion, a woman should not engage in swimming or any strenuous activity like lifting weights. Avoid inserting tampons or use of a douche. Since ovulation can occur two weeks after abortion, she can become pregnant so it is best to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least a month to two until healing is complete and even then engage only in safe or alternative sex. If a woman has had an abortion after 8 or 9 weeks of conception, she may begin lactating but this phase will eventually pass so there is nothing to be unduly concerned about. A close fit bra helps. Take care to avoid infections.

Try again and conceive happily:

Once recovery is complete in all respects the couple can safely decide to have a baby. A doctor can advise when it is safe. When a woman wants to conceive, a healthy and nutritious diet along with vitamins, folic acid and supplements is necessary. She should also refrain from smoking and drinking and should reduce the intake of caffeinated drinks. Light to moderate physical exercises revitalize not only muscle tissues but also internal organs. She can resume normal and frequent intercourse using positions that are more conducive for conception. A break in between can be beneficial in the man being able to increase his sperm count and therefore the chances of impregnation.

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The recessionary pressures recently experienced have the potential to create a long tail effect on unemployment. While most western economies are returning to some sense of normality, the outlook for unemployment takes some time to react positively. The gradual ascent from the effects of the recession means that many industries are struggling to retain the employment levels to pre-recession levels. However, medicine and healthcare is an exception to the rule, the demand for healthcare services can actually increase as a result of reduced incomes and increased levels of stress. As a result, the demand for medical staff is consistent through the various economic cycles, providing a stable platform for career stability and growth. One such position that is consistently in high demand is midwifery.

Medical policy throughout the United Kingdom is committed to the delivery of high quality and accessible maternity care, which is focused around the needs of the woman and the family. Demographic changes and structural changes in the population have resulted in a different profile of women accessing maternity services. Divergent family structures and increasing population growth through active immigration policies has resulted in increasing demand for maternity services and a resultant increase in the number of midwifery vacancies. Furthermore, a notable increase in teenage pregnancies and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds has resulted in those from disadvantaged backgrounds experiencing inferior pregnancy outcomes. The dedication for positive outcomes for all pregnant woman by the United Kingdom agencies charged with the responsibility of social and medical healthcare has again, resulted in an increased demand by both public and private healthcare institutions, for qualified, experienced and trainee midwives.

As in all countries, the demand for health care services relates to trends in growth and proportion of the population. When assessing the current and future requirements for midwifery vacancies, it is important to balance the needs of the population with the age and skill profile of the current stock of qualified and experienced midwives. One critical issue to consider is how the population projections and demographic profile will affect the numbers of midwives available. Furthermore, it is vital to assess the demands of midwives based on these population projections.

As in all modern societies, the United Kingdom is experiencing rapid population change which will result in a continued demand for midwifery vacancies. To secure a rewarding career which provides job satisfaction and security, consider a move to fulfil one of the many midwifery vacancies available throughout the UK.

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How long can you afford to take a 40% pay cut or more? If you are planning a pregnancy and work in Rhode Island this is a very important question to address before getting pregnant. Why? Because many pregnancies encounter complications before and/or after delivery, meaning you may miss more than the standard six to eight weeks for a normal maternity leave. Rhode Island is one of only five states with a mandated state disability insurance program that covers your pregnancy and maternity leave. But it leaves many with a false sense of security. Increase your Rhode Island maternity leave pay by purchasing supplemental short term disability insurance before getting pregnant.

Rhode Island Maternity Leave

Rhode Island is one of only five states with mandated short term disability insurance for people who work in the state. The state disability program replaces "4.62% of the wages paid to you in the highest quarter of your base period." Put in order words, about 60% income replacement. There is also a weekly cap of $694 per week. A woman earning $60,146 per year or more will hit the cap, meaning the pay cut with be higher than 40%.

How Much Work Will You Miss?

The standard maternity leave is six weeks for a vaginal birth and eight weeks for a c-section delivery. While not ideal, a 60% income replacement is very nice to have. But consider that 25% of pregnancies encounter complications, often requiring mom to miss work before her delivery. Also a significant percentage of women encounter postpartum disorders that translate into additional time away from work. Biological disorders such as post operative infections will be covered by the Rhode Island Temporary Disability Insurance. But a more common malady, postpartum depression, is not because it is not biologically based.

Also, 12% of babies are born premature and may spend significant time in the neonatal intensive care unit. After being discharged from the hospital these babies often require extended care at home from mom; meaning even more time away from the job. But in this case, because baby is sick and not mom, the Rhode Island disability program will not pay any benefits. Unlike other states with mandated disability, Rhode Island does not yet have paid family leave benefits.

Make Pregnancy and Maternity More Affordable

When you consider all the circumstances noted above, there are many holes in the Rhode Island program. Its better than 45 other states with no coverage at all, but by no means is the coverage comprehensive. Consider purchasing supplemental short term disability insurance before getting pregnant to fill some of the holes noted above. When purchased preconception, supplemental short term disability insurance can help you increase maternity leave income. Your benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium you pay. Plus, you are covered for pregnancy complications, delivery complications, accidents and illnesses.

Use the additional maternity leave income to offset you many other new expenses associated with your healthy new baby. But most importantly, rest assured that the extra income will be needed in case you miss additional time from work for pregnancy complications, delivery complications, postpartum depression, or to take care of a sick or prematurely born infant.

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One of the reasons that there is quite a low perinatal mortality rate in the USA and Europe is the prenatal care (or antental care) given to the expectant mother, and the specialist help supplied, by the following people:

• Family doctor (GP) The family doctor is usually the first person to be consulted if a woman thinks she is pregnant. It is quite possible that the doctor will be part of a group practice at a health centre. He or she may be a GPO (general practitioner obstetrician), i.e., a family doctor who specialises in care of pregnant women and children. Some GPs run their own antenatal clinics; otherwise they may refer the expectant mother to a hospital or local antenatal clinic. In any case the doctor will give general care and advice during the pregnancy.

• Health visitor The health visitor is a RGN (registered general nurse) with at least three months' midwifery experience who has attended a one-year technical college course. She or he does in fact look after the whole community, and is usually attached to a health centre, a general practice or a local welfare clinic. She or he may also work as a district nurse, providing nursing at home for people who need it. The health visitor may run the antenatal clinic and the child welfare clinic, and usually gets to know families very well.

• Community midwife The midwife is a RGN who has taken the added qualification of SCM (state certified midwife). She or he is qualified to look after the expectant mother, to deliver the baby either at home or in hospital, to give drugs if needed, and to care for mother and baby when they leave hospital. If the midwife is at all anxious, or any problems arise, she or he will?always call in a specialist. The midwife is in charge of the care of mother and child until ten days after the delivery, when the responsibility becomes that 14 of the health visitor.

?• Obstetrician The obstetrician is a doctor who specialises in looking after women during pregnancy (the prenatal care stage) and birth. The expectant mother will receive a check-up from the obstetrician when her pregnancy is confirmed, and she will be examined at intervals throughout and at the end of her pregnancy to make sure there are no complications. The obstetrician will make the necessary decisions if any difficulties arise, such as the need for a Caesarean section 104). A midwife or doctor carrying out a home delivery can call upon emergency services if there is any difficulty.

• Gynaecologist The same doctor may be both a consultant obstetrician and a gynaecologist. The gynaecologist co-operates closely with the obstetrician, as he or she is qualified and specialises in the treatment of women's diseases and reproductive disorders.

• Paediatrician The paediatrician specialises in the treatment of children up to their early teens. He or she may be attached to a maternity unit and will examine the newborn babies for defects. The paediatrician also acts in a consultant capacity in child health centres, hospitals, schools, etc.

• Neonatologist The neonatologist is a doctor who specialises in the care of the newborn baby and is usually a paediatrician.

• Social worker The expectant mother may have problems which are not simply medical, such as finance, housing, a broken marriage, or psychological problems. In this case she can discuss her problems with a social worker; sometimes there is one attached to the health centre.

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