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During childbirth, the delivery may not always go as smoothly as hoped. A mother can be injured during delivery when a birth accident occurs. Luckily there is a way to protect your income during this time so you can focus on your recovery without the worry. And best of all it comes with a built in incentive to apply before getting pregnant: maternity leave income for your normal delivery.

The main birth injuries and disorders that might affect you include:

  • Postpartum hemorrhage - excessive bleeding after delivery that is difficult to stem

  • Uterine inversion - when the placenta does not detach completely after delivery

  • Uterine rupture - when the uterus ruptures during labor

  • Vaginal tears and lacerations - tears in the vagina or cervix

  • Postpartum infections - when wounds from tearing or c-section surgery become infected

Many working women are concerned about what might happen if they experience delivery complications and need to extend their maternity leave longer than projected. Saving up for maternity leave is difficult enough, without the extra burden of unplanned time away from the job. Plus, if you are injured during delivery, or develop a postpartum disorder, you may not be healthy enough to care for yourself. This may mean additional costs for in-home care.

Think about the consequences to you and your family if you experienced one or more of these conditions during your delivery. Could you afford the extended time away from work? Would you be able to cover the extra expense of a nurse's aide or other in home care provider?

Short Term Disability Insurance is a great way to protect your income in case delivery complications cause you to miss more than the standard six weeks of work for normal delivery. It replaces up to 2/3 of your income during the time you are unable to work for your expected and planned maternity leave. Plus, benefits may continue to be paid if your delivery complications require you to extend your maternity leave due to a medical reason.

Incentives to Protect your Income

Short Term Disability Insurance not only protects your income in case of delivery complications, it gives you an incentive to do so - it pays benefits for your normal labor and delivery - a planned event. Act at the right time, before getting pregnant, and make the policy work for you.

Pregnancy is a pre-existing condition and will not be covered if you apply for coverage after you are already pregnant. Your policy must begin before getting pregnant in order to be eligible for these benefits.

Short term disability covers a normal vaginal delivery for six weeks, and a normal c-section delivery for eight weeks. Your benefit for a normal c-section delivery may greatly exceed the premium you pay over the course of twelve months, helping you to create maternity leave income.

Example of Maternity Leave Income

Suppose you apply for short term disability insurance three months before getting pregnant. Your pregnancy goes full term, and you deliver twelve months after the policy effective date by c-section. Your benefit for normal delivery may be three times the premium you paid over the first twelve months. Use this money to fund your maternity leave.

The very same policy also pays benefits for delivery complications. So if you needed to miss additional work after delivery, you have the extra security of your short term disability policy. This is how you can you can protect your income from delivery complications, and take advantage of the built in incentive: maternity leave pay for your normal labor and delivery.

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The Hellenic Republic consists of over eleven million residents with a little over five percent are immigrants. With a low population growth and death rates also low, this makes the median age quite high among the European countries. There are many health related issues with immigrants and tourists. These include diarrhea, cholera, E.Coli diarrhea, hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever and a whole host of issues from bacteria, parasites and other viruses. With temperatures that reach the forties in the Celsius scale, the system of health care in Greece thus becomes an issue when in the country.

There have been many moves designed to improve the system of health care in Greece. This despite the fact that the country has been chosen as among the best systems in the world by the World Health Organization. The system of health care in Greece is a mix of both social insurance working with the Greek National Health System. This homogeny makes the overall cost of health care in Greece amongst the lowest in the European Union. The allocation of the government for health care is also low, with general focus of the disbursement of the funds in public hospitals in the highly urbanized areas of the country. The disparity of health care in the urban and rural areas create the perception of low quality, despite the modernity of the public hospital facilities in the cities.

The European Union has made inroads in upgrading the current system in Greece, through aid programs for the establishment of hospitals, creation of mobile medical facilities, improvement of emergency care systems and the use of cutting edge medical equipment not only in the urban hospitals but also in the rural hospitals. The National Health System also provides health care services at free or low cost for those individuals contributing to the social security system. The free services include free laboratory services, maternity care, installation of life saving devices and transportation for the sick and infirm. For European Union citizens visiting the country, they can also avail of these menu of services with their registration using a E111 form.

Specialists in the system of health care in Greece can be consulted directly but many experience long lines to avail of their expertise in public hospitals. Patients can go instead to private specialists and reimburse 85% of the cost from the Idrima Kinonikon Asfalisseon, the Greek National Health Care System oversight body. As for dental and eye procedures, these are free under the system. Non-essential medication and health accessories though are charged for their full cost.

Emergencies are provided free regardless of nationality or coverage. Many public hospitals have smaller outpatient clinics to assuage the congestion in the main hospitals. These also provide specific and quicker medical care than the larger facilities. As for European Union citizens, the E106 can be the lifeline for an individual while in the Greek isles. As for retirees, the Greek system allows for full benefit of state health benefits while receiving their pensions from their home country social security system.

The system of health care in Greece receives high marks for its quality while the quantity of services leaves much room for improvement. As advised in the Expat Forum, you need to understand that "expatriates who are working in Greece and pay regular contribution to social security may be entitled to full or subsidized health care benefits. In such cases, private health insurance can cover the portion of the bill that cannot be covered by the government."

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Developing stretch marks is almost inevitable during pregnancy. Actually, about 90% of pregnant females get them. Nevertheless, there are tips and tricks you can learn to prevent stretch marks.

An easy way to explain what stretch marks are, is that they are depressed streaks or tears in the skin that form due to rapid expansion during a short period of time. The elastic tissue beneath your skin breaks, which is essentially why we get stretch marks.

Avoid Before they Form

As soon as you get pregnant, you'll quit the bad habits of smoking, drinking and doing anything else that can harm your baby. What most don't know is that your skin care routine can be quite harmful too. It's essential to quit using products that contain chemical ingredients. The side effects of chemical ingredients aren't 100% known, but there are some that have been proven to cause birth defects. Keep to natural skin care products to avoid any awful side effects for both you and your unborn child.

Eating healthy isn't just good for you, but also for your baby. It's also one of the most important tactics to prevent stretch marks. Have a balanced diet of wholesome foods. This will lead to a healthy skin and bodily functions. Keep in mind that over-eating isn't good for you; it will only cause rapid weight gain which can lead to the development tears in the skin.

Start adding vitamins to your daily habits. This can improve your overall health and skin flexibility and hydration. Improving these help to avoid overstretching and remember that the healthier you are, the healthier your baby will be.

Exercising is also a really good advice. This will prevent rapid weight gain that can otherwise lead to stretch marks. Talk to your doctor and ask which exercises you can do without harming your baby. But don't overdo it, if you feel dizzy or other symptoms, stop exercising immediately.

Moisturizing is also a good tip. Use a natural skin care cream since creams that contain chemicals aren't the best choice for you during pregnancy. Do it at least twice a day to keep your skin moisturized and flexible.

Some areas like your stomach, sides, hips, upper legs, breasts and buttocks are at high-risk areas of developing marks. A great way to avoid is to massage the high-risk areas. Massaging is a natural and healthy way to prevent the skin from tearing.

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What is marijuana? Marijuana, also called pot, weed, or cannabis, is a recreational drug that comes from the hemp plant. Parts of the plant are dried and smoked in pipes or cigarettes (joints) or less commonly eaten. It is an illegal substance in the United States, except in some states that allow marijuana use by prescription for medical purposes.

How much is known about the effects of marijuana on a pregnancy?

Marijuana contains about 400 different chemicals and some marijuana cigarettes may contain other drugs or pesticides. It is very difficult to study the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy because some women who use marijuana may also use alcohol, tobacco, or other substances at the same time. They may also have other factors that can increase pregnancy complications, such as lack of prenatal care. In addition, accurate information on the amount, frequency, and timing of marijuana use is not usually available for study participants. These factors may help explain why we see inconsistent findings in the studies that have been published.

I am trying to become pregnant. Will marijuana use by myself or my partner lower my chance of becoming pregnant?

In women, long-term use of marijuana may affect the menstrual cycle and lead to a reduction in hormones involved in reproduction and fertility. In men, an association with reduced sperm count has been documented. These effects do not appear to totally prevent pregnancy, but may lower the chances. The effects on fertility appear to be reversible when marijuana is discontinued.

Will smoking or ingesting marijuana cause birth defects in my baby?

The frequency of birth defects was not higher than expected in the babies of 1246 women who reported smoking marijuana during pregnancy. However, most of the women in the study smoked only "occasionally." While this data is reassuring, in the absence of studies where women smoked more heavily, it is best to avoid marijuana during pregnancy

Can marijuana harm the baby in any other way?

The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is known to cross the placenta during pregnancy. This means it gets into the baby's system, although how THC may impact a developing baby is unclear. Some studies have suggested that for women who smoke marijuana cigarettes regularly, there is an increased risk for premature births and low birth weight, similar to what is seen with cigarette smoking. Premature and low birthweight babies have higher rates of infant deaths, learning problems or other disabilities.

If I smoke marijuana in the third trimester, can it cause my baby to go through withdrawal after birth?

Some newborns exposed to marijuana have been reported to have temporary withdrawal-like symptoms, such as increased tremors and crying.

Can my marijuana smoking affect the brain development of the baby?

Differences in brain activity, behavior, and sleeping patterns of infants and children exposed to marijuana in pregnancy have been reported in some studies. It is believed that these children may have more problems with attention, impulsive behavior, and academic performance. However, the evidence is far from conclusive as many of the studies reportconflicting results.

What happens if I use marijuana when I'm breast-feeding?

Marijuana can be passed to infants through their mother's breast milk. Marijuana may also affect the quality and quantity of breast milk. Although no consistent effects have been noticed in infants exposed to marijuana through breast milk, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that breastfeeding mothers avoid the use of marijuana.

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While costs for medical care continues to rise, there's still a way to get affordable individual health insurance. Here's how to find the lowest cost health insurance plan.

Individual Health Insurance

If you're self employed or your employer does not offer health insurance, you may have to purchase your own health insurance. Although individual insurance plans cost more than group plans, there are still some ways to find affordable individual health care.

Individuals and groups alike need to select the most affordable health plans they can find. That's what makes a managed health care plan the plan of choice. Managed care plans work by providing medical health care through a network of doctors and hospitals. An HMO is the least expensive of the managed health insurance plans.

As a member of an (HMO) health maintenance organization, you are provided with medical coverage including doctors' visits, hospital stays, surgery, emergency care, x-rays, lab tests, and therapy. Usually, the doctors and hospitals you use must be in the network.

Depending on your needs you may want to include coverage for items such as maternity care, prescriptions, and vision care. Managed care plans can vary quite a bit from insurance company to insurance company so look at each plan carefully before deciding on which one to purchase.

Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quotes

One of the best ways to get affordable health insurance quotes is to go to a free insurance quote website. There you can get competitive quotes from up to 5 health insurance providers so you can compare plans and prices. After you have your quotes, you need to look closely at the policies and decide which one is the best for you.

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Pregnancy period is considered to be one of the most beautiful times in the entire life of a woman. This time period is full of immeasurable happiness, joy and contentment. However, the situation might turn out to be completely different in case of the unwanted pregnancy. The unwanted pregnancy can cause a great deal of emotional turmoil to the would-be mother, and often ends up in going out-of-the-way and having abortion. In case you are also going through a similar phase and want to terminate your pregnancy, then having an abortion done is probably the best idea. It is completely a private decision on the part of a woman and this is the reason why choosing an ideal abortion clinic becomes very important.

Choosing an abortion clinic can be quite a tricky task. The health center should not only be able to provide impeccable pregnancy services, but should also have an upper hand in taking extra care of the patients. One of the most important things that you need to do is to stay informed and up to date regarding the related practices. You should look out for the required information in order to avoid any inconvenience in the future. Since non-surgical methods are considered to be the best alternatives, you should look out for the clinics providing the best services. You should take some extra pain in spotting out the best abortion clinic that can provide you professional help in this regard.

Selecting a well reputed clinic becomes quite crucial as far as abortion is considered. If done in an improper manner or at a fatal stage, abortion can result in some serious consequences. Therefore, you must look for the health center with well experienced and educated physicians that can take good care of your health and carry on the abortion procedures in the best possible manner. It is quite an emotional decision and thus should be taken after comprehensive consideration. You can also take the help and advice of your near and dear ones in this regard.

Internet can prove to be one of the best places to find an ideal abortion clinic in your locality. You just need to enter the required details and the search results will appear instantaneously. You should not finalize the name of the clinic that very instant. Getting some remarks and testimonials from the previous patients can help a lot in making a final decision. You can have a word with the other women regarding the experience of abortion at the particular clinic. This will surely help in gaining some emotional support from the previous patients and will make the procedures easy for you.

So, these are a few important points that you need to consider while selecting an ideal abortion clinic to terminate your pregnancy. These points are quite comprehensive in every possible sense and you just need to consider them in order to make a wise selection. For detailed information, it is always better to consult a professional in this field. Taking the help of family members and the ones you trust the most is also considered to be the best option at this point of time.

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If you keep up with the maternity style of famous celebrities, you've probably seen lots of them wearing pregnancy fashion that doesn't look any different from normal clothing. It's the latest fashion trend for celebrities from Jessica Simpson to Snooki of the Jersey Shore. But are you comfortable wearing skintight dresses, leggings and tube tops as your baby bump grows bigger and bigger? Or should you go the more traditional route and opt for loose layers and breezy fabrics when you step out of the house? This guide will help you decide.

Your Personal Fashion Style

How you define your personal fashion style when you're not pregnant has a big bearing on what you should wear when you are sporting a baby bump. Are you usually at the forefront of every fashion trend, sporting new looks as soon as they hit the runway? Do you like to show off your curves? Are you unafraid of being the only one in your office who shows up for work sporting a hat, textured tights and riding boots?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you are a good candidate for wearing tight clothing that shows off your pregnant figure, ala Jessica Simpson. The trick to making it work is being comfortable in your own skin and flaunting your baby bump rather than trying to minimize it. A long or short jersey dress paired with big earrings and a bright, skinny scarf is a great look for casual events or days spent shopping. Just don't follow in the footsteps of Beyonce, who was often seen sporting high heels along with her tight dresses during pregnancy; your sense of balance is off while pregnant and you could take a nasty fall. A pair of low, strappy sandals are fashionable while providing a safe addition to your pregnancy style.

Health Concerns

Another consideration when deciding what style of maternity clothing to wear is your health. Do you need extra support due to a bad back? Are you "balance challenged" on a normal day, let alone one when you're carrying an extra twenty or so pounds of baby weight? Are you prone to sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome or slumped shoulders from bad posture?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you'll need the added support and comfort of undergarments specifically designed for the mom-to-be. A maternity body shaper doesn't mean you can't wear tight, clingy fabrics, but it does add an extra layer that needs to be taken into consideration. You may also want to augment your body shaper with a pair of compression gloves or stockings to minimize swelling in your hands and feet.

In this instance, your maternity style might benefit from opting for gauzy materials and longer hem lines. Instead of spaghetti straps and Lycra, try cap sleeves and cool, comfy cotton.

Just because you're expecting a baby doesn't mean you can't look fashionable and stylish. Whether you follow the celebrity style trend of wearing tight clothing or opt for more practical, looser fitting apparel, you can always look great and enjoy support from an undergarment specially designed to for the mom-to-be. Take care of yourself first and enjoy the best health possible in order to look beautiful while expecting.

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There are a good number of events in human life that are known to give unmatched pleasure to the people. Getting conceived is one of those joyful moments that a woman cherishes for her entire life. The decision of getting pregnant solely rests upon the loving partners and no one can enforce it on a woman. The happiness and contentment that a woman experiences after getting pregnant is unexplainable. However, the situation is completely opposite when the pregnancy is unplanned. It may be due to unprotected intercourse or some other unforeseen circumstances that a woman may get conceived. During this point of time, the lady is not prepared to take the responsibility of upbringing a child and thus, visiting an abortion clinic for terminating the pregnancy appears to be the best solution for the mental trauma.

Abortion is a medical procedure for terminating the pregnancy in a safe and secure manner. There are several kinds of abortion procedures that a surgeon can perform. The choice mainly depends upon the stage of pregnancy and the condition of the would-be mother. It is not at all easy for a lady to abort a child and can involve a great deal of mental stress and other complications. At such point of time, discussing each and everything with the surgeon can help in relieving the tension. It also clarifies a good number of doubts and helps in better understanding of the entire procedure. Here are certain points that you must surely include in your discussion process before undergoing a surgery.

1. Which Procedure Will Be Followed?

This is one of the most basic questions that need an answer before undergoing pregnancy termination. The procedures are mainly selected after judging the current state of pregnancy of a woman. The doctor will perform certain tests and check up and will let you know the suitable procedure.

2. Will There Be Any Kind Of Complications?

This is probably one of the most common questions that arise in the mind of women. They are quite apprehensive about any kind of post surgery complications. The physicians will be able to guide you in the right direction and will explain all possible situations to you. If there are chances of any kind of complications to arise in future, the surgeons will let you know after seeing the results of tests and examinations conducted.

3. Post Surgery Health Care And Medical Bills

This is yet another point that demands complete answers well before getting operated. What are the kinds of services that will be offered in the post surgery period? Will these services be free of cost or paid? Does the patient requires visiting the medical center frequently or will be done at home? How long will the patient stay in hospital after surgery? Apart from these, the medical expenses should be known before undergoing the surgery. If you have any kind of insurance cover, then you might have a word with the surgeon and insurance company regarding the benefits of same.

So, these are some main discussion points that you need to keep before the surgeon while choosing an ideal abortion clinic.

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Double the Trouble. No one in my family had twins, so as you can image it was a big shock when I found out I had two babies growing in me at the same time. Remembering the day the doctor told us always brings a smile to my face. As he was doing the usual ultrasound during my 3rd month, he says in a calm voice. "Here is the baby's heart", then moving to another location, "and here is the other baby's heart." Just as I did then, I still stop breathing for a minute. Although extremely excited I was also very scared. I didn't know what to expect of the pregnancy, delivery, and oh my gosh how was I going to take care of two babies?

No one can truly prepare you for twins but I am going to try to help some.

Double the Symptoms.

You are probably wondering what pregnancy symptoms you will have. The majority of twin moms had the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy, just multiplied.

Double the Nausea. As I, many women experience increased nausea and vomiting, referred to as morning sickness. If you have severe vomiting and can't keep any liquids down for over 48 hours you should contact your doctor. They may want to hook you up to an IV to keep you hydrated. Lack of hydration can lead to pre-term labor.

Double the Size. Maybe not exactly double but definitely bigger. One sure symptom for a twin pregnancy is a bigger belly. Expect to gain is about 1 pound per week, or about 40 pounds for a full twin pregnancy. Weight gain for a single pregnancy is normally 25 pounds. You may want to eat especially healthy when carrying twins. You don't want to get too big. Too much weight can push you into pre-term labor. Many women complain that the sleepless nights were multiplied to what at the time felt like a million times. Since your stomach will grow significantly larger than a normal pregnancy you can expect to be pretty uncomfortable.

Double the Movements. Yes, you can expect more movement. Many women pregnant with twins experience more movement than normal. You may feel a kick at the top of your stomach and at the same time as one in your back. My four year old and I used to love to lay on my back and just watch them move. "It's an earthquake in your tummy" he would say. It is normal for the movement to slow down later in your pregnancy since there won't be much room for them to move. I highly suggest watching a movie on twin development in the womb. It is truly amazing to watch them interact. Also consider getting a 3d ultrasound video done.

Double the Ultrasounds. One of my personal favorites. Ultrasounds are used more often in twin pregnancy to watch out for potential problems. An early ultrasound with twins is needed to establish the due date and to see if they are developing in separate amniotic sacs. If they share the same sac there are more risk and complications. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence with twins, only about 1% of all twins. Ultrasound is an excellent way to comparing the sizes of the twins. One baby may be slightly larger but hopeful not too much. Sometimes one baby will steal from the other.

Double the Complications. Twin pregnancies are at a much higher risk of premature labor. They are also at risk for low birth weight, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, toxemia of pregnancy, and complications of delivery.

Premature Labor. Premature is anything less than 37 weeks completed. Over 60% of all twins will deliver prematurely. Most of these premature deliveries occur after 34 weeks, in which case the overall long-term risks to the babies are quite rare. Deliveries before 34 weeks, especially those before 32 weeks, can result in low birth weight, and increased risks of permanent disabilities such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, hearing or vision problems. The best timing for delivery of twins is earlier than the actual due date. Keeping them in until the due date may result in larger babies, but also further increases the risks of placental complications, labor-related complications, and delivery -related complications. The ideal timing for delivery of twins is from 37 1/2 to 38 weeks pregnancy.

Signs of premature labor include: cramps, contractions, and menstrual pains, increasing pelvic or vaginal pressure, increasing low back pain, heavy vaginal discharge, vaginal spotting or bleeding, rectal pressure. If you experience any of these signs you should contact your doctor. Better safe than sorry.

Double the Delivery. The likelihood of you having a vaginal delivery with your twins is about 50%. In order for your doctor to consider a vaginal delivery both babies need to be head down; both should weigh more than 4-5 pounds and be more than 35-36 weeks gestation. They should be similar in size with no evidence of growth problems. No other pregnancy complications should be present such as high blood pressure or low placenta. Twin deliveries usually occur in an operating room with personnel standing by prepared at any moment for an emergency cesarean section. Twins born from cesarean section are usually both about 1 minute apart. Many consider cesarean section to be a better option for twin births since if complication arrives they are better prepared. This is however something you should talk about with your doctor.

I experienced toxemia, often referred to as preeclampsia, which led me to an emergency cesarean section. I was scared out of my mind but when all was said and done they wheeled me down to the operating room at 34 weeks. 5 minutes after the epidural was given, my baby boys were born. Everyone's experience is different. Just be sure to find a doctor you trust and who will keep you as informed as possible.

Double the Questions. Get prepared now. Everyone is going to want to know are they?

Fraternal Twins. Fraternal twins occur when a women ovulates more than one egg a month. Two babies are born of the same pregnancy that was fertilized by two separate eggs and two separate sperm. Fraternal twins may be of the same or opposite sex and will differ genetically as well as in appearance. Fraternal twins resemble each other the same as any other sibling. Two-thirds of twins are fraternal.

Identical Twins. Identical twins medically occur when an ovum splits during early embryonic development, resulting in two offspring of the same pregnancy. Identical twins are always of the same sex, have the same genetic makeup, possess identical blood groups and will resemble each other physically. Only one-third of all twins are identical.

Do twins run in your families? When having twins, parents often find themselves subject to questions regarding genetics and the birth of their twins. The twins that run in families are fraternal twins. Since releasing more than one egg during ovulation is a trait that tends to run in families. Identical twins come from the same egg and do not run in families. There is no concrete link between a genetic inheritance and identical twins, as no one knows when or why certain eggs will split to cause twins while others do not.

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If you are a woman who is pregnant, you need to know what you can do to protect your child and your own body from harm. Being pregnant means that you automatically have to start living differently in many different aspects, including what you eat, drink, and certain activities that are important to avoid. If you really want to make sure that you and your child are sheltered from harm, carefully review the information listed below.

1. One important thing for any pregnant woman to remember is that the food that goes in your body on a regular basis will have a profound effect on you and your baby. The healthier you eat, the better your chances will be of birthing a healthy baby boy or girl. Make sure to get plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and wholegrain foods into your meals. This will keep things like morning sickness to a minimum. Pregnant women often get the urge to eat strange combinations of foods that might not be good for them, but try to resist at all costs.

2. Another important thing to consider is that the less you are out in the sun, the better. Even women who aren't pregnant are more likely than men to get skin cancer from being in the sun too much or a tanning bed, so avoid both of these as much as possible. If you must go outside on a sunny day for a prolonged period of time, always make sure that you wear the proper amount of sunblock on your skin.

3. Finally, it is important to just take it easy. The more you relax and rest at home, the better the entire process will be for you and your unborn child. Pregnant women who are 5 or 6 months into their pregnancy are often cautioned to take it easy as much as possible, because stress can have a very negative effect on both of your bodies.

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Health insurance is one of the most important purchases you will make in your life. It rates up there with buying a home and paying for your child's college. Medical insurance is an important financial tool that can protect you from trouble in the event you begin experience major health problems. There are a number of plans available which makes choosing the right plan a challenge. Two of your choices worth considering are major medical insurance and catastrophic insurance. Each of these plans provides you with benefits in different ways and at different prices points. Here is some information about each to help you decide which one is best for you.

Major medical insurance is the most common type of insurance on the market. It provides coverage for the widest range of medical services possible. Typical services covered include hospital room and board, surgeries, doctor's visits, nursing services, anesthesia, outpatient services, ambulance service, lab tests, x-rays, medication, blood transfusions, home health care, casts and splints, and medical equipment rentals. This type of insurance covers you whether you have the common cold or need extensive medical care to help you improve. For this coverage, though, you will be paying a good amount of money for your insurance premiums.

Catastrophic insurance, on the other hand, is much less expensive than major medical insurance. This may be due to the fact that it is a somewhat limited health plan that requires you to pay a high deductible before the benefits will kick in. Typically, catastrophic insurance will cover hospital visits, diagnostic and lab tests, surgery, and a few other medical services. Mental health and maternity care are usually left out. Most people who get this type of plan will pair it with a health savings account in which they deposit money to help them pay the high deductible.

Major medical insurance is your typical health insurance that is good for people looking for head to toe coverage. If you have a preexisting condition, a family, or like the security of having full coverage then major medical is right for you. Catastrophic insurance, on the other hand, is better for people who are healthy and only want insurance that will cover them in case of an emergency. In either case, save yourself time and money in the search for the best price on either of these plans by using an insurance quote website. You will be able to compare plans and rates side by side which will assist you in make the best health insurance decision for your needs.

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The effects of UV rays on the skin are well documented. Skin cancer, premature aging, and sun spots are all linked to sun exposure and overexposure. Sunscreens are the best option to block UV rays from damaging the skin, but are sunscreen products safe for use during pregnancy?

Sunscreens block UV rays by including one of three ingredients - oxybenzone, zinc oxide, or titanium dioxide. Oxybenzone is the ingredient pregnant women want to avoid. In some research studies, oxybenzone has been linked to low birth weight in female infants. While these studies could not pinpoint oxybenzone as the sole reason for low birth weight, there is no reason to put your baby at risk if there is a viable alternative that is considered safe for use during pregnancy.

The reason oxybenzone cannot be pinpointed as the cause of birth defects is due to its effect on the skin. This chemical is used to help other chemicals absorb through the skin. Unlike zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which lie on the surface of the skin, products with oxybenzone permeate the skin allowing chemicals to absorb into the bloodstream.

In 2008, the Environmental Working Group found just shy of 600 sunscreens that contained oxybenzone including Hawaiian Tropic, Ocean Potion, Aveeno, and Blue Lizard. Some of the products considered unsafe were not sunscreens, but rather facial and body lotions marketed with SPF protection.

Pregnant women should read labels for lotion, skin care products, lip balm, and lipstick. Surprisingly enough, the chemical can also be found in perfumes and hair conditioners. Oxybenzone has been linked to allergies, damage to cells, and disruption of hormones. A study performed by the CDC found traces of oxybenzone in 97% of participants. Women and young girls were found to have higher concentrations potentially due to use of skin care and beauty products.

Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide can be found in stores alongside sunscreens and products containing oxybenzone. These are considered safe during pregnancy. Before buying any skin care products, pregnant women should read all product labels.

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When parents understand that KMC starts from conception it's much more probable that they will continue on after birth. The idea of KMC is about bonding, transitioning both mother and child to the life they have after pregnancy, and about keeping babies healthier. Babies that are held and cared for in this manner tend to develop physically healthier as well as emotionally healthier. There are numerous reasons for this.

KMC techniques provide a sense of stability and security for both the mother and the baby. Each of them has been in a state of togetherness for almost a year, and when it's time for each to start the separation process, it's healthier to allow it to happen gradually over time rather than as a sudden awakening. Babies that are cared for with KMC tend to cry less, grow faster, and end up with a stronger immune system.

If parents understand that KMC start from conception then they have every chance of carrying through after birth. If you think about the mother's natural stance when she is in her third trimester of pregnancy, it is easy to see how the body responds to having a baby nestled along the front of the body. The natural curve of the body allows for easy transitioning to KMC and it becomes easier for mothers to bond while limiting the feeling of being overwhelmed with certain issues like housework or daily duties.

The general state of the mother is often passed on to the infant. Since KMC starts from conception, the mother's sense of loss and separation could very well be transferred onto the baby without the use of this method. The emotional state of the mother can be influenced by how well she connects with her child and how strong the bonding process is. Because bonding actually starts while the baby is in the uterus, the natural extension of the process can be easily handled and seen as a simple step toward natural development. Most parents who see this are able to maintain the KMC technique through its natural course and thus allow for the easy and natural development of the baby to mother bond.

By maintaining the contact, allowing both bodies and minds to adjust, and by minimizing feelings of being overwhelmed fewer mothers who use the KMC method experience post natal depression and are often more energetic as they continue on with their daily lives. They feel better because they are not experiencing trauma. Without the trauma of giving birth it is likely that the transition into motherhood will be a much smoother one.

There are advocates and there are those that feel that even though KMC starts from conception that it isn't necessary to continue on with the practice after the baby has been born. It is essential that the mother has the freedom to experience this technique in her own right in order to ensure that each of the individuals in the situation are experiencing the best possible transition.

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You are going to have a baby, how exciting! Whether or not this is your first pregnancy, it can be a bit nerve-racking. How can you best prepare for baby's arrival? Are there things that can be done to minimize fears and frustrations of being ready? As a parent you want the best for your child, the following list, though not comprehensive, is a good start when trying to figure out how to get ready for your unique baby girl or boy.

  1. DON'T PANIC: First and foremost, DON'T PANIC! Having a baby can be stressful, but does not need to be such. Whether your pregnancy was planned or not, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to NOT PANIC. After the discovering your pregnancy, you can make the rest of the pregnancy and the beginning stages of parenthood a low-stress and exciting experience. As you learn to control your life, in areas you can control, you will be better able to stay calm and relaxed. The less stressed you are, the better it will be for your baby and your family.

  2. PACK A BAG: Generally this is a well-known to-do item, but it is still worth mentioning. Usually you do not have to stay in a hospital gown after delivering your child. You may find it much more comfortable to be in your own pajamas or other 'comfy' clothes. Make sure you have all the toiletries you would need for an overnight stay (or two) at a hotel. Though the hospital may have what you need, the costs are usually much more than you bringing them on your own.

  3. TRANSPORTATION: Do you want to have your baby borne in a taxi or on a city bus? Probably not. Transporting yourself to the birthing location is one thing to think about. Will your spouse be able to take you? What about a backup plan for transportation in the event your spouse is unavailable? Preparing for the homeward bound trip with your precious newborn is something you need to prepare for.

    Make sure the car seat is not expired (yes car seats have an expiration date). Make sure it is secured properly and that if it has an arm to carry the car seat that the arm is secured properly in the position specified by the manufacturer (most, if not all, car seat carriers should be fully down and below/behind the head of the car seat). If the vehicle roles, a carrier arm could collapse on your child and cause severe damage.

    Many hospitals, birthing centers, and even fire stations offer car-seat inspections and hold training to help teach expectant parents how to properly secure a car seat.

  4. ANIMALS: Do you have animals at home that typically live indoors? The most common are dogs and cats. You may want to consider investigating the breed of animal and how it typically responds to newborn children. Dogs may be aggressive, until they have been taught that even the baby is master of the domain/household. A cat may turn and spray your child if not properly introduced. Our dogs were introduced one at a time to our newborn children. Both dogs wanted to sniff and then lick the heads of the baby. After that, our babies were old news. Your animals are not the same as ours. Plan according to the temperament and breed of your pets.

  5. PEDIATRICIAN: Having a pediatrician already selected will make things much easier for you and your child. After the delivery, your child's pediatrician will visit your newborn a couple times to make sure he/she is in optimum health. Follow-up visits can also be scheduled with your pediatrician's office. Though you do not necessarily need to select a pediatrician (the hospital will usually provide one that is one call for the hospital stay), it will make future visits with a familiar face and practice easier for you and your child. Also, by choosing a pediatrician before your child's birth will ensure a less stressful experience afterwards when your child needs to go to regularly scheduled checkups and for less-common emergency checkups.

  6. CHILDCARE: If you will be going back to work after a maternity break, having pre-selected day-care is another way to reduce the stress of raising a child. Selecting day care earlier will allow you to better screen and interview candidate individuals and/or centers. It will better allow you to do first-hand observations in how the center takes care of newborn infants. You can interact with other parents who leave their children at the same location.

  7. FEEDING OPTIONS: Decide, before-hand, on whether you will be nursing or bottle-feeding your child. Both have their individual benefits. As for nutritional needs, both are similarly comparative, though there are skeptics and many homeopaths that purport nursing is better, it really is more of a personal decision as the nutritional benefits are virtually the same and perhaps even better with formula. There is some belief that the skin-to-skin contact associated with nursing is good stimulation for your child, but skin-on-skin does not needs to be only through nursing. Generally there is cost savings with nursing, and it is easier to carry around as you generally have ample supply wherever you are.

    We used formula for both our children; both are very intelligent and have a wonderful relationship with both daddy and mommy. A benefit to formula is that feeding is not just a motherly task. The father can take the opportunity to bond with the child as he feeds baby. Some of the fondest memories of our children's daddy is of him singing and rocking them to sleep while they feed on formula.

    Again, whether you nurse or bottle feed your child is a completely personal decision and you should not feel bad choosing one over the other. On a similar note, if you choose to nurse, it may not come as easy as you would like. Understand that it will take practice by both mother and baby to master the art of nursing.

  8. BORROW OR BUY: The first year of your baby's life will be expensive. Generally, going from a household of two to a household of three does not just require a lifestyle change, but also a financial lifestyle change and obligation. Speak with friends, relatives, church associates, or community forums to determine what items you should really purchase for the first year of baby's life as opposed to things that could simply be borrowed. For example, a baby stroller, or cradle may be something that could be borrowed. A crib that can convert to a toddler bed or adult bed may be something worth purchasing. Some baby clothes also may be able to be borrowed rather than purchased. Baby will be a shock on the pocketbook, minimizing wherever possible can help.

  9. CLASSES: Many birthing centers and hospitals offer free or low-cost classes to help new-expectant parents learn how to best prepare for your newborn child. Make use of these services. At minimum they can help put your mind at ease in what you can expect and what you can do to do to prepare. They often provide information about birthing options and your right to have a plan followed by nurses, doctors, and/or other medical staff.

  10. MAKE A DECISION LIST: To help you stay calm throughout the pregnancy and afterwards, make a list of the things that can be decided prior to baby's arrival and taking him or her home. Some things to consider when making this list include (not an exhaustive list, just a sample):

    - Will you find out the gender?

    - Name ideas for both genders. Ultra sound gender determination is not 100% accurate. If you would like help finding unique names for girls and boys do a search on Google or other reputable search engine. There are ample websites dedicated to baby names.

    - Birthing location: Birthing center, hospital, home, etc.

    - If a boy, will you want him circumcised?

    - Cloth diapers or disposable diapers (not much cost savings in cloth as a result of how much cloth diapers cost and the associated maintenance of the diapers)

Though the list is not comprehensive, it should give expectant parents ideas how to prepare for the arrival of their newborn baby. Remember the most important thing, DON'T PANIC! Using lists, and being prepared in the things you can prepare will help you overcome many fears and frustrations sometimes associated with first-time pregnancies.

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While pregnancy is an extremely happy time in a woman's life, having to put up with the accompanying skin problems during pregnancy can be somewhat of a drag.

Pregnancy can do some crazy things to your skin, many of them are due to the extreme hormone changes taking place. Some of those things have crazy-sounding nicknames such as pregnancy mask, chloasma, melasma, hyperpigmentation, PUPP, spider veins, stretch marks, linea nigra and skin tags. If you are prone to any particular type of skin condition, pregnancy may intensify their symptoms.

Good news - these problems are rarely serious and usually start to disappear soon after childbirth. Additionally, it is possible to minimize the severity of skin problems during pregnancy with extra care.

Acne. You thought that you were rid of that teenage problem. It is those crazy hormones at work! For some acne can rear its ugly head once again, while for others with existing acne, it can be quite the contrary.

The "pregnancy mask", also referred to as chloasma or melasma, are the brown spots that can show up on the face as a result of the pregnancy hormones (estrogen and progesterone) stimulating the melanin cells, producing more pigment in an erratic fashion (blotches). This can also happen to those taking birth control pills. A way to minimize the severity of the dark patches would be to wear sunscreen, or a moisturizer containing UV protection and limit your time in the sun.

Linea nigra, which means "black line" in Latin, is the dark vertical line that sometimes appears during pregnancy. It is a dark brown line that runs vertically from just below the navel to the pubic area. In some, it may even extend above the navel to the rib cage area. Caused by hormones, it usually appears somewhere around the second trimester and disappears after childbirth.

PUPP, or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy are small red bumps and hives, sometimes in large patches. The rash usually starts on the stomach area, spreading to the breasts, thighs and buttocks. It is an annoying, but harmless condition that may occur towards the end of pregnancy. Moisturizing creams, or calamine lotion can help to curb the itching. If the condition is severe a doctor prescribed anti-itch medication.

Spider veins are thin radiating blood vessels that have the appearance of just that - spiders. They are not painful and may go away after pregnancy. If not, they are easily removed by a dermatologist.

Most women will develop stretch marks to some extent during pregnancy. Since every person is unique, there is no way to predetermine if someone will have a tendency to develop stretch marks, and if so, to what severity.

Stretch marks happen when there is a sudden weight gain and stretching of the skin. Breasts, buttocks, hips, thighs and stomach are some of the most common areas for stretch marks to appear. Stretch marks are created when the underlying tissue grows faster than the skin layers covering it, causing small tears in the skin's surface. They may appear as streaks of red or purple thinned skin, which fade to white scar-like streaks over time. This scar tissue is what creates stretchmarks.

Since stretch marks are basically scars, you cannot realistically expect to eliminate them completely once they happen. So, efforts to prevent stretch marks from happening then would be essential. Even if they are unavoidable, you can lessen their severity with proper skin care.

If you were using certain products to treat your skin prior to becoming pregnant, you will want to check with your doctor in order to be sure that they are safe to use during pregnancy. You may have to make a few changes in your skin care routine, such as changing the strength of your cleansers (more or less) and the frequency that you moisturize your skin.

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Fifteen percent of American women do not have maternity health insurance and face overwhelming medical bills, especially if there are medical complications. Here's how to get low cost maternity health insurance that could save you from financial disaster.

What is maternity health insurance?

Maternity health insurance is a health insurance plan that includes maternity coverage. As of this writing there are no stand-alone maternity health insurance plans.

You can purchase one of the following types of plans to get maternity coverage:

* An indemnity plan which lets you choose your own doctor and hospital, but is the most expensive type of plan.

* A managed health care plan (HMO, PPO, POS) that assigns you to a network of doctors and hospitals that you use for your medical care. These are the cheapest types of plans.

What does maternity health insurance cover?

Standard maternity health insurance policies cover your doctors expenses, your hospital fees, and your prescriptions drugs - basically all your maternity medical expenses.

Can I get maternity health insurance if I'm already pregnant?

Private insurance companies will not insure you if you're already pregnant, but some states offer Medicaid health insurance, or plans such as California's Medi-Cal, to low income families. To see if your your state has a low income maternity health insurance program, visit your state's department of insurance website.

If you're pregnant and don't qualify for state sponsored maternity health insurance, the best thing you can do is call the hospitals in your area and see if you can negotiate a cheaper than normal rate. Most hospitals will give you a discount if you pay cash.

Where can I get cheap maternity health insurance?

The best way to get cheap maternity health insurance is to go to an insurance comparison website where you can get rate quotes from multiple insurance companies.

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I recently gave birth to my second baby and thanks to my Hypnobabies, this became my mantra during my pregnancy. At the time, I decided to accept this as true without really analyzing it but recently, it's come to the forefront again. This western culture that we live in professes to be so advanced and yet we lead the industrialized nations in maternal and fetal deaths. We are also at the top of the charts for interventions, medical assisted births and c-sections and I have to ask myself why. We as a nation do not believe that birth is natural, normal, healthy and safe. Birth has become a huge production in which a doctor and his or her team must deliver us from this horrible thing called child birth. We as women can't possibly be able to handle such pain and everything and anything must be done to help the inferior gender carry on the legacy of the human race. Well, I may exaggerate a bit, but there is a note of truth. The medical community and our society as a whole thought "bigger is better" right? If one person can do it right, 10 can do it better and if 10 people can do it, a machine can do it better still and thus began the industrial revolution.

Enough history, what does this have to do with birth? It was the industrial revolution that began the downward spiral of our maternity care in the US. People stopped trusting people and started trusting machines. This was very apparent in the medical industry where doctors stopped looking at moms and instead, focused on what the machines were telling them was going on because it was measurable and chartable. In this day and age when everyone wants to blame someone else, doctors and nurses have to have something in writing and they are constantly asking, "Could I do more?" Things have definitely gotten better in the last 20 years but we still have a long way to go. There was a time that a laboring woman was strapped to a bed and left in a room alone until she was far enough along for the doctors to come in and "deliver" the baby from her. Now, women are respected for the most part and there is at least some attempt to respect the wishes of the family. Dads are usually included and in most hospitals, doulas are a welcome addition. However, most hospital staff relies too heavily on technology and most doctors and nurses don't even see a natural birth during their training. When one nurse was asked if a mom had a natural birth, she replied, "Yep, she only got an epidural."

It seems to me that women have been having babies long before there were fetal monitors and ultrasounds. Don't get me wrong, the advances in medicine are amazing and do save lives when they are needed but obstetrics is one of the few fields where the advances are seldom needed. Childbirth is a natural and normal state of being for a women and a women's body knows exactly how to birth a baby. If you have ever seen a laboring mom that is left alone to follow her body, you will become an instant believer. There are so many little things that work together to create this amazing event like the nesting instinct. Shortly before a mom goes into labor, she will usually get a burst of energy to get things finished and ready for her baby. When in labor, if a mom listens to her body, she will move and change positions to allow the baby the chance to do the same. It is such a perfect an intricate dance. During pregnancy, many moms get cravings for foods they would not normally eat like pickles and ice cream. Stop and think for a moment what is in pickles and ice cream: vinegar and milk/dairy. Dairy contains calcium which is needed to grow healthy bones for a growing baby and vinegar helps minimize heartburn which many pregnant moms complain of. The female body is designed to grow babies, so how could it be anything but healthy and safe. If it weren't, the human race would probably not have survived as long as it has.

The biggest thing that gets in the way of a natural birth for most women is their mind. We are trained that the safest place to have a baby is in the hospital and to attempt anything different is either brave or stupid. We've all heard the horror stories from our well meaning relatives and seen the productions on TV and in the movies. When you are pregnant, you become a magnet for "those stories". When a women does get pregnant, she wants to do what she believes is best for herself and her baby. For 20+ years, she has been told that giving birth in a hospital with a doctor is what is best. It sounds great, except doctors are trained to do something, whatever it is. So, what if we lived in a society that believed in the strength and commitment of women? What if we were surrounded by "I can" instead of "I can't"? What if we were to trust in the perfect design of the human body? What if we all believed that birth is normal, natural, healthy and safe?

The best thing we can do to support parents-to-be is to encourage education and believe in the awesome-ness of the human body. For more information on Hypnobabies or any of our services, please contact us at http://www.gentlejourneysbirthing.com

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Pregnancy care is an all important aspect for a pregnant woman. It is significant in terms of its advantages for to be mothers. While being pregnant makes you feel special, some simple but critical precautions also become mandatory. If followed, these simple steps can make your special moment even more special. Apart from regular medical check-ups, few simple cautionary steps can also make all the difference. They not only make your pregnancy easier but also safer.

Some Crucial Things to Perform

Here are some uncomplicated ways to make your child bearing period a special moment in your life. These things are important to keep in mind while you are pregnant.

Take a Balanced Diet

Having a balanced diet is definitely a significant and positive pregnancy care step. As a pregnant woman, always try and take a highly nutritious diet. It should contain all essential nutrients including vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and proteins in right proportions. Never binge on uncooked or semi cooked food products especially eggs, meat and fish. Some fish contain high mercury levels and may harm your baby. Same may be said about semi cooked eggs and meat. Always eat fresh vegetables, fruits and other dairy products. Remember consuming un-pasteurized milk or related products may also be equally dangerous. Do not consume too much of caffeine either. Instead, restrict your caffeine consumption to a maximum of 2 cups per day.

Work a Complete no

During pregnant stage, it becomes absolutely essential that complete prenatal care is in place. One way to ensure that is abandon work till the time you deliver baby. If you are a working lady, apply for maternity leaves well in advance. During final stages of pregnancy, any type of work may lead to unnecessary pressure on womb. This may further disturb healthy growth of the fetus. Do not lift heavy objects and remain away from heavily reactive metals such as mercury, copper and lead. Do not ever expose yourself to harmful sunrays like ultraviolet radiations as they may harm the baby.

Supplement to Take

Although as discussed above, a natural diet remains the best eating option during pregnancy period, some food supplements may also prove quite healthy. For example, folic acid, a major food supplement is necessary for a good development of your fetus. It helps prevent conditions including spina bifida. However, intake of folic acid should start before becoming pregnant. Other supplements including pain killers, vitamins and other over-the-counter medicines must be taken under direct supervision of your physician. If not proper heed not paid, they can cause birth defects and other serious medical conditions.

Exercise Regularly

By exercising regularly, several pregnancy-related problems may be dealt with easily. It can come in really handy, since it can make childbirth and labor immensely easily. Some recommended exercises include swimming and walking. However, in the event of any discomfort during exercise, do not hesitate to call in your doctor. Some symptoms of discomfort while exercising are dizziness, abdomen or chest pain and blurred vision. Under all these circumstances consulting a medical practitioner for advice is good enough.

Things Not to Do

Apart from things to do, you should be aware of things not to do. These are general precautionary measures to be followed by an expectant mother. Some of them are given below

No Smoking- it includes both active and passive smoking.

No alcohol- its consumption during pregnancy might lead to adverse effects such as fetal alcohol syndrome or birth defects.

Avoiding General Discomfort

Some discomfort during pregnancy is normal. You feel morning sickness and tiredness. Frequent urination, constipation and varicose veins are other such conditions of discomfort. In order to avoid these discomforts, take in lots of water, eat fiber rich food, consume green leafy vegetables and take small meals after frequent intervals.

Pregnancy care without any doubt is a critical and important step towards a safe and relaxed pregnancy. Be careful and follow a healthy life style. At the same time take your doctor's advice to deal with any untoward incident.

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Indications of lacking Breast Milk:

The mother's milk is the only nutrition that a child gets for the first few months after birth. Generally mother's milk secretion starts in 2 or 3 days after delivery. In some cases the milk will be produced in very less quantities for a fortnight or more. This condition is called deficient secretion of breast milk.

Usually, it is quite natural that the secretion is less the first two or three weeks. Here we suggest some methods to improve the milk secretion by the mother. These methods should not be practiced for a long period of time as they can cause pother types of complications. If the milk secretion does not improve by second or third week then doctor's consultation is required. It is a very crucial situation as the child will keep weaning away if it is not provided with the required quantity of mother's milk.

A Wonderful Method to Enrich Breast Milk:

Malted liquor has been proved to increase the quality and quantity of the breast milk yield. The quantity of intake should be very less. But prolonged usage of the malt liquor can cause very severe damage to both the other and the child.

This method of enhancing the breast milk secretion comes at the price of small damage to the health of the mother. Though the damage to her health will not be evident immediately, it will become evident later on the long run. But considering the urgency of the situation to save the child's life this method can be used very carefully.

The Common Practice to Enhance Secretion:

Doctor generally advices nutritious, natural and healthy food, for a feeding mother. It is the standard practice to augment the yield of the milk. Rarely doctors advice the consumption of low quantities of malted alcohol. If the mother is not used to malt liquor, she may have a good preparation of ale. It should be noted that sometimes consumption of these can cause stomach upset. Regular exercise in an open area can also enhance the secretion of milk.

The Role of Exercise on the Secretion:

The mother who is feeding can perform many regular exercises that can keep her and the baby healthy. Many traditional exercise followed by custom in the family are also useful. They can be performed after the child is asleep. Daily walking in fresh air as a schedule has proved to be very useful. Horse riding can also be practices on a regular basis. But it is subject to availability. After the regular exercises the mother should have a good bath in cold water, though the temperature of the water should be selected based on the climate. If it is possible she can clean her body with salt water using a soft sponge.

Following the above mentioned in a proper manner will prove to be very useful for the present and the future. It will help in enhanced secretion of the milk both in terms of quantity and quality.

The Study on Deficient Breast Milk:

This case history is about a lady who was very healthy. After her first delivery the child and the mother were healthy in the beginning. The mother had enlargement of her breast in the first week of delivery, making it assume that milk secretion will be good in quantity and quality. But to the dismay by the completion of first week milk was just oozing out. By the completion of second week only 60ml of milk was produced.

This caused severe nutritional deficiency to the child. The child started to become weak. So the child was given artificial milk as a supplement. The mother also tried pumping her milk onto a spoon and feeding the child with it. But the child did not feel satisfied.

Then after a month both the mother and the child became healthy. The chills started to suck the milk. The mild secretion also increased well in quantity and quality. This case typically shows that there could be slight problems in milk secretion in the beginning. But as time goes it becomes all right. Similarly the child in such a scenario has to be given artificial milk preparations through a feeding bottle with nipples and not by spoon.

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If you are pregnant, and want to stay in shape during the pregnancy, this article will explain how to stay fit and in great shape so you can be better prepared for when your baby is delivered.

You will want to keep working out during the entire pregnancy, if you stop, starting again can be hard on your body. Work out a few times per week...you need to work out at least two times per week for it to do any good.

Note: When I say "working out" this can be as simple as regular walking, light swimming, yoga, stability ball exercises and any other such things, largely dependent on how active you were before your pregnancy. Doing strenuous sweaty workouts is gonna be a no-no for most pregnant women, particularly those in the later stages. Check with your doctor about what exercises are right for you to stay fit while pregnant, and use their help to come up with a routine based on your own situation.

They will tell you if you have any special limitations due to certain risks...so do not do anything without asking them first. Don't forget that they are there to help you through the pregnancy.

You can try lower impact activities such as water aerobics. As mentioned above, Yoga is another great idea, just make sure you know what is safe for pregnancy. You can talk to an instructor or purchase videos made specifically for pregnant women. Also do not forget to drink water while working out. This is important for your body. Do not overwork yourself. It it doesn't feel comfortable, stop what you are doing and try a different workout.

During pregnancy you want to stay in shape, but you do not necessarily want to lose weight - unless you are overweight and your doctor has said it is in your's and the baby's best interests to do so.

Pregnancy is one of the few times in your life that it is good to gain weight. You should be putting on weight every week particularly during the second and third trimesters, and so do not feel discouraged by this gain. The baby will be growing and you will lose a lot of weight easily after the baby is born. Knowing how to stay fit while pregnant also means knowing it is okay to put on weight during this time of your life.

It is important to learn how to stay fit while pregnant. Do not overwork your body and take care of yourself. Do not forget to eat healthy, but eat plenty of food at the same time. If you continue to take care of your body, you will only gain the weight needed for pregnancy and nothing extra. This will have you looking sexy again right after your baby is born. Take care of your body and it will take care of you and your baby.

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