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In 1/3 of all U.S. households, women are the breadwinners. In many cases, women out earn their partners by a considerable amount. While this is nothing new for the women who do this, when having a baby comes into play, new considerations and dilemmas arise. The following are 7 things you NEED to know before planning and taking your maternity leave:

1) Understand the ins and outs of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Whether you are an entrepreneur with employees or an employee working in corporate, it is critical that you understand the stipulations of the Family and Medical Leave Act. For example, FMLA applies only to companies who have a minimum of 50 employees and to employees who work full time and have done so for a minimum of a year. In this, an employee has to have worked more than 1,250 hours over the past year to qualify for FMLA. In addition, if an employee and her partner work for the same company, they don't each get 12 weeks of unpaid family leave. They get a combined 12 weeks and will need to plan accordingly.

Keep in mind that the 12 weeks is unpaid, requires giving written notice at least 30 days in advance of taking the leave, can be used by mothers or fathers, but involves no pay. While a company is required to keep your medical coverage during this time, a company does not have to pay for your coverage. You may have to pay out of pocket. To help compensate for losing 12 weeks of pay, you may be able to get short term disability insurance that would cover some of that lost income but not all. You can also take the 12 weeks of unpaid leave in chunks and work part time throughout your leave. Once you have your baby, you must add the baby to your health insurance within 30 days of birth to ensure that your health insurance covers the labor and delivery costs. In addition to this, your company may have you go through procedures and processes specific to that company when taking a maternity leave. As the woman breadwinner, you'll need to have a plan for a) when you'll notify your employer that you're pregnant, b) when you'll take maternity leave, c) what will happen to your position while you're out, d) when you plan to return. You'll also need to consider how you'll make up for the salary lost during those 12 weeks.

2) Unexpected financial expenses must be planned for in advance.

When having a baby, many plan for traditional expenses such as diapers, wipes, cute baby clothes, cribs and bedding. But what financial plan do you have in place for the unexpected expenses such as: a doula, unanticipated doctor visits and pharmacy expenses, breast pump, part time nanny and/or babysitter, remodeling and/or moving costs when moving to a larger home, babyproofing expenses for the home, a new wardrobe for the temporary post-baby body that may not be the size you started the pregnancy at, etc.? Planning for these unexpected expenses (even if you don't want them to come into play) is a great way to reduce financial stress when the realities of new motherhood set in.

3) You may change your mind about your return-to-work timeline.

Many women who vow to return to work a few months after having a baby change their minds. As the breadwinner, this is a heavier and harder decision to make. Be sure that you consider this BEFORE you take maternity leave. If you decided that you didn't want to return to work after having your baby, what other options do you have for creating financial stability? Who would provide? Are you even in a position, if you wanted to, to stay at home with your baby? If not, how will you deal with the grief that comes from having to leave your baby in the care of others while you go back to work? All of these are questions you must answer before going on maternity leave.

4) Bed rest could happen during the pregnancy.

Most women don't consider this until it actually happens but a wiser route would be to scenario plan this situation. If, for some reason, in the middle of your pregnancy, your doctor put you on bed rest (either moderate where you could work from home or complete bed rest where you could not work and had to reduce all stress levels), what would you do? How would you outsource and/or delegate responsibilities?

5) The transition to new motherhood (especially if this is baby #1) takes YEARS, not months.

Many new moms expect their lives after baby to be similar to their lives before baby. Having a child is a major life transition. There will be sleepless nights, less time for a social life or going to the gym, having to call in to work because the baby has a fever, operating at a slower pace or taking longer to get things done because you're breastfeeding every two hours and are absolutely exhausted, and the list goes on. Be sure that you have a realistic preview of what the next 2-3 years will look like and decide, in advance, how you'll manage change and transition.

6) Know who's in your new baby inner circle.

Once you have a baby, your inner circle of friends, supporters, and mentors may change. It's important to begin looking for those individuals who know what you're going through, have been there, and can be supportive post-baby. You'll need to create that inner circle very intentionally.

7) Returning to work (no matter how much you love your job and how much of a stay-at-home-mom-type you are not) is going to be hard. You will experience grief. You will wonder if you made the right decision. You may have some depression. Prepare yourself for the grief that's coming and put solid support in place so you can manage the transition back to work in a healthy and loving way.

Overall, understand that you have the power to create your motherhood experience in any way you choose but it does take planning. You are the breadwinner but, upon having a baby, you might not want to be so be sure you have the proper planning in place to ensure that you have a number of options for motherhood well before you have to choose which one to use.

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Pregnancy types vary from woman to woman and it is important for her that she knows about each type. Not all types of pregnancy are normal, and a certain pregnancy type might spell danger and she needs to be alert to it.

Ectopic And Lupus Pregnancy

Of all the pregnancy types, lupus pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy are the most dangerous. Lupus is an immunity related disease affecting a woman. It can lead to miscarriage and still birth. If a woman suffers miscarriage for no apparent reason, she should consult her gynaecologist before conceiving again. Proper treatment can help her become a mother but she has to take extra care and make sure that the hospital she is going to deliver has an emergency neo-natal unit.

Ectopic pregnancy on the other hand has no proven medical reason. It happens when the foetus implantation occurs in any other body part instead of the uterus. It inevitably results in miscarriage and can be deadly for the mother if medical attention is delayed. Symptoms of such a pregnancy are abdominal pain, dizziness and low blood pressure in the first few weeks after conception.

New And Second Pregnancy

New pregnancy makes a mother out of a woman. It is a new sensation that her body undergoes. She changes everyday; each new day brings new joy and challenge. In early pregnancy stages, she may feel morning sickness, nausea vomiting tendency, fatigue and lethargy. As her pregnancy progresses, she may need to go to the bathroom frequently and back aches may cause a major problem.
All these symptoms may be lower in intensity during her second pregnancy. But that does not mean that she has it easy. For now in addition to the child inside her, she has to take care of her older baby. Still second pregnancy is a bit more enjoyable than first pregnancy as the mother now understands every change her body undergoes.

Twin Pregnancies

Lucky is the woman who undergoes nine months of labour instead of eighteen to have two babies. Twin pregnancy is common in woman with prior family history of twins but nowadays due to fertility treatment, many more woman are having multiple pregnancies. It is also a risky affair as the woman needs special care and attention while carrying two foetuses. Most of the time twins are born prematurely with low birth weight. So this kind of pregnancy type needs regular check ups, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Teen Pregnancy

Though a woman's body is theoretically ready for motherhood with the arrival of puberty, but biologically or emotionally, she is not ready in her teens to be a mother. Of the pregnancy types, this one should be avoided at all cost. But sadly, with puberty setting early and average age of sexually active youngsters going down, teen pregnancy is a problem in modern society. A teen mother gives birth to undernourished babies, become victims in domestic life and sometimes neglects and abandons the child. Spread of sex education and availability of contraception can reduce this pregnancy type.

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Johannesburg is the largest and one of the wealthiest and most modern cities in South Africa. It is also the major financial, commercial, industrial and mining center of the country. It is known to have the largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. The city has many skyscrapers and is the world's largest city not located on a lake, river or coastline. Johannesburg has many good hospitals, many of which are truly world class. The technologically advanced hospitals offer the services of eminent doctors and accept all major health insurances.

Netcare Linksfield Hospital is placed at 24 12th Avenue, Linksfield West, Johannesburg 2192. South Africa's largest healthcare and medical emergency service provider, Netcare manages this hospital. The center is most well known for neuro-surgery and spinal surgery. The hospital's orthopedic unit is popular for treating of all kinds of sports injuries. In addition, the hospital is country's leading oncology center. The hospital has many special clinics like the travel clinic, the baby clinic, the counseling clinic and the beauty clinic. Excellent service from qualified audiologists is also available. Facilities like a coffee shop, a round the clock pharmacy, and agift shop are also located on site. The hospital has well equipped units in ultrasound, angiography, mammography, biopsies and nuclear medicine. It has also been equipped with a PET scanner, an MRI, a CT and a bone densitometry. The 24- hour emergency department has resuscitation rooms, sophisticated equipment, vehicles, helicopters and fixed-wing air ambulances. The company's Netcare 911 employing about 1000 staff members is the largest private emergency service provider in South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)11 647 3400

Life Brenthurst Clinic situated at 4 Park Lane, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 is another major hospital. The world famous South African hospital group, Life Healthcare has 63 modern hospitals of which Life Brenthurst Clinic is one. The 233 bed hospital is famous for medical excellence and patient centeredness. The center offers excellent clinical and diagnostic services in all medical departments and has the best doctors in the region. The newest eye laser facilities are available in the ophthalmology unit. The modern maternity unit features 20 beds as well as antenatal, postnatal, immunization clinics and a well baby center. Tel: 011 647 9000

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To resume work after pregnancy or not is the question that many new moms have to deal with soon after giving birth. If the answer is yes then what is the right time to go back to work? Many women today have to go back to work soon after delivering to support the family. This article is to help you with the issue of resuming work after pregnancy and various factors related to this issue.

Mothers are entitled to at least six weeks maternity leave following delivery. You can use this time to bond with your baby and to get familiar with the routine after pregnancy. Taking care of a newborn is round-the-clock work and can leave you totally fatigued. Fathers are also entitled to parental leave after the child is born. Talk to your employer about it and make sure that you are clear on issues, like whether you will be paid, whether leave will be deducted from your regular leaves or not, etc.

Think Over

Now let us assume that you are thinking about going back to work. You need to think about the following-

  • How long will your working hours be? 20 hours per week work schedule before six weeks post partum will be physically very, very draining. Your body has to recuperate after giving birth and this kind of work schedule is unreasonable and harmful for you.

  • If your job requires physical work, like lifting, climbing, etc, then you might not be up to the task before six weeks after delivery. You will be physically drained out and you will not have any energy for your baby.

  • Will your boss and co-workers allow you to cut back on work when you have overextended yourself? If they really cannot do without you, then you will be dealing with a very stressful situation.

  • Can you take rest breaks if needed?
  • Proper analysis of the above aspects will help you decide on the right time to resume work after pregnancy.

    Let us assume that you have decided to resume work after pregnancy. Have you found a good care for your baby? If you have a relative or friend that can take care of your baby, that would be great. If you do not then you need to find a good child care program. You can contact your local social service department to help you find a good and licensed child care program.

    In your post pregnancy period, you will also have to deal with other issues, like weight loss after pregnancy, breastfeeding, sex after pregnancy, taking care of your child, etc. It is best to seek out expert help, like your doctor, who can give you very good weight loss tips. You can also read pregnancy books to help you out. Knowing how to deal with issues like, when to resume work after pregnancy, etc eases the stress in post pregnancy life.

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    Gestational diabetes warning signs normally appear somewhere between twenty-four and twenty-eight weeks of one's pregnancy. It's the effect of having higher than normal levels of glucose inside of your body which affects the pregnancy and your baby's well-being.

    No person likes any sort of problem while they are expecting. Having said that, pregnant women can control their diabetic issues with regular exercise, eating healthier foods and by taking their medication. If you take good care of yourself you'll be able to make sure of a healthy maternity for you, as well as a healthy start for the little one.

    In the case of gestational diabetes an individual's sugar level usually goes back to normal after delivery, nonetheless you will have a significantly greater potential risk of acquiring diabetes type 2 sometime in the future. You have to continue to work together with your health care provider to regulate your blood glucose.

    Gestational Diabetes Symptoms

    Generally there are no kind of symptoms to speak of. Normally diabetes is detected at the time of routine medical tests which are done during a pregnancy. Under rare circumstances, for example in case your blood sugar level has gone through the roof, chances are you may suffer with a few of the common symptoms of diabetes, for instance:

    * Urinating with greater regularity
    * Persistently being thirsty
    * Consistent hunger

    Once you're expecting a baby, your personal doctor will incorporate a diabetes check as part of your prenatal care. For those who are discovered to actually have gestational diabetes, or if you should encounter any one of the aforementioned warning signs, you will definitely have to have even more check-ups.

    Your health care provider will look at your sugar amount soon after childbirth and again inside of about six weeks to make certain it's gotten back to expected levels. In the event you acquire diabetes, it probably would be smart to get your blood sugar levels looked at on a frequent basis.

    A large number of women who have gestational diabetes have healthy newborns. Conversely, in case your diabetes has not been properly handled, it may well result in greater problems when it comes to you and your little one.

    Added problems for your unborn baby

    * Excessive weight: An excess of glucose inside of your bloodstream will cause your baby's pancreas to generate even more insulin. This might produce a bigger newborn at birth known as (macrosomia). In cases where the child is way too big they may suffer harm during the course of childbirth, or perhaps the expectant mother may need to have a C-section.

    * RDS plus Early Childbirth: Large quantities of glucose inside of the mother's bloodstream might lead to an early delivery. Additionally, the health care professional could advise an earlier delivery date in cases where the little one has gotten pretty big. Premature babies could get Respiratory Distress Syndrome rendering it hard for these babies to breathe by themselves. They might quite possibly have to have assisted breathing until such time as the baby's lungs become much stronger.

    * Hypoglycemia: In some cases the child might experience low bloodstream sugar levels since they ended up manufacturing high amounts of insulin. In a worst case scenario, one of the warning signs of hypoglycemia is usually seizures. Prompt feedings or an intravenous glucose treatment could bring the newborn's glucose level back again to normalcy.

    * Diabetes type 2: Infants have a much higher risk of being overweight and also of developing the much more severe diabetes type 2 down the road.

    In the event that gestational diabetes is unattended it can potentially cause the demise of the child while pregnant or shortly after delivery.

    Added dangers for the mom

    * Hypertension: You will have a far better chance of establishing elevated blood pressure together with preeclampsia and eclampsia. These are extremely dangerous problems which may endanger the lives of both the mom as well as the infant.

    * Diabetes type 2: For those who experienced gestational diabetes, you might get it yet again during any future pregnancy. When you age you are much more likely to acquire diabetes type 2, which is a great deal more serious.

    You are able to manage gestational and even diabetes type 2 by adhering to a healthy style of living. Listen closely to your physician and focus on looking after yourself by exercising on a regular basis, maintaining a healthy diet and getting to know all that is possible on handling both kinds of diabetes as well as the warning signs of diabetes type 2.

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    Health insurance is an essential requirement in today's world, as we all want access to the highest quality medical care at an affordable price. Unfortunately medical care, standard of treatment and healthcare costs may vary from country to country.

    Some countries leave the choice between privatised and subsidised medical care systems and other don't. In some countries, the employers will take care of your health insurance while in other countries you may have to show specific documentation before you can receive treatment.

    If you intend to move to another country, it would be better to inform yourself on the following subjects:

    • the standard of healthcare (general and specialist care);

    • privatised and/or public system;

    • necessary documentation you may need to have access to treatment;

    • will your employer take care of your health insurance;

    • health care taxes and withholds from your pay check;

    • healthcare cost (who is paying for what, what amounts, monthly premiums and cost in case of an emergency);

    • do you need to register with a doctor and to locate specialists? Are there any restrictions from the health insurance;

    • find out what actions need to be taken in case of an emergency (which numbers to call, location of medical emergency facilities, etc.).

    It is always better to have a health insurance if you travel a lot and if you reside in countries where standard of treatments are low and where medical care is privatised.

    A good health insurance will enable you to be treated in the country of your choice or the nearest centre of medical excellence.

    Traditionally, health insurance companies would offer different types of policies covering different areas such as hospital services, parental accommodation (for minor children), hospital cash benefit, day-care surgery, local road ambulance service, emergency medical evacuation, 24-hour emergency medical assistance, repatriation or local burial, home nursing, accident and emergency room services, oncology, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, MRI and CT scans, organ transplantation surgery, rehabilitation care, dental treatment following accident, routine dental treatment, newborn care, outpatient psychiatric care, maternity care, childhood vaccinations, wellness benefit, outpatient services (GP fees, X-rays, diagnostic and pathology tests, physiotherapy, specialist and consultants fees, complementary therapies, prescription drugs).

    If you need any more information regarding, I would strongly recommend visiting the following website: www.devere-group-healthcareonline.com

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    The Texas Health Insurance Pool provides individual health insurance in Texas for those who can't buy private insurance because of health conditions. Any Texan who has been denied coverage because of his health has received a certificate from an agent stating that his health will make him unable to find coverage or has been offered coverage that is more expensive than it would be if purchased through the Pool is eligible. Dislocated workers and early retirees in certain trades who qualify for the Federal Health Coverage Tax Credit are also eligible to buy coverage through the Pool for themselves and their dependents.

    Individual health insurance in Texas through the Pool covers physician care, hospital care, maternity care, mental health services and prescription drugs. There are five different plans available through the Pool, including one high-deductible HSA option which offers a lower premium and tax advantages. Premiums offered through the Pool cannot be sold for more than twice the cost of a plan a healthy person of the same age would pay a private insurer for the same coverage. Coverage is guaranteed renewable, meaning it cannot be canceled so long as premiums are paid and the policy holder continues to reside in Texas.

    A person who has been diagnosed with a serious health condition such as AIDS, epilepsy or cancer is unlikely to be able to find individual health insurance in Texas at an affordable rate, and most policies are likely to include an elimination rider that excludes coverage for treatment of that illness. The Pool is designed to provide these Texans with coverage. In order to be eligible, a person must live in Texas, have no other current coverage and exhausted all other sources, including COBRA or other state continuation coverage. He cannot be eligible for another group health care plan, including Medicare or Medicaid.

    There are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions for those eligible for HCTC or under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and cannot include riders to exclude coverage for any reason. However, those not covered by HCTC or HIPAA could be subject to a 12-month waiting period for pre-existing conditions. As of January 2010, over 26,000 people had individual health insurance in Texas through enrollment in the Pool, which operates as a PPO through the BlueChoice簧 Network through BlueCross and BlueShield of Texas. Services by in-network providers are covered at a higher co-insurance rate meaning lower out-of-pocket costs to the Pool member.

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    What is it?

    Individual health insurance is a type of coverage that you buy yourself, as opposed to coverage obtained through an employer or government program. It is estimated that about five percent of the population buys their own health insurance-that's more than 15 million Americans!

    Who is it for?

    This type of health insurance is most ideal for those who are:

    -Employees of a company that does not provide health insurance benefits

    -Between jobs

    -Recently unemployed and find COBRA is too expensive


    -Recent graduates not covered under their parent's plan

    What are the benefits?

    The great thing about shopping for an individual health plan is the variety of plan options available to pick and choose from. With the guidance of a licensed health insurance agent, you can figure out what your needs are and how to find benefits that can meet them. Some benefits to consider are: pre-natal visits, maternity care, well-baby visits, prescription drugs, routine doctor's visits, etc. You can also decide what is more economically feasible for you: paying for a high deductible and low monthly premium or vice versa. If you recently become unemployed, an individual plan is likely cheaper than the high premium cost of continued employer coverage via COBRA.

    What are the risks?

    The drawback is that you pay higher premiums because you are solely responsible for your plan's premium, versus being able to share it with other employees, as with group employer coverage. Also, premiums vary from state to state because of differing state health care usage histories or certain statewide legislative requirements.

    Moreover, premiums are determined by expected health care costs, so individuals who are sick, smokers, or older can expect to pay more. Individual health plans are underwritten, meaning an insurer can deny or apply exclusions/rate-ups to your policy if you have preexisting conditions.

    OK, now how do you actually buy it? Buying the perfect individual health plan is a lot easier than you would think, and can be done best with the help of a licensed agent. Just enter some basic information about yourself on getinsured.com to instantly view side-by-side comparisons of plans in your zip code. Licensed agents can explain your state's law and walk you through the entire process-from shopping for plans to completing your application and receiving your policy. This service is completely free, so there's no reason why you shouldn't take advantage of it.

    What impact does health care reform have on now, and in 2014?

    The following changes will be implemented beginning September 2010:

    -New plans must cover some preventative services without cost sharing

    -Insurance companies can't drop you when you're sick, due to a mistake you made on your coverage application

    -Carriers cannot impose lifetime maximums on your coverage

    -New individual plans can't deny or exclude coverage to any child under age 19 due to health conditions (this includes babies born with health problems)

    -If a new plan doesn't pay for services you thought were covered, you have new options to appeal the decision

    Beginning in 2014, individual health plans cannot turn down individuals with a preexisting condition (including a disability).

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    Being pregnant is not a reason to stop feeling beautiful. Many common beauty treatments, however, are not approved for use during pregnancy and should be replaced with alternative beauty regimes until baby is born.

    Hairspray, Gel, and Mousse - Some hair care products contain an ingredient called phthalates. This chemical has been linked to birth defects in animal studies and some human studies. The FDA does not recognize this ingredient as being unsafe during pregnancy due to lack of conclusive evidence, but the chance is worth changing up hair care products while pregnant.

    Sunscreen Safety - UV rays are touted as a major cause of premature aging and skin cancer. Pregnant women may believe they are protecting their skin with sunscreen and SPF facial and body lotion. They could be wrong. Oxybenzone, a common ingredient in skin care products, may be linked to low birth weight in female infants and cell damage.

    Soap and Shampoo - Two of the common ingredients in soap and shampoo are sodium laurel sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. The names may look similar, but the effects on the body could not be any different. Sodium laurel sulfate is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy, though skin irritation has been an issue for some pregnant women. Sodium laureth sulfate, on the other hand, may bring 1,4-dioxane along with it. 1,4-dioxane is a known carcinogen.

    Lotion and Skin Oil - The first ingredient in many skin lotions is water. While this is a safe ingredient, high concentrations of water often used as a filler ingredient require chemical anti-bacterial agents to prevent bacterial growth in the product. If your lotion ingredients start with water and then move onto ingredients with chemical names and tons of syllables, chances are the lotion is not safe during pregnancy.

    Acne Treatments - Accutane and Retinoic Acid - Fighting adult acne can include using Accutane or other retinoic acid based skin treatments. While effective at fighting skin breakouts, these products are considered category X for pregnant women. Under no circumstances should Accutane or retinoic acid be used during pregnancy.

    Retinoids - Accutane is a retinoid used for treatment of severe acne, but other medications containing retinoids are used to treat psoriasis and certain forms of blood cancer. The March of Dimes offers the iPledge program where women who are of childbearing age can pledge they will not become pregnant while taking these risky medications.

    Skin Bleaching - Skin bleaching creams contain hydroquinone. This ingredient is listed as a category C pregnancy risk. This means animals have had fetal side effects associated with consumption or use of hydroquinone. Though no human studies have proven human fetal birth defects, women should err on the side of caution when choosing skin care products during pregnancy.

    There are healthy alternative beauty treatments approved for use during pregnancy. When in doubt about a beauty product, contact your obstetrician or take the product to your next prenatal check-up. Many skin care products contain toxic and risky ingredients that can affect fetal health for a lifetime.

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    Making the decision to find a surrogate mother is not an easy one, both emotionally and financially. By the time a typical infertile couple comes to the conclusion that surrogacy might be the best way to grow their family, they have already spent countless amounts of money on various infertility treatments. And surrogacy is the most expensive infertility treatment of them all!

    A typical gestational surrogacy can run anywhere from $30,000 on the low end, to upwards of $100,000+. In addition to the surrogate's compensation, intended parents need to account for clinic fees, medications, attorney fees, agency fees, maternity care, travel expenses and any other expense that occurs in a pregnancy.

    So how are intended parents able to afford it? The truth is, surrogacy is financially out of reach for most couples. The ones that do choose surrogacy usually make incredible sacrifices in order to afford it.

    Saving in Advance
    The most practical method of affording surrogacy is to save in advance. Intended parents can sacrifice vacations, new cars, and other high-cost items in addition to saving every spare dollar and employment bonuses.

    The problem with this is the sheer amount of time it takes to save up these kinds of funds. Couple that with the fact that many couples going through infertility are older parents to begin with, and you can see why this option is unattractive to many.

    Some intended parents choose to take a second mortgage out on their homes or to take on some other sort of financial loan to afford surrogacy. It is even possible for some of them to borrow money from a family member. The downfall to this option is bringing a baby or babies into their lives on top of heavy debt.

    Choosing Traditional Surrogacy
    Gestational surrogacy can be very expensive, but a lesser expensive alternative is traditional surrogacy. Since a traditional surrogate mother becomes impregnated via artificial insemination, the in vitro fertilization fees are non-existent.

    Some traditional surrogates will do home inseminations, eliminating the need for a clinic altogether. This can save the intended parents tens of thousands of dollars. The baby, however, would not be the biological child of the intended mother.

    Trimming Fees
    There are several fees intended parents may be able to trim, or even eliminate, when looking at surrogacy. Choosing to find a surrogate mother, either gestational or traditional, without the services of an agency is one option. Another option is to find a surrogate with a good health insurance plan.

    There is also the option of finding a surrogate with low, or even nonexistent fees. Though it may seem impossible, there are many, many surrogates who would be willing to accept a low compensation to help another family achieve their dreams. In addition, sometimes a family member or close friend can act as a surrogate mother for the intended parents free of charge.

    Egg Donation
    Another option for surrogacy involves the intended mother becoming an egg donor herself. If her eggs are of good quality, and her infertility problems stem from her inability to carry a child, she might be able to receive compensation as an egg donor for another set of intended parents.

    This is actually more common than most people realize. The compensation for a couple egg donations, added to a couple's savings and other options, may make surrogacy a financial possibility. The intended mother may even decide to go through a shared cycle to reduce her fees for the egg retrieval in relation to her surrogacy.

    Those outside the surrogacy community may have trouble understanding the mindset behind these phenomenal sacrifices. But to those who have been struggling with infertility for a very long time, even with the financial hardship, surrogacy is dream come true.

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    All health and social care providers are required to register with the Care Quality Commission to demonstrate that they are meeting the standards laid out by the CQC. The standards that you are required to meet and are expected to demonstrate before you can gain registration, vary depending on the service type that you as an organisation, individual or partnership, are classified as.

    The Care Quality Commission has defined 28 different service types in all and it is essential that you determine which 'type' or 'types' you are classified as before you begin the CQC registration process. Failing to identify the correct categories could mean that you fail to realise certain standards that are expected of you, which in turn could result in your application being rejected. It is important to note that you may fall into more than one category and in this instance you need to address all of the standards defined within all of the categories that you fall within.

    The following details all of the service types available, their associated codes, as used by the CQC, and an example of the kind of provider that may fall within each of the categories:

    1. Acute services - ACS

    • Maternity hospitals

    2. Hyperbaric chamber services - HBC

    • Type 1 hyperbaric chambers

    3. Hospice services - HPS

    • Adult hospices

    4. Long-term conditions services - LTC

    • Complex care and support provided to individuals with physical or neurological illnesses that are unlikely to improve

    5. Hospital services for people with mental health needs, and/or learning disabilities, and/or problems with substance misuse - MLS

    • Child and adolescent mental health providers

    6. Prison healthcare services - PHS

    • Young offenders institutions

    7. Rehabilitation services - RHS

    • Rehabilitation units

    8. Residential substance misuse treatment / rehabilitation services - RSM

    • Crisis intervention units

    9. Community healthcare services - CHC

    • District nursing

    10. Doctors consultation services - DCS

    • Slimming clinics

    11. Doctors treatment services - DTS

    • Travel vaccination centres

    12. Dental services - DEN

    • NHS Dental practice

    13. Diagnostic and/or screening services - DSS

    • Health screening centres

    14. Community-based services for people with a learning disability - LDC

    • Community learning disabilities teams

    15. Mobile doctors services - MBS

    • GP out-of-hours providers

    16. Community-based services for people with mental health needs - MHC

    • Community mental health teams

    17. Community-based services for people who misuse substances - SMC

    • Community drug and alcohol teams

    18. Urgent care services - UCS

    • Walk-in clinic

    19. Care home services with nursing - CHN

    • Nursing home

    20. Care home services without nursing - CHS

    • Residential home

    21. Specialist college services - SPC

    • Personal care and accommodation provided by a college for young people with learning and/or physical disabilities

    22. Domiciliary care services including those provided for children - DCC

    • Domiciliary care agency

    23. Extra care housing services - EXC

    • Care provided within purpose built accommodation

    24. Shared lives (Formerly adult placement) - SHL

    • Care provided by a trained individual, couple or family, inside or outside of the home

    25. Supported living services - SLS

    • Care provided to a person living in their own home

    26. Ambulance services - AMB

    • Patient transport

    27. Blood and transport services - BTS

    • NHS Blood and transport

    28. Remote clinical advice services - RCA

    • NHS Direct

    The examples given above are by no means an exhaustive list and the range of organisations that need to be regulated by the Care Quality Commission is extensive, so if you provide any form of health or social care services then you will almost certainly fall within one of the above service types.

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    Like most U.S. states, Pennsylvania has certain provisions for it's residents who fall into lower income groups. One such provision focuses on offering affordable health insurance for individuals and families. In Pennsylvania there is a program known as AdultBasic for people who earn income below a prescribed level. This program focuses on providing health coverage at very little cost (there is a $35 monthly premium) to the applicant.

    Originally started in 2002, the coverage insures most lower income people between the ages of 19 and 65 who meet certain eligibility criteria. It also covers against pre-existing conditions and is available to U.S. citizens who have resided in Pennsylvania 90 days prior to enrollment.

    This medical insurance is comprehensive major medical coverage and is administered by various private insurance carriers throughout Pennsylvania (Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Keystone Health Plan East and First Priority to name a few). Some of the benefits covered by the plan which carry no additional cost are:

    - Hospitalization (unlimited days)
    - Physician Services (primary care and specialists)
    - Emergency Services
    - Diagnostic Testing (e.g. X-rays, mammograms and laboratory tests etc.)
    - Maternity care
    - Rehabilitation and skilled care (in lieu of extended hospitalization)

    Other services which carry a small co-payment are:

    - $ 5.00 co-pay for each visit to your family doctor
    - $10.00 co-pay for each visit to a specialist
    - $25.00 co-pay for each visit to an emergency room (waived if admitted to the hospital)

    Another convenient aspect is the ability to apply online. To help guide you along with the process I recommend contacting a licensed local health insurance broker for further information.

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    According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, what your spouse eats right before and during your pregnancy can affect the health of your growing baby. Even before she starts trying to get pregnant, you should take special care of her health.

    Make sure she eats healthy meals and snacks and take a multivitamin every day. If you are both unsure about eating healthy during pregnancy, talk to your doctor.

    Does my spouse really need to "eat for two?"

    According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, your spouse will need additional nutrients to keep her and the baby healthy, while she is pregnant. But, that does not mean she needs to eat twice as much. She should only eat an extra 300 calories per day. A baked potato has 120 calories. So getting these extra 300 calories doesn't take a lot of food.

    Make sure she does not to restrict her diet during pregnancy either. If she does, the unborn baby might not get the right amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Low-calorie diets can break down a pregnant woman's stored fat. This can lead to the production of substances called ketones. Ketones can be found in the mother's blood and urine and are a sign of starvation.

    Why do pregnant women crave certain foods?

    According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, the desire for "pickles and ice cream" and other cravings might be caused by changes in nutritional needs during pregnancy. The fetus needs nourishment and a woman's body absorbs and metabolizes nutrients differently while pregnant.

    These changes help ensure normal development of the baby and fill the demands of breastfeeding once the baby is born.

    Other Nutrients Does My Partner Need For a Healthy Pregnancy

    Folic Acid: According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Pregnant women need 400 micrograms (400 mcg) of folic acid every day to help prevent birth defects. Folic acid is also important for any woman who could possibly become pregnant. Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps prevent serious birth defects of a baby's brain or spine called neural tube defects. Getting enough folic acid can also help prevent birth defects like cleft lip and congenital heart disease.

    An easy way to get enough folic acid is to take a multivitamin every day. Most multivitamins sold in the U.S. contain enough folic acid for the day. But be sure to check the label! Choose a multivitamin that contains 400 mcg or 100% of the Daily Value (DV) for folic acid. Getting enough folic acid is most important very early in pregnancy, usually before a woman knows she is pregnant.

    So, at least one month before your partner tries to become pregnant you should make sure she is getting enough folic acid. Women who are already pregnant need to get enough folic acid every single day. Another way to get enough folic acid is to start your spouse eating a serving of breakfast cereal that contains 100% DV for folic acid, every day. Check the nutrition label on the box of cereal to be sure. It should say "100%" next to folic acid. Orange juice, spinach and legumes are also good sources of folic acid.

    Iron: Pregnant women need twice as much iron - 30 mg per day - than other women. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women start taking a low-dose iron supplement (30 mg/day) or a multivitamin with iron beginning at the time of their first prenatal visit. Ask your doctor what she recommends.

    Prenatal vitamins prescribed by your doctor or those you can buy over-the-counter usually have the amount of iron your partner needs. But be sure to check the label to make sure. Pregnant women should also eat lots of iron-rich foods. Some good sources of iron include lean red meat, fish, poultry, dried fruits, whole-grain breads, and iron-fortified cereals. Pregnant women need extra iron for the increased amount of blood in their bodies. Iron helps keep blood healthy. Plus, your baby will store iron in his body to last through the first few months of life. Too little iron can cause a condition called anemia. If your spouse has anemia, she might look pale and feel very tired. Your doctor checks for signs of anemia with the routine blood tests taken at different stages of pregnancy. If your doctor finds that she has anemia, she will give special iron supplements to take once or twice a day.

    Calcium: Pregnant women aged 19 to 50 years should get 1,000 mg/day of calcium. Younger pregnant women need even more - 1300 mg/day. Most women in the U.S. don't eat enough calcium. So many pregnant women will have to change their diets to get their fill of this important mineral. Low-fat or non-fat milk, yogurt, cheese or other dairy products are great sources of calcium. Eating green leafy vegetables and calcium-fortified foods like orange juice and breakfast cereal can also provide calcium. If your partner's diet is not providing 1,000 mg/day of calcium, talk to your doctor about taking a calcium supplement.

    Water: Pregnant women should drink at least six eight-ounce glasses of water per day. Plus, pregnant women should drink another glass of water for each hour of activity. Water plays a key role in your partner's diet during pregnancy. It carries the nutrients from the food she eats to your baby. It also helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, excessive swelling, and urinary tract or bladder infections. Drinking enough water, especially in the last trimester, prevents dehydration. Not getting enough water can lead to premature or early labor. Juices also contain water.

    But juice also has a lot of calories that can cause one to gain extra weight. Coffee, soft drinks, and teas with caffeine actually reduce the amount of fluid in the body. So caffeinated drinks do not count towards the total amount of water your spouse needs every day.

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    While chiropractors are generally concerned with the overall health of the spine and body, the field has many things to offer pregnant women. All chiropractors are trained to treat pregnant women, but some have received special designations, due to advanced study and practice in that field. Look for those with a DACCP or CACCP certification, in addition to being a member of ICPA and Webster certified, which means they have been specifically trained to deal with breech positions.

    A chiropractor is a great resource for stretches and strengthening exercises for your back. She will know exactly what works best for pregnant women. When performing chiropractic adjustment during pregnancy, a good practitioner will have proper equipment to accommodate pregnant women. They will have tables equipped to accommodate her belly and know that serious pressure on the abdomen needs to be avoided.

    With all of the changes that occur in your body during pregnancy, there is a good chance that your spine will become misaligned at some point, simply due to the pressure of your growing stomach, and hormonal changes that cause softening and stretching of tissue. A chiropractic adjustment during pregnancy can establish pelvic balance and realign the spinal column.

    This can lead to a reduction in back pain, as everything is brought into alignment so that pressure on soft tissues is relieved. The primary goal is to prepare the mother for birth. Her body should be functioning optimally, with everything in the correct position.

    Soft tissue can be manipulated as well through massage and pressure point work. This reduces spinal stress, keeps the muscles relaxed and flexible and results in reduction of muscular aches and pains.

    Some additional benefits realized by chiropractic care are controlling symptoms of morning sickness, reducing labor and delivery time, avoiding a potential caesarean section, relieving back, neck and joint pain, and bringing about a healthier pregnancy in general. Additionally, if a baby is in the breech position, the Webster Technique can be used to establish balance in the pelvis and make it possible for the baby to turn to the correct position.

    There is some evidence that regular chiropractic care during pregnancy will actually reduce time spent in labor. In addition, it appears that chiropractic patients have less postpartum pain as well.

    Currently, many medical professionals believe that regular adjustments with a good chiropractor are highly recommended. Chiropractic adjustment during pregnancy ensures that the pelvis is balanced, creating extra room for the baby, and reducing pain throughout the body, as the spine is brought back into alignment.

    Chiropractic care has become so popular for treating pregnant women, that there are even programs available to help cover the cost of treatments. Chiropractic care is still relatively inexpensive compared to most medical options, so you will probably find it quite affordable, even without assistance.

    Since many medical options are not available for pregnant women who are dealing with back pain and other issues, chiropractic adjustment during pregnancy can yield a number of benefits, both in terms of immediate symptom relief and long-term health of the mother and baby.

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    Bleeding and cramping during pregnancy do not always indicate severe pregnancy issues even though no woman wants to see or feel them. Although keeping your health care provider in the loop at all time is highly advisable, it is also recommended that you endeavor to thoroughly understand what the causes of these signs and symptoms may be before actually experiencing them. This article will reveal four of the most common causes of cramping during late pregnancy.

    1. Ectopic pregnancy may be the reason why you are cramping and bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the development of the embryo in the fallopian tube instead of the uterine wall. Ectopic pregnancy is a life threatening condition and should not be treated lightly. Its symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following; pain on one side of the abdomen, and cramping in the pelvis, and so on.

    2. Having a miscarriage may also cause you to cramp during late pregnancy; this type of cramping is often accompanied by bleeding. It may also be possible for you to have a miscarriage without cramping therefore the importance of knowing what the signs of a miscarriage are cannot be overstated; these signs include, but are not limited to; bleeding from the vagina, cramping around the pelvis, and tissue that proceeds from the vagina.

    3. If you experience your cramps after the first trimester, it may be indicative of placenta problems. These include; placental abruption (which is when the placenta separates from the uterine wall), Pre-term labor (this is characterized by any labor beginning before the 37th week of pregnancy), and Placenta previa (which occurs when the uterus covers your cervix partially or completely due to the placenta being positioned too low).

    4. The process whereby the embryo embeds itself into the wall of the uterus is referred to as implantation. It is normal and common for this process to cause cramping and bleeding. The APA (that is, the American Pregnancy Association) says that bleeding due to implantation may occur within the first 6 - 12 days after fertilization of the egg - which is a process commonly referred to as conception. This bleeding, which may last for a couple of hours or up to two days, appears as a light spotting. Ironically some women may not experience cramping caused by this condition at all or may only experience very light cramping.

    Note that you must endeavor to keep your health care provider in the loop (that is, knowledgeable) concerning your experiences during pregnancy especially as it pertains to cramping or bleeding in particular. Avoid inserting anything into the vagina while bleeding including tampons. If possible, try to abstain from sexual intercourse until you have ascertained the cause of your cramping during late pregnancy. You could monitor the frequency and volume of bleeding by wearing a pad, that way you will be able to let your health care provider know what your observations are.

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    As part of China's efforts to reform the healthcare landscape in the country, large changes to the basic structure of the social security apparatus have been drafted in order to modernize the financial infrastructure supporting the health care system. This has included a number of mandated social security mechanisms, including maternity insurance.

    The maternity coverage that is provided through the social security system in China is mandatory. However, while the central government issues the mandate, it is up to each municipality to organize and manage the maternity coverage for their area. This means that while different cities will have maternity insurance offered as part of the required social security structure, the particulars such as contributions and benefits may vary.

    Although it is up to local municipalities to set rates and organize the collection of funds for their maternity programs, the system itself is structured around employers, whether public agencies, institutions, private enterprises or businesses. Each business or organization must register their employees with the relevant local authority managing the maternity insurance fund; failing to do so may result in fines and additional measures from the local maternity insurance regulatory authority.

    Maternity Insurance Contributions

    The cost of contributing towards the local municipality's maternity fund is borne solely by the employer. Employers must contribute a certain percentage of their total wage bill towards the insurance fund. It is up to the local municipality to set the rate of contribution for employers within their purview, however most cities have set the rate at between 0.5 to 1 percent of the employer's total wages. In some cases, the rate of contribution towards the municipal maternity fund may be higher or lower based on how the municipality has decided to manage the program and fund.

    Maternity Insurance Benefits

    The Chinese social security system for maternity provides employees covered under the plan with a number of benefits. Mothers go on maternity leave which is generally 3 months in length. During her maternity leave the mother will receive a predetermined amount as a maternity allowance, which is paid to her out of the insurance fund and not by her employer. Previously, the maternity allowance paid out to the mother would be fixed relative to her salary, however a new law promulgated in mid-2011 requires that mothers should receive payments that are equal to the average of all wages paid by their employer. However, many municipalities require time to restructure their local maternity insurance structure and funds and some may not have adapted to the new policies.

    Depending on local regulations and rules, other benefits may be offered as well, such as a lump sum at the time of birth to assist the mother in dealing with associated costs. Fathers may also receive a short period of paternity leave, although it is usually limited to a few days of paid leave.

    Some cities have already reworked their municipal health insurance plans to take account of the new rules, with Beijing being the most prominent among them. The city of Beijing reworked their maternity insurance laws in late 2011 to take account of the fact that there are many women in important positions in businesses or organizations both public and private. Beijing has included in their new maternity insurance system the provision that if a mother's wage is greater than the average salary of the company, then the employer must make up the difference between the maternity allowance and the mother's monthly wages.

    As other municipalities rewrite their local maternity insurance coverage policy to bring themselves into line with the changes sought by the national government, some may or may not adopt similar policies to Beijing. While both maternity leave and allowance are guaranteed by the maternity insurance provisions of the national social security directives, details of benefits or additional benefits such as lump sums to assist with the costs of childbirth are decided at a local level by the municipal maternity insurance authority.

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    California has the nation's richest and most extensive state mandated benefits for pregnancy and maternity. There are at least five ways you might need to utilize these benefits. But while these benefits are rich compared with what other states offer, you could still be left in financial distress. Be sure to supplement these benefits before getting pregnant.

    1 - Pregnancy Disability before Delivery

    Twenty five percent of pregnancies will encounter one or more complications. Should this happen to you, your doctor may order you to stop working to take bed rest. California short term disability will replace up to 55% of your income during this time.

    2 - Help at Home from Your Spouse

    If your pregnancy complications are severe, you may need some assistance while at home - especially if there are young children at home that require attention. Should this happen to you your husband may need to leave work to provide care to you and/or your children. California Paid Family Leave will replace up to 55% of your husband's income for up to six weeks.

    But now you will be dealing with two simultaneous 45% pay cuts. Can you afford this?

    3 - Maternity Leave Income

    When you deliver your baby you will need time to recover and will be unable to work. California short term disability will replace up to 55% of your income for six weeks for a vaginal birth, and eight weeks for a c-section delivery.

    4 - Baby Bonding Time

    After you recover from your delivery, you may want to spend additional time at home bonding with your baby. The California Paid Family Leave provides an additional six weeks of partial income replacement during this time. Also, your husband may choose to take time from work and is eligible for six weeks of partial income replacement as well - provided he did not exhaust these benefits before delivery.

    5 - Postpartum Disorders

    Many women develop postpartum disorders that result in a longer recovery time. Should this happen to you, you may not be able to return to work as quickly as planned. California short term disability will continue to replace up to 55% of you income during the time.

    Get Supplemental Coverage before Getting Pregnant

    California maternity benefits may pay out in five different ways, but only 55% of your income is being replaced. Purchase supplemental insurance before getting pregnant to replace a higher percentage of your income, and to help out with left over medical bills.

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    Pregnant women undergoing a stressful period in their life either due to their pregnancy or because of other circumstances which unfortunately coincided with their pregnancy, often end up having false labor or not experiencing labor at all even when they have already reached their due dates or have gone past their due dates. This is a common problem which is experienced by many pregnant women today. The good news is there are tried and tested effective ways to induce labor and start giving birth to the little one inside that womb!

    There are more ways than one to effectively induce labor. Thanks to maternity acupressure, a very old method designed by the Chinese which is similar to the principle of acupuncture, there is a healing method which stimulates a range of pressure points in different key parts of the body to induce labor for pregnant women who are having a hard time starting labor on their own. The practice of maternity acupressure has long been done to aid migraine headaches and relieve labor pains in pregnant women as well. Aside from labor pains, maternity acupressure can also stimulate the normal circulation in those key points to induce natural and faster labor during the last few weeks before a woman is about to give birth.

    The key points on which maternity acupressure should be exercised would be on the three main areas: the Hoku, or the large intestine, the Chih-yin, or the bladder, and the San-yin-chiao, or the spleen. These three areas in the body are usually connected to the different hormones and fluids which normally induce labor during the last weeks of pregnancy. The Hoku pressure point can be found in the webbing between the hand's thumb and index finger. Applying acupressure on this pressure point can stimulate natural contractions and also relieve migraine headaches related to pregnancy. The Chih-yin is situated on the corner of the smallest toe nail on either the left or right foot. By applying acupressure on this point, it can also help soothe labor pains and make the body feel more relaxed. The San-yin-chiao is located on either sides of the tibia, which is the front part of the leg, near the ankle bone. By applying maternity acupressure on this pressure point, this is known to induce labor more effectively and stimulate the release of hormones responsible for inducing labor naturally.

    Massaging different key areas in the body can also support maternity acupressure. It is said that by massaging and applying pressure to buttock points can also stimulate the bowels, thus stimulating the contractions in a pregnant woman's uterus. Belly massaging techniques can also help by applying the right amount of pressure on the belly and performing massages using the index finger and doing circular motion along the belly or the buttocks. This can gradually induce labor and are one of the easiest ways to induce labor naturally.

    Aside from massaging key areas in the body, pregnant women should also refrain from getting into stressful situations, and avoid thinking of unhappy thoughts which can ruin their mood or cause them to be anxious. Husbands should play a vital role in making sure that their pregnant wives receive a lot of attention and care during their pregnancy and to also spend a lot of relaxation time together. The husbands should consider the pregnancy as a partnership and not just something that the wife should be going through by herself.

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    Corporate insurance health plans are a mixed blessing for any corporation or small business. These plans provide a guarantee that the employee will be covered for medical costs and treatments. Moreover, the price that is paid is often very affordable and cheaper than individual health insurance plans. Although documentation requirements and paperwork is more complex than other types of medical insurance, the coverage that is offered and the benefits of having one remains important to a large number of employees across the country.


    Full time employees of any corporations that reports income taxes are eligible. Full time employment is generally defined as working more than 30 hours per week. Corporate insurance health plans are available to a large number of businesses and corporations. In this article, I will be talking about some of the major types of policies which are available online.

    Mandated Coverage

    Corporate health insurance plans are mostly controlled by state law. As new laws are enacted every now and then, lawmakers continue to add new plans and coverage in the existing one. Although this is of benefit to the employees, this increases the cost of insurance plans. For example, services such as maternity care make a significant portion of the corporate health coverage even in an organization that is composed entirely of males. These mandated benefits reduce the ability of the employers to tailor these types of plans to their business. But, if it is looked at from a practical point of view, this is the only way employees in an organization can get financial help for maternity costs through insurance companies.


    The cost of corporate health insurance depends on a number of factors. For example, is a customer is unhealthy, he will be paying a higher amount than someone who is healthy. Larger businesses pay more for coverage and smaller ones pay less. The amount that each corporation pays not only depends on the availability of benefits, but on their budget. Basically, you get what you pay for. Larger corporations are able to afford more additional coverage such as vision and dental care. As a result, they pay more premium. On the other hand, smaller corporations try to limit the coverage to only what is needed and this includes medical checkups, x-rays and so on.

    There are plans available which offer coverage at a lower cost, but only after trimming some of the benefits. So it is a matter of budget that decides the cost of your insurance plan.

    Finding A Provider

    There are a large number of health insurance providers available and they can easily be located through the internet. One of the best ways of finding a provider is to search online with the relevant keywords including the name of your state or city. Within a matter of seconds, you will have a long list of providers displayed. But, before you make a choice, you must understand what they offer and at what price. Different providers offer different policies and you should not be tricked into buying a policy that is not suitable for your corporation.

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    Obstetrics and Gynecology is the specialty that focuses on the treatment of women. Gynecology focuses on maternity care before birth, support pregnant and after treatment when gynecologist is facing the general health of women, focusing on female genitalia. The experts asked the obstetrician midwife, while women have gynecological diseases expert.

    Both these two specialties obstetrics and gynecology clumped together because both involve in caring for women. Specialties are the maternal and prenatal care, where management obstetric high-risk pregnancy, as well as family planning and reproductive health, endocrinology, hormones, research on the reproductive system.

    Practitioner of obstetrics and gynecology called an OB/GYN. Many OB/GYNs are women, although many male doctors talent working in this discipline too. The reason behind this is that obstetrics and gynecology deals with sensitive female subjects, some patients prefer to work with female doctors, especially those who are concerned about shyness and decency. In obstetrics in rural areas and basic services provided by practitioners who have no special training, but can still provide the desired benefits to their patients.

    An obstetrician/gynecologist are a physician specialist who provides medical and surgical care of women and has particular expertise in pregnancy, childbirth and genital disorders. This includes preventive care, prenatal care and detection of sexually transmitted diseases, Pap smears and family planning.

    OB/GYNs may choose to specialize in the following areas:

    • Acute and Chronic Disease
    • Gynecology
    • Behavioral problems of adolescents
    • Cancer
    • Endocrinology
    • Maintaining health during pregnancy
    • Infertility
    • Operative Gynecology Infertility Pregnancy and Childbirth
    • Preventative health
    • Urinary tract disorders

    Maternal / Fetal Medicine

    * Concerned with the care and consultation for patients with complications during pregnancy

    * Requires knowledge of obstetrics, medical and surgical complications for the mother and fetus, the current methods of diagnosis and treatment, adaptation and neonatal

    Gynecology Oncology

    * Concerned about the consultation and comprehensive treatment of patients with gynecological cancer

    * Requires knowledge of the treatment of major cancers, diagnosis and complications of cancer

    Endocrinology of Reproduction and Infertility

    * Reproductive endocrinology and infertility do with the management of complex problems relating to infertility and reproductive endocrinology

    * Requires information on the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal disorders and infertility.

    For perfection in Obstetrics and Gynecology, a doctor must first complete four years of medical school, he must have to follow residency. If your doctor wants to focus on subspecialty, such as gynecological surgery or fertility treatments, and more will be charged.

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