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Pregnancy is the most wonderful period in the life of a woman. During this phase they require love, affection and more care from the family members. Most of the women prepare themselves to enter this phase but sometimes they might get into unwanted pregnancy situations. This unwanted pregnancy might trouble them and hence the best way to get out of this trouble is to terminate it. However, if you are willing to undergo abortion, there are several things that should be discussed among the family members in order to get it done properly. There are various ways in which you can terminate the pregnancy and one of the most effective ones includes the abortion pills.

Among the various ways, using the abortion pills is a medically approved and safest way of terminating the pregnancy. But you should be aware of the fact that it is effective only in early stages of pregnancy. Though you can get the medicine in the market, it is your duty to seek guidance from a professional doctor in order to get it done safely. An experienced doctor is the right person who can tell you whether this method is safe for you or not or which medicine is best for you. There are numerous benefits of using abortion pills for ending the pregnancy and the best one is that it is less traumatic and painful.

This process is effective and safe only in early stages of pregnancy and can be used by women only above 18 years of age. Those under 18 years of age need to take permission from their parents in order to undergo this treatment. The process of terminating the pregnancy by means of abortion pills is known as mifepristone. It can be used by women whose pregnancy period is maximum 9 weeks.

The first thing that should be considered by you is to consult a physician and discuss about the various options available for you. An experienced doctor would ask you to undergo various laboratory tests in order to make sure which medication is the best for you. The pathology tests might also include an ultrasound. Make sure you take the pill under the guidance of the doctor and this requires reading and signing different papers. When you take this medicine it prevents the release of a hormone, progesterone that is essential for pregnancy. In the absence of this hormone the outer boundary of the uterus breaks down and is discharged out of the body as normal periods.

It is beneficial that you either visit a health care center or a physician in order to collect all the information regarding abortion pills and their use. The experienced doctors will guide you in the process. You can also resolve your queries regarding the complications and side effects of using the pill by discussing it with the doctor. Taking this pill can result in excessive bleeding and pain but the guidance of professionals can help you in coming over the pain and traumatic condition with effective medication and care.

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A survey revealed that around 13% of pregnant women went without medical care during those difficult months as they could not afford maternity insurance. Also, pregnancy did not form a part of many health insurance policies. Sometimes, care was available only during the second trimester or third trimester. Affordable Health Care Options therefore offers hope in the form of the "Maternity Card". This card allows slashing of costs during the prenatal and postnatal periods by up to 60%.

The name precisely means that - Affordable Health Care Options! Where Maternity Card scores over other basic health insurance programs is reduction in the amount of documents to be filled in, unlike its competitors who present the patient with a mountain of paperwork and legal jargon that is terribly confusing! And as mentioned earlier, this insurance is affordable. In truth, maternity insurance is not considered so important by plenty of health insurance programs.

Where those companies that do offer maternity insurance coverage are concerned, they provide group insurance plans. The catch is that in many of the plans, the clauses are so framed that they can take effect only three months later; sometimes, even one year later.

A plan called Medi-cal maternity insurance is meant for residents of California only. The woman should be between six to seven months pregnant, as well as prove that California has been her home for the past six months. The company takes care of prenatal expenses, as well as covers the postpartum period for 60 days. The remaining costs are covered by the woman herself (gross family income contributes 2%).

Low-income groups can turn to Medicaid for help, where a few maternity insurance benefits are available sometimes.

So I again reiterate that Maternity Card is the best option available. Pregnant women with no insurance can go for it. Even women with health insurance that does not include maternity insurance, can opt for Maternity Card. More details can be found from internet. All one has to do is fill out the information page on the site and click on submit. One will have access to lots of information about where to find good insurance.

The full maternity package provided by Maternity Card includes these services:

1. Visits to the doctor.

2. Prenatal vitamins.

3. 24-hour counseling.

4. Sonograms.

5. Laboratory work.

6. Stay in the hospital.

7. Anesthesiologist.

8. 24-Hour Nurse Hotline.

9. Checkups and tests concerning the newborn.

10. Immunizations for mother and child.

11. Prescription drugs.

Thus, the Maternity Card is so customer-friendly that the mother-to-be can stop having nightmares about the lack of maternity insurance or how she is going to manage monetarily when the baby finally arrives. There is somebody to take care of everything!

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In the field of medicine, a CNA is often times considered as being the stepping stone into the healthcare field. Becoming a LPN is next on the ladder when considering a career in the healthcare field. Both of these positions work under the direction of a doctor or physician or RN. There are several advantages to working your way up the ladder and getting there is rather simple as well. Here are a few advantages and facts about both a CNA and a LPN.

Job Details and Salary of a LPN

An average starting salary of a LPN is around $40,000. As a nursing assistant, the average salary is $27,000. The average salary for a LPN is about $40,000. As a LPN, there are going to be more responsibilities and tasks that you are responsible for and therefore your salary is higher. Licensed nurses will administer medications and prepare patient rooms as well. They are a form of a more experienced, and licensed, CNA.


When you are looking into advancing to a position as a licensed practical nurse, there are a few extra skills and qualifications that you are going to have to possess. You should begin by finding out what your state requires. This will tell you what extra classes and degree forms you are going to have to obtain. For instance, if you are in CA and attempting to advance to a LPN, you need to have 51 months of experience in a hospital and this is going to include 200 hours of pediatric care, 200 of maternity care, and 64 of pharmacy hours. You can find out what your state requires by contacting the Nursing Board in the state you are in.

Educational Programs

Just about all community colleges will offer a LPN program. Nowadays, there are even options and some ways to take some of your courses on the internet. This has become a popular alternative as some people have a full time job that does not allow them to attend a college campus. For the most part, a LPN program is going to take 2 years and that is for an Associates of Science degree. This is the minimum requirement to work in the field of nursing and often times, many people go back to school to get their RN license.

Keep in mind that throughout your course and degree program, you are going to have to take part in a set amount of clinical hours. The amount of time you spend on clinical experience can vary from state to state and once you get enrolled in a college, they will be better able to assist you in answering any questions you are unsure of.

Working as a CNA can really open up many various paths, and if you are looking into going into nursing, a LPN license can help you get your feet in the door a little further. You can even contact your human resources department if you are working as an aide and learn more about any educational classes that you may benefit from.

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Wow - can you believe that your baby is now a whopping 1.1 pounds? That's about the size of a small baby doll that you might purchase for a little girl. Your bundle of joy is now around 11 inches long (only an inch away from being a foot long!). It's amazing to think that your baby used to weigh less than one ounce!

  • Though your baby's skin is still quite red and heavily wrinkled, this will soon change, as more fat deposits underneath his/her skin. It won't be long before your baby is an adorable, chunky "monkey!"

  • With each week that passes in your pregnancy, your baby continues to fill out and look more proportional.

  • Turn on the radio or play your favorite song. Sway to the music. Or better yet, dance with your significant other. Your baby's sense of movement is well developed by 23 weeks, so he/she can feel you dance. Since your baby is bigger now, you might even be able to feel (or see!) his/her reaction to your dance.

  • By pregnancy week 23, your baby can pick up noises from the "outside," so don't be surprised if you feel your baby squirming around a bit when you're vacuuming or you are in a loud setting. His/her ears are almost completely developed this week, and the bones in the middle ear are starting to form.

  • The blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing this week. The lungs are one of the last organs to mature, and they won't be fully mature and ready for life on the outside until after 37 weeks of pregnancy (or when your baby is "full-term").

  • Your baby still has plenty of room to move around freely in your uterus. His/her movements are probably quite strong at this point. You will probably feel lots of flipping and flopping, and you might even notice your stomach moving about sometimes.
Fun Fact:

If your baby were born prematurely this week, he/she would have between a 10 and 20 percent chance of survival. With each day that your baby stays in the womb, his/her survival rate increases 3 percent.


As your uterus continues to grow and expand, you may have gained up to 15 pounds by pregnancy week 23. (However, keep in mind that some women will gain less and others more.) Your uterus is probably about 1.5 inches above your navel.

With all the extra weight that you're carrying around, you may find that you're feeling less graceful on your feet. You might even feel very unbalanced. Remember to take it easy and to get as much rest as you can.

At 23 weeks pregnant, you should take some time to yourself and enjoy feeling your little one moving about in the womb. Since baby can now hear, rub your belly and talk to your baby. This is a wonderful way to bond with him/her. Plus, rubbing your belly in a circular motion may even help ease the tension on your skin and prevent stretch marks.

If you're genetically disposed to stretch marks or if you've gained a lot of pregnancy weight very quickly, you may start to notice that these unattractive pink or purple lines appearing on your belly around pregnancy week 23. Though unwanted, stretch marks are common during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, and they affect over 50 percent of all expectant mothers.

Unfortunately, there is no 100 percent foolproof way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. But there are certain stretch mark creams and lotions (such as Belli Skin Care's Elasticity Oil) that you can slather on trouble areas, and these may help improve the look of your skin. Plus, Belli Skin Care is completely safe during pregnancy and it contains almost all-organic and natural ingredients.

In addition to stretch marks at pregnancy week 23, you may start to experience swelling in your ankles and feet, especially at the end of the day. This is called "edema," or swelling during pregnancy. It's caused by the slugging circulation in your legs, paired with changes in your blood chemistry (i.e. you have more blood flow when you're expecting baby). Not to worry - this swelling will go away after you deliver your baby.

Helpful Tip:

To help you cope with swelling during pregnancy, you should avoid sitting or standing in one place for too long, pop up your feet when you're sitting or lying down, exercise regularly to help improve your circulation, and wear maternity support stockings.PREGNANCY 411

Dealing with Emotional Issues During Pregnancy

In the second trimester, you may find that your physical changes are the least of your problems. Your significant other and family members may find that you are hard to live with, due to your rollercoaster of emotions. You may find that it's difficult to control your emotions when you're expecting. You may be happy and normal one second, sobbing hysterically the next, and full of rage minutes later.

While this whirlwind of different emotions may exhaust, it is just another normal pregnancy symptom. You may feel very emotional in the second trimester due to your worries that you won't be a good parent, or that you don't know if you can handle caring for more than one child at a time. Or you may be nervous about labor and delivery. Your baby may seem more real to you now, since you can now feel him/her moving around in your belly.

To help yourself feel better as you handle this flood of emotion, you may want to share how you're feeling with your partner or a close friend, or perhaps a pregnant friend who is going through the same thing. If you don't have any other pregnant friends, consider joining a childbirth class or prenatal class, where you can meet other pregnant women like yourself.

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There are few experiences in life that are as special and unique as expecting a baby. It is such a brief moment in time, and it is vital to take good care of yourself and the little person who will soon be joining your family.

Taking care of yourself and your baby means eating a healthy and balanced pregnancy diet. Despite this knowledge, many women find themselves in a situation where they give in to junk food cravings and may end up with an unhealthy weight gain during their pregnancy.

A Breakdown Of The Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Babies weigh around 7 pounds at birth, yet most women gain much more than that during the course of their pregnancy.

The weight gained during pregnancy is loosely allocated this way: The baby weighs eight pounds, placenta and amniotic fluid weigh six pounds, breast tissue increases by three pounds, blood supply and uterus increase account for about seven pounds and fat stores increase about eight pounds. In total weight gain should be about 30 pounds.

Each woman is different, but the range of weight gained during pregnancy should be from about 25-35 pounds.

What Is The Appropriate Amount Of Weight To Gain?

The amount of weight that you should gain when you are pregnant is dependent on how much you weighed at the beginning of your pregnancy. Women who are thinner and weigh less than they should must gain anywhere from 28 to 40 pounds throughout their pregnancy.

Women who are above normal weight only need to accumulate 15 to 25 pounds during their pregnancy. Women who weigh an average amount can gain 25 to 35 pounds throughout the pregnancy.

Speak with your doctor to determine exactly how much weight gain during your pregnancy is appropriate for you.

A Healthy Pregnancy Diet Plan

The amount of calories you need to take in when you are pregnant is similar to the standard amount of calories you need when you are not. A pregnant woman only needs to eat around 300 more calories a day to ensure healthy weight gain for her baby and herself.

Eating for two is a misconception that needs to be tossed out. It makes sense as a pregnant woman is not pregnant with another full size adult!

Eating a high fiber diet with foods from all the different food groups will ensure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need. Increase the protein and dairy you eat and limit fatty and sugary foods.

Speak with your doctor about a prenatal vitamin that is right for you and make sure to take it every day. Increasing your folic acid, either through a supplement or the food you eat, is also essential.

If you are contemplating becoming pregnant, the time to plan your pregnancy diet is now. It will be difficult to drop unhealthy habits cold turkey, and if you get used to eating in a healthy way before you are pregnant, you will not have to adjust.

If you are already pregnant, it is not too late to get on a healthier course.

Do not let weight gain during your pregnancy become a motivation all its own, you should instead be focused on eating in a way that is healthy for you and your baby and let the weight gain during your pregnancy happen naturally.

Speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or your exercise plan.

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The first trimester is the most critical moment of pregnancy since the mother should take all necessary precautions to be able to ensure safe growth of the baby. During this time, developments of essential body parts happen that pregnant mothers should know what food to eat and what activities to take. Whatever changes that will take place during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy will be permanent. Whatever the beginning is will be carried throughout the end.

It may be said however that the early pregnancy stages should be treated with care, it does not mean that the next few weeks of being pregnant should not be considered essential too. The point of saying this is that the essentials of your baby's growth like the placenta and the fingers and the vital organs happen to initiate during this term. There are a lot of good things that you could expect from the first trimester of your pregnancy. Knowing these expectations can give you track of what is going to happen and what will you to adapt to the event or change.

Here is an account of the week by week changes of your baby during the first few weeks of your pregnancy. For the week 1 of your pregnancy, the health care provider will count forty weeks from the first date of your last menstruation. This means that your pregnancy period kicked off even when you aren't pregnant yet. The second week is the week of fertilization. This time the sperm and egg unite to create a zygote. The zygote then travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus.

Pregnancy stages include the third week as important part of the whole pregnancy when the zygote turns into a blastocyst and nourishes itself in the placenta. Moreover, the embryonic period begins at week 4. the baby's heart and the circulatory system forms. At week five, your baby reaches the size of the tip of the pen. His can be very exciting since the mother can now hear the baby's heart beating her. Week six marks the forming of the passageways like the mouth and the inner ear and the formation of the digestive and respiratory tracts.

The pregnancy's first trimester still continues with the appearance of the umbilical chord in the seventh week. The arms will look like a tiny paddle that indicates the baby's movement. On week eight, The baby's fingers and toes form. The baby is an inch long in the ninth week. Your baby's head will be tucked down unto the chest as it looks half the size of the body.

Neurons multiply in week ten and it could be possible that baby's sex can be apparent. Determining the gender of the baby is one of the highlights of pregnancy. Other mothers, however, will still have to wait for the next pregnancy stages because babies might not have positioned themselves to be easily seen by the practitioner. On the last part of the initial trimester, baby's finger nails and toe nails appear.

Taking care of your baby all through out the pregnancy is a must for mothers who want to ensure the baby's physical, mental and emotional stability.

The first trimester is the most critical moment of pregnancy since the mother should take all necessary precautions to ensure the safe growth and development of the baby. During this time your baby starts to develop critical body systems. To ensure their proper growth, pregnant mothers should know what foods to eat and what activities to avoid.

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The miracle of pregnancy and creation of new life is one of the most magical spells that Mother Nature can cast. Looking after yourself and your baby as best as you can is essential to the health and well-being of you both, and living as healthy and active a lifestyle as possible comes highly recommended. Doing this organically can only boost the benefits of a holistic and healthy lifestyle for mother and baby.

From pre-conception it is important that your body is at its optimum health, so here are some ways that you can give you and your child the best start possible:

If you are thinking of starting a family it is important that you eat a healthy organic diet, packed with fruit and vegetables, dairy products, protein and good carbohydrates.

Certain vitamins and minerals are particularly important to pregnant woman, these include folic acid and iron which can be taken as supplements, bought organically from health food stores.

Remember to avoid certain foods such as unpasteurised dairy products, shellfish and some types of fish and meat products.

Eating an organic, wholesome, healthy balanced diet will ensure you get all of the goodness you need without the additives.

Exercise regularly at a gentle pace. It is important to raise your heart rate in preparation for childbirth but not to overdo it. Ideal activities are swimming and yoga; both are excellent activities for pregnant woman, social and have many health benefits.

Many health and fitness clubs run swimming and yoga classes especially designed for pregnant woman this provides a social outlet as well as a health-giving pastime.

Speak to your midwife or doctor before embarking on any new exercise regime. Remember healthy body healthy mind.

Massage your bump with organic aromatherapy oils. The scent of the oils can invigorate you, relax you or refresh you depending on the product you chose.

Use organic skincare and cosmetics and organic household cleaners. Your skin breathes and feeds your body, ingesting whatever is in it or your environment and ultimately exposing your unborn baby. Using organic products eliminates the bad stuff.

When baby is born It is essential that you give your newborn the best possible start and the age-old adage that Mothers milk is best is no fairytale. By feeding your child breast milk you are building and strengthening their immune system, and filling their tiny tum with the finest nutrients that nature can offer.

A child's skin is five times thinner than that of an adult, so it is important that what you rub into them, and put on them, is as natural as possible. Use organic creams and lotions that contain no chemicals or preservatives. Organic baby clothes are ideal as they too are made as naturally as possible, protecting your child's skin and body and keeping it soft and pure.

Introduce baby to organic food slowly. A balanced healthy diet is essential in the first few years of life, and doing this organically ensures you are feeding your child the best possible without the added preservatives.

By living a healthy, holistic organic lifestyle you are giving your child the best start in life for health happiness and vitality.

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I have a lavender leather couch in my office. And a coffee table with a box of tissue. Countless women have sat on that couch, the color draining from their faces as we've worked through their post-divorce budget. In my twenty years as a practicing divorce lawyer, I have learned that nothing is more frightening to most divorcing women than facing the fact that there is a very real possibility that they cannot afford to protect their health and more importantly, the health of their children.

Divorce not only encompasses the separation of a wife and a husband, but often includes separating a woman from access to health insurance. And in many cases, they have to face the harsh reality that they can't afford health insurance for their children.

Imagine yourself facing the loss of your marriage, your home, your financial security, and your health insurance. And what if you're a breast cancer survivor or you have a chronic illness like arthritis or high blood pressure? Or what if your child has a chronic illness like diabetes? Now add this to the emotional upheaval that every divorcing woman feels. Overwhelmed yet?

It's common knowledge that many divorced women find themselves having to enter the workforce for the first time in years. We all know the statistics. A woman makes seventy three cents for every dollar a man earns. And many, many women have to take jobs with no benefits.

So, there we sit on the lavender couch; itemizing the budget. And when we get to the line for health insurance and costs of health care,we both take a deep breath. Not only is the cost of health insurance incredibly expensive, but there are co-pays and deductibles. Even if a woman can afford the insurance, which can cost several hundred dollars a month, there are co-pays for each visit and there is typically a per person deductible - for her and each child. And what about birth control? Not cheap. Health care is simply not affordable for many divorcing women.

Of course I'd heard about the Affordable Care Act, but to be honest I didn't really understand how it would work. But as I found myself working through budget after budget for my divorce clients, the name of the Act began to resonate with me. "Affordable." Hmm. My friend, attorney Roberta Riley is an expert in women's health insurance, so I called her up and took her to lunch to explore how the ACA might help my clients. Boy was I pleasantly surprised. Here's what I learned:

There are three main ways that the Affordable Care Act will help divorcing women:

1. All preventative care will be fully covered and there will be no co-pays;

2. Insurance premiums will offered on a sliding scale based on a percentage of income for individuals with low to moderate incomes - Medicaid may be expanded to make care available to those with very low incomes - depending on the State; and

3. Children will be fully covered for dental and vision.

We all know that the co-pays can really add up for the average family. Most women have a yearly exam, a mammogram, and often there are other check-ups throughout the year for issues like blood pressure or cholesterol. Then there are the kids' exams, and immunizations. Not only are there co-pays for every visit, but many plans have increasing deductibles, so the out of pocket expenses can equal the amount of the monthly premium some months. And not very many divorcing women have a few hundred extra dollars in their budget to keep up with these costs.

Under the Affordable Care Act, here are some of the preventative care visits that will not require a co-pay: pap smears, mammograms, maternity care, pediatric well child exams, blood pressure checks, diabetes checks, cholesterol checks, immunizations, and mental health treatment. And as of August 1, 2012, all contraceptive care is one hundred percent covered with no co-pay. This will be a huge relief for women facing the harsh reality of having to budget on a significantly reduced income.

So, how will this all work? Obviously, the system is going to be confusing at first. But there will be people available to help everyone find the best policy for their family. These folks will be called "navigators," and anyone can talk to a navigator, in person, on the phone, or online. The navigator will help them go over all of the available options. Once the policy is chosen, the insurance can be purchased at an insurance exchange, which is like a supermarket for insurance.

For most people, their premium will be based on their income. So, for a woman going through divorce that finds herself in either the low or moderate income category, her insurance premium will be based on a sliding scale. For example, in the lowest income category, an individual's insurance premium cannot exceed 3-3.5% of their income. (Someone making $2,000 per month would have a premium of about $70 per month!) For individuals with a moderate income, the premium will not exceed 9% of their income. (Someone making $4,000 per month would have a premium of about $360 per month.) As far as health care insurance for those with very, very low incomes, each state will have the option of expanding their Medicaid plan.

Children are given the best benefits of all. They are fully covered for all preventative visits, no co-pays and they have fully covered dental and vision care.

In addition, there are some other important benefits for divorcing women under the Affordable Care Act.

For example, under the ACA a woman going through a divorce can take her husband's insurance with her. This is called "portability." And when she is ready, she can contact a navigator and find a new affordable policy that meets her own unique health care needs.

And for a woman going through divorce who wants to open a small business, she will be able to offer health insurance to her employees by taking advantage of a new tax break. To find out about and fully understand these options, a small business owner can contact a navigator who can explain how this works.

Perhaps one of the best things about the ACA is the fact that pre-existing conditions are fully covered. Nothing is scarier for a woman facing divorce than knowing that her breast cancer may not be covered if it reappears, or that she may not have coverage for her diabetes, or high blood pressure. And the same holds true for her children. Everything is covered, no matter when it was first diagnosed. And some current insurance policies consider domestic violence to actually be a pre-existing condition. This will end under the ACA. Any health concerns stemming from domestic violence will be fully covered.

So, once the ACA takes full effect in 2014, women going through divorce will at least have the peace of mind in knowing that their family's health care needs will not only be affordable, but they will have access to excellent care for all of their health care needs.

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The U.S. does not have paid maternity leave while the rest of the industrialized world enjoys weeks or months of fully paid, job protected leave. Your growing family budget may be stretched to the max, before factoring in a loss of income. If your employer does not provide paid leave there are four things you can do to create some maternity leave pay of your own: ask Uncle Sam to pick up the tab, tap state maternity benefits, buy short term disability, and buy hospital indemnity insurance.

Uncle Sam Provides Maternity Leave Pay

The introduction to this article stated that the U.S. does not have paid maternity leave laws, but Uncle Sam is happy to provide maternity pay to those smart enough to take advantage. One of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying "a penny saved is a penny earned". Ben said this of course long before the advent of state and federal income taxes, and social security. A more updated version of that saying could be "a penny saved is a penny and a half earned". Consider a couple in the 25% federal tax bracket, paying state income taxes, and paying FICA taxes of 7.65%. This couple needs to earn $1.50 in order to take home $1. Anything maternity related that saves taxes creates maternity leave pay.

Women can generate significant un-reimbursed medical expenses during pregnancy. Estimate the amount of these expenses and make a corresponding election into your Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Any money funneled into this account reduces the amount of federal, state, and FICA taxes you pay. Many insurance plans today come with co pays, co-insurance, and deductibles which can be paid using your FSA.

If your child is born with health difficulties or developmental disabilities you may have unexpected bills. The birth of your child is a life event, allowing you to make changes during the plan year. When you are ready to return to work, you might be utilizing child care. These expenses can be paid using a dependent care FSA.

Tap State Maternity Benefits

Five states have mandated short term disability insurance which covers your normal labor and delivery, sometimes several weeks in advance of your delivery, and always for any pregnancy related complications that might cause additional time away from the job. The five states are California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. If you work in one of those states contact the state office for more details.

Two states offer paid family leave benefits that allow for an additional six weeks of paid leave so that you can bond with your baby. California and New Jersey both provide this benefit as an extension of the state disability program.

Buy Short Term Disability Insurance

Buy short term disability insurance before getting pregnant and create maternity leave pay for yourself, and added protection in case of complications, postpartum disorders, accidents, and illnesses. Short term disability pays a six week benefit for vaginal birth, and an eight week benefit for c-section delivery - less the elimination period.

Buy Hospital Indemnity Insurance

In the U.S. most babies are delivered in a hospital. Buying an insurance policy that pays a benefit directly to the insured upon hospital admission is another way to create maternity leave pay. Hospital indemnity insurance covers mom's admission to the hospital for normal labor and delivery. The benefit is paid directly to the insured regardless of what the underlying major medical insurance does or does not cover. The benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium paid, creating maternity leave pay.

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Reflexology explained.

People often use reflexology to rid the body of pain and stress by applying pressure to specific points on the hands and feet. It is a complementary therapy that is built on the belief that different areas of the body are aligned with specific areas on the feet. In a similar way to a massage, reflexology can provide relief from stress or discomfort. Reflexology can even have a role in the induction of labour. During the treatment the therapist uses pressure, stretch and movement to work through the whole foot. The therapist should take care to work within your comfort zone and reflexology should not be painful. The treatment begins with a relaxing foot massage. Reflexology does not tickle as it is a firm pressure to the feet. During the treatment you may feel different sensations in your feet and body, it may feel like a tingle or you may feel a slight pins and needles sensation. Sensitivity varies from person to person and from treatment to treatment. A reflexology session lasts up to one hour and should include a consultation and time to discuss the treatment afterwards. Maternity reflexology is tailored specifically to the women and babies needs during pregnancy.

Induction of labour.

For most women labour begins naturally. Labour is "induced" when it is started artificially. Induction will be arranged when pregnancy has gone beyond 41 weeks and is considered overdue. Induction is usually offered sometime between 41 and 42 weeks to prevent your pregnancy continuing beyond this time. There are a number of methods used by midwives and doctors to induce labour. The midwife may perform a membrane sweep to stimulate labour. If this method does not work then drug treatment is usually then next step. Chemical induction is performed in the hospital and the woman and baby need to be closely monitored during the process. Many women are very anxious not to have a chemical induction of labour and look for ways to help encourage their labour to start. Maternity reflexology is a popular choice.

The role of Maternity Reflexology in induction.

Reflexology has been used to help induce labour and even reduce pain during childbirth. In fact, more and more midwives are beginning to learn this specialized type of foot massage. Maternity reflexology is being used in delivery rooms around the world to ease their patients' discomfort and encourage labour. High stress levels are not conducive to starting labour and little is more relaxing than a foot massage, but reflexology is even more effective because it pinpoints the specific areas that can help move you toward a faster delivery date. The therapist will start with a foot massage then progress to work a number of specific points on the feet and ankles. A reflexologist trained in maternity work will know these special points so it is important to ensure you attend a fully qualified therapist. The points may be tender and many women feel a strong pulling sensation both in the foot and in their uterus. The baby may also become quite active. If a contraction begins the therapist will stop the pressure. When the contraction stops they can apply pressure again. Of course, the therapist will avoid all of these reflexology points until you are past your due date - at least your 41st week. You certainly don't want to rush the baby before its time. It is better to try and have regular treatments during pregnancy rather than wait until your due date. This not only reduces anxiety but it, in my experience, has a good effect on the baby too, in as much as they seem calmer after being born. Regular treatments may also balance the hormones, regulate the digestive system, strengthen muscle and bone with renewed circulation and boost the immune system which is all very important during pregnancy. It is important to understand that if baby is not ready to come, nothing will shift it! It is not a magic cure, but at the very least it can help the body relax, and prepare itself for what is due to happen.

It is important to keep a positive mind in the run up to labour. If you begin to take on negative thoughts about delivering you baby this can raise stress levels and may delay your labour. Try to look forward with enthusiasm and joy to your new baby. In many cases we need to focus less on hurrying the babies and give the mom some love and emotional support. You can discuss fears with the therapist as they will be trained to understand the importance of positive thoughts. They may be able to introduce you to some helpful resources such as relaxation c.ds or positive visualisation techniques.

By choosing complementary therapy such as maternity reflexology to help induce labour women can feel more confident in their ability to deliver their baby. Being aware of options other than medial induction can help women to regain some control over their pregnancy rather than feeling at the mercy of the medical decision makers. Maternity reflexology is not a replacement for medical intervention but may help induce labour for some women.

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Buried in the 2,000 page health care reform bill is tax language that will raise the cost of infertility treatments beginning in 2013. Many infertility treatments are self paid: most insurance plans provide no coverage, so couples trying to conceive must pay out of pocket. These expenses are tax deductible, but the bill raises the threshold for itemized deductions beginning in 2013, thereby raising costs.

Most insurance plans provide little or no coverage for infertility treatments. Only fourteen states mandate some level of infertility coverage, and these laws contain many exceptions and loopholes. Couples trying to conceive must often pay expenses for infertility treatment out of pocket.

Couples do get some relief for un-reimbursed medical expenses through the tax code. Most of the non-covered infertility treatment options are considered tax deductible. This list includes diagnostic testing, fertility drugs, IVF and other assisted reproductive techniques, as well as travel costs.

However the IRS limits these deductions to the amount over 7.5% of adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is the total income earned by a couple. Take for example a couple undergoing one IVF cycle. The average cost of IVF is about $12,000. If the couple has a $100,000 adjusted gross income (AGI), their threshold is $7,500. This means the couple can deduct $4,500 of their IVF costs, saving about $1,125 in taxes if they are in the 25% tax bracket.

Beginning in 2013 the Health Care Reform Bill stipulates that the threshold for itemized deduction for un-reimbursed medical expenses will be increased from7.5% of adjusted gross income to 10.0%. In the example above this lowers the eligible deduction to $2,000 and the tax savings to $500.

More than ever before, couples trying to conceive need to understand infertility insurance mandates, the tax code, and how to leverage supplemental insurance.

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If you weren't fit before you became pregnant, don't give up! Exercise during pregnancy doesn't have to be ultra-strenuous. Begin slowly and build gradually as you become stronger.

When doing pregnancy exercises, keep your heart rate under 140 beats per minute and avoid overheating, especially in your first three months. Start gradually. Even 5 minutes a day is a good start if you've been inactive. Add 5 minutes each week until you reach 30 minutes at one time.

The Very Best Exercise During Pregnancy-Swimming

Swimming is really the safest and best pregnancy exercise, as it does not have any impact on your body, as jogging or walking does. You can reach a high level of heart rate, which strengthens your cardiovascular ability and gives you a welcome buoyancy (floatability or the feeling of weightlessness).

Swimming is a safe cardiovascular exercise that will most likely not cause overheating.

If you can't swim, join a water aerobics class. Water aerobics are great pregnancy exercises as again, the water has no impact and is very safe on your stomach.


If you don't have access to a pool, then another good exercise during pregnancy is walking. Walking is very beneficial and is safer on your body and knees than running.


If you were a runner before you were pregnant, in many cases, you can continue running during your pregnancy, although you will have to slow down and probably have to stop in your third trimester. Avoid bouncing and wear good shoes.


If you already participate in aerobics, you will most likely be able to continue; however, you should speak to your health care provider before you begin. Avoid jumping, spinning and leaping.

Keeping your balance can sometimes be difficult, so you'll want to be careful as you grow. Do not exercise lying flat on your back for extended periods of time, and don't even lie on your back after 25 weeks.

If you do choose to do aerobics, just make sure to avoid becoming extremely winded or exercising to the point of exhaustion.

Kegel Exercises

Pregnant women who perform Kegel exercises often find they have an easier birth. The best thing about Kegel exercises is that they can be done anywhere, and no one knows you are doing them. Just squeeze the muscles that you use to stop urinating for a few seconds and do this 10 times per day.


The best thing about biking is that the bike supports your weight, so there is less stress on your body. Using a stationary bike is great exercise because you have less of a chance of falling.


Dancing is fine as long as you do not do a lot of leaping, jumping or spinning.

Stair Climbing Machines

Stair climbing is a great way to raise your heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance. Just hold onto the side rails so you don't fall.


Most forms of yoga will be safe for you and your baby, as long as they are not excessively rigorous. Some yoga instructors offer special classes for pregnant women. Avoid lying flat on your back for extended periods of time and try not to over stretch.

Warning Signs

Most health care providers advise pregnant women to avoid any exercise during pregnancy after the first trimester that requires them to lie flat on their backs.

As swimming poses no impact problems and you don't get overheated like you do with other exercises, it is the best pregnancy exercise to do right up until your due date. I was swimming two days before I delivered!

Whatever you choose to do, do it consistently and with care. Pregnancy exercises are very important to your overall health, your cardiovascular strength and will increase your circulation, contributing to an overall healthy pregnancy.

And if you need a maternity bathing suit, you can find beautiful ones that will fit for your entire pregnancy at:

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Today, there are many pregnant women that prefer buying maternity clothes. Earlier people who had limited budget were unable to afford maternity clothes and had to wear what was available to them. However, with the opening up of the markets, many women prefer wearing special dresses that take care of their needs.

However, maternity clothes are not cheap as they are made from soft material so women don't feel uncomfortable wearing them. Also, most women who buy these clothes expect them to last for the entire period of pregnancy. If manufacturers use cheap cloth it can get damaged easily and may not last long. Therefore manufacturers use expensive cloth that last long and are soft.

Women who buy maternity clothes must check the quality of material used by the manufacturers. They should buy clothes that are not only classy but are also of exceptional quality. When buying clothes that you want to wear at home or at casual outings, buy large comfortable clothes like t-shirts and large sweaters.

You can also use maternity clothes after childbirth when you breastfeed your child. Buying breastfeeding clothes can be expensive and mothers can save money by using maternity clothes when they feed their baby. However, you cannot completely avoid getting nursing clothes as you may require them when you go out shopping or meet your friends.

Today, designing clothes for pregnant women is a big business and many designers have come out with exclusive collection of clothes for pregnant women. You can buy these designer clothes at a well-known departmental store or you can even buy them online. If you are looking to buy simple clothes, you can buy clothes have simple designs or prints on them.

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A 26 year old, newly-pregnant woman sits on the exam table in her obstetrician's office. She is excited about her pregnancy and does not want to complain about her nausea, vomiting, weight loss, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and fatigue. The obstetrician can tell just by looking at her that she seems to be suffering the normal symptoms of pregnancy and is not overly worried. After all, nausea and vomiting occur in 50-80% of all pregnant women, especially between the 5th and 13th week. The doctor reassures the patient that this is normal, and encourages her to hydrate and rest. Sometimes the physician will suggest a medication, or a supplement, to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Is it possible that this woman is experiencing something more severe than the normal, early pregnancy symptoms?

One of the great masqueraders for pregnant women is thyroid disease. Many of the symptoms that women experience in the early stages of pregnancy are the exact symptoms that occur with thyroid problems. Women will commonly experience fatigue, weight gain, constipation, insomnia, and lethargy. Health care providers will often reassure patients that this is normal and these symptoms are due to the hormonal and physiological changes that one expects with the early stages of a healthy pregnancy. However, one must be on the alert that these same symptoms could be representative of a much more serious underlying problem; one that could have major, negative ramifications on the pregnancy and the newborn infant. Left undiagnosed and untreated, hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) could result in serious, high-risk conditions during the pregnancy. Prematurity, preeclampsia, placental separation (abruption), and/or serious consequences in the child such as congenital cretinism (mental retardation, deafness, muteness).

This weeks article will focus only on hy-PER-thyroidism (when you have too much thyroid hormone.)

Next week we will review hyp-O-thyroidism. (when you have too little thyroid hormone) and its effects on pregnancy.

Who should get screened for thyroid disease in pregnancy?

The current American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology guidelines state that thyroid functions should be checked only in women with a personal history of thyroid disease or symptoms of thyroid disease. It is NOT universally recommended to test all pregnant women even though there are cases of women who have disease that do not have symptoms (subclinical cases).

How does maternal thyroid hormone effect the fetus?

The fetal brain is completely dependent on maternal thyroid hormone until about 12 weeks gestation. At that time, the fetus is able to manufacture its own thyroid hormone in conjunction with the maternal hormone that crosses the placenta. Diminished levels of thyroid hormone in the mother impair fetal brain development. Elevated levels can also cross the placenta and cause excessive production in the fetus. (Graves disease.)

What is hyperthyroidism?

The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the neck that controls metabolism. It receives a message (TSH) from an area in the brain called the pituitary which releases thyroid hormone (T4).

When the gland produces more hormone than it is supposed to, hyperthyroidism is diagnosed (elevated thyroid hormone T4 and low TSH.) This can occur in about.2% of all pregnancies. The most common form of the disease is Graves disease where certain antibodies are made by the body that stimulate thyroid hormone production. Other causes can be multinodular goiter, subacute thyroiditis, an extra thyroid source of hormone production (certain tumors of the ovary or pituitary), thyroid adenoma.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

  • nervousness

  • tremors

  • tachycardia

  • frequent stool

  • excessive sweating

  • heat intolerance

  • weight loss

  • goiter

  • insomnia

  • palpitations

  • hypertension

  • eye changes-lagging of the eyelid and retraction of the eye lid

What are the risks to the mother and the fetus if hyperthyroidism is left untreated?

If left untreated, hyperthyroid can cause:

  • preterm delivery

  • severe preeclampsia

  • heart failure

  • fetal loss

  • low birth weight infants

  • stillbirth

  • fetal hyperthyroidism

How do you treat hyperthyroidism in the mother?

A classification of drugs called thioamides are used to treat hyperthyroidism.

  • PTU

  • methimazole

These drugs prevent the manufacture of the thyroid hormone by preventing a needed substrate iodine from attaching to the thyroid molecule and it also blocks the the manufacture of of another active form of the hormone T3.

These drugs do cross the placenta and can effect the fetal thyroid, although it is generally transient. Generally, these drugs are safe to use in pregnancy but rare side effects of the drug can include fever, sore throat, hepatitis, rash, nausea, loss of taste and smell, loss of appetite and a very serious and rare side effect called agranulocytosis (less than 1%) which is an abnormal condition of the blood characterized by a severe reduction of white blood cells (fever, prostration and bleeding ulcers of rectum, mouth, and vagina.)

Infants must be observed carefully after birth with mothers on antithyroid medication since newborns have been known to have neonatal hypothyroidism and goiter in mothers who have been treated. Babies are ultrasounded during pregnancy looking for fetal goiter and growth problems which can present problems at delivery due to the hyperextension of the neck.

It is generally considered safe to breast feed on these medications.

Other drugs used to treat hyperthyroidism are beta-blockers (propranolol) which act to reduce the rapid heart rate that can occur. Side effects from this drug can include growth retardation in the fetus, fetal bradycardia (slowed heart rate) and hypoglycemia in the infant (low blood sugar).

Radioactive iodine is never used in pregnancy since it can ablate the fetal thyroid. A patient was treated with radioactive iodine prior to becoming pregnant, should avoid becoming pregnant for at least 4 months. If all medications fail, or allergy to the medications exist, thyroidectomy, or surgical excision of the thyroid is recommended.

What is subclinical hyperthyroidism?

In about 1.7% of women there are asymptomatic women with normal thyroid hormone but a low TSH. This condition generally has been found to have no effect on the pregnancy since it is the maternal T4 level that is critical for fetal brain development, regardless of what the TSH level is. However, these women should be observed for osteoporosis, cardiovascular morbidity and progression to overt disease or thyroid failure in the future.

What is thyroid storm?

Thyroid storm is an acute obstetrical emergency that occurs in about 10% of women with hyperthyroidism. Symptoms include a change in mental status, seizures, nausea, diarrhea, and cardiac arrythmias. Patients are placed in the intensive care unit for constant monitoring and observation since there is a high risk of maternal heart failure. Thyroid storm can be precipitated by an acute surgical emergency, infection, diabetes. anesthesia, and noncompliance with thyroid medications. In addition to the usual treatment of hyperthyroidism as described above, steroids are commonly given.

Can thyroid disease present itself right after delivery?

About 6 to 9% of women with no history of thyroid disease can present with disease after delivery, generally within the first year postpartum. This is common in women that have previously known thyroid antibodies that are not activated until after the delivery, or women with a strong family history of diabetes or other autoimmune disorders. Most women have transient hyperthyroidism which then converts to hypothyroidism requiring treatment. About 77% of women will completely recover but 30% will continue with thyroid disease permanently. Many women that recover will develop this disorder again with subsequent pregnancies.


Because of the close similarity of symptoms that occur with a normal early pregnancy, be sure to ask your health care providers if you should be screened for thyroid disease. Discovery and correction of this condition can have beneficial ramifications to ensure a happy, healthy mother and baby. As stated in many previous articles, pregnancy can be the crystal ball of future medical conditions and by being vigilant, pregnancy can help a woman avoid diseases and conditions from surfacing later in life.

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There is no such thing as maternity insurance.

Believe it or not, that is true. The term maternity insurance is used by various web sites because that is what many of you search on. But, there is no such product as a standalone maternity insurance plan.

How Do People Afford To Have Babies?

We get asked the same question almost every day. "How can anyone afford to have a baby?" Somehow or another, babies keep getting born with or without maternity coverage. But, the expenses can be a burden.

There are a number of options available to you, although none of them are perfect.


  1. Consider paying the maternity expenses out of your own pocket. If you call your local hospital and pre-negotiate a fixed rate and do likewise with your doctor, you can expect to spend somewhere between $6,000 and $8,000 for a normal delivery. A c-section might run between $10,000 and $15,000. Keep in mind, this is just an estimate.

  2. You can use an advocacy service. They will negotiate with your hospital and doctor for you. In certain instances, they have already established relationships at rates that are lower than you could negotiate on your own. We have found them to be very effective.

  3. You can purchase health insurance with a maternity rider. Keep in mind that this means a new insurance plan. You cannot buy maternity insurance by itself. Be aware that if you have had a complication to pregnancy in the past, you probably will not be able to purchase a maternity rider.

  4. If you are employed and there is a group health insurance plan available to you, it will most likely include maternity coverage.

  5. If you are self-employed and live in any one of the following states, we might be able to provide you with a small group plan that will completely cover your maternity expenses. Presently, we can offer these services in Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, West Virginia, and soon in Florida, Nebraska and Texas.

For option one you can call the hospital yourself. For number two, you can call the advocacy service at 800-460-9178. For options 3 and 5, you can call me. My information is at the bottom of this article. For number four, you need to read your plan benefit book or talk with your human resource person.

If you happen to live in Southeast Florida, we have pre-negotiated rates with a number of hospitals and doctors. Again, call us for details.

"I am already pregnant and I need insurance."

If you are already pregnant use the advocacy service we just mentioned. You can call them directly at 800-460-9178.

If you have a group health insurance plan available to you, pregnancy cannot be considered a pre-existing condition. Once you are on the plan, it will cover the remainder of your pregnancy. Otherwise, there is little else you can do.

Why is it so difficult to find health insurance with maternity coverage?

First of all, let me assure you that it has nothing to do with a zero population growth movement. It is purely a matter of insurance economics.

If you are willing to pay extra for a maternity rider, then clearly you are planning on becoming pregnant. The probability of a claim is very high. In many instances the carrier will pay out more than they take in. Consequently, many companies that sell non-group health insurance plans have discontinued maternity options. Those that maintain this option generally have limited the payout. You end up paying as much or possibly more than you get back in benefits.

Group health insurance on the other hand, typically has maternity coverage as a state mandated benefit. They build the costs into the premium.

On most individual plans, complications to pregnancy are covered even though a normal delivery is not.

I urge you to read your policy carefully. In almost all instances, you will find that complications to a pregnancy are covered the same as any other illness. This means that unless you have had a complication in the past, any future complications will be covered.

You must do the math.

Since complications to pregnancy are usually covered, you only need to plan for a normal delivery. If your carrier tells you that a complete maternity rider will add $250 a month to the cost of your plan, and there is a 12 month wait before you can become pregnant, it is hardly worth it. You would be better off using an advocacy service and paying for the pregnancy out of your own pocket.


In addition to the options outlined in this article, in certain parts of the country there are local and state agencies that can provide prenatal services and sliding scale fees for delivery. Be sure to investigate all available resources.

I invite you to call me if you have questions. My information is at the bottom of this article. Or, if it is missing, we are available 9AM to 8 PM EST at 800-272-0512.

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Being pregnant usually feels like being in a totally different world than the one you're used to. There are new food rules, new physical and emotional experiences and of course new no nos to your skin care regimen.

Many pregnant women do want nothing more but to keep using the anti aging cream they have been using before they got pregnant. Unfortunately though, you need to exercise a lot more caution now that you have a tiny little one inside of you.

The big problem is that many antiaging cream contain chemicals which have not been tested on pregnant women or worse, have been tested and have proven to be detrimental for the health of a the fetus. And truth be told, beauty products, over the counter cream specifically, are not required by law to list all the ingredients they use on the product, so you never really know what you're getting.

This is why as much as possible, if you ask me, it is best to stay away from anti wrinkle cream while your pregnant and when you're breastfeeding. But don't despair. There are some things that you can which ensure that your baby develops healthily and that your skin still gets the proper pampering it needs.

First of all, you can still continue to use moisturizer. This alone is already a great help in rejuvenating your skin. Stay away from bad ingredients in skin care products and go for organic ingredients instead.

For organic skin care products, have a look at Dr. Haushcka, Weleda, and Dr. Alkaitis Skin Care.

Secondly, make sure your properly nourish yourself during this period. It is no secret that what you eat greatly affects how your skin looks as well. So eat healthy. Always have food high in antioxidants and drink a lot of water.

Moreover, if you really want to use some antiaging products on your face, then go natural. There are a lot of natural anti wrinkle treatment that you can make at home. They're safe and you know exactly what you're putting in your face.

For example, you can mix 4 Vitamin E capsules, half teaspoons of honey, lemon juice and yoghurt and then slather them on your face with a cotton ball. You can then leave it on for 30 minutes or so. This home mixture is said to help so much in the moisturizing and healing of skin cells. Do this 4 or 4x a week and you won't miss your anti wrinkle cream at all!

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If you are looking for the best night's sleep possible during your pregnancy, shoot for purchasing a pair of pregnant pajamas. These pajamas are maternity wear designed specifically for sleeping. Ask any pregnant woman, and she will tell you how frustrating sleeping (or attempting to sleep) during the later stages of pregnancy can be. The last thing you want to deal with when you are making your eighth trek to the bathroom in the middle of the night is how uncomfortable your pregnant pajamas are. Invest in a few great pairs of pjs around your fifth month of pregnancy and during your ninth visit to the bathroom, you will be happy that you did.

When you are looking for maternity pajamas the first rule is never compromise your comfort for your style. This is the most important rule for all clothing, especially maternity clothing. If they are not comfortable you won't wear them and you definitely won't enjoy them. Make sure your pajamas fit properly so they won't aggravate anything during your pregnancy that is already bothering you. You need all the sleep you can get while you are pregnant so make comfort your first priority.

With that being said, nobody said you have to give up style to be comfortable. There are so many cute pregnant pajamas on the market. There are great maternity pajama sets with cute, comfortable pants, capris, and shorts which can be mixed and matched. It also looks chic and funky to buy separates in great patterns and colors to mix and match them. Finally, a great, black pair always looks sophisticated and classy for sleeping or lounging around the house.

When purchasing pregnancy pajamas, go with your pre-pregnancy size, making sure you avoid belts, bands, and any restriction around the tummy area. If you are making this purchase early on you can try maternity pajamas on with a small pillow to make sure they will fit in later months. If you get the right material, with enough stretch, you should be able to wear a nice pair throughout your entire pregnancy. If you invest in a pair of pajamas that also double as nursing pajamas, you will be able to wear them throughout the pregnancy and early stages of your infant's life. They can be purchased at department stores, local retailers, online retailers, or through maternity boutiques. They range in price from relatively cheap (about $20) to pricier designer or name brands (around $150).

If your clothes, especially your maternity pajamas, are ill-fitting, you will never be able to get comfortable, let alone get a good night's sleep. Invest in some pajamas made especially for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a time in which you should take the utmost care of yourself and your needs so take advantage of this time and invest a little bit of money so you can be as comfortable as you can possibly be. When your baby arrives, a good night's rest will go right out the window, so enjoy it while you can.

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Pregnancy is a very crucial condition in a woman's life. That is why utmost care is especially needed for her to conceive healthily.

The most usual question of a pregnant woman is, "Is it normal to bleed during my pregnancy?"

Well, most experts convey that bleeding during pregnancy does not pertain to a menstruation that a woman naturally experience. According to medical experts, menstruation is not possible during pregnancy; because menstruation refers to the shedding of the uterus lining, which will not permit ovulation.
However, light-blood spotting is often mistaken as a menstruation.

Bleeding pregnancy is one risk a woman must be most prudent about. About 20 to 30 % pregnancies are characterized by this vaginal bleeding. It is most likely to occur during the first trimester or first three months of pregnancy.

Caution must be taken when vaginal bleeding continues until the second trimester of pregnancy. It is already an abnormal characteristic of a pregnant woman. This requires a medical help to stop the bleeding so that the pregnancy can be continued under healthy condition.

Emergency occurs when at the 28th week after pregnancy, bleeding still persists. It is usually characterized by mild to severe abdominal pains, and hemorrhage; the latter is the common cause of death of mothers in the United States. About 4% of mothers' deaths are due to hemorrhage.

It is important for all women to know how to treat bleeding during pregnancy; whether it is a home-care or hospital care treatment.

A bleeding expectant mother should take note of the following cautions as a personal remedy to her dangerous condition:
- Avoid lifting and all strenuous activities.
- Avoid having a sexual intercourse, douching, and tampons.
- Get an adequate rest and sleep.
- Relax and free yourself from stress.
- Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

If in case, there occurred severe vaginal bleeding, do not hesitate to seek for medical remedy; because this is an aggravated condition that needs immediate attention from medical professional.

In the event that bleeding pregnancy cannot be remedied anymore, a bleeding expectant mother must be prepared for its possible outcomes, which include implantation bleeding and miscarriage.

Any woman should be prepared to handle those pregnancy risks. It is her responsibility to be aware of the dos and don'ts of her current condition.

People around her, loved ones, especially her husband must be ready to lend support, both emotionally and mentally.

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Extremely early signs of pregnancy- are there any? Yes no doubt there are the signs which very early indicate that one is pregnant. The fertilized egg implants itself after about seven days of conception. The moment implantation happens, the early pregnancy signs begin to appear. The hormone level start to change and the body start reacting to these new hormonal levels.

The initial anxieties of pregnancy are completely over shadowed by the overwhelming and unpleasant symptoms known as morning sickness.

The term 'morning' can be misleading as the symptoms often continue throughout the day. Morning sickness can, of course, start before you know you are pregnant, almost as soon as conception has occurred. It may be what alerts you to the fact that you have conceived.

These early pregnancy symptoms can be quite distressing especially if you are still reeling from the discovery that you are pregnant. Where there are mixed feelings about the pregnancy and thoughts of possible termination, this can be intensely distressing as the sickness brings a constant reminder of the reality of the pregnancy.

The onset of morning sickness can be very sudden. It is not unusual to go to bed wondering why you don't feel any different yet and to wake up feeling like you've been hit by a bus. All manner of symptoms, physical and emotional, can occur in early pregnancy and are explained by the umbrella term 'morning sickness'. The list below features a range of experiences women report:


Tiredness/exhaustion: the tiredness of early pregnancy can be worse than the sleepless nights after the baby is born. Women may find themselves wanting to sleep much longer or more often than usual and yet sleeping may have little impact on the feelings of tiredness and lethargy. It's not unusual to spend a whole day in bed and still feel tired! This can be very disabling and the early weeks of pregnancy can seem unending. You may begin to worry: how will I cope with a baby if I can't cope with feeling tired now? Fortunately this malaise does lift as the pregnancy progresses.


Nausea and vomiting: along with tiredness, the persistent sickness that some women experience can be the most debilitating part of pregnancy. It can affect all aspects of your life, making carrying on with everyday life almost impossible. Despite its debilitating effects it is only in extreme circumstances that vomiting leads to medical intervention or hospitalization. There is in fact little that can be done to stop vomiting in pregnancy and most women simply try to endure it and adapt their lives as much as possible, hoping that the symptom will soon pass.

Food Cravings

Strange tastes, going 'off' foods or cravings. Many women report a metallic taste in their mouths. Classically women reject certain foods or develop preoccupations with particular foods. There may be good adaptive reasons why women 'crave' certain foods, perhaps their bodies are identifying their nutritional needs. However, the preoccupation often with one item makes this seem unlikely. In extreme cases non-food items such as coal have been the object of cravings, which would be hard to explain in physiological terms.


Headaches, general aches and pains.

Mood Swings

Tearfulness, angry outbursts, anxiety symptoms. Nevertheless at the time these feelings can be confusing for both parents-to-be especially in a planned and wanted pregnancy.

Remember to take care of yourself even before becoming pregnant. Avoid drinking and quit smoking. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Besides the above mentioned 5 early pregnancy signs try to learn as much as you can because only with proper knowledge you can assure a healthy pregnancy thus a healthy baby.

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Buying individual health insurance plans is a feasible option if you want to avoid falling victim to the escalating medical costs. Buying individual health insurance plans that cover your family is an ideal solution to keep your medical bills in check. This is even more important if you are self-employed or are working for a company that does not cover your health insurance. Even for those working in companies that provide group insurance, it is better to play safe and buy an individual health insurance plan for a greater security.

With so many companies in the market offering affordable individual health plans, it is best to study various options before arriving at any decision. There are three types of policies available for individuals, families and for those who are self employed -PPO Plans, HMO Plans, and Indemnity Plans.

In a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), you have the option of choosing your health provider from a pool of doctors associated with the network. If you opt for the HMO (Health Management Plan), you will be able to choose one doctor who will then be your primary health physician. But if you need to go to a specialist, you will need a nod of approval from him or her. Indemnity Plans are the traditional health insurance plans wherein you can choose any hospital or doctor for your services.

Once you decide upon the plan, contact the companies to get their quotes. The best thing is to seek expert advice and consult your friends, in case they have bought health coverage plans. Study the quotes carefully and compare the plans. You will find that some plans cover additional benefits like providing prescription drugs or offering facilities for preventive care. Vision care and maternity care benefits are also covered by some plans.

Another factor that you need to analyze carefully is that of additional costs that might be involved. This means that apart from the monthly premiums, you may end up paying additional costs. These costs can really make a difference to your budget especially if the plan covers your children or other family members.

All said, any individual health plan that you buy should cover your hospital expenses, surgical expenses, and physician's expenses as also any incidental costs in case you are hospitalized.

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