目前分類:maternity care (522)

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An increase in the number of midwives and obstetricians is of "paramount importance", medical experts said today.

A joint report from a number of royal colleges says essential minimum staffing levels are necessary to ensure support and safer care is given to women in labour and their babies.

It calls for women in labour to receive one-to-one care from a midwife and for all women requiring conduction or general anaesthetic to be seen and assessed by an anaesthetist before an elective procedure.

Earlier this year the Department of Health launched a new maternity strategy to improve choice in childbirth and access to midwives, saying it wanted to "deliver 'gold standard' maternity services for women" and set out a timetable to achieve this by the end of 2009.

As well as the minimum 40 hours of consultant obstetrician presence on the ward, the royal colleges' report says the consultant should conduct a physical ward round every evening and at least twice a day during Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.

During these rounds the consultant must review all midwifery-led cases on referral.

Safer Childbirth: Minimum Standards for the Organisation and Delivery of Care in Labour also states that a healthcare professional - midwife, neonatal nurse, advanced neonatal practitioner or paediatrician - trained in neonatal life support must be immediately available for all births, in any setting.

Maggie Elliott, president of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), said: "Women and their babies sit at the heart of these recommendations, which address many of the issues affecting the delivery of safe, quality care wherever women give birth.

"Midwives will welcome the focus on direct communication, the need for better staffing levels and a commitment to respectful and equitable relationships between all members of the maternity care team. This can only result in a better birth experience for women, their babies and families."

The Safer Childbirth report was prepared jointly by the Royal Colleges of Anaesthetists (RCOA), Midwives (RCM), Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), and Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH).

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A woman's sense of fashion does not have to change just because she decides to become a mother. Decades ago, maternity clothing consisted of oversized dresses and loose fitting clothing. Today, maternity clothing designers have realised that it is important for a woman to still feel attractive and fashionable before, during, and after pregnancy.

Before Pregnancy

Prior to becoming pregnant, a woman's wardrobe choices are primarily a reflection of her personal taste and style. Women generally dress according to their body shape, keeping their personal taste in mind. A wardrobe may also vary greatly depending on a woman's career and how she spends the majority of her free time. Let's also not forget that a woman's budget plays a big role in the clothing choices she makes as well.

During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the focus of fashion turns more toward providing support and comfort for a woman's changing body. Pregnancy creates dramatic changes in weight, shape, and overall feelings of comfort. It is important for women to feel attractive and comfortable in their own skin during this life changing event. Thankfully, maternity clothing has come a long way over the decades. Today's fashions provide clothing that is practical, comfortable, and stylish all at the same time. For example, a breastfeeding dress can be worn on a wide variety of occasions and is often available in various colours and patterns. These dresses can be comfortable in the months leading up to delivery, while serving the purpose of making breast feeding easier once the baby arrives. A breastfeeding dress can be worn throughout the entire pregnancy, and also comes in handy once a woman is trying to get back into shape after the baby is born. Having a wardrobe essential that is this versatile also keeps a woman from spending unnecessary amounts of money on a huge maternity wardrobe.

After Pregnancy

Before a woman even concentrates on losing weight and getting back into shape, her primary focus is on taking care of her new baby. For this reason, a wardrobe designed for after baby is born must be flattering, comfortable, and accessible for breastfeeding needs. A breastfeeding dress is a must for many reasons. For those occasions that call for wearing a dress, such as church or work, it's an absolute wardrobe necessity. It can provide a stylish way for a woman to express her individuality, provide for her baby's physical needs, and be comfortable all at the same time.

As we can see, a woman's wardrobe does change a bit through the remarkable process of becoming a mother. However, there's no need for a woman to lose her sense of style. Today's modern maternity clothing provides plenty of attractive wardrobe options.

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The degree of a medical assistant can be achieved after taking the medical assistance course. A number of medical assistance certificate courses are available and you should base your decision on which type of course do you want to take. The courses can be on a full time basis as well as on a part time basis; also it can be a masters degree in nursing. This article will provide you basic information about the different medical assistant degree courses that are available. If this article will be sufficient to arouse your interest in the subject, then you should continue with your research about the different courses from the official websites and other resources.

• Most institutes offer full time degree courses in all the four branches of medical assistant courses, namely the adult, child, mental health and learning disabilities. The time span of these degree courses is usually about three years, which also include practical practice of the course. The time span of the medical assistant degree courses is more than that of similar certificate courses because in degree courses the students are given an extensive training about different aspects of the treatment. For instance, the student has to learn how to assist the doctor in an operation room or how to take medical records from a burn injury patient. The course also focuses on developing communication skills through medical terms. Besides that the students are also trained with observational skills and caring for the patient. An introduction to maternity care is also given to the adult medical assistance course students.

50% of the program is dedicated to provide practical experience to the students in healthcare units. These practical experiences are of immense value to students as it prepares the student with the realities of the hospital life.

• Apart from the full time medical assistance degree courses, some institutions also offer part time degree courses. These part time degree courses are specially designed for students who are working professionals themselves, most of the time healthcare professionals. The part time degree courses are also available in all the above four branches of nursing and completing the part time course usually takes 4 years. Before admitting to a part time degree course in a medical college, you should be sure that you have the motivation for carrying out such a long duration course all the while maintaining your professional life.

There are several universities offering both part time courses in medical assistant and also full time courses. These courses are an ideal way to start your career in healthcare, which has proven itself to be largely a recession proof sector. With the increasing demand for trained medical professionals, you can command a considerable salary if you have a degree backing your intention to work as a nurse in the hospital or the clinic. However, one important point to consider before enrolling in any medical assistance course is to check the accreditation of the institution offering the course. The fee structure and the finance plans available with the fee structure are also critical points to consider.

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Looking for catastrophic health insurance? Want to know how to get the best rate with a reputable company? Here's how ...

Catastrophic Health Insurance

Catastrophic health insurance, also known as major medical insurance, is a type of health insurance that pays for major medical and hospital expenses but does not pay for visits to your doctor, prescription drugs, or maternity care. Most plans cover hospital stays, surgeries, intensive care, Xrays, and other hospital fees.

Catastrophic health insurance is the cheapest of all health insurance. Deductibles - the amount you pay for a claim before your insurance company will pay - start at $500 and go up to $5,000 or more. Most plans have a lifetime maximum benefit, known as a cap, of $1 million to $3 million. Once you reach your cap you can no longer receive benefits and your policy is canceled.

If you have a particular pre-existing condition such as AIDS, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or emphysema, you may not be able to get a catastrophic health insurance plan.

Catastrophic health insurance may be a good health insurance plan for you if you're relatively healthy, take few or no prescription drugs, and want to save money on your health insurance. This plan may also be a good choice if you're retired and not yet eligible for Medicare benefits.

Questions to Consider

Before you purchase a catastrophic health insurance plan you need to ask yourself:

1. How much does the plan cost?

2. What does it cover and what is the lifetime maximum benefit?

3. Can I afford to pay for doctor visits and prescriptions drugs?

4. How much is the deductible and can I afford it?

Getting Cheap Catastrophic Health Insurance

In order to get the best price on catastrophic health insurance you need to compare rates. The easiest way to do that is to go online and visit an insurance comparison website.

Once there you'll be asked to fill out a simple questionnaire with your health history and the type of insurance you want. After you fill out the questionnaire you'll get health insurance quotes from a number of A-rated insurance companies.

The best comparison websites have an insurance professional on call so you can get answers to your health insurance questions. They also have an "Articles" or "FAQs" section with information about health insurance.

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When you are pregnant, there are many healthy choices that you need to make so that you and your baby can stay healthy. This might mean making changes in your diet or taking more vitamins - whatever the alterations are, you need to be sure that they will have a beneficial as opposed to harmful effect on you and your baby's health.

Food and Drink

Needless to say, alcohol is something you should be avoiding during your pregnancy. Multiple studies have shown the many serious and harmful effects that alcohol can have on your baby's development.

A healthy, balanced diet is good for your pregnant body - and don't believe the myth that you're eating for two. An extra 300 calories can be added to your diet but that is generally only during the last month of your pregnancy!

You will need protein, plenty of fruit and veg, carbs, fat and dairy - make sure you get a good balance of food so that your body has the fuel it needs to sustain your health.

Lifestyle Choices

Smoking causes many birth complications and health problems for your baby, so quit straight away. There are a few random things that might not affect you such as avoiding sheep during the lambing season (strange but true), but you must also avoid using a sauna or hot tub as overheating can be harmful, avoid using solvent paint if decorating, and don't go on sun beds as your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy.

Illness Prevention

Take your vitamins - this will keep your immune system strong and make it less likely that you will get ill during your pregnancy. Folic acid and iron are just two of the vitamins that every pregnant woman needs to stay strong and healthy, but if you are not getting enough of these through diet alone, then ask your doctor if it is safe to take supplements.

Travelling When Pregnant

Many airlines won't allow you to travel if you are over 36 weeks pregnant. However, some women like to avoid air travel altogether just for peace of mind.

Deep vein thrombosis or blood clots can be common on long haul flights, so try to keep your legs moving around, even if you don't leave your chair. Travel in terms of driving or walking is fine - walking can keep you fit without overexertion and driving is allowed right up to your due date!

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Congratulations! You might be pregnant because you're reading this. The next thing you want to do is check the probable signs of pregnancy that you may encounter during pregnancy. Your body is like a multi-part machine which is delicately tuned to provide signals all the time. Pregnancy makes a lot of changes to your body's usual day-to-day functions and if ever you're pregnant, your body will inform you through early pregnancy symptoms!

What follows are the number of signs that you might encounter during pregnancy:

1. You need to check whether you have a missed your period. Actually, it's not a definite sign of pregnancy since the reason why it occurred can be due to some other reasons. Among the causes apart from pregnancy can include acute overproduction of progesterone and estrogen hormones, stress, and irregular period. These factors are the other causes that can delay or cease this normal process of the body.

2. Morning sickness is a common pregnancy sign, but you have to confirm that it is not caused by the food you ate. Hormonal changes in your body are thought to be the main culprit of this pregnancy sign. As a matter of fact, most doctors say that morning sickness is an excellent indicator of your baby's well-being and pregnancy condition. If your morning sickness is accompanied with vomiting, be sure to keep hydrated.

3. Odd food cravings is an additional early sign of pregnancy. Food aversions vary from woman to woman. This may include craving for green mangoes, peanut butter, ice cream, cakes, etc. Remember to be careful with your pregnancy diet. Even though this symptom is not conclusive, this is one of the most common pregnancy indicators. Make that appointment with your doctor to ensure that you'll be able to deliver a healthy baby.

You'll find a number of other symptoms that have been witnessed already by many. This might include increased basal body temperature, exhaustion, headache and so on. You may also experience one particular sign of pregnancy at a time or possibly a mixture of two, 3 or perhaps more than that.

If you think you will be unable to cope with all of the pregnancy-related issues, it would be great to arrange an appointment with your health care provider. It really is no use to keep on struggling with what's proving to be too much for you to deal with. Leave it to your health care professionals. The time you feel the very first sign of pregnancy, it really is best to put in all your efforts.

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Butterflies & Hiccups (New Beginnings Production Company, 2002)was conceived by Laurie J. Wing during her two pregnancies when she could not find a comprehensive journal for those who do not like to blank journal-keep.

Butterflies & Hiccups is a guided pregnancy journal that allows you to document everything you experience during your nine months of pregnancy. The questions are designed to elicit thought-provoking responses from the moment you find out you are pregnant up until you bring your baby home. This type of pregnancy journal is not just for the mom- and dad-to-be, but when your baby gets older, Butterflies & Hiccups makes for good story time reading. Kids love to hear stories about themselves, especially when they were hiccupping in their mommy's belly and how much they would kick and make their moms crave crazy foods.

The connection between Mom and Baby begins before a child is even born. How many pregnant women ask their own moms if they felt this way or that way during their pregnancy and how many moms actually remember the details of their pregnancies?

Here are 10 of our favorite journaling prompts from Butterflies & Hiccups:

o If you heard the baby's heartbeat, how did you react?

o Have people started treating you differently now that you're pregnant? How so?

o How many times have strangers touched your belly?

o Have you felt Braxton-Hicks contractions yet? If so, describe the feeling?

o Have you had any daydreams about your baby?

o What's the best piece of pregnany/birth advice you have received so far?

o Estimate how many times you have had to recite your due date so far.

o What are your thoughts about returning to work after the baby is born?

o Have you been nesting? If so, what have you done to prepare for the baby's arrival?

o What's the craziest question you wanted to ask your practitioner, but were too embarrassed to ask?

Butterflies & Hiccups provides a section each month for practitioner visits to document the first time you heard the baby's heartbeat, your first ultrasound, questions or concerns for your practitioner, special tests and other important issues addressed at your practitioner visits. "I wish I could prescribe this book to every pregnant woman!" says Dr. Donnica Moore, a women's health specialist who recently appeared on Oprah and The View.

Pregnant women know the many different symptoms that occur during pregnancy from morning sickness to breast changes and heartburn. Each month you can document how your symptoms changed throughout your pregnancy.

Your baby's development progress also is exciting to follow. As you learn about pregnancy and your baby's development, you can write about the different stages. There is room to include a photo each month of your growing belly. The weight measurement chart allows you to record your weight each month and, if applicable, you can document the dad-to-be's weight gain.
Butterflies & Hiccups offers reminders including a hospital bag checklist for Mom and Baby, a birth plan checklist for you and your practitioner and questions such as "Did you strap an infant car seat in your car?"

Many women are on bed rest due to complications during pregnancy. There is a special section for the expectant mom on bed rest to record her experiences while also offering a section of things to do while on bed rest since lying in bed could get boring when it is for any length of time.
While the journal asks questions about registering for baby gifts, there is also a baby shower section that allows you to record the memories of your baby shower along with the theme, menu, games, guests who attended and a gift list, if desired.

Butterflies & Hiccups throws in a bit of humor to make journaling a little fun and frivolous. Here are some of our favorite humorous prompts:

o Is it difficult to polish your toenails or tie your shoes as your pregnancy progresses?

o Have there been any UMPs (Unidentified Moving Parts) across your belly?

o Have you ventured out in a maternity bathing suit yet, weather permitting?

o Have you received unsolicited advice or comments about pregnancy?

o Do your rings still fit?

o Has your shoe size increased?

o Are you feeling clumsy?

The "Fun Ideas to Pamper Yourself" section offers just that - ideas to pamper yourself during your pregnancy. After all, your body is going through some major changes while you are providing nourishment for another little life. You deserve a little special treatment!

There are blank pages within the journal for you to add your own special thoughts. If some questions or pages do not apply to your pregnancy or life situation, simply use one of the blank pages to journal. The same goes for the holiday section. Since families celebrate different holidays, this section can be tailored to reflect the holidays and beliefs of your own family and how you celebrated during your pregnancy.

Julie Tupler, R.N., B.S.N., certified personal trainer, certified childbirth educator and president of Maternal Fitness, works with pregnant women on a daily basis and says, "Butterflies & Hiccups is a beautiful, yet thorough journal to help you remember those wonderful moments in time - for many years! I recommend it to all my pregnant moms."

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A For-Profit Enterprise In The United States
Except for seniors that qualify for Medicare, or the poorest of Americans that have access to Medicaid, people in the United States purchase health care coverage from private, for-profit companies.

Up until recently, Americans could simply choose not to purchase health care coverage. This is changing with the recent passage of the "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" by the U.S. Congress. Starting in 2014, most Americans will have to be covered by a health care plan purchased from the private health care insurance market.

Health Insurance Is A Good Idea...How To Start
Irrespective of whether medical coverage is mandated by law or not, it is a smart choice to have it and to make sure that you purchase the right plan for you and your family.

Making the right choice when purchasing a private medical insurance plan depends upon three sets of information for you to assess before making a decision.

The first one is easy - are you offered health care coverage through your employer? More on this below.

Next is for you to make a thorough assessment of your current and near-term medical care needs.

After understanding the coverage you and your family need, you should know the parts of health care insurance that will add up to be costs taken directly out of your pocket when you and your family receive care.

This article will take each of these considerations in turn.

Plans Offered Through Your Employer Can Be Your Best Bet
Is health care coverage offered as an employee benefit where you work? If so, then you usually do not need to look any further for the right medical plan for you and your family.

You will almost always get the best deal in healthcare coverage that meets your medical needs by assessing and choosing from among the plan options offered from your employer. Individual premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses for the members of an employer plan are determined based on the group, not each individual member.

Because the group represents a better risk for the insurer, each individual member benefits through lower out-of-pocket costs for receiving medical care. An easy mistake to make with this option is missing the deadline set by your company for open enrollment each year. Pay attention to the due dates for making your choice of plan, or you may have to wait a year to get coverage that is offered by your employer.

Employer Plan Or Not, Make The Right Choice For You
Irrespective of whether you have access to health care coverage through your job, or if you must purchase it directly from the individual health insurance market, making the right choice for you and your family begins with a good understanding of your medical care needs - and this includes forecasting probable needs.

For example, a young, healthy, 20-something year old single man doesn't have the same forecast of health care needs as a 40-something husband and father of young children.

The single fellow may simply need to forecast that there is a slight chance he could be in a car accident resulting in serious bodily injuries - for which he would want to be insured against major financial loss. The husband and father of young children might forecast the possibility of another child on the way or that his young children will need both routine and illness care from a physician.

While maternity or well child care is not important to the single man with no plans of marrying in the next year, it is very important to the man whose wife could be pregnant before the year is up. An individual or family's anticipated medical needs determine which plans are not a good fit.

Not Understanding Your Out-Of-Pocket Costs Is Expensive
Once you understand where you will buy coverage, i.e. through your employer or directly from the individual market - and your medical needs are forecast - the next task to prepare for making the best coverage purchase is to know the terms used in health care plans that describe your out-of-pocket costs for receiving care.

Knowing these terms will help you know what you can expect to pay directly and what the insurance plan will cover. This way, you can balance your forecast of medical needs against your direct cost in order to make the best financial choice for medical care. These terms are covered next.

Health Insurance Terms You Should Know
The premium is what you pay for the insurance coverage. This is calculated as a yearly charge but, especially in the case of an employer plan, can be paid in monthly increments.

You will most likely pay a higher premium for a comprehensive plan that covers items like maternity care or well child doctor visits. However, compare the premium you pay each month (or that is deducted from your paycheck) with your remaining out-of-pocket costs. A good rule of thumb is that the more comprehensive plans will charge a higher premium but your costs for expected services during the year are more predictable.

Co-payment is a fixed amount, e.g. $15, that you pay out-of-pocket for a specific medical service like a doctor visit; your plan pays the rest of the cost. A co-payment is usually associated with a health care plan that requires you to use a network of doctors and other health care providers where the plan has prearranged fees.

The catch is that you have to use a doctor in the network to take advantage of paying only the fixed co-payment charge. However, if you need predictable health care expenses, this should not be a problem.

Co-insurance is a percentage of the medical services you receive, e.g. 20%, that you pay out of pocket; your plan paying the remaining 80% in this example.

You usually have more choice of doctors or other health care providers with this type of arrangement, but you can end up paying much more out of pocket if you seek medical care often. Your yearly costs with this type of plan are less predictable when compared to a comprehensive managed care option.

Another financial term you need to consider is out-of-pocket maximum. This is the most your plan will require you to pay directly for medical services in a given year.

A deductable is the amount you must pay out of pocket before your plan will start paying anything for medical services you receive.

Pay attention to the lifetime maximum. After reaching this amount, your plan will no longer pay anything for medical services you may need.

Summing It Up All Up
In summary, choose health care coverage through your employer if it's offered as a benefit; forecast the health care services needed by you and your family; and know the basic terms of the health insurance business to choose the best plan at the best out-of-pocket cost for you.

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You're having a baby! Congratulations! Though you might have found out recently, or be coming close to delivery, you're probably experiencing many physical changes and discomforts. Low-back pain is an extremely common complaint for pregnant women, at all stages of pregnancy. In fact, more than half the population of pregnant women goes through a period of low-back pain at some point. The causes are primarily hormonal changes and a shifted center of gravity.

Many women will be surprised that they feel back pain so early in their pregnancy. Progesterone, a hormone produced early in pregnancy, is responsible for much of this low-back pain. This hormone, which is essential to embryo implantation and gestation, softens the ligaments and disks in your back as well. This reduces the support required by your upper body, often resulting in muscle spasms and cramps in your lower back.

Further on in your pregnancy, your body increasingly produces the hormone relaxin. This hormone is essential to labor and delivery; as the name implies, relaxin relaxes the joints in your pelvis, which enables the baby to pass through the birth canal with ample room. However, the hormone can lead to inflammation and pain in your other joints, as it may cause other joints in your body to move abnormally.

Several changes resulting from the growth of your fetus can contribute to low-back pain. As your uterus expands from the growth of your fetus, your abdominal muscles are pushed beyond their usual limit, in order to accommodate the surplus growth. This effectively keeps your abdominal muscles from helping to support proper body posture, transferring the additional weight from your torso to your lower back.

As you carry your child to term, your center of gravity undergoes significant change. On average, a woman will gain 7-8 pounds of weight from the baby itself, 1-2 pounds of placenta, 2 pounds of amniotic fluid, and 2 pounds that can be attributed to uterine tissue. The outcome of all this extra weight is that the center of gravity shifts forward, putting still more strain on the lower back.

Back pain is a serious issue, however common it might seem in pregnancy. Talk to your healthcare provider if you experience any low-back pain, to be confident that you are not suffering from an undiagnosed, deeper condition. Dull backaches, felt low and in rhythmic intervals, might indicate labor. Many women have "back labor," which just means that they feel the labor in their back. Another possibility, if you suffer from severe back pain, particularly if accompanied by a fever, may be infection.

There are many things you can do to prevent and manage low-back pain while pregnant:

  • Exercises that focus on stretching, like pelvic tilts.

  • Standing straight and tall, maintaining your shoulders down and back, and aligning your buttocks under - all the elements of proper posture.

  • Try not to stand for extended periods of time, though, if that is unavoidable, you can take some of the strain off by elevating one foot on a small object like a box or step stool.

  • Try placing a small pillow behind your lower back while you are sitting.

  • Beware of high heeled shoes! Flat shoes with adequate arch support are a much better choice.

  • For a little extra support, find maternity pants with a wide elastic band that you can wear under the belly.

  • You can find maternity belts, or girdles mean specifically for expecting women in healthcare and maternity stores. You may also find that your insurance company covers such a purchase when prescribed by your healthcare provider, so check in with them.

  • Keep a pillow between your legs at night, sleeping on your side. Also, if possible, use a firm mattress that supports your back better than softer ones.

  • You might try using a maternity pillow, a specially designed pillow for pregnant women that can alleviate some strain in your back.

  • Remember the adage: lift with your legs and not with your back. Of course, try not to lift heavy things at all.

  • Rather than carrying a single big load, divide larger bundles into smaller, manageable portions.

  • Keep fit! If your healthcare provider thinks it's wise, try walking or swimming.

  • See if you can find a trained pregnancy masseuse. You might discover that your partner or friend can provide adequate relief with gentle rubbing or kneading on the sore spots on your back.

  • Warm compresses can be effective. A heating pad set to its lowest point, an adequately warm bath, or arranging yourself on your hands and knees in the shower to direct warm water at your lower back, may all offer relief.

  • Look into chiropractic care, which is considered safe and may benefit many women - of course, discuss this possibility with your doctor first.

  • Also look into acupuncture treatment - again, only after consulting your doctor.

  • Acetaminophen - the active ingredient in Tylenol - is a painkiller safe for use by pregnant women.

Naturally, you won't find a "magic cure" that will instantly relieve your back pain, whether you go to a chiropractor or not. On your search for a treatment option that leads to a pain-free life, you are in charge of your decisions. As oftentimes back pain is the result of discrete moments of strain or injury, you may discover that it takes weeks to discern a change in your conditions, so you must remember to be patient.

No matter what the individual symptoms of your pregnancy are, make sure to note all the details in your changing physical condition. Don't let anything unusual just slip by your attention that you would have ignored in normal circumstances - remember, you have to worry for two, now. Especially for first-time mothers, get ready to experience dramatic, surprising changes to your body, regardless of how much research you've done. This is to be expected. Stay focused on your body, treat low-back pain seriously, and take pleasure in the process of being an expectant mother!

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Women today have choices about what type of health care provider they want for maternity care. Due to the fact only 20-40% of women may experience a high-risk pregnancy, many are choosing to utilize a more natural approach rather than their obstetrician. This includes what type of caregiver they are using and the type of birthing center they want for their family.

One of the most common choices that women are making is the use of a midwife. A CNM or certified nurse midwife, has a nursing degree from a college as well as a certification in being a midwife. A CNM typically has more training then just a midwife who is not certified or licensed. A major reason for you to choose the CNM is that certification does allow for proper study and thorough testing.

Why would I choose a midwife?

A midwife is someone that will take the time to get to know you and learn about what your birthing plans are. A midwife will focus on individualizing your birthing plan and provide you with the best chance to deliver your baby naturally. Medical doctors may sometimes do this, but often times their choices are highly swayed by unnecessary medical procedure.

Another reason for choosing a midwife is that your pregnancy should be a joyous and wonderful time. The entire nine months as well as the hours, days, months and years to follow, are critical to forming a bond between mother and child. Your midwife will most likely help you with the precious minutes and hours that follow the immediate birth and allow for you to slowly develop the bond that connects you and your baby

The hour following birth is undoubtedly one of the most critical phases in the life of human beings. Remember that this is the first time your baby will have to use its lungs. Even just waiting an extra two minutes to cut the umbilical cord has been shown in studies to increase your young baby's health.

Other Choices Women Make

When it comes to choosing other health providers, more than 80 percent of pregnant women have reported that seeing a chiropractor for spinal alignment during pregnancy, significantly eased back pain. Extensive studies also show that pregnant women who utilize chiropractic during pregnancy have almost a 30 percent shorter labor time. If you are a mother giving birth, the shortened time can make a huge difference; not only reducing the pain and trauma of birth for both the mother and baby, but also significantly reducing the recovery time after giving birth.

Many people who are new to chiropractic often wonder if it is safe for pregnant woman. The answer to this question is yes. It is much safer than pain medications, and it is one hundred percent natural. The idea that chiropractic treatments are dangerous to the woman or the fetus during pregnancy is a misconception. Adjustment from a doctor of chiropractic are gentle, safe, and noninvasive. It is a relatively common practice to be seen by a chiropractor during pregnancy and thus many insurance companies cover at least part of the cost.

How about other benefits to Chiropractic?

Another great reason to visit a chiropractor during pregnancy is for what is known as a breech baby. A special technique known as the "The Webster Technique" is one of the most popular pediatric treatments and is well known for turning breech babies. It has been featured on The Learning Channel written about in Mothering magazine and Midwife Today. The technique is non-invasive, extremely gentle and used for many years. The technique is extremely successful and should be your first option if ever faced with the unfortunate complications of a breech baby.

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If you have experienced sciatica during pregnancy then you're well aware of the extreme shooting pain to the point where you would give anything for relief and treatment. Sciatica during pregnancy typically occurs when the baby's head presses against the sciatic nerve of the mother. Sciatica and back pain can occur at any point during pregnancy, but mostly occurs during the second and third trimester. This is because the baby is usually in a lower position in the abdomen.

Sciatica during pregnancy involves sharp and shooting pains that occur when the sciatic nerve which runs down the spine and through the pelvis and all the way down the back of the thigh, gets pinched and or becomes inflamed. In addition to the sharp pain, it can also cause numbness and tingling in the buttocks and down one or both legs. This can leave the expectant mother immobile, miserable and helpless. Needless to say, with the other typical pains and discomforts pregnancy brings on, treatment and relief from sciatica can't come too quick!

It may seem like little or anything can be done to relieve the pain until the baby is born, but who wants to wait several months for relief from sciatica when there very well may be techniques available to relieve the pain? Many will say that sciatica during pregnancy should be treated with regular chiropractic adjustments. While some pregnant women may find this beneficial, others have turned to alternate techniques to relieve the pain of sciatica during pregnancy.

The pain can get worse as the pregnancy goes on. This is due to the expectant mother's ligaments and tendons loosening which is part of the body's way to prepare for childbirth. Many women suffering from sciatica during pregnancy may be tempted to treat the pain with prescription pain killers, but most doctors advise staying away from prescription painkillers whenever possible during pregnancy. Instead, temporary sciatica relief can come from bed rest, and also heat pads to help calm muscle spasms, and/or ice packs to reduce inflammation.

Although little can be done to prevent the onset of sciatica while pregnant, exercise can bring some relief, and possibly make the pain less severe or more manageable. This is because women with good muscle tone find it easier to support their body and can have greater control over their range of movement while experiencing the pain of sciatica. But what if there existed a proven technique to relieve the pain of sciatica that DIDN'T involve tedious or strenuous exercise or chiropractor visits? Don't you wish there was something you could easily do to relieve and treat sciatica during pregnancy and make you much more comfortable?

Well there is! Recently a doctor discovered and developed a technique that involves what's referred to as gentle therapy or "gentle moves". It is non-invasive and so gentle that it is not even considered massage or chiropractic manipulation. I cannot even begin to fully explain this technique here, so I've created a link to the doctor's site which can provide more detailed information on this fascinating technique.

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If you're expecting but have no insurance, there may be alternatives available to you that will lower the money you would have to pay the necessary medical expenses generated by your pregnancy. Failing to research your alternatives can mean that you are paying for your son's or daughter's birth for years to come.

Your alternatives for maternity insurance if you're already expecting include employer-sponsored hospital and surgery insurance, government-sponsored medical insurance. If these are not available to you some non-insurance programs can lower your expenses by helping you get get a lower rate from your hospital.

If you are employed and will have a health care insurance open enrollment period before your baby arrives, you may be able to acquire medical insurance through an job-sponsored plan. If you're married, you should research alternatives with your husband's or wife's job in addition to yours.

If you are going to tie the knot and can do so before your son or daughter arrives, you may be able to be added to your spouse's insurance before the annual open enrollment period. With most group health insurance plans when an employee gets married their spouse is entitled for a special open enrollment period.

You may be qualified for health and maternity policies that are available through your local, county or state. In many cases these health care programs will accept women who are currently pregnant.

These policies may have some restrictions. They may limit what they pay and who they will pay. They may limit the doctors and hospitals you can go to.

There may be income requirements. Some plans may require that your income be under a certain level. Others may have no income limit but will ask those with higher incomes to pay more for the same medical insurance.

You can contact your local health department or Planned Parenthood for information on programs available in your area. If there are medical insurance choices for currently pregnant women in your area, they will probably know about it.

If you're unable to get hospital and surgery insurance that will cover your pregnancy, there are still things you can do to lower the costs you will have to pay. You can see which hospital in your area has the lowest rates. Hospitals can charge very different rates.

If you can pre-pay your maternity expenses, you will probably get a lower rate from your hospital. Discuss this option with the hospital you chose if you're able to do this.

You may also find that there are non-insurance programs available that will allow you to pay discounted rates to your hospital. If an insurance company pays for a person's medical bills, they typically pay what is known as the negotiated rate. This can be half what the hospital charges those who have no medical insurance. Even if you do not qualify for an insurance policy, you may be able to qualify for the same kind of discount.

You will have more choices available to you if you're able to get health and maternity insurance before you are pregnant. However, there may be choices available to you even if you are pregnant before you begin looking for pregnancy and health insurance.

Be sure to investigate all your options if you're currently pregnant and have no insurance. Doing so can save you a lot of financial pain.

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For many women, it is difficult to know that they are 1 month pregnant. It is only until the symptoms of pregnancy become evident that these women knew about it. So what are these symptoms? The first indicator is usually a missed period.

Then it may also be accompanied by sore breasts, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, light spotting, or mild cramping. If you are 1 month pregnant and is using the calendar method of calculation, it means one month since the start of the last menstrual period.

Ovulation usually occurs around the fourteenth day or midway through the menstrual cycle, and after the egg has been fertilized by the sperm, it takes another ten to fourteen days for the newly formed embryo to implant in the uterine lining. During implantation it is quite normal for some light spotting to occur, but if bleeding is heavy or bright or dark red then a physician should be consulted, that is if the woman knows she is pregnant. Otherwise, the spotting could be seen as the start of the menstrual cycle.

During the first month of pregnancy a lot is happening. Hormones are fluctuating, and periods of being extremely happy are exchanged for times of crying for no apparent reason! No wonder the women's partners can't quite figure out what is going on. This may be the reason why the women may cry for no apparent reason even when presented with her favorite food. Do look out for her strange behaviors too!

In addition to crazy hormone changes, appetite may change too. At 1 month pregnant nausea may occur from time to time, especially in the morning, and foods that were once favorites may smell too pungent to eat and cause a mad dash to the nearest restroom. Other significant changes are also occurring at this time. The amniotic sack is forming as is the umbilical cord, and until this process is complete, the yolk sack protects and provides nourishment to the developing fetus.

With all these changes going on at once, being 1 month pregnant is a significant time. Some women may not even know they are 1 month pregnant, and may not even suspect until the second month or so. These women may have experienced a lighter flow during their cycle, but not suspect anything until they miss their next period completely.

A planned pregnancy is much different because these women know before they are even 1 month pregnant that they are expecting; they know as soon as their cycle is a little off because they are looking for all the little signs of pregnancy, no matter how subtle. 1 month pregnant is just the beginning for the parents in this long journey of parenthood. You may have to go through this several times. Just take care of yourself and visit your gynecologist regularly.

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The joy of bringing a baby into the world is overwhelming a most exciting period in many lives. It is also a time of changing emotions, body shape and the unknown for first time mothers. Aromatherapy can be very important during this time.

When considering the use of aromatherapy during pregnancy there a several oils that should be avoided as they could harm both the mother and the baby.

Ensure that the oils you are using are pure essential oils, as adulterated blends or synthetic oils can have a less predictable effect.


Any oil that has toxic in the description, along with the list below.

Arnica, Aniseed, Basil, Bay, Birch, Camphor, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Comfrey, Cypress,

Fennel, Hyssop, Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Melissa, Mugwort, Myrrh, Origanum, Pennyroyal,

Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Savoury, St John's Wort, Tansy, Thyme

These oils aside, aromatherapy can be used very safely and be extremely beneficial to maintain the general health of the expectant mother, to aid in minimising the discomforts associated with pregnancy as follows.


Choose chemical and preservatives free fresh food. Eat small portions often during the day. Avoid heavy meals late at night and junk food. Ginger tea herbal infusion is a safe and effective remedy.

Peppermint tea is better avoided.


Lower back pain is common as the pregnancy advances due to the increase in weight of the baby and changing body shape. A massage with essential oils will bring great relief and help to tone the muscles. The lower back should be massaged lightly during the first four months, during this time though back ache is not always a problem, it is usually after the six month period and then a firm massage is perfectly safe.

Neroli or Mandarin oil at 2% to a base oil say Almond, Apricot or Olive Oil or Stretch Mark Oil can be used which contain these essential oils along with a rich cocktail of base oils that penetrates deep into the skin.


As the breasts expand during pregnancy they need extra care and attention. Use a gentle massage again with Stretch Mark Oil or a base oil with 2% essential oil, Neroli or Mandarin. If breasts are swollen, make a cool compress out of rosewater and place over the breast while resting.


Essential oils can be very helpful in easing some of the discomforts of breastfeeding. Insufficiency of milk and cracked nipples are two of the main reasons that many mothers abandon breastfeeding. Engorgement can sometimes be the cause as well. To promote th flow of milk Fennel, Caraway, Dill and Aniseed is widely used mostly in the form of herbal tea infusions, fennel being the most popular choice.

To reduce the milk flow Peppermint oil can be used on cold compresses - Use a basin of water with 4-5 drops of essential oil use clean fabric or a washer and immerse in the water, wring out then place on the painful area.

It is IMPORTANT to wash off all traces of essential oils before feeding the baby. It is dangerous to give the oils to the baby internally even relatively safe oils.


Can be extremely painful and slow to heal. Calendula is the most healing plant known for this condition. Some Nipple Butters contains Calendula and is safe to use whilst nursing. Apply the butter immediately after feeding so that the nipples have the maximum time to absorb the beneficial properties prior to the next feed.

Products containing lanolin are often used for cracked nipples but some tests have discovered traces of toxins in the lanolin from sheep dipping, so wise to avoid these products.


Avoid rich, spicy foods and heavy meals. A Peppermint, Fennel or Chamomile tea infusion can speed up relief. A gentle massage of the stomach with a soothing oil such as Lavender, Chamomile or Marjoram will assisst.A hot compress using one of these oils can be placed over the stomach as often as needed. Just 2-3 drops in a basin of water for compress and the same with 50ml base oil.


The baby kicking and other discomforts in the last few months of pregnancy makes it difficult to get a good night's sleep. A relaxing bath with stretch mark oil 10mls or a total of 6 drops of either Neroli or Rose pure essential oil in a bath before bedtime. The water should not be too hot as this is stimulating rather than relaxing.

An aromatherapy massage with stretch mark oil, the combination of gentle therapeutic touch and relaxing essential oils will work both on the mind and body to reduce the level of stress, and sleep will follow quite naturally.


Eating of high fibre foods, including plenty of fresh garlic and drinking ample filtered or bottled water is important during pregnancy to avoid constipation.

Aromatherapy treatments are complicated by the fact that many of the oils used in the treatment of circulatory problems are those to avoid during pregnancy. However, lemon essential oil at 2% dilution can be used to gently massage. Tension can also be a contributory factor, so try a relaxing bath using stretch mark oil or 6 drops total of neroli or rose.


Massaging daily is an excellent way to reduce the risk or intensity of stretch marks during

pregnancy, Massage provides stimulation of the tissues underlying the superficial layers of the skin, using gentle strokes it is both effective and safe in pregnancy. Gently make small repetitive circles all over the tummy, thighs and breasts using a stretch mark oil regularly.

Continue massaging these areas after the birth for at least four months until your weight has returned to normal. Avoid stretch mark oil on the nipples if breastfeeding.


Swelling (Oedema) of the ankles and legs is often a problem in the latter months of pregnancy. If severe you should consult your Doctor in case there is a kidney problem, but mild puffiness of the ankles usually after standing or at the end of the day, can be effectively relieved by massaging the legs with one tablespoon of base oil to 2 drops of Geranium. Ideally this would be more beneficial carried out by a professional but you or your partner can apply the oil with firm strokes always moving from the ankles towards the thighs.

A cool to warm foot bath with 2 drops each of Benzoin, Orange and Rose can help reduce the swelling.

Rest the feet higher than the head on raised cushions or pillows.

Avoiding salt, strong tea, coffee will also help to reduce swelling, drinking plenty of bottled or filtered water is also advisable.


During pregnancy the bulk and weight of the growing baby can cause pressure on the veins and arteries of the lower abdomen, causing circulatory problems and the veins to dilate. One of the best oils for circulation is Geranium, but this should be very dilute for pregnancy. No more than 4 drops to one tablespoon of carrier oil, massaging the legs with a gentle upward movement. Do not work directly on the veins or apply too much pressure. You can also add 4 drops to your bath.


To create a relaxing atmosphere in the labour room, use several drops of Lavender in an atomizer or Rose, Yang-Ylang or Neroli to fortify you as the labour progresses. Any of these oils can be used in a massage blend for the lower back to aid contractions.


Some women can suffer from post-natal depression for up to a year after childbirth, some more severe than others. A bath with jasmine and ylang-ylang can help them feel better 3 drops of each. Or a massage with 5 drops each of Geranium, Orange, Chamomile..

To ease perineal pain Organic Bath Herbs, a collection of wound healing and anti-bacterial natural ingredients and essential oils with powerful antiseptic and healing benefits for internal wounds and stitches.


The simple touch of massage movements can help to relieve many of the stresses and discomfort of pregnancy, back massage in particular is very welcome during labour.

Aromatherapy techniques can be used very safely and beneficially to maintain the general health of the expectant mother. It aids with various discomforts during this time.

The positions to work in need to be adapted to suit her comfort, she needs to be well supported.

- Check the oils to be avoided

- Use lower concentrations of essential oil to base oil 1/2 to 1% is desired.

- Stokes should be lighter than usual for a massage.

- The back - massage can be done on a chair after the fourth month of pregnancy as it becomes uncomfortable to lie on her stomach, a chair or a pillow wrapped in a towel for her to hold in front for support.

- The abdomen - as the weight of the uterus can constrict the important blood vessels is the pregnant women is laying flat on her back, so she must be supported with plenty of pillows, bolsters or rolled towels to make her comfortable. Under the knees should be supported with cushions. After four months a gentle massage all over the abdomen can be very soothing, very often the developing baby responds to the massage given to the mother. Very often if the baby is lively and kicking causing discomfort to the mother will calm down and be quite for some time after. Babies whose mothers have received regular massages during pregnancy are usually very peaceful when they are born.

- The legs - Gently stroking the legs from the ankles to the knee to begin, then continue with firmer pressure is very soothing. It can relieve swelling, varicose veins or cramp. (See varicose veins for further information). Gentle stroking around the ankles is also appreciated. Avoid any reflex movements on the feet.

- Head - With both hands at the back of the neck at the base of the cranium, apply slow, light, circular pressures with your fingertips in an upward direction to release tension and to finish the massage.

Allow a 15 minute rest and then gently help her get up.

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The health insurance that you should get will depend on the type of coverage that you need. Insurance is very expensive. Some people think that it is too expensive and never actually even get a quote because of that feeling. There are some expensive plans, but you can also find many that are very reasonable.

Families with children should look into managed care insurance plans. There are several different types to choose from and they are a pretty good price. These are best for people with children because they allow you as much time in front of a doctor as needed. Anyone with kids will tell you that they need the doctor a lot. You want that to be easy, seeing the doctor when needed.

The opposite of that would be someone single without children to worry about. There are many healthy young people that rarely see a doctor and only need low premium high deductible insurance for emergencies basically. This works if there is no regular need of a doctor or of medication.

You might want to think about adding maternity care to your policy at some point. You may not be planning on having a baby any time soon, but sometimes life surprises you. You have to have the coverage in place well before conception or they will not cover any of it. It can be really expensive to go through childbirth. More than you could possibly imagine.

Insurance is the best way to protect your future finances. If something happens to you and you need some hospital time, you will be in a world of debt. You could also become very ill with something that is simple to catch in the early stages, if only you were checked for it. Whatever insurance that you decide on it is a good decision.

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The entire journey of pregnancy until you deliver the baby consists of the surfacing of several symptoms nausea; pregnancy constipation is one of those. Usually constipation refers to irregular bowel movements. This tends to linger through the early stages of pregnancy to the post delivery phase.

What Causes A Painful Constipation During And After Pregnancy?

The causes of constipation before and after delivery are different. Post delivery, the episiotomy or the torn rectal issue that was repaired after delivery, may lead one to experience an agonizing constipation. Women, who have undergone a caesarian delivery, may find themselves afflicted by ileus or the condition in which the bowel movements are deferred for a short period. Pregnancy constipation symptoms are caused by other factors too. Following are the reasons that cause pregnant women to complain about unnerving constipation -

  • Changed diet habit

  • Side effects of medicines

  • Increased stress level

  • Low intake of fluid

  • High consumption of dehydrated fluids like caffeine enriched tea, coffee, and alcohol

  • Insufficient amount of sleep

  • Some diseases induce constipation like Parkinson's disease, stroke, diabetes, uremia, scleroderma and diseases of GI tract et all.
  • For relief from pregnancy constipation, consult with your physician. Besides, the medical experts' advice, you can try some measures of your own to stabilize your bowel movement.

    Tips To Cure Pregnancy Constipation

    To remove pregnancy constipation symptom, take special care and follow tips provided for you in this article. Among all the remedies for constipation problems, exercise has been seen to be a constipation reliever. Avoid heavy exercises, instead expectant mothers could be advised to go for a walk. A light or moderate practice of walking can be effective in the reduction of pregnancy constipation and will lessen the bloating for pregnant women.

    The second solution will be adequate consumption of fluids including water as constipation hardly takes place in the presence of sufficient hydration in the body. Some calcium and vitamin supplements, especially composed for pregnant women can be taken to obtain relief from pregnancy constipation. Some women also seek relief through stool softeners. Though these stool softeners are useful to bring relief within a short time, it is not recommended that you make a habit of use of it. You may also use homemade or natural remedies that include lower risks of side effects. You can take homemade remedies during the interval of consuming foods and drinks. Beat constipation with the help of a sensible diet and exercise program.

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    New mothers often experience conflicting feelings of joy and emotional letdown during the first few weeks after birth. This is often called postpartum blues, or the "baby blues". She may feel down, but overall she finds pleasure in life. These feelings are normal and temporary.

    The transition to motherhood brings many hormonal changes, changes in body image, and changes in intrapsychic reorganization. Fluctuating hormones in pregnancy and puerperium, the four-week period following childbirth, have an effect on mood, causing early elation at delivery that can be followed by mild depression with tearfulness, irritability, and fatigue. These feelings peak on the fifth day postpartum. Most women recover and adapt to these postpartum changes in a few days.

    However, the physiological factors that affect mood can interact with minor anxieties and stresses to result in a clinical depression. Postpartum depression (PPD) is recognized by a persistent mood of despondency and the mother's disinterest in bonding with baby. Beyond 5 days, the persistence is not expected and should be reported to a health care provider immediately. Additional infant care by a baby nurse can also be recommended as this allows mother to alleviate physical and mental fatigue.

    Typical postpartum change/recovery is described in three phases:

    Phase 1- Taking In -
    Mother is passive and willing to let others care for her. Conversation centers on her birth experience. Mother has great interest in her infant but has little interest in learning about caring for the child, as her primary focus is on recovery from birth and her need for food, fluids, and deep restorative sleep. She is willing to let others handle the care of the child.

    Phase 2- Taking Hold -
    Mother begins to initiate action and becomes more interested in caring for her infant. She becomes critical of her "performance". She has increased concern about her body's functions and assumes responsibility for her self-care needs. This phase is ideal for teaching infant care by a baby nurse.

    Phase 3- Letting Go -:
    Mothers, and often fathers, work through giving up their previous lifestyle and family arrangements to incorporate the new infant. Many mothers must give up their ideal of their birth experience and reconcile it with what actually happened.

    Postpartum assessment typically includes physical valuation, and assessment of psychological bonding, but must also include evaluation for fatigue. Because today's lifestyle often has the woman working through most of her pregnancy, rooming-in after delivery with responsibility for newborn care, and then returning home in 48 hours or less to accept full home responsibilities, many women do not have the opportunity to rest and adapt in the postpartum phase.

    Healthcare providers can lessen the level of maternal fatigue by recommending and initiating appropriate relief measures such as taking on the care of the newborn for a few hours, or scheduling baby nurse care that allows for periods of rest. Allowing the mother proper rest assists in her proper recovery.

    In some cases, medication is necessary to help mothers with PPD. However, postpartum support can be received through social service agencies, public health nurses, parenting courses and group discussions. These social avenues show mothers they are not alone, and aid them in personal support as well as bonding with baby.

    Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Pregnancy would give you that bloated feeling, the sore and tender breasts, touch of nausea. Most of all, the absence of monthly periods would speak it up. In this case, pregnancy is the foremost thing coming to one's mind. Quite many methods would determine if the baby would appear in a few months time. One could always take a pregnancy test online, a home test or take an appointment with a doctor. Despite of various results from home and online tests; if positive, an appointment with your physician would confirm the results to get you started on healthy pregnancy.

    Every woman who has children or have a suspicion that they are pregnant, perhaps use the home pregnancy test. Quite many jokes have been made about regarding peeing upon sticks at baby showers. Home tests are done by placing sticks in the urine stream or in containers holding urine. After minutes, results are visible on the test screens. Appearance of the line suggests positive pregnancy result. When there is no line, the possibility of pregnancy is very low. Such tests work by detecting the lack or presence of HCG, which is one common hormone mainly found in pregnancy.

    Various websites give and show methods for pregnancy-curious women to find if they are pregnant and the possibilities of being pregnant. Apparently, with no physical proofs to carry on with, no online test for pregnancy would be fool-proof. Every online pregnancy test would start with questions like the last period date, physical changes or appearance of any symptoms. The software would then check the possibility of being pregnant. These tests are designed for instructing the user if they really need to take a home test or contact their doctor. A web search would yield large number of tests online with options to choose from.

    An up-to-date and an accurate test is that which is physically performed by a doctor. They would do an examination similar to a home test with an addition to having a pelvis exam done. Few internal signals such as changes in cervix would assist the medical professionals about existence of pregnancy. It also becomes good time to get medical advice related to nutrition and care towards healthy pregnancy. Often, many women are aware of their pregnancy and a doctor's visit is merely for confirmation.

    It would really not make a difference on what pregnancy test you choose. However ensure to take good medical care and gain better knowledge about your pregnant condition so that your bundle of joy comes in safe and sound.

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    It goes without saying that comparing health insurance online quotes can be very daunting. Besides the jargon, the policies and terms vary widely from one plan to another. To top that, the number of quotes available in the market just keeps increasing every day. To make the process of understanding and comparing these online quotes more manageable, refer to the following explanation of some of the terms you will come across.

    Types of these Plans

    When examining the quotes, the type of these plan may be a good place to start. Is an in-network or out-of-network plan better for you?

    Indemnity Plan or Fee for Service Plan

    • Traditional type of health insurance plan

    • You do not need to get approval for medical care for the insurance company cover it.

    • You may see any doctor you want to. There is no provider network; hence it is an out-of-network plan.

    • You receive limited coverage for preventive or routine care.

    • Expensive with high deductible as well as premiums.

    Managed Care Plan

    • Examples: PPS, POS or HMO

    • Provider networks of doctors and medical centres are formed by the companies offering the managed care plan.

    • On plans such as PPO, you receive less coverage if you do not go to an "in-network" provider.

    • On plans such as HMO, you must go to an "in-network" provider to be covered.

    • More affordable than indemnity plans.

    Deductible, Coinsurance, Copayment and Out-of-Pocket Maximum


    • This is what you'll have to pay for the medical bills before the insurance coverage begins.

    • This is the percentage of the medical bills you have to pay. Usually the insurance covers 80% of the bill and you'll have to pay 20%. However, there is a pre-determined maximum amount that you'll be responsible for each year.

    • This is the fixed dollar amount of the medical bills that you have to pay.

    Out-of-pocket maximum
    • This is the maximum amount you'll pay for a year inclusive of the deductible, copayment and coinsurance. If this amount has been reached, the insurance will take over 100% of the bills.


    Office Visits

    • They refer to your visit to the doctor or the dentist for routine care. If you do not make many office visits a year, you may consider dropping this cover to bring down your premium.

    Maternity Care
    • You may also drop this cover if you are sure that you are not planning to have any babies. This will bring down the premium substantially.

    Outpatient care
    • This refers to any treatment that does not require you to stay overnight. The coverage is usually low for this. Be a little careful with this as even serious costly treatments like chemotherapy may not require you to stay overnight. You'll bear the major burden of the cost with limited outpatient care coverage in such instances.

    As of far, you have been exposed to some of the main terms that you will come across when looking up different quotes. Although the list is not exhaustive, hope these brief explanations of the terms have helped demystify these special online quotes.

    Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    With health insurance premium costs that are increasing, high deductible health plans with their lower premiums seem like a very attractive option. But don't be too fast to jump into this option as it is not for everyone.

    With high deductible health plans, you pay the everyday expenses such as office visits, prescriptions, and minor accidents until a very high deductible is reached. These plans have an annual deductible that is higher than that in the more traditional health plans. This means the insurance company does not have to pay claims unless something major happens. Because you are paying a higher deductible, your health insurance premiums will be lower than you are used to paying.

    The term "high deductible health plan" almost always works together with health savings accounts (HSA's). HSA's are a special kind of tax-advantaged savings account that accumulates as deposits are made, for medical expenses. The policyholder can withdraw money from the HSA to pay for the HDHP deductible and allowable medical expenses.

    High deductible health plans are not good for all people. It is for those who can afford high out-of-pocket expenses as the deductibles are high and generally about $1,000 to $2,000. They must be in good health and generally not needing prescription drugs.

    Some of these plans have a one year wait before being eligible for maternity care. So, don't plan to get pregnant. Also, don't have any pre-existing conditions, in which case there may be a waiting period as well.

    If you decide to go with high deductible insurance, then set up a HSA for your out-of-pocket expenses. Check out first if your employer offers a plan before going to private insurance companies. It is possible that your employer might pay part of your premium.

    Shop around and look at multiple quotes and compare the premium cost, the deductible amount, what is covered and the lifetime annual benefit.

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