目前分類:postnatal depression (302)

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About Depression

Moments of depression or sadness are quite common and part of living. Depression becomes clinical, and a problem to varying degrees, when it continues for many months or even years, becomes crippling and makes it difficult or impossible to work/go to school, or occurs for no reason at all.

When a family member dies, a pet is lost, you lose your job or your marriage falls apart, it's natural to be depressed. These things happen, and recovering from the depression is part of becoming a stronger person.

But depression can be crippling. Some of the symptoms are constant sadness, bouts of crying for no reason, inability to sleep oversleeping, losing interest in activities that you've always loved, not wanting to do anything at all, hating everyone and everything, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, et cetera. These things can all be symptoms of something else, but if you've got more than four of these symptoms you should do some research of your own and take some psychiatric testing.

I personally am BiPolar and have actively struggled with depression for four and a half years. I may have shown symptoms of depression before that, but I am not aware of them as symptoms of depression. The depression became serious when my Dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer and was going through his treatments. I was always Daddy's little girl, and it hurt to see him crippled by the pain of his cancer, and slowly wasting away.

Depression runs in my family as well. It is not completely a genetic disorder, and can be triggered by circumstances and a variety of other things, but having family members who have struggled with depression does increase the risk of getting it yourself.

Depression can be painful. It can be fatal, or near-fatal, as is my case. It can manifest in any number of behaviours. I was lucky in that I never lost a passion for my writing when depressed-in fact, when struggling with depression I have written more poetry than at any 'stable' or 'manic' time in my life.

There are many ways to help a family member or friend who is depressed, and to identify depression in yourself and others, but these are not the focus of this article.


Self-harm is the general term, and the politically correct one, for a variety of behaviors, including cutting, burning, anorexia and bulimia, hair-pulling, scab-picking and other such things. Some of these we do not commonly recognize as self harm, and are not as dangerous as others (scab-picking mostly), with the most infamous forms of self-harm being anorexia and cutting.

Self-harm and cutting may or may not be related to a depressed state. Anyone you know may be someone who self-harms in any one of a number of ways. People who self-harm are not usually suicidal, using the self-harm as a method of releasing their pain. There are many misconceptions about self-harm and I hope to eliminate some of these with my work.

People who self-harm are not usually doing so for attention. They usually go out of their way to hide the scars, wearing long sleeves even in the summer or self-harming in ways that are easy to hide, such as cutting the stomach area or upper thighs and pulling small amounts of hair. Even scab picking can be easy to hide to an extent. There are some who do this for attention, as it has, sadly, become somewhat of a trend, called 'emo'. This is a very small percentage of those who self-harm and mostly applies to cutters.

Many self-harmers have been abused at some point in their lives, and some self-harm internalizing the idea that they are bad and need to be punished. In this way self-harm can stem from insecurity and self-hatred, which can lead to depression or come from depression.

More self-harmers are female than male, possibly relating to a higher number of abused women than men. The average self-harmer is a woman between the ages of 13-30, although it could be anyone, male, female, young, old, with or without a family. Some who are happily married and have children continue to cut, as it helps them alleviate the stresses of their life.

The Relationship Between Depression And Self-Harm

Depression can commonly lead to self-harm, as it did in my case. I was clinically depressed for most of three years before I began cutting, and while the original incident was not out of depression but out of curiosity, I soon discovered that cutting distracted me from the mental pain, blocking it out while I took care of the physical pain.

You will find this to be a common thread amongst many cutters. It distracts them from their daily struggle with life and perhaps depression, and gives them a rushy feeling. Some like the sight and even the taste of their own blood. There are many different reasons people self-harm that I cannot describe all in one place.

Not everyone who is depressed self-harms, and not everyone who self-harms is depressed. Many people who are depressed, who often can't quite understand why, are either afraid of pain both mental and physical, or love their bodies and do not want to hurt themselves. Many who self-harm do so as a way to escape every day life and prove that they are brave, having the bravery to hurt themselves.

Many who self-harm are ashamed of the fact that they self-harm, and so they hide it from their friends and family. The same stands for many who are depressed. Depression and self-harm are both things more likely to occur when someone has been abused in their past, in any way, shape or form.

Depression and self-harm are related, though one thing does not always signify the other. Many of the same people who are likely to experience depression are likely to self-harm.

A person struggling with depression could be anyone, even the person you think of as being the happiest person you know. A person who self-harms could be anyone, even that same person you think of as being the happiest person you know.

This is not a fully comprehensive article, but the beginning of a series of articles about depression and self-harm from the point of view of someone who is BiPolar and has struggled with both depression and self-harm in the past.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Studies have shown that it is very important for women to take DHA prenatal supplements during pregnancy. This is because dha has been proven to be beneficial to both the mum and fetus and deficiency in this vital nutrient can be disastrous to both.

To start with, the human brain is 30% dha; hence regular consumption of DHA prenatal supplements have been proven to help the brain of the fetus to from properly. It also helps in the overall development of the baby: it helps the eyes of the baby to develop well and also helps to prevent the baby from developing allergies in the future.

Regular consumption of prenatal DHA supplements during pregnancy also help to prevent miscarriage, preterm and stillborn. Research shows that when a woman is pregnant, the fetus draws from and depletes the mother's dha; so, if the woman does not restore the depleted amount by regular intake of DHA prenatal supplements, she will most likely suffer from post natal depression.

There are lots of benefits of DHA prenatal supplements; however, care should be taken when choosing a brand. Fish oil is the best source of dha but fish contain impurities such as mercury, pesticides and other heavy metals. These contaminants are toxic to both mother and child especially at that critical stages of their lives.

Hence, the best prenatal DHA fish oil supplements are those that are molecularly distilled; molecular distillation is the only purification method that ensures that the toxins are removed form the oil, thereby making it pure and safe for even an unborn baby.

It is also important to note that most of the supplements on the market contain synthetic vitamin E as a preservative; synthetic vitamin E is not as effective as the natural version. Therefore make sure that the fish oil supplement you are taking contains natural vitamin E.

The brand I personally take contains natural vitamin E and Rosemary extracts as preservatives. The combination of these these antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent help to increase the potency of the supplement.

You need to regularly take prenatal DHA fish oil supplement for your health and that of your baby; however make sure that it is purified by molecular distillation.

Discover the best DHA prenatal supplement.

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Postpartum depression, also known as postnatal depression usually occurs after childbirth. In rare cases, it may also occur during child bearing. This condition makes pregnant women irritable, sad, depressed and worried. Some women also experience extreme mood swings and anxiety. They become cranky and cry for no reason at all. Such symptoms should be dealt with very carefully. It is important that the family members provide all the required support. Doctors suggest that spouses and their families should learn how to deal with such situations. Counseling family members can help them cope with irritable mood swings and depression. This condition is primarily caused due to hormonal changes. It is a sensitive issue that is difficult to handle. Care and understanding is required. There are some other treatments and solutions for this condition.

Treatment And Solution For Postpartum Depression

o Counseling - This is the best treatment available. Psychotherapy sessions help a pregnant woman deal with their situation. She learns to handle her emotions and thereby control such extreme swings. The counseling is offered on a one-to-one basis to the woman and her family members. Several support groups arrange interactive sessions to deal with such pregnancy symptoms. It is advisable to consult a psychotherapist if the signs of irritability go beyond control and the pregnant woman feels melancholic all the time.

o Nutrition - Deficiency in nutrition may also lead to postpartum depression. However, there is no proof of good nutrition being instrumental in reducing this kind of depression. Nevertheless, a good and balanced diet will be beneficial for the mother as well as the baby. Pregnant women must include Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, B vitamin and calcium in their diet. Consult your doctor for a balanced diet plan.

o Hormone Therapy - This is another solution for postpartum depression. The hormone Estrogen is responsible for such complications among women. A hormone replacement therapy may be the ideal solution. However, this treatment has some risk factors involved hence, it is important to consult your doctor.

o Medicines - There is medication for this condition if it becomes severe. Sometimes, the mother becomes extremely depressed and is not in a position to take care of the baby. This kind of situation requires the administration of anti-depressants. However, self medication can be dangerous. It is advisable to consult your doctor for treatment.

Sometimes postpartum depression can lead to suicidal tendencies in the mother. This condition needs urgent care and treatment. Read the warning signs and symptoms and start the treatment at once. Co-operation and care from family members can help the woman overcome this problem and lead a happy life.

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Hair loss in women is usually a result of one or more of the following: genetics, stress, hormones or pregnancy. Sometimes it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition, but even if it is not life threatening, there is still a huge stigma attached to a woman losing her hair. This can put a woman under a lot of stress which can make the shedding more severe, making daily life that much tougher.

Today's western society has become accustomed to airbrushed, perfected images of celebrities, especially women, and most school girls grow up with aspirations to look like some pretty pop star or model on the basis of 'they look good which makes them popular so I want to be and look like them'. This image-obsessed culture makes it particularly difficult for those women who are experiencing the trauma of hair loss.

From the outside we often sympathise with those who have lost hair as a result of medical condition or medications such as cancer drugs, or we alienate those who are experiencing hair loss for some other reason such as genetics. But why can't we celebrate bald women?

One female British bald celebrity, Gail Porter, has done much to raise awareness of the condition Alopecia Areata and in doing so has helped to start to bring the subject out of the closet. Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disease that causes sudden, patchy hair loss, affects around one in a hundred people, mostly teenagers and young adults. It runs in the family in one in five cases. For up to 70% of sufferers the hair will grow back of its own accord however it can lead to more severe forms of hair loss such as Alopecia Totalis (no scalp hair) and Alopecia Universalis (no scalp and body hair).

Porter, previously a successful model with long blond locks, famously had her image projected on Big Ben by lads' magazine FHM in 1999. However, beneath the glossy exterior, Porter's struggle with drugs, stress, and post-natal depression had begun to trigger her alopecia. The mother-of-one has been honest about the challenge she faced in coming to terms with her baldness and made a television documentary about the emotional and physical challenges she endured. She felt extremely isolated and considered wearing a wig but found them uncomfortable and unrealistic.

As well as alopecia, there are several other types of hair loss in women, the most common being Female Pattern (genetic) Hair Loss. Most women will start to experience hair loss between 30 and 50 however it can affect women at a younger age. As with all forms of hair loss, the earlier it is treated, the better the chances of restoring the hair. But early treatment means an early diagnosis and many women feel embarrassed to admit there is a problem and may even slip into denial. For women, there are so many hair styling aids out there (hats, clips, bands, extensions) to easily disguise the early stages of hair loss.

The fact that bald woman are not often positively projected in the public eye, as compared to bald men, could be linked to the ever-increasing demand for any female with a public persona to be young and 'beautiful'. Pop-stars, models, actresses and news-readers are, more often than not, chosen in part for their conventional good looks. In recent times, for example, the BBC has habitually replaced female news-readers, television presenters and radio broadcasters with notably younger-looking versions. They may claim they are doing this because it is what the audience wants, however this is not an acceptable excuse; there are strict (and rightly so) guidelines on racial and ethnic diversity; so why not on age and appearance? When media and popular culture more accurately reflects society's diversity then perhaps the public will be more understanding of hair loss in women and those suffering from the condition will feel more able to seek advice.

Any internet search will show a growing number of hair loss support groups that can offer advice and encouragement. There are also specialist clinics that offer expert advice about treatment programs. If you decide to explore any kind of treatment, it is important to conduct some research into the products and the clinic you are intending to consult.

For women, there are several factors that could be contributing to the hair loss and professional advice from a reputable source is the safest and most effective way of treating the condition.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The first time it happened was 17yrs ago, when I was just 25. It was in response to finding myself a single mum, my greatest fear. I was devastated and was very hard on myself for allowing this to happen. After weeks of trying to pull myself back together and feeling very weak and apathetic, I eventually asked my mother to drive me to the doctor (I felt unable to drive myself). I was diagnosed with post-natal depression, but I knew it wasn't that. The doctor prescribed antidepressants, which I didn't want to take, but I didn't know what else to do. After a week or two I still was not feeling any better and was told I had to give the drugs time to work. About that time I discovered Louise Hay's book 'You Can Heal Your Life', and I knew I would no longer take the drugs.

The book on its own did not help me to cure my depression, but it set me on a new path of personal responsibility, very empowering. I also joined a meditation group and suddenly my world expanded. I realised I was much more than what I had previously thought. The group became my lifeline and slowly I made progress. It was not a quick recovery and I tried many other things along the way, including counselling and hypnotherapy, but eventually I did feel better.

I met a new partner after 7yrs on my own and in the next few years I studied and practised several different natural therapy modalities and found myself attracting people who were dealing with physical symptoms caused by emotional distress. I was dealing with a lot of stress myself at the time, all of it self induced. I was being very hard on myself for not making any money from my work. Then my son was born and I gave up on my practice, but not on being hard on myself. Eventually it affected my relationship and we separated after 8yrs together. I was a single mum once again. However, it wasn't that that set me off on my second bout of depression. It was financial struggle.

I was in the middle of my life coaching certification training and I'd just researched and written a 25 page document on how effective life coaching was for stress relief. But this had gone beyond stress relief. Even my meditation classes weren't helping. I needed something else. Again, I didn't want to take medication but did not know what else to do. So I went to a doctor for a physical checkup to see if there was something going on but my physical health was fine. She offered a referral to a psychologist but instinctively I felt this was not for me.

A few months earlier I'd attended a seminar where I'd learnt about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and I searched for a coach who had done this company's training. Fortunately for me, I found the perfect coach who taught me, with just a small exercise, a huge lesson in self-talk.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Postpartum depression sucks. You think you should be happy because of this new wonderful baby you have, yet you're not. It's ok, it's not your fault. Here are some quick and highly effective ways to get rid of depression.

  1. You need exposure to sun everyday. Don't overdo it and act like you're trying to get a tan, but you do need sunlight for about 20 minutes each day. Take a walk with the baby. Perfect. That leads me to the next way to get rid of depression.

  2. Exercise... yes, you need to exercise. Yeah, you're depressed and don't want to do it. Yes, you're busy with your beautiful baby. But hey, exercise helps normalize your hormone levels and gets you on to losing the baby weight that you gained during pregnancy. So you get a 2 for 1 deal by exercising. And, it doesn't have to be anything major. Just go for a walk.

  3. Take St. John's Wort. Let me be honest, this stuff is crazy. You get some very lucid and vivid dreams from taking this stuff. But that's proof it's working. It's stimulating the neurotransmitters in your brain. It starts to work really good after taking it for 3 weeks. It's a brain supplement that promotes a "feel good" mood.

  4. Omega 3 Healthy Fats. Think fish oil pills. I can't say enough good things about fish oil pills. Get some. Yesterday! They're that important. Ok, I'll forgive you for not getting them yesterday. But don't waste time, go get them as soon as possible. You'll be thankful you did... and not just for the depression.

  5. Folate. You can get this from green leafy vegetables.

So there you have it. 5 cheap and easy ways to help alleviate your postpartum depression. All of these tips above also help with different kinds of depression. So if you have any kind of depression, including from weight loss... follow those 5 tips or just pick out 1 and use it.

Maternity Care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many women experience a "high" after giving birth, which carries on through簫out the postnatal period. In about 40 per cent of these women, this "high" leads on to varying degrees of postnatal depression or "blues". In most cases, this is manifested through one or two crying episodes, for no apparent reason, within the first three to seven days. This then clears up rapidly without further problems.

For some women, however, this could lead on to more severe and deeper depression, lasting two weeks or more. Should this happen, it is advisable to seek professional help. Below are some pointers that may help you:

What can cause postnatal depression:

1. Physical, social and psychological changes fol簫lowing the birth.

2. Dramatic hormonal changes.

3. Physical discomforts following the birth, for example, episiotomy, "afterbirth" pains caused by uterine contractions, breast engorgement, lack of sleep.

4. Failure to bond with the baby, due to separation for medical reasons, in the early days.

5. Difficulty in coping with a demanding and irrita簫ble baby.

Overcoming postnatal depression

Though the "blues" cannot be prevented, its inten簫sity and duration can be reduced.

1. Get help with the housework, cooking and care of the baby. Do not be afraid to ask for help.

2. Make time for leisure. Plan an evening out at a restaurant.

3. Get as much rest as possible. Take a nap when the baby sleeps.

4. Be realistic about how much you can achieve each day. Caring for a newborn takes up a lot of time.

5. Discuss your feelings openly with your spouse. It is through the process of communication that the problems and depression of the early post簫natal days can be corrected.

Lastly, make sure that you have enough nutrition in your diet. Check that you are eating sufficient protein, natural carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, trace elements and about 6 to 8 glasses of water. Of the minerals required at this time of your life, calcium is the most important. Are you having calcium deficiency? You may be surprised that increasing your calcium intake may help you calm down and reduce your postnatal depression. New mothers often get so caught up with the welfare of the baby that they forget to take of of themselves. Remember, just like in the safety instruction of the airplane, where they ask you to put on your safety mask first before attending to the child, you need to attend to your physical needs first in order for you to have the strength and sanity to take care of your child.

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In PMS Part 1, we saw the general classification of the four 'types' of PMS which showed some promise that we might be able to identify a cause for each set of symptoms. But it turns out that trying to work out the causes of PMS from even an organised list of the possible symptoms is rather like watching a blockbuster 3D movie without the special glasses; you have a general idea of what is going on, but the details are blurred, the colours run into each other, and clarity is tantalisingly out of reach!

However, a glance at the PMS-A/C/D/H categories outlined in the previous article do suggest different factors and the influence of different hormones being involved in each type. For example:

(A) anxiety/hyperarousal (raised adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla)

(C) stress symptoms with secondary disturbance of sugar metabolism (raised adrenal cortical steroids, eg cortisol)

(D) depression, sadness and diminished mental function (increased oestrogen, reduced progesterone, raised cortisol)

(H) fluid retention and related signs and symptoms (increased oestrogen, aldosterone).

Although these categories seem relatively well defined, in practice there is considerable overlap between them. It becomes obvious that to pinpoint the complete hormonal state of affairs within an individual woman through laboratory tests would be very difficult in both practical and financial terms. Taking into account the other hormones in the hormonal cascade, each with their different functions and subtle effects on mood and physical symptoms, and the scale of the problem becomes clear. No wonder we can still read in many publications that "PMS is a condition of unknown (or uncertain) origin"!

The Hormone Confusion

In her thoughtful book 'The Truth about Hormones', the science editor Vivienne Parry says "PMS is a classic model of the way hormones affect mood and emotion; it is also a fascinating model of fluctuating medical beliefs, swayed by prevailing medical dogma."

Here she is referring to theories of the cause of PMS which have tended to focus on hormone excess or deficiency, with either oestrogen or progesterone being given main responsibility. It is clear by now that this is a much too simplistic approach, and that part of the answer must lie in the balance and fluctuation of the various hormones, fluctuations which of course have their own causes. Dr John Lee's work on the syndrome of oestrogen dominance, with its 'excess' of oestrogen in relation to progesterone, is very much to the point here.

Much has been written in the psyche-soma debate in relation to PMS, just as it has about conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, prompting questions like "PMS - is it all in the mind?", which have contributed to it not being given the importance it has deserved.

The Role Of The Mind and Emotions

This bias has been based on the curious attitude that psychological and emotional disturbances somehow rate lower on the scale of things than physical ones. But the study of cellular biology, cell receptors and their informational substances, (which include neurotransmitters and hormones too), has already shown us that our ideas of a separate mind and body are completely artificial, born of a polarised way of looking at the world.

There is only a bodymind, the different systems of which are in health completely integrated and communicating with each other at the cellular level through their extraordinary array of hormones, neurotransmitters and receptors. Because of a tendency to think in a compartmented, linear, cause-and-effect, 'either-or' sort of way, we often have difficulty in seeing the whole picture in complex conditions like PMS; whereas the truth is more likely to be glimpsed by a holistic, 'both-and' overview. For all its strengths, evidence-based medicine, with its emphasis on a reductionist approach, can contribute to this particular problem.

The Role of Ovulation in PMS

Taking this further, we know that, in the extreme, removal of the ovaries stops the symptoms of PMS. Symptoms also disappear in anovular cycles, where ovulation has, for whatever reason, not taken place. It has also been observed that if ovulation is artificially shut down with drugs the symptoms of PMS no longer arise. If these women are then given oestrogen and progesterone to restore previous levels, only the women who previously experienced symptoms do so again, showing that some women are especially sensitive to hormones, probably due to enhanced cell receptor sensitivity.

Another interesting fact: for women with mild PMS, the contraceptive pill, by stopping ovulation, eases symptoms; for those with more severe forms, their symptoms are made worse, probably due to the effect of the synthetic progestogens on women whose biochemistry is more severely disrupted by stress or previous emotional trauma. Exactly the same effect occurs in post-natal depression (PND), while bioidentical progesterone has been seen to have a markedly beneficial effect in both conditions.

As if this is not enough to consider, there is the matter of the neurosteroids, steroids that are synthesized in the brain, and have marked effects on some of its own chemical systems. It is known that receptors on cell membranes in the brain that respond to oestrogen affect learning, memory and pain reception. In addition, low levels of the neurotransmitters GABA and serotonin are associated with violence and aggression; and of serotonin alone, with depression. Interestingly, breakdown products of progesterone such as pregnenelone act as a calming influence, acting preferentially on the same receptors as do tranquillizers and barbiturates.

We also know that low levels of the aminoacid tryptophan, a serotonin precursor, make PMS symptoms worse; that oestrogen tends to increase serotonin levels when given to menopausal women, as do drugs that promote serotonin release or prevent its reuptake, improving PMS. Then there are the effects of diet, nutritional deficiencies, alcohol and obesity: a large subject in itself, and one to be explored in PMS-Part 3.

The Emotional Aspects

Finally this brings us to the emotional aspect of PMS. The 3-5% of menstruating women who suffer from the severest symptoms find their day-to-day functioning significantly affected, with consequent problems for their families. The main symptoms in this group are primarily emotional, which is why psychiatrists have claimed it for their own and labelled it 'Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder' or PMDD, the word 'dysphoric' meaning feelings at the opposite end of the spectrum from 'euphoric'.

The emotional symptoms that stand out in this form of PMS are those that already described at the severe end of postnatal depression (PND); -

Anxiety - Irritability - Agitation - Sudden panics - Anger and aggressive outbursts - Volcanic rages and violent behaviour - Feelings of murderous intent.

Another early advocate of natural progesterone supplementation, Dr Katherina Dalton, used to regularly visit Holloway women's prison and found that very nearly half of all newly sentenced prisoners had committed their crimes during the four days before the start of menstruation and the first four days of the period itself. Bipolar swings similar to those in manic depression, and disconnection of thought and emotion as found in schizo-affective states, can also occur in the most extreme forms.

It's Not The Hormones - It's Their Fluctuating Levels

As we have seen, hormones do have their own direct effects on mood, but rather than taking the easy route and attributing these symptoms to a particular combination of hormones, I think that it is much more likely that, as in PND and puerperal psychosis, it is the fluctuation of the hormonal picture that allows the release of feelings that are already there, repressed and stored away within the body in response to previous traumas, sometimes physical or sexual, often emotional, that could not be expressed at the time, or resolved since. The majority of these are from childhood, but their repression seems to attract in later life the very situations which will trigger the same feelings, leading to the recurring negative 'patterns' of experience with which all too many of us are familiar.

The positive aspect of this suffering, however, is that it sooner or later forces us to explore or confront the hidden emotional issues that underlie PMS, which itself may act both as a reminder and as a pressure-release valve. There is a saying I like:- 'Give me the courage to meet the Devil in his lair, and make of him a friend'. The process of healing these emotional and psychological stresses means that these energies are then no longer present to 'break through' when hormonal fluctuations occur.

Dr Christiane Northrup in her comprehensive guide to women's health 'Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom' writes well on this sensitive subject. She also describes a strong correlation between PMS and growing up in a family system in which parents or even grandparents were alcoholic. "The relationship between PMS and relationship addiction - giving your life away to meet other people's needs - is very high" she says. It is not difficult to see here the seeds of co-dependency. The intense, confusing and contradictory emotions of love, hate, anger, guilt, despair, shame, fear and defeat experienced in response by many children in this situation cannot be borne consciously for long. The result is a cutting off from their feelings, which resurface later in life at particularly vulnerable times. These may be times of severe or cumulative stress, emotional or physical exhaustion; or at times of hormonal imbalance or fluctuation, such as in the postnatal and premenstrual phases, and to a lesser degree at the menopause.


It is not always easy, and sometimes not possible, to explore the underlying issues in these situations, but in my own experience, if a woman has the willingness and the courage to do so, the results are almost always beneficial. In PMS-Part 3 we will explore the different levels of approach available to help resolve this condition, and offer a coherent and comprehensive way of looking at the problem.

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Upper respiratory tract infections such as common cold are the most common cause of cough related sleepless nights in babies. In this case, your baby will also have other cold symptoms such as slightly elevated body temperature, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, irritability and reduced appetite. Common cold in babies is usually not serious and resolves within about a week without any medical treatment. But if your baby is younger than 3 months of age, you are recommended to call your pediatrician as soon as possible because newborns are at increased risk of complications including pneumonia and. Also, consult with your baby's doctor if you do not know what is causing night coughs regardless of his/her age and call a doctor immediately if:

- your baby has breathing difficulties

- may have swallowed a small object

- has high body temperature or/and any other worrisome symptoms

- has blue lips

- is unconscious

If your baby is older than 3 months and does not have any other worrisome symptoms, you can follow the tips below. Please note that none of the mentioned tips will make the cough go away immediately. But if your baby has an uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection, it should resolve with other symptoms within a few days.

Baby cough remedy at night tip #1:

Elevate your baby's head. This will reduce the drainage of mucus from the nose and sinuses into the throat which is the main trigger of night cough because the mucus irritates the airways. You can also elevate the mattress in your baby's crib by placing a pillow beneath the mattress. Be sure, however, not to put any pillows or other objects into the crib because they pose a risk of suffocation as well as increase the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Baby cough remedy at night tip #2:

Give your baby warm or cool liquid or milk formula if you are formula feeding. Both warm and cool liquids help thin out the mucus, make it easier to cough up and sooth the throat. You are also highly recommended to give your baby plenty of liquids during the day to keep him/her well hydrated. Just like adults, babies need more liquids to stay hydrated when they are sick.

Baby cough remedy at night tip #3:

Run a humidifier because dry air irritates the airways and makes the cough even worse. A humidifier will relieve nasal congestion and facilitate breathing by which less irritating mucus will be drained into your baby's throat. But please keep in mind that humidifiers are an ideal breeding ground for mold and bacteria. You are highly recommended to clean it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Baby cough remedy at night tip #4:

Take your baby into the bathroom, run a warm shower and close the door to allow the steam to sooth your baby's irritated airways and throat, and thin up the mucus. This baby cough remedy at night works best if it is used in combination with a humidifier.

Baby cough remedy at night tip #5:

Do not use any herbal remedies and over-the-counter cough medications unless you were explicitly allowed to use them by your baby's doctor. Although some can be very helpful in older kids, most herbal remedies as well as over-the-counter cough medications can cause serious side effects in babies.

Besides following the mentioned tips, you are also recommended to make sure that your baby is comfortable and that he/she gets plenty of rest and fluids during the day.

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Postnatal depression is a condition that happens to about 10% of women after they have a baby. It is often known as the baby blues, and includes feeling unhappy, blue, sad, and miserable. In many cases this type of depression is not even recognized because of all the normal changes that occur during and after pregnancy. However, although this is a very common problem, there are some things that can be done to treat it and help to get new moms feeling back to normal again.

Causes of Post Natal Depression
There are a variety of different reasons that you could be dealing with depression after you have a baby. Many times it is a result of changes in the hormones in the body. There are big changes that occur within the first 24 hours after having a baby and this can lead to depression. Also, thyroid levels can drop leading to depression. Some of the other factors that can end up leading to problems with the baby blues include feeling overwhelmed with taking care of a new baby, lack of sleep, stress, feelings of losing your identity, and have less control over the time that you have.

Symptoms of Postnatal Depression
There are many symptoms that can be symptoms of depression. If you happen to have any of these symptoms after pregnancy and they last for more than a couple of weeks, you could be dealing with depression.

- Very little energy
- Feelings is restlessness
- Irritability
- Losing interest in activities
- Crying more often than usual
- Feeling overwhelmed or hopeless
- Problems staying focused
- Too much sleep or not enough
- Loss of appetite or overeating
- Withdrawing from family
- Dealing with chest pains or headaches

Simple Treatments to Try
There are a variety of treatments for post natal depression, and while some may include drug therapy or even talk therapy with a professional, there are simple things that you can do at home to combat this problem. The following are simply and alternative treatments that you may want to try.

- Get More Rest - One thing that you can try to get rid of the depression you are dealing with is to start getting a bit more rest. When you have a new baby, often it can be difficult to get the rest you need, leading to more risk of depression. Try sleeping whenever your baby does so you get the rest you need.

- Talk to a Friend or Family Member - Just talking someone can definitely be a huge help when you are dealing with the baby blues. It helps you to realize you are not alone and allows you to express your feelings too.

- Get Out More - Staying in the home all the time can actually lead to depression, so you need to get out more. Go out with your baby and run some errands or just go for a walk around the block. It can really help.

- Join a Support Group - Joining support groups can help. There are many people out there that are also going through postnatal depression and joining a group with others who understand can be very healing and helpful for you.

- Try Baby Massage - Consider trying baby massage by taking a class so you can learn how to do it. This is a great way that you can learn to better relate to your baby and you'll begin feeling better too.

- Eat Foods with Omega 3s - If you're going through post natal depression, chances are that you are low on fatty acids in your body, which can lead to depression. So, start eating foods that have omega 3s in them, such as seafood and fish.

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Be kind to yourself and believe the nine steps to recovery. If you are feeling blue the first few days (or more) after delivering your baby, you just might be suffering from postnatal depression. The symptoms are easy to spot most of the time, to name a few: physical exhaustion, always feeling not in the mood, losing interest in sex, low appetite, insomnia and worrying in distress most of the time. The fact is, the more you feel the depression settling in your being, the more you resent it, or you feel guilty because does not having a baby mean being extremely happy about your new role as a mother?

It does not encourage you when you talk to other new moms, because they all seem so ecstatic about their transition from being a pregnant woman to mother. Before you are utterly discouraged for good, be kind to yourself and do not put yourself under too much pressure!

Here are the nine steps to recovery from the anxiety you feel:

First things first, believe in recovery -convince yourself you will get better with time. It is completely normal to feel the way you do, so do not panic!

Secondly, make sure that you eat bananas and tomatoes and other foods high in potassium to make sure that you are preventing feeling even more weary than you already do (potassium also lowers the risk of any other diseases).

Thirdly, rest as much as you can. You cannot attend to your baby's needs if you are feeling stressed inside and out.

Fourth, maintain a proper diet. Make sure that you will still eat healthy because you will still need to breastfeed your baby.

Fifth, get gentle exercise. Exercise for the sake of keeping your cardiopulmonary system fit, and avoid burning yourself out with exercise because it will only add to your stress, which leads to the sixth step: avoid major stress. If it is in your control, surround yourself with things that make you feel better.

Seventh step is to try not to work unduly -you have to keep it in mind that it is okay to get all the rest you need. It is emphasized again for the eighth step: be kind to yourself!

Finally, talk about your feelings. Do not be embarrassed or feel guilty of your predicament. Getting your feelings out in the open with someone you really trust will be therapeutic for you.

Giving birth is not all pretty flowers and rainbows, so really, remember the eighth step again and again: be kind to yourself. It is okay to accept all the help you can get. In order to advance to your new life as a mother, you have to take care of yourself first so you can take care of your baby!

Remember, people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable. Seek help.

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With one in five children, including babies, suffering from eczema, and dry skin the most common trigger in an outbreak, finding an easy and cost effective therapy you can implement into your baby's daily skin care will work wonders for you both.

And there is nothing better than massage for babies who suffer from eczema. More and more new mums and dads are experiencing the wonderful pleasures massage can bring, not only in terms of relief, but the total sense of relaxation and look of pure happiness on their baby's face.

Science Says

Researcher, Dr Tiffany Field, Ph.D., from the Touch Research Institute in Miami, who has spent the past twenty five years researching massage therapy, conducted a study on young children with eczema who received daily massage from their parents, to see whether their symptoms decreased.

For one month, the parents of the first group massaged their children's prescribed skin treatments into their skin for 20 minutes each day. The second group applied the skin treatment to their children's skin with no massage.

The study found that the children from the first group who received the daily massage were less anxious and that the symptoms of redness, scaling, itching, thickening and skin abrasions had decreased significantly.

The parents also reported feeling calmer themselves after giving the massage. The second group had a decrease in the scaling of the skin but there were no other improvements seen.

Other research has found that baby massage also strengthens the baby's immune system, helps the baby sleep longer and deeper, develops coordination, relieves wind, colic, reflux and constipation, promotes weight gain in premature babies and can be therapeutic for mums suffering post natal depression.

Massage and your baby

While massage in the study was conducted for 20 minutes, this may be overly stimulating, so watch for cues as to when your baby has had enough. Indications may be crying, pushing your hands away, turning away or facial grimacing.

It's also important to only massage skin that is not broken and avoid massaging areas that are weeping, bleeding or have open sores.

Only use downward strokes, so from hip to ankle, upper back to lower back and shoulder to wrist as the hair follicles grow in this direction and as baby already has dry, inflamed skin massaging against the hair growth may cause infection and be uncomfortable.

Skin Sense

When massaging your baby, use either natural, organic cold pressed plant oil such as Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel or Sesame Oil, as these oils are rich in vitamins and minerals and may assist with the healing of skin irritations. Another good option is an emollient moisturising cream that has no fragrance or essential oils, and is suitable for sensitive, eczema prone skin.

UK based pediatric research has found that massaging with Sunflower oil has shown significant results in repairing baby's skin barrier.

With so many products on the market you may need to try a few until you find the product most suitable to your needs. So take time out each day for baby massage- it's precious time for you both and will result in a happier, healthier and more content baby.

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Many first time mothers are very surprised to find how much their lives change after the birth of their new baby. They tend to imagine that their lives will be structured in a peaceful way around the routine of caring for the baby and that every thing will run smoothly and efficiently. However, they soon find once reality kicks in that nothing goes like clockwork once you have a new baby in the house, that nights and days turn upside down and they even discover TV shows in the early hours of the morning. And of course one of the biggest problems for a new mother with this new lifestyle is exhaustion.

Fathers can suffer from exhaustion too! It is said that parents in general miss out on about 10% to 20% of their normal sleeping hours during the first year of their baby's life.

Unfortunately, such fatigue for new mothers can last for months depending on how well your baby sleeps and how good you are at napping when you can. Most new mothers start to feel less exhausted after 2 to 3 months. Although, recent research has found that contrary to popular belief that such post natal exhaustion is in the first 6 weeks after birth, it was actually found that many women were more exhausted at 14 to 19 months post partum than they were at 6 weeks. Could it be that this is linked to those months when your baby first starts to walk and you are having to watch them so carefully and are literally following their every move?

Some of the symptoms of severe exhaustion in new mothers are:

o Inability to concentrate

o Difficulty thinking

o Nervousness

o Lack of self-confidence

And these symptoms may well be linked to possible postpartum depression or anemia.
If you were anemic during your pregnancy or you lost a lot of blood at delivery, you may well need to continue taking prenatal vitamins and separate iron supplements. It is best to have a check up with your doctor in these circumstances.

The high prevalence of fatigue among women who have given birth is a concern that should not be taken lightly because sometimes it can be a symptom of larger medical problems such as postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) which is a thyroid dysfunction. Apart from exhaustion, some of the other symptoms for PPT are goiter, dry skin, constipation, weight gain and cold intolerance. And there are certain risk factors in some women for developing PPT such as:

o Goiter and the presence of antithyroid antibodies in the first half of pregnancy.

o A previous history of PPT.

o A family history of thyroid disease

o The presence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

If as a new mother, you suspect that you may be experiencing a thyroid dysfunction you should contact your doctor for treatment to improve this condition.

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Are you currently suffering from anxiety? There are plenty of medications that you can use with this problem.

There are some doctors that prescribed medications such as Tranquillizers, Anti-Depressants and Sleeping Tablets to treat postnatal depression. There are several caring doctors out there but there are also some that are not.

Actually, the medications that were mentioned earlier are medications given as the last resort for treating anxiety, depression or insomnia, which are already severe and had affected our daily routines already and when the problem is not being treated by any medications. People who were prescribed with such medications will be having higher risks of having other illnesses or complications which will harm your health in the long run.

If you are afraid or worried in using prescribed medications because of the harmful reactions you can get through these medications, you do not have to lose hope. There are healthy alternatives that you can make use of in order to treat anxiety. You are wondering what the healthy alternatives that you can use that works well with your anxiety, so continue reading because this article will give you few alternatives that can treat anxiety naturally and safely.

Usually, when you are suffering from depression or anxiety, you do not want to spend time with other people, you just simply stay in your room. But being lonely is not good for you, since loneliness is one of the causes of depression, so you have to do things in order to avoid loneliness. It is better to out and join some groups. Joining groups can be helpful for you to solve your anxiety problem. You may not feel like doing it, but you have to do it, in this way, you can keep yourself from loneliness. You can join at your church, sport clubs and the likes. There are plenty of options you can choose from, just bear in mind that joining a social circle can help you out.

Another helpful way that you should do is exercise. Having 15 minutes to 30 minutes each day doing exercise or physical activities can boost your self-esteem and you can relax your mind and feel god about yourself. You can walk, dance, jog, swim, and go to the gym and a lot more. But in making some activities, you have to choose those activities that can give you much fun. As an advice, you have to do this everyday, this could reduce the symptoms of anxiety you have.

One of the causes of anxiety is too much worry about a problem you have at the moment. So talking this out with our family or friends can be helpful on your part. You can be relieved from stress or anxiety if you share your problem with the people you trust and love. As soon as you talk about it with family or friends, you could see yourself relief.

Using herbal remedy is an effective way of treating anxiety. You do not need to worry about the risks of having harmful side effect as soon as you take such remedy. There are plenty of herbal remedies from you to choose from. Just take time to research about the herbal remedy before using it. As a piece of advice, before taking the herbal remedy, you have to read the instruction carefully and follow it strictly to assure your safety.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Herbal Remedy Treating Anxiety

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One of the major causes of snoring in modern times is obesity. If you look at obesity, the pandemic is cutting across all nations today due to the sedentary lifestyle and low exercise regimen that have become a bane of modern living. Excess weight gain can be also due to pregnancy, induced post natal weight, side effects of certain medications that tend to effect individuals, inclusion of junk food in regular diet, aerated drinks consumption and high stress levels that lead to a variety of psychological disorders, inducing weight gain by binging.

If you are a few pounds overweight, you might have started snoring. Contrary to usual belief a person who snores is not a heavy sleep, but that is a warning by the body of impending health hazards. Weight gain is not isolated in pockets, but all over the body layers of fatty tissue accumulation starts affecting the heart, compresses the throat region, creating narrow air passages that simulate snoring.

When you gain weight, you also lose toned muscles! Yes, snoring is a direct consequence of loose muscles of the throat and jaws, which indirectly let the tongue fall back into the throat. This obstructs normal breathing patterns when you are asleep. The constant vibration of the soft tissue in the throat region by the air pressure flowing through the narrow constricted air tracks causes the irritating noise, that we call snores.

Snorers stand a higher risk of being diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, depression, and sleep apnea, cardiac and sleep deprivation related heath problems that knows no barriers of age, race and nationality.

On a regular day, most people who snore wake up to a headache, caused by low oxygen supply to the brain, dry mouth and throat as you snore through the mouth most times. The constant waking up through out the night does not let you get into REM sleep pattern, considered to be the deep phase of sleep.

Most of the people require 9 hours of sleep to rejuvenate but snorers, who wake up all through the night have issues of sleep deprivation. In most cases, the bed partner also suffers from sleep deprivation due to the constant tossing, coughing and interruptions all through the night.

Mostly sleep deprivation is often ignored as a minor problem. The major symptoms are constant drowsiness, poor alertness, low concentration, low productivity and relationship issues that crop up over time. Sleep apnea is a major concern for those who snore heavily on a regular basis.

However, the extreme stage of sleep apnea occurs when you ignore mild or medium snoring and over time the issue escalates to become a major health hazard. If you are still steps away from becoming a heavy snorer, it is time to take action and look for a good anti snoring remedy. You can choose from anti snoring pills, sprays, nasal strips, mouth guards and a variety of other ways to stop snoring. Part from that you can also refer about your condition with your doctor today.

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Studying Low Thyroid Level Symptoms?

Discuss with several people who are studying much about their low thyroid level symptoms. They look at the symptoms as a mixture of illnesses and afterward they just assume that "they have it," whether they have been examined or not. Please reserve that the symptoms billed at this point are no more than to pique interest. They actually indicate nothing until they go through the aptitude of a qualified medical doctor. So here are some of the greatest common low thyroid level symptoms:

1. Chilly hands and feet when they should not be especially in the Summertime You have freezing feet & socks just to sleep at night.

2. Drained invariably even after a full nights sleep.

3. Not able to drop Body Fat, even after harsh exercise & calorie counting in two to three weeks. It is cheaper for someone to map your Calorie intake and watch your weight fluctuation.

4. Constipation, plus substitute of numerous seeds and fiber to alleviate symptoms.

5. Brain blur, depression, that obstruct you from eating or miniature amounts of slimming exercise. This is constant in low thyroid function patients

6. Ahead of schedule menopause or irregular menstruation. Problems with getting pregnant and loss of libido. Many women have high postpartum depression. I want to advise that multiple factors can attain this. But be sure you have acceptable serum free T3, a convenient 24-hour urine test for T3 and T4. Not just a fair test lab. The urine should be checked by a picture spectrometer.. All alternative tests are exceedingly suspicious..

7. High cholesterol, if the thyroid is low, as measured by logical analysis, for the reason that the liver does not eradicate cholesterol from the blood and then you will be labeled as a heart patient, and prescribed lots of unearned chemicals that robbed you of your dollar and your vigor.

8. Now further symptoms occur, but exceptionally countless & do not suggest strongly enough that poor cellular function is the culprit due to the deprivation of adequate levels of T3 Remember, you want to unveil your level of T3

So How Do We Find The Level Of T3?

This is the fundamental approach to capture low thyroid (T3). Examination of the patient. Wherever else will you discern a low thyroid level? To start with textbooks warned doctors about the history and physical appearance a lot about lab tests. History suggests that is very sensible advice. All laboratory tests and X-ray studies with isotopes were investigated in approved low thyroid patients. Do you suspect what the results were? None. But the best of the worst was the blood TSH. You remember the one who will suggest the level of T4? The inactive thyroid gland.. T4 You know, what drug companies sell to you while uneducated doctors badmouth the natural pork balanced thyroid gland was discovered to be of advanced quality.

Was This Peer Reviewed?

This was published in the New England Journal February issue of 1999, that low thyroid level symptoms should be assessed by examination. In general, this document was on a small assemblage of thirty-eight patients, but a strange conclusion from the addition of T3 has many patients feel healthier.

Additional low thyroid level symptoms are as follows. Eyebrows are diluted or nonexistent at the last 33% of the eyebrow. Overweight (but I have discovered about 15% of hypothyroidism patients are skinny.. Go figure). A diluted pulse of around seventy or lower. Eyes are puffed-up under the covers, there is a puffiness under the eyes.. Skin is powdery & dry, sometimes cracked. Fingernails are broken. The lower limbs have been bloated and do not indent when you push a finger and hold it for 1 minute. Commonly the thyroid gland is enlarged and has a thumbnail, intermediate or large goiter. The first heart signal is not as distinguished as the subsequent, and the person appears in a daze. The ankle reflexes are almost always a regular low or nonexistent even if the knee and elbow reflexes are good.

Some doctors may possibly be able to physically feel the thyroid gland. They can tell you whether it is swollen. The gland will increase in an endeavor to create more TSH more if the body is low thyroid levels. This is not an accurate science. I've looked at & felt thyroid glands for greater than eighteen years and it is still complicated, the right mode to reveal whether the gland is raised, is to have an ultrasound done.

So What About Thyroid Cancer?

Absolutely we're concerned of thyroid cancer. They're rather few and far between though. Besides, there may possibly be nodules on the thyroid gland, that call for a needle biopsy or even surgical requests. This is the realm of a surgeon and an endocrinologist.


Established Medicine due to politics think that blood test technology for the TSH Levels is the most reliable. It would be if the reference points that they use for the TSH Levels were not gathered from pregnant women when they came in to get blood tests. Are the TSH levels the same with pregnant women as they are with everyone? I think not. Plus, the standard TSH Test only measures the T4 and not the T3. This is bad since we need to know both to see if your thyroid is actually converting the T4 to T3.

For some reason this is not standard. It amazes me and sickens me because many people go on everyday being told that their thyroid is fine when they are suffering and causing undue damage to their body.

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Omega3 - Nutrition for the Pregnant Mother and Child

It is widely accepted that a woman's nutritional needs change when she becomes pregnant. This includes both an increase, as well as a decrease of certain foods, drinks and supplements. While we all know that an increase in nutrients during this time is beneficial, however, just as an increase in certain nutrients can support fetal development, deficiency of a number of nutrients can lead to birth defects or complications.

Essential Fatty Acids (omega3 and omega6) in the correct ratio and quantify can offer exceptional benefits in terms of fetal development, the health of the mother-to-be and the health of the baby after being born.

How Can Omega3 Fatty Acids Help During Pregnancy?

Overall Wellbeing

It is becoming common knowledge that omega3 fatty acids are exceptionally important for human health. Unfortunately in most Western lifestyles our diets include dangerously low levels of omega3s and a level of omega6 fatty acids that is far too high. This shift in our diet can be very closely correlated with the increase in incidence of degenerative diseases over the past hundred years.

Omega3 and omega6 fatty acids are labeled 'essential' because the body cannot synthesise them on its own. It relies upon a food source, and unfortunately, given the nature of the average, modern western diet - the majority of us severely lack a natural source of omega3 fatty acids, with omega6s are provided at damagingly high levels through cooking oils, butter etc. To compound this, the omega6 fatty acids that we do intake are often cooked or spoiled by heat, light and oxygen and have therefore become toxic to our bodies.

Hundreds of research studies have now proven, beyond doubt, that a diet including optimal levels of omega3 and 6 (in the correct ratio) on a regular/daily basis can lead to a myriad of health benefits, and can also help to prevent (and reverse) the symptoms of degenerative diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular disease, arthritis as well as Type 2 diabetes.

Other benefits that are gained from including omega3 and 6 essential fatty acids in your diet include a stronger immune system, stronger bones, an increase in energy, weight loss and healthier hair, nails and skin.

It is important to remember that pregnant women can experience a deficiency in omega3 fatty acids as more are required during pregnancy. This deficiency can be compounded after a woman's first pregnancy as her maternal stores can become depleted, rarely returning to pre-pregnancy levels.

Fetal Development

Omega3 fatty acids are vital to healthy fetal development. A deficiency can easily occur with modern, Western diets and supplementation has been recommended by many researchers, health experts and doctors (not only for pregnant women, but for everyone!).

During fetal development, omega3 fatty acids are especially important for neural development and cell growth. Throughout pregnancy, omega3's supply 'brain food' to the fetus, as important brain and eye development takes place during fetal development, continuing well into the child's infant years. In fact, the lack of omega3 fatty acids during pregnancy and during the formative years after birth have been discovered to be a critical element for both the neurological and visual development of the baby. DHA is especially vital, as fetus cannot produce DHA efficiently independently.

In fact, research has shown that by adding omega3 and omega6 fatty acids to the mothers diet during pregnancy can almost certainly have a very positive effect on the child's cognitive abilities. These effects have even been proven to exist in the development of the child until the age of four!

Perhaps, even more critically, studies have shown that effective supplementation of omega3 fatty acids during pregnancy can greatly decrease the likelihood of complications such as pre term labour, and pre-eclampsia (toxemia) - a significant contributor to maternal mortality.

Research is proving beyond doubt that omega3 supplementation is almost vital during pregnancy and can greatly increase the health and development of both the child and the mother. However, it is recommended that these fatty acids are not added solely to the diet through consuming fish or fish based supplements. There are growing concerns regarding the toxicity of fish, particularly from mercury poisoning. A safer option would be to seek specific pre-natal supplements, or those such as Udo's Choice which contain only plant based fatty acids.

Infant/Child Behaviour and Development

Modern research is showing a strong link between infant/child behaviour and nutrition. Over the past thirty years, the focus of this research has turned to omega3 fatty acids and their role in the behavioural development and learning skills. ADHD, in particular, has been very closely associated with omega3 fatty acid deficiency both in terms during pregnancy and in the infants diet until at least the age of four. Research has shown that infants with lower omega3 levels are more likely to suffer behavioural problems including hyperactivity, impulsivity, anxiety, temper problems and unsettled sleep patterns. Interest in this area was first shown following a breakthrough study in 1981 which hypothesised that children with ADHD are more likely to have a diminished nutritional status of EFAs due to them showing greater thirst than non-ADHD children.

This study was further strengthened two years later, when EFA levels were measured in 23 children diagnosed with behavioural disorders and 20 average children. The results showed clearly that the children with behavioural problems were significantly deficient in EFAs.

More recently, a UK-based study has been undertaken and monitored by the BBC to show the effects of nutritional supplements of omega3 fatty acids on the behaviour of children. The study has focused upon both infants (as young as 20 months) and children up to the age of 12. The children were assessed on their reading skills, IQ, spelling, behaviour and motor skills over a period of six weeks. The study was led by Dr Madelene Portwood of the Durham Local Education Authority and the Durham Sure Start trial and she concluded that 'The performance of almost 60 per cent of the children has improved dramatically... some two-year-olds went from having a vocabulary of 25 single words to being able to use whole sentences while others were able to sit down and concentrate for the first time in their lives'.

Post Natal Depression

It has long been accepted that using supplements of omega3 fatty acids can play a vital role in treating and preventing depression. When considering the increased requirement for omega3s during pregnancy and the depletion of a mother's omega3 reserves after giving birth it is no surprise that an omega3 deficiency may play a role in post-natal depression.

A major UK study on over 11,000 women has found that the more omega3 fatty acids consumed by women during the third trimester, the less likely she was to suffer from depression both during pregnancy and for the eight months after giving birth.

The reason behind EFAs being so effective at reducing depression is that they are used extensively by the brain through many different functions. Omega3s are converted by the body into both EPA and then DHA. The majority of the human brain is comprised of DHA, and a deficiency of DHA has been linked to the Alzheimer's epidemic. Low levels of EFAs are also highly associated with low levels of serotonin, the major brain chemical that is responsible for our mood levels. Low serotonin levels almost always results in depression.


Pregnant women and new mothers should definitely consider supplementing their diet with omega3 fatty acids. The nutritional benefits are manifold both during pregnancy and in everyday life. Most significantly, the intake of omega3 fatty acids during pregnancy can prevent pre term delivery, improve the babies neural development, retina development, skin and cell health, reduce the likelihood of behavioural problems and can also help prevent the mother from experiencing prenatal and postnatal depression.

On top of the non-pregnancy related benefits, this subject is certainly worth further research and consideration.

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Infant Massage is a wonderful way to get to know your baby, to understand their body language and develop a life long relationship. To be able to understand a look or interpret a cry with confidence is a wonderful thing.

Infant Massage has been used in many ancient cultures, passed down from mother to daughter. Many cultures around the world like India, still use it today as part of a baby's daily routine

Touch is an integral part of our health. We seem to have lost this in modern society. Too often babies are carried at arms length in a car seat, or pushed in a stroller facing away from the parent. We are constantly telling young children not to touch and "Keep your hands to yourself." Many children are spending days with caregivers as both parents work. Infant Massage is relatively new to the US. Vimala Scneider McClure brought it to the US from India in the 70's, after she had seen it's positive effects. It was used daily to calm a baby's chi or vital energy.

Now many parents are taking classes. Hospitals are jumping on the baby wagon and are also teaching classes to new parents. Amazingly Preemies who receive massage daily averaged a 47% greater weight gain per day. Meaning they get to leave the neonatal unit much quicker.

Benefits include a loving intimate connection. Increased eye contact and listening skills. Healthy digestion and elimination. Infant Massage also reduces gas and colic and allows the baby to sleep better... Ah wouldn't that be nice! Massage has also shown these babies have an extra sense of self-confidence as they grow.

Benefits for parents include enhanced communication and emotional ties. Increased confidence and handling skills. For working parents this is a valuable tool, to help reconnect with baby and relieve the day's stress. It's also a great way for dads to connect with baby if they are at work all day.

This is an amazing tool for working parents and adoptive parents. Mothers with postnatal depression are helped tremendously with this parenting tool as well.

The steps are easily learned and you'll have them at your fingertips for additional children. Infant Massage is soothing to both baby and parent.

Oh and did I mention improved sleeping!

Check out if there are local classes near you and experience these amazing benefits. Both parent and baby will love it.

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Even the most promiscuous woman in the world may find that there is a period of their life when they aren't interested in sex at all; the post pregnancy period of anywhere between eight weeks to over a year. There are a number of reasons for the post pregnancy sex blues, but there are also ways to mitigate the blues, so don't despair if you are the woman or the man; you can get your sex life back on track again!

Reasons for Post Pregnancy Sex Blues

• Exhaustion. Pure and simple exhaustion kills more moods than anything else. Exhaustion from birth, from taking care of a baby at all hours of the day and night and from trying to adjust to a new way of life; all of these things are wearing on the body, mind and soul and thus ruin your libido.

• Hormonal changes. During and after pregnancy a woman's hormones are all over the map and this alters her libido. The hormone changes lower libido for a time (as an evolution mechanism to prevent pregnancy too soon after giving birth) and are caused by things such as breast feeding and the internal demand to pay more attention to baby. Hormonal changes can also shoulder some of the blame for vaginal dryness and other problems.

• Gross out factor. Many men just have a problem having sex with their wife after birth and women pick up on that. Women can also have the same emotional response, finding what happened to them too traumatic physically and emotionally to let even their husband near them for a while.

• Post-partum blues/depression. Giving birth is difficult and many women suffer from blues while some of them suffer from outright depression. Although the blues only last a couple weeks usually, the depression can last over a year even with help and longer without. Depression is not an aphrodisiac by any stretch of the imagination and it's very hard to indulge in anything approaching sex.

• The two to three month period women are recommended to wait. Most doctors recommend waiting anywhere between three and nine weeks before having intercourse because of post pregnancy bleeding and other issues. This period of time can have the 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' result, but it can also make women less inclined to have sex afterward.

There are some simple ways to deal with post pregnancy sex blues and they mostly require patience for both partners. Sensitivity, understanding, and patience will net both partners far better results than trying to force the issue. Treat your new mother like you two are dating again for purposes of sex (take it slow and easy!) and let her get some rest sometimes and this alone can help to restore your sex life. If nothing works, at least remember that for most women, it only takes about a year for baby to sleep through the night and things to get back to normal.

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Depression is a complex of psychological and physical symptoms. Low mood level or sadness is often the most prominent symptom. The common property of these symptoms is a decreased activity level in parts of the brain.


Depression may give one or more of these symptoms:

-Low mood level or sadness.

-Lack of joy or interest in activities that were joyful before.


-Feel of guilt of something without any substantial reason to feel so.

-Inferiority thoughts.


-Slowness in the thought process.

-Slowness in interpreting sensorial stimuli.

-Slowness of digestion or other internal physical processes, and symptoms caused by this slowness, for example inflated stomach, constipation or difficulties by urination.

-Slow physical reactions.

Depression can be a mild disease that only causes some annoyance in the daily life, but can also get very serious and make a person totally unable to work and unable to participate in social life. By depression of some severity, there is also a greater risk of suicide.

Depression can occur in all age classes. In teenagers lack of interest in school work, withdrawal from social life and difficult mood can be signs of depression.


By depression there is a decreased amount of neurotransmitters in parts of the central nervous system, mainly deficiency of serotonin, but also to some extend of noradrenalin, acetylcholine, dopamine or gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA), or the nerve cells do not react properly by stimulation from neurotransmitters. A neurotransmitter is a signal substance that transmits the nerve signal through the junctions between two nerve cells.

Serotonin and noradrenalin cause nerve cells to send impulses along to other nerve cells, and thus increase the activity in the brain. Deficiency of these substances causes slowness in parts of the brain, and that again causes the depressive symptoms.

The role of GABA is the opposite, namely to slow down some nerve impulses, mainly those causing anxiety and panic response. Lack of GABA causes higher anxiety and easier panic response. Yet, lack of this transmitter also seems to cause depressive symptoms. This is because a too high activity in some brain processes may slow down other processes.

There are many causes and subtypes of depression with different physiological mechanisms involved.


Depression is often divided into subtypes according to exhibited symptoms.

1. Mono-polar depression and dysthymic disorder

By mono-polar depression there are pure depressive symptoms. Mild cases of mono-polar disorder that do not affect a persons ability to work and to participate in social activities are often called dysthymic disorder.

2. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disease) and cyclothymic disorder

In this condition there are periods with symptoms of depression - the depressive phase, alternating with periods of elevated mood level with increased mental and physical activity - the manic phase. In the manic phase, the affected person also sleeps poorly and has concentration difficulties. A mild form of this disease is called cyclothymic disorder.

3. Manic disorder

This condition is characterized by abnormally elevated mood, by unrealistic optimism, by lack of sleep and by hyperactive behaviour. Many psychiatrists think that this disorder is simply the same disease as bipolar disorder where the depressive face has not yet occurred.

4. Depression with mainly physical symptoms

Sometimes the physical symptoms of depression are alone or dominant, as for example: Digestive problems, constipation, difficulties with urination, slow response to sensorial stimuli or slow physical reactions.


Two or more factors can have an effect simultaneously to cause depression. Depression can be an independent disease, or a part of other disease. Depression is also divided into different subtypes according to cause.

1. Reactive depression

This disease is simply a result from psychological stress, physical struggle or mental straining without proper rest or sleep over a long time period. The straining will simply wear out the nervous system or deplete the organism from nutrient necessary for the nervous system to work properly.

2. Endogenous depression

When there has not been any period of stress, straining or lack of rest that can explain the condition, the condition is often called endogenous depression. Inheritance is thought to be a part of the cause.

3. Depression by physical disease

Depression or depressive symptoms may be a symptom of physical disease. This is perhaps the most common cause of depression.

Diseases often associated with depression are: Heart disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke, hypertension or Cushing's syndrome.

Mononucleosis or flu may trigger depression that continues after the infection has gone.

By lack of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism, the metabolism in the whole body is slowed down, including the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Therefore depression is an important symptom of hypothyroidism.

4. Depressive symptoms as a consequence of unsound lifestyle

A general unsound lifestyle with too less exercise, too much of stimulants like alcohol, coffee or tea, too less of important nutrient and too much of sugar and fat may give depressive symptoms, as well as physical problems.

5. Postnatal depression

Women will often have a period of depression after pregnancy and berth of the baby Pregnancy and berth is physically and mentally exhausting, and may drain the body for nutrient. This in turn can cause depressive symptoms

6. Seasonal affective disorder

Depression can occur in cold and dark periods of the year and go away in warm and light periods. Light stimulates brain activity, and lack of light is a causative factor.


Serious or prolonged depression is often treated with anti-depressive medication. Medicines used against depression generally increase the level of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the central nervous system, or they mimic the neurotransmitters.

The medications mostly used today increase the serotonin concentration by decreasing the removal of serotonin from the space around nerve cells. Examples of this medication type are: Fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), escitalopram (Lexapro, Celexa), sentraline (zoloft).

By bipolar disorder in the manic face, heavy tranquilizers (neuroleptica) are used to stop the manic symptoms. By bipolar disorder, lithium salts are sometimes used to stabilize the condition, and prevent new outbreak of depressive or manic faces.

Psychotherapy is sometimes used by depression, usually in combination with medication.

Sometimes serious depression is treated by applying electric shock through the head, electroconvulsive therapy. The shock induces epileptic eruption of nerve signals through the brain and this gives cramps throughout the body. The cramps are alleviated or stopped by applying anaesthesia before the electroshock. This form of treatment is controversial, since it can cause memory loss and is suspected of causing brain damage. The possibility of brain damage is however denied by most psychiatrists.

By seasonal depression, light therapy maybe useful.

Adjustment of lifestyle should always be considered by depression or depressive symptoms. Lifestyle measures can sometimes be enough to cure depressive symptoms before a serious depression develop. Lifestyle adjustments can be:

- To slow down a stressful life with too much work or activities.

- Enough rest and sleep.

- A good diet with enough of necessary nutrients.

- Some physical exercise.

- Meditation.

- Supplement of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, lecithin, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

- Stimulants like coffee or tea may help against depressive feelings in moderate amount. However, if you are a heavy user of these stimulants, you should cut down on your consumption.

There exist nutritional products in the marked to help against depressive symptoms. These contain ingredients that the brain uses as building blocks for neurotransmitters, for example amino acids and lecithin. They also often contain vitamins and minerals that the brain uses as tools to produce neurotransmitters, especially vitamin B6.

Supplements may further contain herbal extracts that trigger higher brain activity much like anti-depressive medications, but may have fewer side effects.

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