目前分類:postnatal depression (302)

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Many women believe that pregnancy is the key to ultimate happiness; bringing a newborn child into the world is simply incomparable. This is in fact the same reason why a newborn is called a bundle of joy. However, contrary to what most people think, pregnancy is not all about happiness and excitement.

Likewise, the danger of bearing a child is not limited to physical attributes but may even be more dangerous on the emotional and mental levels. As pregnant women are delicate and susceptible to aggravation, anxiety finds its way to change how a woman thinks and things may turn ugly if getting rid of anxiety during pregnancy is not dealt with seriously.

Postpartum depression, a clinical term for postnatal depression, is said to arise from anxiety within the nine months of carrying a child. It strikes the most after giving birth but as opposed to what experts believed a few years back, it starts to build up as the hormonal changes happens inside the body. Affecting 10 percent of the population, this is a serious thing especially if it leads to the death of the mother or the baby or both. There are recorded cases of suicide right after giving birth not because of heavy problems but solely due to the feeling of anxiety, depression and confusion, all in one. Some reported cases also show mothers killing their babies intentionally although the thought would turn horrible for them as soon as their hormone levels normalized. Without proper attention, anxiety in pregnant women could turn tragic.

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Manifestations of long term or poorly managed stress can vary. Distress induces headaches, leads to disturbed sleep, feelings of anxiety or tension, irrational and inappropriate bursts of anger and aggression, concentration problems, depression, lack of interest in food, increased or decreased appetite. In severe situations one can experience overwhelming stress to the point of burn-out with extreme fatigue and loss of interest in normal activities.

High levels of chronic distress have a negative impact on the immune system and other systems of the body. Distressed individuals can experience frequent colds or other infections and illnesses. Most of our common modern day illnesses can be linked to ill managed and overwhelming levels of stress.

Long term distress can affect your health, your job performance, your enjoyment of life. If stress is overwhelming to you, a mental health professional can help you.

The signs of a stress crisis:

  • You feel down or depressed most of the time
  • You are violent and out of control
  • You're getting too strict with your kids
  • You feel as though family and friends are letting you down and disappointing you
  • You've been drinking more than usual
  • You're out of control when you drink
  • You feel helpless and unable to cope
  • You often tell lies about what you're doing

Do you regularly or often experience any of the following symptoms (answer yes or no) of anxiety:

  • Anxious thoughts or feelings
  • Poor concentration, forgetfulness, mind going blank.
  • Dwelling on problems, unable to shut off worrying thoughts.
  • Fears or sense of impending doom.
  • Feeling irritable, restless, on edge, keyed up.
  • Easily startled or frightened.
  • Feeling anxious, fearful, hollow feeling over solar plexus, tense most of the time.
  • Sudden, unexpected panic spells or attacks.
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy.
  • Racing thoughts.

Physical symptoms

  • Tension and soreness in muscles, especially back and neck muscle groups.
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  • Trembling, feeling shaky.
  • Restless, difficult to sit still.
  • Easily exhausted.
  • Heart palpitations, pounding or racing heart.
  • Tightness or pressure in chest.
  • Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, constant feeling of indigestion and bloatedness.
  • Shortness of breath, feelings of being smothered.
  • Frequent urination or urge to urinate.
  • Feeling dizzy or light headed.
  • Hot flushes or chills.

How would I know whether I'm at risk for burn-out? You get burnt out when the continuous stress of dealing with a difficult job or situation becomes too much for you. The most likely candidates for burn-out are hard driven, highly committed people who take on too many tasks or try to do too many things. They suddenly lose interest and motivation for what they're doing.

You're at risk for burn-out if the following are true for you:

  • You've been trying to achieve too much
  • You are unable to turn down additional work, commitments or responsibilities
  • You've been under intense stress and pressure for a long time
  • You have high standards
  • You don't like to delegate
  • You've been giving others emotional support for a long time
  • You feel guilty when you spend time and money on yourself

What are the symptoms of burn-out? Burn-out doesn't happen overnight. It is a process that slowly builds up over a long period of time

  • Feeling of lack of control over commitments
  • Loss of purpose
  • Loss of motivation
  • Detachment from relationships
  • Feeling tired and lethargic
  • Feeling that you're accomplishing less
  • Increased tendency to think negatively

If you're feeling unmotivated and disillusioned with life, you need help! Contact a good mental health professional and do some of the stress management techniques recommended here. At least, take a break! Life is also about fun and pleasure.

How do I avoid burn-out?

  • Know your inner self to become aware when your thoughts, emotions and behaviour are threatening to run out of control
  • Listen to your body: skin eruptions; short, fast, shallow breathing; back aches; indigestion; racing palpable heart beat; disturbed sleep; physical exhaustion and cravings are some of your body's distress signals, so stop and listen!
  • Make sure that you're still enjoying what you're doing
  • Repeat to yourself often: I have a right to fun, pleasure and relaxation
  • Get plenty of restful sleep, relaxation and recreation
  • Learn and practice stress management skills
  • Learn to say 'no'
  • Constantly re-evaluate your goals and decide what's important and essential to your enjoyment and appreciation of life
  • Reduce your commitments
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Use the correct food supplements to support you body and your mind
  • Learn to delegate
  • If others drain your energy, step back and avoid them for a while
  • Exercise moderately, but regularly and choose something you enjoy

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Clare was addicted to the Home Shopping network. After she maxed out her remaining credit cards following her divorce, she then started ordering goods and charging them to her daughter's credit card. Her daughter Molly almost has a coronary when she saw her next bill. A frugal young woman, she was expecting only $42.97 for an online purchase she had made herself.

Instead, her card sat at $258.22 over its $5000 limit.

Thinking she was the victim of stolen identity, Molly went to call the police. At this point her mother, who had moved in with her after Molly's recent return to the province, confessed. There was a row, with tears on both sides, but the next day, Molly hugged her mother and said she knew Clare had been compensating for her husband's abandonment. Molly would pay off 70% of the monthly charges until the account was cleared, and her mother could chip in the other 30%, since there was no divorce settlement in Clare's favor.

That's when things took an ugly turn. Clare kept compulsively ordering from the shopping channel faster than Molly could pay her card down, until even her "back up" credit card was declined. More tears and rows followed, and a phone call with Molly's ex-stepfather revealed that bankruptcy caused by Clare's compulsive spending was the main issue in the divorce - not the stories Clare had told her daughter.

A Hard Step To Take

Mo finally had to ask her mother to leave and find a place of her own. She felt really wretched at this step, since she knew her mother's only option was to go on Social Assistance: But that was when things began to change for the better for both mother and daughter. An astute Social Assessment Worker noted much more about Clare than her financial problems, and convinced her to visit a doctor, who promptly referred her to a psychiatrist.

Clare was diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder. "The spending and the poor judgment was a big red flag, only we didn't see it," says Mo. "We didn't know what we were looking at. Brad and I just thought mom was dishonest and selfish, and had gone off the deep end over the divorce."

There are many misconceptions about Bi Polar disorder. Not everyone indulges in spending sprees like Clare. Instead, some show very poor judgment in sexual relationships instead; and what is dismissed with disgust as over-the-top, dangerous promiscuity can actually be an indicator of Bi Polar disorder.

Some exhibit neither symptom, and would be outraged at any suggestion that either may occur - but in the depressive phase, may be prone to self harm and suicidal thoughts.

The truth is, there are several types of Bi Polar disorder. There is even a type that exhibits no manic phase at all - just depressive. Auditory and visual hallucinations can be involved in Bi Polar disorder - particularly at times of stress. There is a seasonal type too, as well as a mild form where people truck along for years, with no more noticeable symptom than insomnia and rapid speech, punctuated by occasional depression.

Sometimes a severely traumatic event - like the bankruptcy Clare caused and her subsequent divorce - can flip someone with "mild" Bi Polar disorder into an out-of-control episode.

The important lesson to learn here is... no matter what you believe about natural remedies, even the best ones won't work, if you don't first proactively get a solid diagnosis. In fact, in some cases - especially a complex genetic psychological condition like Bi Polar disorder - playing guessing games with natural substances can do more harm than good.

If you suspect a loved one has Bi Polar disorder, see your medical professional for proper diagnosis.

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Barrier types of birth control places a physical impediment to the movement of sperm into the female reproductive tract. The most popular barrier method is the male condom, a latex or polyurethane sheath placed over the penis. The condom is also available in a female version, which is made of polyurethane. The female condom has a flexible ring at each end - one secures behind the pubic bone to hold the condom in place, while the other ring stays outside the vagina. Read how to use a female condom here.

Cervical barriers are devices that are contained completely within the vagina. The contraceptive sponge has a depression to hold it in place over the cervix. The cervical cap is the smallest cervical barrier. Depending on the type of cap, it stays in place by suction to the cervix or to the vaginal walls. The diaphragm fits into place behind the woman's pubic bone and has a firm but flexible ring, which helps it press against the vaginal walls.

Spermicide may be placed in the vagina before intercourse and creates a chemical barrier. Spermicide may be used alone, or in combination with a physical barrier. Condoms are the most common types of birth control using barrier.

Hormonal methods
Hormonal types of birth control include all contraceptives that use synthetic female hormones as birth control. The oldest of these is the pill, which includes combined oral contraceptive pills and the newer estrogen-free mini-pill. These same hormones used to create the pill are also used in the OrthoEvra patch and the Nova vaginal ring. Lunelle, a monthly injectable form, is another type of hormonal birth control.

The different hormonal types of birth control are comparable in that they are all highly effective and all are reversible. However, none of the hormonal methods of birth control protect a woman against sexually transmitted infections.

Long Term Birth Control
Long term types of birth control, including the intrauterine device (IUD), contraceptive implant, and sterilization.
IUDs are inserted by a doctor or nurse through the vagina and cervix, into the uterus. Most are made of molded plastic and have a string that you can feel in the vagina.

An IUD is an ideal method if you do not plan to become pregnant for at least one year (or longer) or you want a method that is highly effective and does not require daily or weekly attention. IUDs are also appropriate for women who do not want to or cannot use estrogen.

IUDs have relatively few side effects, and are reversible. If you decide you want to become pregnant, you can do so by having the IUD removed. IUDs do not affect your chance of becoming pregnant after the IUD is removed.

A single-rod progestin implant, is available in the US and elsewhere. A doctor or nurse inserts a small device under the skin in the upper inner arm. It is effective for up to three years, and can be removed sooner if you want to become pregnant.

The implant protects you from pregnancy within 24 hours of insertion. Irregular bleeding is the most bothersome side effect. You can become pregnant quickly after the implant is removed.

Sterilization is a types of birth control that permanently prevents a person from becoming pregnant or able to have children. Tubal ligation (for women) and vasectomy (for men) are the two most common sterilization procedures. Sterilization should be considered permanent, and should only be considered after a careful discussion of all available options with a healthcare provider.

Behavioral methods
Behavioral types of birth control involve regulating the timing or methods of intercourse to prevent the introduction of sperm into the female reproductive tract, either altogether or when an egg may be present. The methods include withdrawal, fertility awareness (also known as the Rhythm Method), outercourse, and continuous breastfeeding.

Withdrawal (also known as pulling out) is the behavioral action where a man pulls his penis out of the vagina before he ejaculates. Withdrawal is not as reliable a method because a male ejects pre-ejaculate fluid while he is aroused and still inside the vagina - this fluid can contain at least 300,000 sperm (and it only takes 1 to fertilize an egg)! Plus, the withdrawal method relies on complete self-control. Finally, even if the man ejaculates outside of the vagina, sperm can swim, so semen anywhere near the vagina can still lead to pregnancy (this also means that you can still get pregnant even without penile penetration if a male ejaculates on or near the vagina).

Fertility awareness involve a woman's observation and charting of her body's fertility signs, to determine the fertile and infertile phases of her cycle. Charting may be done by hand or with the assistance of software. Most methods track one or more of the three primary fertility signs: changes in basal body temperature, in cervical mucus, and in cervical position. If a woman tracks both basal body temperature and another primary sign, the method is referred to as symptothermal. Other bodily cues such as mittelschmerz are considered secondary indicators.

Outercourse is any type of sexual play without vaginal intercourse. This includes kissing, erotic massage, manual stimulation (with one's hands), masturbation, frottage (rubbing against each other), oral sex, fantasy, anal sex, and/or using sex toys (like vibrators). Although this method is usually 100% effective, pregnancy can occur if semen or pre-ejaculate fluid gets into the vagina (by the man ejaculating too close to the vagina or the woman rolling onto it). Plus, this method may not fully protect against STD's due to there being skin-to-skin contact or the exchange of bodily fluids during oral and/or anal sex.

Continuous breastfeeding is a method of avoiding pregnancies which is based on the natural postnatal infertility that occurs when a woman is amenorrheic and fully breastfeeding.


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Regular exercise after giving birth provides so many health benefits to the new mother. One of the most important is that it makes you feel good. A happy woman is likely to be a happy mother. Some muscles in your body are directly affected more than others during pregnancy. In order to bring them back into good shape, you will have to start doing some physical exercising.

You may be wondering how to begin a fitness program or what kind of exercises will help you get back into your pre-natal shape. The good news is that you can become fit and healthy by doing little and low-impact exercises. Below are three physical activities that can help you rebuild your good shape. A word of warning before you continue, consult your doctor before you begin any exercise program. Your doctor will advise you on the time to begin, and at what pace to do it.

1. Brisk Walking
This is one of the more simple forms of exercising. You may see it as a normal activity that you do on a daily basis but its health benefits are wonderful. To begin this exercise, get a good pair of fitness shoes that fit you perfectly well and some comfortable fitness clothing. You can either do the walking on a treadmill at home or you can do it around your neighborhood. Walk for about 10-20 minutes daily. Take it easy with yourself by doing your activities slowly. Include stretching in your workout to help improve your muscles. You can do this before and after the brisk walking. Let your breathing be natural and through your nose. To make your walking interesting and fun, go out with your baby in a stroller. This will inspire you to stick to your exercises after giving birth.

2. Bicycling
Riding is another form of exercise that can help you get back in shape after giving birth. Like brisk walking, you can do your riding around your neighborhood for about 10-20 minutes daily. Remember to begin at a slower pace before you increase the intensity. Alternatively, you can use a stationary bicycle in the comfort of your own home.

3. Swimming
This exercise will help improve your cardiovascular system, relax your body and also help reduce post-natal depression and stress. When swimming, don't dive into the pool. Swim slowly from one point of the pool to another. Increase the rate at which you swim when you get used to this activity.

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Virtual Yoga training, this is one of the newer training options out there. No longer do you need to find a studio close to your home with a schedule that works for you and your family, purchase generic DVDs or subscribe to an online yoga site.

A personalized yoga program especially for you can be created, it can be made to meet your needs taking into consideration any existing injuries, conditions, desires and time restraints by a registered yoga teacher. These personalized yoga programs includes an initial consultation (online, over the phone or in person if desired), a program including descriptions & photographs, sometimes video make by included, as well as online consulting for any questions or concerns while you are using this program via phone, Skype, Facebook, twitter or email is available.

This virtual option enables you can choose a yoga instructor based on their qualifications and specialties instead of their location because all contact can be online and at your convenience thanks to the internet.

This is a great way to experience yoga in the privacy of your own home on your own time but still do a program that is tailored just for you. Experience all the numerous and far reaching benefits from yoga that you can imagine. From decreasing stress to increasing your metabolism. From relieving back pain to raising your energy level. You can feel rejuvenated everyday.

Yoga teachers always do their best to accommodate all their students, but depending on the size of the class sometimes you just can't get the personalized attention you need or the personal guidance that you desire. Your goals, needs, current fitness level, conditions, injuries and lifestyle will be taken into consideration when creating your program. This will keep you motivated, challenged and meeting your goals.

Yoga should be a vital part of a balanced fitness program. It gives a complete mind & body work-out, using your own body weight in a non-competitive setting. There are alternatives to customize each pose for every age, ability, comfort level, condition or injury. Yoga is an amazing compliment to other activities like running, weight training and rowing.

A program can be make for any age, level and ability which includes seniors, kids, prenatal, postnatal, plus sized, or anyone else. Some other specialties are yoga for fertility, yoga for depression, yoga for cancer survivors, yoga for runners, yoga for cyclists, yoga for golf, yoga for spinal cord injury and more.

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Postpartum depression (PPD) is also known as postnatal depression. This is a form of a clinical depression which may affect women after giving birth, and sometimes, also men are affected by this. Studies report shows incidence rates among women from 5% to 25%, but practical variations among the studies formulate the actual incidence rate not clear. Postpartum depression occurs happens in women after they have bear a child, more often than not in the first few months after giving birth. Warning signs include sadness, anxiety, irritability, appetite changes, fatigue, insomnia, crying parts and reduced libido. This condition is astoundingly familiar.

Up to date data implies that 5 to 9 percent of women will acquire postpartum depression, but less than one in five of these women will search for professional help. It is every now and then implicit that postpartum depression is caused by being deficient of having vitamins, but studies have a tendency to show that more likely causes are the major changes in a woman's hormones for the duration of pregnancy. On the other hand, hormonal medicine has not helped postpartum depression sufferers. Most women restore their health for the reason that of a support group or counseling.

Most of the new moms will feel happy one minute then sad the next. Postpartum depression can make them feel restless, anxious, fatigued and worthless. Some new moms are troubled that they might hurt themselves or their babies. Postpartum depression will not die away at once. Very hardly ever, first time moms come into being something even further serious. They might stop eating, having trouble to sleep and become frantic or paranoid. Women having this condition by and large need to be hospitalized.

Studies show that consuming sufficient amounts of omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil during pregnancy may reduce the occurrence of preterm delivery. Thus, it will also improve the growth of the brain and visual system of the fetus. The results of the studies suggest that fish oil may also be helpful as a treatment (and most likely prevention) of postpartum depression. With this, it is important for pregnant and those nursing women to use fish oil products that are not high in mercury, so as not to expose the fetus or infant to extreme amounts of this toxic metal. Taking alpha-linolenic acid from flaxseed oil or other vegetable oils could not be as helpful as using fish oil, because the ability of the body to switch alpha-linolenic acid to docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid is limited.

Having proper rest, nutrition, and support are very important, in view of the fact that being worn out or sleep deprived or feeling stressed can add force to and stimulate feelings of sadness and depression.

Mothers should get plenty of rest as much as they can and eat nourishing food. Conversation to people close to them, or to other new mothers, can help them feel supported and remind them that they're not alone. They don't have to suffocate in tears if they feel the need to cry a bit - but try not to dwell on sad thoughts. Let the depression pass by their course and get ahead of. Pregnant women shouldn't be alarmed with postpartum depression because fish oil supplements can be a really good pregnancy partner.

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Over 80% of women experience mood instability during the postpartum phase, the mildest of which is called the "baby blues". Symptoms of the baby blues include mood swings and crying, which fades relatively quickly. However, in some cases, baby blues can progress into Postpartum Depression, which occurs in 10% to 20% of postnatal women. Postpartum Depression is a moderate to severe depression that occurs in a woman after giving birth. In very rare cases, Postpartum Depression can lead to Postpartum Psychosis, a very serious illness that involves hallucinations and delusions, among other symptoms. By paying close attention to your body, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing Postpartum Depression.

The following are tips to help in avoiding Postpartum Depression:

1. Rest, rest, rest: This is much easier said than done, right? However, fatigue is a major contributing factor in the development of Postpartum Depression. Women should rest when their baby is sleeping. This is not the time to do the laundry, clean the bathroom and wash the dishes. In fact, try to do these things while your baby is awake, calm and alert. Find a safe place, nearby, for them to stay while you do the household chores. Better yet, elicit help from your partner, friend or family to get the work done. You can, instead, try to use this time to eat or bathe; a baby can go with you into the bathroom and stay safe in a portable car seat, cradle or Pack 'n Play. Common signs of sleep deprivation include poor concentration, memory loss, social ineptness, tiredness and irritability (many of which are also signs of depression).

2. Proper Nutrition: It is no secret that fatty foods and empty calories are not good for the postpartum woman (or anyone for that matter) but did you know that certain healthy foods can help to improve your mood almost immediately? The brain is highly responsive to the foods we eat. In fact, the neurotransmitter, Norepinephrine, which affects your mood, is regulated by Vitamin C. Oranges, strawberries and other citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C. Red peppers and bell peppers contain even more. Eating one of these fruits or vegetables can instantly elevate your mood. Reach for a piece of fruit as opposed to a fatty snack. Don't forget your green, leafy vegetables (easily obtained in a bag of salad) and be sure to drink adequate amounts of water; stay away from caffeine and soda pop.

3. Lower Your Stress Level: Again, this is easier said than done. However,

a. For money issues, when increasing income is not an option, lower your spending (check out the book, The Complete Tightwad Gazette, by Amy Dacyczyn. It is full of tips on easy ways to save and cut back on your spending).

b. If possible, distance yourself, at least temporarily, from stressful relationships.

c. Try not to take on too many activities and commitments. Now, more than ever, is a time for you to put yourself and your immediate family first.

4. Make Quadruple Batches of Meals: When taking the time to make a meal, increase your effort by a relatively small margin and make four batches instead of one. Have the second batch as leftovers and freeze the other two batches for a quick, already-prepared, healthy family meal. Even when you are making a sandwich, make two or three; put the other ones in the refrigerator and they are ready for you to consume within the next few days.

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New born babies often sleep for hours. But, they do not sleep on schedule and mothers often do not get enough rest and are completely exhausted in caring for them.

Here are some tips for mothers of active babies to get adequate rest:

o Mothers do not have to be on "alert mode" all the time. When baby is asleep at different times of the day, take a short nap yourself when you are tired. Give yourself 30 to 40 minutes to nap. Set the alarm clock each time to wake you up before you fall into a deep sleep. Your energy level will definitely increase after a short nap.

o Train baby to feed at regular intervals for example every 3 to 4 hours after the previous feed. Wake him up to feed even if he is deeply asleep. This establishes a regular daytime feeding schedule for baby and gives you enough time to rest even if you catch up on some other work first. If you pick him up and feed him every time he awakes momentarily or for a short period, you will cause him to want to feed at short intervals and to take in small quantities each time.

o I used to give my baby his last feed at eleven pm each night without fail from the age of 3 months. From then on he slept through the night and had his next feed only at about 7am the next morning. I was able to have almost the same nightly sleeping hours as my baby after that.

o Mothers should exercise regularly. Start with gentle post natal exercises and move on to short walks, then longer ones and even swimming. These activities are good as mothers can take baby along with them.

o Ask your spouse to take charge of feeding baby at least one evening a week. Mother can then have an evening "off" and get a good night of sleep. Use ear plugs or sleep in another room if you are tempted to take over if baby cries. Be assured that your spouse is more than able to shoulder the responsibility and he will even enjoy bonding more closely with baby.

o Avoid stimulants and other food and medications that affect your ability to sleep from late afternoons if necessary. Examples are coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolates, and caffeinated beverages.

Be alert to anything that causes sleepless nights and unnecessary fatigue. Work towards getting sufficient rest and you will be able to care for baby the next day and the next and the next.

Enjoy parenting and motherhood.

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Are you worried that consuming fish oil during pregnancy may be unsafe? Don't be. It is perfectly fine and is often recommended by doctors. But there a few things you need to know.

During pregnancy, your unborn baby gets the majority of his or her foods from your own diet. This includes all the vitamins and minerals as well.

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and these are essential during pregnancy as they are a family of building blocks that help in the development of the child. The two essential elements of omega-3 are DHA and EPA. These are only found in fish and not plant-based omega-3 sources.

The body cannot produce these essential fatty acids on its own so they need to come from the food you eat.

The Benefits Of Fish Oil During Pregnancy

These fats are essential to your overall health whatever your age in life. They can help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and promote good brain and heart health. During pregnancy they are responsible for the development of the foetus' eyes and brain.

A diet high in omega-3 can also reduce the chances of your baby developing illnesses such as asthma and other allergic conditions. These fatty acids can also help reduce the risk of a premature birth.

Studies have also shown that fish oil may prevent the development of postnatal depression following the birth.

What Foods Contain omega-3?

The most common source of omega-3 is cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, hoki, trout and halibut. These all have high levels of the essential DHA and EPA.

Some eggs contain DHA due to the diet fed to the hens. These are usually sold as high-DHA eggs. However, the amounts in these eggs are too low to be really beneficial.

Some foods are also now fortified with omega-3, such as margarine.

The most common way to get the benefits of fish oil during pregnancy is to take a supplement. These provide the right amount of essential fatty acids that are required to experience the benefits. They are also cleaned of any toxins such as heavy metals that often contaminate fish.

Are All Fish Safe?

No they are not! There are certain fish that should not be consumed while you are pregnant. These include the following:

  • Shark

  • Swordfish

  • Tilefish

  • Marlin

These fish are usually contaminated with high levels of mercury and should not be eaten.

What To Look for When Choosing A Supplement

Quality fish oil during pregnancy is important; otherwise you may not get the benefits. There are certain things you can look out for to ensure that you are getting a quality product and avoiding the many low quality omega-3 supplements that are flooding the market.

  • Ensure that the product lists the fish that are used for the oil. Avoid fish like cod, which is often highly contaminated.

  • You want the fish to be sourced from clean waters. Avoid fish that have been caught in the polluted water of the North Sea.

  • Ensure that the oil has been purified and the possibility of any contaminates removed.

  • Make sure the oil has a high concentration of both DHA and EPA as these are where the health benefits lie!

Follow these guidelines to ensure a quality product and your fish oil during pregnancy will provide many benefits!

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How soon after childbirth can you have sex again? How will this affect a woman's sex drive? What to avoid for lovemaking during the first few months after delivery?

The sexual implications of childbirth are twofold. First, there are the physical considerations and second, there are the psychological factors. After delivery, sex is often the furthest thing from a woman's mind, as her body needs time to recover.

Whether the baby is born vaginal delivery or by C-section, a period of 6 weeks is often necessary to abstain from sex to give time for the cervix to close, for internal tears to heal, for the stitches to dissolve and for the post-natal bleeding to end.

Every woman may feel differently about when she will be ready or even have the desire to have sex again. Some women may need many months, whereas others will begin feeling ready to make love again within weeks. If you are in doubt about whether to resume sex, ask the doctor.

For several weeks after the delivery, the vagina will discharge lochia, a mixture of residual blood, mucus and tissue from inside the uterus. As the healing progresses and the bleeding slows, the discharge gradually turns to a watery pink, then to brown, and finally to a yellowish white. Lochia discharge generally lasts from 2 to 6 weeks.

Having a baby passing through the vagina may cause some tearing of the delicate tissues. This will result in vaginal soreness. Even if this does not happen to her, the perineal area can feel bruised and sensitive for some time.

With births involving surgery, women have to be careful to keep their stitches free from the risk of re-opening or infection. Some women have to delay resuming intercourse longer because of problems with the wounds.

If a woman is breast-feeding, her vagina may also be sensitive. Those hormones that are around when breast-feeding can suppress sex drive. Guys do often get very frustrated when they are waiting to resume sexual intercourse. A couple should therefore tread carefully back into a sexual routine. They should start slow with extended foreplay.

Hormone changes and worries can cause some women to experience vaginal dryness for the first 3 months after giving birth. Vaginal dryness can be treated with some over-the-counter solutions such as K-Y Jelly, Liquid Silk, or Pjur. Some condoms that have a built-in lubricant can be equally effective.

Kegel exercises can also be a good way to get the vaginal muscles back into shape and to regain the muscle tone so that she has this capacity to get aroused again. These exercises are performed by tightening the PC muscles (that regulate the flow of urine) in the same way she stops the flow of urine and are highly recommended for women recovering from pregnancy. Do 10 squeezes at a time, at least 6 times a day. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions.

However, physical challenges are only part of the toll. Taking care of the new baby can pose a psychological strain. The main reason most women are not keen on sex for at least a few weeks after childbirth is simply exhaustion. If the delivery was long or difficult, the woman may also feel anxious about getting pregnant. Take advantage of the baby nap times to catch up on some sleeping.

Worries about body image and post natal depression can also influence her arousal. Therefore do not rush back into a pre-pregnancy sexual routine. Until she is ready for sex, intimacy can be maintained in other ways. Spend time together without the baby or when it is sleeping even if this takes just a few minutes in the morning. Look for other ways to express affection.

The post-natal period can be a good chance to consider new sexual positions, learn more about the turn-ons and turn-offs for the couple and to get to know each other in a different way.

For the first few sessions after childbirth, it is a good idea to choose a position in which the woman can control the pace and depth of penetration. The woman-on-top position, or one where both lay side-by-side facing each other, may be more comfortable.

Unless you want to have baby again, use condoms. Avoid giving her oral sex for the first few months after birth. This can increase the risk of infection for the vagina and womb. Blowing air into the vagina can cause an often fatal illness called air embolism.

Although children may be a blessing, the time and effort to take care of them prevents many couples from finding the time to be intimate with each other. Balancing the needs of your child with your urges is not easy, but it can be done if you and your partner are willing to make the effort.

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Pregnancy and childbirth can wreak havoc on a woman's body. You may think that you will never get your pre-pregnancy body back during the weeks and months following the birth of your new baby. Your abdominal muscles feel as if they can't be stretched any further, you may be recovering from physical exhaustion due to a lengthy labor, your whole body may feel tight and unwilling to move like it once did, and you might feel as if the body you once new is now foreign to you.

Doing anything physical under these conditions is not an easy task, but if you can make yourself devote just ten to fifteen minutes a day to a postpartum yoga routine, you might find that you can get your body and even your mind back a lot more quickly than you thought possible. Below are some of the yoga exercises that you can easily add to your postnatal yoga routine.

The first thing most mothers want to work on is their stretched abdominal muscles. These six poses will definitely help get the tone back.

- Locust Pose

This pose, also called Salambasana, is very simple yet effective. Lie down on your stomach with toes pointed and hands at your sides with palms toward the ceiling. Breath in, and then while exhaling balance on your belly by lifting your arms, head and legs up. This pose strengthens back and stomach muscles, improves overall posture and stimulates those all important abdominal organs.

- Modified Boat Pose

For this pose, also titled Navasana, you take a seat on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. While grasping your left thigh with your left hand and your right with your right, lift your chest and tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep your back as straight as possible and lift your feet off the ground. Lean back slightly. After doing this pose for a couple of weeks you should feel strong enough to make the pose more challenging by lifting your shins up even higher and reaching your hands to your feet. This pose is excellent for reducing stress, building the tummy muscles, and aiding with digestion.

- Plank Pose

This is a very popular abdominal pose and it really works. Hold yourself up as if you were doing a push-up. Try to keep your spine as straight as possible and hold for as long as you can. This pose works most muscles in the body with a focus on arms back and abdominals.

- Triangle pose

Also called Trikonasana, this pose starts with the feet around five feet apart. Turn one foot so it is perpendicular to the other (right to left in the first example). Stretch your arms out at the same height as your shoulders and place your torso over your right leg with your hips square to the front. Your right hand should be on your right ankle and your left should be pointing toward the ceiling. Repeat for the other side of the body. This pose is great for arm strength as well as the muscles in the pelvic floor.

- The Son of Brahma Pose

Also called Marichyasana I, this pose begins in a sitting position on the floor. Extend both legs straight out to your front and slowly bring one leg back toward your body with your foot flat on the floor. Reach around the shin that is vertical and hold onto the wrist of your other arm. As you breath in bend over the extended leg. Repeat for the other side. This pose gets rid of hip and back pain and also helps out with the abdominal organs.

- Cobra

This is also called Bhujangasana and is a very important yoga exercise. Lie on the floor on your belly. Place your hands palm down at the width of your shoulders. Your toes should be extended. While pressing your pelvis and thighs into the ground, inhale and extend your arms. This stretch and bend should be evenly distributed throughout your entire back area. This exercise is excellent for the back, muscles of the pelvic floor and thighs. It can also help with being tired and mild depression.

The postnatal period is difficult for almost every new mom. Yoga can be very helpful in getting your body and mind back to the healthy state they were in before pregnancy. Add the above poses to your postnatal yoga routine and you should really start feeling better quickly.

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Have you recently found out that your baby will need to be born by caesarean? Did you labour for hours or days only to have a surgical birth in the end? Do you have concerns about the decision? Perhaps you are even angry or depressed? Do you feel as if somehow you failed as a mother and a woman?

A mild form of depression, called the baby blues effects as many as 70% to 80% of new mums. Usually beginning on the third or fourth day after the birth, the baby blues are a reaction to hormonal changes in the body following the birth.

Less common, but still effecting as many as 20% of new mothers is the more serious Post Natal Depression (PND). Unlike the baby blues, PND usually has a gradual onset over several days or weeks. For some women, PND can resolve itself in a few weeks, but for many others it requires months of professional assistance and perhaps even medications. The symptoms of PND are similar to depression. There are no studies which show that caesarean mothers are more likely to suffer from PND.

Birth trauma or Postpartum Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on the other hand does show a dramatic increase following a caesarean birth when compared with a vaginal delivery. One study (PTSD and cesareans, Childbirth Resource Network) reported as many as 28% of the mothers had PTSD following a caesarean birth. According to the Fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says:

"The essential feature of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is the development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor involving direct personal experience of an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury, or other threat to one's physical integrity; or witnessing an event that involves death, injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of another person; or learning about unexpected or violent death, serious harm, or threat of death or injury experienced by a family member or other close associate (Criterion A1). The person's response to the event must involve intense fear, helplessness, or horror (or in children, the response must involve disorganized or agitated behaviour) (Criterion A2). The characteristic symptoms resulting from the exposure to the extreme trauma include persistent reexperiencing of the traumatic event (Criterion B), persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (Criterion C), and persistent symptoms of increased arousal (Criterion D). The full symptom picture must be present for more than 1 month (Criterion E), and the disturbance must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion F).

In other words:

  • There must be a traumatic birth experience that involves intense fear, helplessness or horror.

  • There are flash backs or re-living the birth.

  • There may be avoidance of anything associated with the experience such as hospitals, doctors, the baby or pregnancy.

  • There may be anxiety or panic attacks following the event.

These symptoms must last for more than one month and result in an impairment of function to meet the definition of PTSD.

So what can you do if you are having or have had a caesarean birth to minimise the impact of PTSD?

As a mother who has had three caesarean births, the first of which resulted in PTSD that lasted almost five years, I believe that the most important thing you can do is to prepare for your birth and actively participate in the decision-making process. The defining characteristics are intense fear and helplessness. If you have prepared for the birth by reading about caesarean procedures, talking about them with your doctor and even taking special childbirth education classes that focus upon caesarean births and recovery, then you will minimise fear of the unknown by educating yourself. Likewise if you discuss your concerns with your doctor, research the issues and then compromise on the issues that concern you most then you will be an active participant in your birth and minimise the sense of helplessness.

My oldest son was born in 1986 via emergency caesarean after over nine hours of natural labour. I was hugely disappointed. I felt as if I had failed. And I was angry with my doctor, blaming him somehow. I was frustrated too because every time I tried to talk with someone about my feelings the answer was always...but you have a healthy baby, move on. Eventually I moved on emotionally or so I thought. I realized the truth though when over eighteen months later I found out that I was pregnant once again. All of my old fears and feelings re-surfaced. I sat and cried for hours; not because pregnancy was unplanned or the additional strain that another child would place upon our finances or troubled relationship, but because I would have to endure another caesarean. I began to look for alternatives and eventually found a midwife that would consider a homebirth. Our first pre-natal visit lasted almost three hours and was more about debriefing from the trauma of my first birth than my physical condition.

But even the successful VBAC homebirth of my 7 lb. 14 oz. daughter did not lessen my anger at what I thought was an unnecessary intervention. In fact, a casual comment by my midwife that my pelvis was more than adequate caused my anger to intensify. In a classic Post Traumatic Shock Disorder experience, that comment re-ignited all the feelings that I had experienced right after the surgery. I tried to channel my anger in a constructive manner. I became a crusader for natural birth; taking a lay midwifery course. I tried to find an attorney to sue my doctor, but the statute of limitations had expired.

In stark contrast is my second caesarean birth some fifteen years later. I had planned a midwife assisted hospital birth. I was confident that I would have no difficulty with another VBAC. I stayed home during early labour and went to the hospital only once labour was well established the contractions close together and so intense that I was having difficulty managing them. I was sure based upon my earlier labours that the baby's birth was imminent, but when checked I was only 2 cm dilated.

The baby was posterior and my intense back labour was not effectively dilating my cervix. I tried labour upright in the shower. I tried walking. I tried lying on my side. Nothing worked. The pain was more intense than any of my previous labours. I knew that if I choose to have an epidural I would significantly increase my chances of having another c-section, but the pain was so intense that I made the decision to have it anyway. Several hours and several interventions later, I did indeed have another caesarean. This time though rather than anger and resentment, I owned my decision. I was confident that I had done the best I could for me and my baby.

I believe that the two differing perspectives of my caesarean births illustrate the power of educating yourself about your options and actively participating in the decision-making process. After my first birth, I felt powerless and the result was anger, depression and PTSD that lasted five years. With my second caesarean, I had educated myself about labour and birth. I knew with each decision I made what the pro's and con's were and I made the decision with my midwives and doctors. The result was a birth that left me contented and fulfilled as a mother and woman with no regrets.

So if you are facing a caesarean, determine today that you will learn all you can about your condition, the baby's and the procedures involved. If you discover something that concerns you, discuss those concerns with your doctor. Bring research with you. And together make compromise that you can both agree with. Or perhaps change doctors.

But even if you have already had a caesarean birth, you can still apply these principles. Begin by talking openly and honestly with your doctor or hospital. Not in an accusatory way, but just tell him how you are feeling and ask for his side of the situation. Then do more research, realising that rarely is the old adage once a caesarean always a caesarean true anymore. You may be able through education and empowering yourself to have a different type of birth next time, whether that be a Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) or a family-centred caesarean.

In either case, by educating ourselves we can reduce the fear of the unknown and by actively participating in decisions we can eliminate the sense of helplessness. Without the fear and helplessness, the catalysts for birth trauma or Postpartum Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are removed, thus minimising or eliminating your chances of developing this functionally impairing mental disorder.

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Pregnancy and depression are closely linked to one another. Depression during pregnancy is difficult to avoid due to various hormonal and other changes taking place in a woman's body. Depression can be dangerous to the health of both the fetus and the mother. Pregnancy marks a time when women tend to undergo extreme highs and lows of emotion. The emotions of pregnant women tend to be highly varying, moving from the feelings of extreme elation to that of depression. Keeping the negative effects of the depression during pregnancy in mind, medical professionals alert expecting mothers from being gripped by depression.

What Causes Depression During Pregnancy?

The medical experts have been closely studying the relation between pregnancy and depression and how to keep pregnant women at safe distance from worries, anxieties, negative feelings etc. Becoming pregnant gives rise to a variety of feelings, but there are also those hormonal changes, which are inevitable during pregnancy. These hormonal changes result in drastic mood swings from happiness to the extreme grief to anger. Medications and several birth control pills taken prior to pregnancy interfere with ovulation and tend to generate bio-chemic alterations in a women's body, thereby contributing to increased levels of depression during pregnancy. Most women find strive to find ways in which depression can be eradicated during pregnancy.

Depression in pregnancy results from the hormonal secretion in the mother's body which is required to support the development of baby. There are several external factors which lead pregnant women to feel depressed. other These factors can be the levels of stress arising from health matters, finances required to support the pregnancy treatment and the baby after delivery, other kids, relationship with the spouse and other family members, previous experience of infertility etc. The symptoms of depression during pregnancy is marked by an frequently feeling low, helpless, neglected and insecure about how her loved ones feel about her. Women tend to be tearful, short tempered and feel irritated. Expecting mothers are found to travel between highs and lows of moods and their energy levels are directed in response to the changes in mood. Women in pregnancy and depression can also feel extremely restless and feel like hurting their babies, even themselves. Risks of suicides also happen to increase among women during this phase.

Medications Helpful To Reduce Depression During Pregnancy

There are several drugs are available to reduce the chances of being caught by depression during pregnancy. There are anti-depressant drugs such as Valium, Xanax, Prozac, and similar drugs of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) family of drugs that can be taken before pregnancy to avoid depression. These medications are known to influence the neurotransmitters of the brain and change some particular signals.

These drugs have been shown to lead patient's brain to function in different manner to oppose depression and affect mood changes. There are negative side effects of these drugs that are perceived through adverse effect on the growth of fetus in terms of breathing problems, malformation of cardiac organs and many more. Therefore, look for natural remedies through proper nutrition and meditation, and take adequate rests to weaken the connection between your pregnancy and depression.

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Postpartum depression, also known as postnatal depression or the baby blues affects some women after they have given birth. The symptoms can include:

- Feeling low and sad for no apparent reason
- Feeling tired most of the time
- Tearfulness
- Irritability
- Disturbed sleep
- Disinterested in caring for the baby
- Lack of appetite or eating too much
- Feeling worthless and inadequate
- Anxiety
- Lack of libido
- Withdrawal from social activities
- Excessive worrying

If severe, the effects can be devastating on mother and baby and indeed the rest of the family, and at a time that is supposed to be joyful.

Having a new baby to care for can be a daunting experience so it is perfectly natural to feel tired and a little anxious. You are suddenly responsible for a new life and along with this there are sleepless nights to deal with, and then your days are taken up caring for the new baby with feeds and nappy changes and routines to settle in to. There's no doubt about it, having a new baby involves a great deal of adjustment in the home and this is inevitably going to be stressful and tiring.

However, the difference between normal feelings of fatigue and worry, and postpartum depression, is that with postpartum depression the symptoms are more severe and they persist.

What causes Postpartum Depression?

There is no single clear cut reason why some women develop postpartum depression and not others but research has shown that nutritional deficiencies can be involved so it's important to make sure that your diet is good before, during and after pregnancy.

One nutrient in particular that has been found to play quite an important role during and after pregnancy is Omega 3. The Omega 3 fatty acids Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are vital during pregnancy and indeed where EPA is concerned each and every one of us need adequate supplies for the whole of our lives whether we are pregnant or not. DHA is needed for healthy growth and development of the brain and eyesight and EPA is needed for efficient functioning of the brain on an ongoing basis.

It stands to reason that if the mother is not getting all the nutrients she needs whilst the baby is taking what little she has, then the mother will find her supplies of nutrients severely depleted.

It's an interesting point that people suffering from depression, and not just postpartum depression but indeed any mental health problem tend to have lower than normal levels of EPA in their blood.

Self help techniques for postpartum depression

- If your diet has been less than adequate it may be worth considering an Omega 3 fish oil supplement, speak to your doctor for more advice
- Get as much rest as you can, try to sleep when baby sleeps
- Try to avoid any extra stresses, this wouldn't be a good time to move house for example
- If you find yourself with a spare moment, indulge. Read a book, watch television, have a relaxing bath, don't spend these precious moments rushing around trying to do chores and be perfect, that little space can be a life saver
- Talk to your family and your care professionals about how you are feeling

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I started to have problems when in my teens, feeling upset about growing up without a father. I self-harmed, then attempted suicide when 16. After getting in trouble with the police at 16, I was isolated and felt my life to be futile. Although I was seeing a psychiatrist, he stopped the treatment, and feeling betrayed as well as cut off from my old friends and family, aged 18, I stood in front of a fast train.

However, when I saw the driver's screaming face as the train neared me, I changed my mind and moved to the side, as I did not want to cause him trauma. The train, however, struck me and hurled me through the air and I landed on the platform. My pelvis was badly fractured and I had received substantial injuries but after extensive emergency surgery, I survived.

A slow and painful recovery lay ahead, with hope but also setbacks, until I finally left hospital after extensive reconstructive surgery. When I left, I soon decided a change of place might do me good and went to Devon to live and work in a cultural centre. Whilst there, I had problems with the people there, who it turned out were something of a cult, and they called the police to have me removed. I was placed in a psychiatric hospital but my brothers rescued me and brought me back to London.

However, I was homeless and suffering the stress of isolation, despite my brother having allowed me to stay with him. One night, I was admitted to hospital and whilst there, a doctor told me I was manic-depressive. I thought this to be false and hated the idea. When I was prescribed Lithium, mood stabilisers and anti-depressants, I refused them and was sectioned under The Mental Health Act.

Finally, I was discharged from the unit and vowed to stop taking the medication, which was destroying my future as a writer by preventing me from reading and writing, due to making my eyes water continuously. This I did, with the support of all my friends and family. Even though it was a rollercoaster--I went up and down whilst trying to come off the stuff--I did it and eventually even told my psychiatrist. As I told him I would fight him every inch of the way if he sectioned me or tried to force me to take the drugs, he let things stand.

I moved from a halfway house to a privately rented room in a house and started going to a weekly meditation group that helped a lot. I read self-help books and developed self-esteem, published poems and began to write my memoir. I trained as a therapist finally, in order to give back and help others; I am now a master of hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy簧 and NLP.

In the year 2000, I was advised by several people to try Eat Right For Your Blood Type to help alleviate a stomach problem I had been having. I found out I was blood type O and a non-secretor, and that Type O non-secretors have a high risk factor for developing manic depression. Although, highly sceptical at first, my symptoms were so severe, I was willing to give anything a try.

I began a diet and lifestyle plan for my specific blood type and am on it to this day. I was brought up as a vegetarian but the advice for type O is to eat a high protein diet and I do, with spectacularly good results. Having spent the last seven years researching more about the link between our genetics, our blood type and health conditions, I am 100% convinced of it's scientific validity and importance.

I eat a diet that minimises my risk of having dopamine dips or spikes and thus my moods are very stable and even my friends who have been sceptical have now started following the plan, with the same excellent results. I have also noted the correlation between the health conditions many thousands of people I meet have and their blood types and find that the accuracy of the complete blood type literature by Doctor Peter J. D'Adamo (Eat Right For Your Type, Live Right For Your Type, Cook Right For Your Type and The Complete Blood Type Encyclopaedia) is proven to my satisfaction every single time.

My conclusion is that manic-depression was falsely applied to me and that labelling someone is never a useful exercise; neither is medicating without fully exploring other options. Had I been offered the blood type literature from the start of my problems, I am certain all of them would have been helped dramatically, if not averted entirely. Diet plays a key role in mental illness yet how often do psychiatrists or medical doctors even ask or advise about someone's diet?

The idea of people being different and thus needing different diets may be easy to dismiss by those who have not the scientific-minded curiosity to read the literature by Dr D'Adamo, and nevertheless, we are different and some swear by vegetarianism whereas others swear by meat being healthy, yet both are right, depending on your blood type.

I hope this article sparks debate and interest on the difficulties those diagnosed with manic depression face and provide hope to those open enough to try the diet.

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As a mother or parent, the healthiest fetal development is probably at the top of the list of your concerns. That may be why you are considering using fish oils to benefit your unborn baby.

But getting simple and direct information on what can and what won't benefit your child during fetal development is difficult. I hope to help with that in this article by giving you five tips.

But here's some little information to get the ball rolling first.

EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) are so "essential" as they help oxygen transport through our bloodstreams, they improve the development of cells and of the brain, and they also increase organ and tissue health.

The most beneficial EFA is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). This omega 3 fatty acids is one of the main foundational materials of the tissue of the brain.

But finally, here are the 5 big tips which can benefit your child:

1. DHA is important for your child's brain function.

The aforementioned DHA is important in many parts of your child's development -- its brain, its eyesight and correct development of the nervous system. It can also improve your child's early hand-eye coordination.

2. All the DHA you consume will be naturally transported to your fetus

This really substantiates the idea of a mother's instinctive protectiveness over her children. Your body naturally diverts helpful nutrients from itself to the fetus. Deficiencies in DHA for mothers can result in post-partum depression.

3. Babies may be more intelligent

A case study took place in England. It included 11,000 pregnant women who consumed more omega 3s whilst pregnant. Their children were more likely to have higher IQs and also managed social interaction a lot better than other children. The children were also observed to be more focused and less likely to develop ADD.

4. The baby will continue to develop whilst breastfeeding

You are the only source of nutrition if you breastfeed. A baby's development is always racing and so it is essential that you can supply him or her with the nutrients it needs to grow and develop properly, without reducing your own use of DHA.

5. There are no omega 3 fatty acids in prenatal vitamins

As prenatal vitamins are unlikely to have DHA in them, it is important that women acknowledge this deficiency and do something about it themselves -- by adding a fish oil supplement to their own diet. This could go a long way in preventing post-natal depression too.

But while fish oils bring a range of benefits, there are also risks. Some women try and eat lots of fish to supply themselves with omega 3 fatty acids, but this can be dangerous.

Some fish contain contaminants like mercury, which can cause mercury poisoning.

It is much safer to consume a fish oil supplement which is of pharmaceutical grade and which has undergone molecular distillation. This process removes impurities and will make for a healthy and safe fish oil supplement.

And the end result of this will be a healthy and safe fetal development, which is what every single parent desires.

Your next step? Consult your physician on the dose you would require and find a fish oil which is properly purified to boost your child's fetal development.

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Postpartum depression is any moderate to severe depression that develops in a woman following the birth of a child. It can develop shortly after the birth has occurred or it can sometimes take as long as one year to manifest. It most often develops within the first three months following the baby's birth.

What Are Some Of The Causes Of Postpartum Depression

Most women experience some mood changes while they are pregnant. This is entirely normal. These mood can become pronounced just after a baby has been delivered and are most mostly related to fluctuations in hormone levels. It is important to know, however, other, non-hormonal issues can also affect a woman's mood after she has had a baby. These include things such as differences to the way in which she perceives her body image, changes in her work and/or social relationships, the often extended sleep disturbances she is experiencing because of middle of the night feedings and the experience of having significantly less time to devote to herself on a daily basis. Some women experience worry a great deal about how they will perform or function as a new mother and this can lead to serious increases in anxiety levels.

In the past, women who had these kind of feelings were said to be having "baby blues" and their feelings usually resolved themselves within a few months. It is when feelings like this persist that they move into the

These kinds of feelings were once described as "baby blues" and usually resolve themselves within a relatively short period of time without the need for any treatment.

It is when they persist for a period of more than about three months that they move into the domain of postpartum depression.

Risk Factors For Postpartum Depression

There are several known risk factors for postpartum depression and they are:

• Being younger than age 20 when the first baby is delivered;

• Alcohol or drug abuse or smoking cigarettes'

• A previous incident of depression or a previous diagnosis of bipolar or anxiety disorder;

• Having a high-risk pregnancy or a difficult delivery

• Having a close family member with either an anxiety disorder or a depressive illness;

• Having a poor relationship with their significant other or

• Having serious financial issues that are unremitting

The Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression Mimic Those Of Major Depression

The symptoms of postpartum depression are very closely related to those of a major depression. Most women who are experiencing postpartum depression feel very sad and can not explain why. Some women might become very agitated and irritable. Still others experience severe disruptions to their appetite. Other women report feeling extreme guilt or a sense of worthlessness and stop being able to take pleasure in things that used to interest them a great deal in the past. Other women report trouble with their concentration or problems with their sleep patterns that are not related to their new infant. Other women begin to experience very negative feelings toward their new baby or might even begin to think about suicide or death.

There are not diagnostic tests that can be run in order to determine if a woman is suffering from postpartum depression. If you know of someone who is reporting feelings like this, a visit to her family doctor or obstetrician is necessary. The doctor may administer something called the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which is an extremely accurate test that screens for depression in general.

There Are Many Different Ways To Treat Postpartum Depression

A new mother that is suffering from symptoms that may be postpartum depression should seek help as quickly as possible. It is important to know that she need not suffer in silence. Help is available and relatively easy to come by. There are some measures she can take before help arrives and these include:

• Getting as much rest as possible, sleeping when the baby sleeps;

• Enlisting the help of the significant other and family members with household chores;

• Hiring a mother's helper for a few hours a day;

• Seeking out a support group.

The benefits that can be derived from therapy should never be discounted. There are also a number of anti-depressant medications which do not pass through the breast milk and which can be a tremendous help. Using medication or therapy provided by a professional mental health practitioner can make all the difference in the world and either greatly reduce or eliminate entirely the symptoms of postpartum depression for nearly every woman who is experiencing it.

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Orthodox doctors used to be skeptical about DHA supplements but they now recommend its regular consumption even by pregnant women. This is because the benefits are undeniable and more benefits are being discovered regularly.

Of the three components of omega 3 fatty acids, dha is the most important (others are EPA and DPA). Omega3 is one of the important nutrients that our body needs but can not manufacture, that is why it is called essential fatty acid. We can only get them through the foods we eat or by supplementation.

The bitter truth is that our diets in these modern times lack the necessary nutrients we need, that is why supplementation is very important to us.

Do you know that 60% of our brain consists of fats and half of that fat is DHA; deficiency in this important fatty acid has been linked to diseases such as brain disorders, heart disease, arthritis, depression and many others. However regular intake of dha supplements have shown to alleviate these conditions.

Pregnant women are advised to take the supplement because it helps to prevent, pre-term, miscarriage and still-born. It is proven to help normal fetal development especially with regards to the brain; it also prevents post-natal depression. The fetus draws from the mother's DHA and depletes it , so if the mother does not get enough through supplementation, it could lead to several problems.

Studies also show that regular supplementation by a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding prevents the baby from developing allergies in the future.

It is also helpful to children with ADHD and ADD because it improves brain functions such as memory concentration and learning. There are reports of children diagnosed with autism who have shown significant improvements in their conditions after regular consumption of DHA supplements.

Studies show that it also helps to increase the IQ of children who consume it on a regular basis.

Now that you have seen the amazing benefits, how do you get the best supplement? The best source of DHA omega3 is fish oil. However because most of the dha supplements on the market contain impurities, make sure you buy a brand that is molecularly distilled. This process ensures that the impurities are removed from the oil, thus making it safe for your consumption.

To get maximum benefits, you should buy those that contain higher amounts of dha - at least 2.5 grams per capsule of 10 grams of fish oil.

Now that you are well informed, I hope you will do the right thing and take full advantage of DHA supplements. Have a look at the pure omega-3 supplement every one in my family takes, it contains 2.8 grams of DHA per capsule of 10 grams of fish oil.

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Pheromones are often confused with hormones, although they are not the same thing. They are secretions of scent that mammals give off when they are excited, afraid or attracted to something. There are many different pheromones that human beings give off, depending on the situation. You have probably heard that dogs and other animals can smell fear on a human. Humans give off when they are afraid of something that other animals with a keen sense of smell can detect.

One emotion that causes pheromones to raise in levels is sexual attraction. This is true for both men and women. Other people can pick up on this scent, although they may not be sure why. It is a natural body reaction that humans have when they are attracted to someone else and want intimacy. It is not obvious, but those around will notice this scent and react. Pheromones for attraction often cause a strong reaction from others.

A way to use it so that you can attract someone is to use it in colognes or perfumes. There are many perfumes and colognes that use it as part of the scent. By design, perfumes and colognes use pheromones as a way to attract others by scent. Scents are often incorporated with human pheromones to create a sensation. Most are used in perfumes and colognes are synthetic. There are some perfumes and colognes, however, that use actual human pheromones to create a sensation. They have proven to work very well when it comes to attracting others.

Perfumes and colognes are made to attract others as it is. We spray them on to hope that someone will be attracted to our scent. The perfume scent mixes with our own body chemistry and gives off a special scent. This is why no perfume or cologne smells the same on any two men or women. But when you use pheromones in perfume or cologne, you are getting an extra advantage. You are saying that you are available and sending out a signal to others who are also available and who may then be attracted to you.

No one knows why some people are attracted to others. Looks are not the number one thing that attracts people to one another, although it does break the ice. Many people, at a loss for what it is that they like about someone else will cite personality, although this is not true, either.

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