目前分類:postnatal depression (302)

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There are a large number of women who suffer from the Postnatal depression. It is also known as Postpartrum Depression. This is one of the major types of clinical depression as well. By and large from 5% to 25% women are affected with the postnatal depression.

There are various symptoms which will help you in recognizing postnatal depression. These Symptoms of post natal depression can occur anytime within the first year postpartum. Some of the symptoms of the postnatal depression are mentioned below.

o Inability to be Comforted: The patient will always feel restless. There will be no comfort level for the patient. The patient will never be happy.

o Exhaustion: The patient will suffer from tiredness and exhaustion. She will feel like sleeping always.

o Emptiness: The patient will feel that something is missing in her life. She will not be able to enjoy the positive environment around her.

o Inability to Enjoy Things One Previously Enjoyed: She will dislike the things that she had liked earlier.

o Social Withdrawal: The patient will withdraw herself within her room and will not interact with anyone else.

o Low Energy: Energy levels will be low for the patients. She will always look as she has not eaten anything or she will look extremely tired.

o Easily Frustrated: The patient will be frustrated easily and will also fight over small and minute things. Feeling Inadequate in Taking Care of Baby

o Sadness: A sense of sadness will prevail over the patient always. She will looked extremely depressed at the first sight itself.

o Hopelessness: The patient will feel that she has lost everything in her life.

o Low Self-Esteem: She will also loose her self respect.

o Guilt: Guilt will take over the happiness that has had gained when she had conceived the baby.

o Sleep Disturbances: The patient will not be able to sleep properly in the night.

o Eating Disturbances: The food habits of the patients will be changed. She will not like eating things which she used to love earlier.

A lot of research activities as well as experiments going on which has resulted in the development of medications as well as remedies for the people. Some of the major postnatal depression treatment includes the following:

o Medical evaluation in order rule out physiological problems: The patient should be taken to a doctor who will help in diagnosing the disease and offer proper medication.

o Cognitive behavioral therapy: Psychotherapy is advised by the doctor which is one of the best medicines in this case.

o Possible medicines: All the possible medicines should be given to the patient so that she will be able to recover fast.

o Support groups: family and friends are the best support groups. The husband should take special care of his wife.

o Home visits/Home visitors: Family members as well as relatives should also visit the patient so that she can cope up the depression.

o Healthy diet: Tasty and delicious food should be offered to her so that she is tempted to eat. Her favorite dishes should be on the platter.

o Consistent healthy sleep patterns: Sleep is an important part of the treatment of the postnatal depression. The family members should take care that the patient gets ample sleep and follows a regular sleep pattern.

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Depression can affect anyone, no matter what their age, lifestyle, family history or gender. The causes are wide ranging and can be triggered by a number of factors or events in a person's life. Sometimes it does not have a cause or trigger. While it can affect anyone, the effect on some people or demographics may vary. Research in to the demographics of depression sufferers has shown that:


  • Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men;

  • Women may be at higher risk of suffering depression partly due to hormonal changes brought on by puberty, menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy

  • Women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety or phobias than men and when the anxiety is present alongside depression, treatment can be a great deal more complicated

Interesting Fact

Depression is a real mental illness, not a sign of weakness. Some of the world's most famous and powerful leaders have suffered from it, including Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi.


  • Although women are more likely to suffer from depression, men are more likely to commit suicide - this may be because men are more reluctant to seek help (NHS, 2009);

  • Men are more likely to use alcohol or substance abuse to cover their condition and many will go undiagnosed.


  • Depression can affect people of any age, including children;

  • Studies have shown that 2% of teenagers in the UK are affected by depression (NHS, 2009);

  • Approximately 1 in 10 children under the age of fifteen has a mental health disorder such as depression. The difference between girls and boys is smaller than the difference between adult men and women

  • The rate of mental health conditions tends to increase in adolescence.


  • Older people may lose loved ones and have to adjust to living alone. They may become physically ill and unable to be as active as they once were. These changes can all contribute.

  • Many older people are not diagnosed with depression and do not seek help for their condition;

  • Approximately 1 in 5 elderly living within the community suffer from depression, while 2 in 5 living in care homes will struggle with this disorder


  • People with a family history of depression are more likely to experience it themselves (NHS, 2009)

  • It is estimated that 420,000 Britons are challenged with work related stress that is making them ill with conditions such as depression and anxiety.

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There are a number of reasons why many women experience low sex drive. Low sex drive can be brought on by many physical problems. The most severe medical issues related to low sex drive are disorders that affect the neural (nervous) system or cause nerve damage, such as Diabetes, Multiple Sclorosis, Parkinson's Disease, and stroke.

If you have poor circulation, blood won't flow properly to the genetalia, and will not only make arousal more difficult, but can inhibit your natural lubrication, making intercourse painful and unpleasant. This can also happen as a result of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), STD's, and liver disorders. Alcohol can aggravate these conditions, increasing with age, as can smoking.

Hormones play an important part in sexual interest, and any type of hormonal imbalance will also affect sex drive. Women who are nearing or experiencing menopause, are pregnant or postnatal, or who have had a full or partial hysterectomy, may experience low sex drive, as a result of fluctuating levels of the hormones estrogen and prolactin.

Certain medications, including birth control pills, blood-pressure pills, and anti-depressants, can cause hormonal imbalance and low libido as well. Androgens, such as testosterone, decline in women with age, but there is still much debate about whether or not low levels of testosterone have anything to do with a decrease in libido and treating a woman who is experiencing low libido with testosterone can prove effective for some.

Excess weight and inactivity are other common causes of lessened sexual desire. Being overweight contributes to many physical and mental issues, including fatigue, depression, insecurity, and more importantly, high cholesterol, breathing difficulties, and heart strain.

Any of these, alone or combined, can have a major negative impact on sex drive. Exercising often, even if it's only a 20 minute walk every other day, can greatly improve your overall sense of well-being, and libido.

For some women, low sex drive stems from a psychological or emotional issue. The most common complaint is stress. Since women are emotional creatures, stressful situations can and often do affect every aspect of our lives. Marital or relationship problems, financial struggles, life crisis, anxiety, problems at work, excess weight, religious repression, guilt - there are endless factors that can cause stress and, in turn, a decline in sexual interest.

For a much more detailed explanation which takes you step by step into the causes of low sex drive in women and an in-depth look into some of the best vitamins and herbs for low sex drive in women, please see: http://www.womans-health.net/low_sex_drive.htm.

While there are several medical options that help improve low sex drive, you may only need to look as close as your personal habits and your kitchen.

Aside from frequent exercise, there are many foods and spices that will not only make you healthier, but will make you feel better, improve your mood, and raise libido. Remember: anything that is good for your overall health is good for your sex drive as well.

A low-fat, well balanced diet, including things like cold water fish, such as salmon, a lot of vegetables, and avoiding high-sugar, starchy foods, junk foods, and sodas, is a great place to start. Spices such as cumin, cayenne, and curry warm your body, and will also act as a kind of aphrodisiac. So, try putting a new spin on the term "romantic dinner," and see what you can cook up, both in - and out - of the kitchen.

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Sometimes do you feel low for no reason at all and then ask yourself am I really suffering from depression? Just because you feel this way it really is not reason enough to go to your doctors and request some kind of antidepressant.

Finding out about the symptoms that are associated with depression is the best way to find out if you are suffering from this illness and with so many resources around us today, finding out should not be a real problem.

Sometimes we can just find that things are just not going right for us in our life, and you may only feel this way for a day or two, but simply feeling this way for a few day wont mean that your suffering from depression. You should look at your family background because this could be a good indication in finding out if you do suffer from this illness.

Studies have shown that a vast majority of people who suffer from these symptoms had relatives that have suffered from depression and passed on this genetic defect illness to their family members. However you may be suffering from this illness from a breakdown in a relationship which may be the cause for you feeling this way or even losing a job which can knock your confidence and will cause you to feel down and make you feel that you at the end of the road.

Giving birth is another cause which is called postnatal depression and can leave some new mothers in such a state that simply taking care of themselves and their new born child can just become such a hard task. Searching around your local library or using the internet can be a starting guide for how you can tackle this problem, remember your not the alone because help is at hand but you have to take the first step and ask for it.

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The research that Texas low cost health insurance has done regarding the need for postpartum depression treatment yielded surprising results. Postpartum depression treatment starts with asking yourself a couple of questions. Have you recently become a new mother? Does "motherhood" seem quite different than what you have read in books and magazines? Do you feel extreme sadness since the child was born? How about a lack of interest in your own life or your baby? You could be suffering from postpartum depression and in need of postpartum depression treatment. In the event that you are suffering from postpartum depression, there are generally two forms of treatment. The first being counselling (a combination of interpersonal and/or cognitive behavioral counselling) which has proven to help individuals take control of the way a person thinks and feels. Counselling also helps an individual to focus on the changes associated with having a newborn. The second form of treatment is antidepressant medicine. Antidepressant medicine relieves the symptoms that are associated with the depression.

Women (and men) typically prepare for the birth of their new child by squirreling away diapers, decorating rooms and possibly even starting college funds. However, many do not prepare themselves for the changes that they are about to experience within their bodies nor do they prepare for the way they can be affected by loss of sleep and hormonal changes. Life's normal balancing act is magnified by infinity when a new mother must not only handle household chores, lifestyle adjustments, lack of sleep, crying day and night but she must also deal with the possibilities of being viewed as an unfit mother.

Postpartum depression typically sets in within 4 weeks of childbirth. Although, depression is typically only in 10 percent of women, it is important to prepare for potential depression. In preparing, family members can be on the lookout for mood swings and a big indicator is a general disinterest in the child. If these issues exist, the mother should seek professional help and discuss postpartum depression treatment.

It is widely viewed that postpartum depression and the need for postpartum depression treatment exist only in women. However, the Texas low cost health insurance research has shown that it exists in males as well. The more popular term when a male experiences postpartum depression is paternal postnatal depression. Typically when fathers experience paternal postnatal depression it happens within one month to one year of the child being born. Generally, a distinction must be made between "daddy blues" and paternal postnatal depression. The rule of thumb would be based on the length of time the father experienced "blues". If the father is experiencing heavy (unusual) depression within a year of becoming a new father he is potentially experiencing paternal postnatal depression. Keep in mind, depression of two or more weeks due to any circumstance is reason to seek the advice of a physician or mental health specialist. Causes linked to paternal postnatal depression include loss of or lack of sleep. This is gut wrenching due to the fact that loss of or lack of sleep is almost synonymous with newborns. Additionally, the Texas low cost health insurance research noted that hormonal changes occur in men after they become new fathers. There is potential for testosterone levels to decrease and estrogen levels to increase. With these internal changes happening and a new father having no clue of what is going on inside him, there is added potential for paternal postnatal depression (postpartum depression). To further compound issues, Texas low cost health insurance has found that there is a stigma associated with men who seek mental health assistance. They are many times considered to be weak or frowned upon. That being the case, the depression can go undetected and unfortunately lead to other issues.

Postpartum depression treatment should not be viewed as "treatment for the weak." In fact, in preparation for that new baby, couples should add to their list "watch out for depression signs". It is virtually impossible to stop hormonal changes without proper medication. This absolutely does not mean that a person who is experiencing postpartum depression or paternal postnatal depression must medicate in order to handle the depression. However, persons(s) are more likely to "bounce back" with the assistance of a professional (who may prescribe medication). Postpartum depression treatment could also include cognitive behavioral therapy for both parents. In fact, once an individual has identified a professional, he or she should discuss behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy prior to medicating.

Finally, stay in tune with your body! When your body and mind are reacting in ways that are not normal you should seek the attention of a professional. Better safe than sorry. Who knows, you may be experiencing postpartum depression. Know that you are not alone.

Stay tuned and stay informed!

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Everybody is in a position to benefit from working out, even people who are handicapped. The elderly will in addition present health improvements when executing low-impact workouts as will expectant women. Those who practice aerobics while pregnant will experience easier labor and child-birth.

There are also reports that show women who perform aerobic workouts reduce the chance of having to go through a cesarean section. They recuperate faster whether it is physical or from postnatal depression. These women will in addition shed the weight they acquired throughout pregnancy, quicker. Broadly, women will attest that they'd healthier pregnancy in comparison with other women.

Working out while pregnant doesn't signify that mums-to-be will continue the same pace or exercises they were doing before pregnancy. Since expectant mothers are essentially sustaining two lives in their bodies, they shouldn't be exerting too much energy when working out. Pregnant females are suggested to carry out aerobic working out for not more than 30 minutes. When exercising too vigorously, the system temperature of both mom and baby can rise which might cause problems with the baby.

To prevent hypothermia or excessive heat, exercises should be performed early in the morning when the conditions are cooler. Pregnant ladies need to drink loads of water and avoid exerting too much energy. Saunas and steam rooms ought to be avoided. Working out which make the abdomen a weakened should be steered clear of by all means, which includes jumping.

Moderate weight-lifting can also be practiced by pregnant women. This helps prepare them for carrying the baby after birth. Although, professionals will invariably advocate that before proceeding to any style of aerobic regime or program, the doctor's advice is very important. Other types of work out which could be performed throughout the first trimester will incorporate swimming, walking, and special aerobic courses designed for expectant women.

During the second and last trimester, the weight of the newborn child can have an effect on the woman's movements. Keeping balance is hard since the weight may cause strain to the joints. During this time, marching in place could replace the usual work out routine. Exercises which need a pregnant woman to bend forward, spin and perform rapid turning movements can cause them to lose balance and extend to injury.

A woman may like to try a prenatal water aerobics class if one is provided in the community. It offers many of the advantages as aerobics on land - physical exercise for your heart and body and the camaraderie of other pregnant moms without the strain on the joints, the chance of injury, or a fall.

Even though aerobics has many advantages, doctors might not recommend it to some pregnant mums in particular when they show signs of worsening hypertension. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also warns expectant women against aerobic workouts that call for them to rest on their backs when they are around 20 weeks pregnant. In the main, if a pregnant woman is feeling distinct manifestations like pain, bleeding, rapid heartbeat or dizziness, workouts ought to be halted.

For more free tips and guidance on health, be sure to visit our internet website- internet health information for all kinds of health information.

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Why breastfeeding is important? What does WHO say?

WHO & UNICEF recommends that a baby should be exclusively breast fed for 6 months. After six months, safe & proper additional foods and liquids should complement breast feeding to meet the nutritional needs of a young child up to the age of two years.

Why breast milk is best?

  • Breast milk is Mother Nature's gift to the baby! There are more than 200 constituents of breast milk known to science.

  • About 80 percent of live cells in breast milk are made of macrophages that kill bacteria and viruses

  • Breast milk is sterile and free from pollutants

  • Breast milk in the first few days called Colostrum. This is called Liquid Gold for the baby. Colostrum contains antibodies to protect the newborn against disease, as well as being lower in fat and higher in protein than ordinary milk.

Who can Breastfeed?

Any woman who has given birth will have the ability to breastfeed. It is very rare to see some physical problem for the mother preventing her from breast feeding. Size of breasts does not have any effect the amount of breast milk production. Even with inverted nipples, women will be able to breast feed with some help. Amount of breast milk production will increase as your baby continues to suckle. Even mothers who have had Caesarean Section, Breech baby and twin babies can also breast feed comfortably with sufficient milk.

What are the benefits for the baby?

  • Nature has designed the breast milk in such a way that it has the perfect combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrate, and fluids that newborn babies require. The composition of the breast milk changes as per the baby's requirement so that baby gathers maximum nutrition. No formula milk can ever substitute breast milk in this manner

  • Breast milk is packed with antibodies which help the baby fight against infections. Hence the baby is has less chances of ear infection, diarrhoea & respiratory infections. Breast fed babies will have much less visits to the doctors for illnesses.

  • Hormones released during breast feeding will increase bonding between the mother and the baby. This leads to the fulfillment of the baby's emotional and physical needs.

  • Breast milk also has long term health benefits. It reduces the chance of child hood obesity; high blood pressure; high cholesterol level; eczema; type 2diabetes; leukaemia; asthma in later life.

What are the benefits for the mother?

  • Breast feeding is free and easily available.

  • Breast feeding stimulates the secretion of beneficial hormones called, prolactin and oxytocin. Pro- lactin ( pro lactation) Helps the mother to relax and facilitates bonding towards the baby. Oxytocin causes uterus/ womb contraction and reduces bleeding and anemia. Thus, breast feeding helps the uterus to come back to the pre pregnancy size and decrease the chance of post delivery bleeding risk and anemia

  • Breast-feeding uses up about 500 extra calories per day. So, it is easier to lose weight after giving birth if you are breast-feeding.

  • Breast feeding reduces the risk of pre menopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis (less breakage of bones ) and postnatal depression

  • It is very convenient and no hassle of sterilizing/ boiling the bottles. There is no preparation time needed.

How to ensure adequate breast milk?

Take pre-natal vitamins, specifically vitamin D supplement is recommended for all breast-feeding women and for breast-fed babies. Iron and Calcium supplements are also beneficial. Please consult your doctor.

Increase protein intake in the diet - include Dals, Milk and Eggs daily in your diet.

Begin breast feeding within the first hour of birth. Breast feed on demand. This will help regulate the fat content in the milk.

Eat lot of fresh fruits to get vitamins and micronutrients.

Ensure adequate intake of fluids including water and milk. Breast feeding can make you thirsty.

What are the steps of breast feeding?

Hold the baby's whole body close with the nose at the level of the nipple - " nose to the nipple". Let the baby's head tip back a little to allow baby's upper lip to brush against the nipple - this helps baby to open mouth wide. When baby's mouth is wide open, the chin is able to touch the breast and with the head tipped back the tongue can reach out and grab as much as breast as possible. Once chin is touching and nose is clear with mouth wide open encircling the nipple, baby starts to suckle and cheeks appear full and rounded as baby feeds. After baby has been fed, hold them upright on your shoulder to wind (burp). Breast fed babies have less problems with wind over bottle fed babies.

Please watch for the following signs to make sure your baby is feeding well:

  • The baby's chin is firmly touching the breast.

  • The baby has a big mouthful of breast.

  • The baby's cheeks are rounded throughout sucking.

  • Breastfeeding is not painful to the mother - although the initial sucks are strong with mild discomfort.

  • There is rhythmic sucking and swallowing, with occasional pauses. There will be cycles of short sucks and also long, deep drawing sucks.

  • The baby looks satisfied at the end of the feed and comes off the breast on his own.

Reliable indicators of baby getting enough milk

You will notice that the baby gains weight adequately and regains birth weight by 2wks. The other way to monitor weight gain is that the baby gains 500gms or more per month or 125gms/wk. The baby should pass light coloured urine about 6 times or more times a day by 4 days of age if the baby is exclusively breast fed. Please monitor the wet nappies.

Diet during breast feeding

The mother should try to eat a balanced diet. Foods that can be used liberally in the diet are fresh fruits and vegetables, soup of vegetables, milk, curd/Lassi, sprouted moong/ channa, fermented products like Idli, Dhokla, Dosa etc and egg white. Include lot of iron and protein rich food in the diet. The food items which are good sources of iron and protein for vegetarians include Legumes (Dhals), Milk, Paneer, Spinach and other green leafy vegetables, Anar ( Pomegranate), Banana and black grapes. Orange juice and Amla have plenty of Vitamin C which is important for Iron absorption in the body. Handful of nuts for snacking is a good idea for making the diet iron and protein rich for vegetarians.

Natural Galactogogues

Natural galactogogues are foods that increase breast milk production. Indian cuisine has plenty of such food items which are used in everyday cooking. Some examples are Methi seeds (Fenugreek), Garlic, Saunf (Fennel seeds), jeera water, oats and Brewer's Yeast.

Common problems during breast feeding

Full breasts with discomfort and pain - It may happen 3-4 days after delivery, breast are full, hot and hard to touch

Management - Baby needs to be well attached and breast fed frequently. You can express the milk if required. Simple pain killers like Paracetamol may help if the pain is intense.

Breast engorgement - This happens in blocked milk duct. Breast appears swollen, skin looks shiny and red. This may be accompanied with pain in breast but pain may not be as severe as mastitis. You may also notice mild fever.

Management - Feed the baby frequently, apply warm compress or take bath with warm water. Try simple & safe pain killers.

Mastitis - hard swelling in the breast with redness and severe pain. In this condition mother will have fever too

Management - take rest, Breast feed the baby frequently, apply warm compress, take simple analgesics. You may need to be treated with antibiotics. Contact your doctor.

Sore or fissured nipples - Pain when baby suckles. This is due to excess suction on the nipples

Management - If you develop sore nipples, check the position of the baby. Make sure the baby has adequate amount of breast tissue, areola and the nipple in the mouth. Improve the baby's attachment. You can try some soothing creams.

Working women & breast feeding

  • Avail all possible leave at your credit including unpaid leave

  • If possible, take your baby to work, make use of the cr癡che if available

  • Do not start other feeds before you really need to.

  • Don't think "I will have to go back to work in 12wks, so I might as well bottle feed straight away". This is the most common mistake the mothers do. Even if you can brest feed for a short period of time, it does provide significant benefits to the baby. The baby will have received some amount of valuable antibodies during this time.

  • Continue to breast feed even at night, in the early morning, and at any other time that you are at home.

  • Express as much breast milk as you can before you go back to work, into a very clean jar, even 1 cup (200ml) can give the baby 3 feeds/day of 60-70ml each.

  • Cover the milk and keep in the coolest place that you can find in the house or in the refrigerator

  • Expressed breast milk stays in good condition for 8-10hrs even in a hot climate and up-to 24hrs in the refrigerator

  • Breast feed your baby after you've expressed the milk, so the baby will get the breast milk that you can't express including some hind milk.

  • Don't boil or reheat your own breast milk

  • It is absolutely not necessary to bottle feed at all, even very small babies can feed from a cup if you decide to use a formula

  • Breastfeeding should begin within an hour of birth

  • Breastfeeding should be "on demand", as often as the child wants day and night

  • Bottles or pacifiers should be avoided.

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With more and more people grappling with obesity issues owing to a sedentary lifestyle, cramming junk foods with zero nutrition value, various diets and therapies for weight loss has almost become an obsession. Gymnasiums, beauty and wellness clinics and mushrooming weight loss centres are all promulgating weight loss programmes and making tall claims of shedding your flab in minimum time. But beware of many such fake organizations that will not only burn a hole in your pocket but these short-cut solutions can have disastrous effects on your health as well. There are also a lot of popular fast safe home remedies for weight loss that can be beneficial for over-weight people with no adverse effects whatsoever.

It is advisable to always consult your physician to delve into the root cause of the problem causing obesity, and then deal it with scientifically rather than relying on hearsay and applying self-prescribed medications. It is seen that most people go for crash diets and other extreme options in reaction to social ridicule and banter that over-weight people are exposed to. But it is not only the physical appearance of a person that should instigate him/her to lose weight but over-all health that takes a toll due to obesity.

Obesity can lead to various health complications and chronic ailments like high cholesterol levels leading to cardio-vascular problems, blood pressure, hypertension diabetes, arthritis, sleep apnea or even heightened risk of cancer to name a few. It can also be the causal factor of infertility, pre-natal and post-natal complications and psychological anomalies like clinical depression with self-esteem hitting the nadir in most cases.

Obesity was earlier tagged as a First World syndrome as abundance is directly proportional to indulgence. But recent statistical findings alarmingly reveal that the malady has percolated down to the Third World as well and affecting people irrespective of country, race, age, gender etc.

Although worldwide researches indicate that the chances of getting afflicted with the disease grows manifold with age, about 27% women and 28% men are obese in the 16-24 age group as opposed to a whopping 68% women and 76% men in the 55-64 age band. But the number of children suffering from obesity has increased in leaps and bounds over the last decade owing to children engaging in less physical activities and getting engrossed in computer games, video games and the zillion other attractions that make them a couch potato!

There are a lot of medical treatment, therapies and even surgeries that helps in weight reduction. Traditional weight loss programmes like Atkins Diet which aims at checking the intake of calories through a diet regimen, popping obesity pills with short-term benefits and the final resort of Bariatric surgery or gastric reduction surgery in cases of severe obesity issues are some of the common ones.

Alternative medicine has also gained ground in the last few years with yoga, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Hypnosis etc having miraculous effects on patients suffering from obesity. Drinking organic green tea which has detoxifying characteristics, lemon juice with a dash of honey, lots of water in general helps cleansing your system. Eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables with high fibre content, avoiding oily, fatty and processed foods, abstaining from alcohol with regular exercise are some great fast safe home remedies for weight loss which can work wonders in curbing obesity.

So there's hope on the horizon for all plus-sized individuals who can cut the excess flab out and fight obesity to lead a healthy life increasing your overall life expectancy.

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So you've just experienced the miracle of birth. Isn't it wonderful. And now you are the proud and exhausted mum of the cutest little angel in the world. Family and friends come over to coo. Everyone is smiling and celebrating this new life.

Well, everyone that is except certain individuals, who for reasons known only to themselves, are incapable of being supportive and can't resist saying the most insensitive things.

Why these people feel compelled to steer away from the customary, "what a cutie," "well done new mum," and "is there anything you need?" remains a mystery. But they do. And more often than not, we've all had to endure at least one such person.

So here are ten asinine comments that no new mom wants to hear:

1) "You look so well and relaxed."
Actually I've lost a ton of blood, have stitches down below, my nipples feel like they've been through a cheese grater, I haven't had a bowel movement in ten days, and I've slept less than three consecutive hours in the last two weeks. I am NOT well and relaxed, and the fact that you can't see that only serves to increase my feeling of isolation. I can't believe I ever chose such a self-absorbed person as a friend.

2) "You need a break. Leave the baby with your mum and I'll take you out to dinner."
Thanks but when my mum takes the baby off my hands, I'll relax by SLEEPING!

3) "Aren't you just absolutely and insanely in love with your new baby?"
Actually right now I am in the process of bonding with my baby. Yes believe it or not, bonding is a process.

4) "I can't believe you didn't hear about that hurricane in....?"
Well believe it! Because right now, current events are not a priority.

5) "I can't talk to you like we used to. All you talk about is babies."
Why don't you bear with me for a few weeks?!. As soon as I get the hang of this insanely steep learning curve, I'll be back to my old self. Though I might reconsider whether I'll still want YOU as a friend!

6) "Have a glass of wine."
Looking after a new baby is hard enough. I don't need the added challenge of doing it with a hangover!

7) "It's selfish not to breast feed."
Get your own baby and mind your own business!

8) "I remember when my son/daughter was that age."
I don't want to hear from people whose son/daughter is no longer that age. I want to hear
only from people who are suffering the sleepless nights, lack of freedom and steep learning curve. The fact that you went through it and now have your freedom back is not something I need to hear at this particular point in time.

9) "I lost all the baby weight in the first week."
There is no civilized response to this.

10) "Are you planning another baby?"
I've just squeezed out this one. Right now I'm not even planning another bowel movement, let alone a baby. What is even going through your head?!

I'm sure there are many more insensitive no no's out there. So feel free to share some of the outrageous 'advice' to which you have been subjected.

Occasionally though, someone will surprise you with advice that will resonate and carry you through the toughest times. I'd like to share the two most important pieces of advice that I ever received, and that repeatedly kept me sane in those times of doubt.

1) Always bear in mind that everything your child does is a phase. So if he won't eat this week, he'll probably be over it by next week. If he throws a tantrum, he will grow out of it. If he likes to fling food on the floor, he won't still be doing it years from now.

2) All babies develop at their own rates, so just because your best friend's precocious little thing is up and running at 8 months of age, while yours isn't even showing signs of crawling, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your baby. Chances are your friend is exhausted and jealous of your super chilled little angel.

So moms don't worry about baby's fluctuating appetite, bowel movements, size of baby, time to grasp, time to crawl or time to walk. Your aim in that first year is to effectively sleep train your baby and to show him / her lots of affection.

Oh yes, and try not to strangle those insensitive people who simply, for the life of them, can't bring themselves to say something intelligent.

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Some women suffer from terrible abdominal pain after having an IUD (intra uterine device) fitted. Others don't have a problem at all.

But IUDs can cause more than abdominal pain. Because they also have a slow release of a synthetic hormone that may not suit you, you may also suffer with a hormonal imbalance. If that is the case, your best option is probably having it removed.

Take away the cause and the effect will vanish.

It's common for doctors to think there are no pain sensors in the uterus. In which case, they reason, you shouldn't suffer pain when the device is inserted.

But many women do suffer terrible pain afterward. And for a prolonged time, often going on for months.

If you still want to keep the device and just resolve the pain, then the homeopathic medicine Bellis perennis will do a great job. Bellis perennis is an injury medicine par excellence, which is particularly (but not exclusively) suited to the hormonal problems of women.

Problems such as any deep abdominal pain from injury - pregnancy, after birth, after hysterectomy, after a D & C, after a miscarriage, after an abortion. And it's a great medicine to heal injury to the delicate breast tissue.

When a trauma is not healed at an energetic level, depression can set in. I suspect that many cases of post natal depression stem from the lack of deep healing that should be available at all birthing centres.

Keeping Bellis perennis in your homeopathic first aid kit may ensure your potential at resolving more than your IUD pain.

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Making yourself available as a surrogate mother is a wonderful way to help infertile couples to become parents. Also, you will find that the majority of them will be compensated financially for their time. It is not something to be done without risks though, so these risks will need to be evaluated before she even thinks about making contacts. The surrogate mother will need to be strong, emotionally as well as physically. Plus, she will need to be financially stable before she even thinks about doing research into it.

There are some commonly held misunderstandings about surrogacy. These can range from, the financial aspect, how a surrogate mother is matched with her intended parents, how easy the process is and also there are some surrogate mothers who mistakenly believe that after giving birth to the child they need have no more contact with the child or parents again.

The infertile couple need the surrogate mother to carry their unborn child within her womb to full term, so that their child will be safely and healthily born. The financial compensation given will depend on many things. The state that the contract is made in, whether you are in it for the long term and how many children you have had for that particular couple. Also, it depends on if you have arranged this procedure privately or have gone through an agency. The cost of surrogacy can range from $20,00 to $40,00. Travel and medical costs are usually paid for by either the agency or the intended parents. Very often a surrogate mother can locate her couple through an agency. While the majority of agencies will allow the surrogate mother to choose the parents she would like to help there are a small number of agencies that do the pairing with intended parents independently.

While some women consider surrogacy for the financial compensation will have to realise that this procedure can take an enormous toll on a woman, physically and emotionally and this must be considered. Plus the time commitment, it can take a couple of years for the whole process to reach completion.

The few risks that the surrogate mother will find are, she may have to go through some fertility treatment of become pregnant and she may find some of these to be difficult. Also, there is the risk of miscarriage. There is also the chance of post-partum/postnatal depression that can be made worse by the fact that the baby has been taken away from the surrogate mother. Added to this is the chance that she will become too emotionally attached to the child and will not want to give the child up. For this reason, surrogate parents are advised to use counselling services or support groups all the way through pregnancy.

Most women will find that there are benefits in being a surrogate mother. The first thing is the compensation, she should be able to live off this while being pregnant, in fact, it may even last for a while after. Also she should find that all of her travel and medical expenses are paid for by either the agency or the intended parents, though not her medical insurance payments. Plus, having the ability to help her intended parents conceive and start their own family can cause an extremely strong bond to grow between the intended parents and the surrogate parent, and this can last a lifetime.

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It was 27th June, 2006. My six-month old daughter was in a sling as I held my crying four-year old son at the security line at Los Angeles International Airport. I was trying hard not to cry; to be the re-assuring adult. But I was losing the battle. In the end, I had to walk past the security line and he could not follow. The final words I heard that day were...I'm never going to see you again, Mommy.

Of course over the past two and a half years that has proven simply not to be true. We speak everyday on the phone and visit two to three times a year, including 8 to 10 weeks each summer. We actually have a close mother-son relationship despite being separated by over 5,000 miles for most of the year. You see I am one of a growing number of non-custodial mothers.

You may be like many other people I meet. The moment you read those words you may have automatically judged me. Slag. Bad mother. How could she leave her own child for a man? I have heard them all. I have also heard the silence that speaks volumes more. I realise that by writing my story I am opening myself and family up to even more of it.

But I believe that I have reached a point where I am strong enough to handle it. I hope that after hearing my story one or two of you may even understand the complex modern issues of separation, re-marriage and international immigration that forces an increasing number of very loving mothers to face these difficult choices. But most of all I hope to offer hope if only to a single mum who may be facing the very real pain of those choices and feel alone in her plight.

So how does it happen? How does a mum end up on the other side of the world and leave her child behind? For me, it began eight years ago. I had divorced my husband after fourteen years of mental abuse. I admit it; I was vulnerable and on the rebound. I became involved too quickly with someone and before I knew it we shared the bond of a child. This article isn't about the what-if's that every person on the face of this earth has. It is about making the best of the place where you find yourself.

Having stayed for 14 years in a bad marriage for the sake of my older children, I realised that this was not an option. All I will say about my former partner is that while I could not live with him, he was and is a very loving father to our son. So when my son was two-years old, I moved out.

From the beginning, we negotiated a shared custody agreement; 50/50. When we first separated, I moved to an apartment just blocks from my former partner's home. We would alternate nights. One night at the Mama house and the next at the Papa house...as we called them. Being young, our son readily accepted the arrangement as normal...for him. Then about a year later we moved to another town in Los Angeles county. Daily exchanges were no longer convenient so instead we switched to a ¾ split; three days with Mama and four with Papa...and the reverse the following week. It might seem unusual...and I admit at times it could feel really difficult. But we kept coming back to the simple truth: our son needed both his mommy and his daddy, even if we could not live in the same house.

Then just before my son turned three, I meet my now husband in a chat room online. I had pretty much sworn off men; I had my career and my kids. I had male friends and casual relationships, but did not think I would ever re-marry. But by the time that he left in February 2005 after a five week visit, both of us knew that this was something more than friendship. We discussed marriage.

Since he had no children of his own I felt that it was only fair that we have one together. Of course at almost 40, I was not sure how easy that would be. I actually consulted my midwife who said that it would probably take a year to eighteen months of serious trying for us to conceive. So you can imagine my surprise, when I discovered we were pregnant in June 2005, after only three visits together.

But we still lived in different countries and trust me international relationships and immigration are not easy. During my pregnancy, I was unable to travel due to complications. Paul visited us twice, but he had work obligations. He missed so much; all my ante-natal appointments, the ultra-sound when we found out it was the little girl we both wanted, the first kick, and even his child's birth. Since I had two previous caesareans, we planned on a scheduled third. His ticket was purchased for a week before she was supposed to be born. But on the 3rd January, I went into labour...four weeks early. That experience alone is another article.

But the point is that as a society, we have assigned some magical value to motherhood. As a mother, who has nurtured and fed my children, I understand that to a degree. But the truth is that the same sword which mystifies motherhood by default denigrates fatherhood. Is parenthood for a man any less valuable because he cannot feel the child grow within his body? Or nurture his child at his breast? The truth is that for men like my husband and my former partner fatherhood is every bit as important as motherhood is to me. For the sake of our children, we need to recognise and encourage this type of fathering.

After our daughter's birth, we began the US immigration process. We knew from our research that we would likely face a six to nine month separation while the application was processed. But since I was not working at the time, my husband kissed his two-month old daughter good-bye at the same LAX. And for the next four months I was a single mother again.

What we were not prepared for was that a new law had come into effect just days before we filed our application. And as only bureaucracy can, they had failed to consider how to deal with this change. So the whole system came to a full stop. To make things worse, once you file your paperwork, the applicant is no longer free to visit the US. So my husband was watching his only child grow up on a webcam and I was alone and cried myself to sleep almost every night. Post-natal depression and our situation meant that I was not the kind of mother I wanted to be to any of my children.

So after weeks and weeks of talking and thinking about it, we decided that it would be best for us to move to London with Paul. But from the beginning I knew that there was no way that my former partner would let me bring our son with me. I knew too that it would not even be fair to ask him to let his only child go. As I said I might not get along with him as partner, but I know how much he loves his child; every bit as much as I do. So instead we sat down and negotiated once again a shared custody agreement.

In the end we agreed based on the common goal that we always shared of giving our son both a mommy and daddy. I have unlimited phone and Internet access; this means that we speak on the phone almost every single day. As for physical visitation, if my son is not in school I have the right to have him. This means that usually I get him for two to three weeks at Christmas and about 8 to 10 weeks or so during the summer.

But what may seem odd to other people is that it also means that we share the spring holidays. The pictures are of our unusual family at Magic Kingdom in 2007 and Disney World in Orlando in 2008. The funniest time was when my husband and ex ran off to ride a roller coaster; leaving me sitting in the shade with a two and six year old. The look on the older lady next to us was priceless when my son innocently asked...Mommy, how much longer til our daddies come back?

Is our unusual family what I think is ideal? No, I wish that all my children could have been raised in the loving and secure marriage that I know share with my husband. If you look at the happiness and confidence of my daughter when she runs screaming to her daddy every night as he comes in from work, you would understand too.

But that does not mean that children whose parents cannot live together do not still deserve two parents who love them and work together in their best interest...even when it hurts like hell to do so. As the world shrinks due to the Internet, more and more families are having to face these complex issues and balance the best interests of everyone. With a lot of work, communication and always putting the needs of others above our own, we can find solutions that will work in the best interest of the child...and that is what it is all about...the innocent children.

So if you ever run into a mum like me who has made some really hurtful and difficult choices, if she trusts you enough to bare her soul and open herself up to you, I hope that even if you can't understand her unique situation you will remember other difficult choices that you may have faced, paths you had to take and at the very least offer her your empathy.

And if you are a mum who like me has had to make choices that no mother ever wants to, then take heart; you are still a good mum. You may face difficulties and there may be days when you feel down, but know that you can make this work out for your child...and you will.

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Expectant fathers should be aware of the potential problems that accompany the couple's pregnancy. Presented here are three issues that the father to be should anticipate and try to prepare for.

The Woman's Physical Changes

Pregnancy results in a variety of bodily changes ranging from rapid gaining of weight, to a feeling of continual exhaustion. These changes can lead to sexual intimacy difficulties as some women may not be ready to adapt to the physical transformations that accompany pregnancy. The first couple of months may possibly result in a lack of interest in sex due to morning sickness and a general feeling of discomfort, the next several months result in a range of changes such as gaining weight and abdominal swelling. This may possibly create thoughts of being unattractive and fearing that they may never again look feminine. These thoughts may also be shared by the partner, thus adversely affecting the couple's sexual interest and physical appeal. Some fathers to be erroneously believe that they may injure the unborn baby during sexual activity and, as a result, refrain from sexual relations.

Financial Issues

At times unrecognized, money troubles tend to be at the heart of many couple's relationship troubles throughout pregnancy. Right from the beginning, there are many issues which must be resolved such as the expense of frequent doctors appointments, prescription drugs and dietary supplements for the expectant mother. Additionally with a little one on the way, couples face future concerns about the costs of taking care of the baby. The financial burden of future expenses relating to diapers, formula, baby clothes, strollers, playpens, post-natal and pediatric medical care, etc. can result in a strain on the relationship. Considering the fact that the mother's attention is centered on her pregnancy, financial considerations are often an issue that the father must worry about on his own. Despite the fact that financial issues are usually a joint responsibility, during pregnancy it is often the man who must address challenging financial issues and priorities. This may result in considerable stress and arguments which often leaving dads to be discouraged and depressed. It is really important to discuss your financial situation and plan for the additional expenses you will incur before you begin planning for a baby.


Symptoms of pre-natal and post-natal depression are among the most common of all difficulties encountered by women for the duration of pregnancy. The truth is, it is thought that just about twenty percent of pregnant women will find themselves experiencing symptoms of maternal depression. In addition to potentially putting both the mother and baby at risk, depression may also have an effect on the couple's relationship. Problems such as becoming easily irritated, moodiness and a feeling of persistent weakness that arise as a result of "gestational depression" can exasperate the woman's partner causing a strained relationship. At times the expectant mother may begin berating her partner for her problems and pain with remarks like "You have no idea what it's like carrying this baby around" or "You're never there for me when I need you". Hearing these complaints from a mate who is acting resentful and angry while staying calm and repressing the urge to respond with hurtful comments is very difficult to do. This contributes to a breakdown in the couple's ability to communicate.

Relationship complications throughout a pregnancy added to constant anxiety and emotional stress may have an impact on both the mother and the baby. These problems can result in an increase in blood pressure, premature labor and several other significant medical complications. Reduce the stress and anxiety by regularly discussing issues that arise. Communicate with each other; share your thoughts and concerns. Don't let fearfulness, anxiety, and tension affect your relationship with your partner. Spend time together as a couple and enjoy the wonderful experience of the development and birth of your child.

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Aromatherapy actually means treatment by using scents, and did you know that there are about 150 essential oils.

Essential oils are aromatic essences extracted from plants, flowers, trees, fruits, bark, grasses and seeds, with distinctive therapeutic, psychological, and physiological properties, which can improve and prevent illnesses.

The Egyptian Physician Imhotep recommended fragrant oils for bathing, massage, and for embalming their dead well over 6000 years ago.

Imhotep by the way is the Egyptian God of medicine and healing. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used aromatherapy baths and scented massage, and used aromatic fumigations to clear Athens of the plague.

Not many people know that!

The modern era of aromatherapy came about in 1930 when the French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse used the term aromatherapy for the therapeutic use of essential oils.He was fascinated by the benefits of lavender oil in healing his burned hand without leaving any scars, and started to investigate the effects that other essential oils had for healing, and for their psycho-therapeutic benefits.

Aromatherapy works best when working on both the mind and body simultaneously, and scientific studies have shown that essential oils contain chemical components that can exert specific effects on both the mind and body.

To get the maximum benefit, they should be made from all natural pure raw materials, synthetic ones do not work. Most aromatherapy oils have antiseptic properties, of which some are antiviral, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, antidepressant and expectorant.

Essential aromatherapy oils are added to the bath or massaged into the skin, inhaled directly, or diffused to scent an entire room. When inhaled they work on the brain and nervous system, through stimulation of the olfactory nerves. Aromatherapy is used for the relief of pain, care of the skin, alleviate tension and fatigue, and invigorates the entire body; other properties of essential oils which are taken advantage of in aromatherapy, are for their stimulation, relaxation, digestive, and diuretic properties.

Aromatherapy is widely used in homes, clinics, and hospitals, for a wide variety of applications, such as pain relief for women in labor, pain relief caused by the side effects of chemotherapy which has been undergone by cancer patients, plus helping the rehabilitation of cardiac patients.

Aromatherapy is particularly useful in treating stress, anxiety, psychosomatic induced problems, muscular and rheumatic pains, and digestive disorders, women's problems such as PMT and menopausal complaints, plus postnatal depression, all with a significant success rate.

There is a huge range of essential oils, and aromatherapy products that you can benefit from.

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The benefits of a prenatal fish oil blend to a pregnant woman and her unborn baby cannot be over-emphasized. Fish is the best source of omega 3, which is an essential nutrient our body needs to function properly; hence, medical practitioners now encourage pregnant women to take quality fish oil supplements with their daily multivitamins.

Benefits for mum-to-be

Taking a prenatal fish oil blend helps to prevent the mother from developing preeclampsia, a dangerous disease that could lead to death; this is because omega 3 helps to lower high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and blood sugar. Omega 3 is also proven to help boost the immune system of the mum-to-be so that she would not be susceptible to infections like flu, colds and allergies.

Another benefit of a prenatal fish oil blend to the pregnant woman is that it prevents post natal depression; depression has been linked to deficiency in dha (a major component of omega3). When a woman is pregnant, the developing fetus draws from her dha; hence, she needs to replace the depleted fatty acid by regular consumption of omega 3 supplement.

Benefits for the fetus

Regular intake of a prenatal fish oil blend during pregnancy helps the brain of the fetus to develop properly (the human brain is made up of 60% fat and half of that fat is DHA); thus, it helps to prevent the baby from developing brain conditions like autism, ADD and ADHA. It also enhances the learning ability and IQ of the baby. Research shows that omega 3 helps the retina of the baby to develop well; it also helps to prevent the baby form developing allergies in future.

How to find the best prenatal fish oil blend

The benefits of omega 3 are derived from DHA and EPA, but DHA is the main 'power house'; hence, it is recommended that you buy a brand that contains at least 250mg of dha per 1000mg capsule.

It is also recommended that you buy a well purified brand because most of the supplements on the market contain toxic impurities like mercury, PCBs and other heavy metals. Molecular distillation ensures that the toxins are removed from the oil to make it pure and safe for you and your baby.

Now that you know the benefits of a prenatal fish oil blend for you and your baby, make sure that you choose a brand that is molecularly distilled and rich in DHA. For more information on other health benefits of omega 3, visit my website.

Discover the best prenatal fish oil blend today.

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Giving birth to a new child is one of the most positive events that should occur during your lifetime. However, Postnatal Depression or the 'Baby Blues' is more common than the general public would believe. Somewhere between ten and fifteen percent of mothers will suffer from this condition in some shape or form. It is not unusual for the drain and strain of giving birth to leave you feeling run down. The more sinister symptoms of Postnatal Depression however that develop normally in the first month after birth can last for months and be severe. An overburden of stress during this time can be hard to deal with and therefore stress reduction and it's management should be taken as a priority.

It is estimated that 1 in 10 women develop Postnatal Depression. Usually the condition develops within four weeks after the birth of the baby. However, it can take up to a year for some women to develop full-blown Postnatal Depression. Without the correct treatment or understanding the condtion is very likely to worsen and potentially impare the bond you create with your new child. So how do you know if you have the condition and how can you cope if you do?

The Signs and Symptoms of Postnatal Depression

The main sign of Postnatal Depression is constantly feeling low. It could become worse at specific times throughout the day but that is not always the case. You will also be extremely irritable. Most women who develop Postnatal Depression will take it out on their partners. This causes a lot of stress and tension within the relationship and it can often lead to feelings of guilt.

Perhaps the most distressing symptom of Postnatal Depression however is a detachment from your child. This is likely due to the worry that you feel over the baby's health. Worrying about every little thing is completely normal in Postnatal Depression and you may find that you are looking for constant reassurance from your partner.

Other common signs of the condition include loss of appetite, feeling constantly tired, losing interest in sex and you may not enjoy anything anymore. It really can be a distressing condition and without treatment, it can potentially last years.

How to Cope If You Develop Postnatal Depression

If you are suffering from Postnatal Depression then the good news is that there is help available. You do not have to suffer in silence. A visit to your physician without doubt should be your first priority. They will be able to fully diagnose the problem and help you to find ways to combat it. It may be suggested in some cases that anti-depressant type medication is the best course of action or counselling sessions may also be recommended.

It would definitely help you to talk to your partner and anybody else who will listen and let them know how you are feeling. Helping you to limit the build up of stress which on a daily basis is a top priority. Many women feel ashamed to admit how they are feeling. The main thing to remember is that Postnatal Depression is actually quite a common condition and it is not your fault if you develop it.

Communicating with those around you is so important, do not attempt everything on your own. Like other forms of depression, a high percentage of women attempt to cope silently with this condition which can make it very tough. Trying to cope on your own and failing to "snap yourself out of it" will only lead to further negative feelings. Always be willing to accept any support offered and whenever possible treat yourself to as much quality rest as you can. New mothers need to try to get as much rest as they when they have a new baby. So sleep as much as possible and that will ensure that you are refreshed and better able to deal with your daily stresses.

Try to get as much exercise as possible. Taking your baby for a walk in the park could be great exercise. If you can get a babysitter, why not take some time out and go for a walk yourself? Getting out of the house on your own will really help you to recharge your batteries.

Finally try not to blame yourself or your partner for the way that you are feeling. Communicating with your partner and family about how you currently feel is important, being affectionate also with your partner and keeping that bond with them intact. Daily hugs for example can be very therapeutic and it can comfort you when you need it the most.

Postnatal Depression can go away by itself but the road to recovery may be extremely stressful and traumatic. Therefore, it is always better to get help and to admit to how you are feeling. The condition can really spoil the experience of being a new mother and it can weaken your relationships with your partner as well as your baby. If your depression is quite severe then you may want to ask your doctor about anti-depressants or indeed he or she may suggest them.

Doing everything that you can to de-stress yourself would be solid advice. As well as the normal stress management practices of eating healthily and living a life with regular exercise you could also take your stress reduction one step further and choose to adopt one of the latest home study stress reduction therapy programs that have been developed with modern lifestyles in mind.

Easy to follow, these systems have been developed to teach you how to best reduce any effects that future encounters with stress may have on you. There are some superb stress reduction therapy programs available now, believe it or not that can be downloaded from the internet! Saving you precious time and causing as little interference with your daily routine as possible.

You can discover all the latest techniques and methods that you will need. From home and at your own pace, to combat any unnecessary stress that you may be experiencing with the arrival of your new baby. This most crucial self improvement learning, can really help you to be in the best place possible to be able to face and conquer the undue stress caused by Postnatal depression. With quality stress reduction therapy you really can make a difference within a few weeks.

It may take you a little time to research and find the best stress reduction therapy program for your needs. However any time and money spent can only help you not only in your immediate needs during Postnatal Depression but also for the rest of your life. You can learn to live a much happier, healthier and stress free existence which reduces the chances of any long term impacts of too much stress. Stress reduction and it's management really has come of age and should be considered a real priority.

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This is not about your baby, this is about You. How you will "survive" the colic period. I am sure that you are exhausted, frustrated and sad to say but a lot of parents feel guilty for their colicky baby. So how do you deal with all that, all the stress.

First of all there is no need to feel guilty; your baby`s colic is NOT your fault. I will say it again it is not your fault. I know that colic and your baby`s crying can be very hard to handle for you and your family. If your baby cries for hours, I know you love your baby but that is frustrating. Colic can also make you feel depressed, stressed and give you low self-esteem. There for it is very important to take care of yourself during this period, so you have the strength to deal with your colicky baby.

So if you are tired and frustrated, you need a break. You need somebody else to watch your baby for you. Take turns with your partner, ask family and friends for help. If you feel like you are the only one that can comfort your baby and can not get any rest when you hear the baby. You need to get out of your house, go to your parent`s house or to a friend`s house and take a nap. Rent a hotel room. Go see a movie. Do not feel guilty, I guarantee that you will feel much better and be more patient after a break. If it is 1 hour or 1 night, that is up to you, but you will feel better getting that break.

See if there is a Colic Support Group where you live. If not there are support groups online. Just to vent and here other parents in the same situation can really help.

So remember take care of yourself - it is not your fault, take a break and find a support group.

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New evidence suggests that postpartum depression is no longer just a condition experienced by new mothers. It may also affect new fathers in much the same way. Postpartum depression in new fathers is a relatively new concept, perhaps coming to light thanks to a growing acceptance of the full range of emotional experience that men are capable of.

Society as a whole has traditionally embraced the idea of the strong male figure with a narrow emotional range. Men now have increasing freedom to admit their feelings on a wide range of issues, including those that our own fathers and grandfathers wouldn't have dared discuss with others, including men's postpartum depression.

Paternal postnatal depression in not a new phenomenon, although awareness of it is. More light has been shed on this in recent times thanks to increasing social acceptance of men's emotions. Similar to the feelings that new mothers so often go experience following birth, men's postpartum depression can strongly affect the entire family. In a recent interview on "The Mommy-Muse Is In: Empowering Your Journey into Motherhood," men's health specialist Dr. Will Courtney shared this: "So often, mothers and fathers expect this experience of "baby bliss" that everyone suggests parenting is going to be like. Then, suddenly, this screaming, helpless infant is in their laps and they don't know what to do to calm this baby or soothe it. Suddenly, things start feeling a lot more difficult than they ever expected."

Parenthood is a profound event - whether experienced from the male or female point of view. The transition from being a couple to being a family can be an enormous challenge. Although the majority of men report a deep satisfaction with being a father, they do report that the transition from being "just a man" to being a dad is a frustrating, scary, daunting experience that requires massive adjustment. Men's postpartum depression can become quite severe, requiring mental health counseling from a qualified practitioner who understands the trials of new fatherhood and knows how to help.

Men typically are well-skilled at concealing their postpartum depression. They may, or may not, show any of the traditional signs that a new mother does, such as loss of interest, crying, and general sadness. Although a new father may attempt to "keep up appearances," the best clue that he might have an underlying problem is found by being alert to things that appear to be "just not right" in regards to his normal behaviors.

According to Dr. Courtney, men may try to avoid parenting and new fatherhood altogether, a sort of "out of sight out of mind" mentality. "I'm hearing a lot from new dads about the experience of not being able to tolerate being around the baby. They can't stand the baby's cries, the screaming; they say it makes them crazy. Or, they can't stand to smell the baby, or to even see it or hold it. Typically, men feel horribly guilty about feeling that way, and also very confused because this is not what they were told to expect with the birth of their child. All they really know to do is to try to get away from the thing that is kind of making them feel all of these things. They end up spending as much time as they can at the office."

New parents can take steps before the birth of their new baby (or even after the birth if they sense a problem) to better cope with postpartum depression. Here are some steps that you can take: Accept that postpartum depression is real in both men and women. If a man has a history of depression, beginning mental health counseling before the baby's birth is a great preventive measure. For couples with poor communication or strife in the relationship, couples counseling during and after the pregnancy can help offset depression by opening up the lines of communication between both partners. Economic problems should be faced head-on with the creation of a livable budget to alleviate the financial stress on the couple. Social support for both mom and dad is important. Decide who you can rely on if you need a sitter, etc.

New mothers and fathers must understand that postpartum depression is a completely natural condition that should be treated, not hidden. There is no shame in being depressed after the birth of a baby, especially considering that millions of parents experience some type of postpartum mood disorder each year. Seeking out treatment for the condition is an admission of being a parent who is willing to do whatever it takes to be the best parent and partner possible.

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Food and its nutrients can have a big impact on our mood. If you're feeling down, simple use this guide to mood-boosting foods and reap the all-round benefits:

1. Curly kale - Steam some baby-leaf curly kale for a helping of mood-balancing calcium. One vegetable portion (four heaped tablespoons) provides 24 per cent of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) and it's also packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants, including lutein.

2. Rice pudding - Essential for healthy nerve function, a good calcium status helps keeps mood balanced and limits the discomfort of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

3. Chillis - The natural compound capsaicin gives chillis their fire and triggers the brain to release feel-good neurotransmitters known as endorphins. Cilli may also improve sleep any daytime alertness. You need to eat 15g (that's one fresh green or red chili) daily.

4. Brazil nuts or crab - They are rich in mood-managing selenium, also found in fish, sunflower seeds, other nuts, meat, eggs and while grains. Studies link lower selenium intakes with a higher risk of depression and mood upsets. Women need 60mcg daily - finds in a handful of Brazil nuts or in 70g cooked crab.

5. Walnuts - Walnuts, linseeds and pumpkin seeds are best for omega-3s and monounsaturated fats, crucial for brain cell health and neuron communication. Nuts and seeds also pack in neurotransmitter building blocks selenium, magnesium, folic acid, iron and zinc. Top up intakes with a tablespoon or small handful as a snack, or sprinkle on porridge, yogurt, rice dishes or mixed leaf salads.

6. Porridge - It's good for Zen-like calm in the mornings, with its blood-sugar-stabilizing low-glycogenic index. The more steady the rise in blood glucose, the more stabile your mood is likely to be.

7. Tuna - It contains vitamin D, which helps with easing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a severe form of winter blues.

8. Honey - Fructose, the main sugar in honey, helps the body break down alcohol faster and reduce the hangover effects caused by alcohol-induced low blood-sugar levels. Two tablespoons of fructose-rich honey are recommended, on a slice of toast or in your porridge.

9. Asparagus - As a good starter or light lunch, it contains folic acid. Low blood levels of folic acid are linked to depressive disorders; it's needed for normal nerve function and make serotonin and dopamine. It's also essential for healthy red blood cells, so preventing mood and energy-sapping anemia.

10. Brown rice - Like other healthy wholegrain, brown rice not only adds mood-friendly G vitamins, including B6, to your diet - its special contribution is the neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), which has a calming effect on the nervous system. Brown rice also contains the amino acid glutamic acid, which the body uses to make GABA with the help of vitamin B6. Enjoy its nutty flavor in salads, stir-fries as a side dish.

11. Roast venison - Boost your iron intake with roast venison. A typical 120g serving provides 44 per cent of the RDA and a tiny 3g fat, plus plenty of protein and nervous system-maintaining B vitamins. One in four of us are at risk of iron deficiency, a cause of irritability, poor concentration and fatigue. Non-meat eaters can find iron in fortified cereals, pulses, nuts, leafy greens and dried figs.
Protein provides tyrosine, a building block for the alertness neurotransmitters dopamine and nor adrenaline.

12. Minestrone - Whether homemade or brought fresh from your local store, antioxidant-packed low-GI minestrone soup is ideal for keeping your appetite and blood-sugar levels in check and combating carbohydrate cravings that come with the winter blues.

13. Chocolate - It's the most popular mood-boosting food. The intense pleasure it gives comes from the stimulation of opioid neurotransmitters. Choose dark choc for a serious dose of antioxidants and 15 per cent of the RDA of copper, which helps build dopamine.

14. Mackerel - studies link low intakes of fish and long-chain omega-3 fats with a higher risk of depression, including post-natal. These omega-3 fats may help optimize brain cell communication and blood flow, and reduce inflammation, buffering the brain against low mood.
While oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon, trout, pilchards, herring and fresh tuna, are the richest sources, prawns, crab and lobster pack them in too.

15. Seaweed - treat yourself to some sushi rolls and enjoy a helping of Nori - their wrapping of sheets of seaweed. Seaweed is rich in iodine and selenium, which work together to keep your thyroid hormones, metabolism and mood in peak condition.

16. Bananas - This fruit provides 11 per cent of our RDA for magnesium and 14 per cent of the RDA for vitamin B6, which converts tyrosine into dopamine and noradrenalin. They also give us energizing carbohydrate. All this virtually fat-free happiness for just 95 calories.

17. Peanut Butter - This ultimate comfort food brims with magnesium needed for normal brain function.

18. Watercress mash - It's warming, filling and rich in vitamin C and folic acid, both essential for building mood-regulating neurotransmitters. This wonderful mash also packs in healthy carbohydrate, the brain's favorite fuel. To serve four, use two x 85g bags of watercress, 675g potatoes, plenty of black pepper, and a little low-fat milk. Adding a tablespoon of capers makes it an ideal partner for fish.

19. Eggs - Feeling fuddled and forgetful can easily trigger us into a bad mood. Eggs are a great source of chlorine, a building block of brain tissue, and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is important for memory and general mental functioning. One egg provides a quarter of the suggested daily intake, and also serves up your daily needs for vitamin B12, which works with folic acid.

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According to research, postnatal depression occurs in as many as 10 to 15 mothers for every 100 women giving birth. Its symptoms are similar to depression in which a person may feel low mood and aversion to different activities which could last for two weeks. This is very common but sometimes, mothers don't recognize the symptoms and instead wait for the symptoms to disappear but this could be more difficult for them.

Every mother is at risk for having postnatal depression. It is different from "baby blues" which is not treated and is often shorter. Having unresolved issues from your own childhood and a family who had a history of depression could be a risk for having the illness due to genetic factors. Unresolved issues from childhood could be a cause of depression and since there's a history, there is a greater chance that the illness would be triggered and go back after giving birth. Having an under-active thyroid may also be a cause of depression. However, the real cause of having this illness is still unknown.

A mother may be diagnosed as having postnatal depression when she cries very frequent for small upsets or for no obvious reason at times, longs for sleep but feeling unsatisfied every time she wakes up, has difficulty in sleeping even when the baby is asleep and has a feeling that she is not a good mother but sometimes hates herself or her baby. She easily gets irritated, has no sexual drive, has a feeling that she will not be able to cope up with activities such as housework and feels anxious most of the time. She may also lose appetite, think of negative thoughts of her unresolved childhood issues and feel tired, angry or hopeless most of the time. In serious cases, she may have suicidal thoughts and psychotic symptoms which could be very alarming.

Postnatal depression can be treated in the same way as depression. Drug treatment using antidepressants, counseling and involving in social activities are the different ways in treating postnatal depression. Talking to a doctor, midwife, health visitor or somebody about the problem is a great help. However, self-help medications can also relieve postnatal depression symptoms. Mothers can try to get enough sleep, eat and exercise regularly, relax, ask other persons to help them in doing their housework and they should never be afraid to tell their partners and family members about how they feel and if they have unresolved childhood issues. A lot of people are always ready to help.

Remember, people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable. Seek help.

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