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Congratulations on your new baby! Now that you have figured out diapers and breast-feeding and your energy is coming back, you are probably looking at your body and thinking, what happened? How do I get my body back? Are you wondering how to lose the baby weight instantly like Katie Holmes and Heidi Klum? Are you starting to get the baby blues? Thinking about a crash diet as a solution? Hang on for a moment before you do anything radical that requires a full time staff and thousands of dollars. You can get fit sensibly and not spend tons of money.

Adding a new member to your family that demands 24/7 care is a big adjustment. Where do movement and nutrition fit in? Since we are not all movie stars and super models, try not to hold yourself up to those standards. Instead, do your body recharge in a sensible, everywoman's way. A little can go a long way; just like cleaning your house, start with small reachable goals so that you set yourself up for success. After clearing the start of an exercise program with your doctor, you are ready to begin in a sensible way. (Most women can return to exercise four to six weeks after a vaginal birth or after bleeding has stopped; or 8-10 weeks after a cesarean with a physicians approval.)

Start by carving out time for your exercise. I know, you are wondering how to find the time and energy to exercise when you have a hard time just getting showered and out the door. You don't have time for coffee, let alone exercise at a gym. But, I'll bet you have a stroller or baby backpack. Walking with your baby is a great place to start. Put the baby or toddler in and hit the mall or the sidewalk. Your baby will be excited because it will give them some relaxation, fresh air and new things to look at. Start slow and move up to a faster pace and longer walks as you feel the pounds drop off and the worries slide off your shoulders.

If you are more of a workout-on-the-mat type of gal, don't worry about trying to arrange childcare; it is challenging enough to lose the baby weight. Use your baby in your workout. You and your baby can re-shape your body right from the comfort of your home, have fun doing it and reduce the stress you may feel about leaving baby behind. Exercising with your family gives you the opportunity to start on a healthful, daily life pattern that includes fitness and quality time as a family. (see sample exercises in box)

Continue the focus to get your body back by reactivating and building the pelvic floor, the transverses abdominis, the obliques and lumbo pelvic stability. If that is confusing lingo then think of all those muscles as your "core". You need to rebuild your core. A classical Pilates class is ideal for rebuilding your core for pre and post-natal women for the same reason it has been labeled an exercise program for a lifetime. It is a complete coordination of body-mind-spirit with a custom approach which ensures every client benefits from a workout tailored to their fitness level and their body's unique intricacies. Women have used Pilates worldwide to strengthen their pelvic area and stomach muscles.

If you have the luxury of leaving baby in the care of others take some "me" time. Try to relax your mind and workout in the moment. Your baby is in good hands, now take this time for yourself to take a class or walk the neighborhood. You will come back to your family more relaxed, able to give more, and be a better Mommy. Exercise is an antidepressant. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists promotes exercise as a key factor in the health of new Moms and a paper published recently in the Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health suggests that it offers benefits to help with postpartum depression.

Do not spend time on crazy, frustrating methods of losing weight. Some women think a crash diet is the way to go. Ever notice the word "Die" is in diet? Breast-feeding is your best diet because it burns calories, which helps in your weight loss efforts. If you are not breast-feeding then stick to sensible, whole foods that nourish your body without adding fat or non-nourishing calories. Cutting out whole food groups is never good for you because your body needs all food groups to be healthy, especially if your body is healing from giving birth and breast-feeding. If you are breast-feeding, you should be eating 1500 calories or more, or you could be short-changing you and the baby. Remember, you need whole, healthy foods to re-new, re-store, heal and re-energize your body.

Finally, do not depress yourself or hamper your progress by comparing yourself to others. Especially when you are up in the middle of the night with the baby, watching television, and you see the tabloid entertainment shows creating a spectacle of these high-profile women, who just bounce from the delivery room to supermodel shape overnight. You might be thinking, "What is wrong with me?" I have news for you. It isn't a realistic expectation, or a healthy one, for you to return to a "slim self" just days after giving birth. An important point to remember is that these women's jobs depend upon their body. Heidi Klum as a supermodel is required to keep her body in perfect condition no matter what it does to her or her babies. Actresses are also known for their bodies, it's sometimes all they have so they must keep in shape to keep on top of their game.

Laura Riley, M.D., a high risk pregnancy expert from Massachusetts General Hospital and spokeswomen for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states: "We don't have the kind of lifestyle that would allow for that kind of quick loss-and the sooner women recognize that, the better they will feel about themselves."

So, check out the ideas above, and check with your doctor and start a program today that fits your lifestyle. Pick a program that is true to you and your goals. Remove the supermodel images from your head. You have already run the marathon of pregnancy and delivery. You are already a SuperMommy. Make sure the program that you choose is something that honors you, and if it feels good doing it, you will maintain the program over the long term. Stay away from fitness gimmicks and muscle wrenching workouts that punish you into reaching your goals.

One final reminder, don't let a lapse derail your efforts and become a collapse. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment and no one is perfect at it. Lose the "all or nothing" attitude and instead focus on one day at a time.

Side Bar #1

Check out your local Community College. Most have a great mix of classes that will help you reach your goals. Our local college, Monroe County Community College has re-aligned their class mix to be forward thinking and inspiring the community to movement. Programs are affordable because you share the cost with a group of "like-minded" peers; the local public transportation system runs bus schedules to the college and they have a complete list of classes to help you with each aspect of getting your health and body back in order.

For example:

o Pilates, corrective exercise to help you re-align your posture and activate and strengthen your core;
o Yoga, to help you reduce stress, increase flexibility, and be a better self.
o Intuitive Eating will help you learn to eat healthy and intuitively without diets and will provide you with a program that the whole family will want to follow.
o Fitness Coaching will help you start an exercise routine, pick cardio sessions that aren't boring or help you get to that next level and win the triathlon.

The list at the college is endless to choose from. Start with the area that works best for you. To learn more about what Monroe County Community College has to offer call 734-242-7300 and request a Life Long Learning Catalog. Not in Monroe County? Look up your local college, call the administration office and inquire about their programs today.

Side Bar #2

Tips for Postpartum Moms

o Be physically active (at least 30 minutes) most days of the week
o Relax, breathe and enjoy this special moment in you life
o American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2007; 32[4], 305-11) found that a sound walking program may be what postpartum moms need. New moms who watch fewer than two hours of TV daily, walk 30 minutes or more per day and eat fewer trans fats are 77% less likely to retain the baby weight.
-- IDEA Fitness Journal July/ August 2007
o There are two main components that you are trying to accomplish.

1. Restoring your abdominal muscles and core strength...Pilates is an excellent choice for this.
2. Dynamic stability: I know this is a little odd, but you just passed an object the size of a large eggplant.

You have loose joints, weakened abs, etc. After pregnancy it is very easy to exercise out of alignment. You need to learn how to properly position your body's alignment so that you develop core strength, healthy spinal function and prevent injury. Pilates wins the vote again to accomplish this.
o How do you pick a movement program that is right for you at the different stages of getting your body back?

Consider the following:

o Start with bonding, where you, and baby exercise together.
o Include total body workouts, do movements that work your entire body.
o Consider practicality, a workout that is tailored to meet your needs so that you don't have the fear of wetting your pants forever.
o Gradually increase your intensity, start out easy and make it harder as you get stronger.

Sidebar #3

Here are two short workout sessions to try: (Be sure your doctor has released you for exercise first) 30 minute indoor workout:

o You and baby need to move around the house for about 10 minutes.
Have fun and walk briskly until you feel warm.
o Lay your baby down on a blanket.

Position yourself so that you can do kneeling push-ups over the baby. Each time you lower your body, give your baby a kiss, As you lift up, give your baby a smile. Do this for 2 minutes.

o From your hands and knees (all fours position) lift your hips toward the sky and step into the position where your hands and feet are on the ground, and your body is over your baby (downward facing dog).
You will still be gazing into your baby's eyes and you get a good stretch through the posterior side of your body (back side)
Remember! Your abdominals should still be hugging your spine to protect your low back.
Hold this for about 2 minutes.

o Dance with your baby to children's music for 16 minutes and you have a 30-minute workout in.

30 minute outdoor workout:

o Start on your hands and knees (all fours position), starting at the tailbone, arch your back up to the sky one vertebra at a time.

Starting at the tailbone, reverse the arch to a "sway back" one vertebra at time. (Cat & Cow)
This articulation of the spine is coming from using your abdominal muscles, not your legs or arms. Inhale into cow and exhale into cat. (About 10 cycles). Use your breath to help you work deeper into your abdominals. Do this for one minute.

o Lying on your back with bent knees and feet close to your bottom, arms long at your side.
Inhale and lift your hips to the sky and then exhale and roll down bone by bone. (Shoulder Bridge)
Insure that your abdominals are hugging your spine while you do this (no pouching of the belly)

o Lying on your back with legs bent Inhale, roll back tucking your tail and snapping each vertebra to the mat. Roll from your tailbone to your bra strap and then progress to rolling from your sacrum to lying flat. Hold onto the back of the legs and allow the spine to peel and articulate on and off the mat. Inhale to prepare and exhale to scoop your abdominals and lift up (Modified Roll Up) Lying on your back with bent knees Inhale and lift the head off of the mat, Exhale and crease at your sternum with the tips of your shoulder blades on the mat, shoulders open, Slide your arms along the mat, keep your eyes on your navel, (Neck Curls) Return to the mat-- lengthening through the crown of your head. As you curl up, ensure that your abdominals are pulling in and up.

o Standing flat on your feet, sweep your arms up to the sky. Bend your knees to protect your low back and bend at the hips until your hands reach the ground. Try and straighten your legs as much as your flexibility will allow. (Forward Fold). Inhale, bends your knees and return to standing, exhale bends your knees and forward fold. Always be mindful of what your abdominals are doing.

o Turn so that you are facing away from the stroller handle then reach back for the bar and give yourself a big stretch through your chest. (Chest Expansion)

o Out for an interval walk with the baby and stroller: 5 minutes of walking at an easy pace, 5 minutes of walking at a brisk pace, 5 minutes of walking at an easy pace, 5 minutes of walking at a brisk pace

o Do 2 minutes of walking lunges behind the stroller

o 2 minutes of holding your baby, peaceful relaxation outdoors

Side Bar #4

Food suggestions and tips:

o Limit caffeine to no more than 300 mg per day. Better yet, reduce it further (March of Dimes 2007)
o Avoid alcohol if breast-feeding. If you must, please drink only a moderate amount and wait 3 hours before you breast feed (LaLeche League International 2006)
o Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
o No smoking
o Also, talk with your doctor about continuing with a DHA supplement and prenatal vitamin while you are breast feeding
o The LaLeche League's philosophy is "Good nutrition means a well-balanced and varied diet of foods in as close to their natural state as possible" Eat fresh and healthy food in a variety of choices. Anything you are happy to eat is okay while you are breast-feeding.
o A healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grain and lean protein is important for any person. It gives a mother the nutrition's to produce milk for her baby as well.
o The most important thing is to start small, for example reading labels and looking for foods with no high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils or colored dyes. Once you have this mastered, think about offering more than one vegetable choice at dinner (green leafy salad (no iceberg) and a steamed vegetable of choice), then move to only purchasing whole grains, etc.
o With simple steps paced out over time it is less overwhelming, you gravitate toward healthier and healthier choices over time

Sample menu from the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid for a 1200-1500 calorie diet.
o Breakfast:
o 1 medium banana,
o 1 cup bran cereal,
o 1 cup fat free milk,
o Herbal tea.
o Lunch:
o Tuna salad sandwich (tuna, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, ½ teaspoon of curry, chopped celery) top with leaf lettuce,
o 2 slices of whole grain bread,
o 2 cups of raw baby carrots, jicama and bell pepper strips,
o 1 small apple
o Water.
o Dinner:
o 3 oz of boiled cod sprinkled with juice of 1 lemon wedge
o 1 teaspoon drained and rinsed capers,
o ¾ cup steamed green beans,
o ½ cup sliced beets,
o Salad made with 1 cup of variety of green leaf lettuce, ½ cup cherry tomatoes, splash of balsamic vinegar and 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
o Sparkling water with lemon.
o Snack: 1 small pear and 1 ounce of cheese

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If you think you're pregnant, congratulations! You will not think about it if you have not felt any of the pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy is a memorable experience for a woman in which she has to prepare her body for the big changes. The early signs of pregnancy can bring you sense of excitement but anxiety at the same time knowing that you might encounter some or all of the most unwanted pregnancy symptoms. However, these signs are just the body's way to adjust itself from the changes brought by pregnancy.

Here are some of the unusual pregnancy symptoms that you might encounter:

Constipation might be experienced if you lack fluid on your body. This may due to the growing size of your belly that compresses your rectum giving you the difficulty to pass your stool, or may also due to the process by which they take out all the available nutrients to supply it to your baby which slows down your digestive tract. Pain on your belly button may also happen during pregnancy. This is due to the pressure if the growing uterus on your abdomen. This symptom usually appears on the second trimester and subsides around third trimester.

If you think food craving is very common, you may also experience the loss of appetite. Some women tend to eat less but some just don't have the appetite. It is a good sign if you develop this symptom to unhealthy foods so that you will not worry about losing weight after pregnancy. However, if this sign of pregnancy make you eat less than your daily required nutrients, you have to consult your doctor.

During pregnancy, some pregnant women experience increased salivation. The rationale behind this is the occurring hormonal changes. Increased cervical fluid may also become evident any time of the day and may come whitish and mild smelling discharge. This is considered as a usual pregnancy symptom because your body is just getting rif of the bacteria from your vagina. Don't forget to your feminine hygiene to avoid infection.

During pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms may also manifest through your skin. You may notice extra skin that dangles from any parts of your body such as in your underarms. In addition, you might also feel itchiness all round your body. This is not a common pregnancy symptom but this may happen if you have cholestasis prior to pregnancy. Cholestasis is a liver disorder, which can have pose danger to your unborn baby.

Other women may also experience a metallic taste in their mouth during the first weeks of pregnancy. Spider veins are also one of the most unwanted signs of pregnancy that is due to the increased blood flow during pregnancy. In addition, the increased amounts of the hormone oestrogen and blood flow can also cause nasal congestion.

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For any woman who has had a child, pregnancy can be a great experience excluding of course the nauseating pain that comes with child birth, but then that is an aside considering they have just brought a brand new life into the world. The problem is the pain is not the only side effect of a pregnancy, there is some degree of hair loss involved which is more of a postnatal effect as is well known by many mothers. Somewhere around 50% of women will experience this hair loss at some point in time after child birth. This usually happens within a one to five months period after child birth whereby in or around the third month is where in most cases the effect is really felt. This of course is a very distasteful situation and extremely unnerving especially since this affects their looks and their mood. What is even worst is when the person is a new or even worst yet a young mother which increases their rate for postnatal depression and lowering their self esteem.

What is the cause?

Hormones! Just that, hormones, the increase and/or loss of hair when it comes to pregnant women and new mothers is usually due to the flux in the level of female hormones, which basically is known as estrogen. Within the term of pregnancy most women would experience an increase in their scalp hair, which is because at this time there is a surplus of estrogen being pumped around the body. This causes their metabolisms to be sped up and nutrients spread to everywhere in the body including the scalp causing the increase in scalp hair.

After child birth however is the complete opposite whereby there is a decrease in estrogen in the body to return the body to its normal levels that it was before the pregnancy therefore resulting in what we deem, hair loss. Basically since the extra nutrients in the scalp can not be provided by the hormones anymore there is nothing to support the increase in hair therefore the hair gained falls out. There are also other causes that add to pack when it relates to this type of hair loss like discontinuing the use of contraceptives, miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion and hormonal imbalance resulting from various reasons.

Most women fortunately do not have to worry considering this effect is only temporary and most come out of this problem without even taking any treatment for it since the body does the work for itself. There is however some cases whereby the hair loss continues after the predetermined period and becomes something to worry about especially if the person was already afflicted with very thin hair in the first place. No real need to worry though since there are treatment options available to help out in form of hair care and hair nutrition which are the major factors in promoting healthy hair after child birth.

Hair Care

Proper hair care has been found to be in this case a major helper in the restoration of the hair to a thicker and lusher growth. Some of these methods however should be avoided during this time though because they put too much stress on the scalp such as pigtails, cornrows, hair weaves and braids. Using tight hair rollers is also not recommended. The application of essential oils is also helpful as they promote healthy hair growth which may include lavender, neroli, patchouli and sandalwood. Shampoos and conditioners containing biotin and silica are also advisable options available. What should also be noted is that wet hair should not be rubbed hard since the hair is usually brittle at this time.


As with all others symptoms the body may experience a healthy diet is always the way to go and especially so for hair loss after pregnancy. Foods like fruit and vegetables are usually the most ideal for the promotion of healthy hair and growth. Also along with you doctor advice which he/she can advise you to a prescription of nutritional supplements which can include Vitamin B, Vitamin, C, Vitamin E and zinc which an excellent source of nutrients for the hair.

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Are you a new mom looking for help in adjusting to your new, stressful situation? Feeling unsure of your skills at caring for a newborn? Sad? Weepy? This article will provide some tips and guidance to help you cope and there are links at the bottom of this article to direct you to a website that can provide more detailed postpartum depression treatment options.

Postpartum Depression (aka -- post natal depression or 'baby blues') affects new moms usually within the first few days or weeks after giving birth. It is a form of clinical depression and can last for a week, months or even a year in some cases.

Child birth can be a challenging time for expectant mothers, both physically and emotionally. Mood swings are very common immediately after giving birth -- feeling joyful at one moment and depressed the next. When this depression lasts for an extended time, it is referred to as postpartum depression and requires a detailed treatment.

Some of the common symptoms associated with this condition are feeling sad, being constantly fatigued, or having eating problems, sleep issues, anxiety and irritability. A number of women recover from baby blues immediately in within a week's time with or without the help of some counseling. Others need professional treatment.

Postpartum depression usually goes undetected and undiagnosed. Effective treatment requires early identification and adequate diagnosis. The first step in alleviating this condition is acknowledging the symptoms. Mothers with this condition may feel that they are bad mothers and are hesitant to seek help.

Mild forms of postpartum depression are treated with the help of just counseling and support from family. Women with moderate and severe form of depression may need both counseling and medications.

Prescription medication known as antidepressants may also help relieve postpartum depression symptoms especially in conjunction with counseling or therapy depending on the severity of the condition. Both partners can be included in the treatment process because it is important for the male partner to understand what's happening and be tolerant of his partner's feelings. The treatments and recovery associated with any kind of depression depends on the extent of the depression.

Medicines like antidepressants relieve the symptoms of depression. Certain types of antidepressants are proven safe to take at the time of breastfeeding. Your doctor is the best person to decide which treatment will work best for you.

A possible cause for these feelings is hormonal imbalance. Women who have experienced depression before pregnancy are more at risk and should discuss this issue with their doctors well before their due dates. Hormone treatments may be an option for a swift recovery though their effectiveness may be limited.

Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT helps in understanding things. Emotional support helps in solving problems and in setting and achieving goals.

Focusing on the short-term goals which can be achieved rather than thinking on long-term goals may also help relieve feelings of inadequacy as well as self-critical talk. Sharing feelings with your partner, families, and friends will also help in achieving a more positive outlook.

Look for inexpensive activities like reading, walking, visiting a place of worship, etc. The less isolated you are the better you'll feel. Avoiding stressful situations during pregnancy and love and care from family and loved ones will help in the long run.

With proper treatment baby blues can be conquered. Postpartum depression treatment works. One needs to acknowledge the condition and follow the treatment map set by your doctor for a speedy recovery.

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Bipolar disorder information is an area where there is a great deal of confusion. People will often say that someone is "bipolar" when they mean that they have various changes of moods. It is a phrase that is over abused and often not used properly. People may have major depression or a different diagnosis. Sometimes there are specific family dynamics which causes extreme emotional reactions which is a different situation than a diagnosis of manic-depressive disorder.

It is also known as manic-depressive illness. This disorder causes unusual shifts in mood, activity levels, energy, and a person's ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Sometimes symptoms are severe. Changes in mood and energy are not the normal ups and downs that everyone experiences at some point in life. This illness can cause damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and hospitalizations. Many people diagnosed with manic-depressive illness who have sought treatment can have productive lives.

Can you recognize the symptoms? Armed with some background and correct bipolar disorder information, yes you can. Individuals affected by the illness experience unusually intense emotional states. These states occur in marked periods that are called "mood episodes." A manic episode occurs when the person is in an overly joyful or excited state. A depressive episode occurs when an individual is extremely sad or feels relentless hopelessness. In some cases, a mood episode includes both depression and mania symptoms. This is referred to as a "mixed state." Some individuals may have a dominance of the sense of hopelessness or sense of being excited. People affected by bipolar disorder can be irritable or explosive during a mood episode and may seem irrational.

Along with specific mood changes, those suffering with this illness experience extreme changes in sleep, energy, activity, and behavior. In some cases, instead of mood episodes, they will experience a long-lasting period of unstable moods. Symptoms can surface for most of the day, almost each day, or for a week or two before a break period occurs. There are instances where symptoms are so severe that the affected person is unable to function normally at home, work, or school. This can lead to hospitalizations.

Proper treatment through medication and counseling helps most individuals gain various degrees of control over symptoms. Insight is also gained so that one can understand when the episodes are beginning to help manage the inner states and prevent episodes.

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Changes in hormone levels after childbirth can profoundly affect the emotions. In most women, emotional swings - the "baby blues" - last only a few days, but in others they lead to more prolonged, serious condition called postnatal depression.

Baby blues

The "baby blues" are mood swings caused by hormonal changes. In all likelihood this period of feeling low one minute and euphoric the next will not last beyond the first week but you still need a lot of support to get you through it.

Maybe the "baby blues" are a natural sign to those around you that you need time and space to come to terms with being a mother.

Your hormones, progesterone and oestrogen, will have been high during pregnancy. After you have had your baby, these hormone levels drop and your body may find it difficult to adjust.

This can have a marked effect on your emotions. With this, and the fact that you are probably completely exhausted from the labour and lack of sleep, it is not at all surprising that you may not be feeling on top of the world.

Postnatal depression

If symptoms that started out as the common "baby blues" do not go away and in fact, start to become worse, you could be suffering from postnatal depression.

There are many reasons why postnatal depression occurs. It depends on you as a person, your personal circumstances and the way your baby behaves. The following risk factors may make you more susceptible to postpartum depression -

  • If you enjoyed a senior position at work or high-flying career before the birth, it can be difficult to adjust to the status changed.

  • If you already have difficulties in your relationship, the baby may make them worse; this in itself may lead to disillusionment and low self-esteem.

  • If you had an unexpectedly difficult birth experience, you could easily feel demoralized and feel that you have failed in some way.

  • If you have had depression in the past, you are more prone to it now.

  • A very demanding, sleepless baby can trigger it from sheer exhaustion.

  • If you have particularly difficult living conditions and no support network, this can exacerbate postnatal depression.

  • If you have bottled up your emotions and not sought help early on, postnatal depression may develop.

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Postpartum or postnatal depression is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that occur in a mother after giving birth. Depression may occur in women at during the pregnancy or after the delivery of the child.

Postpartum depression occurs after delivery because of the hormonal changes in a woman's body. About 70-80% of woman experience this, and it may appear within days of delivery or within a year.

During pregnancy, the levels of two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, rise greatly. In the first 24 hours after childbirth, these rapidly drop back to their normal non-pregnant levels. Researchers think that this fast change in hormone levels may trigger depression, just as smaller changes in hormones can affect a woman's moods before the menstrual cycle. Also, drops in the levels of thyroid hormones which helps to regulate metabolism is responsible for prompting depression.

The amount of blood in the body, the blood pressure, the immune system and metabolism all change after giving birth. These changes affect how one feels physically and emotionally, causing fatigue or mood swings. There is no exact cause known for depression after childbirth, but it's likely that physical, emotional and lifestyle factors all play a role.

Often, the depression is not recognized or treated, because some normal pregnancy changes cause similar symptoms and are happening at the same time. Tiredness, problems sleeping, stronger emotional reactions, and changes in body weight occur during and after pregnancy. But these symptoms may also be signs of depression.

The major causes include a family history of depression or substance abuse, little support from family and friends, anxiety about the fetus, problems with a previous pregnancy or birth, marital or financial problems, young age of mother, feeling tiredness after delivery, broken sleep patterns, feeling less attractive, and doubting one's ability to be a good mother.

Sometimes, women think they have to be the perfect "super mom," which can add stress. Having to stay home or indoors for longer periods of time and having less time to spend with one?s husband or partner and loved ones also results in depression.

There is a difference between baby blues and postpartum depression. Baby blues can happen in the days right after childbirth and normally go away within a few days to a week, whereas postpartum depression can happen anytime within the first year after childbirth and needs to be treated by a doctor.

Talk therapies and anti-depressant medicines are the best ways to overcome and avoid this depression. Taking a nap when the baby does, asking for help from family members and friends, and talking with other moms definitely helps. Keeping a diary to note down emotions and feelings also works as a vent.

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The most trying time for new parents is night time. Often your child will stay up all night or only sleep in little bits at a time. Baby care can be difficult for new parents and there are some skills parents must use to keep their sanity. The most important skill in taking care of a baby is being able to put him/her to sleep through the night so you can get some sleep. Stressed out over tired parents tend to not provide the best baby care.

I have three children and was able to have each of them to begin sleeping through the night at two weeks old. I was new to babies, I am the youngest therefore never had to take care of any babies. Friends and family would always provide baby care pointers and some of them had merit while many of them were just nonsense.

One pointer I received to have my children sleep through the night was to put a little bit of whiskey in their bottle. This, of course, is absolutely absurd and I would never follow this baby care technique.... Neither should you. This is how I got all three of my children to sleep through the night beginning at two weeks old.

1. Have a Consistent Bed Time Schedule

Babies, like children crave schedules. It's important to them and makes them comfortable. All parents that I know who have babies that do not sleep well do not have a set bed time. An important baby care pointer is to always put your bed to bed at the same time every single night. If you are out and about, put your baby in a quiet area and put them to sleep.

2. Have a Consistent Bed Time Routine

Again, babies require routine. If you give your baby a bath every night, make sure you do it around the same time every night. If you give your baby a bath every other day... be sure to do it every other day. Always read your baby a story before bedtime. This is a great baby care pointer because not only does it introduce reading to your baby, it also begins having you set the habit. It also, of course provides a baby care routine.

3. Adhere to a Feeding Schedule

Most infants need to be fed every 2 - 3 hours. Now, I understand 2 or three hours is not a good night sleep for you or your partner and you'd be right. But feeding your baby on a consistent basis throughout the days show your baby that food is always available and they will begin to know when to expect it. Always make sure you feed your baby 20 minutes before bed time.

4. Playtime Before Feeding

Baby care is much more than just caring for your baby. It is also stimulating and teaching your baby. Playing with your baby about 30 minutes before that last bottle will help wear your baby out and teach them coordination.

5. Putting Your Infant To Bed

Here is the most difficult baby care pointer to stick with. Putting your infant to bed, especially if you rare a first time parent, can be difficult. They will cry. It is okay for a him/her to cry and many doctors believe it is good for their cardiovascular system. Do not go and grab your baby. You are showing you care, by trying to establish a schedule. If baby cries for more than 20 minutes, time it, go and check your baby's diaper. Swaddle him/her nice and snug and leave them room. A nice tight swaddle will make your baby feel secure.

If you follow these baby care pointers on putting your baby to sleep you and your baby should begin sleeping through the night in no time.

More baby care pointers can be found at http://www.babycarepointers.com.

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For a very long time, I believed that anxiety and depression are illnesses that "just happen", something that we do not have any control over. I am thankful now for the increased awareness that there is not an external reason for what happens to us physically, rather we are the creators of our life. This knowledge gives us greater control over our lives and allows us to challenge limiting beliefs that we hold.

Increased adrenalin prepares our body for the "flight or fight" response. This causes us to experience physical symptoms. When the perceived danger disappears, the physical symptoms also disappear. Think about when you are watching a scary film, your fear (flight or fight response) returns to normal once the film has ended. If however stress continues over a long period of time, the increased adrenalin can cause complications. For some people this results in anxiety, depression, insomnia and various other conditions.

When I suffered from post natal anxiety I experienced a few panic attacks but mostly it was generalised anxiety. The physical and mental symptoms were quite extreme, including breathlessness, shaking, tingling sensations, constipation, extreme insomnia to name but a few. These symptoms were all a result of the increased adrenalin in my system.

The biggest problem with prolonged anxiety is that your body starts to believe that this increased level of adrenalin is the norm and the body resets itself to produce this amount of adrenalin. As we go about our daily lives we have the fight or flight response when doing completely "normal" activities i.e. shopping, going out, in the house. What is our response to this? We start to adapt our lives in many ways to avoid the "perceived" danger. But it is danger that does not exist, well only in our mind. We can see why many people attempt to use behavioural approaches successfully to re-train the mind.

The irrational thinking can quickly escalate out of control. The thoughts can continue to a level that is disturbing to anyone. This can very easily lead to feeling depressed, depressed at the inability to control the anxiety. With very few options available it is no surprise that many people take anti-depressant medication.

The adrenal glands also produce steroids including corticosterone. People who are depressed tend to have high levels of these steroids. Basically as was described with the adrenalin, the feedback loop is out of control and the body continues to produce these excess levels. People can get stuck because the feelings get retained in the memory. To break the feedback loop you have to stop sending the message to produce more steroids and reduce the chemical levels in the body.

It is also understood that serotonin levels (neurochemical) are low within people who are feeling depressed. Anti-depressant drugs can be used to block the re-uptake mechanism, allowing excess serotonin to flood receptors, aiming to correct the imbalance.

My own experience is that antidepressants are a short-term fix when there does not appear to be an alternative option. They do not cure, they are like a plaster and the wound still needs to be healed when you remove the plaster.

Top tips

  • Look to eliminate or reduce all stress in your life.

  • Avoid sugar in your diet, try to keep your blood sugar levels steady.

  • Take control of your mind rather than letting it control you!

  • The Law of Attraction teaches us the importance of what we think and speak about. We will attract more of this in to our lives. It is therefore very important to become aware of the way you think and speak so that you don't attract more of this in to your life. Start writing affirmations etc that will help to challenge the irrational thoughts. The quicker you can reduce your adrenalin levels you will start to feel better.

  • Make a list of all the things that you have adapted, avoided because of your irrational fears. The sooner that you return to everyday activities without adapting because of irrational fears the quicker life will return to normal for you.

  • Find activities that will help you to relax and divert your mind, watching TV does not work! Something that will help you to focus your mind will help.

  • Think carefully about taking antidepressants whilst they can be useful for a short-term fix, it is worth noting that no studies have been carried out as to the effect that these medications can have on other areas of our body.

  • Be aware that our body has a natural way of producing all the hormones that we need, we just need to know how!

  • Serotonin can be increased naturally through a healthy lifestyle including diet, exercise, laughter, sex and reducing stress levels.

  • Most of all never believe that there is an external factor causing your illness or believe that you need medication to manage your life longer-term. This will mean you live your life in fear, fear of it returning! Fear of not being able to control it again.

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I started my placenta research in August 2008 when I found I was pregnant with my second child. I was mostly interested in finding new ways to increase my breastmilk supply because I struggled the first time around. Unusual holistic healing traditions interest me greatly so I began to study the uses for placenta around the world. I was most interested in the dehydration and encapsulation method called placenta encapsulation which seemed the most modern and un-invasive way to benefit from the placenta.

Two women, who I met through a natural mothers' group offered me the chance to experiment with their placentas in attempt to make my first capsules. One of the mothers had suffered severely from post-natal depression after the birth of her first child and felt she would try anything to avoid those symptoms from returning. The encapsulations were a total success, and, both women couldn't recommend it enough. They said they felt happier, more in control, had a plentiful milk supply, bled less and never felt overwhelmed or anxious.

I gave birth to my son on 21st March 2009, at home in water and used my placenta in many ways. Within minutes if its' birth, I placed a small piece of the raw placenta inside my lip (on my gums) and allowed the hormones and nutrients to be absorbed into my body immediately. This was done to stop post-natal bleeding. When the placenta detaches from the uterine wall it leaves a large bleeding wound that takes time and much nutrients and hormones to heal. The placenta is packed with rich growth factors called cytokines that stimulate cell mitosis or cell division, the making of new cells, essential when healing the body and for repair and regeneration of damaged tissue. However after birth new mothers are depleted of the normal levels of growth factors in their body and need extra help to heal their torn body.

One hour after birth my mother blended a raw placenta smoothie made with organic berry fruits and about a palm sized piece of raw placenta. Within 10 hours my milk had 'come-in' and my bleeding had nearly stopped. My midwife was amazed at these results and astounded with the amount of energy I had after birth. I encapsulated the remains of my placenta which I took 1-3 times a day for about 4 months. I called them my "happy pills".

I became inspired by this lost tradition. I began to research the uses for the placenta in history and found that many midwives all around the world used the placenta for different healing purposes during pregnancy, birth and post-natal. According to a book called Jacques Gelis in History of Childbirth: Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern Europe, by Jacques Gelis, there were 'placenta apothecaries' in the 1700's who used human placenta powder to assist midwives with difficult births; it seemed to help repel the baby or placenta if labour had slowed or halted. In some cultures the placenta was placed directly onto the newborn to allow the healing heat energy to be absorbed into the newborn. The placenta can also be used this way to cure very bad skin conditions such as dermatitis, writes Cornelia Enning in Placenta: The Gift of Life.

The Western world began to lose recognition of the placenta in the mid 1800's when male doctors took over and interrupted natural birthing traditions. Once Gynaecology and Obstetrics were invented, birthing women were strapped to tables, put to sleep with ether cones and babies ripped from their wombs. Any ancient placenta healing methods were lost. Midwives were burned at the stake for being 'witches', changing birth forever. Male doctors found the placenta repulsive and thought if the mother ate her placenta she was likely to eat her own baby. Even farmers began to remove the placenta from their animals before the new mother had a chance to ingest it. The placenta became non-existent and is still today regularly wasted, sent for incineration by the hospitals.

I like to encourage women to use the placenta the way nature intends it - after birth to heal the body and bring fresh nutrients to the mother and her baby through breast milk.

What bewilders me the most is that most UK ante-natal classes and birth preparation workshops focus so much attention on the baby after birth. But what about the new mother? Everything is sore and tender, including our emotions? Birth can be very traumatic, both emotionally and physically and new mothers do not expect to feel so depleted after birth. Expecting mothers are warned of slight baby blues but are not made aware of the actual physical consequence birth has on the body. I find it sad that so many negative symptoms are referred to as 'normal' for women to suffer from after birth. With low energy, no sleep, low iron levels, irregular hormones and fewer female family members nearby to assist a new, healing mother, it's no wonder 1 in 10 women in this country suffer from post-natal depression. I feel determined to promoting the use of the placenta to put an end to this unnecessary post-birth misery. I believe the placenta is what nature gave us to heal, a new mother's personal healing gift from her baby.

I am passionate about the benefits of the placenta. I truly believe the placenta holds the key to a quicker, more natural post-birth recovery. Our clients are regular mums who have said they don't think their post-birth experience would have been as positive if it wasn't for their placenta capsules. My aim is simply to inform women that placenta encapsulation is a possibility, as most people aren't even aware it exists.

The Gift of Life, Cornelia Enning Birth: The surprising History of how we are born, Tina Cassidy History of Childbirth: Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern Europe, Jacques Gelis (this book has an entire chapter dedicated to the Placenta)

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Hair loss after pregnancy is something that women who have given birth often experience. In fact, more than 50 percent of women experience this loss of hair problem at some stage during their pregnancy and after -- though most occur between one to five months after giving birth. Obviously, this is not a pleasant experience to have for these women, as it will affect their looks, mood and self confidence. It is worse enough that most women have to deal with post-natal depression, this additional problem could really add more salt to the wound.

The loss of hair in pregnant women and new mothers are commonly caused by the changing level of hormones, especially the estrogen. During pregnancy, most will experience an increase in the scalp hair. This is due to the increase of estrogen levels in the system, which improves the supply of nutrients to the body. When the body receives enough nutrients, it can promote hair growth.

However, estrogen levels in the body will decrease after giving birth - mostly back to their normal level. When this happens, hair loss is expected to occur. The discontinuing use of contraceptives, abortion, miscarriage and hormonal imbalance could also contribute the loss of hair.

Those that suffer hair loss after pregnancy usually have nothing to worry about, as this is usually just a temporary problem. In many cases, the problem can go away without the need to take any medication or treatment at all. This is especially true for women who are blessed with naturally thick hair. However, it is still encouraged to take supplements to promote hair growth after pregnancy.

Caring for the hair is also recommended after pregnancy. Do not go with hair style that involves putting stress on the hair, such as pigtails, hair weaves, cornrows and braids. Tight hair rollers are best avoided during this critical moment. Apply essential oils like sandalwood and lavender to promote hair growth naturally. It is also advisable to use hair shampoos and conditioners that contain silica and biotin.

To keep the hair healthy after pregnancy, don't forget to live a healthier lifestyle and watch what you eat. Fresh fruits and vegetables should definitely be on your daily menu. They are the kind of food that can promote healthy hair growth. Don't forget to consume natural supplements that contain Vitamin B, C and E as well.

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A state of low spirits felt by most people at some time in their lives, but which becomes an illness if prolonged or severe. Frequently a cause can be recognized, but sometimes the symptoms just develop without obvious cause. About 2 per cent of the populations get depressed each year to the point of needing medical help. Recent work suggests that women between the ages of 20 and 45are particularly vulnerable, especially if they have become isolated from their usual confidants by the presence of a young family or death of a mother.


繚 Lack of interest in normal activities.

繚 A feeling of worthlessness.

繚 Poor performance at work.

繚 Frequent crying, often for no reason.

繚 Loss of appetite, concentration and memory.

繚 Lack of energy.

繚 Fear of disappointment.

繚 Incapability to control expenditure or eating.

繚 Disturbed sleep, often with a tendency to wake early in the morning and stay awake.

繚 Mood variations, sometimes with improvement as the day progress.

繚 If severe, there is a risk of suicide.


If depression is ignored or severe, it may lead to:

繚 Suicide.

繚 Substance abuse.

繚 Alcoholism.

繚 Anxiety.

繚 Heart problems.

繚 Weight problems.

繚 Work-related problems.

繚 Family conflicts.

繚 Interpersonal difficulties.

繚 Social separation and loneliness.


繚 Depression may last from a few days to many months. Initially it may seem to get worse, but even without treatment most cases will eventually get better.


繚 It is often brought on by some major event in a person's life such as bereavement, divorce or loss of employment. Sometimes job failure follows, rather than precedes, the depression.

繚 Some people get repeated attacks for no obvious reason and these often alternate with times of over activity.

繚 Many women feel depressed because of their menstrual period.


A mild form of mania with extreme restlessness and elation occurring in someone who may also suffers from depression. Unusually excessive energy and restlessness causes insomnia. Behavior may be bizarre, with the sufferer dressing flamboyantly, being excessively generous or grossly overspending. In severe cases, the patient may become confused and behavior become so antisocial that admission to the hospital is required.

Treatment in the Home

繚 Encourage the sufferer to carry on a normal life.

繚 Reassure the depressed person that he or she is loved and needed.

繚 Remember that depression gets better in time. Previous personal experience of getting through a depression will often help the patient's understanding.

When to Consult the Doctor

繚 If the illness has lasted more than two weeks without improvement.

繚 If the depressed person cannot cope.

繚 If suicide is considered a possibility.

What the Doctor may do

繚 Take a careful history and discuss the problems and possible solutions.

繚 Prescribe small quantities of drugs or psychotherapy.

繚 Refer the patient to a psychiatrist if the depression is severe, particularly if there is talk suicide.

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Pole fitness is a great form of exercise. Women all over the world are addicted to this amazing form of exercise. This activity which until 12 years ago only occurred in gentleman's clubs is now taking place in dance studios, gyms and people homes. It is extremely popular as a form of exercise. It is a combination of dance, acrobatics and gymnastics. But why are so many women addicted to this form of exercise, why are so many women poleaholics?

There are perhaps a number of reasons why it is such a popular form of exercise. Perhaps the challenge of a new and exciting sport, the improvement in body image and shape, endorphin release and perhaps the attraction of doing something that is seen by some as a little risque are why this exercise is so popular.

Just like with other forms of exercise there are a range of physical and emotional benefits for health. Exercise is essential to a persons well-being. Endorphins are released during exercise, the endorphins produce a general state of well-being and can produce feelings of euphoria. Exercise can help people recover from mild depression quicker and good mental health is correlated with participating in exercise as people age. Cardiovascular exercise helps to release endorphins and induce a mood high. Pole dancing is a form of cardiovascular exercise and helps to improve peoples mood. This explains why some ladies have recovered from post natal depression and anorexia. The life's of many women have indeed improved due to the release of endorphins produced from participating in pole fitness. The benefit to a persons mood is what encourages a person to continue with this form of exercise and then become addicted.

Many ladies who take up pole fitness have never taken part in exercise before so these ladies see a vast improvement in body shape and in turn body image. The cardiovascular element of this sport burns calories and in turn ladies can lose weight. The strength element of this dance form tones ladies arms, abdominals, bottoms and legs. The improved body shape and image keeps them coming back for more.

Body image is also improved as ladies become used to seeing themselves in a mirror whilst wearing only hot pants and a vest top. They are surrounding by other women with the same lumps and bumps all wearing the same attire. They see that they are exactly the same as everyone else. Thus improving the image of themselves.

Wearing pole dancing shoes to this dance class means that it does not feel like they are taking part in exercise. The platform and heel gives the illusion of longer leaner legs, again another way in which this form of exercise makes ladies feel good about themselves.

There is a huge social aspect to these sessions. Women meet new people from all walks of life. Many make new friends that they keep for life. Whilst at an aerobics session women are too tired to chat, at pole sessions women often chat to one another in between goes on the pole. This creates a friendly atmosphere where girls encourage each other along and cheer and clap when someone perfects a move or gets it for the first time.

Ladies are perhaps both attracted to and shy of starting this new exercise regime due to the stigma which is attached to the dance form. Ladies are shy to start and some are totally repelled from the idea of staring this form due to the perceived risquenature. However those that take the plunge realise that whilst learning it is far from attractive. Women are covered in bruises and often look like baby elephants when first attempting new moves. That is not very sexy at all.

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There is no argument about the fact that expectant mothers go through a tough nine months of pregnancy. Their bodies experience vast changes which can last up until the time they are able to wean their babies from breast milk. Sadly, during this long time, nobody really considers the father.
He is expected to play his part, but often feels helpless, able to do little more than cook a meal or give a massage. Things can be made even more difficult if his partner is suffering the effects of her raging hormones, and he may end up feeling that he can't do right for doing wrong - no matter how hard he may try.

In dad forums we can read how the expectant father feels: excited, scared, worried, amazed; again, fathers can enumerate a whole range of emotions he may feel. But how do these feelings affect a man physically? How much can a father be physically pregnant, and actually "feel" what his partner goes through?

For all the fathers to be, there is some interesting news for you. Cross-cultural studies have revealed that men can experience hormonal changes during their partner's pregnancy which in turn cause them to feel unwell. There is evidence which shows that in some traditional societies, fathers feel so deeply connected to their unborn child that they show very similar symptoms of pregnancy and even birth. This phenomenon has been called couvade which is a Basque word meaning "brood" or "hatch".

Couvade men can suffer from morning sickness, tooth aches, and even the same gestational problems as their expectant partners. A study of more than 250 expectant mothers and their partners revealed that at least 22.5% of the male partners reported at least one unexplainable ailment to their doctor. These symptoms were new to the men, but strikingly similar to those reported by their pregnant partners. The expectant fathers also visited the doctor twice as often, and filled twice as many prescriptions, during their partners' pregnancy than they had before. In addition, many expectant fathers reported an average weight gain of approximately 4kg.

During their partner's labour, extremely couvade fathers-to-be feel very weak, and may even experience pain to the extent that they have to be looked after by medical personnel and close relatives. After the birth, 62% of fathers interviewed felt sadness and disappointment at about the same time as the mother did, even reporting some kind of postnatal depression.

Two Canadian studies have shown that a father's hormones can alter during his partner's pregnancy, with a marked increase in the milk producing hormone prolactine. This hormone helps promote the breeding habits in male birds, which may help to explain why the levels of this otherwise useless hormone increase in men. Testosterone levels have also been shown to decrease by about one third after the birth of the child. It is thought that this decrease leads to a more nurturing attitude in men; and that the greater the decrease, the more caring a father will be.

After a baby is born, fathers experience the same kind of emotions as their partners when first looking at and holding the baby. Their initial reaction to the baby mirrors that of the mother, beginning with the exploration of the baby's body - fingers first, then palms, arms and legs and finally the trunk. The pitch of the voice changes just like their partner's and they use shorter phrases and more repetitions. Even in controlled laboratory experiments, where mother, father and baby were videotaped to examine their interaction during play; it was observed that fathers gave the same responses to their baby's movements, and were just as sensitive to his cries as the mothers were.

The fact that fathers can feel pregnant too is easily explained. Humans are amongst the few species whose offspring are totally reliant until well into a juvenile age. So many years of caring, feeding, and protecting cannot be mastered by the mother only; so nature has taken care of this through the art of male bonding. Over time, a bond between father and baby can be just as strong as between mother and baby.

With all this in mind, we may come to a more homogenous understanding of how both mother and father are equipped to bond and care for their baby. In our society we have always anticipated the mother as being the one who experiences the magnitude of emotions; but we must remember that fathers are also experiencing these emotions. Whilst they may not gestate or lactate as mothers do, they can care, protect, and feed just as well. Bonds between father and baby can be equally as strong as they are between mother and baby; and we should try and understand the pressure fathers face in the physical anticipation, as well as in their social expectations.

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Having a baby could be a challenging life experience to most moms. One of them is PND that stands for Postnatal Depression. Following childbirth, it is common for women to experience a period of low mood. The severity can vary from a mild (baby blues), through to PND and to the most severe but very rare postnatal psychosis.

Statistically, around 10% of women will experience PND. It is a depressive illness that occurs after having a baby. In most cases, PND will generally start within 1 month after giving birth, but records also show that some moms experienced PND around six months or even within the first week after giving birth. For most women, it passes quickly; for others, professional help is needed and without treatment, it can last for months or rarely years.

So far, expert still cannot find the exact cause of PND. Postnatal depression is most common after the first pregnancy. PND women have symptoms that are similar with ordinary depression although two of them are not the same, they are lack of confidence, anxiety, negative thoughts, difficulty sleeping, feelings of being unable to cope or that life is meaningless, loss of appetite, and so on. Theses will be explained further below.

There are some factors that give a woman more chances to experience Postnatal Depression. However your doctor can work with you to reduce the risk of getting it. Those factors are:

  • If you have previous record of PND with your previous pregnancies, you are at a very high risk of experiencing it again. Pay attention to any warning signs of depression recurring. It is the first step in preventing PND in this case.

  • If you have a depression during pregnancy and being treated but then you have to stop the medication in order to avoid side effects to your fetus, you might be in a risk of getting PND. In this case, you will need to restart the depression medication process after birth to prevent PND and that would mean there is a possibility that you cannot breast feed.

  • If you experienced bipolar depression in the past, you are at a high risk getting PND. Pay attention to any warning signs and by understanding what treatments to ease the bipolar depression would be important to prevent PND in this case.

Symptoms of Postnatal Depression

PND symptoms are very similar to "ordinary" depression, such as:

  • Irritable. You might have sensitive and irritated feelings. Although mostly it happens with your partner, sometimes you can have irritated feelings with your baby too.

  • Depressed. You may frequently feel low and unhappy during the day. It can be peak at certain times of the day. For example: in the mornings when you wake up or evenings when you are about to sleep. You may have hope from some good days but then are followed by bad days which make you despair.

  • Hard to Sleep. PND women can have insomnia. No matter how tired you are, you simply can't fall asleep.

  • Can't easily enjoy anything. You will find plain life. It is hard for you to enjoy or be interested in anything.

  • Guilty. PND like ordinary depression, changes the way you think and makes you see things negatively. Feeling of guilty, useless is most common in PND women.

  • Overloaded. PND can make you feel overloaded in everything. You may feel that you have no time in doing things and organize daily routine in your life especially with your baby.

  • Anxiety. You might worry too much about your baby. You might have feared that your baby will be harmed in some way that you don't want to leave your baby alone.

PND woman have a symptom of disorder that she tends to withdraw from people including her baby. PND mother might think that she does not have good relationship with her baby. She thinks that the relationship should happen immediately within first few days or weeks after birth or it will not happen at all.

It is normal in PND and does not mean that she is a bad mother. However, once the depression has gone, the mother will be able to feel her full range of emotions and can enjoy her baby more. During this time, she just needs some help and assurance from family and friends.

So, Will PND women harm their baby?

It is very common that depressed mothers often worry that they might harm their baby. It is very normal that through tiredness and desperation, you might have feeling to hit or shake your baby. This happens to mothers and also fathers and not only to those who has PND. The fact is that most of them would never act on them. But if you do feel this, tell someone. They might help you. Your health visitor or doctor will also be able to help you with this.

However, for those who have a history of being harmed, abused, mistreated when they were young may sometimes do harm their babies (battered babies) and this case does not relate directly to PND.

Very rarely a mother with PND may harm her baby. On the other hand, mothers may kill their babies before committing suicide thinking that it is better for both of them to be dead. Fortunately it is very unusual.

Just remember that PND is treatable illness and the sooner they are treated the better it will be. Speak with your family members or professional as soon as possible.

Some tips if you have PND

The most common in PND women is they feel embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty about feeling depressed that make them reluctant to talk about their problem with somebody.

Talking about the problem with somebody, such as a health professional, can be very helpful. Most PND mother often worry that people will see them as unfit parents.

Postnatal Depression or PND can happen to any woman. You and your baby don't have to suffer and it does not mean that you are a bad mum.

Here are some useful tips:

  • Rest as much as you can. Sleep when your baby sleeps.

  • Do not give too much pressure on yourself. Do as much as you can and rest. You can ask your partner, parents, other family members or even your friends to help you out with looking after your baby, household or other things surround you.

  • Talk about how you feel to your husband, partner, family members or trusted friends. Spend time with them.

  • Talk to other mothers so you can learn from their experiences.

  • Join parent group in your local community.Try not to spend a lot of time alone. You need to leave the house sometimes. Take a short walk might help you. Research says that the sun can help reduce depression.

In some cases, anti-depressants are necessary. Although this can affect breast milk, there are drugs that are safe. Talk to your doctor or midwife.

Finally, even if you have been depressed for a while, support, counseling and medication can all help you to get better. It's never too late.

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Why is gratitude the single most powerful attitude to take to come out of depression? Keeping a gratitude journal means that each morning and/or evening you list at least three small things, different things, that you were grateful for during the day.

Very often we are put off by the word gratitude because we associate it with a phrase such as "you should be grateful for what you've got". This is not what this exercise is about at all.

Grateful yes, but "should" is a word that needs deleting from the vocabulary surrounding someone in depression. The word "should" is to be replaced by the word "could", giving power back to the person thinking this thought. "Could" gives a sense of possibility and hope whereas "should" feels like an obligation.

Each time we appreciate something it appreciates in value. To be grateful for the sunrise as you watch the day dawning will allow the moment to be that much more intense, that much more important.

To be grateful for a text from a friend adds an extra layer of specialness to it.

To be grateful for hot water as you wash your face in the morning brings a more intense feel to the warmth as you splash away the soap.

Gratitude magnifies the moment. A positive moment.

It is the opposite of the usual depressive thoughts that constantly bombard the mind of someone in depression. These thoughts seem out of your control and actively deciding to be grateful counteracts this and brings more stability; more balance in the mind.

When you are out walking take note of your surroundings. Stop from time to time to touch the foliage. Bend down and literally smell the roses. Pick a stalk from a lavender bush and inhale the aroma. Be thankful as you do this. Appreciate the tiny lift it gives to your mood and watch that multiply as you say in your mind "thank you".

Buy yourself a gratitude journal. Make sure it's an attractive one and fill its pages with appreciative thoughts.

Each night, before going to sleep write down three to five different small things you were grateful for during the day. Not only will this lift your mood it will also set you in the right frame of mind for settling down to sleep.

To be grateful is the quickest, easiest way to lift your spirits just a tiny bit and that tiny bit is hugely important for someone in depression.

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Depression in women is unquestionable, probably because women, in general, are emotional than their men counterpart. What's sad about it is that women find it hard to overcome this condition. There are actually a lot of most common types of depression in women, which experts classified. However, the following are just some of them that mostly women can easily relate to.

Post-natal depression

This type of depression in women occurs several months after giving birth. This condition is due to drastic changes in lifestyle, constant dependence on other people, and sense of increase responsibility. What happens is that first-time and young mothers find it difficult to do certain things that motherhood brings the right way and more quickly, such as new responsibility of nursing their child.

To overcome this condition, forcing to play the role of a loving mother will do no good, especially if you don't recognize any feelings towards your child at first, which is rather normal. Take things slowly at your own pace, but make sure not to prolong your adjustment period. Remember that it is your duty to look after your baby. And once you get acquainted and starting to get used of your role as a mother, you'll do better than you thought. Additionally, if your relatives or friends offer help, accept it because you will need time to get back to normal senses again after returning from hospital.

Age-dependent depression

Depression in women may be associated with age. Those women in climacteric age can suffer from depression. Women's hormonal background of organism changes during this time and most often depressive condition is observed. The coming of menopause also results to psychological pressure that may disturb women.

To conquer this condition, you should try not to change your day-to-day routine. Keep in mind that climacteric does not mean the end of the world. Only you know the changes that happen to you, unless of course you spread the words. Menopausal is a natural phase in life that all, which means without exception, women have to go through. Therefore, don't make a tragedy out of it. You may want to consult your doctor if hormonal therapy can do you any good.

Monthly depression

Monthly depression in women refers to premenstrual. This condition can be detected few days before menstruation period, during or right after it, or depending on a certain women's distinction.

Since you don't have any ways to hide this condition, you may want to consider some ways to cope with it such as staying at home or making no important plans. Most likely, you may have already noticed the period of your cycle that you can't control this condition. Therefore, it's easier for you to plan your activities ahead and "spare" those days that you can't be active.

Depression in women associated to exhaustion

This condition is also called chronic tiredness. This usually occurs if you overestimate your strengths and if you have increased responsibilities for the duties you assume. This is why is it important that you alternate work with rest, otherwise time will come that you will no longer be able to do previous work and suffer because of this condition. To prevent exhaustion depression in women, make it a point to have a full day rest on your day off. Physical and mental rest is essential to keep you productive in your work.

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According to studies, women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. There are many reasons for this. Fortunately, depression is a mental illness that is curable if the correct mediation or therapy is administered to the sufferer. Thus, it is important that women understand the causes and the appropriate ways on how to deal with depression.

One most obvious reason that may make women more prone to depression is the levels of the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Women have a higher level of these hormones and the levels change during the menstrual cycle, throughout pregnancy and childbirth and at the menopause. For instance, premenstrual syndrome or commonly known as PMS, can result in anxiety and depression prior to the menstruation period. Treatment used for PMS include hormone therapy and water tablets (diuretics), but they often do not work very well. The best way to deal with such depression is to give support and understanding to your affected spouse or partner.

In addition, the levels of oestrogen and progesterone are very high in pregnancy and drop dramatically after the birth. This sudden change can sometimes trigger depression. About half of all new mothers go through the maternity or baby blues, 15 percent get mild to moderate postnatal depression and a small percentage may even suffer from severe depression.

So how should you deal with pregnancy or postnatal depression? One effective way to treat postnatal depression is through the use of antidepressant drugs. Most antidepressants can be taken while breast-feeding. When a woman is being treated for postnatal depression, it usually helps if her counterpart can become involved and understand what is happening. In the cases of severe depression, doctors may recommend electroconvulsive therapy in addition to the antidepressant medication. This depression treatment works quickly and enables the new mother to get on with bonding with her child.

Women are more likely to seek help for depression around their middle years. It is widely believed this is due to menopause. There are, of course, a number of other changes that may play a role in triggering depression. Common reasons may include the poor relationship with their partner or kids, deteriorating health or sudden retrenchment. Typically, this form of depression can be treated with common antidepressant drugs such as Dothiepin.

If you wish to know more about effective clinical depression treatment, major causes of depression and the complications resulting from depression, you can visit this comprehensive site : Guide To Living With Depression

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There have been numerous multi-vitamin supplements manufactured but using Omega 3 oil supplements from fish has been around much longer. The use of fish oil for depression seems to be beneficial in the relief of symptoms. The right oil must be used to get the most benefit. Studies have shown that a decline in fish consumption is related to an increase in depression.

High quality ethyl EPA oil from fish can aid in the improvement of both mood and depression symptoms. There have been several studies done to support the evidence that fish supplement oil depression treatments are effective.

Dr. Andrew Stoll did a study at Harvard University in 1999 and reported that the symptoms of manic depression, otherwise known as Bipolar disorder improved with firsh oil. This is a type of depression characterized by reoccurring periods of mania and depression or both. The study took thirty patents with bipolar disorder and a history of relapse and gave them either fish supplement oil or olive oil. The study was cut down to four months from nine when the patients that were given fish supplement oil showed a dramatic reduction in depression symptoms and a longer remission time than those that were given the olive oil.

Fish oil for depression underwent another study in 2002 by Peet and Horrobin. Ethyl EPA's antidepressant effects were tested, and it was determined that a gram a day was effective in treating symptoms. A dose of fish oil for depression was given every day for twelve weeks to some participants, others were given a placebo. Those that got the fish supplement oil showed improvement in their condition.

Fish oil depression benefits were proven once again when the supplement was given in addition to regular medication to a suicidal depression patient. The symptoms of the depression and the suicidal tendencies both showed improvement. The EPA performed structural changes to the brain and there was an indication that the efficiency of depression medication was enhanced with fish oil depression treatments.

Postnatal depression is higher in countries where there is a lower fish intake in the diet. The omega 3's in fish supplement oil are very important both to the developing fetus and the newborn baby; when the mother does not get enough fatty acid the supply becomes depleted because all available fatty acids are given to the baby. This depletion is what contributes to the postnatal depression. A fish oil supplement depression can aid in reducing the risk of postnatal depression.

EPA and DHA are the main ingredients in fish supplement oil. The purer the EPA contained in the fish oil depression treatment the more the symptoms of depression are reduced. There is more DHA in the brain, and EPA is more important to nerve stimulation and function; while DHA is required for structure.

The benefits of fish oil for depression have been shown in numerous studies, and people all over the world continue to benefit. With a reduction in suicidal tendencies, postnatal depression and the reduction of required medication, fish oil depression treatments seems to be a natural way to battle the challenges of depression.

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Long hours have become the new normal in this faltering economy, leaving the worker (as usual) to pay the price. A recent study suggests what many people working these long hours could tell you... routinely putting in 11 hour days is one of the risk factors of depression - doubles the risk in fact - compared to those who work the more traditional eight hours each day.

Long days at work take a toll on your body, but there's also evidence of impacts within the brain as well. Overtime and depression have not been studied to any great extent so the team examined over 2,000 British workers (average age 47) who didn't have mental health issues at the start of the research in 1991.

Almost six years passed before nearly 70 incidences of serious depression were identified by mental health screenings given to the workers. Those whose working hours topped more than 11 hours a day had a two times greater risk of being diagnosed with depression compared to those who spent under eight hours at work each day.

Now there are lots of things that put you at risk for depression - genetic factors, physical or emotional issues and prolonged stress. All those hours at work give you fewer opportunities to relax and likely less sleep as well. You don't have time to exercise and your own self-care slips. The long workdays can also cause problems in close relationships with friends and family, and this itself can also bring on depression.

The most likely candidates for depression were younger women who were in the lower job grades, used alcohol in moderation and had also been diagnosed with a chronic condition. Should you be worried? Here are some warning signs to watch for:

- Trouble sleeping

- Changes in appetite

- Fatigue or loss of energy

- Feeling stressed or worthless

- Being irritable and impossible to satisfy

- Not taking pleasure in activities that usually bring you joy

- More mistakes at work

- Trouble organizing things, concentrating or making decisions

- Suicidal thoughts or acts

If you, or someone you love, has three or more of these symptoms and they last for at least two weeks, depression is most likely the cause. Recognizing you're in trouble, and in need of help is important - the first step toward getting better.

Even if you love what you do, the long hours you're on the job can still trigger a depressive episode, but it may well take longer to show up. Eventually however, researchers believe that workaholics too will show signs of depression.

It's hard to know if these results would hold for workers doing other jobs, but it certainly points out the fact that working long hours can play a part in depression. Since you usually can't cut back on working hours, here are some simple ways you might cope...

- Try to alternate periods of high stress with times of less pressure or with shorter hours.

- Listen to your favorite music as this boosts levels of dopamine, the feel good chemical in the brain.

- Don't skip vacation time or days off.

- Try a random act of kindness to your boss, co-worker, a vendor.

- Look for humor in daily goings on, circumstances beyond your control.

- Make time for sleep and don't skimp on exercise.

The research on long working hours as one of the risk factors of depression appears online.

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