目前分類:postnatal depression (302)

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The hormonal system is the 'engine' of the woman

The functions of the female human body are largely influenced by hormones. It affects the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the body. Hormones are the body's chemical messengers, produced by cells and carried into the bloodstream to affect various physiological functions and development.


  • Around puberty age, the part of the brain called hypothalamus releases pulses of hormones to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which activate ovarian functions. The ovary is a female organ that produces the two main female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. The hormone estrogen is what stimulates breast development and the maturity of the vagina, fallopian tubes and uterus during puberty stage.

  • Beyond puberty, estrogen and progesterone, as well as LH and FSH will play vital roles in a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, following a predictable pattern of rising and falling levels to support a chain of events with regard to reproduction. These hormones will be the ones to govern the maturity and release of eggs in the ovary, as well as the preparation of the womb to conception.

  • The surge of luteinizing hormone or LH marks a woman's ovulation phase, when the mature egg is released from the ovary to the fallopian tube. In the tube, the egg will be carried along by hair like projections to the uterus. In the uterus, the egg will be fertilized is sperm is present. Birth control pills prevent LH surge to prevent pregnancy.

  • On the other hand, the hormone progesterone is responsible for the thickening of the endometrium or uterine lining. This is to facilitate the implantation of the fertilized egg. If the implantation failed to occur, the spiral arteries in the lining will stop blood flow. This turns the thick uterine lining into blood pools, which is normally released in the form of menstrual flow.

During Pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy results from a fertilized egg. The usual drop of estrogen and progesterone levels at the end of the menstrual cycle does not occur, which explains the absence of your period.

  • Immediately, a new hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is released to develop the placenta and stimulate the ovary to produce the needed levels of estrogen and progesterone to sustain pregnancy. Along with other hormones in pregnancy, HCG will be responsible in increasing the blood circulating in the womb and initiating other body mechanisms to nurture the growing baby in the womb.

  • During child birth, these two hormones also cause the womb to contract and stimulate the production of breast milk.


  • Progesterone and estrogen levels are expected to drop after pregnancy.

  • This will facilitate the shrinking back of the womb,

  • Toning of the pelvic floor muscles

  • Normalization of blood flow. The sudden drop of female hormones may also cause episodes of post natal depression.

Getting my Hormones to Work?

"Normally, women do not need to do anything to control their hormones".

If we lived in a 'normal' world there would be no need for this article. However, in most societies women encounter as much stress, perhaps more, with their 'double' workloads, as anyone would.

  • Depending on the woman's stress reactions, there can be many upsets to a normal pregnancy which is dependent on her hormones for biochemical direction.

Hormonal imbalance is basically a disturbance to the delicate balance or incorrect relationship between the estrogen, progesterone and the stress hormone levels in the body. Women suffering hormonal imbalance do suffer risk of infertility or miscarriage.

The usual medical solution is 'hormonal replacement therapy', a form of treatment trying to correct the hormonal imbalances, usually performed during the luteal phase of a woman's ovulation and menstrual period.

The human body though, is a maze of nervous system options that few people become aware of. There are a number of reflexes on the skin that relate specifically to the Endocrine Glands and can be used to balance their function.

Imagine if you could just stimulate one of these reflexes and its related gland would "start up" again, balancing not only it's own production of hormones, but stimulate others as well. It is true, that these reflexes exist and anyone can learn how to use them to balance the hormonal system without having to take any medications.

We are getting smarter about how our bodies work and pregnancy is a fine example of how well what we have learned can be seen in the 'real' world. Don't wait until it's too late to find out.

Neuro-Training has developed a proven way to systematically balance the whole hormone system. Women who have had terrible experiences with their hormones can now be helped and easily learn how to do it themselves.

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With each new year there is an plethora of new fad diets offering promises to help us shed those unwanted pounds. Excluding food groups, drastically cut calories, eating pre-prepared meals or following a new celebrity trend, it may all sound enticing yet do these diets actually work? The answer is no. Fad diets may help you lose some weight in the short-term, but these approaches do not lead to long term success. Plus the weight loss often comes with consequences such as deprivation, frustration, nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, irritability, and eventually a sense of failure because the pounds creep back once the diet is over.

One dietary strategy that is healthy and seems to offer benefits for weight loss and disease prevention is going green, in other words, following a vegetarian diet.

Going Green for Weight Loss

Numerous studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of many chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Mounting evidence has found this healthy way of eating can also help us slim down.

Vegans and vegetarians consume diets that are higher in fiber and lower in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol compared to people on eating a non-vegetarian diet-factors that reduce disease risk and help facilitate weight loss. In fact, a scientific review of 87 studies concluded that a vegetarian diet is highly effective for weight loss, independent of exercise.

The authors of this review found that the body weight of both male and female vegetarians is, on average, 3 to 20 percent lower than that of meat-eaters. The researchers also found that a low-fat vegan diet leads to weight loss of about 1 pound per week, even without additional exercise or limits on portion sizes, calories, or carbohydrates.

According to the authors of this review "There is evidence that a [vegetarian] diet causes an increased calorie burn after meals, meaning plant-based foods are being used more efficiently as fuel for the body, as opposed to being stored as fat." The reviewers also reported that insulin sensitivity increased for vegetarians, easing the absorption of nutrients into cells.

Choose Your Carbs Carefully

Advocates of low carb dieting spread the idea that carbohydrates were responsible for obesity, diabetes, and lots of other health problems. As a result, many dieters cut out vegetables, whole grains and fruits from their diet, thinking that these foods were making them fat. While this was a hot trend for many years, studies on low carbs diets yielded mixed results, and the health concerns (constipation, nutritional deficiencies, depression and bad breath) outweighed any short-term benefits. Plus it is now known that not all carbs are equal. Those that break down quickly into sugar, such as white bread and products made with refined flour, can cause rapid increases in blood sugar and insulin levels, which is associated with weight gain, increased risk of diabetes

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, such as those found in vegetables, whole grains, and beans are absorbed slowly and do not cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels. Although fruits naturally contain sugar, they are also high in fiber and thus are broken down into sugar more slowly in our bodies compared to refined starches and sweets (cookies, candy, and soft drinks). The bottom line is that carbs provide us with good nutritional value (vitamins, minerals and fiber) and they can play an important role in a healthy diet.

If you are thinking of going vegetarian, here are some tips on how to make the diet work with a busy lifestyle:

繚 Stock your cupboards with an assortment of dried and canned beans, nuts and seeds (almonds, cashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds)

繚 Have brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, cous cous, hemp hearts, and barley handy

繚 For breakfast, protein shakes made with whey protein, berries (or other fruits) and yogurt will take only a few minutes to prepare. Oatmeal, whole grains toast with poached eggs or almond butter are other great breakfast ideas.

繚 Pack your lunch the night before so that you aren't stuck resorting to a fast-food lunch. Salads with grilled vegetables, chickpeas, beans and nuts are healthy and satisfying. Leftover soups and stews make great lunches. Or try sandwiches on sprouted bread or pita wraps with grilled veggies.

繚 Use a slow cooker. There are tons of great recipes for soups and stews and you can prepare the ingredients the night before, put it in the pot when you leave for work and have dinner ready for when you get home.

繚 Other quick, healthy dinner ideas include stir-fried vegetables, lentils, and tofu with steamed brown rice or baked vegetarian lasagna which can be prepared the night before. There are lots of great cookbooks for vegetarian meals in minutes.

繚 Bring along some healthy snacks to work such as veggie sticks, nuts, fresh or dried fruit, yogurt or energy bars.

Here are some other helpful tips to keep in mind:

繚 Don't skip breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day and studies have shown that those who do skip breakfast are at a greater risk of becoming obese and diabetic.

繚 Eat small frequent meals to keep energy levels high and blood sugar levels balanced. Aim for 3 meals and 2 snacks between meals so that you are eating something every 3 hours. This will also keep your metabolism revved and prevent hunger cravings.

繚 Try not to eat too late in the evening as our metabolism is slower in the evening and calories can be stored as fat rather than be burned for energy.

繚 If you are having difficulty getting enough fiber from diet alone, consider a supplement. Weight management formulas that contain soluble fibers such as glucomannan can help improve your feeling of fullness, and help stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps reduce cravings and appetite.

繚 Drink lots of water (8 to 10 glasses per day). Water works with fiber to fill you up, it helps cleanse the body and a lack of water (dehydration) can be mistaken for hunger.

繚 A vegetarian diet is a sensible and proven way to reduce to facilitate weight loss and improve many other aspects of health. For further advice on becoming vegetarian consult with a dietitian or nutritionist.

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Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.

But one thing's for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she can fit back to her office wear.

Post-natal massage therapy may just be the solution to her needs. Here are 6 top benefits of post-natal massage therapy:

1. Relaxation

2. Stress Relief

3. Relieves aches on shoulders or neck

4. Hasten the reduction of fluid retention

5. Help uterus to shrink to original size

6. Reduce cellulite and help to tone up the body.

In many parts of Asia, many women before delivery would in fact, prebook sessions with an Indonesian massage therapist for post-natal massage. The treatment is a traditional one which has been handed down several generations and even practiced today. This treatment involves the use of a massage oil applied to the stomach and a tummy wrap (bengkung), essentially a cotton cloth of several metres. The bengkung is used to wrap the body so as to push up the uterus, clear water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the tummy and helps to reduce weight. Post-natal massage is usually done in the privacy of one's own home.

For a mother that has delivered her baby naturally, it is generally pretty safe to go for a post-natal massage. For those that delivered by caesarian, be sure to consult your professional massage therapist or your doctor first. Most in fact, would recommend that you wait a few more weeks before proceeding with a post-natal massage.

Post-natal massage provides a sense of continuing comfort for the new mother. The aim of this massage is to give nurturing and emotional support as well as alleviate the muscle strain of labor and childbirth. Some post natal massage therapies also come with a detoxification ritual that rids the midriff of post birth bagginess.

In some instances, post-natal massage can bring about a much shapelier silhouette, compared to the one just before pregnancy!

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The calendar can become the enemy to a woman trying to conceive, because knowing the best times to get pregnant sometimes just isn't enough. If you are silently suffering from thyroid disease, no amount of charting or careful planning is going to get that baby into your arms. It's time to visit your health care provider and get to the root of the problem.

What is Infertility

Clinically, infertility is diagnosed when a couple has tried to conceive for longer than one year. This means 12 months of disappointment before a diagnosis can be made. While on one hand it makes sense to allow nature to take it course, on the other, it is precious time wasted, especially when an underlying health condition is to blame.

The Connection Between Thyroid Disease and Infertility

The thyroid, a tiny butterfly shaped gland sitting in the base of your throat can affect most aspects of your reproductive health. If not treated, a women with thyroid disease can suffer from a number of health issues, including:

  • Irregular, heavy or painful periods

  • Low sex drive and/or decreased desire

  • Infertility and/or difficulty conceiving

  • Recurrent miscarriages

  • Severe morning sickness in pregnancy

  • Premature birth/low birth weight

  • Post-partum depression

  • Difficulty breastfeeding/low milk supply

  • Post-pregnancy weight issue

  • Early onset or late onset puberty

  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

  • Perimenopause and menopausal symptoms

While not all of these symptoms are fertility based, I've listed them to show the scope of how thyroid can interfere with hormones in various phases of life. Are you surprised at how much influence this small gland plays in your health? Unfortunately, your doctor may be too.

Is Your Thyroid To Blame?

Diagnosing hypothyroidism seems to be a simple matter. A physician orders a TSH, a simple blood sample to be drawn. A laboratory spits out the results and a couple of numbers later it is determined if you do, or do not, suffer from a thyroid imbalance.

But this manner of testing is the beginning of the problem.

There is a tremendous amount of controversy as to the effectiveness of this test. First, TSH levels can change naturally, being one number one day, and a different number the next. But more importantly, while your TSH levels could be normal, the way in which your hormones work together could be off. These leads to a "normal" result from your health care provider... when things are absolutely not "normal".

When it comes to fertility, having an abnormal thyroid can make all the difference. Low levels of the thyroid hormone can change the ovulation cycle, making it difficult to know the best times to get pregnant and interfering with the maturation of eggs. Having a low thyroid function creates fatigue and decreased motivation. While you care very much about having a baby mentally, physically the desire is lagging. And if you are too tired to have intercourse, well, barring immaculate conception, your chances of getting pregnant aren't immaculate.

And it isn't only women who suffer. For men, an abnormal thyroid can lead to erectile problems, premature ejaculation and low testosterone, all issues directly connected to infertility.

What To Do?

Insist on additional testing. Since thyroid disease can cause a host of physical and emotional ailments, being properly diagnosed will not only help with conception, but with general well-being as well. While I don't advocate over testing, there are several that need to be considered:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) test, ALONG with the full panel of thyroid levels, including Free Thyroxine (Free T4).

  • Thyroid antibodies - insist on having this test conducted along with your TSH. Antibodies usually indicate when a thyroid is in the process of auto-immune failure. Perhaps it hasn't failed yet, but it may be faltering enough to affect fertility, or a woman's ability to maintain her pregnancy.

  • Parasite testing - known as the "great mimicker", parasites are another under-diagnosed health concern that can play a huge role in your health. As icky as it sounds, ask for a stool sample to rule out any intestinal parasites that could be causing numerous health and hormones issues raging inside of you. And as a side note: it is believed that the majority of Americans carry parasites so it is nothing to be ashamed of. If you have a pet that goes outside, you could have a parasite. If you have ever eaten lettuce not properly washed, you could have a parasite. Don't be afraid to ask for the test, thinking you will be judged on cleanliness - that isn't true!

Always remember that YOU hired your doctor. YOU pay him/her to take care of your health care needs. If your health care provider refuses to look beneath the surface, fire him and search for one more ready to listen and explore other possibilities.

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In years gone by, obtaining prenatal paternity test results was a long and drawn out procedure requiring weeks of waiting for test results. Not so anymore. Completing a father DNA test to discover the origins of an unborn baby is quick and easy, and will yield results at lightning speeds compared to DNA ancestry testing of yesteryears.

Growing Popularity of Paternity Testing via Genetic Tests in Pregnancy

More than in any other point in history, women are seeking out prenatal genetic tests to determine the identity of their fetus' father. This should come as no surprise given that for women under the age of 30, 50% of all births are to those who are not married to the father.

The reasons for wanting prenatal genetic tests have remained largely unchanged throughout the years. Pregnant women have always been concerned about discovering the identity of their baby's father in order to ensure they are emotionally and financially supported throughout the pregnancy and after giving birth. After all, a man who is shown definitive DNA results of their upcoming parenthood is more likely to be involved in the pregnancy and in the child's life after the birth. Early results that don't require a lot of time are therefore highly prized among those interested in obtaining early paternity test results.

However, historically it has been a challenge for potential parents to get accurate genetic results regarding paternity during pregnancy within a reasonable amount of time. That's because old techniques for determining the father's DNA involved either waiting until after the baby was born, or by undergoing one of two prenatal potentially dangerous tests: either an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. These tests are invasive for mother and child, and increase the risk of inducing a miscarriage. As such, most have opted to wait, despite the impatience they feel.

Today's paternity tests, by contrast, involve simple, safe blood tests. They're so straightforward, in fact, that they usually require no involvement of a doctor. Some paternity tests can even be accurately conducted using home genetic tests. Together these factors mean more affordable and more widely available paternity testing - and an explosion in their popularity.

Yet there's a slight hitch. In addition to using a blood sample from the pregnant woman to analyze fragments of the fetus' DNA present in the mother's blood, a DNA test for paternity during pregnancy also requires a blood sample from at least one potential father. This can create feelings of awkwardness for some or all of the concerned parties. Nevertheless, more and more would-be parents are heading down the road of prenatal genetic testing to find out sooner rather than later who is going to be responsible for the unborn child.

How Early Can Paternity Tests Be Conducted?

Many soon-to-be mothers and fathers expend a lot of emotional and mental energy worrying about the paternity of their unborn children, making early paternity testing increasingly important. Thankfully, today's genetic tests in pregnancy can be done earlier in the pregnancy than ever before. In fact, prenatal blood tests that are used to determine the identity of a baby's father can begin as soon as two weeks after conception - even the genetic test kits used at home.

The even better news is that these DNA ancestry tests can be done safely and non-invasively. That means the risks of a paternity test contributing to a higher chance of miscarriage are nil. That's reassuring for those who want to ensure that satisfying their curiosity doesn't come at the cost of their child's wellbeing.

How Long Does it Take to Get Results of Genetic Tests in Pregnancy for a Father's DNA?

Those who are anxious to receive the results of father DNA testing will be pleased to know that the news can come in as few as three working days with some home genetic test kits. That's likely the reason why these quick, painless prenatal genetic tests are growing in popularity. In fact, in the US close to 500,000 such tests are ordered every year, which is a significant increase over years gone by.

The lower costs, earlier availability, and quick results of today's home pregnancy genetic tests will no doubt serve to boost interest in this type of paternity test in the coming years. If you're one of the curious would-be parents seeking answers, help has indeed arrived. You can now breathe a sigh of relief.

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I am in limbo between the old world and the very uncertain and rather grim new( Wagner Martin120)

In quest of an ideal ego, the poetess in spite of living in a world of haphazard and menacing events has courageously undergone a kind of renaissance both in her life and works to exhort the gratification of her own self. Longing for real fulfillment, Sylvia Plath finds it inescapably unavoidable to initiate a metabolism which has been turned out to be the Rebirth motif in most of her Ariel poems later on. She as "the Goddess of the cauldron of poetic inspiration" (Wagner Martin 114), pioneers the process of Rebirth by summoning the resurrection into her new collection poetry, Ariel. The poems with open-ended suspense that have been derived from their creator's inner being are appropriate spectacle to be deconstructed. The moral investigation of this new challenging world of poetry offers the essential scope for the persona to extinguish her repressed shrieks and agonies of her past. The arduous persistence over details furnishes the poems with such vitality that the readers are trapped in the participation of both objective and subjective atmosphere presented in these frameworks. In Ariel, Plath correlates the notion of Rebirth with maternity and motherhood. Old self could be exemplary of maternal dominance and contamination by others while the new emerged self is free and liberated in contrast to the early dependent one.

Clashes of Maternity and Motherhood

Love set you going like a fat gold watch.

The midwife slapped your foot-soles, and your bald cry

Took its place among the elements. (CP 156)

When one recalls the notion of Mother, the first projection to be impressed by is the devoted act of love and mercy. Knowing the fact that Plath's bipolar disorder and post-partum depression intensified after her pregnancy, thus this matter could be looked upon as her agonized attitude towards coition and conception. It demands contemplation that pregnancy equals losing identity in some sense. Reproducing a creature that sucks one's own blood and inherits some genetic characteristic is accurately the same so-called otherness that was discussed fully in the second chapter of this thesis. In "Metaphors", Plath applies kind of metaphoric language to portray the pregnancy of persona. She indicates an elephant as a weighty pregnant woman and water-melon as fetus. The cumbersome act of pregnancy has been grotesquely described in a riddle-like poem of "Metaphors" in nine syllables.

This uncontrolled outpouring of affection as discussed in the previous chapter could occasionally hinder the progress in child as the mother is severely fostering the otherness within the child by nurturing her own unfulfilled expectations and repressed desires. To establish the independent personhood, the child has to kill the parenthood inside.

Mother's breast is desiccated and stiff in Ariel poems. Her milk is the evident source of otherness injected to child's body by means of sucking it. On the other hand Plath associates the idea of abortion to maternity and motherhood, when the embryo's life as otherness is taken and ended deliberately or unintentionally.

Hence the parasite and host relationship of Mother and Child play the dual role in a way that one time the mother is host when the child is embryo as the otherness simultaneously getting the nutrition from mother's blood means allowing the otherness to enter within its body and the other time is when the child is host and the parasite-like mother feeds the baby with her milk as otherness.

The old self is like a mother who suffers from fatal disease and giving birth to a new baby as the new self and true one would lead to her death. This idea of mothering and being reborn covers most of Sylvia Plath's poems when at the same time the mothering concept and its fertilization, patriarchal power and creation would be summoned to challenge. Since this birth is free from any intercourse and meditation and moreover giving birth and pregnancy is the mere right of production, acceptable for female entities in factual norms, seemingly this is what Plath might pose the question and sarcasm of Almighty's productive power and his culpability and determination in creation of lord of creatures, human. In 'Lady Lazarus' she cries out:

"Out of the ash/ I rise with red hair/ And eat men like air" (Collected Poems 246).

This rising from the ash is the parody of the Resurrection day, but she has not done it under her creator's will and permission but just spontaneously derived from her own yen and urge. Again somewhere else in 'Lady Lazarus', the narrator assembles her body parts as God has sworn and guaranteed in the Holy book to do the same on the Resurrection Day:" These are my hands/ My knees. / I may be skin and bone,/ Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman" (Collected Poems 245).

If to ridicule such magnanimous act of Rebirth and resurrection in a kangaroo court of a poem like 'Lady Lazarus' is not an act of challenging and supremacy, what it could be called then?

To call Plath atheist or consider her poetic style and theme profane would be beyond the area of this discussion and turn towards theological and religious doctrines and principles.

On counteractions of two competitive competitor Selves, in the previous section it was argued that the old self is an adult and a mother but here on the contrary one could consider the childish aspect of the old False Self and mature portrait of the new True one. What actually matters in this metamorphosis are the process and phase the persona has gone through and the freshness of soul and entity with a white-board within, removing all black spots of the past.

The early Self and the new reborn Self

Ariel apparently embodies Plath's response to oppressive modern society. The selfof the artisthas the capacity to be promoted and therefore it should necessarily be fed to be reborn.The counteraction between the selves, the early and the new one, would be of special interest to so many critics:

While in the early poems the selfwas often imaged in terms of its own possibilities for transformation, in the post-colossus poems the self is more often seen as trapped within a closed cycle. One moves--but only in a circle and continuously back to the same starting point. Rather than the self and the world, the Ariel poems record the self in the world.The self can change and develop, transform and be reborn, only if the world in which it exists does; the possibilities of the self are intimately and inextricably bound up with those of the world [Italic mine] (Pamela J.Annas171)

The self encounters kind of buffering effect of the world to define itself and come to recognition. Evidently the self finds its validity and meaning in the external world and its elements. Contemplatively speaking, the world and environment shape the form of self as the pottery does the clay.

The idea of Rebirthhas come in the last lines of 'Love Letter' in The Collected Poems edited by Ted Hughes to testify such metamorphosis within the persona:

Tree and stone glittered, without shadows.

My finger-length grew lucent as glass.

I started to bud like a March twig:

An arm and a leg, an arm, a leg.

From stone to cloud, so I ascended.

Now I resemble a sort of God

Floating through the air in y soul-shift

Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift. (CP147)

'An arm and a leg' here would connote the biblical allusion to Resurrection Day that all limbs would be associated as before. The repetition of '...an arm, a leg' simply signifies the persona's assurance and simultaneously astonishment of such recreation and Rebirth. Above and beyond, more to the point is that 'An arm and a leg' could refer to something costly and expensive. This Rebirth has cost Plath 'An arm a leg' for certain. She ought to pay exorbitant sums to obtain such precious Rebirth.

'From stone to cloud, so I ascended' specifies the moral elevation and loftiness of such Rebirth. It could be construed that the persona's soul has joined the divine entity that childishly and customarily believed to be located in the sky and behind the clouds.

'Cloud' also habitually sparkle the notion of fertilization and fertility as pluvial clouds are pregnant of rain and bring freshness and Rebirth to the whole nature.

'Now I resemble a sort of God', in Greek mythology there are various symbols of God which exist for every element, better to mention God of wind, Goddess of fire and so on. But here due to the act of creation, the persona gallantly parallels himself to Almighty by applying bold statements and therefore calls the whole creation in requisition and takes it for fatigue work.

The persona's comparing and describing himself 'to bud like a March twig' could be as if he claims to challenge the nature with his own Rebirth and metamorphosis potential and aptitude that under the following section would be argued fully.

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Learning how to treat a sore throat means learning that there are as many ways as there are people with sore throats. The most common solution is to use antibiotics and/or lozenges.

Antibiotic treatment tends to knock your immune system for six, in the process. And allows bacteria to mutate, into the bargain. Apart from the fact that many sore throats don't respond to such treatment.

You might be asking what alternatives there are, in your search of how to treat a sore throat. Effective alternatives, that is.

Would you be looking for a treatment which won't harm your health, doesn't have side effects, is not expensive, is easily obtainable and comes with instructions?

If that sounds good to you, then your first step is to purchase a good homeopathic home prescribing kit from a reputable homeopathic pharmacy. The best ones only sell homeopathic medicines. Some homeopaths also sell them.

Then you need to work out how homeopathy works. You need to be able to make a list of your local symptoms and then see a match within the symptoms of the most appropriate homeopathic medicine.

There are many homeopathic medicines which will resolve a sore throat, depending on your unique and personal symptoms.

Silica is a common homeopathic medicine, found in most home prescribing kits. It is also a common medicine for recurring colds, flus and sore throats.

You will need to see some of your symptoms within those of the medicine, to get a favourable result. The common keynote symptoms of Silica, which relate to your throat, include:

  • colds tend to settle in your throat

  • swollen glands

  • pricking sensation (as of a pin) or a splinter-like pain in your throat

  • stinging pain on swallowing

  • food can be ejected through your nose, when swallowing it

Other symptoms that may occur with your sore throat, or you may have a past history of, include:

  • recurring infections of ear, nose and/or throat

  • frequent colds, flu

  • lack of ability to heal injuries

  • chronic nasal obstruction

  • allergy to milk

  • unhealthy skin, acne leaves scars

  • worse in cold weather or for ingesting cold food or drink or inspiring cold air

  • weakness and fatigue, even collpase

Silica may be a good acute medicine for your sore throat pr it may be a great chronic medicine for you, in which case it will resolve many other conditions, too. Be open to what happens.

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You're exhausted. The baby's been up all night and you're struggling to get through the day, biting the head off anyone who asks you if you're ok. No one told you it would be like this. Having a baby is meant to be a wonderful experience. So why do you feel so unhappy?

Everyone feels down at some point after the birth of their baby. It's hardly surprising - the cocktail of hormones that has been surging round your body for the last nine months has now radically changed. If you had a long or particularly difficult labour, your body may still be in shock. If you're breastfeeding, it can be painful and exhausting before you get comfortable with it - if indeed you do. In addition, you may be experiencing:

  • Chronic sleep deprivation

  • A change in status within your relationship

  • Isolation from friends and family

  • A colicky or reflux baby who constantly cries

Add to this the possibility of financial problems, a baby with specific health issues or disabilities or another life change at the same time such as a divorce, bereavement or house move, and it's a wonder any new mother gets through the early months with her sanity intact.

There are, however, some warning signs that your feelings are going beyond what might be considered "normal" baby blues. These can include:

  • Being constantly tearful

  • Feeling that you might harm your child

  • Feeling that you might harm yourself

  • Not experiencing any happy feelings at all

  • An overwhelming sense of fear or anxiety

  • Lack of positive feelings for your baby

  • A general feeling that you're going "mad".

If you experience any of these, please make an appointment to see your doctor. You may be resistant to this - as if admitting to ambivalent or negative feelings will make you a "bad mother" or, worse, prompt social services to remove your children. Please don't let this stop you from going to see someone. They will have heard it all before - symptoms of postnatal depression are very common and the right treatment can make a huge difference to your relationship with your baby.

You won't be forced to take medication or attend counselling just by making the appointment. But you will at least be given some options, something which life can feel devoid of when you're in the throes of postnatal depression.

I remember struggling with own feelings before going to see my GP. I wasn't sure if what I was normal and would pass with time, or if it deserved the PND label. She helped me to realise that it didn't actually matter what the label was, as there is no physical test for postnatal depression. You have a collection of symptoms and feelings, and if you need help, you need help. Admitting you're having a hard time doesn't make you a bad person - and it is often the first step on the road to a much happier, more positive future for you and your family.

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When we age, we produce less of two important mood stabilizing hormones, serotonin and dopamine. So, depression is a risk factor for both men and women as we get older. Yet twice as many women compared to men suffer from depression, which leads some to believe there is a link between the female sex hormones and depression.

1. Memory loss at midlife may not be related to aging, but depression. Depression affects our ability to concentrate and remember things. Our mind instead is caught in a cycle of self blame, guilt, or hopelessness,

2. Of the studies that differentiate between major depression and minor depression, an increase in minor depression (ie. non-clinical) is reported, rather than an increase in major depressive episodes,

3. Major depression is characterized by feeling sad or tearful all, or most of the time. Other symptoms include losing interest in regular activities and engaging in day to day life.

4. Those that seem to be at risk of suffering from major depression during menopause are those that have suffered major depression at some other time in their lives. This can include postnatal depression, severe depression associated with PMS, or any other type of clinical depression.

5. Some of the symptoms of perimenopause are also the symptoms of depression, so it's important to consider the whole picture. These common symptoms include tiredness, weight gain, insomnia, difficulties in concentration, memory loss, and a loss of interest in sex.

6. Depression is usually treated with psychological treatments and medication. The psychological treatments include cognitive behaviour therapy which looks at the negative ways we think; and Interpersonal therapy, to improve relationships.

7. Antidepressant medication covers a range including SSRI's, SNRI's, MAOI's, and others. Each class has a lot of individual medications within it, and people may tolerate one well, but have side effects on others. Finding an antidepressant medication appropriate to the individual can be a trial and error endeavor.

8. Some anti-depressants - prozac and others in the category of Selective Serotonin Re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI's) - may cause cardiovascular problems in some people after long term use.

9. If you're taking hormone replacement therapy, too high a dose of estrogen or androgen hormones can lead to side effects like headaches and anxiety. Synthetic progesterone treatments are also often associated with depression.

10. Caffeine and sugar, in excess, may have a negative impact on recurring depression.

11. Estrogen boosts the levels of serotonin and acetylcholine, which are neurohormones that make people feel good, and are part of a normal memory.

12. Deficiencies of the B vitamins biotin, folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, have been linked with depression, as have vitamin C deficiencies.

13. Vitamin B6 is important because of it's role in making the monoamine neurotransmitters, which help stabilize moods.

14. Minerals linked to depression include deficiencies of calcium, copper, and magnesium.

15. St Johns Wort has been found to be as effective as prozac in treating mild to moderate depression.

16. Anecdotally, 5HTP has been found to help some people with depression who also suffer from weight problems and insomnia.

17. Our brain needs a small supply of good qualify fats every day. This is because nerve fibers are coated with a fatty sheath called myelin. Good sources of healthy fats include non-hydrogenated olive oil, sesame oil, and fish oil. Deficiencies of the omega 6 fatty acids may play a role in depression.

18. Depression is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.

19. Depression can increase the risk of more heart problems in people with coronary heart disease.

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Becoming pregnant and having a baby can cause a whirlwind of upheaval in any woman's life, and a lack of preparedness is the root of many young mother's problems. At the worst end of the scale, being totally unprepared for the birth of your child and the changes it will bring can actually result in postnatal depression - although, of course, there are many factors involved in this. The best idea is to be as prepared as you can be, so here are some helpful tips to get you started on how to prepare for pregnancy.

1. Start saving now. The costs of having a baby can be astronomical, and many of these costs come right before you give birth and in the first year of his or her life. It is estimated that the annual cost of having a baby is currently around 瞿9000 and unfortunately this is only set to rise! You don't want to find yourself completely swamped with things to buy just as your baby approaches, so it's best to begin saving as soon as possible.

2. Detoxify your body. Once you become pregnant, you are going to have to stop drinking alcohol and smoking anyway, so you may as well do it now. Some women believe that it's also necessary to give up caffeine, and if you are a regular coffee drinker you may find this more difficult than you think! It's best to get the biggest hurdles out of the way before you even become pregnant. This gives you a better chance of conceiving quickly, and it also means that you don't have to suffer the painful withdrawal symptoms when you are also struggling with the fluctuating hormones of pregnancy.

3. Find ways to deal with stress. For many women, falling pregnant is a little like having constant PMT. Your hormones are, for a time, in a bit of a maelstrom, and it is likely that you will feel more than a little stressed. Bearing this in mind, you should try to eliminate the stress you have in your life now. This will make you more likely to conceive, and will also minimise the effect of the extra stress of pregnancy. It is also helpful to develop tried and tested ways of dealing with stress so you won't need to blow a fuse when you're pregnant. If a long bath works for you, remember that, and use it every time you feel stressed. Soon you'll develop a cognitive stress off button that you can use whenever you want.

4. Read up on the science of pregnancy. It helps with how to prepare for pregnancy by having all the information about fertility at hand and to know it off by heart. There are many small facts that you may like to know - such as, for example, why expectant mothers should avoid cheese - and reading about the process of human reproduction can be very exciting and fascinating. It also helps you to feel calm throughout as you will understand all those technical terms your doctor will use, and you will know exactly what is happening to your body.

5. Take fertility supplements. Herbal supplements are scientifically proven to work, and supplements such as Chasteberry (Vitex Agnus Castus), Wild Yam, False Unicorn Root and Evening Primrose Oil can be invaluable in balancing your hormone levels and in making sure you get pregnant quickly and easily. They also help with the negative effects of PMT, so are very useful for women at all stages of life. Remember, having a hormonal imbalance can actually cause certain types of female cancer, so ensuring the health of your hormones is not just for pregnancy, but for life.

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Expectant mothers are being bombarded with new prenatal fish oil supplements. Are they effective? Are they safe? Should you take DHA during pregnancy at all? The answers are maybe, maybe and yes - if you know what you are doing.

First, there seems to be some confusion about the relationship between DHA and omega 3 fish oil. DHA is an omega 3. What this means is that if you are trying to take DHA during pregnancy, you do not need a "prenatal" formula. A quality omega 3 fish oil supplement will not only suffice but in most cases be preferable.

There are really two omega 3s that mother and child need. The second one is EPA. In, other words if you plan on taking DHA during pregnancy you need EPA also, but not as much.

Why should I take omega 3s in the first place?

The two found in fish oil are part of every cell in our body. DHA is particularly prevalent in the brain and eyes, EPA in cell membranes. The research on this has not gone unnoticed, even in Washington.

Omega 3s have been shown to benefit four of the top five ailments or conditions for which troops receive hospital treatment. Those includes pregnancy and depression. The U.S. Department of defense is looking into adding these essential fats to soldiers diets.

It is not just combat performance that could be improved by omega-3s. Some military dietitians believe they could help to cut medical bills running into millions of dollars. The DOD is looking at doing this for their pregnant female soldiers because the research is pretty overwhelming.

What scientists have found is this.

Ninety-nine% of people in the West are estimated to have an omega 3 deficiency. Unless an expectant mother takes EPA and DHA during pregnancy that figure is going to include her and her child. What this means is that after the child is born she or he will be more likely to have:

1] Increased risk of depression, ADD, mood swings and emotional volatility.

2] Lower IQ scores - 8-10 points or more.

3] Visual problems.

4] Coordination development issues.

Mom is also more likely to have early labor and postpartum depression of her own.

The growing fetus is almost literally an omega 3 sponge. Since our bodies can not make these essential fats, the fetus is going to grab them from mom. If mom is not taking EPA and DHA during pregnancy then they both will likely have shortages.

What about supplements?

The only way to get these fats is by supplement or eating a lot of fish. The FDA is okay with purified supplements but not with too much fish. Heavy metals from the ocean are bad for everyone but downright deadly to young children.

As I mentioned earlier there are no special omega 3s for prenatal, postnatal or senior citizens. In fact, many of the prenatal supplements I have seen are inefficient at the least and contaminated at the worst. Do your research. Stick with quality. For more information in this area, please visit my website.

Remember, your unborn child is getting nutrients from you. Talk to your doctor about taking EPA and DHA during pregnancy. You need enough for at least two of you.

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If you are like most women going through in vitro fertilization (IVF) you will be feeling very anxious and concerned about the outcome of your treatment. You need support at the mental and emotional. During this time it is important to have someone close that can listen to you and help you find courage and strength to go through all the ups and down that may come your way.

Bach Flower Therapy supports you while going through IVF treatments emotionally and mentally by creating balance and a positive outlook.

Mind-Body Connection

Dr. Bach observed that many of people physical conditions were connected to their mental and emotional state. Negative mental thoughts trigger negative emotions like sadness, depression, worry, melancholy, anger, irritability, jealousy, and hopelessness. These emotions can affect the body's ability to reach optimum health because experiencing prolonged negative emotions can affect the body at the physiological level. The result can be as detrimental as the manifestation of sickness and disease. When the mind shifts to a negative state for long periods of time, the body's inner ability to heal itself is impaired leading to a degenerative state.

Infertility and Mental Stress

Infertility can be affected by a constant state f stress and mental and emotional strain. Studies have shown how male sperm decreases as a result of prolonged stress and female hormones become imbalanced as a result of mental worry and concern. The pituitary gland, a small, peanut shaped gland located at the base of the skull, is responsible for the secretion of hormones that regulate the reproductive organs. When you are mentally stressed and worried, your pituitary function can decrease leading to menstrual irregularity, impaired ovulation, etc. Also, stress is related to the adrenal glands located on top of the kidneys. When women and men feel stress, the adrenal glands become burned out leading to stress-related disorders and lowered fertility because the adrenal gland secrete hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Bach Flower Therapy for Infertility

Bach Flower Therapy is a branch of Homeopathic medicine that uses highly diluted natural substances to stimulate the body to health itself. It is not intended to treat or cure any condition, but to offer a way to assist the body to gain balance and achieve optimal state of health at the mental and emotional level. Bach Flower Essences are made from edible flowers and thus are non toxic and suitable for babies, pregnant and lactating women.

Bach Flower Remedies for IVF
Bach Flower Remedies are amazing in helping and supporting women through the emotional ups and downs of trying to conceive. Bach essences are equally useful to men and women in order to help gain back inner balance. They can be taken while trying to get pregnant because they are non-toxic, act gently and without side effects. The following is a list of the most useful Bach Flower Essences for infertility to help couples who are struggling with infertility. Bach flower Remedies for women who are going through in vitro cycles (IVF) are especially useful to help support emotional well-being. They are highly recommended by many holistic fertility specialists.

This Bach flower helps those who experience a sense of fear an uneasy feeling as if something is about to happen. This is the Bach flower for fear of unknown causes and it helps in cases of apprehension and anxiety. If you are going through medical tests to determine the cause of your infertility, this flower will help you overcome your sense of uncertainty. You should take Aspen if your are schedule to consult with a fertility doctor or are going to a fertility clinic.

This Bach remedy is very useful while trying to get pregnant especially when you cannot wait. You want pregnancy to happen right now! If you suspect you might be pregnant and need to wait to know the results, this Bach flower can give you a sense of calmness. If you feel impatient and irritable about not getting pregnant fast enough, Impatiens helps eliminate that feeling in nervous anticipation, promoting patience and help you relax a little more while you wait.

I find this Bach flower great for setbacks and disappointments. When you feel discouraged and cannot think positive anymore, this remedy encourages you to look on the positive side, gives you the drive to move forward with renewed hope for your life. If you suffered a miscarriage or the fertility treatment did not work or your period arrived and you where hoping for a pregnancy, Gentian will help you! If you feel sorry for yourself because you have difficulty getting pregnant, this Bach flower will lift your spirit of optimism.

White Chestnut
All Bach remedies are great for your mental well being, but this flower is for you if you are constantly worried and have persistent worrying thoughts that go round and round in your mind. You find yourself constantly thinking, planning, worrying, debating with yourself about what to do or should do. You cannot rest, especially at night when you wake up from sleep thinking and worrying about possible outcomes. White Chestnut helps you deal with these unwanted thoughts, helping you clear your mind and relax.

This beautiful blue flower is for those who are very shy and fearful. This remedy will help if you have a fear of needles and have to give blood for a test or if you have a fear of doctors and hospitals and you know you have to go there.

When you hide your feeling by putting on a brave face and do not show others your true worrying feelings about getting pregnant, this flower is for you. Agrimony helps you if you are experiencing inner anguish. Many men and women seem to need this remedy when they are concerned but do not want to show their partner their true feelings and try to be brave and strong.

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We all have them from time to time, yo-yo moods. Happy and high in the morning, angry and aggressive in the afternoon, teary-eyed in the evening...

First of all, having mood swings doesn't automatically mean that you suffer from depression or bipolar disorder. Mood swings are extremely common.

In everyday life we are dealing with plenty of stressful situations, especially in current economic crisis - pressure to avoid job loss, to pay all your bills or even going through a job search if you are currently unemployed. Add to this some monumental changes like marriage or having kids, or moving away... You can see the picture.

Situations like these drain us emotionally and physically. We experience extreme irritability, anger, easily burst into tears. Even lack of sleep or unbalanced diet can affect your mood.

Statistically more women than men suffer from mood swings. PMS, pregnancy, post-natal depression, menopause, - basically, women go through more hormonal changes.

This leads us to possible causes of our mood swings. They are very similar to the causes of depression:

- Hormonal imbalance

- Chemical imbalance

- Extreme tiredness

- Imbalanced Diet

The fact is - most people won't admit to their doctor, that they suffer from mood swings, so they remain untreated although it's a highly treatable condition. Don't be afraid that your doctor will put you straight onto antidepressants. You might be surprised at how simple your treatment can be.

So what can we do to keep our mood swings in check?

  1. Natural remedies like Valerian root, St. John's Wort, Ginseng, Passion Flower, etc. which have some calming qualities (consult with a specialist before taking them).

  2. Reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates from your food intake - white bread, cakes and cookies, sugar candies or chocolate bars. Overindulging in those causes a sugar rush in your blood, which gives you a quick high, but then your mood drops just as low.

  3. Ensure you exercise and get plenty of fresh air. Your body will produce more endorphins (happy hormones) and you generally will have more energy.

  4. Have sufficient sleep and take regular breaks from work.

If these simple rules can't help, you might want to try some sort of cognitive behavioural or talk therapy which will teach you how to react differently to your mood swings. It will also help you to identify your triggers and learn to avoid them.

If you think that your mood swings disrupt your life, and suspect something more serious, try to start a mood diary for a couple of weeks where you can write down your mood changes during the day and grade them (say, on a scale from 1 to 10).

Then, armed with your diary go to your doctor, and see what kind of diagnosis and treatment they can come up with.

Take care, guys, and as usual, please share your thoughts and experience!

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A prenatal vitamin is just like a normal multivitamin pill, however, with considerably more potent dosage amounts of a number of nutrients. To improve your odds of an effective conception, expectant mothers and couples who are trying to conceive must not fail to use prenatal vitamins. Moreover, expectant mothers who eat a nutritious diet and live a healthful life-style also need to take prenatal health supplements. Health supplements are bound to accentuate a healthy diet instead of substituting for it. Scientific tests have demonstrated that vitamin supplements work better when combined with a balanced diet program.

A woman's nutritional requirements are significantly greater while pregnant. Her body alters greatly throughout conception so as to focus on the necessities of a healthy child. Such changes include things like higher blood volume in the body of the mother, hormone shifts and lactation to mention a few. While pregnant, levels of estrogen can certainly boost to about ten to seventy times greater than natural. Progesterone could also increase tenfold. Your system additionally begins generating Prolactin, a hormone that encourages lactation. Uterus enlarges from the influence of Relaxin, a bodily hormone manufactured by the placenta. Relaxin softens and also relaxes the tissues near the womb hence making it possible for the uterus to broaden that makes it possible for the delivery of the baby.

When it comes to expectant mothers the blood quantity rises because only one blood circulation system is going to help the infant and also the mom. Because of the child, pregnant women nourishment demands turn into higher than normal. While pregnant, the body's priority is to maintain the child full of life. Without having adequate nourishment and supplementation, mother's nutrient supplies might be decreased causing her at a higher risk of maternity complications, challenging delivery, post natal depression symptoms along with inability to breast feed.

Please note that possibly even prenatal vitamin supplements have got their insufficiencies. An expectant mother has a calcium mineral demand of around 1,200 - 1,500 mg daily but many prenatal products basically possess 250mg. You possibly can make up by having a diet abundant with calcium (dark leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds and tahini) or you can have specialist level prenatal supplements which tend to be more effective versus the over-the-counter variety.

Expectant women must monitor their levels of iron mineral. An iron deficiency while pregnant can result in a higher hazards of anemia in your infant, still birth, miscarriage, early labor and birth and also other complications. Furthermore it might require two years following childbirth to revive mom's iron levels to normalcy. Pregnant women need to take an iron nutritional supplement around the 20th week of pregnancy - if their reserves are very low. A lot of iron is also bad and can result to bowel irregularity. Symptoms of an iron deficiency and overabundance of are identical, thus monitor your iron levels.

Everyday dietary supplements do not have the ideal levels to deal with the dietary demands of a expectant women. Plus don't assume all prenatal vitamins provide whatever they promise. A few report an inexact nutrient make up and others tend not to contain the doses described within the labels. And yet some others consist of nutrients which can not become as readily absorbed by your body. For instance calcium carbonate is undoubtedly chalk, and your body simply cannot take in much of it. The most affordable supplements often employ such bargain formulations. However calcium citrate is more epensive but could also be employed by your body. Usually examine the labels as well as the organization which makes the products to ensure they may be of purest and highest quality.

Private labs funded by ConsumerLab.com carried out checks to see which OTC prenatal vitamin brands supports all their claims.

They are:

Centrum Silver multivitamin, Member's Mark Complete multivitamin, Flintstones Complete multivitamin, One A Day Women's multivitamin

Your own nutritional standing while being pregnant is important mainly because it generally establishes your infant's wellness for the remainder of his or her life. You need to give your infant with all the healthiest start in life possible.

Preconception attention need to start four months before pregnancy. Consistent check-ups for the duration of your pregnant state could make it simpler for your medical professional to find risks just before serious medical problems develop. A balanced diet plan and also lifestyle also needs to be preserved constantly. Remember, when pregnant make sure you ingest nutrients as well as calories. Many women carry out the opposite and that's why they will wind up gaining a great deal of fat that additionally predisposes them to labor and birth difficulties and gestational diabetic issues. To become pregnant and for the finest motherhood end result get started in consuming and existing as being a pregnant woman already 4 months just before conceiving (future father have to do precisely the same until you are pregnant).

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Whenever a severe problem enters into our lives, we tend to experience a range of moods. These moods range from downright lack of interest in everything to low spirits. The word used to describe this range of moods is Depression. Depression is something that is very difficult to recognize, so much so, it can literally go undetected. While this can go undetected, the good news is that when detected on time, depression can be treated in most people.

There are various methods of treating depression. An early detection is something that can help matters. If not detected early, the depression can only get worse and the longer will be the treatment and even longer will be the time taken for the treatment to control the depression. As said, there are various remedies, ranging from natural medications to others. Natural medications do take time to work. So, along with the medications from your GP, you can try other treatments like Essential Oils, relaxation techniques or talking to close friends.

Recognizing the signs

Guilt Pangs, blaming self for everything, feeling unworthy, unable to handle situations or feeling totally out of control.

Lethargy coupled with a tired feeling.

Low concentration levels, indecisive and poor memory.

Yo-Yo in appetite and weight. There could periods of weight gain followed by immediate weight loss.

Irregular sleeping pattern. Either you do not sleep at all or you sleep like a log.

Agitated over small matters and severe restlessness.

Feeling low with tears in eyes.

Loss of interest in sexual activities.

Different Types of Depression

There are various forms of depression, with no two depressions looking alike, though usually there is an overlap in type of depression:

Reactive depression

Reactive Depression is usually triggered off by a serious physical injury or an accident or it could be even a psychological trauma such as a bereavement or a divorce. The best way to tackle this kind of depression is counseling, support, love of family and friends and some large-hearted emotional support. However, reactive depression could come back and the problems could surface again.

Endogenous depression

This is more severe than reactive depression. It has more to do with the person itself than any other external influence. Moods could range from being good in the morning to worse as the day progresses or have bouts of guilt complex and extreme self doubt.

Manic depression/Bi polar disorder

This is characterized by excessive energy, high mood swings, strange behaviour, extreme happiness to the lows of lethargy and utter helplessness. This usually alternates with periods of stability.

Post-natal depression

This happens because of the sudden drop in the estrogen and progesterone hormones which are usually found in females. The drop happens between the 3rd and the 10th day after the birth of the child. Though this occurs for a short period of time, some women suffer from a longer lasting depression which might require hospitalization. Swift treatment is one way out, but the better one would be a counseling which can help sort out things quickly. It is now estimated that almost 50% of mothers suffer from Post Natal Depression, or Baby Blues.

Masked depression

This happens in people who appear normal but start to suffer from physical problems such as energy loss or appetite or irregular sleeping patterns. This type of depression is reactive and is found in people who have suffered some form of trauma, but are unable to express it.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD Syndrome)

This is a seasonal disorder occurring, for example, in the UK during the Winter season. This type of depression usually strikes people during the months of December to February and affects up to a million people. There are variations in this type of depression too. It is often called Winter Blues. The usual symptoms are sleep problems, a lethargic attitude, craving for food, total loss of sex drive, worry and mood wings.

It is now accepted that SAD Syndrome may be linked to excess production of serotonin which is responsible for mood swings. It could also be due to the increased levels of melatonin. This hormone is produced by the pineal gland and induces sleep.

The best and the most effective treatment for SAD is to spend as much as time outdoors as possible. Natural Daylight is the most effective treatment for SAD. So, if you are at home, sit as much as possible next to a window or try and spend as much as time in natural light.

Top Tip: according to Holistic Therapies Spain, another way of combating SAD is to buy light boxes containing fluorescent tubes. They give out the same level of light that is found in a bright Spring morning. Sit in front of these for a period of time and soon you'll be as happy as you would be in warm sunlight.

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Parents of colicky babies can often feel isolated, stressed, and helpless. Support groups for parents, while helpful, don't address the unique problems that parents of colicky infants face. However, not all support groups for parents of colicky babies are equal.

If you are trying to decide on a support group or colic clinic, here are some things to look for when making that decision:

1. Counseling and Feedback.

Different colic clinics and support groups will handle this in different ways. You will most likely be asked to keep a "colic diary" of your baby's crying patterns and any actions you've taken to soothe your baby during the week.

A specialist will analyze the crying patterns and help you to plan out a course of action for the next week. Some colic clinics also offer counseling for parents and couples who need help dealing with the stress of colic. Others also offer counseling for family members who may be acting as a secondary caregiver to your baby - thus giving comprehensive attention to the problem of colic.

2. Medical Evaluations and Suggestions.

A pediatrician with extensive experience in colic may also look at the colic diary and suggest possible causes for your baby's crying. Additionally, if your baby has an episode of colic while you are there at the clinic or during the support session, the pediatrician may do a thorough evaluation of the symptoms as they present themselves in real time.

3. Group Support Sessions.

Some colic support groups and colic clinics will organize special events designed to bring parents of colicky infants together for discussion. This will allow you to share your experiences with someone who truly understands how colic can affect the entire family. It also gives you the opportunity to learn from one another, and potentially find new solutions to that will help to end your baby's colic.

Another great resource to help you understand and communicate better with your baby is Brazelton's Institute.


If you are looking for a colic support group, one of the best places to start would be with a local parents group, La Leche League, or other association designed for parents of infants and toddlers.

If you don't find a colic clinic or support group in your area, you may wish to consider starting one yourself. Parents of colicky babies should never have to go it alone - with support, intervention, and planning, colic can be overcome.

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Within the broader term of "clinical depression" are several different types of depression, which are diagnosed based on their symptoms, duration, and underlying cause.

The increased diagnoses of depression over the past thirty years may, in fact, be due to a growing recognition that it is an emotional disorder which surfaces in a variety of ways. Although the word "depression" is often bandied about among people who are unhappy or disappointed about some of their circumstances, they use it with no real understanding of what clinical depression is.

Genuine clinical depression continues well past the event which may have created the original negative reactions, and robs its sufferers of the capacity for normal functioning. Accompanied by lethargy, unremitting sadness, loss of hope, feelings of failure and inadequacy, clinical depression may lead to eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, and in some cases, self-destructive behaviors including cutting and even suicide.

Bipolar Disorder

There is, however, a form of clinical depression called Bipolar, or Manic Depression. It
is often misdiagnosed because, of all the types of major depression, it is the only one in which the victims experience episodes of unfounded elation and may even become hyperactive. Because their bouts of sadness are interrupted by these episodes, they do not always look like other clinically depressed people.

Unipolar Disorder

Unipolar, or major depression, and bipolar depression are the types of depression often contrasted. People suffering from Bipolar Depression may themselves not realize they are depressed because of their frequent switches from extreme sadness and lassitude to extreme happiness and an overabundance of energy. There are no such fluctuations in Unipolar Depression; its most obvious symptom is the sufferer's continuing sadness and lethargy.

Atypical Depression

The third of the types of depression, Atypical Depression, is both the most prevalent. It is similar to the Bipolar Depression in that people with Atypical Depression are capable of responding to positive events, but their reactions will be less subdued than those of bipolar sufferers. In this they differ from Unipolar Depression victims, whose negativity is ongoing. But even individuals with Atypical Depression are sad and indifferent the majority of the time.

Dysthymic Disorder

The fourth of the types of depression is the Dysthymic Disorder, a less severe version of Unipolar Depression recognizable for the length of its duration. Dsythymic Disorder will last for more than two years, and because it continues for so long, the negative attitudes of its sufferers are often dismissed as unattractive personality traits. Because of this, of all the types of depression, Dysthymic Disorder is the one least likely to be diagnosed, and it may affect someone for a lifetime.

Psychotic Depression

The last, and most severe of the different types of clinical depression [http://www.treatdepressionhelp.com/Types_Of_Depression/] is Psychotic Depression, which brings visual and auditory hallucinations in addition to a negative emotional stated and loss of interest in life.

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I can't seem to love my child, the problem I have isn't so mild.

'Baby blues' is the expression, the proper words are post natal depression.

The child I have I just want dead, I wont take her it'll be me instead.

The sweetness in her I can't see, Just a devil child that came from me.

The problem I have I cannot discuss, for I look at my child and feel disgust.

Family can't understand what I'm going through, why I feel how I do.

I think why oh why give birth to this thing, and have all the problems a child will bring.

I feel I should kill her and just get rid, why have the problems, why have the kid.

I feel I'm alone in the position I'm in, Does that make me bad and full of sin.

I can't find the love that I feel I should, I dont love this child and don't know if I could.

People stare and think I'm mad, They don't know how I feel, in ways I'm glad.

All I feel is guilt and shame, but I've been told I'm not to blame.

All I want is to love this baby, I might find it one day and get lucky maybe.

Please don't look at me and think I'm wrong, I've wanted to love her all along.

Don't look at me and think how heartless and cold, all I want is my baby near me to hold.

I can't help this feeling of being so low, please don't think of me as a stupid psycho.

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Fish is the most widely consumed meat all over the globe. All health experts agree that "seafood is good for you." Fish can be one of the best diet foods in the market. Fish is a low fat food with a high protein level that provides tons of health benefits. It has the lowest fat contents than any other animal proteins. Red meat usually contains the "bad" fats commonly known as the Omega 6 where as fish contain s omega 3which is known as the "good" fats.


Fish is a good source of B vitamins. Vitamin B converts the food intake of the body into energy in the cells, preventing fats to be stored in the body. The fish that are rich in oil produces vitamin A that gives us healthy eyesight and good for the skin, hair and nails. It also provides vitamin D that good for bone health, keeps bones and teeth strong.


Fish also produces important minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. It is also a good source of calcium for the bone health and strong bones. It contains Iodine and fluorine that boost the growth and development of one's body and enhances metabolism.


Fish is an excellent source of protein. It easily repairs and maintain lean tissue and used for body building. It can suffice the absence of protein from red meat. Our body cannot store much protein having daily or regular intake of fish can meet the protein needs of our body. Good source of protein can also contribute in losing body weight because it enhances the metabolism.

Low In fat

Fish is much known as the meat that is low in fat. Fish is the best dish for people who are under low-fat diet. It has a very low level of saturated fats which is not at all beneficial to the body. Unsaturated fat the fish reduces the cholesterol level of our body, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease.


Fish is a good source of Omega-3, it is a nutrient that the body does not produce and must be taken in the body through fish. It is a polyunsaturated fats that is plays an essential role in the body such as:

繚 Protect the body from any cardiovascular diseases by helping the proper regulation of the blood vessel that prevents blood clotting;

繚 It is essential for prenatal and postnatal neurological development;

繚 Reduces the inflammation of tissues and avoids the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis;

繚 reduces depression;

繚 Avoids mental decline in older people such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

繚 prevents Asthma-children who eats fish has lower risk of having asthma and;

繚 It reduces the risk of cancer.

The fish's main health benefit is it suppresses the progress of disease. It is claimed that fish prevents such illness not cure them. Maintain a balanced meal of taking fish at least two times a week. Let yourself be protected against diseases by regular intake of fish.

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Helping a loved one who is depressed can be very difficult. Sometimes caregivers feel helpless and unsure of what to say or do. Fear can cause helpers to be overbearing, hovering and treat the depressed person like a child. This is not particularly helpful for either the depressed person or the helper.

Here are some principles to keep in mind when someone you love is depressed.

  1.  Listen, listen, and listen.

  2.  Be non-judgmental but give honest responses

  3.  Avoid platitudes or cliches.

  4.  Do not treat the person as an invalid.

  5.  Try to be yourself. This is very important, as persons who are depressed can be very sensitive to changes.

  6.  If you can't be yourself because you are worried tell them so. Ask questions as needed.

  7.  Do not be afraid to bring up feelings, events or questions about suicide if this is a concern.

  8.  Engage in physical activities with the person, even simple walks can be very helpful. Be outside as much as possible. 

  9. Call the person at different times of the day.

  10.  Find out what the worst time for the person is and try to be available then.

  11.  Talk about other things beside feelings.

  12.  Keep conversations & activities short if the person appears tired.

  13.  Ask about feelings.

  14.  Do not be a martyr, take care of yourself.

  15.  Talk about your own feelings with honesty but do not say things like "I know how you feel, I went through the same thing."

  16.  Statements of suicide intent should be taken seriously. Encourage the person to call a suicide hot line or their therapist. Ask them what their therapist suggested they do if these thoughts come up. If unsure of what to do, do not hesitate to call the police to have the person taken to an emergency room for suicide assessment.

  17.  If suicide threats are a common occurrence, talk to the person's therapist (with permission) about how to deal with this situation.

  18.  Encourage treatment. Offer transportation and company to appointments; combine with a social event such as a movie or lunch.

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