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Having a baby is a major life event for a woman and in some cases may trigger Post Natal Depression.

This occurs in approximately 16% of women in Australia and usually occurs between 1- 12 months after giving birth to a baby. It can be difficult for women to cope with a major life change as well as the day to day stress of a new baby.

If you have had a baby in the last 12 months and are experiencing the following symptoms for more than 2 weeks this may be an indication that you are suffering from post natal depression. It is recommended that you seek professional medical help to have this diagnosed and a suitable treatment plan put in place.

1. Moodiness that is out of character

2. Increased irritability

3. Finding it hard to take minor personal criticisms

4. Withdrawal from friends and family

5. Loss of interest in sex, food, exercise or other pleasurable activity

6. Sleeplessness

7. Increased drug/alcohol use

8. Staying home from work or school

9. Increased physical health complaints (ie: aches / fatigue)

10. Recklessness

11. Slowing down of thoughts and actions

Symptoms of Post Natal Depression can appear suddenly or gradually. They are not to be confused with 'baby blues' which occurs between 3 -10 days after birth of a baby. The symptoms of 'baby blues' are different from that of post natal depression and are really only tearfulness and a feeling of overwhelm. These symptoms normally disappear within a few days. Post Natal Depression symptoms last a lot longer.

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Are you concerned about preventing signs of ADHD or ADD in your children? Are you suffering from depression or bipolar I or II? Do you find yourself suffering from memory lapses? If this sounds like you, an omega 3 brain treatment may be just what you need.

Many are aware of the physical benefits of omega 3 fatty acids. This amazing substance is crucial for maintaining good cardiovascular health, a sound immune system, and is even beneficial in treating many kinds of pain.

However, when it comes to treating mental illnesses and emotional disorders, omega 3 brain supplements are incredibly useful in a variety of ways.

This is primarily because out of all of the fatty acids that exist in brain matter, omega 3 fats take up 40%.

Studies show that pregnant women who consumed high amounts of fresh, pure omega 3 fish oil during their pregnancies had children who were at significantly less risk for ADHD and ADD than women who did not take omega 3 supplements.

Omega 3 treatments have also been used in children suffering from ADHD and behavioral problems with relative success. Reports showed that they were able to concentrate longer, retain information better, and focus easier.

Incidentally, omega 3 fatty acids have also been known to lessen the symptoms of postnatal depression as well.

Its tendency to significantly improve brain function makes omega 3 fatty acids ideal for treating memory problems in elderly patients as well. Tests reveal that Alzheimer's patients who took omega 3 fish oil capsules had improvements in their long and short term memories.

Omega 3 brain treatments have also been used on stroke victims. It is useful in a variety of ways in this regard: its blood thinning capabilities prevent future blood clots, while its tendency to help create stronger, healthier brain cells and nerve activity help enormously in helping them regain lost physical abilities and even help with memory problems.

If you are suffering from depression, mood swings, anxiety, or other disorders, omega 3 can help you in this regard as well. Chronic sufferers of pain or illness often have intense feelings of nervousness, sadness, and hopelessness.

Omega 3 fatty acids help in that they give your body's immune system an extra boost. Even if you're not suffering from a physical illness, your mood will lighten once you discover how much better your body feels.
Having a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids also helps stabilize brain chemistry, which is useful in treating depression and bipolar I and II.

It's important to remember that your brain is an organ, and it can get sick just as any part of your body. Don't put off taking care of your mental health. Try omega 3 fish oil capsules today and enjoy the novelty of thinking clearer, feeling happier, and enjoying life.

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Nursing is just one of the many ways new parents can bond with their new baby. Dads can get involved with nursing too by feeding bottles of breast milk or formula. Baby can be cradled in close for a bottle feed allowing bonding to occur naturally. When nursing a baby their eyes at the perfect distance for seeing mothers face, this aids bonding as does being close to the smell of Mum. Bonding is a unique process that can happen instantly for some and may take time for others. Factors that can influence bonding can include whether the birth was easy or traumatic, whether baby was able to have skin to skin contact soon after birth and whether or not the initial feeds of colostrums went well.

Your newborn baby will be familiar with mum's heartbeat and to some extent dad's too, so feeding baby on close allows them to hear your heartbeat and be comforted. Even if your baby is in intensive care you can still form a strong bond through nursing by expressing milk and stroking your baby and talking in a soothing voice as they will be familiar with your voices.

Hormones can help a mother bond with her new baby as the mother is filled with love for her child. Sometimes, hormones go a bit astray and the mother can be affected by postnatal depression, possibly making bonding more of a challenge.

The ways babies bond:

* Touch (skin-to-skin contact)
* Eye-to-eye contact
* Can follow moving objects with their eyes
* Imitate facial expressions and gestures
* Prefer human voices

Nursing a baby fulfills although the criteria for how a baby bonds in one activity. You can hold baby close allowing for skin to skin contact providing warmth and comfort. Babies' eyes will eventually open whilst they feed thus allowing for eye-to-eye contact and they are the perfect distance away from you at the breast. If you are wearing a necklace or bright patterned top - baby will delight in playing with (make sure it is safe) or staring at your bright clothing. When you smile at them - they will eventually smile back. Whilst nursing it is possible to smile at your baby and talk to them in a soothing voice. All of these aspects will assist in the mothers' ability to bond with her child whilst nursing.

Other ways to bond with baby other than nursing:

* feeding e.g. middle-of-the-night bottle feed and nappy change
* reading or singing
* sharing a bath
* mirroring movements
* mimicking baby's cooing and other vocalizations - the first efforts at communication
* using a front baby carrier
* letting baby feel the different textures of dad's face especially fun if he has facial hair.

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One of the things that concerns women when having a c-section is the topic of postpartum depression.  Postpartum depression is often triggered by hormones and women recovering from a c-section will often experience higher post-partum hormone levels than those who deliver vaginally, but why?

During a normal vaginal birth there is a bit more effort involved on the mother's behalf than with a C-section. Through the pushing and breathing come lots of hormones that bombard your body in order to make your delivery possible; all of the actions that take place during birth are made possible by your hormones.

In the case of a C-Section, these hormones continue to flow but are often not used because of the relaxed state of your delivery. After birth the brain will once again become bombarded with elevated levels of hormones, most significantly Oxytocin which helps with the release of the placenta and after-birth, initiate lactation and start the bonding process between mother and baby as well as helping the mother to 'forget' the painful process she has just gone through as the bodies way of insuring that the female will once again desire procreation.

During the c-section procedure an epidural or spinal tap has a tendency to cease the flow of these imperative hormones, synthetic Oxytocin will be prescribed in your IV but many women experience elevated levels of post-partum hormones causing depression because of the later natural release of the hormone build-up in the body. It's important to note that synthetic Oxytocin is meant to help aid in the natural birth progression but not necessarily to help the female adjust after-birth.

So what can you do? Other than the often repeated answer, "Ask your doctor", there are other options for ways to help ease the stress of elevated post-partum hormone levels.

1. Nipple stimulation. Often used as a way to elevated Oxytocin levels to induce labor, can also help with a similar release post-partum.

After birth a nurse specializing in helping the new mother breast feed will come to help you as well, this is an important step in the after-birth period, do not turn away the help from this nurse especially if you just had a c-section. His or her aid will also help to stimulate the nipples allowing for a necessary release of hormones triggering lactation but also with creating a bond between you and your new baby.

This release is also helpful in easing some of the post-partum depression that seems to be increased in cesarean deliveries.

2. Scheduling your cesarean at no earlier than 39 weeks is preferred.  Many doctors don't want women to go into labor pre-surgery if she has had a c-section previously because of possibility of tearing along the already existing scar tissues, but if this is your first c-section and your doctor does not express concerns, going in for your surgery as close to your expected delivery date is important; not only for you but also for your baby. The physical act of going into labor promotes the excretion of important hormones which will aid in your post-partum recovery.

3. Make sure that you keep active and monitor your hormone levels post delivery. Medical studies and statistics have indicated that cases of post-partum depression are higher among women who have a c-section than with a vaginal birth so keeping active is a   good way to keep from developing depression.  Some post-partum sadness is normal but full on depression is not and often requires medical attention.

If you are concerned about avoiding postpartum depression after having a c-section, look into what other mothers have done to counteract this very serious risk. You are not alone! Around 10-15% of women experience some sort of postpartum blues, ask around, search the forums and present all your questions to your doctor. If you already have issues with depression or mood-disorders take a pre-emptive strike and make an appointment with a psychologist or therapist before you deliver. 

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New mothers who experience anxiety, panic, low mood, hopelessness or other depressive symptoms, may be suffering from post-natal depression. This occurs in approximately 10% of new mothers in the post partum period, and can be aided by the use of holistic healing and support from loved ones. Instead of focussing on the negatives, take the salutogenesis approach, by focussing on ways to positively induce a feeling of well-being.

Strategies to prevent or reduce the occurrence of Post Natal Depression

- Eat plenty of foods that are high in fibre, vitamin B and also in minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium. Complex carbohydrates, whole grains, brown rice, vegetables and raw oats are a good start. These improve levels of mood boosting substances in the brain, and create a sense of well being.
- If your mind is over-active take herbs such as oats relaxing drops to induce restfulness. Bathing in Lavender Bath Milk is highly recommended for new mothers, to calm the nerves.
- Eat oily fish such as tuna and a little salmon to provide ample amounts of essential fatty acids.
- Have plenty of rest and avoid exertion. The more relaxed you are, the less likely you will be to dwell on aches and pains, facilitating a faster and easier recovery.
- Avoid any foods that trigger mood swings such as high fat and high sugar meals, caffeine, white bread and milk chocolate.
- Avoid smoking
- Create a support system with family so that household chores such as cleaning and cooking are handed over to somebody else as often as possible
- Use homeopathic or herbal medicines where-ever possible to calm and soothe your baby if it is restless or upset

Causes of Post Natal Depression are varied and it thought that a poor dietary intake of complex carbohydrates as well as the B group vitamins B1, B5, B9 and B12 are common in women with this condition. However dietary changes are only one aspect to improving mood. The aroma of essential oils is a very simple and effective way to boost mood, and you can incorporate essential oils into your daily skincare regime. Oils of Lavender, Wild Rose, Sweet Orange and Chamomile are all useful to induce relaxation and boost mood. Wild Rose Body care and deodorant for example, keep the mood-lifting aroma of roses alive on your skin throughout the day. The best way to access the aromatic oils of these plants is to buy them in natural, organic and biodynamic bodycare products such as lotions and bathmilks to get the best possibly quality oils and to avoid toxicity.

Often low mood is a reflection of an exhausted nervous system, which needs to recover and rejuvenate after traumatic events. Herbs such as Oats (Avena Sativa) will benefit both mother and baby. Oats Relaxing Drops can also be taken multiple times daily by mother.

The Benefits of Rose

Another herb to consider is the highly moisturising rose. The smell of fresh roses is nothing short of a soft caress and has many benefits for skin health as well. It can be found in lotions, moisturisers, toners and cleansers. Rose petals strewn loosely in a baby's bath water will soften the skin and have a calming effect on mood.

Organic and biodynamic roses are the most beneficial as they maximize the medicinal qualities of the plant, so always choose products with high quality and purity standards.

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A lot of pregnant women actually suffer from forgetfulness and clumsiness during pregnancy. A research shows that hormone levels are so elevated during pregnancy that they may be having an adverse effect on the brain cells. There could a link between pregnancy and memory problems.

A research that was conducted took into account the various stages of pregnancy. According to the research, the first trimester in pregnancy did not show any visible set of problems related to memory. However, when women were given simple questionnaires to fill in their second and third trimesters, they performed a lot worse. Also, women tend to get worried during pregnancy if they will be able to function normally after giving birth. The phase of memory loss actually lasts for quite some months even after pregnancy.

Pregnancy causes several psychological problems like low mood levels and anxiety disorder. It is known to cause prenatal and postnatal depression. These conditions may be affecting the memory in women during pregnancy also.

Hormones could be playing a big role in causing memory loss. While typically hormones get regulated in the body for the safety of the mother and child, some hormones when produced excessively in the body may not suit the brain cells. Higher rate of sex hormones also have an effect on the neurons in the brain. Memory is a brain function that usually takes place in the hippocampus and it is this region of the brain that the scientists feel is adversely affected by the circulating hormones. Mood swings and anxiety that extend after pregnancy in the form of post natal depression also causes memory loss after pregnancy.

However, researchers agree that more research needs to be conducted in this field in order to definitively find out what causes memory problems in pregnant women.

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Have you ever harnessed the exhilarating ride that is the power of expectation? Did you know it is one of the world's truly magical rides? Why it can transform not only your days, but your relationships too.

If you do something expecting it to go well... guess what? There's a pretty good chance it will.

If you do something expecting it to go badly or to be nasty. Guess what? It probably will.

The power of expectation is an amazing transformational force and can very easily become your greatest self fulfilling prophecy.

Keeping in mind that you cannot (and probably should not) control the behaviour of others, how can you use the power of expectations to turn a relationship around?

It's absurd, but here's how it worked for a client of mine.

Her husband works for himself. They had two small children under two. She worked from home as an author and was the primary carer for the children. She was finding the time between 5pm and 7pm every day to be very challenging. Everything needed to be done and everyone was tired. She expected her husband to be home by 6pm every day so he could help her during this challenging time to bathe and feed children and prepare the evening meal.

He rarely made it home before 6.30pm and this was causing her intense irritation. Each time he was 'late' she would spend the minutes after 6pm berating him and feeling like an unloved victim of her circumstances. We discussed how pitifully unhappy she was making herself with her expectation and continual disappointment when it wasn't met.

The solution we agreed upon... don't laugh!

What she resolved to do was stunningly simple and effective... she told herself to expect her husband home by 7pm every night. Guess what??

He was always early! What a man! How lucky and loved she felt. (And what strange tricks our brains can play on us).

Another client with small children used the same trick with the power of expectations to feel happier with herself. She was a high achieving, ambitious business woman in her 30s when she had children. Every milestone she set herself in her career had been achieved easily and effortlessly.

Then her children arrived. Instead signing off on business deals, there were days when she:

  • Got the dirty clothes in the washing machine (yay), but never made it to the dryer

  • Could feed everybody (yay), but forget to change out of her pyjamas

  • Breastfed the baby (yay), but forgot to tuck everything away before opening the door to the door to door salesman

  • Clear the dishes off the table (yay), but put them in the pantry instead of the dishwasher

It was at the end of one of those days that she rang me for help. She broke down in tears and sobbed out the huge list of things she hadn't achieved that day... the floor was dirty, the beds weren't made, the children were going to have tinned food because she hadn't got around to cooking the organic vegetables yet...

I quietly said, 'Stop. Do you have two children who are alive, happy and healthy?'

'Yes', she sobbed.

'Well, isn't that the most magnificent thing you could achieve in a day? Haven't you done well? Does the rest really matter?'

With those few simple questions her life was changed. She harnessed the power of expectation, changed it and began to find joy, laughter, love and moments of sheer bliss in every day. What a difference a change in expectation made to her attitude, her happiness and her life.

By simply changing your expectations, you can change how you feel about your day, your relationship and yourself. This must surely be one of the simplest and easiest personal growth tools ever... and it certainly provides amazing results.

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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 3 to 5 percent of children worldwide. Pertinent studies reveal that its symptoms of inattentiveness, lack of focus and hyperactivity are most likely carried by sufferers up until adulthood. As per clinical definition, ADHD is regarded as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder that limits the child's ability to routinely perform school tasks or adapt easily in social circles. If ADHD is carried into adulthood, the aspect of self-actualization will prove to be a struggle.

The risks of unresolved ADHD lies in the likelihood of its symptoms to impair learning abilities, hinder work performance, affect relationships and even lead to emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression. No medical cure has yet been formulated to completely inhibit the manifest of this disorder or resolve underlying neurological triggers; though stimulant drugs have been prescribed on sufferers for many years to subdue the symptoms.

Studies point out to genetics as a probable cause for ADHD, where a delay in brain development has been observed on kids showing symptoms of the disorder. Other scientific studies conducted on the subject of delayed brain development associates the disorder with environmental toxins that caused brain injury during the prenatal or postnatal stages of pregnancy. Toxins contain impurities that reduce blood circulation to the brain to thus affect the supply of oxygen required for efficient concentration and for the performance of mental tasks as well.

Medications have been manufactured to artificially increase blood flow to the brain and likewise stimulate neurotransmitter activity, but the downside to prescription stimulant use involves the reported 'spacing-out' in kids that occur over longer periods of time. In many instances, ADHD sufferers do not find long term relief for hyperactivity and its sedating properties may have been too much for the fragile brain chemistry of children.

Herbalists recommend the use of herbal remedies such as Hyoscyamus and related research confirms its potential as a safe alternative to psycho-stimulants. It is a natural therapeutic agent that helps limit the manifest of ADHD symptoms such as restlessness and disruptive behavior. Its active constituent-an alkaloid called hyoscyamine, stabilizes acetylcholine output in the brain, which eases over excitability. Hyoscyamus also contains hyoscine-an anti-cholinergic like hyoscyamine and a plant metabolite that purportedly enhances memory functions. Synergistically-hyoscyamine, hyoscine and their salts naturally occurring with the herb promote neurological debility that is regarded as a safer option to the anti-cholinergic drugs prescribed for ADHD.

Other notable medicinal substances used for ADHD symptoms like the Verta Alb., Arsen Iod, and Tuberculinum produce similar therapeutic effects to that of the Hyoscyamus. When the compounds of mentioned substances are combined in a therapeutic dosage, the formula will work to calm an erratic nervous system - thus lessening emotional outbursts while retaining cognitive stability. Find this potent formula in herbal supplements for ADHD such as BrightSpark which induces positive concentration, focus and all the more normalize the moody outbursts of frenetic kids. Herbal remedies such as this guarantee young ADHD sufferers a safe and effective solution to all the jittery encounters that comes with ADHD.

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Postnatal depression (PND) is a mood disorder. The individual affected is not to be blamed, this is a disease. Women who suffer from Postnatal Depression may or may not have a history of depression. The disease can strike without warning anytime after pregnancy, though if you have no experienced any symptoms by the first 3 months chances are you are not part of the one in five women who do.

Postnatal Depression is not something to be overlooked or ignored. Some women have such severe reactions to the disease that they may cause harm to themselves or their new born. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you have these severe symptoms.

For those women who do not have severe symptoms but are suffering there are many treatments available. Most doctors will prescribe any number of anti-depressants in an attempt to control your feelings. Many mothers do not like the idea of being "hopped up on drugs" when caring for their newborns.

For these women there are natural remedies available including St. Johns Wort which is safe for new mothers but should not be taken in conjunction with prescription anti-depressants. A vital part of treatment is building a strong support system around you and being educated upon your disease.

There are several online message groups that women from all across the world have joined to share experiences and stories. These can be an amazingly helpful tool in combating your own depression. There are also several books available that can explain breathing exercises and other natural remedies for postnatal depression.

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When women become pregnant they are advised to keep away from oily fish. The reason for this is because oily fish such as salmon and tuna are often caught from areas which are heavily fished and this causes the fish to be high in pollutants, especially mercury. So you would have thought fish oil for pregnant women would be a bad idea too, but you could in fact be wrong.

Pregnant women should of course consult with their doctor before starting on any kind of supplement, let alone fish oil, but if you get fish oil that has been processed in a particular way then there can be huge benefits for both the fetus and the mother. The process that the oil has to go through is molecular distillation. Basically this is a process of purifying the fish oil which means it should be perfectly safe to take. You do have to check that it has gone through this process though, as not all manufacturers do it.

Once you have found a fish oil that has undergone this treatment then the benefits that you get are all from the DHA fat to be found in it. Most supplements are higher in the other essential fat EPA but you really want one higher in DHA for the following reasons:-

  • Fetal Brain Development - The human brain is made up of about 60% fats and of that amount half again is DHA fats. Once developed the body does not make it any more and it has to come from an outside source. By taking a supplement the mother will be helping the baby because while its brain is being developed, it will be getting the best nourishment possible for it. It is believed that children born to mothers who have taken DHA during pregnancy have children that are less likely to have learning and attention disorders too.
  • Eye Development - As well as the brain having high levels of DHA so do the eyes. Again it is about 60% of the eye is made up of this essential fat; and although by taking it it will not stop a child having long or short sight if that is the way they are genetically made up, but it will help make sure that the retina is developed properly.
  • Asthma & Allergies - It has been reported that children whose mothers took DHA fats during pregnancy had very low numbers of children that suffered from asthma or allergies. Researchers are not 100% sure what causes these conditions but they think it is inflammation. Inflammation can overstimulate the immune system in the developing fetus causing the conditions but DHA which is well known for its anti inflammatory properties can stop this from happening.

One final thing about fish for pregnant women is that because of they way it feeds the brain it is known to help reduce the possibility of post natal depression too. So not only is it good for the baby but it helps out the mother as well.

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DHA prenatal supplements have been proven to be of paramount importance for women during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that DHA is very important for the early development and growth of the fetus. It is also important for the mother, and deficiencies can be damaging.

About 30% of the brain is composed of DHA. This is why the proper formation of the brain during fetal development is due to using a DHA prenatal supplement. But DHA is also found in the foundational material of the eyes, so it is important for that too. As well as many other areas of the body.

Prenatal DHA supplements can also guard against possible pregnancy problems. This includes preventing miscarriage, stillborn and preterm.

A baby draws on its mother's supply of DHA and therefore her DHA levels lower dramatically. If she fails to supply both herself and her child with DHA then it is a very likely that she will have post natal depression.

But it's not just about preventing drawbacks, prenatal DHA supplements bring many benefits too. Your child may have better hand-eye coordination and is more likely to have an IQ of 115 or over if you use a fish oil dietary supplement.

However, not all fish based oils will bring you these benefits. Some are sub-standard and won't be effective as others. They might also not be as safe.

Eating too much fish during pregnancy may result in mercury poisoning. To avoid this condition but to still supply you and your child with DHA, you can take a molecularly distilled supplement.

This process purifies and concentrates the fish oil before it is encapsulated. This makes it safe to consume by removing all kinds of harmful chemicals.

These include mercury, lead, PCBs and arsenic.

That's why the best and safest DHA prenatal supplement is one which has undergone molecular distillation. It will bring you the most benefits to your health.

Other things you need to know are the correct ratio of fatty acids and also the freshness of the fish oil. These will also contribute to a better supplement.

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Postpartum depression (or postnatal depression) is a very common experience for new mothers, usually caused by varying hormone levels. After the first joy and excitement over the birth, almost all mothers have feelings of depression, resulting in weepiness, feeling inadequate and unable to cope. This mild form is known as baby blues and soon wears off.

One in ten women suffers from PND more severely, beginning from three weeks to six months after the birth. They become moody, easily distressed, reject their partner and child, cannot sleep, have a poor appetite and feel anxious and guilty. This condition needs medical counselling. Drugs may be prescribed but simpler treatment, such as kindness and understanding from friends and relations, going out, taking up hobbies and discussing the problem, will often be valuable.

One in 500 new mothers suffers a much more severe depression known as puerperal psychosis, which needs emergency remedies involving psychiatric care. The Infanticide Act (1938) states that a woman cannot be found guilty of the murder of her child within twelve months of its birth if she is suffering from severe postnatal depression.

Organisations that can help include the Association for Postnatal Illness, Parents Anonymous, the Samaritans, and the Meet A Mum Association.

Postnatal check-up

This should take place about six weeks after the birth. This six-week period is known as the puerperium, and by the end of the six weeks the reproductive organs should have returned to their proper size. The check-up can be carried out by the woman's own GP, or at the hospital where the baby was delivered.

At the check-up the doctor will:

  • check the mother's weight, blood pressure and urine.

  • if an episiotomy was needed, check that this is healing.

  • give a routine smear test.

  • offer contraceptive advice.

  • check on the mother's emotional condition and any signs of post partum depression.

It is an opportunity for the mother to discuss any problems she may have, physical or mental. It is an important check-up and mothers should insist that it is thorough.

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There are many, many healthy brain supplements around these days and all sorts of remedies too. Although some have proven benefits, none have the power of omega 3 fatty acids, especially as they help your overall health too.

The reason why fish oils rich in omega 3 fats make the best healthy brain supplement is simply because these fats are abundant in your brain, with the main one being DHA.

About half of your brain is made up of fats and over half of them are DHA. They keep it healthy and ensure the proper transmission of the neural signals, improving their speed and clarity. This helps you to think more clearly and avoid depression and anxiety too.

For children they are essential for their development, helping to improve cognitive awareness, language ability and even their coordination. For pregnant mothers, it has long been established that taking distilled fish oils help to give the unborn child the maximum help with future development and helps to mother to avoid postnatal depression too.

These oils are also proven to be helpful in preventing and treating many serious degenerative mental health conditions like Alzheimer's and schizophrenia. In fact it was found that the symptoms of schizophrenia could be reduced by over 25% by taking daily oils rich in DHA fats.

As well as being the best type of healthy brain supplements, these oils can also cut your risk of premature disease by 40%, boost your immune system and have anti-cancer properties too.

Their powerful anti-inflammatory powers also stem from the DHA fats which are the only ones converted by the body into a powerful anti-inflammatory chemical called Resolvin D2.

To enjoy the maximum brain and health benefits, look for an oil that has been distilled. This process is expensive for the manufacturer and as a result not many are distilled in order to increase profits.

What this process does is remove all the harmful toxins like PCBs, mercury, arsenic and lead from the oil to leave it pure and safe.

High DHA levels are also essential and you want to get at least 27% DHA fats in each capsule or soft gel. Unfortunately most oils today have more of the other less effective fat called EPA, as it is cheaper to use. Check the label to see the individual amounts.

As you can see, not only do fish oils make the best healthy brain supplements, they also protect your overall health and future well-being too.

If you would like to find out more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

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You just discovered you are pregnant. While this is an exciting time you need to remember that your body and your emotions are going to be going through many changes over the next several months. Taking proper care during this time can help you to feel better and stay healthy and help your baby to be healthier as well. With that in mind here are 7 essential care tips that will help you to achieve those goals.

1. Eating a proper diet. While eating properly is essential for overall good health at any time it is especially important for pregnant women to eat healthy and this may mean some changes in your normal diet. You are going to want to eat a diet that is high in Iron and calcium, not only is this essential to maintaining your health but is necessary for the babies growth and development. In addition you will need to eat proteins, plenty of red and yellow vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Avoiding fried food and those high in fats will not only help you to feel healthier but may help in cases of morning sickness.

2. Exercise Women who get a reasonable amount of exercise through out their pregnancy report easier labors than those who get little or no exercise. Getting sufficient exercise will also help you to feel better overall during your pregnancy. Unless your doctor says otherwise get some exercise daily, walking can be a great exercise for pregnant women.

3. Get Plenty of Rest. Getting sufficient rest while pregnant is important in maintaining both your physical and emotional health. Many women feel the need for afternoon naps when they are pregnant and this is fine. You will need more rest than normal as carrying a child puts extra stress on your body and more rest helps your body deal with this stress.

4. Avoid Undue Stress. Some situations are simply more stressful than others and added stress while pregnant is one thing you don't need. Whenever possible avoid those activities which makes you feel unduly stressed.

5. Look Your Best. As your body changes many women begin to feel less than attractive. Looking your best helps you to feel your best so spend a few extra minutes each day caring for your skin and hair. This isn't vain it is simply allowing you to look and feel as good as possible each day.

6. Regular Check ups. Getting regular medical care during your entire pregnancy is the best thing you can do for both your baby and yourself. Follow your doctors advice and discuss any problems or worries you have with your health care professional. Many times pregnant women worry about all sorts of things and your doctor is the best person to reassure you that all is going right with your pregnancy as well as identifying health problems early enough to correct them before they harm you or your baby.

7. Avoid Harsh Cleaning Chemicals. We all like a clean home, but pregnant women and the babies they are carrying are especially susceptible to the fumes of harsh cleaning chemicals. Now would be a great time to change to cleaning agents that are more environmentally friendly as well as healthier for you.

Following these few simple tips can lead to a healthier, happier pregnancy.

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Postpartum depression is a condition that many new moms go through. 80% of moms will go through something known as the "baby blues" shortly after giving birth. There is no problem with this; it is just from the dramatic change in the hormones. However, 20% of new moms will develop postpartum depression, which continues weeks and months after the baby is born.

This condition is very serious and can put the baby and the mom at risk. Because of this, it is very important to treat it as soon as possible. Whether you are the new mom looking for a way to help yourself or a partner or friend looking for a way to help the new mom, this is a five step treatment process to help with postpartum depression.

1. Support. Having the support from family and friends is extremely important. This is not just about having someone to talk to - although that will help - this is also about having someone who is willing to help around the house or with the infant. The new mom needs her rest just as much as the new baby will but that's unlikely to happen without the help from friends and family members. A friend folding laundry will give the new mom a chance to grab a few minutes of shut-eye, which can really help.

2. Talk. This is not always from a friend of family member. In fact, many people do not feel comfortable opening up to someone that knows them and will prefer to open up to a professional instead. There is nothing wrong with wanting to talk about your problems; it's a good way to stop them from building up.

3. Emotional Freedom Technique. This is a popular process for many women suffering from postpartum depression. The benefit is that the acupuncture will help to take the mind of the negative thoughts while the talking will give the new mom a chance to get everything off her chest and work out a better way of dealing with the problem.

4. Healthy Eating and Exercise. Staying healthy will help to improve your energy levels. Rather than opting for the quick cup of coffee to boost the energy temporarily, snack on fruit and nuts and eat healthy meals that are high in protein. These will release the energy slower, which means you'll feel energized for longer. The exercise can also help with the release of endorphins, which will help you feel happier.

5. Antidepressants. As none of the above proves to help with the postpartum depression, many doctors will decide to opt for the antidepressants. These can help many women get over the slump in hormones and their anxieties about being a new mom. Antipsychotics are used when the depression becomes more serious and life threatening, for both the mother and the baby.

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Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts and Cate Blanchett have unveiled post-baby bodies in the past that have surprised women worldwide.

Squeezing back into your favourite little black dress so soon after childbirth may not be a realistic option for new mums who don't have the luxury and expertise of a full-time dietician, nanny and personal trainer, on hand, 24/7. Especially, if you are a more mature new mum, being part of the strong, modern trend of having kids later in life.

New mums, at any age, are often overwhelmed with their changed body shape and extra baby weight. According to fitness expert Angela Houseman, the average woman should not use celebrities as role models. "It's inevitable that women will envy superstars who go from being 9 months pregnant to a size 6 overnight," said Ms Houseman.

Angela Houseman has had two children and understands the pressures that are placed on women who have just given birth. "When I had both my children, I suffered envy when I read magazines of celebrity mums who had given birth and looked terrific. But the reality is, the average person does not have a host of staff to help out with everyday living."

According to Embracing Motherhood, an organisation that supports mums after giving birth, most new mums will go through dramatic changes both emotionally and physically before, during and after the birth process. The more mums look after themselves, the greater their chances of a recovery in both areas.

It is the norm in our culture for the attention to move away from the mum and onto the new born baby after childbirth, often to the detriment of the mum. In traditional cultures within Asia, South America, the Middle East and India there is recognition that mums will need a longer period of time to rest and recover after childbirth. This can be anywhere from a few weeks up to a few months for their rest and recovery.

"A woman's body can take as long to recover as it does to make a baby: but in particular, the six week postnatal period is extremely important for supporting new mums back to health," says Ms Flack from Embracing Motherhood. "Women who give birth go through a complete physical and emotional change and require enormous support during the postnatal period. Unfortunately, often society does not acknowledge this need."

Six facts for new mums:

o Up to 20% of women have postnatal weight retention.
o Up to 76% of new mums report ongoing fatigue in the postnatal period. Fatigue is a major contributor to depression.
o At least 15% of Australian mums suffer Postnatal Depression.
o 83% of new mums initiate breastfeeding and less than 18% of mums continue to breastfeed after 6 months.
o Approximately 50% of new mums report ongoing backache.
o More than 40% of women have caesareans leading to longer recovery times.

Amy Hopes, wife of Grinspoon drummer Kristian, recently undertook the 30 day postnatal recovery program with Embracing Motherhood, after giving birth to her first child in September last year. The aim of the postnatal recovery program is to support mums in getting their body and mind back to a full recovery. Amy feels her inexperience is typical of most first time mums. "I had the perfect pregnancy and presumed I would have the perfect birth. But I was in for a big shock. I had a terrible, gruelling 36 hour labour. In the end, the doctors had to break my waters and use suction to get the baby out. I was very traumatised by it and can really only now, after 4 months, start to re-live it in my mind."

Amy found it shocking that professionals encouraged her not to talk about her traumatic birth, suggesting that she would upset other first time mums. "When I went to see the midwife I burst into tears, I was so overwhelmed. The midwife said, "Don't tell other mums, you'll only put them off," which was completely shocking to me. I think mums really need to know and understand what can happen both physically and mentally. It is not focusing on the negative, but preparing yourself for what might happen."

Surprising for Amy, it was the psychological impact of childbirth that was most challenging. "Physically, I recovered well and my postnatal program was instrumental in that smooth recovery. I was very healthy and fit before I gave birth too, doing yoga exercises each day and I think this helped."

For a new mum, a feeling of isolation is inevitable. "The most important thing is knowing that someone is looking out for you and you are not on your own," says 32 year old Amy. "The problem is that if you do gain a lot of weight and you don't bounce back easily, you are stuck at home and can't get out to do any exercise. Then your weight gain can start to spiral. I think how fit and healthy you are before the baby comes has a lot to do with it."

Weightwatchers Australia recommends that you gain between 11-16 kilos during your pregnancy and advises that too much weight gain affects your ability to bounce back after birth. "On average, after the birthing process it is around .5 to 3 kilos that women struggle to lose, although some hold on to a lot more weight. Coming into pregnancy with excess weight and gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy can make it harder to lose weight afterwards." Weightwatchers suggest that achieving a healthy pre-pregnancy weight, not gaining too much weight during pregnancy, making wise food choices and getting plenty of exercise in the months following delivery, are all useful strategies for maintaining a healthy weight throughout the child-bearing years."

"If you put in the effort, you will see your post baby body start to take shape again," says personal trainer Adriana Solorzano from Optimum Personal Training. "Much of the recovery process is tied in with the mum's body type and her level of fitness and health during the pregnancy. If you've really embraced the 'eating for two' concept, it is likely you have developed some bad eating habits during your pregnancy. Many mums think the weight will fall off but bad eating habits will make it hard to lose weight, especially when you are at home with your baby and are unable to get out and exercise. The isolation and uncertainty can make new mums comfort eat too. When I get new mums to keep a food diary, they are often shocked by how much their eating habits have changed."

Physically and mentally new mums need to allow themselves time to recover and adjust after giving birth. It's important to remember that YOU are just as important in the post birth recovery process, as your precious new baby. There is plenty of support available here in Brisbane so spend some time researching and tapping into this before your baby arrives. A happy and healthy mum will be the best carer of a new born.

'Me time' for Mums in Brisbane:

Spas: Mummabubba beauty spa in Windsor allows mums to have some serious pampering time while their baby is being minded.

Coffee Break: There is an increasing number of child-friendly cafes, such as Cafe Mama at Windsor and Breathing Space at Kenmore, combining the much deserved coffee break or lunch experience with childminding in a 'kid friendly' atmosphere, so mums can relax.

Movies: 'Babes in arms' has become very popular in Brisbane for mums still wanting to be able to go to the movies and enjoy some relaxing time without having to worry about disrupting other movie goers. In Brisbane, Babes in Arms sessions are run regularly at Palace Centro in The Valley, Palace Barracks at Paddington, Birch Carol and Coyle Cinemas Carindale, Chermside, Garden City, George Street and Loganholme.

Gyms: Most gyms in Brisbane now offer childcare facilities, so check your local gym or find one close by that offers this.

Staying in touch: The Bub Hub (http://www.bubhub.com.au) is an online information centre for new Brisbane parents. The site is endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives, the Australian Lactation Consultants Association and the Playgroup Association. It now has 40 000 registered users.

Playgroups: Check out http://www.playgroupaustralia.com.au to find a local playgroup for you and your baby. It is a great way to get you out of the house and meeting other new mums.

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How many times have you gotten up during the night only to get up again an hour later because your baby won't stop crying? It's a common situation among new parents or those with babies aged 6 months or more - getting their babies to sleep through the night but finding it impossible to do so. And the bags and dark circles under your eyes when you look at the mirror in the morning do nothing to make the situation easier.

However, thanks to enterprising and innovative souls who understand that parents need enough rest as well, a new technique called controlled crying has been conceptualized. Also known as "camping out" in some countries, the technique was designed to help infants settle down to a regular routine, with as little stress and fuss as possible.

Controlled crying is where parents wait for their babies to settle down in specific time intervals. These time intervals increase gradually and during this time no rocking, no picking up or patting is allowed and significant results are usually seen in a matter of days. Camping out on the other hand, is when one or both parents stay in the room with the baby without picking them up, patting or rocking them and gradually distancing themselves at varying time intervals in a period of days or weeks until the baby is fully able to sleep on their own.

While there over a thousand and one tips for baby sleep that you can read online, like playing soothing music, regulating the room temperature or dimming the lights, most parents have been found to stick to the tried and tested cry it out method - that is, letting their babies cry themselves to sleep. However, concerns about babies being put through unnecessary stress and trauma that could scar them psychologically and physically, the technique has been found to be most effective in helping babies and parents sleep through the night.

While it may seem that letting babies cry themselves to sleep makes for bad parenting, studies conducted on children between the ages of 8-10 months show no significant negative or harmful effects on them and in fact, has even been found to be a good strategy to employ in managing postnatal depression. This is because the better baby sleeps at night the less anxious mothers feel and as such, tend to relax more, knowing that their baby is settling nicely, with the positive effects lasting until the baby reaches the age of 2 years old.

This controlled comforting technique is also evident in online step-by-step guides that are introduced online, guides which also include how to wean babies away from the bottle, dummies and all-night nappy changes. These guides will also teach you how to read the tone of your baby's cry so you can support them emotionally while they learn to sleep independently. With these guides, parents learn as well that babies who sleep well during the night are happier babies in the morning.

But then again, however successful or effective controlled comforting techniques are, it is still a matter subject to parents' discretion because even though the technique has been proven to be effective among infants aged seven months old and above, there is no proof that it is the same for babies six months old and below so the effects cannot be generalized. The only thing is that it is effective and will not have any long-term harmful effects on your child psychologically, emotionally or physically.

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The proverb 'Silence is Golden' is very relevant in the current scenario. In the world of chaos and confusion with blaring horns, loud noise and ringing phones all around us, silence can play a key role. Silence also speaks a language which has to be interpreted and understood. In any conversations silence plays a key role which at times even communicates more than word would say. Silence is quite hard and mysterious to describe. On the one hand it is the quietness and total lack of audible sound or speech. On the other side silence can indicate emotions, such as awe, horror, anger or indifference. Placing the index finger in front of closed lips is most widely recognized gesture of silence. The gesture can be demand silence without raising once own voice. Silence can serve many functions in any conversation and how you manage it determines your aptness and sophistications. Managing silence in conversation is important part of emotional intelligence.

It has been observed that allowing silence in a conversation put pressure on the other person to speak and fill in the communication gap. Silent moment are awkward for most of us, except when we are with someone we are close to, like close friend or spouse. HR professional sometimes use extended silence in interviews with the intention that candidate will 'spill'- i.e. saying exactly the thing they didn't want to say. There is an unspoken pressure to keep conversation flowing and they tend to read hidden meaning.

The impact of silence in communication is different in different cultures. The right to silence is a legal protection enjoyed by people undergoing police interrogation or trial in certain countries. In Japan, silence is an integral part of individual communications skill. In contrast, for American silence is an uncomfortable road block in a conversation. Americans communicate to exchange, to achieve something. Because of the nature of normal conversation in the US allowing an extended silence can be perceived as rudeness. It can also be meant that way. Refusing to reply to the other person is a way of ignoring them estimating silence as weapon to defeat unwanted.

When we experience anger, fear, or embarrassment our thinking gets impaired and for that moment we may be unable to speak or not be in a position to find words, or so scared that we become speechless. Some people 'flooded' with these emotions and are unable to respond. Our words block in these moments and can't pronounce a single worthy word which could express us perfectly.

Silence can indicate respect. A young person may be expected to approach an older person or person in authority and remained silent until recognized, acknowledged and spoken to. Many people among us are shy and reserved, we tend to think before we speak and silent become a part of conversation. Good listeners know how to do this, and it can be learned. Silence in speech can be the result of hesitation, self-correction, or the deliberate slowing of speech for the purpose of clarification or processing of ideas.

Excellent communicators can allow silence when it effective or called for; can avoid being pressured into speaking with silence is used as tool to manipulate the conversations. Cultivating the art of graceful silence is one of the characteristic of successful people. We should offer silence as gift or sign of respect; interpret the silence of other appropriately; understand how other cultures use silence thus mindfully regulate the use silence; and are comfortable with silence and understand it's many uses.

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There is a most definite payoff that comes with having recovered from depression. It is generally not spoken about because those people who have recovered from depression are too busy enjoying life. When I say 'recovered from depression' I mean really, really recovered from depression. I don't mean having felt better than last week when life seemed a little dark. No, what I'm talking about is those people whose backs were against the wall whilst being pinned up by their demons with the hand of the devil around their necks, holding tight enough to squeeze the life out of them without mercy. And now? Now those people are 100% at ease with life in the knowledge that if the devil ever returns, they know exactly what to do to stop it in its tracks and send it packing. When you have conquered your worst fears, life is a breeze.

When I was in the 'devil showed me no mercy' position, I knew my choices were limited. I was also aware that time was not on my side; I needed immediate help and I needed full-on help. I have met many people who have walked this same road and have come out the other side. We meet regularly and we talk about our lives. We clear the stuff that blocks us up first and this leaves room for rewards to flow our way. We laugh at most of life and giggle amongst ourselves. We are a contented tribe but we always search for more of life's goodies. We know they are there, albeit in a different identity from before we recovered.

What makes us different to others is that in order to slay our demons, we have had to turn ourselves inside out. We needed to inspect every bug that was hidden under the rocks of our denial and then oust them. If we left one behind, we knew it would re-incarnate itself into The Thing out of John Carpenter's film. Whilst we were pinned against the wall we didn't feel we had a choice; it was fight or die. We had to spend a couple of years scrutinizing our every move in order that we could adjust our behaviour accordingly to bring about a better response from the world. We had to write, question, discuss, alter, grieve, modify and eventually evolve into people who were integrated with themselves. We wouldn't have chosen and we didn't ask to go through this self-inspection. We did it because it was the only open door we could see at the time so we ran for it with the energy we would have found if someone had screamed 'fire!!' and pointed to the exit.

Having recovered from depression, I have received gifts which are sometimes beyond my comprehension. I have an innate 'in-tune ness' with myself which allows me to understand what I should do next. At the same time I grasp the essence of the power of the moment and I recognise that is where true bliss lies. I no longer have the unremitting babble in my head which condemns my humanness and rejoices only when I achieve it's goal. There is no judge and jury sat on the other side of the road as I walk out of my house singing 'We will, we will judge you' to the tune of the song by Queen of near enough the same name. I don't have to face the face the world any more with a 'mask of perfection' to cover up my feelings of isolation. I now find that I present myself to the outside world as I feel on the inside. I don't have an innate fear of authority any more in the sense that I used to feel like a small child in a world of big adults. Oh, and I no longer feel guilty when I see a policeman! I know that the future will be taken care of in spite of my best efforts to try and control it. I let up on criticising those around me which leaves me enjoying their idiosyncrasies rather than telling them what to do next. I know that changing my friends or lover is not going to solve any problems because my problems sit within me. This is the most liberating discovery as I am no longer passive to other people's directive.

I am not driven to succeed materially any longer as I have learnt that feeding my 'neediness' with 'things' leaves me feeling empty. But I am driven to discover and fulfill my true potential. A great part of that is, when I choose to, being honest about myself. I now tell people how I feel at that moment, what I like about them and what I struggle with and why, in a way that is inviting to others. Their reactions to me are a world apart from the reactions I received as a young woman with 'p*** off' written across her forehead. The conversation with another in which we exchange feelings and experiences about being in each other's company is the most awe inspiring, breathtaking and humbling interchange that I know of. Yes it is scary because, as a society, we never do it - in fact we run from it. But, when I get the courage to converse with another in this way I feel I am at the centre of life because I am facing my most scary moment which is to show my honest self. The payoff? I no longer fear other people and the world. I am secure in the knowledge that I am an inherently good person and I can take care of myself. I feel a vibrancy in life which fills me with wonderment. I don't tolerate drivel and dishonesty. I only ever compromise myself through choice.

Is someone you know deeply depressed? Don't pity them but understand that their time has come to challenge their own demons and, if they take up the challenge, they will manifest into themselves into someone who is prepared to stand away from the herd, speak their mind, give up judging those around them and, most of all, will be full of joy. It's our little secret.

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Jasmine flower tea is usually made of green tea and is flavored with aromatic jasmine flowers. The full bodied floral scent and its combination with the flowers make them very attractive to tea enthusiasts. The savory taste makes it very satisfying to the person's palate. Jasmine teas are usually available in Chinese markets because it was the Chinese people who started the aromatic teas. When you visit some restaurants, you will find these jasmine teas being served hot.

Jasmine flowering tea has different varieties. The most common varieties are green tea and oolong tea. Oolong teas originated in China. They are flavorful and fragrant, and with a complex flavor. This tea is an herbal tea because it has the capacity to settle the stomach. They are perfect drinks after eating because it helps in the fast digestion of the food. This tea is a semi-fermented tea which crosses between green and black teas. The black tea's flavor has the ability to overcome the jasmine, but it tends to be tannic. It can be consumed plain, but others have the alternative of adding sugar to enjoy a sweeter tea.

There are many health benefits that jasmine teas offer. These are:

• Jasmine is good for digestion. Most people encounter digestion problems that may lead to constipation and diarrhea. With the help of this amazing tea, one can say goodbye to these digestion issues.
• Jasmine tea is an excellent defense against certain cancer illnesses.
• Most green teas consist of polyphenols that are rich with antioxidants, and antiviral properties. This means it delays the process of aging, keeping a person look younger and vibrant.
• Jasmine flower tea reduces the risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol.
• It is an effective prevention for respiratory problems like heart attacks, arterial sclerosis and strokes.
• It helps maintain good intestine by blocking the growth of bad bacteria. It then produces good bacteria that are good for the body.
• Jasmine reduces the risk of blood clotting and aneurism.
• It boosts the immune system, making the body free from any ailments or diseases. It fights bacteria and viruses that could cause certain diseases.
• It prevents different types of allergies
• It protects the teeth from tooth decay and cavities. It provides proper oral care that our teeth needed.
• Jasmine tea is a wonderful anxiety and stress relief.
• Lastly, jasmine tea is an effective treatment for food poisoning like cholera, piccolo and dysentery.

Jasmine flower tea is an amazing tea that offers many health benefits to people. It is also an effective anti-depressant that helps people to calm and relax. This tea is useful for pregnant women to relieve them from nausea during their pregnancy. They can also utilize it to fight post-natal depression. It also relieves muscle and back pains, so they could be use for body massages to relax the body.

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