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Postnatal depression (PND) commonly known as "baby blues" apparently can affect not only new mothers but their partners as well. We are talking about almost 16% of male population (USA statistics).

If women have this depression in the first few weeks after giving birth, men generally are very happy at this time until all the responsibilities, tiredness, fears and worries catch up with them and they become depressed in 3 to 6 months after their child is born.

This kind if depression in men is more likely to happen if their partner is also depressed. That's why doctors have to pay attention to the whole family when treating PND in female patients.

To get depression help is more problematic for new fathers. First, they might not realise they have PND, as it's an illness commonly associated with women. Secondly, they don't communicate with other new parents and share their experiences.

The signs and symptoms of postnatal depression are usually quite similar to the ones of normal depression. In addition there are:

- Low mood, tearfulness are worse in the morning

- You are not enjoying new baby as expected

- You are very irritable with the baby and your partner

- You experience insomnia despite lack of sleep and tiredness

Scientists don't know the causes of postnatal depression but suspect they have something to do with hormonal changes after childbirth, when levels of estrogens and progesterone rapidly drop in women and levels of testosterone plummet in men (which is similar to what happen in ordinary depression) because of stress of doing something you've never done before and overwhelming sense of responsibility.

You are more likely to get PND if you have history of depression in yourself or your family members, had stressful life before the baby, or the baby was unplanned, or was born with serious problems.

Remember PND can be treated in much the same way as an ordinary depression; the doctor might even get you antidepressants that are safe for breastfeeding mothers.

Here are a few tips if you suffer from PND:

1. Share your fears and anxieties with others, talk to your doctor as well, - this is common and you are NOT alone.

2. Do not feel guilty that you are a bad mother or father and don't be afraid that someone will take your baby away if you don't cope with the pressure well. This is NOT going to happen. People will help you to deal with your depression instead.

3. Try to sleep when and where you can, - you need your rest.

4. Don't try to do everything yourself, get help.

5. Eat healthy and wholesome food; you'll need all your energy for the baby.

6. Share responsibilities and fears with your partner.

7. Don't forget to spend time with your partner without the baby, hire a nanny once a week or ask your parents to look after your child for one evening.

Did anyone have PND? Please, share!

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Some people seem to think that a Dad only becomes important when his son needs taking to football practice or his daughter needs a lift to ballet lessons. However, there are hundreds of published research papers that prove beyond any doubt that Dad is indispensable. A summary of the major benefits arising for a child brought up with Dad as well as mum are listed below;

Dads matter because....

1. Children raised with their dads have better social skills when at nursery age and will do better at examinations when they are sixteen. (Dads tend to talk and interact with babies in a more "grown up" way, than mums do.)

2. Being a good dad helps keep your child mentally stable. A close father-child relationship is a good predictor of good long-term mental health.

3. Children brought up in a happy two parent family environment have higher self esteem and form better relationships themselves.

4. Being a good Dad means that when your baby grows up they are more likely to be a good parent themselves.

5. Good fathering means your son will be less likely to get a criminal record.

6. Successful professional women all tend to have at least one thing in common, fathers who respect and encourage them

You are Important to your partner too.

If you help with your baby from the start breastfeeding is more successful and she is less likely to suffer with postnatal depression.

Generally, as you would expect two parents are more able to spread the workload and create a well balanced family environment.

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So you have just had your child and you are wondering if you may have postpartum symptoms? Well I am glad you are reading this article. Postpartum depression can cause many new mothers a lot of heartache. Women who suffer from postpartum and leave it untreated may suffer lifelong changes in their personality.
There are several tell tale postpartum symptoms which can help assess your situation. First, postnatal depression can cause women to feel exhausted. Being a new mother though is a full time job and it is expected to wear you out, so we must look at other symptoms

If your hair and nails are dry and brittle your feelings may be caused my PPD. Localized pain in your legs hot spots and discoloration are also common symptoms. Appetite and weight can also shift when dealing with postpartum. Feelings of worthlessness without any reason are a symptom. Thoughts of death or suicide are a definite symptom and you must see a doctor if your depression is that severe.

If you have suffered from depression or anxiety prior to childbirth then you are more likely to develop PPD. You may have feelings of being "trapped". Many women also get a sinking feeling in their stomach, they ask themselves what about all of the plans I had for my life? It is important to keep an eye on your postnatal depression. Early treatment is critical for the health and safety of both you and your child. Remember that the choices you make now will affect your child directly.

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Expecting a child is one of the most wondrous times for a couple, especially if the child is their first-born. But it could also be quite a challenge to the couple considering the various things they have to consider and prepare before labor or birth. Child experts and even OB Gynecologists will tell the expectant couple to prepare a few things a month or so before the projected birth date. Also, welcoming a new addition to the family should be put to consideration in order to build a harmonious relationship with all the members of the family.

Here are several things a couple needs to make sure they are ready and have considered before "the day" arrives:

Goodie Bag. This may be overlooked a lot of times by the expecting couple but being ready a month or so before the day arrives with a packed goodie bag will prove to be a very beneficial thing to do. So what should be in the goodie bag? I suggest put in everything, from small to big things, as this is technically not just a "bag" but a metaphorical bag for all things needed by the couple, themselves. On the side of the expecting mother, as she is the one who will undergo labor, I suggest that she make a list of everything that can help her undergo through labor, may she chose any form of labor like normal or Caesarian. This list could include her favorite treats or foods, her favorite blanket or pillow, her favorite robe or even her most beloved scent. Make sure that the expecting mother has got everything that will make the hospital room feel like home, sure enough, labor will go smoothly when the expecting mother is fully relaxed.

Clothes for the Baby. As the couple's center of the universe when he or she arrives, the newborn baby will surely need and get a lot of attention. Buying new baby clothes is actually one of the most fun times the expecting couple may have. As some couples do get an ultrasound for the mother five months into her pregnancy, they could be sure what clothes for a particular sex to buy. However, for couples who choose to be surprised on the birth date of the child, buying clothes which are unisex is imperative. Do consider buying newborn baby clothes which are neutral in color, white is always the perfect choice for this. Just be aware that in buying baby clothes, the couple should check for the materials used, cotton materials are breezy and do also check for hypoallergenic materials for the newborn.

The Nursery. Getting the home ready for the baby is also a thing that should not be missed by the couple. Yes, some couples sometimes do get overly excited and baby-proof their home. I suggest not spending good money on baby proofing up until the half year of the child. Putting up a special place or a nursery for the baby is a good project for the expecting couple. Get a sturdy crib that could last for a good year or a couple of years as this could still be used for the next baby. Make sure that the fabric materials used suits your baby's skin best and that the paint is lead and toxins-free.

Baby Toiletries. There is a whole market segment out there, a whole industry catering to baby toiletries. And this is a good thing for the consumers and the couples as the products do continuously become better suited for babies. Buy soaps or liquid baths that they are mild, hypoallergenic and essentially free of any harmful chemicals. Going further to this, do also look for brands of laundry detergent specially formulated for the newborns' clothes, as the usual household detergent may sometimes be harmful to them thus getting some allergic reactions on the skin.

Birth Announcements. Getting birth announcements will make the day extra special for your baby. Sending these sentimental cards to your family and friends is good as this shows much care for the special day.

Newborn Baby Gift Basket. As newborn baby gift items or baskets could come from the couple themselves or their immediate family and friends, I decided to include this here. Buying a unique personalized baby gift basket is a good way to welcome the newborn into the world wherein he or she is warmly loved by everyone around him or her. There are a lot of great things and toys for babies out in the market but I suggest that you look for customized baby items and gifts as these show the extra effort, love and care for the child. And who wouldn't adore a child wearing a cute personalized baby shirt? Personalized newborn gifts can be custom arranged based on the child's gender, putting in the perfect personalized newborn baby gift items has never been so wonderful.

These are just some of the things that should be remembered in expecting a child into this wonderful world. Others to be considered are: making sure that the monetary funds will cover up to after birth for the vaccinations, etc., taking Lamaze classes, choosing the best-suited way of labor, pre-introduction to the household, and even post-natal depression.

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You've probably heard of "kangaroo care" for premature babies. You hold tiny babies against your skin to help them grow and develop. But did you know that skin to skin contact benefits babies of all ages? Even your healthy newborn will benefit from kangaroo care!

Improving Your Baby's Health

Little ones are very immature in many ways. Their temperature regulation isn't great, which is why it's so important to keep babies warm. They don't breathe completely regularly yet. A newborn's nervous system is still developing.

Luckily, all of these things are helped by keeping your little one skin-to-skin. Your own temperature and breathing actually help your baby to regulate his or hers! As your little one is against your skin, he or she will feel you breathe. This has been proven to help a baby modify his or her own breathing pattern to match yours. Babies who sleep in their parent's arms and on their chests actually begin to breathe along with them.

The same is true with temperature. Your baby's temperature will fluctuate up and down with the weather far more easily than yours. This is why premature babies have such a hard time and need to be in a warming cradle. It's also why doctors put even full-term newborns into a warming cradle.

A healthy, full-term baby doesn't need this treatment, however. If you put your newborn or older baby on your chest skin to skin, then cover both of you with a blanket your baby will be nice and warm. Your temperature helps your baby's body reach the correct temperature and stay there.

Your baby's nervous system is also soothed and regulated by being close to you. Immature pathways begin to mature and impulses start to fire in predictable ways when your baby feels secure and takes his or her cues from your own body.

Increased Bonding

In addition to the health benefits your baby receives from being close to you, you will also increase your bond with your baby. Babies have been cradled in the womb for nine months. They're used to hearing your heart beat and hearing you breathe. The gentle, natural rhythm of your body is soothing to your baby.

Your baby will be comforted by enjoying these same rhythms after birth, as well. Your baby likes being against your chest, hearing your heart beat and feeling the gentle rise of your lungs.

Babies and children love routine and rhythm. You can first create a secure routine for your child by holding him or her close to you and continuing the soothing experience of heartbeats and breathing. Your warm skin and familiar smell are also soothing to your baby.

As your baby learns that you are a source of comfort that can be trusted, he or she grows more and more attached to you.

Skin to Skin Helps You

The benefits of skin contact are not just for your baby. You as a parent will find many benefits, too. Holding a baby skin to skin brings strong hormonal responses from your body. Mothers tend to feel deep rushes of love and attachment for their babies. Fathers feel a strong need to protect and care for their baby (and the baby's mother). These hormonal processes are built into humans and they're important for helping you bond with your baby and helping to prevent problems like depression.

Many modern practices, like taking a baby away right after birth, strollers, and cribs in separate rooms tend to disrupt the normal flow of hormones and pattern of bonding between parent and child. You can overcome these things by making different choices and taking the time to hold and cuddle with your baby.

Baby skin is also soft and silky, and babies smell pleasant. We as humans are hard-wired to find joy in these things and really get attached to our babies. Hold your baby close to you -- both you and your baby will love it.

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Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things a mother would experience after giving birth. It is the safest and best milk she can offer to her baby. Just what nutritionist experts have said "Breast milk is still best for Babies up to two years and beyond" Several mothers may experience difficulties or strange feelings during the early stage of the sessions of breastfeeding to their babies, increased anxiety and constant worry for them thinking if she could produce enough milk but eventually they will soon be used to it. Breastfeeding may take around 20 to 45 minutes per session for the first three months of a new born baby.

There are lots of benefits for the infant, greater immune health through breastfeeding about 0.25-0.5 grams per day IgA antibodies go by through milk. Colostrums are one of the most important feature breast milk formed for babies. It also contains several anti-infective factors such as protecting amoebic infections, and inhibiting growth of intestinal bacteria.

Studies show that breastfeed infants include a lower risk of infections than those non-breastfeed infants. It also reduces sudden death syndrome because infants have improved stimulation from nap at 2 to 3 months. Less diabetes, infants completely breastfeed contain a fewer possibility of developing diabetes mellitus than peers by means of a shorter period of breastfeeding and prior exposure to an formulated cow's milk.

Maternal bond are strengthen during the breastfeeding period because of the released of the hormones. World Health Organization (WHO) recommend breastfeeding for the baby's up to six months of their life and continued feeding with appropriate foods up to two years old and beyond. It is the best food for the baby for it provides complete nourishments. It is also very convenient and affordable for the mother to breastfeed their babies. Babies who are breastfeed are more active, smart, intelligent, they also have good teeth and because of the time spend by mothers to their babies bonding are intact, closeness to their parents as they grow older. A baby feels that they are cared and loved. Mothers are enjoying taking care of their babies at the same time they are also providing and protecting their babies free from sickness.

The following tips are the proper way to breastfeed your child:

• It is important to be at ease, calm and be ready. Make sure that the room is comfortable for the said activity/session. You have to move away if the room is crowded, or if it is cold get additional blanket. Once all set, be certain to make use of a comfortable chair to provide a firm support. Lying down may be also suggested.

• The baby needs to be comfortable as well, for you as a mother to check the right position if it is sitting or lying down. It might be stressful for the baby that he may refuse to suck your nipples. He feels aware if your body is anxious or if it is calm.

• Placing pillows behind your back and under the arm for a relaxed position when you breastfeed your baby is the most common breastfeeding position. Your baby's head should rest on your hand and other hand over the baby's thighs or buttocks.

• To maintain its position child's face must be in front of your chest so it will be comfortable while sucking. Let your nipple touch the baby's cheek, automatically the baby will turn his face towards where the touch came; the baby will open his/her mouth to suck its milk.

• Letting the baby know that it is routing time for his breastfeeding. Feeding the baby regularly as he grows a bit older, will help regulate and be at ease between meals.

It is how you offer your breast, proper sitting, and how you hold your little ones affect them on how they suck properly. This fact shows how you will be relaxed and comfortable during breastfeeding.

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Women who are unhappy with the shape, the size or the firmness of their breasts have two main options: they can have breast enlargement surgery or they can try the safe, natural program called Breast Actives.

Although the advantages of breast enlargement surgery are obvious, there are some risks that should be taken into consideration by women who choose this method to improve their looks. First of all, the surgery is very expensive. You need an average sum of $6,000 to perform this operation, and not many women have this kind of money. You need to save money on the long term or to take a loan to pay for it. But even if you make this sacrifice, breast implants are not permanent, they will have to be replaced from time to time, and this involves several other operations. Breast implants look unnatural and they change the overall body shape. Surgery can affect your sexual life, as it reduces the sensitivity of your breasts, making you feel less pleasure. The scars will never totally disappear, and for one year after the operation they will be quite visible. Your health can also be affected, as the implants make it difficult for the doctors to detect breast cancer, the risk of death from cancer being increased.

New mothers can suffer from not being able to nurse their babies because of the implants and this can accentuate on the postnatal depression and can have consequences on the health of the newborn. If, despite all these drawbacks, you decide to go ahead and perform a breast enlargement surgery, you should make sure that you are on good hands, since not all plastic surgeons are expert surgeons.

On the other hand, women may choose Breast Actives. This is a safe, natural method to improve your looks and safe-confidence. Breast Actives is a program which uses cream, tablets and exercises which make your breasts firm and enlarges them. The breast enhancement cream is natural, inexpensive and safe. The Breast Actives Program focuses on providing your breasts with the natural supplements missing from your body, especially if you are not having a balanced diet. Breast Actives has many other benefits, some of which being: there is no surgery required; the product is safe and natural; there are no side effects; it causes a decrease in the PMS symptoms; the shipping and billing worldwide is discreet; you do not have to visit doctors.

Breast Actives works fast, women can notice that they have bigger breasts in about 45 days and they can accomplish their target size in less than 90 days. The herbal formula is very easy to use. All you have to do is to take the pills daily and to apply the cream onto the breast twice a day. If you are not satisfied with the results, Breast Actives gives you the money back. You have nothing to lose, on the contrary, if the method works, you will have saved a lot of money and suffering.

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We all have days now and then when we feel like nothing is going our way. It is as if one thing after another is coming at us and there is no escape. Fortunately, this is a normal part of life and just as our problems come, they usually get resolved and we resume our normal lives. Here are a few tips to help you avoid letting the blues dominate your life and to help shake them off when they get the best of you.

1. Documentation - Keeping a journal can be very helpful for identifying patterns by reviewing your feelings, sleeping patterns, and health concerns. Maybe you end up feeling down every time you go to a certain place, or see a certain person, or maybe when the moon is full. Having a record can help you determine what changes might make a difference in your life.

2. Companionship - Who consistently helps to lift your spirits and work out your problems? Think about which relationships keep you moving in the right direction. It may be only one or two individuals, but it is important to maintain relationships with good companions who help you stay on track.

3. Exercise - When you exercise, your body releases hormones that not only make you feel good mentally, but actually improve your health and extend your life. You don't have to become a fitness enthusiast; just a half an hour a day of simple exercises in your living room can greatly improve your mood and energy level. Why not give it a try?

4. Listen up! - Who do you find insightful and energizing? Why not spend some of your time listening to motivational or inspirational recordings? Be careful with your time. Try to fit in lecture or book on tape that will help you learn more about a way of life that will give you new hope.

5. Nature - Something about fresh air, sunshine and nature soothes us. Taking time to look at the details of flowers in the park or leaves on a tree in your neighborhood is a great way to distract yourself from the troubles of the day and it acts as a reminder that we are a small part of a larger system.

6. Take turns - When you are feeling overwhelmed, why not go out and sit somewhere with your close friend? Just having the opportunity to talk about your issues with another person can be all you need to resolve an issue you once felt was too big to tackle.

7. Help others - This tip is 100% guaranteed! When you do something to help someone else, it will make you feel fantastic. There are so many possibilities: from helping your neighbor paint the house to cleaning up an elderly couple's yard, or helping an illiterate person learn to read, just spending a few hours of your time here and there can make a all the difference to you and to them.

8. Redirect - What types of situations bring you down? Too much noise, more work than you can manage, or even more challenging: dealing with a difficult relationship in your life. One way to better manage these situations is to consistent direct or redirect conversations to safe topics (such as the weather, your pets, or cooking). By sticking to safe topics, we can avoid minimize difficult situations.

9. Fun - Do you have a hobby that you really enjoy? Identify a few activities that lift your spirits and make time for them regularly. When we maintain a balance between our life's responsibilities and pleasures, we can begin to see our cup as half full more often than not.

10. Good food - You can barely get through the day without seeing some type of message that tells you to maintain a healthy diet. If you have not yet jumped on this bandwagon, consider working your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables into your current mix. Whether it is a veggie dip or a Caesar Salad, increasing the amount of foods that come straight from the garden is a sure way to increase your energy and improve your overall health.

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After having a baby growing inside of a mother for 9 months, it can be quite overwhelming giving birth. After giving birth, approximately 50% of all mothers experience a form of mild depression, often referred to as the baby blues. Feeling emotional after a birth is completely natural for the mother and usually last anywhere from hours to at most a few days.

Typical Symptoms of the blues are having heightened emotions which are triggered for no reason in particular. Mothers will feel worried and potentially anxious, although they won't be able to pinpoint the reasons why.

Causes of mild depression after birth

The majority cause of these emotions is a change in the mothers hormones after the baby is born. Naturally, the mother's body has to adjust to giving birth and therefore there are biological changes that occur for the human body to adjust. As well as the biological causes, the emotional causes increase if the mother was anxious about the birth itself, or if the baby is born with health problems or complications. All of this results in additional stress on the mother and causes an increase in the chances of the baby blues.

How to support a mother experiencing the blues

A mother experiencing the blues will be very emotional and highly strung. The most important thing following a birth (particularly long, exerting births) is plenty of rest and some quite time to recover. This is seldom achieved as the mother is bombarded straight away with fending for her newborn as well as carrying on with day to day responsibilities. If possible, partners and extended families can help by sharing the immediate burden, giving the new mother time to recuperate and adjust to her post birth feelings.

Once mother and baby have been discharged from hospital, close friends and family can help her mood by being positive and providing plenty of reassurance. By reassuring the mother that the birth went well and that the blues are normal and a temporary phase, the mother can accept the emotional stress better, overcoming the blues as best as possible. The most powerful tool from all around a mother is empathy. The sharing of empathy will begin with hospital staff (in particular the mid wifes present during the birth) and then immediate family and friends.

If the blues continue and the mothers emotions seem to deteriorate she should consult her doctor and seek medical advice.

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There are no real stages of depression as it affects each individual differently, an adolescent will experience different symptoms than that of an adult. There are just to many variables involved with this mental health disorder for there to be any set stages and each individuals experience will be different.

The causes of the disorder as well can vary between individuals and what may cause depression in one individual may not cause it in another. Things such as genetics, life experiences, life styles, personality traits can all cause the illness. For these reasons as well it becomes difficult in pinpointing various stages of the illness.

Listing the different types of depression and the various symptoms associated with depression is possible. Left untreated depression can manifest and get worse. There is no need for suffering if an individual believes they may have depression because depression is very treatable. Seeking help from a health care professional can save the individual unnecessary suffering and possible physical issues that can occur from prolonged depression as well as causing those close to the individual unnecessary suffering. Depression will eventually burn itself out but this can be weeks, months and even years.

Depression is an illness that affects the body, mind, moods, eating habits, sleeping patterns and the way one feels about themselves. Depression is not just feeling blue and is not a disorder that can be willed away. It is not a sign of weakness and those suffering from depression cannot just pull themselves together. It is an episodic disorder that left untreated will eventually burn out, this may be weeks, months or years. Most of those that seek treatment from a health profession can have success in treating the depression.

There are different types of depression that can manifest in anyone at any given time for various different reasons, but usually the brain has been overloaded and illness sets in.

Major Depression - This is a clinical depression in which individuals lose interest in things and activities that they once enjoyed. They have a feeling of sadness all the time.

Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depressive Disorder - Also known as Manic Depression and is a type of depression that has subtle or extreme highs and extreme lows.

Dysthymic Disorder - This is a disorder that is ongoing but has mild symptoms.

Cyclothymic Disorder - This is a mild form of Bipolar Depression.Individuals can have mood swings that almost seem normal.

Postnatal Depression (PND) or Postpartum Depression - This disorder occurs in women who have just given birth, it's a mix of behavioral, emotional and physical changes that occur in 10 percent of new mothers. It can appear in days after birth and up to a year and symptoms can be mild to severe.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - This disorder occurs seasonally and is caused by a lack of sunlight.

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Post Natal Depression (PND) is a depressive illness that women experience after childbirth. PND is very common in mothers who experienced stressful life during the pregnancy, and those in whom the baby was born with complications. It occurs in one out of ten mothers. The known cause of this illness is that the hormonal changes in the woman's body after giving birth. Moreover, Post Natal Depression (PND) could be detected through the use of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. If a mother scores higher than thirteen, she is expected to develop PND. Symptoms of this depression include but are not limited to the following: sadness, low self-esteem, fatigue, reduced libido, crying episodes, anxiety, irritability, guilt, sleep and eating disturbances, exhaustion, low energy, lost of interest in sex and panic attacks. Anxiety is the symptom that frequently occurs in this kind of depression. Normal concerns and anxieties that any mother feels for a new baby may become overwhelming. In addition, mothers may experience panic attacks which are episodes lasting for hours when they feel as if something disastrous is going to happen - such as collapsing, or heart attack.

Most women could overcome such depression within four to six months even without any treatment from the experts. But it must also be a consideration that one out of four mothers with PND are still depressed even when their child is getting older. This could mean a lot of suffering. It can obviously spoil the experience of new motherhood. Mothers could damage her relationship with her baby as well as with her husband. As a result, she could affect her child's development and behavior even after the depression has ended. So the shorter it lasts, the better. Mothers need to be taken seriously when the symptoms of PND occur. Treatment for this depression could possibly reduce the length of suffering and its severity.

Fortunately, numerous scientific studies support the idea that Post Natal Depression is treatable using variety of methods. Various treatment options include but not limited to the following: medical evaluation to rule out physiological problem, cognitive behavioral therapy, home visitor and healthy diet. The treatment depends on how unwell a mother is. She should be informed about the benefits as well as the risks of treatment so she can make the best choice for herself and most importantly, for the baby.

Mothers who suffer from PND often worry about harming or not looking after their babies properly. But generally they look after their children as any mother would undeniably do. Unfortunately, some family members do harm the babies sometimes. These people may have a history of being harmed or mistreated when they were still young but this does not relate directly to Post Natal Depression

If you are troubled that you may harm your baby, or that a mother you know may harm their child, speak to a health visitor or a doctor as soon as possible.

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I've read an interest post recently talking about hurtful phrases you would hear from people who are totally ignorant of what your depression disorder is.

Ignorance maybe bliss, but not when you are constantly hurt by heartless and thoughtless remarks.

So what are the top five of the most hurtful comments you might get about your depression?

1. Just snap out of it! How many people think that your depression is a mere whim and not a serious illness? That you are being pessimistic and simply need to talk yourself out of it? This phrase is on par with pull yourself together! Just makes me want to kick something every time I hear it. You do not snap out of it, people. It's like saying to snap out of your cancer or brain tumour... You find causes of your depression and treat it like any other illness.

2. Get a life or(my favourite) get a job! Excuse me. Depression has nothing to do with boredom or idleness. More often it's caused by constant stress, anxieties and exhaustion, which means your life is so full of it, you can't cope anymore.

3. Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Another misconception which is difficult to fight with. We don't just sit and feel sorry for ourselves, chaps. We simply struggle to find energy to be happy. We feel repulsed and ashamed by this condition, we lose self-respect, and we don't want to be a burden to our friends, family and loved ones. There are many complicated reasons to be depressed: chemical or hormonal imbalance, emotional or physical trauma, it might be hereditary, etc. Whatever the reason, the treatment for depression is a delicate process built of several components. Stop feeling sorry for yourself just doesn't cover it.

4. Stop being depressed, cheer up! It doesn't really help you, when people treat your depression lightly. I've heard variation of this phrase so many times, I lost count. Although the essence of advice is true, depending on severity of your depression, there are ways for you to make yourself feel happier, the way the message is delivered just tells you that the person saying it doesn't understand or doesn't want to understand what's happening to you.

5. You have no excuse to be depressed! This is my old-time favourite. People think that if you've got it all (by all I mean something that they don't have) you automatically should be happy. Besides there are some kinds of depression and anxiety that always puzzle people like SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or postnatal depression.

They way I look at it, if you explain that your depression have chemical or hormonal basis, make it look as scientific as possible, people's attitude changes and they start treating your condition as illness.

I would like to hear the remarks you had to listen to and how you've dealt with them, so please share!

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The longer an eating disorder goes untreated, the greater the chance there is of developing a depressive disorder, and yet at the same time, depression and other mental health problems are also known to increase the risk of developing an eating disorder. The fact is there is a relationship between depression and eating disorders and other mental health problems can coexist with both.

Both depression and eating disorders are becoming increasingly common. According to the Mental Health Foundation 10% of the population in the UK will experience some form of depression every year, and 2% of women as well as some men will suffer from an eating disorder. Anorexia is more likely to affect young women whereas bulimia is more likely to affect older women and is more common than anorexia. Compulsive eating affects both women and men equally and approximately 10% of all people with eating disorders are men.

What is a depressive disorder?

A depressive disorder can be defined as a set of symptoms ranging from mild to severe that coexist with overwhelming feelings of sadness and an inability to take pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed to the extent that they interfere with normal daily routines. There are several different types of depressive disorders including clinical depression, bipolar disorder or manic depression, post natal depression, seasonal affective disorder or SAD and post traumatic stress disorder. No one knows why some people become depressed and not others, but low self esteem is known to increase the risk of developing a depressive disorder and is also an underlying factor in eating disorders.

Symptoms of depression

o Feeling tired and lethargic for most of the time

o Persistent low moods and sadness, a feeling of despondency

o Sleep disturbances, either inability to sleep or sleeping too much

o A pessimistic outlook on life

o Feeling anxious and nervous

o Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, low self esteem

o Frightening and irrational thoughts

o Loss of pleasure in activities and lack of interest in sex

o Avoidance of social contact and social situations

o Changes in appetite involving either loss of appetite or an increased appetite and associated weight loss or weight gain

o Emotional outbursts for no apparent reason

o Irritability

Eating disorders

There are three main types of eating disorders and these include:

o Anorexia Nervosa - characterised by a fear of putting on weight to such an extent that the person doesn't eat or eats very little, sometimes to the extent that they can starve themselves to death. By controlling what, when, and if they eat, they feel safe, secure and in control. Feelings behind anorexia include a low self esteem, a distorted self image and fear of rejection. It is a potentially life threatening condition.

o Bulimia Nervosa - someone with bulimia eats copious amounts of food and then feel guilty and out of control so try to purge themselves by vomiting, starving themselves or taking laxatives. It is harder to detect than anorexia because the weight remains relatively stable and the sufferer keeps their behaviour hidden, it is also more common than anorexia.

o Compulsive eating - involves eating for comfort or for emotional security and is characterised by nibbling all day without being able to stop. People who eat compulsively are usually overweight. It can be a way of denying or avoiding problems and is often associated with low self esteem, feelings of worthlessness, loneliness and emptiness.

Possible triggers of depression and eating disorders

There is not a single cause that will trigger either depression or an eating disorder as combinations of factors are involved. For example:

o Stressful events and experiences such as problems at home, bullying, abuse, loss of someone close, rejection, failing at school or work, coping with puberty, worries about sexuality, etc. can all result in a extreme stress which can act as a trigger.

o Either physical or mental health problems can trigger an eating disorder or depression. For example, someone struggling with a physical illness or disability can become depressed. Depression or anxiety related disorders can trigger an eating disorder, and someone with an eating disorder can develop depression - both are linked.

o Low self esteem and feelings of insecurity or feeling out of control of ones life can increase the risk of developing depression or an eating disorder or both.

Some other psychological disorders that can accompany eating disorders include:

o Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

o Manic depression

o Panic disorders

o Anxiety disorders

o Post traumatic stress disorder

o Attention Deficit Disorder

At the root of eating disorders are negative feelings including low self esteem, guilt, shame, sadness, anger, stress, feeling deserving of pain and punishment, all of which can be symptoms of depression too.


The biggest step to combating both depression and any eating disorder is to admit there is a problem in the first place as many people will deny there is anything wrong and without appropriate treatment, these mental health problems can continue indefinitely, and can even be life threatening. It is absolutely essential to seek help from a qualified medical professional in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment, support and guidance to ensure a full recovery.

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Free baby goodies and gifts, who doesn't love to receive free baby stuff!

Especially when it's good quality actual baby products and samples, that are useful for a new mum.

Having a new newborn means there is so much to organize, prepare and budget for, before the arrival of your newest family member. Its nice when you have a little 'win' and find a few baby items that are good quality and free.

Baby bags are full of free newborn stuff such as: nappies, wipes, change mat, magazines, soothers, baby food, breast pads, sterilizer bags, milk/food storage cups, baby wash samples, cream samples for mum and baby and much more.

One huge benefit of obtaining one of these baby bags is that most to all of the items you will find in the bags, you will need in your day to day baby bag, they are the perfect size to fit into all the pockets and compartments, plus you will get to try before you decide or need to purchase more!

Another huge benefit to obtaining one of these baby bags is the brilliant information they also provide, such as: postnatal depression support, information and phone numbers, baby directories, where to find certain mother and baby products and services from local and national business and services.

One of the biggest benefits to getting one of these packs is the saving of time and money! Many baby products are expensive and come in large quantities such as nappies, creams and wipes so being able to try before you buy is a terrific idea.

Many companies that produce these goods and products are happy to send out samples of their products so it may be a case of just giving them a call and asking them to send some out.

Then you can log onto the websites that sell and giveaway these sample packs so you can try multiple goods and products at once, instead of searching for individual products which could be time consuming.

Either way get in and get some products to decide what you love, what you choose to use for your newborns comfort and well being.

They really are a little treasure pack of goodies and information that are beneficial, useful and helpful and any new mum. Plus you get your baby bag sent directly to you! Brilliant!

All the very best researching and resourcing your products!

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The rose is perhaps one of the most powerful symbols in the metaphysical world. It is also one of the most accessible tools that can be used for everyday magic. The gift of a rose is also one of the simplest ways to say, "I love you" without too much hocus-pocus. The thorns on its stems represent the "prick" of love and the overcoming of obstacles to achieve your desires. It is the pinnacle of metaphorical purity and symbolizes completion and perfection.

The element associated with the rose is Water, so it is particularly friendly to the astrological signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Both Mercury and Venus rule this flower. A bath in rose petals or rose water (which is distilled from the buds) is said to attract love to the bathing beauty. An ancient custom is to sprinkle the bed of newly weds with rose petals to sweeten the initial carnal relations. In ancient alchemical formulas the red rose is used as a masculine principle and the rose represents the feminine or receptive principle. The combination of the two (perhaps growing the two bushes intertwined in the garden) represents harmony and unity.

Rose oil, which is extracted through a rather expensive process from the petals of the flower, is also prominent in both love and healing rituals. When applied the temples the oil is said to cure a headache. When applied to the thighs or breasts it is supposed to attract a suitor. As an essential oil, the rose's essence is thought to relieve depression, PMS and postnatal depression. It is also said to cure frigidity and impotence. Bach's Herbal Remedies makes a distillation of the Wild Rose. Taking drops of this under your tongue is thought to help the patient free themselves from a rut or feelings of hopelessness and being trapped by fate. Rose water is used in cooking spells and added to curries and cake mixes to infuse the dish with good spirits and love attracting qualities. The water is also splashed on the skin (but not around the eyes) to give you a complexion as dewy as the flower.

The rose historically also symbolizes the female genitalia and is associated with Cupid, Eros, Adonis, Aphrodite, Isis, Hathor, and Demeter. Rose water and rose petals are often used in magical rituals to honor these gods and goddesses.

Although red roses are traditionally seen as symbols of lust, love and the flower also has a long association with such qualities as purity, compassion and divine perfection. The white rose in particular has an affinity with the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit.

The color of the rose is also significant. Red roses symbolize love, sex and passion. Pink roses suggest friendship, joy, gratitude and fun. Yellow roses can symbolize enthusiasm, but according to some folklore, the yellow rose can symbolize deception or "the perfect crime." Orange roses signify enthusiasm, passion and a lust for life. White roses are symbolic of significant landmarks in life (such as death, birth and marriage), unconditional love, purity and innocence.

The flower is not the only part of the rose that is used in divination and magic. To discover their romantic future, women used to take pluck three green rose leaves and name one after each of their suitors. The one that stayed green the longest was her soulmate. Rose hips can be strung like beads on a thread and worn as a necklace to attract love. Drinking rose-hip tea is thought to increase one's powers of prophecy.

Ironically, for a flower that is often given as a gift, the most powerful roses are said to be those that have been stolen from another person's garden.

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Lithium is a trace metal that belongs to the family of alkali chemical elements. This is about using low dose over the counter lithium aspartate and lithium oratate. These are natural forms found at the health food store.

Can everyone tell the side effects of lithium lack?

Most clients describe to me a "flat line blah" feeling in their brain. They become easily angered when things don't go their way. They find it tough to enjoy or get excited over anything. Even when life is good they cannot figure out why they are not happy.

Is Lithium only for someone that has manic depression or bipolar issues?

The effects of Lithium are necessary for everyone. It is usually found in drinking water, yet some areas are extremely deficient. The effects of Lithium are not just for Bipolar or manic depressive issues. Sometimes the natural vitamin form of Lithium aspartate or oratate works where high dose prescriptions have given a bad reaction.

Lithium dosage explained:

Those utilizing low dose lithium aspartate or oratate feel that they are not depressed but lack pizazz in their lives. They see color but not its' vibrant attraction. They have a great life but don't really enjoy it. To me, that signals a trace mineral deficiency of Lithium that helps mild depression symptoms.

Over the counter natural lithium aspartate or oratate forms do not usually exceed a total of 20 mg. per day and are used for those that have had bad reactions to an anti-depressant, post natal depression symptoms and very low doses for the Blah Feeling and lack of enthusiasm towards life.

Therapeutic prescription lithium dosages can range around 300 to 2700 mg per day. They are used for manic depression and Bipolar and often cause a lithium toxicity level.

The higher intake amounts of Lithium, may want to check iodine levels as it helps the spreading of iodine evenly throughout the body. Keeping tabs on your Thyroid function is always a good thing especially when working on an Anti-Aging Program. Make sure you work with someone knowledgeable in the use of supplements or a Board Certified Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Functional Medicine MD.

What are the effects of Lithium in low doses?

Recent research has shown that low doses of Lithium preserves and renews our Brain Cells. Lithium aspartate and oratate are generally marketed as a dietary supplement. Low lithium dosages are used to help conditions such as:

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Alcohol Use


  • Aggression

  • PTSD

  • Memory Problems

  • Mood Swings

  • Gout

Lithium dosage may increase brain function when taken on a daily basis. Lithium Aspartate can also be used as a natural treatment to help Thyroid problems. Lithium may sometimes be used as a parallel to any medication prescribed for anxiety, mood or depression. It protects against unwanted lithium toxicity effects and brain cell death.

The working hypothesis that researchers think is reasonable is that Lithium is turning on some of the Brain's growth signaling pathways and reversing some of the damage. Lithium is capable of increasing gray matter in the brain by 3% in just over 4 weeks of use (this from a Study at Wayne State University).

The need for small amounts may put back the vibrancy in colors and allow you to enjoy the life you have made for yourself. It is known to work rather quickly even in such low doses. If you feel you have more serious problems, consult your physician.

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Gaining weight, piles, a bad back, varicose veins and stretch marks are just a few of the many potential side effects of pregnancy. Combined with a massive change of body shape and the wobbly appearance of your stomach after pregnancy and it's no surprise that many women suffer from baby blues or full blown postnatal or postpartum depression.

Whilst many of these changes are inevitable and out of your control, there are some things you can do to alleviate a number of the potential problems of pregnancy.

Avoiding stretch marks on your stomach during pregnancy is one of the things you may be able to influence. Experts are divided on this issue, so there is no conclusive evidence on either side to say that stretch marks can or can't be avoided.

Basically it all boils down to caring for yourself properly at a time when you need to be as healthy and as strong as possible. The following tips will give you the best chances of avoiding stretch marks: -

  • Make sure you eat a well balanced diet. If you minimise the amount of weight you gain during pregnancy you can help to offset the chances of suffering from stretch marks all over the body. This doesn't mean starting any type of diet, just simply following the usual rules of healthy eating. Eat well most of the time and allow yourself the occasional treat. Keep an eye on what you are eating, don't throw all consciousness of a healthy diet out of the window just because your shape is changing anyway.

  • If you regularly moisturise your skin at least once a day using a cream containing vitamin A or vitamin E, applied by hand or using a massage glove you will help to improve the circulation and the elasticity of the skin. Applying the cream may help to stop the skin becoming too dry and therefore avoiding stretch marks forming.

  • Drink plenty of water to ensure that your skin retains its moisture levels, experts suggest at least 2 litres a day. Dry and dehydrated skin has been shown to form stretch marks far more easily than well hydrated skin.

  • Taking a multi vitamin or a vitamin formula specifically designed for pregnant women may help to cover any deficiencies you may have, again helping to improve the quality of your skin.

  • Regular activity will also help to improve your circulation, which means the skin will be supplied with the nutrients it needs much faster and the increase in rich oxygenated blood from your lungs will also improve its quality. Exercise will also burn off any calories you don't need which would otherwise be stored as body fat that stretches the skin forcing stretch marks to appear. Not high impact exercise or anything that is too intense, but gentle activities such as walking and swimming are ideal.

Avoiding stretch marks may or may not be possible, but many women who haven't been affected by them swear it was the action they took during pregnancy that was the reason for them not getting them.

If you want to feel happy about your body and stomach after pregnancy then it makes sense to take any steps possible to avoid the many side effects your body is subjected to over the course of the nine months and beyond. Not only will you benefit but the health and well being of your new baby will also be improved dramatically.

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Miscarriages are fairly common, and on average, one out of five pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. A miscarriage is the spontaneous abortion of an embryo or fetus before it's developed enough to survive. This can happen even before a woman is aware that she is pregnant.

Certain factors, such as age, smoking, drinking, and a history of miscarriage put a woman at a higher risk for losing a pregnancy, but most miscarriages occur because there is a problem with the fetus, usually a random chromosome abnormality that occurs during fertilization.

If you've had several miscarriages, you may want to be tested to see if any anatomic, genetic, or hormonal abnormalities are contributing to the miscarriages.

Although miscarriages usually can't be prevented, the following precautions can increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy:

- Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet
- Increasing folic acid and calcium intake
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Exercising moderately - to be approved by your doctor
- Limiting caffeine
- Stopping smoking
- Avoiding over-the-counter medicines

Progesterone cream and miscarriages

Studies show that Progesterone cream has been known to assist in the prevention of miscarriages in the first trimester. This is used once a day in the mornings and continued right up until the 3rd month of pregnancy, although advice should be obtained from a homeopath as the usage and dosage varies from person to person.

There has also been a lot of research into the use of progesterone cream for increased fertility. This research focuses on the luteal phase defect, whereby using progesterone cream from ovulation to menstruation, enhances the natural progesterone the body produces and can significantly increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Modern science confirms that progesterone is the most essential hormone necessary to the survival of the fertilized egg and the foetus throughout gestation. Progesterone regulates the entire endocrine system, and low levels of progesterone can make the entire body can seem out of balance. Progesterone causes the basal body temperature to rise and helps the uterus lining to thicken, in order for a fertilized egg to implant. Use of progesterone cream, especially during the first trimester, helps to prevent miscarriage, preterm labour and premature birth. Progesterone is also used to help prevent pre and post natal depression. Common symptoms of progesterone deficiency include PMS, thyroid dysfunction, low libido, infertility, pregnancy and premature menopausal symptoms.

It is important to note that you should use an all-natural progesterone cream, as it will cause fewer side effects and therefore safely increase your chance of pregnancy.


Endometriosis is affects women of reproductive age and is caused when the endometrium or lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. This tissue then implants itself and grows anywhere within the abdominal cavity.

Endometriosis is often found in women of late childbearing years and some people believe that endometriosis is the most frequent cause of infertility.

Endometriosis can cause infertility by causing tubal disease and it can affect the ovaries and probably egg quality, as well as increase the risk of miscarriages. Endometriosis causes infertility as the endometriosis often leads to a mild inflammation within the pelvis. In some of these cases, the levels of chemicals released in response to the inflammation are increased and these hormones often have a negative effect on follicle and egg development, fertilization, normal tubal function, and implantation.

Endometriosis can also inflame surrounding tissue and spur the growth of scar tissue. This scar tissue may bind the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and intestines together and therefore interfere in the release of eggs from the ovaries.
Endometriosis cannot be diagnosed from symptoms alone - it can only be confirmed by a laparoscopy.

Low ovarian reserve, high FSH levels and premature menopause

Women are born with a finite number of eggs in their ovaries. The remaining number of eggs in the ovaries is called the "ovarian reserve". As a woman ages, her ovarian reserve gets depleted and her ovarian response starts declining.

The most usual test used to test the ovarian reserve is to test the level of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) in the blood - usually on day 3 of the menstrual cycle. FSH causes the ovaries to produce estrogen. When the ovaries slow down their production of estrogen, FSH levels increase. A high level suggests poor ovarian reserve and a very high level is diagnostic of ovarian failure. During each monthly cycle eggs develop within the ovarian follicles under the influence of the hormone FSH and too much FSH, indicates that the body is over-producing it in order to try to get the ovaries to function.

The test used to diagnose premature menopause is this same FSH test. When FSH levels rise above 30 or 40 mIU/mL, it usually indicates that you are in menopause, which is also often referred to as premature ovarian failure. (I was diagnosed with this, and I still managed to fall pregnant with a healthy baby, only three months later! DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOLD!)

A high FSH level does not mean that you cannot get pregnant - it just means that your chances are dropping because your egg quality is poor. (My initial FSH levels were 35.5 and after a month of herbs, supplements - wheat germ, DHEA, Chinese herbs and Agnus Castus, acupuncture and following the right diet, they dropped to a 9 and then to a 4 the following month!)

Ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in the ovary. They vary in size and contain liquid that is thin and watery, or thicker and denser. Ovarian cysts are often found in woman during their childbearing years. Most often, ovarian cysts may not show any symptoms and if there are symptoms, often they will mimic other conditions such as an ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis or pelvic inflammation. Symptoms can also be masked by conditions such as appendicitis.

Because ovarian cysts can so often be misdiagnosed, it is advisable to recognize some of their symptoms.
These symptoms are often: irregular menstruation, with pelvic pain in the lower back before and after the menstruation, pelvic pain during intercourse, nausea, similar to morning sickness experienced during pregnancy.

Mostly, ovarian cysts are discovered by a doctor during a pelvic examination or annual check-up. This will usually feel like a swelling on the ovary and the severity of the cyst can be identified by performing a few more tests, such as an ultrasound, which will determine if the cyst is filled with fluid or is solid and exactly where it is situated. Other tests used to assess cysts are hormone level tests, to determine if the cyst is hormonal based and a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility of the cyst being related to a pregnancy. Blood tests can also measure antigen levels, indicating if the cyst may be cancerous or not.

The first approach to treating ovarian cysts is to wait a few months to see if the cyst disappears on its own. Most disappear after a few weeks without treatment.

If the cyst is functional, birth control pills can help to help make it smaller and decrease the chance of new ones forming.

Often laparoscopic surgery can remove a cyst if it has solid material in it, if it lasts longer than three menstrual cycles, or grows larger than 5cm. If the cyst is not cancerous, just the cyst can be removed using keyhole surgery, allowing the doctor to save the normal ovarian tissue and therefore preserving normal ovarian function.

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It's considerably easier to take care of older infants and toddlers than to care for a newborn baby. This is mainly because they are very delicate and have needs that they cannot easily express - they manifest this need only by crying.

One of the possible factors that contribute to post-natal depression is the difficulty of inexperienced - or even experienced - mothers with newborn baby care. To lessen the impact of this condition, it is helpful to read books about caring for infants. When you are informed about newborn baby care, chances are you won't be caught flat-footed when something unusual happens to your child.

What are the important things to know?

Old wives' tales regarding newborn baby care abound. Sometimes listening to too many of these superstitions make mothers worry unnecessarily over their baby's health. Old people, for instance, constantly point out that it's not advisable to bring the newborn baby out of the house.

The fact is, almost all babies need morning sunshine to counteract the early stages of jaundice. Taking the baby outside even a mere few weeks after birth is perfectly acceptable, as long as the infant is dressed in comfortable, cool clothes during summer and safely wrapped in a warm blanket during the cooler months.

When the baby is several weeks old, you might notice some changes on his skin - that is, his skin may become flaky and could even "shed." It is not necessary to apply lotions or oils, as this is normal for newborns. In newborn baby care, the use of chemicals is generally avoided even as these are considered safe for adults.

Even the baby's scalp will shed its top layer a few weeks after birth. In some cases, a little assistance is needed in removing this layer of dead cells. You can gently rub it away with a sponge while bathing the baby, but there is really no need to apply oils or lotions on his calp.

Many infants will also develop mild rashes. These are normal and newborn baby care dictates that they must not be treated with creams and ointments that may be too harsh for the baby's skin. These rashes may be due to different factors. When the rashes get worse or seem too out of the normal, it's best to consult the pediatrician about it.

Another common issue in newborn baby care is whether to carry the infant or not when it is crying. Parents often agree on not giving in to a child's crying because this might spoil the child. However, at that age, it is nearly impossible to spoil a newborn.

Common newborn baby care sense will tell you that when a newborn baby cries, it's because it needs something - that something could be anything from milk or a diaper change. Being comforted is also a basic need of newborns, so denying them this in their first few weeks of life may result in a profound psychological impact on the child.

What do I do with the stump?

Many new mothers who are not too well-vesred in newborn baby care often feel queasy about having to deal with the umbilical cord. Remember that the stump is nothing else but dead protein so accidentally touching it won't cause any harm to the infant.

The important thing to know in newborn baby care [http://www.bestchildcareguide.com/category/infant-day-care-centers], as regards the umbilical cord, is to keep it dry at all times. If it inevitably gets wet during bathing, take a cotton ball soaked with alcohol and clean the cord with it.

By the end of the second week, the stump will have fallen off. After this happens, refrain from bathing the infant more frequently than every two or three days, to allow it to completely heal.

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It is rather daunting to be a first time mother, no matter how old she is. Also, it is very hard for her to imagine what it is like to be a first time mom, no matter how much she tries to prepare herself before hand. Below are some of my personal experiences when I had my first baby, and some solutions that I have found to overcome those challenges.

  1. Lack of confidence. I remember when I had my first baby; I didn't know how to hold her. The nurse in the hospital just passed the baby to me unhappily because I insisted on breast feeding her. When she saw that I was holding the baby incorrectly, she reprimanded me, saying that I would break the baby's neck. I felt so ashamed of myself. I had gone for prenatal classes, and I knew the theory of how to hold a baby, but when it comes to the practical part, I had no idea how I should carry the baby.

    The solution: Be confident and know that you have in-born mother instinct. Do not let either the nurses or doctors to push you around. If you are unsure of anything, ask first. Get your husband to stay with you for a while.

  2. Postnatal depression. After I came back from the hospital after delivery, I went into depression. I was feeling really lousy. I felt that the whole world was against me. I felt so pitiful. The worst part was that my husband couldn't understand why I was depressed. He couldn't see the reason why I should be depressed. That time, we didn't know that most women go through post natal depression after delivery. So, he felt that I was being difficult, and I just kept on crying and crying. I was stressed out and frustrated all the time. We were definitely not prepared for this.

    The solution: Be prepared for post natal depression, talk about it before the delivery. There are certain teas that would help with the depression, once you are aware of it, you would be more accepting of the situation and will get out of it faster. You can also apply some aromatic oil such as jasmine oil to reduce depression. More importantly, always get enough rest.

  3. Challenges with relatives. Amongst all these chaos of adjusting with my new role as a mother, there were also problems with over-caring relatives who came to visit. They were quick to judge, but slow to understand. They couldn't wait to play with the baby, and didn't like the baby to sleep when they are awake. They insisted that everything should be done their way. There were also a lot of 'well meaning' relatives who provided a lot of theory, but little hands-on help.

    The solution: Again, you were given the baby, do what you think is best for the baby. You will find that even with subsequent babies, there aren't complete "best known methods" to cater for all. Every new baby is a new experience and it is unique. When I had my third daughter, I thought that I knew a lot because I already had two but, she proved me wrong! So, your baby and you will find your equilibrium! Here are some tips. It would be good to get someone close to you to stay for a while the first 2 to 4 weeks. Try to get your husband to stay home as well. While you do not need a lot of relatives bothering you, 1 or 2 can be very helpful during this period. Postpone or avoid any visits from well meaning relatives. Tell them to come a few weeks later.

In a nutshell, I feel that it is very important that a first time mom have a support group that can help her go through the initial period of being a mom. This should start when she is pregnant. It makes a lot of difference when she knows that there are a lot of people out there that are going through or have gone through what she is going through. And that she is not alone, that she is not the only one that is facing this challenge.

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