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When people talk about depression, they usually mean a person who is feeling down and lethargic, and who has generally lost interest in life. Most people don't realize that there are many different types of depression a person can be suffering from, with each type often showing different symptoms.

While this isn't an exhaustive list, here is a quick overview of the most common forms of depression.

Mild/Minor Depression is the least severe form of depression. Usually the symptoms aren't so severe that they have a major impact in the life of the sufferer, although the depression can still cause distress and disruption. Many people who are suffering from mild depression never seek treatment - they don't believe the symptoms are severe enough.

Dysthymic Disorder is a long-term form of mild depression (lasting two or more years). Like mild depression, most sufferers never seek help as they don't believe their symptoms are severe enough. Also like mild depression, the symptoms of dysthymic depression don't usually have a huge impact on the sufferers day-to-day life. But when the long-term results from the depression are considered, the impact can be huge. People who suffer from dysthymic depression often can't remember a time when they weren't depressed.

Moderate Depression fits somewhere between mild depression and major depression. The symptoms of moderate depression are more severe and numerous than mild depression, and they begin to have an impact on the work, home and social life of the sufferer. While mild depression and dysthymic depression can go unnoticed by others, the symptoms of moderate depression are usually noticeable. If left untreated, people suffering from moderate depression can slip into major depression.

Major Depression (also known as clinical or unipolar depression) is what most people think of when they think of depression - the individual seems to have totally given up on life, and has a large number of obvious symptoms. It is unlikely that someone suffering from major depression could function normally in a work, social or home setting - their symptoms are too pronounced. Suicide can be a huge risk with major depression, and professional help needs to be sought to treat the depression.

Bipolar Depression (BPD) is sometimes known as manic-depression, and is characterized by the sufferer having large mood swings from very upbeat and energetic to extreme lows. Both periods normally last for several weeks at a time. Bipolar depression is usually categorized into a number of sub-categories. While there is no firm consensus on how many sub-categories there are, the four most common are Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Cyclothymic Disorder and Bipolar NOS.

People with bipolar I disorder have the most extreme mood swings. Their low moods can be classified as major depression, while in their positive moods they can engage in crazy, outrageous and even dangerous activities. During this 'mania' state they may even suffer from paranoia or hallucinations.

People with bipolar II disorder have much less extreme mania periods. Indeed, many bipolar II sufferers go untreated because people mistake their 'mania' phase for simply getting over their depression. People with bipolar II don't suffer from paranoia or hallucinations.

Cyclothymic disorder is a milder but much more long-term version of bipolar disorder (usually lasting for two or more years). Like bipolar II the mania phases are relatively minor, but in addition their depressive phases aren't so severe that they classify as major depression. If left untreated, cyclothymic depression can develop into bipolar II depression.

Finally, Bipolar NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) is a catch-all category for people who have some of the symptoms of bipolar, but those symptoms don't allow the person to be neatly categorized in one of the three other categories. For example, the sufferer may have fast cycling between the manic and depressive states, or manic states without depressive states.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) that affects between 3% and 8% of women. Symptoms of depression appear around a week prior to menstruation, and disappear within a few days of menstruation beginning.

Postnatal (Postpartum) Depression can occur any time in the first 12 months after a baby is born. Some form of postnatal depression affects over 80% of new mothers, although most who are affected only have a very mild form of depression that usually passes naturally with rest and the support of family and friends. However around 15% of mothers get a more severe form of postnatal depression, and like major depression the sufferer needs treatment and support to overcome the illness.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression caused by the changing light levels throughout the year. The most common for of SAD is caused by the low-light levels of winter, but a much rarer form of the disorder is triggered by the high-light levels of summer.

As you can see, depression comes in many different forms - each type of depression has different triggers and symptoms associated with it, and each type of depression also responds better to different treatments. By being aware of the different forms depression can take, you can be much more prepared to help a friend of family member.

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Let me first say that I am not a doctor, and that this articles aim is to give you practical suggestions of things you can do to prevent and relieve prenatal and postnatal depression. There really are many things that are right in front of us on a daily basis that can help with this mental state.

It has been scientifically proven that certain activities do effect the chemistry of our brains, our moods and sense of well being. On the surface people only think of the joy of being pregnant; after all we are bringing life into the world; What could be more joyous than that? However, at least lately, woman are finally able to openly recognize some of the not so positive mental and physical aspects of pregnancy.

Post & Prenatal Depression Educational Solution:

Go deeper. What do I mean? Being aware of the way you feel, and not just acting the way you feel is a great start. There are so many great books that will help you get to the point where you begin to do things, physical and mental to direct your own mind and body condition for the result that you desire. One awesome book that is a Oprah book club selection is Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. If you get just a little of the concepts in this book, you will be better off for it.

Meditation and Yoga battle prenatal and postnatal Depression:

Yes meditation, this stuff is real, I am telling you. It has been proven over and over again to calm and still the mind. You can even meditate on a positive phrase geared toward a specific result. If you think it will be too weird at first, a good way to get into it is through yoga. This form of exercise puts heavy emphasis on deep breathing and this automatically calms the mind.

If you are too hyper to use calming type exercises to get a flood of endorphins running through your body, then find another form of exercise that is more your pace. The point here is that physical activity will improve the way you feel by releasing more and more endorphins or feel good brain chemicals.

Again, these are just suggestion. Exercise has a magical quality that seems to have a positive effect on everything from disease prevention to well, pre and postnatal depression. Ask your doctor before doing anything, but the solution to preventing and relieving prenatal and postnatal depression may be right before you. Oh, you will also look better and recover from baby faster; not bad huh.

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Every new mother has to worry about postpartum depression. This is actually something that you should start thinking about long before you give birth to your new baby. This allows you to completely understand what causes this form of depression so you know how to deal with it once it sets in. The following tips will help you deal with depression after giving birth, whether you have already given birth or are still waiting for that big day.

Depression is Blind

It doesn't matter whether this is your first baby or your tenth. It doesn't matter how much money you have in the bank or who you are married to. It doesn't even matter where you live or how much sunshine you receive on a daily basis. Postpartum depression is largely a hormonal thing that can happen to literally any woman.

When you become pregnant hormones surge in order to develop and support the growing foetus. You may be well aware of the mood swings and crying spells that this can bring on during pregnancy, but what you may not realize is that those high hormone levels must normalize after giving birth. This can take some time and may lead to depression in the meantime.

So, remember that depression is blind. Don't lead yourself to believe that it can't happen to you, because it can!

Depression has no Rules

There is no definite period of time by which postpartum depression will pass. For some women it will last a very short period of time while for others it lingers on for months. In some more critical cases, depression can last for a year or more. There may be other circumstances of life that cause it to last for those extended periods of time, or in some cases it is simply a matter of difficulty normalizing the hormones after the birth.

There are also no rules predicting what you will feel while suffering from postpartum depression. For some women it is minor emotional irritation while for others it is an extreme condition that could interfere with the baby/mother bonding experience. You may feel different from someone else, but that doesn't mean your condition is any more or less important than theirs.

Postpartum depression is an individual experience, so don't compare yourself to other women and assume you are okay or worse off. There are no rules to how you should feel!

When to Get Help

Every woman must know when it is time to seek help for postpartum depression. It is best to arm yourself with this knowledge prior to having the baby because it is difficult to recognize the signs of depression once you are living through it. The more you know about the issue prior to giving birth, the more likely you are to know when you need help and when you are okay.

The time to seek help for postpartum depression is the moment you start to suspect you may be suffering from it. Once you notice any symptoms or start feeling like you aren't bouncing back to your pre-pregnancy emotional state, it doesn't hurt to bring it up to friends, relatives, your spouse, or a doctor.

Those who love you should always be aware of how you are feeling so they can help you recover. Never try to hide feelings of sorrow or desperation!

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While many people consider ADD or ADHD to be caused by many 'social factors', i.e. bad parenting, video games, poor schools, etc., research is clear that the social causes have no merit with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

The first place to start with the cause of ADD or ADHD is genetics. It is a very genetic disorder.

There is term called 'heritability', which refers to how genetic a disorder is. As an example - breast cancer is 30% heritable - meaning that about 30% of the possible causes of breast cancer can be attributed to genetics. Asthma is 40% heritable. Height is 80 to 85 percent heritable. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is about 80 percent heritable.

That means that ADHD is highly genetic. This research comes from twin studies and other family studies, and shows that ADHD is almost as genetic as height.

Now if genes cause 80 percent that means there is about 20 percent that is not caused by genetics. What are the other causes? When it comes to the non-genetic causes of ADHD, we can call these 'acquired' cases. When we look at acquired cases, we can separate these into: Prenatal (i.e. causes that affect the person before birth), and Postnatal (i.e. causes that affect the person after birth).

The Prenatal Causes of ADHD:

These are the acquired causes of Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disroder that occur during the pregnancy.

* Mother smoking during pregnancy: if the mother smokes cigarettes during pregnancy this increases the risk by 2.5 times (so the child is 2.5 times more likely to develop ADHD than if the mother didn't smoke during pregnancy)
* Mother drinking alcohol during pregnancy: With alcohol during pregnancy, there is the same increased risk - 2.5 times.
* Prematurity: If there is prematurity at birth, there is a general increased risk for ADHD, however if there is bleeding in the baby's brain there is a 45 percent chance that that individual will have ADHD.
* Increase in pregnancy complications: If there is an overall increase in pregnancy complications there is a non specific increased risk for ADHD.

Interestingly cocaine or crack exposure is not a risk factor for ADHD once you account for smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Generally speaking a pregnant mother who is using cocaine will also tend to use cigarettes and alcohol.

The Postnatal Causes of ADHD:

These are acquired causes of ADHD that occur after the pregnancy (i.e. after the child is born).

* Head injuries/head Trauma: ADHD can develop after a significant head injury - by significant I mean one that results in loss of consciousness, or a serious concussion
* Brain Hypoxia which means not enough oxygen getting to the brain for a period of time. An example of this could be a near drowning or some other situation like that.
* Brain tumours
* Brain infection.
* Lead poisoning in the preschool years (i.e. before 3 years old)
* Survival from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) - because the chemotherapy itself can lead to brain changes.

The importance of the cause of ADHD is that for many people, when they realize that it is a real medical condition that is caused by medical issues, then they can let go of guilt - which can get in the way of useful treatment progress.

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Herbs are used all over the world to cure various diseases. There are a number of herbal preparations available that play an important role in healing a disorder. In this article, you will find some useful herbal preparations for breast care.

Painful conditions of the breasts are common among women. Mastitis is an unbearably painful condition which causes inflammation and hardening of the breast. Sore, cracked nipples are usually a result of breastfeeding, either because of the baby dragging at the nipple or because correct care is not being taken in washing and drying the breasts before and after feeding.

Herbal Preparations for Breast Care

1. Take one teaspoon each of Marjoram (marwa, sathra), dried Aniseed (saunf), half teaspoon dried fenugreek and honey. Infuse the herbs in 600 ml. (1 pint) boiling water for 10 minutes. This potion improves the flow of breast milk. A poor flow of milk is always considered to be one of the causes of mastitis in lactating mothers.

2. Mallows increase the supply and flow of milk. Other herbs that have added benefits of giving breasts an alluring roundness are Borage (pattharchuri, patta ajwain), Parsley (ajmod, prajmoda), Watercress (jalkhumbi), Fennel (saunf), Anise (saunf), Cumin, Carrots, Lentils and Fenugreek.

3. Many of these herbs have the added benefits of counteracting post-natal depression. ½ teaspoon of Sage infused in 1 cup of boiling water when drunk 3 times a day has the reverse effect and dries up the flow of the milk.

4. To prevent sore and cracked nipples, rub the nipples with a mixture of pure lemon juice and olive oil throughout the pregnancy. Whilst nursing add a few drops of essential oil of geranium to a pot of cold cream and soothe the nipples with this.

5. Calendula flowers are beneficial for clearing the skin of eczema, spots and grease. It is claimed to be rejuvenating. Its ointment may also help in treating breast disorders.

6. Massage your breast with herbal oil. To prepare massage oil for the breasts, mix together 4 teaspoons each of apricot and wheatgerm oil. Warm it and massage painful breasts.

7. Camphor is used in preparing massage oil for hard breasts. Mix a few drop of camphor (kapoor) oil in two tablespoons of olive oil (jaitun oil) and massage your breasts but not when nursing.

8. Mix honey with lanolin or olive oil and use to rub cracked nipples. Lanolin rubbed into the nipples soothes and softens but before using make sure you are not allergic to it.

9. Warm poultices are natural remedy for mastitis. Baked potatoes, turnips, freshly cooked (not baked) beans pounded with olive oil, hot plasters and warm fomentations help. Keep the breasts in a sling - a good properly fitted, supporting bra.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the URL's (links) active.

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Massage is so essential for overall wellness in the body. Prevention is the key here! So rather than wait until you are experiencing the pain and discomfort of injury or you feel the overwhelming stress build up in your body, use massage to reduce stress and prevent injury.

Why consider regular massage:

- Reduces muscle tension
- Improves circulation
- Stimulation of lymphatic system and helps to eliminate toxins
- Boosts immune system
- Reduction of stress hormones
- Deeply relaxes the body and mind
- Reduces anxiety and depression
- Improves skin tone
- Improves concentration and alertness

Types of Massage:

Harmony Massage - Deep relaxation, using form pressure if required. Fall into a beautiful healing space of gentleness and nurturing.

Oriental Bodywork - Use of Chinese medicine techniques such as needling, cupping, spooning and acupuncture massage.

Remedial Massage - More clinical if experiencing a particular locomotor system problem. Using deep tissue and remedial techniques.

Pregnancy massage - As a woman moves through her pregnancy, she can experience changes in the body and stress on some areas that can cause discomfort. Ensures the utmost comfort for pregnant women, so that they can experience a treatment that nurtures and relaxes, whilst also tending to any problem areas. Regular massage throughout pregnancy can provide so many benefits, including:

  • Relaxation and stress reduction

  • Relief from muscle cramps and spasms and any other discomfort.

  • Increases blood and lymph circulation, which can reduce swelling.

  • Reduces stress on weight-bearing joints.

  • Improves outcome of labor and can ease labor pain.

  • improves skin tone throughout pregnancy

  • Provides physical and emotional support

Post-natal Massage - Post natal massage is so valuable. Not only is it a chance for the new mother to have some time out to relax, nurture and gather herself but it is also great for helping to reduce any stresses, provide support and release tension from any areas that may be causing discomfort from breastfeeding.

'Mother Roasting' - This is an ancient treatment practiced by many different cultures in slightly varied ways. Usually performed 2 weeks after the birth, 'Mother Roasting' is a process of warming the womb and the body to aid recovery.

'In Malaysia, the mother is given a massage a week or so after giving birth, with a special stone that is heated on the fire, wrapped in a cloth and placed on the abdomen. In South East Asia, new mothers are encouraged to sit next to the open fire. in Thailand, newly delivered women are sometimes placed in a special bed above a fire.'

Use of a Chinese Medicine technique called "Moxbustion", along with specific healing massage, warm oils and towels and warm wheat packs is a popular practise to aid recovery, restore energy and support the liver, kidney and digestive systems. This treatment is beautifully nourishing for the qi and blood in a new mothers body, which is so beneficial and needed.It is believed that it stimulates blood-flow in the pelvic area and uterus. It militates against cold and dampness in the body and can serve to turn breech babies.

This treatment is really the perfect gift if you want to give something nurturing and rejuvenating for a new mother.

Where to go for Massage service:

Consider your local massage centers. Pick a convenient time, may be after work. Do not forget to make appointment through online or on phone. check the massage therapist's profile if he/she is a qualified professional. Check the accreditation authority's directory for registered practitioner's list for your locality. You should also consider personal reference from your friends and family since they can share you with personal experience.

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Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.
Charlotte Bronte

Becoming a mother, for me, was not a simple transition. I went from being a successful corporate professional who juggled 10-15 multi-million dollar projects at any one time to being at home with a baby who became hysterical when breastfeeding, failed to thrive and who had severe sleep regression for 16 weeks straight.

The pregnancy that produced my daughter Ava was in every way unplanned. She was very wanted and is much loved but it turned my life upside down. Suddenly nothing was really in my control anymore.

I found myself at home, one week after Ava was born, alone (for the most part) and my life from that point onwards was the exact opposite of how I had designed it to be -uncontrolled and unplanned. I read every baby sleep book under the sun convinced that there was something I was doing wrong. I drove myself crazy trying to work out what that one thing was.

When my daughter was 18 months I went to see a sleep psychologist still convinced that 'something could be done' about the fact she wouldn't self-settle, that every meal time was a battle ground and that we were up for hours with her in the middle of the night. Interestingly at my first appointment the psychologist quickly realised that in fact it was not Ava who needed help it was me, her stressed, anxious, sleep deprived mother who had lost her own identity.

Over a number of weeks I worked with this psychologist to realise that my expectations of a 'normal baby' were completely unrealistic, for example that at 12 months only 38% of babies sleep through the night and 49% of babies between 1-2 years wake at least once a night. I had similar unrealistic expectations of how well my daughter should be eating based on what I saw from a handful of friend's children.

So learning this I made some choices:

  • I chose to let go of unrealistic expectations of my daughter and stop comparing her, and myself, to others;

  • I chose to let her eat 6 month old puree if that is what she wanted;

  • I chose to accept that she wasn't self-settling and sit with her reading a book till she fell asleep;

  • I chose to be a lot calmer and let go of needing everything to be planned and organised; and

Interestingly since making these choices my relationship with my husband is the best it's ever been, my daughter is self-settling and sleeping well and eating a range of foods and I have achieved my dream and established a life and career coaching practice for working mums. I have never been happier and am no longer plagued by stress and anxiety.

So how do you let go of unhelpful expectations?

  • Accept that everyone in your life has different strengths and qualities to bring to the relationship and allow them to express this in different ways. Some people may be exceptionally supportive in a crisis, others amazing fun to hang out with and others provide great advice;

  • Understand that yours is only one version of reality shaped by your experiences and core values. Communicate your needs and expectations but also seek to understand theirs and find a middle ground;

  • With regards to your children remind yourself that the "normal" range for developmental milestones are wide and that they are little people with little personalities. Allow them to express themselves and celebrate their uniqueness rather than comparing them to other children;

  • Be kind to yourself, set goals and work towards them but equally be flexible and allow yourself to relax and have fun. The worst expectations are the ones we inflict on ourselves.

  • Choose to let go of those unhelpful & unrealistic expectations. Ask yourself what if I didn't expect this of myself/my partner/my friend - how would my life be different?

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There are only 2 types of depression, they are -
1) brought on by something that has happened in your lifetime or
2) one that has no obvious reasons(most popular)

Number 1

Is easier to beat as you know what caused it. Firstly, deal with what ever caused the depression. A setback, death, divorce or accident may have caused it. Try to find it and thats where you start.

Number 2

Is a a tricky one as you don't really know what started the said depression. This is the most common type and it varies from a strong feeling of being down to the thought of giving up on life.

Important :

- does it affect you much

- how long has it affected you

This is more challenging as people arent as easy or soft with you because there is no known cause for your acts.

Winter Depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

This is pretty regular where there is a cold climate, clouds and little or no sunshine. Its not nice and its simple for this type of depression to be contracted. Again it is different from person to person.

Postnatal Depression

Is seen in about fifty percent of mothers within the first week after birth. Usually stays for about a week and is because of your hormones, peace after the stress of the expected baby and other things as well that come with the duties of having a little baby. Ten percent of women with this suffer from restlessness, being tired all the time, are unable to handle things and even become aggressive towards the baby.

Bipolar Disorder

Is a mood disorder with difficult episodes. It differs with each person and research has proven that there is a possible genetic tie. It usually begins early on in your teens or twenties and remains
through your life. Its extremely serious that someone with this type of depression is helped.

Manic depression

Involves mood swings which are excessive or abnormal, they last a week at a time and goes hand in hand with strange behaviour as well-as strange thoughts, which makes life a bit more of an effort. If you are one of the unlucky people who struggle with either of these previous 2 depressions then you must find a doctor soon and begin your steps to recovery. Psychologists are a great help in these cases.

Male Depression

Described in two ways - namely covert or overt. Overt depression is easy to pick up on. Covert depression is difficult. You will see the tiny hints that a man uses to avoid it.

It is much, much more common to be covert. Abusive husbands are usually victims of this type of depression. Women sufferers are more likely to be overt as they seem more comfortable with looking for help. I hope this helped and makes things easier for you when looking for your type of depression.

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Aloe Vera And Depression

Depression is quite common in today's society. Many people often get depressed for various reasons and causes. Note that there is a fine line between real depression and clinical depression. Real depression happens to all individuals like when a loved one passes away or when suffering from a broken relationship.

Depression may happen to people and lead into anxiety attacks. This is because their minds ponder and focus on their worries and problems too much. There are other instances that a person will feel depressed and lack energy because of health, mainly because of nutritional deficiency.

To alleviate depression, it is common practice for people to consume various kinds of food and beverages to get them into a better mood. Many choose to indulge in food that is high in sugar such as cakes, ice cream and chocolate. There are others that opt to drink alcoholic beverages as a suppressant.

Many doctors prescribe anti-depressant medication. There are a lot of different kinds of anti-depressant medication that can even be bought over-the-counter. Numerous people have become dependent on these kinds of medication to enable them to function normally.

If you are one of the many millions of people that are suffering from depression, take the time to assess why you are depressed and where the depression may be coming from. It is very possible that it may be time to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Detoxification is a great way to cleanse the body and get rid of the toxins that have been stored for years. It is a known fact that body cleansing aids in mental health and you can get numerous other benefits from regular detoxification. One of the most common ways to detox is to consume specific kinds of food and beverages made from plants.

You can also get better overall health and eliminate any nutritional deficiency by consuming natural health food products. Since these products are made from plants, when it is consumed, it is easily digested and quickly absorbed by the body, giving almost immediate nutrition.

Thousands of people consume Aloe Vera products daily to aid them keep away depression by giving their body it vital nutrition needs. The amino acid content of Aloe Vera is nearly complete for our daily requirements. One vital amino acid that Aloe Vera contains is tryptophan which is a precursor of serotonin, which is used to as preventive treatment for depression and anxiety.

Some of the other amino acids in Aloe Vera stimulates the production stimulates the production of blood cells that balances our metabolism. Aloe Vera is known as a pure plant-food source and can give a body a natural based detox. Aside from the amino acids, Aloe Vera contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals.

Aloe Vera Plant is a safe, natural alternative to dangerous prescription drugs. As always, seek the advice of a medical doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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The majority of women do not suffer any kind of adverse reaction after childbirth, except to be emotional, easily upset and overtired. For a minority, however, it can be a very different story with a change of mood some time after the initial excitement following the birth. This usually coincides with the sudden change in hormone levels due to the commencement of lactation. New mothers can be highly sensitive, prone to weeping and possibly become irrational and suffer from depression. Loss of sleep and fatigue lead to anxiety, panic attacks and unnecessary worry. This is now recognized to be post-natal depressive illness, which can vary from a mild form to very severe cases which are quite rare.

Fortunately for sufferers, there is treatment for all forms of post-natal depression and a full recovery can occur. Aromatherapy is known to be helpful in preventing cases of post-natal issues. By using essential oils they can make life more pleasant and counteract any negative feeling that one might have.

How Aromatherapy Can Help

There have been numerous new mothers who have successfully used aromatherapy treatments to manage and assist in their fight against depression. There is hope out there in the form of natural treatments which do work. Having the assistance of a supportive aromatherapist can be of great help, as someone who listens and eases the new mothers concerns and answers her questions. It is a good idea to begin treatments before giving birth for maximum benefits but starting post birth is acceptable also. Having regular aromatherapy massages are very relaxing and beneficial to the mother. It is advisable to have a weekly massage. If you can't get to a massage therapist, self-massage is an alternative.

To feel uplifted and elevate your mood, use rosemary, cypress, bergamot or lemongrass. To feel calm and relaxed use lavender, chamomile or ylang ylang. Please note these essential oils should only be used diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond in massage after childbirth, not whilst pregnant. Due to the potent nature of oils, tangerine oil is the only acceptable choice during pregnancy. The selection of the essential oils used during the massage can impact on the desired outcome. As cases of post-natal depression differ from one individual to another it is best to consult with your aromatherapy massage therapist as to which oils will meet your needs.

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One of the goals I have is to become a better listener. My own perception is that I am a good listener, however my daughter has recently told me otherwise. Our relationships can be a source of comfort or stress and often times both. We're all affecting each other whether we are aware of it or not.

Do you ever get impatient while other people are talking? I do. Sometimes I feel impatience and sometimes it's enthusiasm to share a similar story. Other times I notice how while the other person is talking, my mind is busy thinking of solutions or advice for them. Has this ever happened to you?

When we actually listen, we are less likely to misunderstand someone and to have an argument. We are more likely to walk away from a conversation feeling energized rather than frustrated. When we listen well, we solve problems more quickly and feel less stressed.

When you're having a conversation with someone you can practice mindfulness. While they are talking, you can pay attention to your breathing. You can notice the thoughts that are going through your mind as they are speaking. Practice being patient. Don't interrupt.

Notice any feelings within yourself as you are listening. Don't interject your experiences. Wait, breathe, and listen. Notice any sensations in your body as you are listening. The idea is to listen with your whole self...to be fully present without the need to change, solve, or fix anything.

When the person is finished talking you can respond with a comment like, "it sounds like you had a really tough day" or "it seems like you got just what you wanted". That shows the speaker that you've heard them and this feels good for both them and you. This kind of response might encourage them to talk even more, building confidence and trust in your relationship.

The objective is to listen and notice what's happening within yourself rather than to jump in. We usually interrupt because we've had a similar experience or because we think we have the answer to the problem. The truth is that each of us has the answer within.

Being a good listener helps the other person to eventually access the answer. The more the person talks, the more he/she comes up with their own insights and solutions. The more one can access his/her own wisdom, the more empowered they feel.

We all need and appreciate being listened to. It is one of the greatest gifts we can give one another.
May you bring a mindful presence into all your relationships this month. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Many people experience depression at some point in life. On the whole, women are about 50% more likely to have symptoms than men. This is most likely due in part to the significant hormonal changes women experience. Men do get this illness, but they often do not seek out treatment. Instead, they show their state of mind through anger and hostility. Men are 25% more likely to commit suicide than are women. The elderly are another population that often become despondent and who are, as a group, less likely to get help for it.

This is a real illness, not just a state of mind or something that someone can think themselves out of. There are several causes, including genetics, trauma history, physical illness (such as not making enough thyroid hormone), certain medications, chronic pain and grief.

Depression is a mood disorder in which signals are not passed between neurons normally. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers that are in charge of passing the signals between neurons. Neurotransmitter signals may be too weak or there may not be enough of a particular neurotransmitter, similar to a phone line with a bad connection.

Symptoms include lack of energy, inability to sleep or sleeping too much, restlessness, weight loss or weight gain of more than 5% in one month, intrusive thoughts of suicide and death, guilt and feeling worthless and hopeless, general irritability, inability to concentrate, loss of enjoyment of favorite activities, self-imposed isolation, physical pain, headaches or even digestive upset that does not respond to any treatment. Any of these symptoms lasting more than two weeks is cause to see a doctor.

Some common forms of the illness include childhood and postpartum depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Children can be depressed and may not be able to tell you in words what they are feeling. Children most often express what they are feeling through their behavior. Be attentive to any changes in the behavior or your children. Postpartum depression occurs in the first year after giving birth. This manifestation of the illness can be very debilitating and guilt producing. The woman may feel that because she just had this wonderful child she should not be feeling the way she does. This is just not true. She needs to get help. Bipolar is characterized by extreme periods of extremely sad, hopeless moods and mania. It tends to run in families. Seasonal affective disorder most often occurs in people living in northern latitudes with short winter days and long nights.

Depression is treatable. Cognitive behavior therapy or psychotherapy in combination with medications is a more successful treatment than therapy or medication alone. Eating well and exercising, taking time to relax and regenerate and listening to your body can help ease symptoms and possibly even prevent the illness. Stress management and reduction techniques, such as visualization, meditation and yoga practice are other ways to help manage symptoms. Light therapy is often the treatment method of choice for seasonal affective disorder.

If you think you or someone you know is suffering from this illness and it has been going on for more than two weeks, seek the attention of a doctor. Depression is a real illness that can sometimes be fatal. Remember that it is not your fault. It is a chemical malfunction in the brain that you have no more control over than a diabetic has control over their own insulin production. Remember that depression is a very treatable illness and that there is no reason to suffer in silence.

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There's nothing else that a parent would want for their kids than for them to grow healthy and strong. What they may not know, however, is that they can already give themselves such assurance even before their babies are born.

Researchers agree that pregnant women should take fish oil supplements while they're still pregnant-and it's for a variety of reasons:

1. Fish oil can boost the coordination of the eyes and hands of the baby.

A body of a fish is rich with essential oils, which, in turn, contain a very useful acid called DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid. According to studies, DHA can improve and effectively develop fundamental parts of a baby, such as his eyes, hands, and the brain. In fact, it has been inferred that one of the reasons why premature babies are always at risk from brain and eye damage is because their mothers lack DHA in their bodies.

Growing up, fish oil and DHA can improve the coordination of the hands and eyes of the baby tremendously. They have sharp vision and can display exceptional motor skills even as a toddler.

2. Fish oil can help improve the IQ of the child.

Though there isn't any clear evidence that can link IQ with breast-feeding of children, there are still several researchers who believe that breast milk contains substances that cannot be found in any other type of milk, such as from cow or commercial milking brands. They believe that milk coming from mothers contain DHA which can help develop the brain of a baby. This theory is further backed by a research which found its publication in perinatology journal. It states that mothers who consumed liver oil from codfish during 18 weeks of their pregnancy and when they start to breast-feed produce babies with higher IQs.

3. Fish oil can improve the immune system of the baby.

Codfish liver oil can promote efficient immune system for the babies. Mothers who take these supplements while they're still pregnant can minimize the tendency of the child to develop allergies to dust mite and house cat. It also reduces allergic reactions to food. Eczema, which is a common skin disease among infants, is unlikely to occur on babies whose mothers have taken fish oil supplements during their pregnancy.

4. Fish oil promotes healthy nervous system.

Fish oil, which is also rich in Omega-3, is essential when it comes to the development of a child's central nervous system. Thus, if a woman takes in fish oil supplements during their pregnancy, they are reducing the risk of cerebral palsy in their child. It's recommended, though, that this suggestion should be adhered to strictly during the last trimester of their pregnancy because the baby's brain starts to become fully develop by then.

5. Fish oil can allow mothers take care of their babies more effectively.

Indirectly, DHA and fish oil can allow mothers take care of their infants more effectively. Besides reducing the risk of increasing their blood pressure while they're giving birth or, worse, develop preclampsia, which can be very deadly, these important fatty acids can also ease the development of post-natal blues or post-partum depression.

Good Baby Nutrition Starts With the Mommy

Good nutrition shouldn't only be limited to the baby alone. Mothers too should take note of their own health. Fish oil and DHA provides a win-win situation for both the infant and the mother. Thus, make fish eating part of your diet. In fact, you should take in oily fish at least between 2 and 3 times each week. If you're not so keen of eating fish, you can look for a fish oil concentrate. Meanwhile, don't ever forget to include your doctor with your plans. Keep in mind that not all fish oil capsules available are safe. It may help you if you can ask for some recommendations from your physicians. You basically don't want to endanger your baby and yourself, do you?

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They key to finding out when a woman has postnatal depression is, of course, to understand and to recognize the signs of postnatal depression, also known as postpartum depression and when they can occur.

What is postnatal depression, though?

Postnatal depression is a type of clinical depression that can afflict women, after they give birth to their children.

Postpartum depression should be considered as a serious medical illness. It occurs because of the changing hormone levels in a woman after giving birth. The lifestyle changes inevitable after childbirth also contribute significantly.

In most cases, this type of depression can happen within the first few months after a woman has given birth. Women who have undergone either a stillbirth or a miscarriage can also suffer postpartum depression.

Women who are affected with this type of depression can experience a difficult time in their efforts at bonding and caring for their new infant.

In some cases postnatal depression can even worsen to the point that it becomes something known in clinical circles as postnatal psychosis. This is a rare and more extreme type of depression, which could result in the afflicted women potentially hurting herself or her infant.

The symptoms of postpartum depression can actually overlap with something referred to as the Baby Blues, which is a recognised type of depression experienced by women in first days and sometimes weeks after giving birth. The Baby Blues can become postnatal depression when a person suffers the symptoms for an extended amount of time.

Here are the Baby Blues symptoms:

• Mood swings

• Either mild or moderate types of anxiety

• It is usual for sadness to be present

• Unusual irritability

• Lack of ability in either focusing or concentrating on things

• Sleep predicaments like excessive sleep or difficulty in falling asleep

• Crying

• Lack of interest in the baby

Some of the usual postnatal depression symptoms are:

• A loss of appetite

• difficulty in falling asleep

• Irritability

• Loss of sexual and general interest

• Extreme mood swings

• Withdrawal from people they are normally close to

• Inability to bond with new infant

• Thoughts of self-harm or even harming the new infant

There are a whole host of symptoms that a woman experiencing postnatal depression may display. Therefore, there is again the need to be really familiar with these symptoms. Woman and men in Ireland should be aware that postnatal depression is real, and they should be on the lookout for the very real possibility of its onset after childbirth occurs.

Suicide Prevention Ireland provides resources for men and women who are at risk of suicide. Find a range of articles including women and depression, male depression, as well as common stresses, illnesses, and issues, and know that help is at hand.

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When you say the words 'Mental Health' it is likely most people will pull some sort of face, feel embarrassed or shy away. There is still a social stigma to the idea of mental health but all it really has to do with is how well, mentally, you're able to deal with problems. It is true to say that at some point or another most of us have experienced or suffered some sort of mental collapse, even your boss at work, the beautiful woman stood next to you on the train or one of your closest family members. Anxiety falls under the mental health umbrella. It is for this reason it is imperative that we as individuals and society to understand anxiety and mind in order to combat the condition and begin to lead lives that are based on positivity and happiness.

It can literally be a case of finding the world hard to live in and cope with that can have an affect on your mental health and it is so important to realise that you are not the only one who has ever felt like this. But the social stigma attached to anything like depression, anxiety, post natal depression or bi-polar means that people are scared to talk about things and some people wont even realise they have a problem because people are scared to talk and therefore don't know about things. People are much more likely to talk about cancer, diabetes, heart disease, even STD's than they are mental health problems as they are seen as a weakness and controllable as opposed to physical illnesses.

We have to cope with so much on a day to day basis that is can become overwhelming and sometimes too much. This can affect the mental balance for us, and is not just a few people that this can happen to, but thousands, even millions. Depending on who we are, our history and how our brains work, but, essentially it puts an imbalance on our minds which can make us act in an unnatural way. So, what is it and how do we gain mental strength?

Medical and psychological research has shown that mental health is very dependent on genetics and experience. Depending on who we are the affects of these 2 main factors can vary and are also reliant on one another. People that have been brought up in a happy environment and are confident because of this will usually have strong minds and live life to the full. However, there are experiences that can happen in this life that mean our mental toughness is tested and this can affect us much more than it should and can happen easily. A bad break up from your partner, being sacked from work, sexual abuse, drug addiction, being bullied because you are overweight or even just a general bad run of luck can sometimes have a hugely detrimental effect on your mental health.

There are things you can do though to begin to make your mind stronger and happier. As it is something that is not discussed enough so, find a group or people to talk to, this will make you feel confident first and foremost as you will know you wont be the only one and you can begin to approach your problems. Speak to your doctor, to other professionals, friends, family or therapy groups, or go to all of these if you think it will help, why should you be embarrassed when you are trying to better yourself and make yourself happy in your life.

Our lives are hectic. Fact. Stress can lead to many mental health issues but can so easily be avoided its just that usually it gets left until too late and that's when problems can set in. Think about your work load, life style and time management, keep a diary or write things down that you do and want to do. Are there things you can give up or stop doing for a while? Can you get others to help you? What is your priority? Think about what you really want to do and make time for it, don't get bogged down in all the stress. Make time for yourself and do something that you will enjoy, relieve stress and make yourself happy.

Finding a life balance and staying realistic is the key to finding good mental health, by making sure all the parts of your life work together you can lead a happy and fulfilled life where your mind is strong and cannot be taken over by any negatives that may be able to corrupt you. Strive to move forward and always keep your goals insight. You may sit there and say you don't have any goals but this is untrue you have probably never thought of them consciously that's all. They can be anything and not necessarily work related; you want to be a parent by the time you are 30, you want to own your own car, you want to find a partner, you want that promotion in a year, you want to move to a city, you want to weigh this much by your birthday etc. By having goals it gives you a focus that keeps you cleared minded and guided, giving you a strong mind.

Finding that quality of life is what this will do and put everything in your life into some sort of perspective. One thing to remember though is don't let it get to you down if you don't achieve one of your goals sometimes it just isn't the right time but as long as your know what is right for you and the fact that you tried, you have the love of others around you and you are wealthy in this you will keep moving forward and thinking clearly. Anxiety, worry, fear and panic will then become a thing of the past as your balance every factor in your life physically, emotionally and mentally.

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Postnatal depression is one of the most common ailments of new mothers. Feelings of worthlessness, despair, sadness, or even causing harm to yourself or newborn are several of the symptoms. I dealt with postnatal depression myself and here are the top six things that helped me through my hard time:

Building a Support Group: I didn't bottle up my emotions. I spoke to those that I trusted around me about what I was going through and allowed them to offer their advice. My husband, mother, and sister where the ones who where always their for me in the past and they helped me tremendously

Breathing Exercises/Meditation - I came across a book that detailed some breathing exercises in it. It was really helpful to just sit with my thoughts and for a few moments a day be at peace with myself. Natural Remedies- There are a sleuw of natural remedies that you can look into. They can be found in books and online journals. The one the helped me the most was St. John's Wort, it has been known to act as a natural anti-depressant for thousands of years.

My Doctor - Checking in with my doctor gave me piece of mind. I was able to tell him how I was feeling and he assured me that It was as normal as it could be and offer prescription medications if I felt I wanted to go down that path, I didn't. He also checked my thyroid, often times a over or under active thyroid can produce effects similar to that of postnatal depression.

Rest - It was hard to get good rest with a newborn in the house. Once my husband got home from work it I put him on baby duty and got a good 1 hour nap in. These quick naps allowed me to recharge my batteries and feel a lot better on a daily basis. Hey Einstein was known as a habitual napper and he was one of the most brilliant minds of our time.

Reading - I read everything about this disease. I knew it inside and out, and this greatly helped me overcome it completely.I am a firm believer in the idea that you cannot defeat your ailments if you do not know what they are doing to you.

These are the top six things that helped me overcome my postnatal depression. I hope that they can put you on the right track to defeating your disease.

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In its natural format St John's Wart is a flowering plant that originally originates from Europe. The plant flowers from June to September allowing the herbalists to collect and obtain large quantities ready to prepare and sell on the herbal remedies markets to all world wide distributors.

What is St John's Wart usually taken for?

St John's Wart is popular for those persons suffering from mild- to serve depression. It is used as an anti-depressant by people who do not need or wish to start on a dose of Prozac. Prozac is known to become very addictive and hard to wean off once started on a course.

Other reasons people may take St John's Wart are problems or events such as:

  • Post Natal Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Obesity

  • Anorexia Suffers

  • Deaths

  • Divorces and many more.

Some people use it to calm nerves and help keep balanced day to day. It is also well known for its calming properties great for those with anxiety and public problems. It is said by scientists who test this remedies that it helps to realise chemicals from the brain causing a happier lift in a personal mental state.

Benefits of Taking St John's Wart:

  • It is great for helping people feel calmer and relaxed in situations they usually feel uptight and uncomfortable with.

  • Letting people re-gain their life by giving them a boost of confidence and self worth.

  • Help with signs of stress and exhaustion

  • Help with insomnia and people who feel restless and unable to settle on a night-time.

  • It can also reduce stress and confusion for people with mental health problems.

Risks of Taking John's Wart:

  • St John's Wart may reduce the effectiveness of the contraception pill.

  • It may affect pregnant or breastfeeding women

  • It may cause blood thinning dangerous to those people already taking medications.

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Every pregnancy comes complete with aches and pains. It's not a welcome inclusion but it is a non-negotiable part of the deal. Prenatal massage can be of enormous benefit to expectant mothers.  We will discuss here the top benefits, some precautions one should consider, and some of the methods used when applying pre-natal massage therapy.

Muscular tensions, aching back, neck and shoulders, headaches, pooling of blood in the legs, and all other manner of physical discomforts and pains occur due to the inevitable increase in weight, the resulting shifting of posture and centre of gravity, and changing hormone levels.

Prenatal massages aim to alleviate aches and pains, improve circulation, reduce muscular tensions and help to ease other pregnancy related symptoms.  An additional benefit is an improvement in the expectant mother's emotional moods and mental attitude.

A full body massage including attention to the head including the scalp and face area, as well as the feet and hands provides relief from tensions and is found to be extremely soothing and nurturing. All areas should of course be massaged gently, with appropriate levels of pressure applied.

An experienced prenatal massage therapist can choose methods which are effective and safe that provide much needed comfort and pampering.

Prenatal massage offers numerous benefits of a broad range.  The top benefits of pre-natal massage are:

- Reduction of fatigue

- Increased circulation

- Improved digestion

- Reduced swelling in the hands, feet and lower legs

- Fewer calf cramps

- Lessens the severity of backaches, headaches, shoulder and neck aches

- Reduced pain in the pelvic/hip area

- Alleviates stress on weight bearing joints including the lower back, knees and ankles

- Improves sleep and decreases insomnia

- Promotes deep breathing and relaxation

- Reduces stress hormones

- Assists in maintaining correct posture

Prenatal massage therapy during pregnancy can also be greatly beneficial emotionally as it allows expectant mothers to relax and feel a sense of calm. They also report feeling comforted and healthy during what is a period of emotional and physical stress.

Pre-natal massage can be applied in different ways. The pregnant patient should lie on her side and the therapist is trained to modify the massage techniques to adapt to this position. Lying flat on back is not recommended as it reduces blood circulation to both mother and child.  The mother-to-be can lay on her back with the body in an elevated position by using pillows to support the mother's body. Body pillows can also be used for side lying positions as well.

There is a specially designed pillow now available to assist when massaging expecting mothers in a face down position. This pillow has a deep centre cut-out which allows the mother to lie flat on her belly and feel comfortable and relaxed.

After giving birth, new mothers experience a kaleidoscope of physical and emotional stresses, commonly including sleep deprivation. Prenatal massage can aid the birthing process, and then continuing with postnatal massage can be highly beneficial and therapeutic by assisting the new mother's body to return to its former state.

Pre-natal massage is generally considered safe for expecting mothers, although it is always advisable to consult with your doctor before beginning a program.  There are some precautions. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, prenatal massage is not advised. You should certainly tell your therapist if you have had, or are having any complications or problems with your pregnancy.

Prenatal massage may be from 10 minutes to an hour depending on your available time and your level of comfort.  If the massage brings discomfort, you may like to have shorter sessions more often.  If the massage causes no abnormal discomfort, then once per week during the 2nd trimester and twice per week or more during the 3rd trimester is ideal.

If considering prenatal massage therapy to assist with a pleasant and positive pregnancy and birth, consult you doctor or pre-natal massage specialist and begin.  The therapy has enjoyed long and wide spread use and offers many therapeutic benefits to the pregnant mother to be, and ultimately to her child as well.

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Depression can strike at any time, but it commonly occurs during major life transitions, such as the end of a relationship. Symptoms of depression can include persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety about the future, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and changes in sleeping patterns and appetite. It is challenging to let go of something old and embrace a different possibility in life, but it can be managed. For severe cases of depression, it may be necessary to take a pharmaceutical approach, but for many milder cases, natural treatments may be very effective in alleviating symptoms. Here are 5 natural methods to treat depression following a break up:

1. Eat well. It is important to take care of the body, as the health or the body impacts the health of the mind. As tempting as it may be to grab junk and comfort foods, try to focus your diet around fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid highly processed foods and sugars. If you are struggling with your appetite, try carrying around high protein, healthy snack foods and eating small amounts throughout the day. If your tendency is to overeat, do not eat while distracted, i.e. in front of the TV. Try setting a time at night when you stop eating for the day.

2. Take supplements. Start with a good, food based multivitamin. If you do not eat a lot of calcium rich foods, take a calcium supplement. Try fish oil. Its many physical benefits include improved brain health. You may take 5 HTP (hydroxytryptophan), a natural antidepressant that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is involved in mood regulation. L-Theanine is often taken in conjunction with 5 HTP and is a natural anti-anxiety supplement.

3. Implement an exercise regimen approved by your doctor. Cardiovascular exercise is ideal for treating depression. What you want is an activity that will elevate your heart rate and keep it up for a period of time. This allows for the release of the feel good compounds, endorphins, that elevate mood. An added bonus is better overall physical health and better body image. The ideal is 45 minutes of cardio activity 5 days per week, but don't avoid exercise if that seems too much for you. Any amount is helpful.

4. Talk it out. A good counselor is very helpful. Having a professional, unbiased person to offer you feedback and perspective on you and your past relationship can be invaluable. You will be better able to process the break up, as well as take valuable lessons forward into your future. Friends and family are also important to have close when you're depressed, to offer emotional support and help fill the time you used to spend with your partner.

5. Do one kind thing for yourself daily. Make a list of small things you enjoy doing. Each day, choose one thing off your list and do it for yourself. When you have exhausted that list, create a new one.

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How does the idea of using fish oil for depression treatment sound to you? You can say 'it is a good idea', or 'it is a bad idea', or you can even say 'I have no idea whatsoever'. No matter what your answer is, you are not alone. A lot of people do not have a clear understanding of fish oil and the role it plays in treating depression. Let us take a look.

Fish oil, as you all know, is rich in omega 3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA. According to health experts, these omega 3 fatty acids play a major role in improving brain function. They play a very important role in the growth of neurons in the frontal cortex of the brain, which is referred to as the 'seat of personal behavior'. They prevent the disruption of the dopamine system and promote mental health. A number of clinical studies have shown that a regular dose of omega 3 fatty acids will prevent mental disorders like depression, anxiety, irritability, and aggression. This is why fish oil depression treatment is usually pretty effective.

When consumed on a regular basis, high quality fish based oil supplements can reduce suicidal tendencies and irritability in people who are depressed. They are very essential for pregnant women to stay healthy and to avoid postnatal depression. It has also been proven that omega 3 fatty acids significantly reduce the risks of childhood mental disorders like ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia. This is why fish based oil is considered a very good for children and adults alike.

To get the best results in fish oil depression treatment, you should take high quality fish based oil capsules. Look for fish oil supplements which contain plenty of DHA and EPA - preferably in 2:1 ratio. A lot of fish based supplements these days contain very little amount of these omega 3 fatty acids and you cannot expect good results from taking such supplements. So, always make sure the product you choose contains at least 250 mg of DHA and 120 mg of EPA.

One of the most important things you should know about depression treatment is that it is a combination of the right kind of medications, a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, high quality health supplements, and some important lifestyle changes. So, while using fish oil for depression treatment is certainly effective, it definitely should not be considered an alternative for medications. You must always consult your doctor and follow his advice without fail to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health and to get over depression.

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