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Reiki is quite popular and most people commonly experience during Reiki treatment a sense of peace and relaxation, often combined with a pleasant sense of security and of being enveloped by a faint wave of energy. But even this is not experienced at all times. Therefore, this might be used for those wanting miracle pregnancies.

It is a form of Japanese or Asian medicine. When someone is treated with Reiki, they are taken back to a state of unification with the harmony of the universe. This harmony, which is capable of reaching the smallest of its cells allows it to become full and healthy again, thus enhancing the woman's natural ability to heal itself. Thus, it is beneficial to couples with infertility problems looking for miracle pregnancies. Reiki is both powerful and gentle. Often, when energy levels are low or blocked, the immune system is weakened and more susceptible to disease.

Reiki energizes women preparing for miracle pregnancies on several levels simultaneously:

-In the physical plane through the warmth of hands
-On the mental plane through the thoughts
-On the emotional level through love

Reiki can be used by those hoping to conceive as it can help relieve pain and illness. Not only may it help in achieving miracle pregnancies, but it can also help in skin problems, flu, fatigue, backache and headaches. This form of Japanese medicine is based on allowing the body to correct itself, heal itself, and provide strength to the immune system to help the body fight disease. Reiki helps the body to help restore physical balance by removing blockages. Some women may fail to get pregnant or achieve miracle pregnancies because of a blockage in their fallopian tubes. Reiki can also rid the body of toxins that have been stored.

Reiki encourages the examination of the woman's emotional life, releasing negative emotions while collecting positive and love, and self-confidence. Reiki flows to where it is needed in a healthy, balanced and natural way. Imbalances in the body can affect the health and can be caused by many situations that occur in our lives, such as emotional or physical trauma, negative thoughts and feelings such as fear, anxiety, worry, doubt or anger, nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle behavior, bad relationships, and self-neglect. Many doctors who are not naturopathic will also tell you how important your emotional and mental health can be for your physical health.

When women are hoping to achieve miracle pregnancies and receive Reiki during pregnancy, she will find this is beneficial for herself and the baby who will develop when it is conceived. The steps within this form of Asian medicine can help women receive the strength and health as they continue to try for miracle pregnancies. Thus, it can also be used when it is time to give birth, as it helps develop labor more naturally and stress-free.

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If you are trying to get pregnant, early pregnancy symptoms are your best guide. If this is your first pregnancy, we will help you pinpoint the early signs of pregnancy so that you can perform a pregnancy test and arrange a meeting with your doctor.

If you can't wait no longer to find out, here are some of the early pregnancy symptoms that you should watch out for:

The most obvious early pregnancy symptom is often the changes in menstrual cycle. For some women, they will notice that their period is delayed. This is a reliable measure if you have a regular period. This period is not always a sign of pregnancy but it can be for many women who notice it if they monitor their periods. Missing a period can also be caused by stress, medications, or hormonal imbalance.

Headache is also common during pregnancy. This develops when the growing size uterus starts compressing arteries in your legs and causes your blood pressure to drop causing headaches. In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel fainting. This symptom is caused by low blood sugar that because it is used by the embryo as source of food inside the womb. Take healthy snacks to avoid fainting.

Heightened sensitivity to aroma is early pregnancy symptom. It is also known as food aversion which makes you loathe some of your favorite aroma. If you have this symptom and smells any of the fumes that triggers it such as gas, mowed grass, different types of foods, cigarette smokes etc., may trigger nausea and vomiting. This usually disappears on the second trimester of pregnancy.

Another classical early sign of pregnancy is breasts changes. This symptom may cause your breast to increase in size and sensitive to touch. The areola or the brown skin around your nipples may also become darker and bigger.

If you experienced some of the early pregnancy symptoms, you can start performing a pregnancy test, which too you can conduct yourself with the help of a home kit. If you are doubtful of the results, it is always the best choice to consult your doctor.

You should go to the clinic and test yourself if you want to be sure that you are pregnant instead of relying to an early pregnancy symptom. There are many pregnancy tests that are reliable and can be performed at home without the help of any paramedics. These tests are so sensitive that it reveals pregnancy by dipping a strip in to the first morning urine of women who has conceived just 15-20 days ago.

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I recently had someone who was trying to have a girl baby contact me. She was already pregnant but wanted to do everything that she could to make sure that she ended up with a girl rather than a boy. She asked me: "should I be drinking milk? Does drinking dairy when you're pregnant help you get a girl baby?"

There was really two questions here. The first was whether consuming milk or dairy helped you to conceive or become pregnant with a female child. The second was whether your diet after you're already pregnant can affect your baby's gender. I will discuss these topics in the following article.

Does Your Diet After Conception Affect Your Baby's Gender?: I'll address this question first. Your baby's gender is decided at conception. Although the sex organs aren't visible for a while, once you conceive, your baby's sex has already been decided. At the end of the day, if an X sperm fertilizes your egg, you've conceived a girl even if this isn't immediately visible. And, if a Y fertilizes your egg, you're the parents of a baby boy on down the road, even if the male organs aren't apparent for some time.

So, your diet after conception isn't going to change what has already taken place. That's not to say that a healthy diet (which includes dairy) isn't important for a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy. They are. They just don't factor into your baby's gender if they happen after conception instead of before it, which leads me to my next point.

Eating Acidic Foods Before Pregnancy Can Increase Your Chances Of Having A Girl: Your diet before you become pregnant can affect your baby's gender. The reason for this is that the foods you eat can affect whether your reproductive tract is alkaline or acidic. If it is acidic, this increases your chances for a girl because this is detrimental to boy sperm. If you are alkaline, this is much better for the boy sperm which in turn increases your chances for a boy.

Along these same lines, milk and dairy foods are more acidic. So consuming them can help you to become more acidic which would increase your odds of a daughter. However, just adding one food to your diet may not be enough to change your PH and acidity. Women will often do a short overhaul of their diets when they're trying to conceive and influence their baby's gender.

You can test yourself before you make any changes to your diet to see where you're falling to determine what types of dietary changes you might want to make. Also, douching can help to change your PH also, so you have some other options other than just diet.

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Any woman who's been pregnant can attest that it is a highly uncomfortable state to be in, especially once the third trimester comes around. The growing belly places increasing stress on the spinal cord, getting to sleep can actually become a nightmare, your bowels go haywire, and ankles and feet swell to tree trunk proportions. Of course, some women out there (those lucky blessed few) sail through their pregnancy without a hitch. The rest of us, however, have to find other solutions in order to manage our discomfort.

Ergonomics may not help reduce symptoms like morning sickness and heartburn, nor can it help you stop craving pickles with chocolate, but it can help solve issues like sleeping comfortably, swollen ankles and feet, and spinal pain, so common during the third trimester. Once you sleep well and are in less pain during the working day, everything seems more bearable, even your baby playing a particularly vicious game of rugby in your belly.

Perhaps the most important thing to concentrate on at first is sleeping well. That lump isn't very comfortable by the third trimester. It is impossible to sleep on your belly, when you sleep on your side, your belly falls forward and sinks into the mattress (painful!), and you are left with one option: sleeping on your back. Less than 15% of people are able to fall asleep while lying on their back. Breathing passages are more likely to get clogged, causing snoring, which often wakes you up right after you fall asleep. Most people fall asleep on one side or the other.

The solution to this is a pregnancy pillow. Whether you need a full-body sleeping bean bag or a simple bed wedge, pregnancy pillows come in many shapes and sizes to suit your needs. Their purpose is to provide support for your belly and back during sleep, which eliminates most of the back pain involved from sleeping in a bad position. Cradle pillows are designed to support the neck, and pregnancy cradle pillows are designed to be placed under the belly while lying on your side for support. Full length body pillows support the neck, belly, and hips while lying on your side, placing your body in the best angle to sleep in. Placing a lumbar back support pillow under the small of your back when sleeping will provide the best support for your lower spine while sleeping on your back, which relieves the stress of all that extra belly weight carried during the day.

Legs, ankles, and feet are very susceptible to swelling during the third trimester of your pregnancy. Women who spend hours standing up while pregnant are twice as likely to have swollen ankles as women who sit down most of the day. During pregnancy, tired feet and ankles can be extremely stressful on the body. It can feel like a thousand throbbing drums are beating in your legs, and all you can do is dream about your couch or bed and lifting your legs for a very long time by the end of a long day.

To avoid tired feet and legs, use an anti fatigue mat at home and in the office. anti fatigue mats filled with special gel provide excellent support for your legs and feet, and are especially effective when you stand for a long period of time. Anti fatigue mats should relieve pressure on the lower body. This relief extends to the shoulders and neck, making the day much more bearable. Anti fatigue mats come in all shapes and forms, from mats that are dual purpose and remove dirt at entrances, to mats specifically designed for the hotel business, and mats designed to be placed under computer chairs, providing extra support for feet. Wherever you work during your pregnancy, it's possible to find the right anti fatigue mat to meet your needs.

It is important to sit in a good ergonomic chair that is specifically adjusted to your requirements and size if you work in front of a computer all day. Doing this should relieve a lot of the pressure in your spine and back. A good ergonomic keyboard and mouse will relieve the tension in the neck and shoulders, not to mention the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome (as if you really need that on top of everything?). Make sure your monitor is adjusted properly, and that your desk is at the correct height. It is difficult enough to type while very pregnant without your desk being too low or too high.

It is possible to work through your pregnancy in relative comfort. If you sleep well, if your body is supported properly throughout the day, and if pressure is relieved from your feet and legs, you may be able to sail through your pregnancy just like those few lucky women out there who are always glowing with good health.

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Most women will get stretch marks somewhere on their body during pregnancy. Stretch marks or striae gravidarum are thick, linear bands that present on the abdomen, bottom and thighs, arms and breasts. When they first appear they will usually look like angry streaks that are red, purple or pink in colour. Stretchmarks usually appear in the final months when women have a sudden abdominal growth spurt and changes in hormone levels which may have an effect on the skins elasticity and strength.

It is no surprise that the main site for stretchmarks are the abdomen and breasts, both being areas that see an expansion. There are other specific indicators to being more susceptable to getting stretch marks. These are;

•younger maternal age during pregnancy
•family history of striae, non-white race
•excess weight gain during pregnancy
•higher maternal body weight, carrying a larger baby

Preventing and Managing Stretch Marks

Most women may have a genetic disposition to stretch marks and this is something we can do little about however there are ways to support the skin in order to limit their severity. Good nurtrition, exercise and using a good moisturiser can help deal with stretch marks and even prevent them.

Excessive Weight Gain

Since excessive weight gain appears to be a contributing factor to the development of stretch marks, it is important for women to maintain a healthy and appropriate weight during their pregnancy. The NHS suggests that women should gain anywhere between 8 and 14 kilos during pregnancy depending on if they are underweight or overweight at the start of their pregnancy.There are also added benefits for not gaining excess weight during diabetes - these would include the development of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia - both being high risk factors for pregnancy.

Nutrition and Exercise

Having regular exercise and making sure you eat the appropriate foods in pregnancy can help you put on weight gradually and adequately for your benefit and for the health of your growing child.

Natural Skincare Products

One way of managing or preventing stretch mark scaring is to use a product designed specifically for the purpose - the focus of which would be to smooth and toning the skin as well as restoring vital lost moisture. There are some lovely ingredients that are used for scar reduction, moisturisation and firming and toning the skin. These include rosehip oil, shea butter, olive oil and frankincense.

Rosehip seed oil is high in the essential fatty acids linoleic fatty acid and linolenic fatty acid otherwise known as Vitamin F. Rosheip oil is great for cell regeneration, a must for helping the body prevent and heal stretch marks.

Shea Butter
Shea buttter comes from processing and extracting the oil from the nut of the karite tree. It is a rich and grainy butter that has excellent moisturising properties and has been used for centuries by the people of Africa for cooking and for caring for the skin. It is also good for people who suffer from dry and irritable skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, helping to protect and aid in healing.

Olive Oil
Olive oil ontains squalane,a emmolient that closely resembles human sebum; Oleocanthal- a non steroidal anti inflammatory and antioxindent agent; Phenols which are also antiinflammatory and anticoagulant and chlorophyll, thought to help heal the skin. All helping to regerate and make the skin glow.

Found from East Africa, the middle east (Oman, Yemen) and India, Frankincense oil comes from the gum of the tree. The oil is high in boswellic acid, a substance that has proven anti-inflammatory activity. There is reliable evidence that boswellic acid, when introduced into beauty products can improve the texture and elasticity of skin.

When applied topically these creams can have great benefit for keeping the skin supple, moisturised and aid with toning the skin.

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In today's world, many women fear getting pregnant because of the 'cost' involved. This is one time when expenses sky-rockets with monies to be spent on medical checkups, supplement needs as well as the kind of diets that one should be adhering to. Apart from the expenses during pregnancy period, there is also the concern of expenses that comes with child-birth comes. In addition there are other items to think about such as the possibility of cesarean sessions, baby products to be bought, renovations and baby furniture that should be put in place. The truth is, childbirth is pretty expensive these days.

As a pregnant woman, one of the things that come to mind amidst all these is the thought of whether there is any kind of financial help for pregnant women. Well the good news is that there is financial help for pregnant women. The best place to start when seeking for financial help as a pregnant woman is the local health department in your county.

One of the many available is MedicAid. MedicAid assists with the expense that is incurred after childbirth. Expenses such as consultations with the doctor, inoculations and other kinds of treatment that the newborn may need are taken care of by MedicAid. Most of these financial help for pregnant women programs do not directly give money but in terms of reimbursement and subsidies. Another one of them is WIC (Women Infants and Children) which gives basic food necessities such bread, peanuts and milk to mothers, infants and children.

There are other grants given by the government or special bodies to pregnant women and single mothers. These monies are given to help support with the needs before and after childbirth. Some are specifically tailor made for certain people for example if you are a single mother or if you are pregnant. Whichever way, you can find relevant form of financial help for yourself as a pregnant woman and even after you have given birth to your baby. Other kinds of grants available are in the form of food supplies and other basic needs of a pregnant woman.

These financial aids can be applied on the internet or in the local health department of your county. You do not have to fear though, because if you are qualified the support you need before and after childbirth will most likely be granted. Therefore, do ensure you provide sufficient and correct information when applying in order to stand a good chance of getting the financial aid. Good luck.

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How long have you tried to get pregnant without success? Many women who wish to get pregnant usually rely on the Clear Blue ovulation monitor to tell them when their most fertile days are coming up. The Clear Blue ovulation monitor, which works like a pregnancy test in some ways, does more than just test your hormone level. Once you urinate on the stick, the Clear blue ovulation monitor will tell you how fertile you are now and give you an indication of how soon you will be fertile.

For women who are desperate to get pregnant, getting an ovulation monitor can be their best course of action. Having such a device will take all the guesswork out of determining during which days of the month you should try to get pregnant. Of course, it's possible to get pregnant any time of the month, but we're obviously much more prone to getting pregnant during those elusive days right smack dab in the middle of the cycle.

The Clear Blue fertility monitor also lets you know when your period is coming up. This is especially helpful if you ordinarily have an irregular period. It's a real bummer when your period shows up when you least expect it. No more will you get "surprised" by your period - you now know when it's coming up!

As all women know, we're least fertile during our periods, so you know you can avoid the time right before your period for getting pregnant. But not all women know when it's going to occur, so the Clear Blue ovulation monitor comes in very handy here. Even if you don't know when you're period is arriving, the monitor will tell you how soon it's coming so you can prepare for your monthly flow and get busy soon thereafter.

I know when I was trying to get pregnant, I kept having trouble keeping track of my most fertile days. I tried using plain old pen and paper and manually counting the days toward my 12-14 days of my cycle. But guess what? That wasn't enough. It turns out, I'm more fertile on days 16-18, which made all the difference between getting pregnant and remaining childless.

Best of all, the Clear Blue ovulation monitor gets to know your body better the more you use it. That means, if you use it for a straight month, it will give you a more and more accurate reading each time you use it the second month.

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Many women suffer with pregnancy back pain at night. This type of night back pain in pregnancy is called nocturnal back pain. You may have it on its own, or concurrently with low back or sacroiliac pain. There are a couple of different theories as to why night back pain develops during pregnancy. One theory is that it is caused by muscle fatigue from being active all day. By the end of the day, your body becomes more fatigued, and thus you feel more discomfort toward the evening hours. The second theory is that nocturnal back pain is due to water retention. This can lead to edema and an increased volume of blood. This additional water in the body can place pressure on the spinal nerves and muscles, resulting in backaches.

Some women have very severe back pain while sleeping during their pregnancy. The most important thing you can do is to avoid sleeping on your back during pregnancy. Lying on your back, or in the supine position, compresses major arteries and veins, namely the inferior vena cava and the aorta. This decreases circulation and allows fluid pressure to build up in the pelvis, which places pressure on the spinal nerves. As your fetus grows, it also puts more and more pressure on your arteries and veins. The farther along you are in your pregnancy, the more important it is to avoid sleeping on your back. The healthiest sleeping position for you and your baby is on your sides. Resting on your left side will place the least amount of pressure on your spine. In addition to side sleeping, supporting the uterus can help alleviate night back pain.

To properly support your uterus, lay on your side with pillows under your abdomen and between your legs. This will help to support your uterus and keep your spine in a neutral position. There are several wonderful pregnancy pillows that can help to make sleeping much more comfortable. It is also important to make special efforts during the day to adjust your posture in ways that will help prevent muscle fatigue. Be sure to take frequent breaks from standing or sitting. If you must sit or stand for long periods of time, elevate one foot on a low stool or foot rest. Also, wear good, supportive shoes, and avoid wearing high heeled shoes, which place extra strain on the back. It is also possible to manage pregnancy back pain at night by maintaining a regular exercise program. Regular exercise will help strengthen and support the spine, therefore helping to minimize strain and muscle fatigue.

Exercise and postural adjustments will help to minimize night time back pain, but may not completely prevent it. Many women find pain relief in alternative approaches such as acupuncture and massage therapy, though this relief may be only temporary. There are a variety of gentle hands on techniques that can be performed at home, which are also beneficial for relieving pregnancy related back pain. Unfortunately, anti-inflammatory medications such as motrin, advil, and aspirin are contraindicated during pregnancy. The only pain reliever considered safe during pregnancy is acetaminophen. Soaking in a hot tub or whirlpool is not recommended during pregnancy. You may however find a warm, not hot, bath can soothe your sore back. Try adding Epsom salt to a warm bath to help relieve pain.

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During pregnancy, women may feel different kind of symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, missed period, and even lower back pain. Pain in the lower back occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy for about 80% of expecting women. Usually, aside from missing one's period, a woman can determine that she is pregnant if she is experiencing regular pains in the back.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy can be caused by many factors. Some of the causes of this back pain are as follows:

• Stretching of the ligaments - a woman's body needs to prepare and stretch itself along the abdominal area for pregnancy. Due to this, pregnant women may feel pains in the lower part of their back.

• Extra weight - during pregnancy, a woman may gain extra weight. Because of that, and along with the weight of the developing fetus, the spinal column cannot support the weight well.

• Posture - as the tummy of a pregnant woman swells, she has the tendency to bend backwards, resulting to pain in her lower back.

• Center of gravity - the woman's body starts to move forward due to the swelling of the uterus.

• Stress - pregnancy is really a stressful time for a woman, both physically and mentally. Because of that, the pelvis weakens and back pain results.

• Hormones - hormones are very much active during pregnancy. Progesterone, a hormone produced by women, may soften the pelvic ligaments and causes back pain.

• Urinary tract infections - UTI can be a cause of back pains, and during pregnancy, women are more prone to have UTI.

Pregnant women should not worry if ever they are experiencing back pain. It is a normal phase of pregnancy. Although there are no ways for them to stop occurring, there are still measures that will help the pain to be bearable. A pregnant woman can do these following steps to minimize the pain they will experience in their lower backs:

• First of all, it is important for a pregnant woman to do exercises during their pregnancy. Try doing back exercises to help lessen the pains in your back. You can do walking, pelvic rocking, stretching, and other back exercises.

• Drink lots of fluid to help ease the pain caused by UTI.

• Take a lot of rest. Pregnant women need a lot of rest, to gain more strength and energy for both her and the baby's health.

• When lying down, placing a pillow on your lower back can help ease the lower the pain in early pregnancy.

• Stop wearing heels and high-heeled shoes during pregnancy. Just wear flats and comfortable footwear to help you achieve more balance.

The mentioned tips above are just some of the remedies and preventive measures that a pregnant woman can do to lessen the discomfort experienced brought about by lower back pain. It is normal for women to experience several uncomfortable and even painful symptoms during pregnancy. These things cannot be avoided, but by doing preventive measures, can make them bearable. Pregnancy is a critical period for every woman, so utmost care must be observed to ensure the safety and health of both mother and child.

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When you are trying to get pregnant fast, but it is not happening yet, so you may not feel so good when you see another people are having a baby. It is a fact that having a baby should not be a difficult mission at all. However, it is a very difficult mission for some couples. Infertility is considered to be the problem that most couples are experiencing.

If you are trying to get pregnant fast, then the food you eat is considered to be the most important thing and the techniques in this article may be able to help solving your problem as well.

First, you need to understand that anything you eat will have an effect on your body. This is the reason why your body should be well prepared before trying to have a baby. In addition, you also need to understand that when you start adjusting your diet in order to prepare yourself for having a baby, this process may take approximately 3 - 12 months before you can see the result.

If you do not know about how to adjust your diet, then below are 9 tips that can be followed.

1. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, then you need to stop smoking. Just keep in mind that the fertility in both you and your partner can be reduced by doing this behavior. In addition, smoking will lengthen your time frame to conceive as well. So, stop smoking is considered to be the first step that you and your partner should follow.

2. Aside from stop smoking, both you and your partner should stop drinking alcohol as well.

3. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, stop having any form of caffeine is highly recommended. Even there is no official evidence to prove this, but having caffeine is not good for your health anyway.

4. You should try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables every day because they have higher nutritional content and low levels of pesticides.

5. You should try to drink lots of water, eight glasses per day is highly recommended because the excess toxins can be flushed out of your body.

6. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, you do not have to eat much, but small portions should be taken in every 3 hours. Besides, this method can help sustaining your blood sugar levels as well. Progesterone will be blocked and your body will release too much adrenalin when your blood sugar is dropping. This is considered to be a good condition for people who are trying to have a baby.

7. Adding zinc in your diet is highly recommended because zinc is considered to be very important for fertility and lower the chance of miscarriage in women, and producing quality sperm in men. Zinc can be easily found in pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, and crab meat.

8. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, you should try to take vitamin B, especially vitamin B6 which can help balancing your hormones. Vitamin B6 can be found in bananas, sunflower seeds, lentils, tinned salmon, and chicken. Vitamin B12 is also good for your cellular reproduction in women, and good for increasing sperm count for men. Vitamin B12 can be found in lamb, sardines, chicken, and marmite.

9. If you are trying to get pregnant fast, having more fiber foods is recommended since your system will stay clean and this method is good for fertility as well.

However, before adjusting your diet as mentioned, just make sure that you are fine. If you have any health problems, then you need to see your doctor and fix the problems before start adjusting your diet.

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Infertility problems today are raging. A lot of couples today seek medical attention but to no extent. They have given so much time and effort, not to mention the expense, but still they couldn't find the best herbal treatment for infertility problem. Still there are a few medical practitioners who advice their patients to try the use of herbal medicine that these couples don't know the most effective treatment for the disorder.

Herbal medicine is the study or use of medicinal herbs to prevent or treat diseases or to promote health and healing. It may be a drug or preparation that is made from plant or plants that is used for treatment or promotion of health. Moringa Oleifera is considered as the most effective herbal treatment for infertility.

Moringa Oleifera is also called ben oil tree, horseradish tree, drumstick tree or sahijan is a short, slender, perennial tree about twenty five to thirty feet tall. It is also called "The Multi-Purpose Wonder" because of it usefulness. Every part of the tree can be used either for a dish to taste better or other things or a lot of nameless benefits.

Moringa Olfeira contains nutritional values such as:

Vitamin C - is the safest and most effective nutrient for the body. Not only that it helps the maximum absorption of Vitamins A, D, E and K but it is also an effective cure for the common colds and helps improve the immune system. The benefits of vitamin C also include the protection against cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problems and eye disease. It is also promotes healthy skin.

Vitamin A - is also called retinol and a fat soluble vitamin and helps your eyes adjust to light and keeps your body's mucous membranes moist. Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties which help neutralize free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage.

Calcium - is good for your bones and teeth. Most people do not have or fail to include Calcium in their diet which results to Calcium insufficiency. It is important to include calcium in the diet because it helps to strengthen the bones and teeth. In addition, Calcium plays a great role in the sperm motility.

Potassium - helps neutralize fluid and electrolyte balance in the cell. It helps prevent high blood pressure, promotes regular contraction, regulates transfer of nutrients to the different cells in the body and maintains the water balance in the body tissues and cells.

Protein - is essential to the structure and function of all living cells and viruses.

The Moringa Olfeira leaf contain 7 times the Vitamin C in oranges, 4 times the Vitamin A in carrots, 4 times the Calcium in milk, 3 times the potassium in banana and 2 times the protein in yoghurt. All of which significantly help a man or a woman's fertility level. You not only can achieve a well and sound healthy body but you can also treat your infertility problem with this herb.

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To tell you when your baby is due, your doctor will use a pregnancy due date calculator. After you have it confirmed that you are pregnant, you will probably experience different emotions and feelings - excitement, nervousness, and fatigue. The next step is usually to fix an appointment with your doctor. But perhaps you would rather not wait that long to find out when you can hold your precious baby in your arms.

Of course, your doctor will be the best authority to tell you when your baby is due; but you can use an online pregnancy calculator to find out the tentative date of arrival of your baby. This is a tool that uses the following information to calculate the pregnancy due date.

*You would need to know the first day of your last menstrual period.

*You can get accurate results if you know your body's cycle.

Pregnancy due date calculators can be surprisingly accurate. The pregnancy usually lasts 266 days. It is assumed that the time from the last period to the day on which you conceived is a fortnight. These calculations can help you find out your due date, and the formula is simple. You only have to add 280 days to the date on which you had your last period to figure out your estimated date of delivery. But even though you do the research, your doctor will have the last word on confirming the due date.

Many doctors use the pregnancy due date calculator even before an ultrasound test. After a comprehensive examination, be prepared to hear your doctor's estimation of the due date, which could be different from yours by a few days or weeks. This is because your doctor has had the advantage of a full physical exam.

There is one more way to use the pregnancy due date calculator. Suppose you can recall with conviction the actual date on which you conceived, which means you would need to specify the day on which your had sexual intercourse during your ovulation cycle, you can simply add 266 to that date and you would get an almost accurate due date. You must know your body's ovulation cycle and keep track of when you had sexual contact. Yet, no matter what, it is preferable that you go by your doctor's evaluation.

For the most part, it is fun to use the pregnancy due date calculator after you discover that you are pregnant, particularly when you are eager to know when your baby is due. Obviously your findings are no substitute, as you will need the doctor's endorsement. Nevertheless, it can give great pleasure just to know the approximate date when you can expect your baby.

Since a pregnancy is expected to last for 40 weeks from first day of your last menstrual period, or 38 weeks from the date on which you conceived, this is all the information you need to get an estimate of your due date with a pregnancy due date calculator, especially if you are the sort who has a regular menstrual cycle.

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Back pain during pregnancy is not a new concept, but for people who suffer from scoliosis require a second thought to be given before, they plan to go through the process of pregnancy. Scoliosis is the disease of the spine in which the posture of the spine is deviated to form S or C shaped curvature, which can turn to be quite painful during pregnancy. However, this is not a reason that why you should postpone your pregnancy, as you can still go through pregnancy by using proper pain management techniques.

Back pain during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that requires no fear. All the discomforts that you will be facing during pregnancy are because of the pressure that your little one inside your tummy is going to cause. Moreover, if you are a scoliosis patient then the chances of increased back pain is higher than what you would normally expect leaving you with a question of whether the back pain is owing to scoliosis or pregnancy. On the other hand, you will find pregnancy stabilizes scoliosis because of the transition that your body will be going through as a result of the hormonal fluctuations. If only you can follow these top ten tips to manage your back pain during pregnancy, and care should be taken with your scoliosis prescription, which may occasionally cause birth defects.

However, the discussion on back pain management tips will help to alleviate the problem of scoliosis. But before that there are three types of back pain - acute if the back pain does not last longer than three months, recurrent if the back pain occurs repeatedly and chronic back pain, which lasts longer than three months.

The kind of back pain that you will be facing during pregnancy and scoliosis is low back pain, which is found to occur in three different locations. Lumbar pain that may or may not spread down to your legs, sacroiliac pain occurs in the distal and lateral regions of the spine and nocturnal pain are the ones that occurs in the lumbar regions only during night. As mentioned elsewhere, the culprit for the pain could not be abruptly blamed on scoliosis or pregnancy for the possibility could be due to both of them.

1. Practice good posture:

You will find that the center of gravity shifts with the development of your baby and may force you to fall forwards. This could cause a strain on your spine with scoliosis increasing the curvature and the pain. There are some simple things that you can do to help you to alleviate the symptoms of back pain like:

• Stand up straight and tall
• Hold your chest high
• Keep your shoulders relaxed and at the back, do not lean forward.
• Stop locking your knees.
• Sit on a chair that will support your back or use a pillow.

2. Wear the correct clothes and accessories:

What you wear also matters while you are pregnant and is a victim of scoliosis. Some of the clothes that can help you in alleviating the back pain during pregnancy when you are a scoliosis sufferer are the use of maternity pants and supportive waistbands. This is also advisable to wear low-heeled flat shoes to remove the strain that high-heeled shoes can cause on both your spine, back and neck.

3. Lift properly:

Whether you have scoliosis or not you are always asked to lift objects as per the size and weight of the objects in a proper manner to prevent not only back pain, but also to be gentle on your delicate spine. And if you have scoliosis, and on top of that if you are pregnant, see that you lift objects appropriately, for example, lift heavy objects by sitting to the level of the object and then stand up slowly and steadily. If you did ask what to do, I will ask for a second or a third hand too!

4. Sleep properly:

The good thing while you sleep is to have a deep sleep but conscious by developing the habit of sleeping on one side. The doctor will advise you which side to sleep depending on the posture of the baby. This is also advisable to keep your knees bent while you sleep, and place pillows between them (there is no point in giving heed to cultural taboos, just ignore them even if you are hurt), and use another pillow under the abdomen to bear the whole weight and/or use a full length pillow.

5. Try heat or cold or massage therapy:

I will strongly recommend this to anyone suffering from pain for this helped me when I was suffering from severe neck pain. A good hot mat under the area of pain relieves not only the pain but also the fear of catching cold when you use a cold mat. In contrast, the cold massage therapies are also equivalently good and choose the one that works the best for you. Alternatively, you could also ask someone to massage a balm or pain relieving ointments, but only after consult a doctor, for the doctor may suggest a professional massage therapy if required. Listen to your gynecologist and chiropractic, and see that you link both of them.

6. Follow a gentle exercise regime:

These days people become pregnant in their thirties and forties, that they get pregnant pass through their age and are therefore vital that you regularly check with your gynecologist. Besides, if you are suffering from scoliosis, the chances of the back pain becoming severe are higher, despite the established fact that there is no relationship between scoliosis and pregnancy. This is good that you take advice of your gynec to schedule some gentle exercise, which not only helps in making delivery much easier, but might also have a positive effect on your scoliosis condition, alleviating the curvature. Some of the gentle exercises recommended are walking and/or swimming, lower back stretching exercise and other stretching exercises as recommended by the physician.

7. Alternative therapies:

The option of choosing an alternative therapy has to be done only after consulting your chiropractic and gynec. One of the main alternative therapies that have been believed to be of some use in relieving pain is acupuncture therapy. This therapy involves the use of needles to prick at energy points, which in turn somehow happens to activate the natural pain relief system. You will be expecting to be pricked with needles, which will have the pain of a pinprick, and may or may not require several visits to get complete relief from the pain, at least until you deliver the baby to the outside world. Sounds awful, but many who have undergone this therapy recommend and prefer this better than medicines that might have side effects.

8. Yoga:

Prenatal yoga has been described and prescribed by many as one of the best way to tone parts of the body that will be affected by performing yoga. They have found out that the position that is attained during the yoga practice promotes the relaxation of back muscles and relieves the strain of carrying the little one in its bag.

9. Chiropractic care:

The chiropractor could be of immense help, especially if you are already aware of your condition, scoliosis, then this will do good for you to discuss frankly with your physician about your idea of having a baby. This is also best to go to the gynecologist directed by him/her, who will understand the treatment being given and will be helping in giving you a holistic approach to handle the back pain efficiently. While the chiropractor will help in relieving the stress on the nerves, which adds to the already existing woes of scoliosis, and since he knows you before the pregnancy, during the pregnancy and after the pregnancy, stick on to the same chiropractor.

10. A Balanced Nutrition and a Holistic approach:

Whatever you do there is nothing like being healed naturally by boosting your body's immune system and recuperative power. This is the procedure that has been described in detail by a chiropractor, Dr. Kevin Lau, who overcame scoliosis following a strict and disciplined diet based on his body metabolic requirements. However, when this comes to pregnancy, he has been using the same holistic approach of combining the western medicine and the traditional treatment methods of scoliosis with simple pregnancy exercises and appropriate food, which you will be able to formulate only by frankly discussing with your doctor.

Now is that you have ten important and best tips that anyone else can give you to relieve your back pain. As you would have noticed all these tips only tell you what you can do and where you can find some relief from your back pain. Try some of the simple tips like heat or cold pad to relieve the back pain initially, and if these does not help you, never ever venture into something new without consulting your doctor.

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Morning sickness means facing pregnancy nausea week after week, and for many women it is extremely hard to cope. However, there are several effective home cures that help to alleviate the morning sickness symptoms of many mothers-to-be. Typically, the nausea, vomiting and queasiness will not begin until after the first month of pregnancy and most women will have to endure symptoms on a daily basis as of the sixth week of their pregnancy. For an unfortunate few, symptoms may persist for as long as six months, sometimes even more. Generally, however, the nausea stops by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. There is no way to predict how long you will experience symptoms because each pregnancy is different. The important thing to know is that it is a standard aspect of pregnancy that should not worry you.

During the first four to eight weeks, most expecting mothers feel extremely tired and weary, have trouble falling asleep and may have a weird taste in their mouths. All these symptoms are ordinary pregnancy signs. Some foods or aromas may give you a sudden feeling of nausea. This is not at all unusual. The reason behind this phenomenon is not known, but the vast majority of pregnant women feel this way.

Instead of fretting over the prospect of yet another week of pregnancy nausea, try to focus on maintaining your health for your baby's sake as well as your own. Nutritious food and appropriate exercise is crucial at this time. The problem, of course, is that nausea may make it difficult for you to eat three square meals a day. Many women find it easier to eat several small meals so as not to go on an empty stomach. It is good to know that foods that are high in carbohydrates do more to offset queasy stomachs. Don't neglect to take the vitamin supplements and folic acid prescribed by your doctor; both are essential components of proper nutrition during the months of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a grueling time, particularly for women who suffer with pregnancy nausea week in and week out for six months or longer. If they have additional responsibilities such as caring for small children, coping on a daily basis can be very difficult. Most pregnant women, however, find remedies to help them manage the bouts of vomiting and nausea, which typically stop by the end of the second trimester. One popular method that helps to ward off morning sickness symptoms and to keep something in your stomach all day is to nibble on crackers and potato chips. Morning sickness can be extremely exhausting so it's important to accept any help offered by family and friends so that you can get the rest your body needs.

If you are one of the lucky women who go through their pregnancies feeling perfectly fine and looking wonderful, without experiencing pregnancy nausea week after week, you may be worrying about miscarriage. If you've heard that pregnant women who have no symptoms are at increased risk of miscarriage, rest assured that this absolute nonsense and has never been proven. The presence or absence of morning sickness during a pregnancy has absolutely no effect on your health or that of your fetus.

While it is normal to suffer from nausea and morning sickness during your pregnancy, you should see your doctor if you are having trouble coping with this condition. Medication is now available to help you deal with persistent symptoms. Your doctor can assist you to overcome serious morning sickness problems that prevent you from enjoying your pregnancy as you should. Do not give in to discouragement; in just a few weeks you will be holding your baby and the nausea and vomiting will be a thing of the past.

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Are you suffering from a restless sleep pregnancy? How ironic is it that just when you need the most sleep is when you are having the most difficulty sleeping? You are not alone. Many expectant mothers experience difficulties sleeping but you can get a peaceful night's sleep by following some easy tips.

There are a number of reasons why mothers to be may have difficulties sleeping. The primary reason is that the growing size of the fetus causes pressure and discomfort that makes it difficult to get comfortable. As your baby grows it may become impossible for you to sleep in your favorite position, especially if you are a back or stomach sleeper.

You may also have difficulty sleeping due to frequent urination, heartburn, nausea, backache, or leg cramps. Yikes! How is an expectant mother ever to get a good night of sleep? Rest easy, the following tips can help you to get the sleep you need.

  1. Avoid drinking any caffeinated beverages in the afternoon or evening. It seems logical but be careful not to drink caffeine as it can add to restless sleep.

  2. Get into a sleeping routine. Try your best to keep a consistent sleeping routine so your body learns to relax at the same time every day.

  3. Avoid any kind of exercise before you go to bed. Instead do something relaxing like taking a warm (not hot) bath (no longer than 15 minutes) before you go to bed.

  4. Make sure you get your fluids but try to drink most of them earlier in the day to avoid frequent bathroom trips during the night.

  5. If you are having difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position, try a Maternity Pillow. These pillows are specially designed for pregnant women to help them maintain a comfortable sleeping position.

If you are having a restless sleep pregnancy try these tips to help you get some much needed sleep. It is important for you to get your sleep when pregnant. Do not get stressed out about your lack of sleep. Remember it is very common for expectant mothers to experience sleep problems.

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When a teenage girl becomes pregnant, both she and her male partner will need an exceptional amount of support from their parents and friends. However, a teen pregnancy puts so much stress on family relationships that those closest to the expecting couple could find it difficult to know how to help.

Even though the rate of teen pregnancy is dropping in the United States because of the increased availability of contraception, as many as 750,000 young women under the age of 18 could become pregnant this year. If you happen to know one of these girls or her partner, you may be in a position to offer the guidance and assistance that they need. The following suggestions may help:

- Remain Nonjudgmental.

If you are a close family member, the pregnancy may affect your life so much that it's hard to remain nonjudgmental. However, try to remember that most teenage couples do not intend to become pregnant. Teens are fully aware of the social stigmas and financial problems that the pregnancy will cause, and they know they need to make choices that could affect them for many years. Both the girl and her boyfriend will need help to sort out the possible options, so they can consider all available alternatives with an open mind.

Historically, girls married soon after puberty - in biblical times a girl would be married when she was 12 years old or soon thereafter. Marriage (and pregnancy) are now discouraged before a young woman has finished her education and begun her career. Our society's expectations have changed because of the financial costs of becoming a parent too soon.

Most teens are deeply concerned about how their families will react, whether or not they will still be accepted by their family and friends, whether or not their boyfriends will stick around, and whether or not they'll be able to afford to raise their child if their education is cut short.

Since the father will also be expected to assist in the financial support of the child, he will have natural fears about his future. If he clearly understands all his options, he will be better able to make a responsible decision. You can help by remaining objective and letting him talk about his fears and concerns without judgment.

- Get informed.

If the teenager you know is considering all the options to her pregnancy, you can help by learning more about those options.

A call to your state's Medicaid office or Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) will let you know if your teenage friend will be eligible for financial assistance from these agencies. It will also help to find out how much financial assistance the father of the baby will be required to provide. If the pregnancy was unintentional, as most teen pregnancies are, the young woman may be reluctant to ask the baby's father for assistance. However, the state will probably have strict rules about parental support that cannot be ignored.

If your teenage friend is considering other options, such as terminating the pregnancy or giving the child up for adoption, you will be able to find information from the Planned Parenthood office near you, or from a local adoption agency. These are very emotional decisions for any couple to make, so your loving support and guidance will be truly appreciated.

- Suggest counseling.

No matter how carefully you attempt to stay non-judgmental when talking to the pregnant teen and her partner, and no matter how much research you do to stay informed about any options they may choose, it is still a good idea to suggest counseling. A good counselor will be able to hear all the young couple's concerns from a completely objective point of view, and will be well-versed in all available local resources.

The parents of both the young woman and her partner should also consider counseling, since the pregnancy could have a huge impact on their lives.

A counselor is specially trained to help teens make the best possible choices for their future. Laws protect the privacy of the client if the counselor is licensed as a social worker, counselor or psychologist, so the teen will be free to speak her mind. The counselor will be one more person who cares about the teenager at a time when she needs all the support she can get. Unless the counselor is associated with a church or association with its own specific agenda, the expectant mother will be encouraged to take an objective look at all ramifications of her situation. The counselor will help the young couple decide if they're ready to be parents, and point the couple to all available resources. Teens can find counselors through their school, or by calling their local Planned Parenthood office.

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Clearly, it is preferable to choose a medical aid scheme before you actually fall pregnant, since pregnancy usually requires quite a lot of medical intervention. There may be scans and consultations, as well as the birth itself. Medical aid is designed to cover the cost of your future medical treatment, so that you have to make monthly contributions into your medical aid scheme to be able to access the benefits. Once you're pregnant, the chances are you will be financially penalized, as these companies won't want to have to pay for your medical care and be left out of pocket themselves.

Indeed, not only could be penalized when it comes to the quotes you receive; the chances are you will have fewer medical aid companies to choose from, since there will be many that are unprepared to take on a pregnant client. If you do find a medical scheme willing to take you on, you will most probably be charged a late-joining fee, which means that your decision to avoid getting medical aid earlier on could cost you significantly more. As a pregnant woman, you will obviously have to choose a hospital plan, which may not be the cheapest option either.

Consequently, if you intend to get medical insurance when you're pregnant, you have to be prepared to pay extra for it. There is no question that you will have to visit your doctor and go to hospital quite soon, which means you won't have as long to contribute to your plan. Thus, each month you will be charged substantially more than if you had chosen a plan before getting pregnant. Once you're pregnant, however, it is too late to regret the fact you didn't look into your healthcare options sooner.

The medical care required during pregnancy and child birth is quite extensive and all the associated costs are large. You obviously don't want to be left paying for these costs straight out of your bank account if you can help it, since you will find yourself paying thousands and thousands of dollars. Just consider how much machinery is used during your pregnancy - from heart-rate monitors to ultrasounds. Plus, there is the potential for something to go wrong, such as a premature birth, which will also require the use of expensive equipment and well-trained staff. Overall, then, pregnancy isn't cheap.

If you don't want to resort to state hospital care, however, you have to be prepared to pay for your medical care. As a pregnant woman it becomes more difficult to find a scheme willing to take you on, but if you look around you may discover something that will help to cover the many costs associated with pregnancy. What is important to recognize is that decent health care doesn't come cheaply, which is why you need to plan ahead. Not only do you have to consider the healthcare costs associated with the pregnancy itself; you also need to find a medical aid plan which will offer you and your offspring enough coverage.

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Pregnant teenagers are a matter of great concern for the teen herself, her family and the community at large. The teen will need to shoulder the responsibilities of an unplanned baby without an income through a job, or a skill to do a job. A baby can be a setback to future plans of the teenager. The government and other organizations have recognized the problems of teenage mothers and the need for the baby to have stability and grants are provided to help teenage mothers to overcome obstacles in the life.

The TOPS program is a scholarship program for teenage mothers. This program prevents teenage mothers from dropping out from school. The major part of the funding helps teenagers to pay for books and the rest is to help teenagers manage the expenses for their livelihood and for the baby. Funds are provided to establish shelters and homes for teenage mothers. Licensed day care facilities for teenage mothers to prevent them from missing out on an education are provided.

Private grants help pregnant and parenting teens stay in school and study towards a diploma and obtain a marketable job skill through technical education. These grants are given to organizations to provide support services to the pregnant teen including health monitoring, tutoring, mentoring, enrollment and employment.

Grants are given by religious groups to establish crisis pregnancy centers. In these centers teenagers are counseled to give birth to the child and not to undergo an abortion. Christian organizations that provide these services are Care net and Heartbeat International. Some centers are subsidized by the government. These centers also provide support to the teenager through the pregnancy. Some churches provide shelters and short or long stay homes for pregnant teenagers who are unable to get family help.

The Government funds several support programs for pregnant teens. These programs focus on helping the teenager to stay in school till they graduate. Support services provided to the pregnant or parenting teen are healthcare, nutritional care, parenting advice and career planning. Special advice, mentoring and tutoring are provided in charter schools, technical schools and other schools to help pregnant and parenting teenagers through their education. Temporary assistance is provided for needy families. Food stamps are provided for the health of mother and child and special Medicaid benefits are provided for teenage mothers. The Women Children and Infants program provides nutritious food for teenage and parenting adolescents who are full time students in school.

The Department of Health and Human Services of many states organizes comprehensive medical and support facilities for pregnant and parenting mothers under the age of 17. Social workers, nurses and therapists work together to help these women through their pregnancy and through the early years of motherhood. Shelters and residential schools to help these young women get an education while parenting their child are available.

Pregnant teens are not condemned as they were in bygone times. Today, the government and society make every effort to look after the health and welfare of the adolescent mother and her child.

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One of the most precious gifts a pregnant mother can get is a good night's sleep. Unfortunately there are many factors working against the mother to be to get her much needed sleep. How can she get help? A pregnancy sleep pillow may be just what the doctor ordered.

Many pregnant women experience sleep problems at some point in their pregnancy. It is completely natural so if the sandman hasn't paid a visit to your bedroom lately do not feel alone. There are many reasons why you may have difficulty sleeping during pregnancy. From more frequent urination, to backaches, to heartburn there are several factors working against the poor expectant mother.

But, ironically, the biggest reason pregnant women have difficulty sleeping is because of the baby growing inside of them. As your baby grows the pressure they cause internally can make it difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep. If a woman is a natural back or stomach sleeper it can be even harder as it is difficult to sleep in either of these positions as the fetus grows.

Doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep in the side sleeping position. There actually are a few reasons for this. Not only will it be more comfortable it actually is good for you and your baby. Specifically you want to sleep on your left side. This will keep pressure off of your liver. It also relieves pressure from major arteries that supply blood to the lower part of you body and legs. This allows better blood flow to your legs preventing swelling.

Many women find it hard to maintain to a side sleeping position. They may toss and turn a little and find themselves on their back several times throughout the night. Then the pressure of their baby wakes them up. One of the best solutions to help an expectant mother maintain the side sleeping position and have a much more comfortable sleep is a maternity pillow, or also known as a pregnancy pillow.

A pregnancy sleep pillow is full body pillow specifically designed to help a pregnant woman sleep comfortably by providing support to their growing tummy. They also help you to maintain the doctor recommended side sleeping position.

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Because pelvic floor muscles support the urethra, bladder, uterus, and rectum, doing kegel exercises will not only help strengthen and tone these muscles. It will also help eliminate and prevent diseases and health problems related to these organs. In fact, these exercises were originally developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940s to help women with urinary incontinence or diminished bladder control.

According to reports, doing these exercises is extremely beneficial not only to treat and prevent urinary incontinence, but also in helping new moms and soon to be moms in dealing with pregnancy, giving birth, and post partum effects. Below are some of the top reasons why new moms should consider including kegel exercises as part of their exercise routines.

So here are the top reasons why you should do it:

  1. Nearly up to 25 percent of new moms experience urinary incontinence due to stress. A small amount of urine will leak every time a new mom laughs, coughs, or sneezes. Doing these exercises while still pregnant and right after giving birth will help prevent urinary incontinence as it strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and induces them to function properly.

  2. Doing these exercises is very simple. It does not even require special private places and classes to do it properly and effectively. Unlike other type of exercises, these type of exercises will not make you tired.

  3. Kegel exercises can be done in several positions and do not require a particular position. It can be completed in any time and place, whatever you are doing. You can do the exercise while watching TV, cooking, driving, or talking over the phone.

  4. Pelvic floor muscles are among the top priorities in pregnancy recovery. In fact, experts often focus on kegels and these muscles when talking about exercise while still pregnant and after giving birth.

  5. Neglected pelvic floor muscles after giving birth have the tendency to sag. Without proper care and exercise, it will continue to sag over time. This will eventually result in health problems with a woman's bladder, uterus, bowel, and the organs that surround them.

  6. Weak and unhealthy muscles affect your sexual experience. It may result for you and your partner not to feel anything during intercourse.

  7. Kegel exercises are the only known exercise to keep pelvic floor muscles toned, strong, and healthy.

  8. Doing these exercises will increase the strength and elasticity of pelvic floor muscles, which will help support pelvic organs including the uterus and the baby, if you do this while you are still pregnant.

  9. These exercises while pregnant will decrease the chances of injuring the pelvic floor during childbirth.

  10. Practicing such exercises before and after having a baby will help you heal easily as well as maintain control of your bladder and a more satisfactory sex life.

  11. Doing the exercise while still pregnant help prepare women's bodies for the stress of childbirth.

  12. Kegel exercises help tone and strengthen the puboccygeus muscle or the pubic muscle. Strengthened pubic muscles before childbirth can help the pubic area retain enough muscle tone to make childbirth easier for women.

Indeed, there are lots of benefits to why women should start doing kegel exercises now, whether they are pregnant, an elderly, or at post partum. On the other hand, to ensure you will achieve the best results, do kegel exercises properly. Seek guidance from your physician or gynecologist to know how to do kegel exercises properly. Also, make sure you do it regularly. Make it a part of your daily routine. Like many other type of exercises, doing it irregularly or stopping after every few weeks will not yield results.

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