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Juggling a newborn, household, career and your own health can seem like a three-ringed circus when you're a modern Mom. Losing the pregnancy weight can seem like the last thing on the list but always the first thing on your mind.

It's so easy to get greasy take out or ready to eat meals instead of cooking something healthy but if you do have to snack try these six power foods.

1. Spinach - Popeye didn't rely on this powerhouse veggie for no reason. Spinach is rich with nutrients like vitamin C and K plus Iron and Folic acid. Spinach does wonders for strengthening your muscles and bones with its Calcium content and its Lutein is said to prevent cancer and eye deterioration. Make spinach tasty by adding it to your omelet with some feta and tomatoes.

2. Almonds - Nothing beats a handful of almonds to help lose the pregnancy weight. They are a good source of a fiber and protein as well as a great place to get your "good" fats. (Almonds fats are monounsaturated and they help lower your cholesterol.) Eating them plain works best but if you want that extra kick toast them a bit and add some sea salt.

3. Blueberries - Boost your immune system the natural way with a bowl of blueberries. Eating these tasty berries is one of the finest ways to get your antioxidants. Blueberries also have a good source of vitamin C and B plus Potassium and Zinc. Add them to cereal in the morning or your protein smoothie in the afternoon.

4. Avocados - Another wonderful antioxidant, avocados will help lose the pregnancy weight fast. The vital vitamin E will help clear up your skin and avocados have more than double the amount of Potassium than bananas do. My favorite way to eat them is mashed up with some lemon juice, tomatoes, onions and spices in a guacamole.

5. Oatmeal - This may look like a heavy breakfast staple but oatmeal can help you trim your tummy faster. Oatmeal, a fantastic source of fiber, also lowers your cholesterol making it invaluable to your diet. If you aren't a fan of eating it cooked in a bowl try baking the oats into healthy cookies or breakfast bars.

6. Peanut Butter - The peanut butter and jelly staple in your childhood might have been the best thing you ate as a kid. Peanut butter is a brilliant source of protein and it's a good way to get your Magnesium, which helps with building bones. I love peanut butter with a banana but its also good with honey on toast.

No matter which of the six snacks you choose to eat, remember that to lose the pregnancy weight effectively you still have to exercise. Incorporate your healthy snacks into a good physical fitness routine and you'll burn the baby fat in no time.

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In many tropical countries, coconuts have long been lauded as having fertility and pregnancy enhancing properties. In India, for example, a woman hoping to conceive will go to her priest for a special coconut; Thai babies receive, as their first solid food, three spoonfuls of soft coconut meat from their priests; a Balinese woman is forbidden to touch a coconut tree for fear she will drain its fertility into her own; and pregnant women from tropical countries consume large amounts of coconut water, hoping to increase their unborn child's strength and vitality.

Folklore aside, there is now scientific evidence of the numerous health benefits of coconuts. While these health-boosting properties extend to everyone, they can be particularly beneficial to pregnant women. Here are some of the amazing ways the coconut can be a pregnant woman's best friend:

o It alleviates vomiting - coconut water has long been used as a remedy for typhoid, malaria and other illness-induced vomiting. Thus, it should also help mitigate a bad case of morning sickness.

o It soothes the stomach - in addition to offering some relief from vomiting, coconut water can quell a queasy tummy and lessen the symptoms of nausea.

o Virgin coconut oil balances blood sugar and controls diabetes - this also helps keep morning sickness in check and offers some protection against gestational diabetes, a potentially dangerous condition common among pregnant women.

o It alkalizes the body - high in potassium, magnesium and other alkalizing minerals, coconut water can help to create an environment more conducive to conception and perhaps even reduce the risk of miscarriage.

o It keeps the body hydrated - nature's "sports drink", coconut water replaces fluids and minerals lost during physical exertion as well as those extra needed to help support pregnancy and expanding blood volume. Dehydration can be particularly threatening during pregnancy.

o It is a mild laxative - drinking moderate amounts of coconut water can help to keep things running smoothly and relieve the constipation so common during pregnancy.

o It cleanses the kidneys and offers protection against UTI's - Urinary Tract Infections are very common during pregnancy and can be dangerous if antibiotics are not used to treat them. Best to avoid them all together!

o It keeps the body cool - with excess weight, progesterone, and anxiety, it's easy to get overheated during pregnancy. Drinking coconut water helps to regulate body temperature and keep you cool.

o It is great for skin - virgin coconut oil can be applied to soothe the dry, itchy skin associated with pregnancy; it may also help to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks; and, when applied to the perineum in the weeks leading up to labor, can help reduce tearing during birth. Coconut water applied to the face helps to clear blackheads and acne that many women experience with the surge of hormones during pregnancy.

o It boosts the immune system - virgin coconut oil is comprised of nearly 50% lauric acid, which has been shown to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. This can help protect a mother-to-be from a host of potentially threatening infections as well as boost her immunity, which is naturally weakened during pregnancy.

o It promotes healthy lactation - the only other significant source of lauric acid is human breast milk. Research has shown that lactating mothers who consume virgin coconut oil and other coconut products have higher levels of lauric and capric acids in their breast milk; this increases its antimicrobial and immune boosting properties, while promoting both brain and bone development in the infant. Since the body stores lauric acid in the adipose tissues, consuming coconut during pregnancy may also help to ensure successful lactation.

With all that in mind, pregnant women would be nuts not to go for coconuts!

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Pregnancy is three trimesters on a big hormonal roller coaster. For some women, these changes in hormones can bring blessed relief from migraines, especially in the second and third trimester. But for others, the hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy can be the trigger that causes migraines. So what's a woman to do to find headache relief pregnant? Is there help? Yes! You have a range of options. But before trying any of them, see your doctor to discuss which option is right for you and your baby. Also, if your migraine headache is accompanied by fever, blurred vision, lasts for hours or returns often, see your physician immediately.

The first and easiest thing you can do to prevent a migraine headache while pregnant is to avoid migraine triggers. The most common triggers are caffeine, chocolate, foods containing monosodium glutamate, cheeses and processed meats. A healthy, balanced diet during pregnancy is achievable even when avoiding these foods. If chocolate is a mandatory food group in your pregnancy, you can give yourself a chocolate trial to see if it is the culprit. If it isn't...INDULGE!

The second thing you can do is RELAX! Slow down for a few minutes every day and take a break from the pressures of your life. Lying down in a quiet room and deep breathing can do wonders to bring stress levels down. If this is your first pregnancy, take advantage of this time while you don't have other children to care for...let others do for you, and say YES to all offers of help.

Regular exercise has been proven effective in migraine relief. Exercise is not only an excellent tension reducer, but it also increases blood circulation and oxygenation in the body, helps rid your body of toxins, helps you sleep better and boosts endomorphins, your body's natural pain fighters, among other things. Thirty minutes of moderate exercise daily can go a long way towards long term relief from migraine pain. Do it all in one shot, or break it up into smaller 10 minute segments, whichever works best for your schedule.

Many alternative or natural options can offer migraine headache relief pregnant. There are a number of medicine free options that can be very effective in relieving migraine pain. Massage and/or aroma-therapy are two great medication-free options. Essential oils including lavender, sandalwood and peppermint are an especially effective headache cure and can be diluted in water (5 drops in a basin of water) and applied on a compress to the neck, or used in a massage oil. Massage to the feet or the web of skin between the thumb and first finger are effective pressure points for headache pain relief.

Alternating hot and cold compresses relieves migraine pain in many women. For some, plunging ones hands into a basin of hot water is helpful. Others find relief from a cloth-wrapped ice pack placed directly on the site of the pain, or to the back of the neck. Hot packs placed on the stomach or back can also divert blood flow from the head and offer relief.

If you still are fighting migraine headache pain after trying the methods mentioned above, check with your doctor, as there are herbs and medications that can be taken safely during pregnancy. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the most commonly recommended pain reliever during pregnancy. It is available over the counter and is considered safe to take while pregnant. Never take ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve) or aspirin without permission from your doctor. These medications are part of the NSAID class and are to be avoided during pregnancy without a doctor's supervision. At this point there are no preventative migraine medications classified in the lowest risk category for pregnancy. Depending on the severity of your migraines and the impact on your quality of life, however, the benefits of many of these medications may outweigh the risks. Certain narcotics and some preventative drugs such as beta-blockers and anti-depressants can be used during pregnancy under a doctor's supervision. This is a decision that only you and your doctor can make together based on your own personal risk-benefit ratio.

There are many herbal supplements than have been shown to be safe and effective for preventing, treating or reducing migraine pain. The most common herbs for migraines are peppermint, feverfew, passion flower, gingko, cayenne and butterbur. Like with prescription medication, check with your physician about the safety of using any of these supplements during pregnancy. Being an herb does not automatically guarantee it is safe to take while pregnant. Many of these herbs have strong medicinal qualities and need to be cleared before taking while pregnant.

So what's the best way to achieve headache relief pregnant? As you can see, there are many remedies and treatment options you can try if you are experiencing migraines or severe headaches while pregnant. Feel free to experiment with food changes or any of the home remedies recommended above on your own, but consult your doctor before trying any medications or herbal treatments. With a little experimentation and luck, you will find the perfect combination of methods to relieve your migraine pain while pregnant and hopefully pamper yourself a little in the process!

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There are many changes that face pregnant women. Sleeping positions may also need to be altered. In order to adapt to the correct sleeping positions it is probably best to start thinking about it early in pregnancy so that, when it becomes really necessary to be comfortable sleeping on the side, it feels more natural to do so.

Doctors do recommend the left lateral position as being best for both mother and baby. Oddly enough, many women find that this particular position feels the most natural position for them to lie in and often gravitate to that side, especially during later pregnancy.

Benefits Obtained

There are various benefits to sleeping on your side during pregnancy, one of which is that it prevents your legs, feet and hands from swelling up. This can occur when pressure is put on the inferior vena cava, interfering with blood returning to the heart from your lower extremities. Specific benefits are to be had for pregnant women when they sleep on their left sides.

There are various reasons for this, one of which is that your liver, which is a large and heavy organ, lies to the right side of your body. Lying on your left keeps the increasing weight of your growing uterus from pressing on this organ. There are also other benefits to lying on the left side during pregnancy: increased blood flow is able to reach the placenta without hindrance, ensuring the baby gets the maximum amount of nutrients available.

Maternity Pillow

It is notoriously difficult getting comfortable during the final trimester of pregnancy and, if you find a comfortable position to sleep it is often because you have managed to prop yourself up with a series of pillows. The most comfortable way for pregnant women to get a good night's sleep is probably with a full-length maternity pillow, specifically designed to be draped into the most appropriate position for optimal comfort.

With the right kind of maternity pillow you will probably find the kind of sleep you get is far more beneficial as you will not need to change positions so often to obtain a comfortable position. For pregnant women, sleeping positions that provide adequate support for your growing abdomen is essential, as are the benefits of sleeping on your left side as recommended by the medical profession. As such, you will find that a good quality and well-designed maternity pillow will reap dividends for you throughout your pregnancy.

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According to National Infertility Association and contrary to the common belief, as many as 70% of pregnancies may end in miscarriage! With more than 50% of losses going undetected and mistaken for a period. Formerly it was believed that only 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Those figures seems small to the alarmingly high numbers reported today.

The two most common reasons a miscarriage occurs are:

1. The product of pregnancy - the embryo was damaged and could not develop into a healthy baby.
2. The environment - the embryo's environment did not support its healthy development.

Either way the culprit can be found on the cellular level.

Chromosomal abnormalities, immune abnormalities and progesterone deficiency are some of the reasons of miscarriages. However they don't exist without a cause.

The delicate internal balance between hormones, nutrients and toxins in both partners determines what you will be passing onto the embryo and how your body will react to it.

Be that as may the bottom line is - Healthy Couples are Fertile Couples!

Here are 5 ways you can minimize the risk of miscarriage and maximize your chances of taking home a healthy baby:

1. Could you be zinc deficient?

Zinc is the most important mineral for the reproductive system. Zinc deficiency among many other things impairs body's ability to properly maintain pregnancy in women and produce healthy sperm in men.

Unfortunately zinc competes for absorption with the most of the nutrients from food and is often called the "lonely mineral". This means it is one of the minerals which is most likely to be deficient. On top of that artificial hormones in the form of oral contraceptives and ovulation drugs significantly reduce its levels further.

Some symptoms of zinc deficiency:

o Frequent colds and infections
o White spots on fingernails
o Mental exhaustion
o Poor appetite
o Dry skin and hair
o Poor sense of taste and smell

How to boost your zinc levels:

o Good sources of zinc are: lean meat, whole grains, egg yolk and oysters.
o Take a zinc supplement last thing at night to ensure its absorption.

2. Boost your progesterone levels

Progesterone aka pregnancy hormone needs to be at the optimal level for pregnancy to be maintained.
Progesterone deficiency is characterized by PMS and short cycles and is often referred to as a luteal phase defect.

What to do?

Ensure adequate intake of magnesium and vitamin B6 for production of progesterone.
Foods like seeds, nuts and egg yolk are rich in B vitamins and dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts are a good source of magnesium. However you may need to supplement to get optimal therapeutic doses of each. If you eat non organically grown food, the likelihood of nutrient depletion of those foods is high.

3. Increase your vitamin C intake

The strength of the lining of your uterus (womb) is crucial when you are trying to conceive and stay pregnant. More commonly than not, when the connective tissue is weak the embryo will not be able to attach or stay attached. The quality of the connective tissue and blood vessels depends on how much vitamin C and bioflavonoids are present in the body. Bioflavonoids help the body absorb more vitamin C and also contribute to the strength of the connective tissue.

Where do you find vitamin C?

Citrus fruits: preferably lemons, limes and grapefruits as well as berries which are loaded with bioflavonoids.

4. Butt it out for good

Miscarriages more commonly occur when the male partner has low sperm counts and visually abnormal sperm. Smoking severely impacts the quality and quantity of sperm. Scientists discovered that quitting smoking has increased sperm count in men who quit smoking for 5-15 months by 50-800% respectively.
Here is how to give it up for good:

1. Set a date to quit
2. Tell all those close to you that you are quitting
3. If both partners smoke, quit together
4. When the date arrives throw out all the smoking paraphernalia (cigarettes, ashtrays...) from your home, car etc..
5. When you get the urge to light up get up, walk, take a few breaths of fresh air and have some water instead
6. Change your routines to reduce the association with smoking (coffee, drinks and parties)...

And remember:

1. Body's addiction to nicotine only lasts for 3 days
2. It takes 21 days to get rid of the old habit and to acquire a new habit
3. Nature abhors vacuum! So if you give up something make sure you replace it with something else that's good for you.

4. Put that drink down and Give up coffee

When trying to conceive it's best to stay clear from all the alcohol. Alcohol is very harmful to woman's eggs and men sperm before conception. As little as ONE glass can reduce fertility by 50%! This can further lead to damage of developing embryo and result in a miscarriage.
Are you aware of the scientific fact that drinking coffee before and during pregnancy doubles the risk of miscarriage? Studies have found that drinking as little as one cup of coffee per day increase the risk of non conceiving by 55%. Every additional cup keeps raising the risk even further.
There are great coffee substitutes available in health food shops and you might want to give them a try.

5. Optimal preconception care

Optimal preconception care started well before you try to conceive has been found to reduce most of the common causes of miscarriages.

And remember if you want a complete guide with step-by-step instructions on how to boost your fertility naturally with exact therapeutic dosages of nutrients and food sources as well as dozens or more natural fertility strategies, see my "Essential Nutrients for Preconception and Pregnancy Chart" that's part of my "Natural Fertility Cures Program" available at http://www.natural-fertility-cures.com.

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Most women over 40 can expect to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby with advances in preconception and prenatal care. Prenatal care for women over 40 is important. Women who is planning a pregnancy, their future children, their partners and families need important implications in prenatal medical and obstetrical services.

First pregnancy for women over 40 is different from subsequent pregnancies. Women who have first baby need different information and have different concerns. In the context of prenatal care, age is merely one factor to consider, so age 40 is not an absolute number at which there are health risks for women in pregnancy. Other factors are health status of the mother, medical, nutrition and family histories. There are also health and psychosocial advantages that associated with advanced maternal age. They would be able to choose among a variety of care providers and birth options.

Folic acid supplements are recommended for women for 40 to decrease the risk of neural tube defects. Start to consume Folic acid from 3 months before conception and continue throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. Women who are pregnant or have a planning to get pregnant, take a daily Folic acid supplement is important. Planning carefully is needed for women who have waited to become pregnant and also they should improve their health in the preconception period. To prepare them for parenthood, visit to a health care before pregnancy to make health changes at least 3 months.

In the early 30s, fertility begins to decrease significantly and continues to drop with increasing age. There are certain prenatal complications occur more frequently in the pregnancy of women over 40. Whether the mother is giving birth to a first baby or has given birth previously, the level of risk depends on some pregnancy complications. However, age is an important risk factor for chromosome anomalies in pregnancy.

Prenatal care should be meet in psychological needs of women over 40 who have planning to be pregnant. It is common that they have difficulties of emotional concerns. They need some respect and support. They need to be heard with sensitivity. Moreover, prenatal care is the same for women of all ages, even though there are a few differences, especially in the area of screening tests and diagnostic tests.

Women over 40 are recommended to access prenatal care early in pregnancy to ensure that they have the option of the first trimester. To support women in having the healthiest pregnancy possible, regardless of age; prenatal care is designed to reduce the risks that have a positive impact on women and their growing families.

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"My fibroids make me look pregnant!" you exclaim. Sadly, fibroids can indeed cause your abdomen to swell so much that you can appear be be carrying an unborn baby. The extent to the swelling varies from woman to woman depending on the size of their fibroids but the uncomfortable truth is that if fibroids are left untreated, they are more likely to increase in size and rarely decrease unless you happen to be approaching the menopause.

This leaves women with some difficult decisions.

Conventional treatment for fibroids often leaves many women feeling very disappointed, particularly when they learn to their despair that drug treatment and even surgery only offer temporary solutions. Indeed, this is why many doctors recommend a "watchful waiting" approach.

If there can be a "good" thing about fibroids it is that they are rarely dangerous. This means that although they can be extremely uncomfortable and often cause terrible symptoms, you are unlikely to be doing yourself any harm by carefully considering your treatment options. Of course, if your fibroids are so large that they make you look pregnant, then you are probably wanting to do something sooner rather than later!

There are a number of natural treatments which can help you to deal with the symptoms of abdominal swelling. For example, lying with your legs elevated and stretching out your lower back can relieve discomfort. Also, fibroids which are large enough to cause abdominal swelling are also likely to cause other problematic symptoms such as urinary incontinence, constipation and sexual difficulties.

If you are indeed one of the many women who feel "My fibroids make me look pregnant" it may be worth considering trying a natural treatment. Many women have discovered that by eliminating the root causes of their fibroids, effectively neutralising the body so that fibroids cannot thrive there, they have managed to shrink their fibroids completely, thus completely flattening their stomachs.

The approach used encompasses significant dietary and lifestyle changes, cleansing regimes, toxin elimination, stress management and gentle exercise.

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If you are a woman who has tried to get pregnant and is having problems, you know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be. Especially when you hear about how other women "accidentally" got pregnant, or when you see beautiful babies at the mall, at stores, and everywhere else.

But don't give up! Getting pregnant with a beautiful child could be just around the corner!

If you believe in the Law Of Attraction (as stated in THE SECRET), then you know that if you focus on something, you tend to bring it to you. You tend to create circumstances in your life that mirror what you are focusing on.

If you focus on how little you have and money problems, guess what? Money problems tend to keep haunting you.

If you are having problems getting pregnant, are you focusing on getting pregnant, and on how wonderful it will be to have a baby, and on preparing your body to carry a new life?

Or are you focusing on "It's not happening for me!" Do you think "I can't get pregnant!" most of the time? Are you continually stressed out about how difficult it is to get pregnant?

I am not suggesting that women having problems getting pregnant can all suddenly "attract" their way to pregnancy. Every woman having difficulties should seek out a doctor to make sure there are not physical or chemical reasons.

But if there is no hard and fast reason you're not getting pregnant, which is the case for millions of women whom doctors tell "We don't know why" - could it be that you are focusing on how difficult it is, and attracting more difficulty? Could you be creating a negative mindset that tells your body, "It is hard to get pregnant," and therefore end up attracting that reality?

This is a question you must answer for yourself. But if you find that you are stressed out and overwhelmingly negative about your past attempts to get pregnant, maybe a shift in attitude and focus could help in the future.

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When you hear the word reflexology, what comes into your mind? Most people merely think of it as a form of massage that only brings relaxation. To understand the exact nature of reflexology therapy in more depth, you would probably need to read a whole book. However, just to give you a general insight, reflexology is far more than just a massage. It is a technique known worldwide, which uses a compression-rubbing technique to massage areas called reflex points. These reflex points are linked to, and can influence energy to specific corresponding places in the body. Very often this energy flow becomes blocked or slows down and when this happens reflexology can clear, strengthen and remedy this problem.

Reflexology will bring about not only relaxation but also relief from stress, pain and various ailments. In addition, it helps by stimulating the different systems in the body particularly the digestive and nervous system. It is a holistic approach that induces balance both in mind and body. Some of the ailments that reflexology can heal are migraines, chronic headaches, sleep disorders, PMS, digestive disorders, back pains, and ailments that involve the respiratory system.

A little known benefit of reflexology therapy is during pregnancy, and in particular as a part of pre-natal care. Safe reflexology treatment may be given from pre-conception, during pregnancy and even after childbirth. This shows you how gentle and non-evasive reflexology can be. Some midwives around the world use reflexology and they report that it is highly effective.

Reflexology can also help couples who would like to conceive. Treating both parents-to-be will help them relax and reduce stress, which unfortunately is a common problem for couples when trying to conceive. It will also help them sort out any health issues at the same time, and will eventually help them to their best state of health for conception. Due to its balancing effect, couples can maintain manageable stress levels and aid proper sleep.

For mothers-to-be reflexology can bring about a huge relief especially during moments of back pain due to extra weight and posture. Reflexology can help aid discomforts such as high blood pressure, mood swings, fatigue, sleeplessness, morning sickness, back pains, constipation, pubic pain, heartburn, and leg cramps.

After the delivery, a reflexologist can help the body's shape return back to normal. Adjusting to normal life again after giving birth can cause much stress, and this therapy can also help here too. In the post-natal period, mother, father and baby can all gain benefit from this treatment. A weekly reflexology session is recommended, and you can even hold your baby and breastfeed while having the treatment. Mothers should know that reflexology can help with lactation difficulties, and it can cure mastitis or tenderness of the breasts.

Reflexology is safe and excellent for new born babies. The baby's body has reflex points too, although you have to be extra gentle when touching them. Ask your therapist for their advice; maybe they will show you the proper way to do it, especially if it is something easy. For babies ailments such as constipation, distress, and a colicky tummy can be improved.

If you plan to carry out any reflexology on your baby yourself, do make sure that your baby is always relaxed, warm and comfortable before carrying out any form of touch or massage, and be careful never to overdo it. Remember this is also good bonding time, so look into your babies eyes and talk to them. This is quality time. Do not underestimate the power of reflexology for you both. Be happy and relaxed and your baby will be too. There is much evidence that any regular massage of your baby will improve their immune system and ensure normal growth levels.

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It is baffling to many people even to experts why a good number of women find it hard to conceive. After all, conceiving and giving birth is probably one of the most natural thing here on earth. It is suspected that modern lifestyle has something to do with this problem. The physical, emotional and mental stress that seem to be an innate part of living in the 21st century is most likely affecting the ability of women to conceive a child in her womb. The number of women who are having problems in becoming pregnant increases every year. This is the reason why many fertility clinics have sprouted in the last few decades.

If you are a woman finding hard to get pregnant you must know that It may not be necessary to go to a fertility clinic immediately. You can first try some do it yourself fertility help methods that can help you get pregnant fast.

The first thing that you need to work on when you want to get pregnant is your diet and nutrition. Be sure that you are getting the nutrients that are known to provide great support to conception and giving birth. These nutrients include Vitamins such as Vitamin C and minerals such as Zinc which helps in better utilization of estrogen and progesterone. Folic acid is known to support a healthy pregnancy but it can also be taken by women wanting to conceive because it helps increase fertility. Iron supplements are advised for women who have anemia but still want to get pregnant.

There are several herbs that can help increase the fertility of women. Clover, stinging nettles and red raspberry leaf are just some of the effective herbs that can help increase fertility among women.

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There are a number of things you should do after you take a pregnancy test and it turns out to be positive. You can start stocking up on diapers and wipes, you can set up a crib and paint the nursery, etc. However, here are the top five things you should do after a positive pregnancy test:

1. Tell your spouse, friends, and family. It helps to get some people on your side. Many doctors will tell you not to let the news out of the bag until you are at least twelve to fourteen weeks along and you are past the point of the highest miscarriage rate. However, sometimes those first twelve to fourteen weeks are also the weeks where you feel the sickest and need the most support as your body transitions to pregnancy and often leaves you feeling ill and exhausted. So, get your support team in place. Make sure your husband or significant other is in place ready to pick up the slack on the days you just need to stay in bed.

2. Get anti-nausea foods, and foods to help you eat right. If you have taken a positive pregnancy test, it is time to throw out the junk foods, and stock your fridge with anti-nausea and high health foods. You will want plenty of fresh foods, lean protein, whole grain, etc. This will help your day to day health improve, and give your baby all of the vitamins, minerals, etc. that it needs to be healthy and born on time, etc. It is also going to mean you bounce back from pregnancy faster, have more energy and feel better throughout it.

3. Set an appointment to see your doctor. You will want to call your OBGYN as soon as the stick tells you that you are pregnant. You will want to make sure that you start getting treatment and care from the beginning of your pregnancy. This will help you avoid problems, will ensure better care for your baby, and of course get you all the perks like knowing for sure you are pregnant, hearing the heart beat, seeing the fetus on the ultrasound monitor, etc.

4. Rest up. The next thing you want to consider is the fact that during the later stages of pregnancy you will be uncomfortable and won't sleep well. After your baby is born, you will find that sleep is not something that comes readily, especially since you are going to be up all night with crying, feedings, and diaper changes. So, don't go into with sleep deprivation. Get your sleep bank as full as possible, it will make life a little easier for you in the long run.

5. Start taking prenatal vitamins. They may taste gross, and could make you feel sick, but they can also make sure your baby is healthy, and prevent some serious problems. So, ask for a prescription from your doctor's office, and take them daily.

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Your baby is packing on the pounds. With only one week to go until he/she is full-term, your baby is gaining about an ounce a day. At week 36 of pregnancy, your baby might be 5.9 pounds from head to heel, and he/she may be 18.6 inches long (or longer).

  • Your baby is shedding lanugo and vernix this week. (Lanugo is the downy covering of hair that has covered his/her body since the second trimester, and vernix is the waxy substance that has protected your little one's skin from the amniotic fluid surrounding him/her.)

  • Space is limited in your womb, so your baby is spending most of his/her time curled up with the legs and arms folded against his/her body.

  • Your baby's lungs are structurally complete at 36 weeks pregnant, and they are producing surfactant (a substance that keeps the air sacs open when your baby takes his/her first breath). If your baby were born this week, he/she would probably help breathing because he/she may not have enough surfactant in his/her lungs yet.

  • At pregnancy week 36, most babies are in the head-down position - the best position for a vaginal birth. If your baby is in a breech position, your caregiver may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," a procedure in which your doctor tries to coax your baby into the head down position.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that some researchers believe that your baby actually releases a signal to triggers labor? Some scientists theorize that when a baby's brain is fully mature, it sends a signal to the fetal adrenal glands, which start to excrete the hormone cortisol, which then alter the metabolism of estrogen and progesterone and results in labor. Other researchers argue that the baby's lungs secrete signals indicating that they are mature, as well as enzymes, which release prostaglandins - hormones that help ripen the cervix and help the uterus contract.


At 36 weeks pregnant, you may think that you can't get any bigger. But hang in there - you only have four more weeks of growing left. Maybe even less than that! Your baby is full term next week, so he/she can arrive anytime after 37 weeks and be considered fully developed and ready for life outside the womb.

You may have gained up to 32 pounds by now (though some women will gain more and others less). Remember to try to aim for the recommended weight gain for your body size. If you are an average sized woman, aim to gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Overweight women should only gain between 15 and 20 pounds, and underweight women can gain anywhere between 28 and 40 pounds.

Isn't it remarkable how fast your uterus and abdomen have stretched in less than nine months? When your pregnancy started, your uterus was only the size of a small pear and now it can hold a seven-pound baby!

Since your baby's due date is only four weeks away, you may notice that you are experiencing more Braxton Hicks contractions than ever. In the next few weeks, these false contractions may occur intermittently and become rhythmic and they may even get closer together. It might become more difficult to tell Braxton Hicks contractions apart from true labor pains.

Be sure to review the signs of labor with your doctor this week. You will want to know when he/she wants to hear from you. As a rule of thumb, your caregiver will probably want you to come to the hospital when you've been having contractions that come every five minutes (and last for a minute) for more than one hour. Of course, you should call your doctor right away if you notice a decrease in your baby's activity level, or if you are leaking amniotic fluid.

At pregnancy week 36, your baby may start to "drop" into your pelvis. This process is called lightning, and it typically occurs a few weeks before labor starts (for first-time moms). You may feel increased pressure in your lower abdomen, which makes waddling a necessity. If your baby is very low, you may feel lots of vaginal pressure and discomfort. You will notice that you have to go to the bathroom even more frequent once your baby drops.

If you have been feeling very uncomfortable these days, you may want to go for a light swim. Not only does swimming render you practically weightless, but it may also relieve a lot of the pain and stiffness that are common in the third trimester. You may also enjoy a warm bath. (But remember to avoid the hot tub - hot tubs are not recommended during pregnancy because they can raise your body temperature to 102 F and higher.)

Helpful Tip:

Stay away from air travel after pregnancy week 36 if possible. You never know when you will go into labor, and you won't want to give birth on a flight, since complications can occur when you least expect them.


Self Induction Methods

At 36 weeks pregnant, it is still early for you to attempt any methods of self-induction. Your baby is still not mature and ready for life on the outside until next week, though you will want to wait until pregnancy week 40 before you try anything, due to the risk that your due date was miscalculated.

Remember that you should talk to your doctor before attempting any natural induction methods. You will not want to do any of these methods if you are having a high-risk pregnancy.

Natural methods of inducing labor include:

  • Nipple stimulation - The gentle rubbing or rolling of your nipples to encourage the start of contractions. The theory is that oxytocin (the hormone that causes contractions) is released when your breasts are stimulated.

  • Castor Oil - This is a strong laxative that may stimulate your bowels and cause contractions. Because this method probably doesn't work in many cases and the fact that castor oil can also cause nausea, diarrhea, and dehydration, we do not recommend this method of labor induction.

  • Sexual Intercourse - Making love may be the last thing on your mind these days, but sex can trigger oxytocin, which helps start contractions. In addition, semen contains a high concentration of prostaglandins (substances that help soften your cervix to get it ready to dilate). Sex is safe as long as your water was not broken. (You will want to avoid having sex if you have placenta previa, or if you are experiencing vaginal bleeding.

  • Walking - This is the easiest method of natural labor induction. Sometimes walking around and being upright gets the forces of gravity working with you and encourages your baby to move down into the cervix. There are no downsides of walking around. It's good exercise - just make sure you don't overdo it and exhaust yourself.

There is very little scientific evidence that will tell you how effective, or how safe, any of these methods are. If you are nearing 40 weeks of pregnancy, just try to be patient. Your baby will come when he/she is ready to.

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Chiropractic during pregnancy is a vital component of prenatal care. This safe and effective form of natural healthcare not only helps lessen the aches and pains of pregnancy but also promotes a safer and easier birth. Gentle chiropractic adjustments done throughout pregnancy are beneficial to both mother and baby.

To understand how chiropractic helps pregnant women, it's necessary to understand the anatomy of the pelvis and uterus. The pelvis is essentially a bony ring, with two sacro-iliac joints ('SI joints') in the back, and the pubic symphysis in the front. The pubic symphysis is the juncture where the pubic bones are connected. The uterus sits inside this bony ring, and is tethered to the pelvis by three main sets of ligaments. The Broad Ligament surrounds the uterus and attaches to the sides of the pelvis on the inside. The Round Ligaments attach the uterus to the front of the pelvis at the pubic symphysis. These are the ligaments that often produce sharp pains during early pregnancy when a pregnant woman sneezes or turns over too quickly. The Uterosacral Ligaments attach the uterus to the back of the pelvis at the sacrum.

As the baby and uterus grow, stress is placed on these ligaments, distorting the structure of the pelvis, lower-back and mid-back. In addition, the shift in the pregnant woman's center of gravity, coupled with significant weight gain, causes even more stress on these areas, and on the surrounding musculature.

To top it all off, pregnancy induces the release of a hormone called relaxin. As you may have guessed, the function of this important and powerful hormone is to allow the ligaments which connect the pubic bones to relax and separate, thus allowing for delivery of the baby. However, the effect of relaxin is experienced throughout all the ligaments of the body, and is lifelong.

This explains why moms-to-be experience so much pain and discomfort, especially in the lower back. In addition, a misaligned pelvis can result in torque being put on the uterus through it's ligamentous attachments, which often results in malpositioning of the baby, into a breech or transverse position.

The goal of a chiropractor throughout a woman's pregnancy is to help keep the pelvis and spine balanced and properly aligned. This allows for the most comfortable pregnancy, and it ensures proper function of the nerves which exit the spine. This is crucial, because these nerves are responsible for the body's communication and coordination of all body functions, including the proper growth of the baby. Chiropractors restore proper spinal alignment by employing gentle, specific corrections called 'adjustments', which restore vital nerve flow and reduce aches and pains. Some chiropractors work with the round ligaments of the uterus as well as adjusting the pelvis to help balance the pelvis and uterus. There are various techniques specifically designed for adjusting pregnant women, as well as pillow systems which are designed to provide your tummy maximum comfort while lying face-down.

Chiropractic can lessen discomfort and make pregnancy more enjoyable. It can also help to promote a safer and easier birth, by helping to balance the uterus, which encourages the baby to be in a proper head-down position. Seek out a chiropractor who is experienced with adjusting pregnant women when considering chiropractic treatment during pregnancy.

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Being a pregnant mom to be is filled with all kinds of joys and excitement, especially if it is your first pregnancy. From picking baby names to getting the nursery ready pregnancy is one of the most special times in a woman's life. But it also comes with its own set of unique challenges and surprises. One of the least desirable aspects of pregnancy is weight gain. But weight gain during pregnancy does not have to be excessive. You can keep yourself fit and trim while pregnant with a combination of aerobic exercise and abdominal exercises during pregnancy.

Let's first clear up a common myth that it is not safe to do abdominal work whole pregnant. This simply is not true. As a matter of fact many experts recommend that your abdominals and your entire core should be exercised and strengthened when you are pregnant.

Why is this? Strengthening your abdominals does not only help to keep you fit it also will aid in labor and delivery. An added benefit is that toning your abdominals will help your tummy to "snap back" much more quickly after your baby is born. If you combine abdominal exercise with aerobic exercise you will be looking fantastic in no time after your baby is born.

So just how can an expecting mother exercise her abdominals during pregnancy in a way that is safe for both her and her baby?

A great place to start is with Kegel exercises. These exercises are excellent to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and you can do them just about anywhere. A simple Kegel exercise is to simply tighten your pelvic floor muscles as if you are trying to stop your urine flow. Hold for five seconds and repeat ten times.

Through your first trimester you can do just about any kind of abdominal exercises. This includes crunches, leg lifts, etc. At this point in your pregnancy you will not do any harm to yourself or your baby by doing traditional ab exercises. But you will reap the benefits of a toned tummy and preparing yourself for delivery.

As you progress past your first trimester you will want to avoid exercises that require you to lie flat on your back. At this point you can continue to exercise your abdominals using gentle standing pelvis tilts, seated belly breathing, or by tightening, holding, and releasing your abdominals counting to five at each step. Tighten (one, two, three, for five), Hold (one, two, three, four five), Release (one, two, three, four five).

When you combine aerobic exercise with abdominal exercises during pregnancy you help to ensure that you will; look great during pregnancy, have an easier labor and delivery, and get your body back to pre-pregnancy shape much more quickly. Now that is a set of triplets that any expecting mother can love.

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Putting on extra weight while pregnant is, as we all know, part and parcel of the whole process. And it has it's plus points too - those bigger boobs make your hubby feel like a kid at Christmas! :)

But what is a normal and appropriate amount of weight to gain while pregnant? Are there any ways that we can safely lose weight while pregnant? What can you do now that will make your labour easier and help you get back to your pre-pregnant weight super fast when your little bundle of joy finally arrives?

Are you really overweight?

These days it's easy to get sucked into the media's image of what a mum-to-be should look like, what with all these celebrity toothpicks, as I like to call them, having no more than a small bump, whilst being on some faddy diet. I must stress that pregnancy is definitely not the time to be going on a strict weight loss diet. What you need is to ascertain what a suitable pregnancy weight is for you, and then take steps to try to maintain it and increase your health and the health of your baby.

Everybody is different, and every woman's body will react differently while pregnant. An average weight gain for a full term pregnancy is anywhere between 25-45 pounds, which includes the increase in the mother's blood volume, the size of the uterus, the placenta, various fluids and the baby. This is an average figure so there will be much variation either side. Check with your doctor for more advice on your optimum weight.

How to lose weight while pregnant Tip no.1 - Control Your Cravings

Cravings are one of the hardest things to deal with during pregnancy, and annoyingly, one of the biggest contributors to excessive weight gain. Waking up in the middle of the night yearning for chocolate, or ice cream with gherkins, is a well-known part of pregnancy. However, these cravings, while healthy and perfectly normal, can be controlled and there are even certain foods that can reduce your cravings. Eating foods with a low Glycemic Index (GI) can help balance your blood sugar levels and reduce the highs and lows that many women suffer throughout the day, due to their slow release of energy. This can help you in reducing the onset of any excess pounds and begin to help you lose weight while pregnant.

By craving foods with high sugar and glucose levels a vicious circle can be created because they will often make the cravings worse, affect your mood and contribute to excess weight gain.

How to lose weight while pregnant Tip no.2 - Eat More Often

"Hang on, didn't you just tell me to control my cravings Now you're telling me that eating more often will help me lose weight while pregnant? Are you out of your mind?"

This kind of sounds counter-intuitive doesn't it? The idea though is that you'll be eating smaller portions more regularly instead of 2-3 large meals a day. By doing this you're not consuming any extra unnecessary calories, but are feeding your body and the baby more regularly. This will help keep your metabolism and blood sugar at consistent levels and keep you energised throughout the day.

And yes, I am out of my mind but not because of this! ;)

How to lose weight while pregnant Tip no.3 - Exercise

Exercising regularly during pregnancy was once frowned upon, but now has seen to be a great way to stay in shape and lose weight while pregnant, avoid the aches and pains common with weight gain, and can increase energy, flexibility and make your labour significantly easier (thank goodness!).

Walking and swimming are excellent low-impact ways to keep you fit and healthy and maintaining a balanced weight while pregnant. The buoyancy you'll find in the pool will often come as a relief and an aid to your daily routine and let's you get some fantastic exercise without putting stress on your body or the baby's.

Stationary cycling is also a great way to get some low-impact exercise and build stamina.

Yoga and Pilates can be beneficial and effective ways to lose weight while pregnant but make sure you find a suitably experienced instructor who has specialised in dealing with pregnant women.

Again it's always best to check with your doctor on the intensity of your workouts, for instance, if you exercised regularly before you were pregnant then your workouts will be notably different to someone who didn't.

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If you have decided it is time to start your family, then congratulations! You are taking a path that is very noble and it will be a very fun adventure. Now, you probably want to know how to get pregnant easy and you want it to happen pretty quickly. There are some things that can be controlled and some that cannot. Here are some tips to help you.

First, if you have been taking birth control, and you are obviously stopping, you need to know that it can take as long as 18 months for you to be in an optimal position to conceive a child after birth control. It can also happen very quickly and birth control is only 99% effective because you can actually conceive while taking it so you are probably looking at anywhere from 2 months to 18 months or longer.

Second, you need to know that there are things you can do to increase your odds of getting pregnant faster. You can start by picking up a guide online or in your local bookstore that is filled with different secrets to help you conceive faster. Now if you go to the bookstore they will probably not let you return the book if it does not help, but with an online guide you get a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

Third, you can start by tracking your ovulation. This will give you optimal chances each month to get pregnant and is not a hard thing to do. There are a handful of ways to do this including ovulation tests and trackers. You want to make sure you have intercourse on the days you are ovulating and if you do this you will give yourself a better chance of actually getting pregnant.

Last, you need to know the best ways to increase your ovulation period and to increase your chances of conception. Sure pregnancy is something we can't completely control, but that does not mean you cannot give your body the best possible chance to conceive and you can do this by learning how to get pregnant easy.

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As you begin to put on more water weight from your pregnancy, you may begin to notice that your feet and ankles will become swollen towards the end of the day. You may begin to suffer from nightly leg cramps and the onset of varicose veins. All of these symptoms are normal in a pregnant woman, but there are ways to help prevent and even stop them.

The extra weight and the extra work your body does for the growing baby can cause leg cramping, swollen feet and ankles, and varicose veins. You should try and avoid standing and sitting in one position for long periods of time. This will just add to the symptoms. Because of the extra stress to your legs, ankles, and center of gravity (body's core), your blood has trouble being pumped back to your heart. The slow return of the blood in the legs can cause swelling and some blood will accumulate in the veins and cause unsightly varicose veins. Refraining from excessive walking and physical activity can help relief some of the discomforts, but one of the best options is to wear compression stockings before the symptoms begin.

Compression stockings are not your everyday pair of socks. They are a medically proven way to relive pain caused by minor leg issues. They work by assisting in the circulation of the blood in your legs. They offer gradual compression to you leg. The compression starts tight at the ankle and gradually lessens up the leg. This compression provides support and allows for better blood circulation. Using compression stockings before you begin seeing symptoms can be a great option. This will allow the circulation of blood as you put on more weight and help prevent some of the discomforts and the severity of varicose veins. The stockings can also provide relief on the symptoms that have already occurred as well. Some elderly people are recommended to wear the stockings every day as a precaution and to help with existing symptoms.

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If you have been struggling to get pregnant, or if you are just starting to try for your first baby there may be a secret ingredient to help increase your chances of conceiving. What is this surprising fertility miracle? Believe it or not; cough syrup. Fertility experts are not all in agreement but there is some scientific evidence that proves cough medicine may actually help women conceive. But there are a few things you need to know about cough syrup and pregnancy.

The key ingredient you want to be on the lookout for when choosing a cough medicine for fertility purposes is guaifenesin. This ingredient can help you get pregnant by thinning your cervical fluid. This allows the sperm to pass through your cervix to the egg more easily.

Why does guaifenesin work so well? It is a common ingredient in cough medicine or other expectorants that relieve congestion by thinning and liquefying mucus in your lungs. It actually does this on all mucous membranes in your body so it can thin your cervical fluid too. Make sure you pick a cough medicine with guaifenesin as its only active ingredient.

You must be tracking your ovulation for it to help. If you are not producing much cervical fluid when you are ovulating then guaifenesin may be what you need to conceive. The key to this is tracking your ovulation and checking your cervical fluid; that is the only way to know when the appropriate time to take the guaifenesin. Of course some women just take the cough medicine throughout their entire ovulation period but it tends to work best on women who produce some quantity of cervical fluid.

If you choose to try using cough syrup to help you get pregnant be sure guaifenesin is the only active ingredient. It bears repeating because a cough medicine with an antihistamine can actually decrease cervical fluid. So again, choose the right cough syrup. Fertility chances can decrease if you choose the wrong one. Take two teaspoons three times per day while you are ovulating.

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Having a baby and giving birth are both wonderful life passages that women can experience. However, along with carrying a baby inside for some 40 plus weeks comes the not-so-nice feeling of pregnancy weight loss. The desire and challenge to lose those baby fat can be trying while coping to raise a newborn.

As part of being pregnant, a woman puts on weight as the fetus grows and her body readies itself for childbirth. Unfortunately, this extra weight doesn't vanish with the delivery of her baby. Like in any weight loss pursuit, there needs to be a conscious effort to lose baby fat.

Physically and emotionally, the mother can be at odds with taking care of her baby's needs and her own. Hormonal changes after giving birth can affect how she feels. Plus the stress that arises from baby's demands and sometimes even family pressure (like differing views in bringing up children, for example) can often take the toll on pregnancy weight loss.

Fortunately, there are methods to lose weight which are not difficult to focus on while tending to the baby. In this article, we look at a couple of simple ways that can help with pregnancy weight loss.

Breastfeed Your Baby

Whenever possible, breastfeeding a baby is always preferred as it provides the baby with natural immunity (from the colostrum in mother's milk) in addition to essential vitamins and nutrients. The good news is that breastfeeding can actually help in weight loss.

To produce breast milk for the baby, the average mother utilizes between 500 to 800 calories a day -- this is a great way to burn calories without doing much physical activity. After all, going to the gym is probably difficult in the first year after baby is born as the mother deals with many different responsibilities.

Breastfeeding is definitely a good start on losing baby fat. It augments well any additional steps that a mother may want to take to lose weight, e.g. making the effort to eat well and doing regular exercises.

Stay Relaxed and Realistic

There is a natural tendency to want to lose weight fast, baby fats or not. However, women should be mindful not to sabotage their pregnancy weight loss plan by doing irrational things such as emotional eating caused by anxiety over losing weight slowly.

After all, that extra weight was put on over some 9 months; so it might take a while to lose it all. When this relaxed view is taken, a planned approach to weight loss can then happen within realistic expectations. This avoids the frustration associated with not seeing fast results.

As a benchmark, medical experts suggest a loss of 2 pounds a week is reasonable. Assuming a woman gained 30 pounds during pregnancy and shed 14 after childbirth, she's got another 16 pounds to lose. So a rough gauge for that to happen is 8 weeks. Setting an expectation of roughly 3-4 months is probably fair and objective.

Take It Easy

It is understandable that a mother would want to look the way she did before she got pregnant, and she can't wait to restore her figure. But it is important to accept that weight loss takes time and a realistic approach is always better. Staying relaxed helps the woman set fair goals and take everything in her stride.

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Infertility is an issue that millions of couples struggle with everyday therefore there are many doctors and other sources out there that claim to have the solution. For many, infertility ends with fertility treatments but for some, more homeopathic remedies are sought. There are some ways that you can boost your fertility when trying to conceive that do not require medical intervention and one of them is changing your diet.

For those that are struggling with infertility, it may be necessary to come up with a fertility diet that works for you and your body type. When trying to become pregnant, dieting, consuming alcohol, and other substances may make it impossible to conceive. For those trying to become pregnant it is often necessary to increase caloric intake, alter the foods that you are eating, and figure out what makes you feel good.

When it comes to dieting, it may be detrimental to be eating a low calorie diet that is restricted in fatty acids as it will take essential nutrients and fatty acids for a fetus to take hold and properly grow within a womb. Whole grains, full fat dairy products, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, fresh fruits and vegetables, and plant proteins can all help to increase your fertility. Each of these foods has benefits of their own that can help you to conceive.

Whole grains help to promote healthy insulin function as they do not greatly affect your blood sugar, having healthy insulin levels can help increase fertility. Dairy products have long since been a solution for uncomfortable menstrual symptoms as it helps to ease ovulation which is essential for conception. Fats like monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and Omega 3s help to reduce inflammation and can also help with insulin levels. Fresh fruits and vegetables give you essential antioxidants that make conception bit easier and can help reduce birth defects and other pregnancy problems. Lastly, plant protein, this is high in iron which is essential for fertility and can help make conceiving much easier.

Using these foods together in a healthy diet can help you to conceive and can also help to insure a healthy pregnancy if continued through the duration. You can find recipes and diets online or in health magazines and books. You may also want to talk to your doctor about vitamins and other food additives that may help increase fertility naturally rather than using fertility treatments.

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